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Letter of TransmittalJoseph Angeli1374 S. Union Avenue Alliance, OH 44601(330) 312-6829 [email protected] 28th, 2015

Dr. Helen MugaProfessor at The University of Mount Union1972 Clark AvenueAlliance, OH 44601April 28th, 2015

Individual MDG Product Design Report

Dear Dr. Muga,

Enclosed is a copy of the “EGE 320 International Engineering Field Experience MDG Project Report”. This study was done by myself, Joseph Angeli, for the International Experience course at the University of Mount Union. Included in the report is background information, problem analysis, advantages and disadvantages, current solutions as well as the alternative solution design.

I performed this study in accordance with accepted engineering practices and standards. If you or any of the Engineering Department have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time at my email: [email protected]. Thank you for the opportunity to work on this project and please keep me in mind for your future engineering needs.


Joseph Angeli

_____________________________ Joseph Angeli

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EGE 320 International Engineering Field Experience

MDG Project Report

submitted to

Dr. Helen Muga

Professor - Civil Engineering


Joseph Angeli

Department of Engineering

Univeristy of Mount Union

1972 Clark Avenue

Alliance, Ohio 44601-3993

April 28th, 2015

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Executive Summary

Haiti is a country that has been water deprived for years, and is the poorest

country in the western hemisphere. In attempt to reduce the clean water need an

alternative and innovative solution is prompted in this report. This alternative solution

design is one that will definitely fill the needs that developing countries, like Haiti, are

struggling with every day. All of the background on the problem identification, as well as

product needs are specified in order to base the design off of. Research of other

technologies that are already being utilized to day are weighed and are benchmarked to

ensure effectiveness. The complete design is specified along with materials,

manufacturing, use instruction, and even to product end life instruction. In the end, this

end product of this innovative water solution will definitely take a good weight off of the

never ending water need, leading to a safer, and healthier Haiti in the years to come.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................<1>

Table of Contents ............................................................................................<2>

List of Tables ...................................................................................................<3>

List of Figures..................................................................................................<3>

1 Introduction ...............................................................................................<4>

1.1 Background/Literature Review of MDG Problem...................................<4>

1.2 Current Technological Solution for Specific MDG Problem..................<4>

1.3 Current Policies for Specific MDG Problem ...........................................<6>

2 Problem Definition……………………………………………………………...<7>

2.1 Specific Problem or Need to be Addressed............................................<7>

2.2 Current Research & Development Efforts to Solve Specific Problem..<8>

2.3 Objectives of Proposed Solution…........................................................<10>

3 Methodology ............................................................................................<10>

3.1 Selection of Design Criteria or Constraints .........................................<10>

3.2 Development of Innovative, Alternative Solution.................................<12>

4 Results .....................................................................................................<14>

4.1 Final Design ............................................................................................<14>

4.1.1 Design Specification/Summary & Drawings of Solution…...<14>

4.1.2 Material Requirements and Costs….………………………...<18>

4.1.3 Operation and Maintenance Plans….………………………..<18>

4.1.4 End of Product Life Cycle Plans...….……………………...…<19>

4.2 Manufacturing Process for Making Prototype .....................................<19>

4.3 Design of Experimental Trial or Procedure to Test Solution…...<20>

5 Conclusions .............................................................................................<21>

References .....................................................................................................<22>

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List of Tables

Table 1: Project Constraints and Current Technology Benchmarks……...……. <11>

List of Figures

Figure 1 – EPA Water Flow Research Results ……………………………………..... <8>

Figure 2 – Conceptual Method 1…………………...…………………………….…..…. <9>

Figure 3 – Conceptual Method 2………………………………………………………... <9>

Figure 4 – Solar Still Concept …….…………………………………………………… <13>

Figure 5 – Sealed Boiler Concept …….………………………………………………. <13>

Figure 6 – Sketch of Technology Integration …….………………………………… <14>

Figure 7 – Sketch of Atmosphere Representation …….…………………………... <15>

Figure 8 – Sketch of Solar Still …….………………………………………………….. <16>

Figure 9 – Sketch of Integrated Rain Catcher …….………………………………… <17>

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background/Literature Review of MDG Problem

Some of the things that we take for granted here in one of the most developed countries in

the world that some parts of the world have a very hard time with. People living in these

countries go through constant hardships such as poverty, health issues, and gender inequality.

