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Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49

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Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals,mycorrhizal fungi, and soils� 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 812 855 1674; fax: +1 812 855 6705.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.L. Shelton), [email protected]

(J.A. Henning), [email protected] (P. Schultz), [email protected] (K. Clay).1 Present address: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of

Tennessee, 569 Dabney Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA.

Angela L. Shelton ⇑, Jeremiah A. Henning 1, Peggy Schultz, Keith ClayDepartment of Biology, Indiana University, 1001 E. Third St., Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 27 November 2013Received in revised form 18 February 2014Accepted 19 February 2014

Keywords:Odocoileus virginianusDeer browsingCommunity effectsCentral hardwood forests

a b s t r a c t

The last several decades have seen dramatic increases in ungulate populations worldwide, and white-tailed deer in the eastern United States currently exist at unprecedented densities in many areas. Numer-ous studies have demonstrated the effects of high densities of white-tailed deer on forest communities.However, few studies have simultaneously examined the effects of deer on multiple components of forestcommunities across trophic levels. Here, we simultaneously examine effects of excluding white-taileddeer on responses of woody and herbaceous vegetation, terrestrial and subterranean animals, mycorrhi-zal fungi, and soil characteristics. This study was conducted in a forest preserve with high deer densitiesin the central hardwoods region of the Midwestern US, using a series of replicated deer exclosures(15 � 15 m) and adjacent unfenced controls that ranged in age from two to seven years. Despite signif-icant tree recruitment inside exclosures, we recorded no native tree seedling recruitment in control plots.In addition, the growth rate of existing tree seedlings was significantly greater in exclosures than in con-trols, and the growth rate of invasive shrubs was approximately 30 times higher inside exclosures. Exclo-sures also had increased height, species diversity, and abundance of spring plants, and increasedvegetation density in summer. We also found differences in terrestrial animals with higher densities ofwhite-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) and dog ticks (Dermacentor variabilis) inside deer exclosures.However, there were no differences in salamanders or earthworms. Soil inside exclosures was signifi-cantly less compacted than in control plots despite the short period of deer exclusion, but there wereno significant differences in soil nutrients or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. These results indicate thatthere are strong effects of high deer densities on all classes of understory vegetation and indirect effectson animals and soils. However, most belowground effects were nonsignificant, suggesting that responsesof belowground communities to deer exclusion are weaker or slower to develop than abovegroundeffects.

� 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Ungulates are the dominant herbivores in many temperate for-ests and have become more abundant in many areas over the lastseveral decades (McShea et al., 1997; Gortázar et al., 1998; Ward,2005; Terborgh and Estes, 2010), reaching historically unprece-dented densities (McCabe and McCabe, 1997; Côté et al., 2004).For example, white-tailed deer in North America, sika deer in Japan,and several species of deer in Britain and Europe have increased

dramatically over the last several decades, causing ecologicaldamage and increased conflicts with humans due to browsing onagricultural or landscaping plants, deer-vehicle collisions, and directencounters (Gortázar et al., 1998; Kaji et al., 2000; Clutton-Brocket al., 2004; Ward, 2005). Increases in ungulate populations andincreasing human–wildlife interactions, especially in suburbanand exurban habitats, have reached a level where ecologicaldegradation has become severe in many areas and the general pub-lic has become concerned, leading to numerous local discussions ofpopulation reductions (e.g. Sterba, 2012; Cambrone, 2013).

Like many other ungulate species in their native ranges, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are the most important largeherbivores in eastern U.S. forests. Their range extends over the vastmajority of North America, where they coexist with other ungulatespecies, but in most of the eastern U.S. they are the only large

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herbivore, and in many areas are highly abundant. They were extir-pated from many parts of their range in the early 20th century, butwere reintroduced in the mid-20th century and have since ad-justed extremely well to the fragmented forests interspersed withagricultural and suburban lands that currently dominate the land-scape, leading to potentially unprecedented densities in manyparts of their range (McShea et al., 1997; Rooney, 2001).

At high densities, deer browsing can reduce the number of treeseedlings and saplings (e.g. Alverson et al., 1988; Rooney and Waller,2003), reduce growth and reproduction of woodland herbs (Websteret al., 2005; Heckel et al., 2010), cause local extirpations of herba-ceous species (Augustine and Frelich, 1998; Knight et al., 2009a),and decrease overall vegetation density (Rooney, 2009; Martinet al., 2010). Heavy deer browsing can lead to dominance bybrowse-tolerant or avoided plant species (Horsley et al., 2003; Gilland Morgan, 2010), increased spread of invasive species (Baiseret al., 2008), and alteration of forest succession (Côté et al., 2004).Such changes in vegetation can, in turn, lead to indirect effects onanimals via altered food availability, cover from predators, or mod-ified microenvironments (Rooney and Waller, 2003; Allan et al.,2010). For example, the density of birds (Chollet and Martin,2013), small mammals (Parsons et al., 2013), amphibians (Brooks,1999), reptiles (Greenwald et al., 2009), and insects (Teichmanet al., 2013; Wheatall et al., 2013) have been shown to be indirectlyaffected by high deer densities.

High densities of deer may also affect belowground communi-ties and processes. Sustained herbivory by deer can increase soilcompaction (Heckel et al., 2010), decrease litter depth (Bressetteet al., 2012), inhibit mycorrhizal communities (Rossow et al.,1997), and either accelerate or decelerate nutrient cycling (Harrisonand Bardgett, 2008). Soil and litter animals, such as arthropods(Lessard et al., 2012), nematodes (Bardgett et al., 1998), and earth-worms (Rearick et al., 2011), may also be affected, but due to thecomplexity of belowground interactions, the directions of theseeffects varies.

We measured direct and indirect effects of deer exclusion on asuite of ecosystem characteristics over several years in a centralhardwood forest in southern Indiana. Using a series of replicateddeer exclosures, we asked the following questions: (1) Do deerexclosures allow recovery of the abundance, size, and diversity ofherbaceous and woody vegetation? We assumed that herbaceousand woody vegetation would both respond to deer exclusion, withherbaceous perennials showing the most rapid response. (2) Doesthe exclusion of deer affect terrestrial and subterranean animalpopulations? We hypothesized that vegetation recovery when deerare excluded would alter the amount of cover, food resources, andmicroenvironmental conditions for small animals with relativesmall habitat use areas and nesting sites. We surveyed mice, ticks,woodland salamanders, and earthworms to include both above-ground and belowground species and because these species aresmall enough to easily move through the fences and because theyhave home range sizes relevant to the size of the 15 m � 15 mexclosures, allowing them to select for habitat preference betweenthe exclosures and control plots. (3) Do deer affect soil properties,nutrient cycling, and mycorrhizal fungal communities? We pre-dicted that the vegetation recovery caused by protection from deercould alter soil properties and increase host plants for arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi, which associate with most herbaceous plantsas well as trees. We also expected that decreased nitrogen inputsfrom deer urine and feces might decrease total available nitrogenand affect nitrogen mineralization rates within exclosures com-pared to controls. The answers to these questions will provide amore complete picture of how high densities of deer directly andindirectly affect deciduous forest ecosystems and how this suiteof effects may interact.

2. Methods

2.1. Study site and exclosures

This study was conducted at the Griffy Woods property(30�1102700N, 86�300700W) of the Indiana University Research andTeaching Preserve in Monroe County, Indiana, USA. This site is inthe Knobstone region of Indiana (Homoya et al., 1985), which is justsouth of the glaciation boundary and is characterized by steep,narrow hills and valleys. The forest community consists of a combi-nation of oak-hickory forests on dry slopes and beech-maple forestson moister slopes (Bailey, 1995). Bottomland forest is characterizedby black walnut (Juglans nigra), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis),black cherry (Prunus serotina), and other deciduous species. The onlyevergreen species present are sporadic red cedar and some areas ofplanted non-native pines. Griffy Woods is an urban-border preservethat consists of just over 800 ha of contiguous, mostly protected for-est adjacent to two reservoirs, a golf course, and suburban develop-ment. Hunting is not permitted. The area has been a primary focus oflocal concern about deer overpopulation (Bloomington–MonroeCounty Deer Task Force, 2012). In pellet count surveys (AppendixA.1) conducted in March 2011, we found an average of 200 ± 50SE pellet piles/ha compared to 18 ± 5 and 17 ± 8 at two other nearbyunhunted preserves, suggesting this site has 11–12 times more deeractivity than these other comparable preserves, although it is diffi-cult to accurately estimate actual deer densities from pellet countsdue to variations in defecation rates depending on food quality anddecomposition rates depending on temperature and moisture(Forsyth et al., 2007; deCalesta, 2013).

