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Most people experience feelings of anxiety before an important event, such as

a big exam, business presentation, or first date. Anxiety disorders, however, are

illnesses that load people's lives with overwhelming anxiety and fear that are chronic

and unremitting, and that can grow progressively worse. Tormented by panic attacks,

obsessive thoughts, flashbacks of traumatic events, nightmares, or countless

frightening physical symptoms, some people with anxiety disorders even become


Anxiety affects our whole being. It affects how we feel, how we behave and

has very real physical symptoms. It feels a bit like fear but whereas we know what we

are frightened of, we often don't know what we are anxious about. Anxiety is a feeling

of nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified,

such as worry about a loved one or in anticipation of taking a quiz, test, or other


Problem anxiety interferes with the sufferer's ability to sleep or otherwise

function. It is noteworthy that teenagers are particularly susceptible to having

irritability as a symptom of a number of emotional problems, including anxiety.

Anxiety may occur without a cause, or it may occur based on a real situation but may

be out of proportion to what would normally be expected. Severe anxiety can have a

serious impact on daily life. There is variety of anxiety in classroom which influence

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classroom atmosphere, students’ moods, perception, learning and eventually

attitudes towards knowledge and school generally.

Background of the Study

The classroom teacher is one of the key persons in the educational enterprise.

As she becomes directly involved in the instructional process in the classroom setting,

the teacher occupies an strategic position in the school system, for on her shoulders

lie the responsibility of translating the curriculum into concrete learning experiences.

The teacher has powerful tool to identify what is actually going on with his class

in general and each individual per se, without any word being said. As a future

teacher, we should know the instructional materials needed in the classroom and the

quality of teaching that will avoid the anxiety of students. It offers the potential to

create and implement highly engaging and effective environment to support a wide

array of learning goals. Improvement on the medium of instruction used in teaching

situation should be implemented to meet the demands of the pedagogical

advancement. Anxiety is the feeling of agitation and distress you experience when

you are faced with a challenge such as performing on stage, competing in an athletic

event or taking an exam.

This is the reason why the researcher became motivated to know the effects

of anxiety of the students in answering essay type questions and what are the ways

to lessen those anxieties to have better performance in answering those kinds of


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Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to determine the effects of anxiety in answering essay

type question in English of Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) students Alabat,


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender; and

1.2 Course?

2. What are the effects of anxiety in answering essay type of question?

3. What are the causes of test anxiety?

4. Is there a significant difference between the responses of the respondents in

terms of gender and course?

Significance of the Study

This study may be of great help to students, English Teacher, the school, and

the researcher who will become a future teacher.

It may be of great help to the students to find out the effects of anxiety in

answering essay type of question.

It may have particularly importance to a teacher for through the study, they

can determine the anxiety of the students toward answering essay type of question.

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Through this study, teacher may also become aware of the effects of anxiety

so that they can implement essay type of question that will enhance the ability of his


Scope and Limitation

This study prompted on anxiety in answering essay type question in English of

Southern Luzon State University-Alabat Campus students during the school year

2010-2011. The researcher conducted her research with the use of twenty (20) item


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Definition of Terms

Anxiety – refers to the emotional characteristics of uneasiness and tension

which usually arise out of the feeling of inferiority, unworthiness and guilt.

Course – is a unit of instruction in a subject.

Essay – is a prose narrative in which the writer shares with the readers his

thoughts and ideas, his feelings and observation on some phases of life.

Gender – is the sexuality of the respondents.

SLSU – Southern Luzon State University- the researcher conducted her


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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of the School Of Education


Alabat, Campus

In Partial Fulfillment

of the requirements for the Subject

Reseach Paper Writing



September 03, 2010