These are just a few, among many of the problems that happen in the developing countries of the

world. These problems are listed out in the United Nation’s goal plan: The Millennium

Development Goals (MDG). However, the main MDG issue that will be observed here is the lack

of access to clean water.

In today’s world, a third problem that developing countries face is the use of unsafe water.

768 million people in the world today still drink unsafe water on a daily basis. This is because of

unknown bad hygiene and non-existent sanitation. One group that continues to try and help with

this common issue is the charity UNICEF. They try to instill safe water by giving safe hygiene

habits and put in place correct sanitation in order for these developing countries to start on the

right track of getting good, safe water. Allowing for safer water and better hygiene and sanitation

will also decrease illness spreading and overall health (Water).

Developing countries face lots of problems in today’s world, especially way more than

just these three. But between the efforts of charities, the United Nations, and caring others, the

world can begin to end these issues once and for all. That will lead into a better world to live in

and preserve.

1.2 Current Technological Solution for Specific MDG Problem

Some of the current technologies that are being used to help fight the issue of lack of access

to clean water are being implemented already. Some of these include drilling into groundwater

tables for wells, which is where most of the earth’s clean water is located or use rain catchers in

some areas in order to solve the water problems. However, to give it an exact cost or unit price

cannot happen because the price per project varies under the different conditions. Sometimes

villages are spread out across their country. This fluctuates with different geology, the local

climates, and the different technologies that are used. Some villages may find that a full-fledged

well may not be the best option there, and maybe a rain catcher would be the best most efficient

option. The cost variance makes it close to impossible to give a specific analyzed cost estimate of

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the solution. Also, another commonly used solution that may be a bit more of a shorter term

solution is chlorine. Having chlorine can kill tons of viruses and other bad bacteria in water

making it perfectly usable and drinkable. All of these solutions are work well, and are currently

utilized technologies that are successfully fighting the water problems across the globe.

However, sometimes these options do have their own limiting factors. One example of a

limitation is that the wells can sometimes not be drilled. This can be because of simply not

having the equipment to do so, or even be in a geographically challenged place that drilling

equipment could not be brought to. This could be that there are too many mountains or too

swampy of area that the equipment could not be brought through, or even to the fact that the

groundwater is not good. This could be because of too much salt content, such as coastal areas,

where the groundwater is unusable. Rain catching has a very obvious limiting factor and that is

the possible lack of rain. This can affect areas that do not get as much as well as times when some

areas are not in a rainy season. So this can be limited by both geography and climate, which

makes rainwater catching a very limiting solution that relies on many other factors. As for

chlorine, the only real limiting factor that is there is access to the chemical, and the fact that it is a

short term solution. Since it is an access problem, it is limited by the amount of supply, as well as

the ways that it can be distributed. So this means that areas that may be harder to get to

geographically may be more limited than those with easy access with roads, and on coasts.

However, in the end, all of these solutions do not really have any real big alternate

methods, however, costs can be cut by the approach taken with the solutions. Such as efficiently

implementing them where they are needed. Such as it may be more feasible to put one well in

between two close villages rather than two separate wells in each village. Or such as utilizing rain

catchers in areas that partake in long rainy seasons, or where rain may be the most viable option.

Also, the strategy of how the solutions are implemented are ways to also keep the costs down.

This can be done by ways such as utilizing solutions where there are the biggest populations, and

then moving from village to village in the most efficient ways of travel as possible, rather than

skipping all over to certain areas. This all being said, there are not really any significant cost

lowering options that will lower costs drastically.