Between 2005 and 2010, 15 deer exclosures (15 � 15 m) wereconstructed across a range of lowland, ridgetop, and hillside habitatsat Griffy Woods. Each exclosure was paired with an equal sized con-trol plot with similar vegetation and slope located 5–10 m from theexclosure to allow comparison of similar vegetation, slope aspectand soil conditions inside and outside the exclosures. A permanentlymarked 12 � 12 m sampling area divided into nine 4 � 4 m subplotswas established in each plot. Each paired exclosure and control plotwere considered a block for statistical analyses. Two exclosureswere constructed in the summer of 2005, nine in winter 2009 andfour in winter 2010. Although the exclosures were of different ages,we included exclosure age in all of our analyses and found it was notsignificant for all of the measured variables, indicating that effectswere consistent across all ages of exclosures. Details of the exclosureconstruction are in Appendix A.2.

2.2. Vegetation sampling

To measure the response of woody vegetation to deer exclusion,we marked and measured all woody stems, including trees andshrubs, in four of the 4 � 4 m subplots of each plot in January2010. We recorded species identity and diameter at breast height(DBH, stems >5 cm DBH) or root collar diameter (RCD, <5 cmDBH but >30 cm tall). In January 2012, we resurveyed two of thesubplots in each plot, remeasured all existing woody plants, andmarked and measured all new seedlings over 30 cm high. Newlymarked seedlings were considered new recruits since 2010. Wecalculated the relative growth rate (RGR) of all individuals forwhich we had diameter measurements from both 2010 and2012. We calculated RGR as:

ðdiam2012 � diam2010Þ=diam2010 ð1Þ

This measure of percent growth is independent of initial treesize, allowing us to compare relative growth among plants of dif-ferent size classes. To compare diameter growth rates of different

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size classes of woody plants, we defined plants <5 cm DBH as seed-lings, plants 5–10 cm DBH as saplings, and plants >10 cm DBH astrees.

To measure the response of spring plants, we measured percentcover (2009–2011) or number of individuals (2012), maximumheight, and number of flowers and buds for each species presentin sample quadrats. Five to ten quadrats (50 � 50 cm), dependingon year, were sampled in each plot between late-March and mid-May, timed to correspond with peak diversity of spring plants eachyear. We analyzed each year of data for spring plants separatelybecause of weather differences among years. In particular, anunusually early spring in 2012 caused some, but not all, speciesto emerge three to four weeks earlier than usual, resulting in aneed to resample plots later in the season to capture all speciesof spring plants. Diversity, height, and flowering of spring ephem-eral plants are considered strong indicators of deer browsing inten-sity because spring ephemerals are the first new plant growth inspring, and deer typically consume the entire aboveground portionof these plant, depleting stored plant resources and reducing plantsize and reproductive success over time (Knight et al., 2009a).Because different species of plants have inherently differentheights, we tested differences in the height of each species inpaired exclosures and controls with a sign test.

We measured the overall density of summer vegetation inAugust 2011 we used a modified line-intercept method, wherewe ran a tape across the center of the plot at 20, 60, and 140 cmabove ground level and counted the number of times that vegeta-tion touched the tape (# intercepts). We repeated the count byrunning a tape across the plot in the perpendicular direction. Themean number of intercepts of these two transects at each heightwere compared between each paired exclosure and control plot.The height classes correspond to different intensities of browsingby deer, which prefer mid-range plant growth, and are similar tothose used in other studies (e.g. Webster et al., 2001).

2.3. Animal sampling

We surveyed the density of two terrestrial species, white-footedmice (Peromyscus leucopus) and dog ticks (Dermacentor variabilis),and two primarily subterranean groups of species, earthworms(Family Lumbricidae) and lungless salamanders (Family Pletho-dontidae). We selected these species because they are small en-ough to easily move through the fences and their home rangesizes allow them to potentially move between exclosures and con-trols, but they are not likely to leave the block entirely.

Animals with much larger home ranges, e.g. birds, would not beexpected to frequently utilize 15 � 15 m exclosures. White-footedmice (Peromyscus leucopus) mice are the most abundant smallmammals at the site and can be ecological important as both her-bivores and prey. They are sensitive to vegetative cover for protec-tion from predators and food availability. The home range of P.leucopus mice, the only common species at the site, is 0.2–0.6 ha(Aguilar, 2002), but they tend to spend most of their time in asmaller area, especially when nesting. Ticks serve as an indicatorfor other arthropod species, are easily collected from a several me-ter wide area with CO2 traps, and have important implications forhuman health. In addition, both mice (Flowerdew and Ellwood,2001; Bush et al., 2012) and ticks (Allan et al., 2010) have beenshown to be affected by high densities of deer in previous studies.Like most small arthropods, ticks often depend on vegetative coverfor thermoregulation and protection from desiccation in the sum-mer months. One previous study on interactions between deer andsalamanders found no effect of high deer densities on salamanderabundance (Brooks, 1999). These woodland salamanders spendmost of their time belowground, coming aboveground to feed inthe leaf litter. Redbacked and zigzag salamanders have home

ranges of approximately 0.5 m2 (Petranka, 1998), but we have ob-served marked individuals moving between exclosures and controlplots. Two-lined salamanders seasonally migrate up to 100 m fromhilltops to streams for breeding but spend most of the summer sea-son in a much more localized area. Earthworms were selected be-cause of their dramatic effects on soil structure and nutrientcycling, and because, like ungulates, they have been consideredecosystem engineers having strong ecosystem effects (Holdsworthet al., 2007). One previous study examined the interactions be-tween deer and earthworms, and found increased densities of a na-tive earthworm species with high deer densities, possibly due toincreased soil nitrogen (Rearick et al., 2011).

We sampled mice using five Sherman live traps (H.B. ShermanTraps, Tallahassee, Florida, USA) in each exclosure and control plot.Each block was sampled 3–4 times in 2011 and twice in 2012 (notall plots were sampled each year) over a total of 13 trap nights be-tween July and early November 2011 and eight trap nights be-tween July and September 2012 (traps were set in only a subsetof blocks on any given trap night). Captured mice were sexed,weighed, measured, classified as juveniles or adults, and thenimmediately released at the trap site.

We sampled ticks in July 2011 using CO2 traps constructed fromcoolers with holes drilled near the bottom and filled with dry ice.As the dry ice sublimates, the CO2 released attracts ticks in searchof animal hosts (Barre et al., 1997). We placed one CO2 trap in thecenter of each plot and returned 3–5 h later to collect ticks.

To attract salamanders we placed 12 artificial cover objects(ACOs) in a grid within each exclosure and control plot. Half ofthe ACOs in each plot were untreated pine boards (1200 � 1200 � 200)and the other half were carpet padding covered with plastic(1800 � 1200 � 3=4

00). ACOs were placed in June 2011 and left in placefor the remainder of the experiment. We looked for salamandersbeneath the ACOs every 2–4 weeks from Fall 2011 through Winter2012, identified all individuals to species and sex, recorded theirsize and weight, and then released them at the point of collection.

We sampled earthworms in May 2012 with mustard extraction(Hale, 2007) and in October 2012 with an electrosampler (Weyerset al., 2008). We conducted comparisons between these two meth-ods and found no difference, similar to the results of Eisenhaueret al. (2008). We collected earthworms from a 30 � 30 cm squarequadrat for mustard sampling and from a 50 cm diameter circlefor electrosampling. Earthworms were transported to the lab,where they were identified to species and then dried in ethanoland weighed. We used the log-transformed biomass (g m�2) of eth-anol-dried worms for analysis.

2.4. Soil properties and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

To measure effects of deer activity on soils we measured ammo-nium, nitrate, and phosphorus levels, net nitrogen mineralization,soil organic matter, soil moisture, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) in soil samples (2 cm diameter, 0–15 cm depth) collected inJune 2011. We collected five soil samples per plot and bulked theseprior to processing to obtain an average of soil properties and fun-gal activity across the plot. Soil samples were bulked to intention-ally average over spatial variation within a plot and focus onbetween plot differences. Soil samples were kept on ice and pro-cessed the following day. We used a pocket soil penetrometer(SoilTest Model 29-3729, Loveland, Colorado) to measure soil com-paction with three replicate readings at five locations within eachplot in June 2011, and used the mean value for analyses. Details ofthe methods for soil analyses are described in Appendix A.3.

We measured AMF with two different methods. First, we ex-tracted fungal spores from the soil samples and microscopicallyidentified and quantified AMF spores. We used spore abundanceand the number of morphotypes as variables to compare between

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Fig. 1. Total number of new woody seedlings recruiting into all plots between 2010and 2012. All six native hardwood tree species, one native shrub (Viburnumacerifolia), and one native vine (Vitis spp.) were found only in deer exclosure plots.The only new recruits in control plots were unpalatable native shrubs (Asiminatriloba and Lindera benzoin) and invasive shrubs (Rosa multiflora, Ligustrum vulgare,Lonicera maackii, and Berberis thunbergii). Native tree species found were Fraxinusamericana, Carya spp., Sassafras albidum, Fagus grandifolia, Carpinus caroliniana, andAcer saccharum. Subscripts with species names denote plant type: 1 = nativehardwood tree, 2 = native shrub or vine, 3 = invasive shrub.

42 A.L. Shelton et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49

plots. Second, we conducted a mycorrhizal inoculation potential(MIP) experiment in which we grew sorghum-sudangrass hybridseeds in a mixture of field-collected soil and sterilized sand. Afterthree weeks of growth, we harvested the plants, collected roots,and examined them for AMF colonization. We used the total colo-nization of arbuscules, hyphae, and vesicles as the dependent var-iable. Details of the methods for AMF analyses are in Appendix A.4.

2.5. Environmental data

To test whether vegetation in the exclosures and control plotsled to differences in microclimate, we measured temperature andhumidity above (1.5 m above ground level) and below (2 cm aboveground level) the understory plant layer in both mornings (7:00–10:00 am EDT) and evenings (7:00–9:00 pm EDT) of Summer andFall 2011, using a portable hygrothermometer (Model EA20, ExtechInstruments, Nashua, NH, USA). We collected data concurrentlywith mouse trapping, and recorded AM and PM temperatures ontwo to four different days in each plot in the summer and ontwo to six days in each plot in the fall.

2.6. Statistical analyses

Because of the number of variables examined in the same plots,we used MANOVA analyses for each group of related variables (i.e.spring vegetation, summer vegetation, tree seedlings, salamanders,earthworms, physical soil properties, soil nutrients, mycorrhizalcommunities, and microclimate) using the GLM procedure in SAS9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., 2003). We included fixed effects for Exclo-sure and Habitat (Lowland, Hillside, or Ridgetop), and interactionsof Exclosure � Exclosure Age, Exclosure � Habitat, and a randomeffect of Block (paired plots) nested within Habitat. Type III sumsof squares were used to account for unequal sample sizes as a re-sult of missing data for some variables, and Pillai’s Trace valueswere used to determine statistical significance in MANOVAs. Wealso ran individual ANOVAs on the individual variables. All vari-ables were tested for normal residuals prior to MANOVA and datathat did not fit these assumptions were transformed so that theresiduals fit a normal distribution. Most data were log-trans-formed, with the following exceptions: percent cover of springplants was transformed with an arcsine square root transformationwhich was more successful than a logit transformation, and MIPdata were treated with a square root transformation.

The mice capture data followed a Poisson distribution and couldnot be transformed to fit the assumptions of MANOVA. Instead weanalyzed these data with a generalized linear model using theGENMOD procedure in SAS 9.3 with a Poisson distribution, log-linkfunction, and repeated effect of year in the covariance structure.Individual ANOVAs were also run on the data for each year. Thetick data followed a Poisson structure, but a generalized linearmodel would not converge. Therefore, we excluded plots in whichno ticks were found in either treatment and the remaining data fita normal distribution after a natural log transformation and wereanalyzed with an ANOVA.

Fig. 2. Relative growth rates of woody plant diameter by size class (A) and amonginvasive shrubs and native trees and shrubs (B) in deer exclosures and adjacent,unfenced control plots. Seedlings were defined as individuals with diameter atbreast height (DBH) <5 cm; saplings as 5 < DBH < 10; and mature trees as DBH>10 cm. Asterisks indicate significant differences between treatments (P < 0.05).

3. Results

3.1. Effects on vegetation

Tree seedlings were strongly affected by deer exclusion. No na-tive hardwood trees recruited into any of the control plots, while51 native tree seedlings of six species were found in the exclosures.In total, there were 153 new woody recruits, including shrub spe-cies, inside the 15 exclosures, but only 24 new recruits (all nativeor invasive shrubs) in the controls (Fig. 1; paired t-test:

T14 = 3.35, P < 0.005). There was an average of 11 ± 3 (SE) new re-cruits in the surveyed area (32 m2) of each exclosures and only2 ± 1 in the same area of the control plots. The most common woo-dy recruits found in control plots were Lindera benzoin (spicebush)and Asimina triloba (pawpaw), native shrubs considered unpalat-able to deer. But even these species were 3–4 times more abundantin exclosures compared to controls. All other woody recruits foundin control plots were non-native invasive shrubs: Rosa multiflora(multiflora rose), Ligustrum vulgare (European privet), Loniceramaackii (bush honeysuckle), and Berberis thunbergii (Japanesebarberry).

We measured a total of 1363 woody stems between 2010 and2012. The species found are listed in Appendix B.2. Growth ratesof existing seedlings were almost twice as great in exclosures com-pared to control plots. There was no difference in growth rates of

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Fig. 3. Mean (±SE) maximum height of herbaceous plants inside deer exclosuresand in unfenced controls for each spring from 2009 to 2012. Asterisks indicatesignificant differences between exclosure treatments (P < 0.05).

A.L. Shelton et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49 43

saplings or mature trees (Fig. 2A; seedlings: F = 8.05, P = 0.005;saplings: F = 0.039, P = 0.85; mature trees: F = 0.14, P = 0.71). Wealso compared relative growth rates of trees, native shrubs, andinvasive shrubs. Each type of woody plant grew significantly morein exclosures than controls (Fig. 2B, F = 3.49, P = 0.031). Notably,invasive shrubs had very little growth in control plots and grewapproximately 30 times more inside exclosures (Fig. 2B).