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1.3 Current Policies for Specific MDG Problem

In solving the water problem in Haiti, there are already some investments in place that are

already making strides to better, clean access to water. These investments go from everything

from the workforce from multiple different organizations, to even the financial support from

supporters that pay for new innovative solutions to be made, both long and short term.

Some organizations that are involved are, USAID, WHO, UN, Coca-Cola, Caterpillar,

The Water Project, UNICEF, among many others all have some sort of investment in place to

help with the water crisis in developing country. USAID is the United States Agency of

International Development. They much like the UN and the WHO (World Health Organization)

are major large scale organization dedicated solely on working to end third world problems in

developing countries. USAID for example puts an average of $500 million into trying to solve

just water access problems. USAID has a policy for their water solutions, called the USAID

Water and Development Strategy. It is a set out plan for what they plan to do and where they

would like to be from 2013-2018. Not only does it give specific objectives that they deem fit, but

also where the funds will be allocated to which sub-programs. These large scale policies that

these organizations are putting out there are for areas of big change that involve both short term

and long term solutions that, while short term solutions are most of the time necessary, they focus

on trying to instill long-term solutions that will be sustainable and become a real solution to the

issue at hand ("Water and Development Strategy").

Other organizations such as Caterpillar and Coca-Cola are just a few of the many

companies that have set aside funds and other resources to also try to help fight these clean water

issues. Caterpillar just this year has already set aside $11 million to put to use for better clean

cook stove initiatives and for water charity. Their mission is to bring clean and safe drinking

water to every person in the world. This is done by helping fund the building of a pipeline that

reaches many places in developing countries in Africa. This donation alone from Caterpillar will

be enough funding to get through two more developing nations. Although this solution is big

upfront costs and really thrives on donation funding like through Caterpillar, it is a great low cost,

and low maintenance solution that will be a very long-term one. Now Coca-Cola has something

in plan as well. Coca-Cola has done major strides in some countries by even being the first ones

to install the countries first water treatment plant. They have innovation being instilled in

countries that treat wastewater correctly for more sanitary drinking water collection which also

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keeps away disease. They also have some money set aside for heling the funding of bigger

organizations such as USAID and others. But in the end, Coca-Cola, and other companies,

especially International companies, like Coca-Cola, are trying to help give investments that are

trying to implement long-term, sustainable solutions across the globe ("Water Stewardship").

In the very same way, there are other organizations with investments in place just like the

big government funded ones like the WHO and USAID, but are smaller based and are still

making huge strides in global clean water. These organizations such as the water project travel

across developing countries instilling wells and other solutions such as rain catchers to help put

more long-term solutions that are sustainable to try and get safe, clean drinking water for


2 Problem Definition

2.1 Specific Problem or Need to be addressed

There are a lot of specific problems that lie within the big problem itself of lack of clean

water access. For the individual project tasked with, I have decided to narrow down the problem

to the problem of taking water that is already available and making it drinkable/useable. So

essentially, rather than trying to create access to clean water, with things such as rain catchers and

wells that are sustainable, what is being looked into is some sort of way to solve the problem of

making water that is already accessible drinkable through some sort of way of filtration or other


There wasn’t any outside sources used to come up with this more specific problem, and

there is no more information to complete a 2 – page summary of just this specific problem. But to

conclude, the specific need that will be addressed with this individual project will be the need for

innovative ways to filter the water that already may be accessible. The filter must, more

specifically, remove any diseases or pathogens that may lie within the water, as well as any

unwanted solids, or other unwanted materials, which will make the water good to drink without

any health problems stemming from it. This method doesn’t necessarily have to be short-term or

long-term, but it will have the need of being sustainable and low-cost, and ultimately in the end,

successful in making the water drinkable for a safer, and healthier community.

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2.2 Current Research & Development Efforts to Solve Specific Problem

There are a few different efforts being made to make strides in new research and

development of new technologies to solve water treatment, not only in Haiti, but all over the

developing world.