Table 1Statistical results for MANOVAs (shaded rows) and ANOVAs (unshaded rows) for vegetati

Exclosure Habitat

Spring vegetation F 8.05 9.272009 P 0.009 <0.001Maximum height F 10.70 1.32

P 0.008 0.31Number of species F 5.29 8.08

P 0.044 0.008Total cover F 0.02 8.54

P 0.89 0.007

Spring vegetation F 9.45 3.272010 P 0.005 0.024Maximum height F 22.62 0.22

P <0.001 0.81Number of species F 4.66 13.63

P 0.06 0.001Total cover F 0.26 7.99

P 0.62 0.008

Spring vegetation F 6.99 9.972011 P 0.016 <0.001Maximum height F 3.31 1.63

P 0.10 0.25Number of species F 16.95 7.92

P 0.003 0.010Total cover F 0.36 23.76

P 0.56 <0.001

Spring vegetation F 1.27 5.212012 P 0.35 0.003Maximum height F 3.64 8.12

P 0.09 0.008Number of species F 0.59 9.72

P 0.46 0.005Total cover F 0.03 7.86

P 0.87 0.009

Summer vegetation F 4.73 5.92P 0.049 0.002

20 cm Density F 3.33 5.30P 0.10 0.030

60 cm Density F 11.28 1.56P 0.008 0.26

140 cm Density F 6.58 2.28P 0.030 0.16

Tree seedlings F 13.92 1.08P 0.002 0.39

No. new recruits F 19.01 1.06P 0.001 0.38

No. species F 4.50 0.04P 0.06 0.96

We recorded a total of 123 to 144 plant species (Appendix B.2)each spring between 2009 and 2012. In each year, exclosure plotsaveraged 2–3 more species than control plots, but differences inspecies richness were statistically significant only in 2009 and2011. The means (±SE) number of spring plant species in controlplots (144 m2) were 23 ± 2.5, 27 ± 2.5, 20 ± 1.7, and 15 ± 2.3 for2009–2012, respectively. The means (±SE) in exclosure plots were25 ± 3.1, 30 ± 3.0, 23 ± 2.4, and 17 ± 2.1 for each year respectively.Across all species, the average maximum height was greater inexclosures than controls in all years, but was statistically signifi-cantly only in 2009 and 2010, and marginally significant in theother years (Fig. 3, Table 1). Comparing individual species, signifi-cantly more species were taller in exclosures than in controls in allyears. In 2009, 64% of species were taller in exclosures, 84% in2010, 68% in 2011, and 77% in 2012 (Sign Test 2009: N = 88,S = 56, P = 0.007; 2010: N = 88, S = 74, P < 0.0001; 2011: N = 45,S = 31, P = 0.008; 2012: N = 74, S = 57, P < 0.0001). Plant height alsodiffered significantly by Block in 2009 and 2010 and by Habitat in2012. The effects of Exclosure Age and Habitat � Exclosure interac-tion were not significant in any year (Table 1.)

Webster and Parker (2000) identified three species as specificindicators of the intensity of deer browsing in Indiana forests:

on data. F-values are Pillai’s Trace values. P-values <0.05 are highlighted in bold.

Block � habitat Exclosure � age Exclosure � habitat

6.94 1.97 1.19<0.001 0.12 0.3612.73 2.98 0.56<0.001 0.10 0.5919.82 1.20 2.55<0.001 0.34 0.1315.68 0.47 0.48<0.001 0.64 0.63

4.42 0.85 0.39<0.001 0.55 0.888.87 0.54 0.15<0.001 0.60 0.865.20 1.43 1.050.008 0.28 0.397.19 0.84 0.130.002 0.46 0.39

1.90 1.11 0.990.051 0.40 0.461.53 0.94 1.440.27 0.43 0.296.95 3.32 2.170.004 0.08 0.172.18 1.12 0.890.13 0.37 0.44

2.51 0.67 0.460.007 0.68 0.832.32 0.27 0.200.10 0.77 0.822.70 1.67 1.060.07 0.24 0.384.56 0.34 0.440.012 0.72 0.66

1.18 1.60 0.310.33 0.21 0.921.59 0.08 0.190.25 0.92 0.833.75 2.31 0.500.031 0.15 0.621.09 3.50 0.660.45 0.07 0.542.68 0.91 1.150.016 0.48 0.362.45 0.10 0.280.09 0.90 0.764.95 1.73 2.050.009 0.23 0.18

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Fig. 4. Estimate of vegetation density measured as the number of times vegetationintercepted a tape strung across the plot at 20, 60, or 140 cm above ground level inAugust 2011. Asterisks indicate significant differences between deer exclosure plotsand unfenced control plots (P < 0.05).

Fig. 5. (A) The mean number of Peromyscus leucopus mice (±SE) trapped betweensummer 2011 and Fall 2012 in fenced deer exclosures and unfenced control plotsand (B) the mean number of Dermacentor variabilis ticks collected per plot in eachtreatment. Asterisks indicate significant differences between treatments (P < 0.05).

44 A.L. Shelton et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49

white baneberry (Actaea pachypoda), sweet cicely (Osmorhiza clay-tonii), and jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). We found sig-nificant differences in height and abundance of these speciesbetween exclosures and control plots. White baneberry was 100%taller in exclosures in 2010 (F = 2.97, P = 0.13, N = 9) and 60% tallerin 2011 (F = 8.30, P = 0.024, N = 9). It was not found in either treat-ment in 2009 or in control plots in 2012. Sweet cicely was 67% tal-ler in exclosures compared to controls in 2009 (P = 0.024, N = 12),and was found only in exclosures in all other years. Jack-in-the-pulpit was 16%, 32%, 113% and 17% taller in exclosures in 2009–2012, respectively (2009: F = 1.23, P = 0.27, N = 87; 2010:F = 11.77, P < 0.001, N = 91; 2011: F = 39.56, P < 0.0001, N = 35,2012: F = 0.28, P = 0.60, N = 14). In 2012, jack-in-the-pulpit wasnot full grown at the time of sampling.

Species richness of spring plants was significantly greater inexclosures compared to controls in 2009 through 2011, but therewas no significant difference in 2012 (Table 1). Species richnessalso varied significantly by Habitat and Block, with lowland plotshave higher species diversity than upland plots, but not by Exclo-sure Age or Exclosure � Habitat interaction. The total cover ofspring vegetation did not differ between exclosures and controlsin any year, although it did differ by Block and Habitat with highercover in lowland habitats (Table 1).

The density of summer vegetation was significantly greater in-side exclosures compared to controls at 60 and 140 cm height, butnot at 20 cm (Fig. 4, Table 1). One block had an extensive popula-tion of the invasive grass, Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimine-um), which had a dramatic effect on vegetation density at 20 cmabove ground. This block had 246 intercepts of vegetation in thecontrol and 125 in the exclosure, far beyond the range of otherplots (maximum in other plots = 17.5 in controls and 31.5 in exclo-sures). Therefore, this block was excluded from statistical analysesand means shown in Fig. 4.

3.2. Effects on animals

Significantly more mice, and juvenile mice in particular, werecaptured inside exclosures in 2011. (Fig. 5A; Table 2). In 2011,we captured 31 mice (11 juveniles) in exclosures and 12 (0 juve-niles) in controls. In 2012, we captured 35 mice (9 juveniles) inexclosures and 26 (4 juveniles) in controls. While the numberswere higher inside exclosures in 2012, the difference was not sta-tistically significant (Table 2). Because we did not mark individuals,we do not know how many of these were recaptures, but by exam-ining the weight, length, and sex of individuals we determined thatmost animals were unique individuals, with only one to two ani-mals recaptured in a block. Therefore, these results reflect relativehabitat use between exclosures and controls.

Exclosures had more ticks than control plots although the dif-ference was not statistically significant (Fig. 5B, Table 2). However,

the overall number of ticks captured was low (1.6 ± 0.6 SE ticks perexclosure and 0.5 ± 0.3 SE per control plot) giving low statisticalpower to detect a difference. Dermacentor variabilis, the dog tick,was the only species found at the site.

There was no significant difference in the number of salaman-ders in exclosures compared to controls (Table 2). We collected atotal of 854 salamanders: 219 Plethodon cinereus (red-backed sala-mander) in controls and 205 in exclosures, 197 P. dorsalis (zigzagsalamander) in controls and 155 in exclosures, and 40 Eurycea cir-rigera (two-lined salamander) in controls and 38 in exclosures. Thenumber of salamanders varied with habitat and season with moresalamanders present under ACOs in spring and fall and more inlowland plots than in ridgetop or hillside plots.

Earthworm densities also did not vary between exclosures andcontrols (Table 2), although there was a nonsignificant trend forgreater worm density in control plots, particularly in lowland hab-itats. We found an average of 3.0 g ± 0.5 SE dry worm biomass(g m�2) in exclosures and 4.6 ± 0.9 in control plots. Four speciesof earthworms were identified – Lumbricus terrestris, Lumbricusrubellus, Octolasion cyaneum, and Apporectodea caliginosa com-plex—all of which are introduced species in North America. Similarto salamanders, earthworms were more abundant in lowland hab-itats and least abundant on hillsides, likely due to differences insoil moisture.

3.3. Effects on microclimate

Temperatures above and below vegetation were slightly war-mer in exclosures than controls on summer mornings and slightlycooler in exclosures on summer evenings, but this effect was notstatistically significant (Table 3). The opposite pattern was seenin the fall where temperatures were warmer beneath vegetationin control plots in the morning and cooler beneath the vegetationin control plots in the evenings, but again this effect was not statis-tically significant (Table 3). Humidity tended to be higher belowvegetation than above, but there were no differences betweenexclosures and controls.

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Table 2Statistical results for animals inside and outside deer exclosures. MANOVA results for multiple seasons are shaded and tests for individual seasons are not. Statistics with P-values<0.05 are highlighted in bold.

Exclosure Habitat Block � habitat Exclosure � habitat Exclosure � age

Mice 20111 v2 14.31 0.57 18.51 1.08 –P 0.002 0.45 0.01 0.30 –

Mice 20121 v2 0.45 15.2 13.41 1.68 –P 0.50 <0.001 0.27 0.43 –

Ticks2 F 15.38 17.10 2.68 0.89 0.57P 0.02 0.01 0.18 0.13 0.49

Salamanders3 F 0.41 20.03 2.90 0.45 0.58P 0.80 <0.001 0.001 0.87 0.78

Fall 2011 F 0.90 51.78 2.73 0.02 0.34P 0.37 <0.001 0.08 0.98 0.72

Winter 2012 F 0.28 24.86 1.58 1.75 2.31P 0.61 <0.001 0.25 0.23 0.16

Spring 2012 F 0.46 152.89 18.45 0.42 0.31P 0.52 <0.001 <0.001 0.67 0.74

Fall 2012 F 1.86 39.25 4.87 0.97 1.31P 0.21 <0.001 0.014 0.41 0.32

Earthworm biomass3 F 1.25 6.22 0.80 0.56 0.57P 0.33 0.002 0.68 0.69 0.69

Spring 2012 F 0.02 3.15 1.18 0.54 0.64P 0.89 0.09 0.40 0.60 0.55

Fall 2012 F 2.74 13.52 0.52 0.52 0.39P 0.13 0.001 0.84 0.61 0.69

1 Mice data were analyzed with a generalized linear model with a Poisson distribution and log-link function. Wald’s v2 statistics are shown. Age was not included in themodel due to lack of convergence.

2 The log of tick numbers in plots with at least one tick was analyzed with an ANOVA.3 The log of salamander numbers and earthworm biomass were analyzed with MANOVA across all seasons (shaded) and ANOVA for individual seasons (unshaded).

Table 3Results of MANOVA (shaded) and ANOVAs (unshaded) on the difference in temperature and humidity above and below vegetation. Pillai’s Trace values are presented forMANOVA. P-values <0.05 are highlighted in bold.

Exclosure Habitat Time Block � habitat Exclosure � age Exclosure � time Habitat � time Excl � habitat � time

Environmental variables F 2.33 3.28 7.95 2.31 1.65 1.58 4.60 1.29P 0.11 0.01 <0.001 0.007 0.17 0.16 <0.001 0.24

Temperature difference F 4.33 3.57 0.25 1.84 2.91 2.70 1.72 1.05P 0.04 0.04 0.86 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.41

Humidity difference F 0.13 3.11 32.16 2.78 0.82 1.11 11.90 1.72P 0.72 0.05 <0.001 0.01 0.45 0.35 <0.001 0.14

Table 4Results of MANOVA (shaded row) and ANOVAs for physical soil properties inside and outside deer exclosures. Statistics with P-values <0.05 are highlighted in bold.

Exclosure Habitat Block � habitat Exclosure � age Exclosure � habitat

Soil properties F 3.37 2.38 2.08 1.25 0.98P 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.33 0.46

Compaction F 7.08 0.91 3.12 3.49 3.24P 0.02 0.43 0.04 0.07 0.08

Organic Matter F 0.70 0.02 2.01 0.78 0.00P 0.42 0.98 0.14 0.49 0.99

Moisture F 0.33 2.36 2.19 0.06 0.12P 0.58 0.14 0.12 0.94 0.89

A.L. Shelton et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49 45

3.4. Effects on soil and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Soil inside exclosures was significantly less compacted than soilin control plots, even in plots where deer had been excluded for onlytwo years (Table 4). Mean compaction was 1.21 ± 0.13 (kg cm�2, SE)in exclosures and 0.78 ± 0.13 in control plots (F = 7.87, P < 0.0001),and compaction was greater in all but one control plot comparedto the paired controls. There were particularly large differences incompaction in the lowland plots and only minor differences in hill-side plots. Soil moisture and soil organic matter had identical meanvalues in exclosures and controls (Table 4).

Initial concentrations of available ammonium, nitrate, andphosphorus, as well as net nitrogen mineralization, did not differbetween exclosures and controls (Table 5). There was no signifi-cant difference in the abundance or richness of AMF sporesbetween exclosures and controls, although there was a nonsignifi-cant trend for more AMF in exclosures (Table 5). AMF abundanceand diversity did vary across blocks, and there was greater AMFspore diversity in the top five cm of soil than at 5–15 cm. Themycorrhizal inoculation potential experiment showed marginallyhigher, but nonsignificant, AMF colonization in roots of plantsgrown in soil from exclosures.

Page 8: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

Table 5Results of MANOVAs (shaded rows) and ANOVAs (unshaded rows) for soil nutrients and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Statistics with P < 0.05 are highlighted in bold.

Exclosure Habitat Depth1 Block � habitat Habitat � depth Fence � habitat

Soil – nutrients F 0.91 13.63 9.38 2.48 1.80 0.97P 0.50 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.07 0.49

Initial ammonium F 2.18 31.38 8.72 8.26 0.06 4.94P 0.15 <0.001 0.006 <0.001 0.95 0.01

Initial nitrate F 0.60 36.77 26.57 10.07 0.60 0.93P 0.44 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.56 0.41

Nitrogen mineralization F 2.98 4.63 11.29 3.06 4.32 1.34P 0.94 0.02 0.002 0.008 0.02 0.28

Phosphorus F 0.11 6.02 10.04 0.49 1.79 0.16P 0.75 0.006 0.003 0.89 0.18 0.85

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi F 1.67 3.13 3.09 1.89 1.12 1.61P 0.19 0.01 0.04 0.006 0.36 0.16

Number of spores F 1.90 4.92 0.07 1.83 0.34 3.223P 0.18 0.01 0.79 0.08 0.71 0.05

Number of species F 2.30 5.15 3.61 3.63 2.63 1.51P 0.14 0.01 0.06 0.001 0.09 0.23

Spore diversity2 F 1.58 2.93 9.13 2.86 0.15 0.85P 0.22 0.07 0.005 0.007 0.86 0.44

MIP total colonization F 0.08 1.35 – 0.88 – 0.02P 0.78 0.26 0.57 0.98

1 Depth categories: 0–5 cm and 5–15 cm.2 Spore diversity was calculated as the Shannon Diversity Index.

46 A.L. Shelton et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49

4. Discussion

4.1. Effects on vegetation

We found strong effects of deer exclusion on all aspects ofunderstory vegetation measured. The complete lack of native treerecruitment in control plots is particularly dramatic given that deerhad been excluded from the plots for only two or three years in 13of 15 plots. The only woody plant recruitment in the control plotswas by invasive shrubs and unpalatable native shrubs. Tree seed-lings are often heavily browsed by deer, particularly in winterwhen little green vegetation is available. Reduced tree recruitmentdue to deer has been reported in several other studies (e.g. Horsleyet al., 2003; Gill and Morgan, 2010; Martin et al., 2010). The rapidrebound in recruitment in exclosures found here, suggests thatreducing deer density could restore tree regeneration, althoughsustained browsing could result in loss of an age class of trees fromforests and potentially have long-term consequences for forestcomposition and structure.