One group that is putting forth research to find safe and sustainable water resources is the

EPA. They have and still are completing research as according to their Strategic Research Action

Plan 2012-2016. They are approaching their research with an integrated systems in order to

develop innovations that are needed to ensure clean, adequate, and equitable supplies of water.

They are also researching for solutions that are easily self-sustainable. Below in Figure 1, can be

seen an example of one of the diagrams they have created with the research that they have found

out about how water flows through the environment. Research results like this can be utilized to

figure out where to target solutions to try and fix problems that may exist with how the water is

flowing. They then take this data and then try to implement multiple conceptual models on how

to handle each situation differently. Two different conceptual models can be seen in Figures 2

and 3. This is just one way that research is done to try and make an effort to finding innovative

solutions to finally solving the water treatment dilemma. (US EPA)

Figure 1 – EPA Water Flow Research Results: (US EPA)

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Figure 2 –Conceptual Method 1: (US EPA)

Figure 3 – Conceptual Method 2: (US EPA)

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2.3 Objectives of Proposed Solution

The alternate solution that is being developed will need to be able to cover some basic

requirements or needs. Those needs are as follows: The solution needs to…

Be overall cost effective – both to manufacture and use.

Be able to provide enough clean water access to be able to sustain at least half of an

average family’s water usage.

Be able to used constantly and sustain for at least 10 years with minimal


Be able to create as much clean water as quickly as possible

Not be dependent on any electrical source

Be easy to operate with little to no instruction or prior education

Have the ability to be assembled on the Ground

Be able to withstand the heavy climate and tropical storms.

Be able to filter almost all sources of water

Be able to filtrate effectively – Removing all viruses, toxins, and unwanted solids.

Be able to provide water without any aftertaste – (Like with Chlorine)

3 Methodology

3.1 Selection of Design Criteria or Constraints

After the specific needs that the solution product were determined, there needed to be

design constraints with specific values made. These constraints needed to have units and made

reflecting the needs in the best suitable way possible based on past experience and research. In

order to do this, the constraint criteria were weighed against other current technologies other

there today to get a base of what’s out there, and what can be done and made better. This allows

for a fair assessment of what the constraints are in order for the alternative solution for Haiti’s

water problem to be one that is effective in filling the need for clean water effectively and

efficiently. The design criteria and benchmarked constraints can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1: Project Constraints and Current Technology Benchmarks

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Current Technologies

Constraint LifeStraw Family Pump Filter Chlorine


$17 - $20 / Unit

depending on

volume bought


With ~$40 for new


About $.10 for a

96 fl oz bottle

Size / Mobility Just over 8” x 8” 2” x 8” A 96 fl. oz. bottle

Ease of Use

Very Easy: No

Pumping, No


Decently difficult.

Requires muscle for

hand pumping and

requires constant

cleaning of filter.

Decently difficult,

has to be

maintained and

measured out.


Designed to sustain

a family for 18


Designed to sustain

for 2000L before

filter needs


1 bottle can purify

1000 Liters of water

Prior Education Little to noneJust cleaning


A good amount to

put in correct



Good for effectively

purifying 4,755 Gal.

removing bacteria,

protozoa, and


Removes all

bacteria and solids

from water, but

viruses are still a




Very effective at

killing viruses when

used correctly,

doesn’t remove

solids, often used

with some other

filtration system.

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3.2 Development of Innovative, Alternative Solution

A new alternative technology that will fill the need for local water purification is one that

will need to be sustainable and attainable with local Haitian resources, and at a low cost

investment. The idea is to make some sort of modified version of a technology that was taught in

the Boy Scouts. The technique is called Solar Distillation.

Solar Distillation is essentially taking the water from inside the earth and or water that is put

there on purpose, and letting the sunlight heat up the water to evaporate, and then catching the

evaporation water by having it condense on some sort of water resistance tarp or sheet of

material. then the alter that is condensed will run down the sheet of material to a central location

where the fresh, clean H2O will collect in some sort of pot or other water safe container, to be

stored until used. Now, taking that basic model and integrating a boiling model that would

dump steam inside of the system, which would speed up the process and be able to make

more clean water faster when needed, as well as integrating a rain catcher on the top, to

maximize efficiency.

The benefits of this model is to eliminate all pathogens, bacteria, and viruses that may exist

in the untreated water. This water can also be Salt water from the coast, in which Haiti has a lot

of. So this method will also eliminate the salt taste, as well as not involving any sort of chemicals

that would add a nasty, unpleasant chemical taste that makes the water unappealing to drink. This

would in the end be a low cost solution to water treatment that takes ideals from the basics of

water purification and makes it utilize both rainwater, ground water, and standing water, that can

be boiled down. So just about any water source can be purified with this method, maximizing

functionality. Diagrams of a Solar still and a sealed boiler can be seen below in Figure 4 and

Figure 5 on the next page (“The Survivalists Enclave 2015).

The risks with this method is the fact that it needs to be sealed off and have the ability to be

stored safely. Also, this method would be moderately slow paced, not giving much water over

time. However, it is done with very low cost materials, and is a sustainable source of water. Also,

another downfall to this method, as with any sort of rain catcher, it will have to have regular

maintenance with cleaning and making sure that water collection is sanitary, which if it wasn't

defeats the entire purpose of the product. But it should be a good fit for Haiti, because of all the

natural sunlight and high temperatures that they have down there, as well as all of the rain, and

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the fact that they are surrounded by undrinkable salt water. All of this together should in the end

give a dependable, and sustainable solution to help solve Haiti’s water problems.

Figure 4 – Solar Still Concept: (“The Survivalists Enclave 2015)

Figure 5 – Sealed Boiler Concept: (“The Survivalists Enclave 2015)

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4 Results

4.1 Final Design

4.1.1 Design Specification/Summary & Drawings of Solution

This new solution tries to produce both the cleanest water that it can, in the most efficient

way possible, and within a reasonable production rate as well. In order to fulfill these needs, this

alternative utilizes three different methods of creating or capturing clean, drinkable water. The

three methods of doing this are, Solar Distillation, rain catching, and boiling. The general idea on

how these three concepts are integrated together can be seen pictorially in Figure 6 below.

Figure 6 – Sketch of Technology Integration:

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The Solar Distillation is probably the most complicated, and slowest moving process,

right behind rain catching. Solar distillation, like stated earlier in this report is the extraction of

ground water in the earth through the use of the sun's energy. Essentially, just like when a water

bottle is left in the sun, it will begin to form what looks like its own "rainy atmosphere" on the

inside of the bottle. You can see the steam and water droplets on the inside. That is the same

concept that happens with the solar still. When you look in Figure 7, you can see the basics on

how that rainy atmosphere is made. The ground that the pit is made from contains a certain

amount of ground water. Then the tarp on the top is then heated from the sun’s rays and energy

which makes the environment, seen below in green, on the inside section of this alternative


Figure 7 – Sketch of Atmosphere Representation:

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With these conditions together, it creates the environment on the inside to become heated,

and makes the water that is contained in the ground begin to evaporate, and create a steamy

environment on the inside. This steam is only the pure H20 molecules that were evaporated out of

the ground, meaning that there is no other solid wastes, or other bacteria or diseases that carry

with it, meaning clean drinkable water vapor. This water vapor eventually will evaporate to the

top of the pit, to the tarp. When it reaches here it will begin condensating due to the fact that it is

the closest to the outside, cooler atmosphere. This just why the condensation on the outside of the

water bottle that has been laying in the sun has droplets and other condensation on the sides of

the bottle on the inside. This condensation which collects on the tarp, will then begin to run to the

middle of the tarp due to the fact that it is tilted inward towards the middle, where it will then

precipitate off the tarp and into the collection container. The can all be pictorially in Figure 8.