In addition, there were no oak trees recruiting into any of the plots,despite the substantial presence of oaks in the canopy. Lack of oakregeneration is a problem throughout central hardwood forests andboth intense deer browsing has been named as one contributingcause (McEwan et al., 2011) because deer have a strong preferencefor acorns (Duvendeck, 1962). In addition, established tree seedlingsgrew significantly faster inside exclosures and invasive shrubs grewalmost thirty times faster in exclosures. These results suggest deerare having strong effects on woody vegetation, but recovery of localplant populations begins quickly after deer exclusion.

The growth of tree seedlings of native trees, native shrubs, andinvasive shrubs were all significantly less in controls compared toexclosures, but the growth rate of invasive shrubs was affectedmost strongly. The relative growth rate of invasive shrubs wasclose to zero (0.008 ± 0.06 SE) in control plots but was approxi-mately 30 times greater in exclosures (0.24 ± 0.05), indicating thatdeer are having a strong suppressive effect on invasive shrubs. Thetwo oldest deer exclosures (constructed in 2005) have becomedominated by invasive shrubs, particularly bush honeysuckle,multiflora rose, autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), and privet,although numerous native tree seedlings are also present. Our

results suggest that if deer numbers were reduced, invasive shrubspecies may grow and reproduce more, potentially leading to in-creased density of invasive shrub species (e.g. Baiser et al., 2008;Eschtruth and Battles, 2009). Observations of invasive shrubs out-side deer exclosures have revealed extensive deer browsing oninvasive shrubs, particularly bush honeysuckle and multiflora rose,suggesting that deer may help to keep these species in check.Moreover, all of the invasive species examined here are typicallybird-dispersed via berries. The fences may provide a convenientperch for birds such that the increased prevalence of these invasivespecies may be an indirect effect of the fence.

Plant height is commonly used as an indicator of browsing inten-sity (e.g. Shelton and Inouye, 1995; Webster and Parker, 2000;Kirschbaum and Anacker, 2005) because most species of springephemerals are slow-growing perennials with size-dependentflowering. Browsing by deer typically removes the entire above-ground portion of the plant, eliminating the opportunity to flowerand the ability to store resources for future years. This can resultin plants becoming progressively smaller over years, delaying repro-duction, or never reaching the threshold size for flowering. Thus, adecrease in the height of spring ephemerals can indicate reducedreproductive potential, which can lead to population declines andlocal extinctions (Ehrlen, 1995; Rooney and Gross, 2003; McGrawand Furedi, 2005). For example, Knight et al. (2009a) constructed ademographic model for Trillium grandiflorum at sites across a rangeof deer densities in Pennsylvania and found that local populationextinction is expected when 15% or more of the individuals in thepopulation are browsed annually. Thus, the differences in plantheight found here are consistent with reduced reproductivepotential of many spring ephemeral species.

Summer vegetation was significantly denser inside exclosures,with almost three times more vegetation inside exclosures at 60and 140 cm. There was no difference at 20 cm, which may indicatethat deer prefer to browse on taller vegetation or that plants re-cover to this height quickly. The absence of vegetation between60 and 140 cm indicates a depauperate understory with reducedcover for understory animal species. In the 1990s, a study of vege-tation in Indiana State Parks, where deer hunting was prohibited,compared to forests where hunting was allowed, showed a signif-icant decrease in the abundance of vegetation between 50 and

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200 cm in unhunted parks (Webster and Parker, 1997). A follow-upsurvey of the same sites approximately 20 years after managedhunts were instituted at State Parks showed significant increasesin vegetation density in the 50–200 cm size class, but no differencein vegetation <50 cm or >200 cm, which is beyond the browsingrange of deer (Jenkins, 2011). Our results show a similar pattern,with increased vegetation density at 60 and 140 cm after a shorterperiod of deer reduction.

We also observed an interaction between deer exclusion andthe growth of Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), a highlyaggressive invasive species, in one block of the exclosure pairs. In2009 this lowland block had 91% cover of Japanese stiltgrass inthe control compared to 79% in the exclosure. By 2011 the coverhad declined to 22% in the exclosure but remained high (86%) inthe control plot. In late summer the control plot was dominatedby Japanese stiltgrass with just a few emergent native species,whereas the exclosure was dominated by native vegetation withsmall Japanese stiltgrass plants beneath the canopy of natives. Thissuggests that in the absence of deer browsing, native species areable to compete with this invader, but when deer densities arehigh, deer preferentially consume natives and the Japanese stilt-grass is released from competition and able to dominate a site.While these patterns are based only on a single pair of plots, sim-ilar results have been observed elsewhere where areas with highdensities of deer had more extensive invasions of Japanese stilt-grass than areas with lower deer density (Baiser et al., 2008;Webster et al., 2008). Deer avoid eating Japanese stiltgrass and,therefore, the presence of high deer populations may give this spe-cies a competitive advantage over native plants, and contribute toits dominance and rapid spread (Knight et al., 2009b).

Most of the above changes in vegetation can be attributed to di-rect effects of browsing, but even plant species that are rarely con-sumed directly can show declines due to high deer density. Forexample, Heckel et al. (2010) showed that jack-in-the-pulpit hadreduced size, flower size and seed production at sites with higherdeer densities. They attributed these effects to deer-driven effectson soil properties, particularly soil compaction. The same studyby Heckel et al. also examined four other unpalatable species andfound negative effects of high deer densities on all of them, sug-gesting that high deer abundances may negatively affect manyspring ephemerals via indirect effects such as declines in soil qual-ity. Similarly, deer rarely browse the native shrubs spicebush(Lindera benzoin) and pawpaw (A. triloba), but their abundancewas significantly lower here in controls than in exclosures(Fig. 4). These two species have also increased over the last coupleof decades at other sites in Indiana and deer browsing has beenimplicated as a contributing factor (Jenkins, 2011). White-taileddeer typically have varying preferences for different food types,and alter their diets when their most preferred foods are not avail-able (Augustine and DeCalesta, 2003; Royo et al., 2010).

4.2. Effects on animals

We found significant effects of deer exclusion on ticks and micein 2011 but not 2012. In 2011, no juvenile mice were found in con-trol plots while 11 juveniles were captured in exclosures. Althoughmice were more abundant in exclosures in 2012, the differencewas not statistically significant. Higher numbers of mice in exclo-sures may be due to increased food availability as a result of higherplant densities, better cover from predators, exclusion of groundpredators, or more moderate microclimate. Our results mirrorthose found in other studies that have shown negative effects ofdeer on small mammal populations (Flowerdew and Ellwood,2001; Bush et al., 2012).

The higher number of ticks in exclosures compared to controlsmay be related to the relative abundance of small mammals, which

are the preferred hosts of nymphal ticks, or to differences in micro-climate. On the other hand, deer also serve as hosts for ticks andhigh deer densities can lead to more dense tick populations (Allanet al., 2010). We found trends for slight moderation of temperaturebeneath vegetation in exclosures but not in controls, and it desic-cation is the primary source of mortality for ticks, and microcli-mate can affect the risk of desiccation (Needham and Teel, 1991;Civitello et al., 2009). During summer at the time ticks were col-lected, temperatures beneath the vegetation compared to abovethe vegetation tended to be slightly warmer in mornings andslightly cooler in evenings in exclosures, but not in controls(Fig. 5, Table 3). This moderation of ground-level temperaturemay help small animals and arthropods avoid heat stress and des-iccation, particularly during periods of high temperatures. This ismore likely to be the case with ticks, which have been shown tohave higher mortality in areas with less vegetative cover (Carroll,2003; Civitello et al., 2009). Similar reductions in the density ofarthropods in areas of high deer density have been seen in otherstudies (Miyashita et al., 2004; Allombert et al., 2005), suggestingthis may be a general pattern. If ticks are a good indicator of othersmall arthropods, then higher numbers inside deer exclosures mayrelate to increased abundance of other arthropods, which would beimportant for a wide variety of insectivorous species.