Figure 8 – Sketch of Solar Still:

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The second water collection method that will be utilized in the alternative solution is the

rain collector that is integrated on the top of the still, utilizing the other side of the tarp for

maximum use and usability of the tarp material. Essentially when rain, which is clean and

drinkable H20 for the same evaporation reasons as the solar still, is precipitated onto the tarp, the

water will run down tarp. The tarp is tilted towards the center, like mentioned before, which

allows for water to flow to the middle. In the middle of the tarp is a hole as seen in Figure 9. The

water will run to the middle, through the hole, and fall into the collection container below, adding

to the clean water supply.

Figure 9 – Sketch of Integrated Rain Catcher:

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The third clean water creation method is the boiling method. Boiling has been around for

years. However, just boiling water in a pot can lead to residues still in the water. Catching the

water that is evaporated from boiling is the only way to be absolutely sure that the water is

bacteria and solid waste free. This specific sealed boiling method can be seen back in Figure 5.

Essentially evaporated water travels through the tube, where it is then cooled in tube. The tube

would then lead into the collection container in the pit. The representation of this was seen earlier

in Figure 6.

4.1.2 Material Requirements and Costs

The materials required for this product are very minimal, which was the aim of this

project. Through using less materials, the cost is lower, the project simpler, and the

environmental impact is decreased. The materials that are used in this project are:

A large 10’ X 10’ heavy duty tarp

8 metal steaks

A 2 inch diameter metal ring

20 or more feet of 1 inch diameter plastic tubing.

2 large pots for the collection containers.

Universal pot lid, with hose connection in top.

4.1.3 Operation and Maintenance Plans

When going back to the original needs that this project was founded on, it had a basis that

it was made to be setup easily and maintained with minimal to no education. This holds true with

this product design. The still runs itself without any modifications. When it is sunny outside, the

solar still works and extract clean water in this fashion without any outside energy sources or

other man work. In the same fashion, when it is no longer sunny and rains, the rain catcher works

without any modifications. This allows for maximum efficiency of water extraction, and little to

no interaction from the Haitian people to make the alternative work. The only operations that

would need to be done would be extracting the water, as well as making sure that the rain catcher

and tarp remains clean.

In order to collect the clean water from the collection container inside of the pit one

would need to begin with removing 3 adjacent stakes from the same side of the tarp. Then, taking

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the tarp, flipping it onto itself, getting into the pit and removing the container, and replacing it

with the other container on hand. This allows use of dishing the water from the container that was

just removed, and having one container on the inside of the pit to collect the water. This allows

for constant extraction of water, again maximizing efficiency.

To clean the tarp, all the takes would need to be removed, and then the tarp would then

just need to be washed off with any sort of anti-bacterial soap that is on hand, in order to remove

any unwanted solids or mold that may build up on it after prolonged use. Then replace the tarp,

and put the metal stakes back in to put the still back in use.

4.1.4 End of Product Life Cycle Plans

This alternative should be made up of very heavy duty and durable materials, however,

when the product may need to be finished with it can be recycled. The best part of all the minimal

materials that are being used in this design all can be reused. The tarp, which will more than

likely be the number reason for the product failing and have the need of recycling, will maybe

have a hole in it that will make it no longer useful. The tarp could then be cut smaller, and then

could be reused for so many other functions such as roofing or other waterproofing needs. The

possibilities are endless. As far as the tubing, it could be used, for example, to draw water from a

lake to some source. The tubing could also be used as rope if need be to tie up a post, fence or

any other object. The pot will more than likely not fail, but if it is, it will more than likely be a

leak, where the pot could then be used as a bucket for dry goods. The metal steaks are self-

explanatory in their uses and reusability. Every single part in the system can be reused and

repurposed, leaving very minimal to no mark on the environment, which is a huge positive.