In contrast to the increased numbers of terrestrial animalsfound inside exclosures, we found no effects of exclosures on sala-manders or earthworms. These results suggest that terrestrial ani-mals are more susceptible to indirect effects of high deer densitiesthan are subterranean animals. It is possible that deposition of ur-ine and feces from deer may provide nutrient resources to below-ground animals, creating positive effects or buffering them fromnegative effects. However, we found no difference in nutrient con-centrations or nitrogen mineralization between exclosures andcontrols, suggesting this is not likely to be important at this site.It is also possible that belowground communities are slower to re-spond to aboveground herbivores. Our exclosures ranged from twoto seven years over the course of this study and indirect effects ofdeer may take longer to cascade to belowground communities.

In contrast to our results, two recent studies found significanteffects of deer on belowground communities. Bressette et al.(2012) found decreased soil nutrients and increased AMF activityin plots where deer were excluded. Lessard et al. (2012) foundhigher species richness of soil and litter arthropods inside exclo-sures, but no difference in arthropod abundance except for ants,which were more abundant in exclosures. Although they predictedlower effect sizes for belowground trophic levels, they foundequivalent effect sizes at each trophic level tested. On the otherhand, Rearick et al. (2011) found higher densities of a native earth-worm (Eisenoides carolinensis) in control plots compared to exclo-sures, which is the same trend found in this study. Thisdifference may be due to increased nutrients from deer pelletsand urine which have been shown to make a significant contribu-tion to the nitrogen cycle (Hobbs, 1996).

4.3. Effects on soils and AMF communities

Soil inside exclosures quickly became less compacted than incontrol plots, even in plots where deer had been excluded for onlytwo years. This rapid change in soil compaction was surprising be-cause it seems unlikely that a release from trampling could causesuch rapid changes. It could be due to increased plant root growthor mycorrhizal activity, although our study did not address possi-ble mechanisms. We did see increased aboveground plant growth,however, and aboveground biomass and growth is usually stronglycorrelated with belowground biomass and growth, so increasedroot growth is a possible explanation. Earthworms were initiallyposited as a possible cause of reduced soil compaction in deer

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48 A.L. Shelton et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 320 (2014) 39–49

exclosures, but our data clearly confirmed that earthworm densi-ties were equal or lower in exclosures and therefore this is notlikely a cause for the difference in soil compaction. Similar differ-ences in soil compaction across a gradient of deer densities havebeen shown in other studies (Heckel et al., 2010), confirming theresults found here.

We found no differences in mycorrhizal spore community rich-ness, abundance, or diversity between exclosures and control plots.In addition, the MIP experiments showed equivalent AMF coloniza-tion in soils from exclosures and controls. Because of the extensiveherbivory over many years at Griffy Woods, we hypothesize thatmycorrhizal communities may have been suppressed due to a lackof adequate host plants because AMF may increase with speciesrichness or plant abundance, but AMF may be propagule limitedwithin the exclosures. In addition, AMF and other soil propertiesmay be slower to respond deer exclusion and two years may notbe sufficient for any potential differences to occur. In contrast,Bressette et al. (2012) found higher AMF colonization in soils with-in exclosures, but their exclosures were much older (18 years) thanthose in this study.

5. Summary

Due to the high densities of deer at Griffy Woods, the vegetativecommunity has been altered from its natural condition as evi-denced by contrasts between exclosure and control plots. Therewas significantly reduced understory vegetation, including re-duced size, abundance, and diversity of understory plants; reducedtree regeneration; altered microenvironmental conditions; andnegative effects on mice and ticks. However, we did not find indi-rect effects of deer exclusion on belowground animals, arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi, or nutrient levels, but soils in exclosures wereless compacted than in control plots. Belowground communitiesmay be buffered from the effects of deer, or effects may be time-lagged and not appear until after longer periods of deer reductionor exclusion. Surprisingly exclosure age had no significant effect onany of the results and many measured variables were significantlydifferent between exclosures and controls after only two years ofdeer exclusion. This indicates that responses to deer exclusion hap-pen rapidly, often within two years after deer exclusion, regardlessof environmental differences such as differences in weather pat-terns between years.

At high densities, the effects of ungulates on forest communitiesmay be analogous to the effects of an introduced invasive speciesthat is able to dominate an area due to release from natural ene-mies. Although white-tailed deer were extirpated from manyareas, they were reintroduced in the mid-20th century, but theirpredators, which were also extirpated, were not. Combined withhabitat modifications such as forest fragmentation, agriculturalexpansion, and the spread of exurban areas, deer populations havereached historically unprecedented densities in many areas. Thissame pattern of increasing ungulate populations, particularly inareas near human populations, has occurred in many temperate re-gions of the world, and this is simply one example of this wide-spread problem. These high densities of deer are altering thestructure and diversity of forest communities and may lead to dra-matic changes in forest structure if intensive deer browsing per-sists for long periods.


Thanks to Curtis Conrad, Katherine Zaiger, Mark Sheehan, GillianHarris, Nathan Wells, Julia Ferguson, Elizabeth Ridens, DanielBurnham, Alicia Cooley, and Hannah Milano for help with field datacollection. Salamander and mouse trapping followed all Animal Care

and Use guidelines for animal research through Indiana Universityand was approved by Indiana DNR Scientific Purposes License13-0024 to A.L. Shelton. Funding for this project was provided bythe Indiana University Center for Research in EnvironmentalScience. The Indiana University Research and Teaching Preserveprovided access to research sites and staff to construct and maintainthe deer exclosures.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at


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Page 12: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

Appendix A. Detailed Methods 1

A.1. Pellet counts 2

In order to estimate relative deer densities, we counted piles of deer pellets at Griffy Woods 3

(GW) and compared to the number of pellet piles at two other nearby forest preserves owned by the IU 4

Research and Teaching Preserve: Moores Creek (MC; 39˚4’55”N, 86˚28’14”W) and Lilly Dickey Woods 5

(LDW; 39˚14’39”N, 86˚13’6”W). All pellet count surveys were conducted in March 2011 after snow had 6

melted and before spring vegetation emerged. While the accuracy of pellet counts to estimate actual deer 7

population density has been criticized due to variation in defecation rates, food quality, and movement 8

patterns (Fuller 1991), they can provide reliable estimates of relative use of different areas by deer 9

(Forsyth, et al. 2007). A recent study (deCalesta 2013) compared population estimates from pellet counts 10

to direct censuses and found population estimates from pellet counts were within 7.5% of census 11

estimates. 12

We counted pellet piles within eight intersecting transects (4 m × 80 m), four of which were 13

placed perpendicular to the slope and four of which were parallel to the slope. Transects were 20 m apart 14

with the exclosure in the center of the survey area (Fig. A1). The total area of each surveyed area was 15

4096 m2, of which 1664 m2 (40%) was actually surveyed for pellet piles. All pellet piles with more than 16

five pellets were counted and marked on a map to avoid double-counted on the overlapping transects. We 17

compared the log-transformed number of pellet piles among the three sites with a one-way ANOVA with 18

site as a fixed in the GLM procedure of SAS 9.3 for Windows (SAS Institute Inc. 2012). 19


A.2. Exclosure Construction 21

Exclosures were constructed of 7.5’ high nylon deer fencing (Benner’s Gardens; 22 and were monitored regularly for damage. Although deer may be able to 23

jump a fence of this height, we have not observed any evidence of deer (browsing, tracks, or pellets) 24

inside the exclosures. The fences are staked at the bottom in one to three places per side (depending on 25