4.2 Manufacturing Process for Making Prototype

The manufacturing that is required for the alternate solution that was presented is not very

intensive. For most of it is plastic, and mostly just man work. Essentially, in order to manufacture

it, it will require large plastic sheeting, as well as a sturdy, preferably metal pot, rubber or plastic

tubing, as well as a metal pot lid.

The plastic sheeting will need to be cut into a circle, and then a circle cut in the center. At

the hole in the center, and then 3 hooks, attached with large area washers into the plastic, facing

downward. This will allow a spot to attach the pot, which will both hold the clean water and

serve as weight to keep the plastic sheet weighed towards the center, keeping the sheet inclined

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inward for water to flow and fall into the pot. The fashion that the pit is dug is up to the local’s

way on the ground in Haiti. They can do anything from using powered machinery to hand

digging the entire hole. The pot lid will need to have a hole cut into the top, where the rubber or

plastic hose can be attached and then led into the water collection pot in the center of the pit.

Besides all of this, the plastic sheeting can be attached on the outer edges using metal states. All

of these materials would need to be produced off the ground and here in the states or elsewhere.

They would then need to be shipped in using either boat or plane, to where they could be

distributed across Haiti in lots of remote villages.

This water solution is not too high tech, and was designed so that it could be easily

assembled by the locals on the ground. The manufacturing process is relatively simple, and the

results are well worth the investment in external manufacturing.

4.3 Design of Experimental Trial or Procedure to Test Solution

As far as how the alternative water solution will be tested and experiments done, it would

have to mostly be done through physical prototyping and data collection. Computer modeling

really isn’t that feasible, since there isn’t much that can be modeled accurately, or really much

that could be assessed using FEA Analysis, or other forms of simulation. The most effective

method is to take a scale model and then test it to see how well it works and draw data to see just

how effective it is, and then using that knowledge to either further production on it, or iterate the

design to make it better.

The steps that should be done in order to effectively assess the usefulness of the water still

would be to actually create the water still. This would be best done in some of the southern

coastal areas if possible in order to recreate the Haitian conditions as accurately as possible in

order to get realistic results. Then, I would run it under normal conditions for a week, and then

measure all of the collected clean water. Using that data, then figure that into how much a person

needs per day, and then compute how much percentage of the water need the still creates. Next, I

would then test the boiling component and see what the production rate is based on normal

conditions of a basic pot on a conventional Haitian stove and temperature. This will then give

realistic results on the production rate of the boiling component. Using that data, then figure into

how much fuel was required to distill the volume of water. That way it can be seen how relatively

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efficient this method is with respect to the depletion of solid fuels and combustion emissions

released into the atmosphere to get an idea of the environmental impact the still has.

In the end, this data will show how productive the still is, how much it costs in fuel,

emissions, labor and work to run the still, and then weighing the two. Using these experiments,

the still can be tweaked to be as efficient as possible, and possibly becoming an effective

alternative solution for the water-depleted people of Haiti.

5 Conclusions

This alternative solution design is one that will definitely fill the needs that developing

countries, like Haiti, are struggling with every day. This solution fills all of the specified needs

that were laid out earlier in the project. It is self-sustainable, and takes very minimal education

and effort for it to run, yet results in assured clean drinking water. Its end life can all result in the

reuse of all of the very minimal amount of materials used, and is manufactured easily with very

little impact both environmentally and economically. The only drawback of this design is that it

will not be major solution that will completely solve the water issue across Haiti. Its production

rate is too slow for it to completely remove the need for other water solutions to completely fill

the need. However, this product will definitely take a good weight off of that, leading to a safer,

and healthier Haiti in the years to come.


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"The Survivalist's Enclave | Water Purification." The Survivalists Enclave. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.


US EPA, Immediate Office of the Assistant Administrator. Safe and Sustainable Water

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"Water, Sanitation and Hygiene." UNICEF. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <>.

"Water Stewardship."  The Coca-Cola Sustainability Project. The Coca Cola Company, 7 Nov.

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Individual Project Final Report 22 April 18, 2023