Page 13: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

topography) so that fawns cannot easily get under the fence, but gaps allow smaller animals to pass 26

beneath the fence. We have observed evidence of medium-sized mammals, such as raccoons, opossums, 27

and rabbits, inside the fence but no evidence of larger animals such as wild turkeys, coyotes, and foxes, 28

which are present at the site. 29


31 A.3. Soil Nutrient Analyses 32

Soil samples were first thoroughly mixed within the collection bags, then a 100 mL sample was 33

removed for use in later MIP experiments (see below). The remaining sample was then sieved through a 34

1 mm sieve and manually sorted to remove all pieces of roots >3mm in length. We then placed a 4 g (± 35

0.2 g) sample in a tube for initial nitrogen analysis, 4 g (± 0.2 g) for incubated nitrogen analysis to 36

determine net N mineralization, 5 g (± 0.2 g) for phosphorus analysis, and 4.5 g (± 0.2 g) for 37

determination of soil organic matter and soil moisture. 38

Available nitrogen extractions were done with 10 mL of 2M KCl, and available phosphorus 39

extractions with 30 mL of 0.5M NaHCO3. Samples were shaken then filtered and frozen until nutrient 40

analysis. Nitrogen and Phosphorus analyses were done on a Lachat flow injection analysis system 41

(Lachat Instruments, Loveland, Colorado) in the lab of R. Phillips at Indiana University. We used a 42

phenolate-hypochlorite method (Lachat method 12-107-06-A) to quantify NH4+ and a cadmium-reduction 43

method (12-107-04-1-B) to quantify NO3-. Phosphorus was analyzed with the molybdate-ascorbic acid 44

method (12-115-01-1-E). Percent organic matter was measured via loss on ignition at 450º C for 24 h and 45

soil moisture was measured by weighing soil before and after drying. 46



A.4. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Analyses 49

To identify AMF spores in soil samples, we extracted fungal spores by placing a 50 mL soil 50

sample in a 32-μm mesh sieve and washing vigorously with water. Spores were then separated from 51

larger soil particles by placing samples in a 60% sucrose solution and centrifuging for three minutes 52

Page 14: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

(Daniels and Skipper 1982). Spores were quantified and identified by a skilled observer via microscopic 53

analysis. 54

To estimate the mycorrhizal inoculum potential (MIP), 100 ml of field soil from each subplot was 55

mixed 5:1 (v/v) with sterile sand and placed in 4 × 20.5-cm “conetainers” (Stewe and Sons, Corvallis, 56

Oregon, USA). To prevent contamination, a piece of paper towel was placed in the bottom of each tube 57

to prevent soil loss and the bottom and top of each tube was filled with 25 mL of sterile sand. Each 58

conetainer received one seedling of sorghum-sudangrass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x sudanense var. 59

“super Su 22”) that was pre-germinated in sterile potting mix. After 21 d of growth, plants were harvested 60

and the washed root systems of sorghum plants were collected. The root system of each plant was 61

clipped to 2-cm lengths and placed in tissue casettes. The root samples were then cleared and stained with 62

trypan blue (Koske and Gemma 1989). AMF colonization was measured using the magnified intersection 63

method (McGonigle, et al. 1990). A minimum of 50 random root intersections were inspected for each 64

slide and % AMF colonization was determined as number of root segments with AMF hyphae, arbuscules, 65

or vesicles. 66


68 A.5. Appendix References 69 70 Koske, R. E. and Gemma, J. N. 1989. A modified procedure for staining roots to detect VA mycorrhizas. 71

- Mycological Research 92: 486-505. 72

McGonigle, T. P., Miller, M. H., Evans, D. G., Fairchild, G. L. and Swan, J. A. 1990. A new method 73

which gives an objective measure of colonization of roots by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. 74

- New Phytologist 115: 495-501. 75


Figure Captions 77

Fig. A.1. Design of pellet count surveys. Four intersecting transects, 4 m wide by 80 m long, where 78

located around each exclosure to survey the relative deer activity in the area of each exclosure block. 79

Page 15: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

80 Fig. A.1. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89



Page 16: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

92 Appendix B. Tables of Species 93


Table B.1. List of woody plant species in alphabetical order by genus found in deer exclosures and 95

unfenced control plots at the Griffy Woods Preserve between 2010–2012. Frequencies are the total 96

numbers of individuals recorded in 60 quadrats (4 x 4 m) within each treatment. 97

Frequency Latin Name1 Common Name

Growth Form Nativity Control Exclosure

Acer negundo boxelder Tree Native 2 3 Acer rubrum red maple Tree Native 2 Acer saccharum sugar maple Tree Native 41 34 Aesculus glabra Ohio buckeye Tree Native 11 6 Asiminia triloba pawpaw Shrub/ Tree Native 111 231 Berberis thunbergii Japanese barberry Shrub Alien 1 10 Carpinus caroliniana musclewood Tree Native 5 5 Carya sp. hickory Tree Native 19 16 Celtis occidentalis hackberry Tree Native 1 Cercis canadensis redbud Tree Native 4 6 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree Native 4 11 Crataegus sp. hawthorn Tree Native 1 Euonymus atropurpureus eastern wahoo Shrub/ Tree Native 11 Fagus grandifolia American beech Tree Native 9 25 Fraxinus americana white ash Tree Native 3 101 Ilex opaca American holly Shrub/ Tree Alien 1 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Native 10 3 Juniperus virginiana red cedar Tree Native 1 1 Ligustrum vulgare privet Shrub Alien 21 35 Lindera benzoin spicebush Shrub Native 45 77 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar Tree Native 3 7 Lonicera maackii bush honeysuckle Shrub Alien 23 102 Prunus serotina black cherry Tree Native 6 5 Quercus alba white oak Tree Native 2 2 Quercus muehlenbergii chinkapin oak Tree Native 1 Quercus rubra red oak Tree Native 4 3 Rosa multiflora multiflora rose Shrub Alien 1 66 Rubus sp. blackberry Shrub Native 1 Sassafras albidum sassafras Tree Native 10 Ulmus americana American elm Tree Native 4 2 Ulmus rubra red elm Tree Native 5 1 Viburnum acerifolium viburnum Shrub Native 140 30 Vitis spp. wild grape Vine Native 2 3 98 Notes: 99 1 Morphospecies that could not be identified to at least the genus level are not included.100

Page 17: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

101 Table B.2. List of herbaceous plant species in alphabetical order by genus found in deer 102

exclosures and unfenced control plots at the Griffy Woods Preserve. Frequencies are the total 103

number of quadrats (50 x 50 cm, 510 total quadrats for each treatment) in which the species 104

occurred between 2009 – 2012. 105


107 Frequency

Latin Name1 Common Name Growth Form2 Lifespan Nativity Control Exclosure

Actaea pachypoda white baneberry Forb Perennial Native 7 14

Adiantum pedatum maidenhair fern Fern Perennial Native 4 21

Agrimonia sp. agrimony Forb Perennial Native 3 5

Alliaria petiolata garlic mustard Forb Biennial Alien 43 17

Allium sp. wild onion Forb Perennial Native 53 29

Arabis laevigata smooth rockcress Forb Biennial Native 1 5

Arisaema triphyllum jack-in-the-pulpit Forb Perennial Native 113 123

Asarum canadense wild ginger Forb Perennial Native 7 9

Asplenium platyneuron ebony spleenwort Fern Perennial Native 2 2

Barbarea sp. wintercress Forb Biennial Alien 5 6

Blephilia hirsuta hairy wood mint Forb Perennial Native 1 0

Botrychium dissectum cutleaf grape fern Fern Perennial Native 0 1

Botrychium virginianum rattlesnake fern Fern Perennial Native 12 32

Cardamine concatenata cutleaf toothwort Forb Perennial Native 282 255

Cardamine pennsylvanica Pennsylvania bittercress Forb Annual Native 3 4

Carex picta painted sedge Gram. Perennial Native 24 33

Carex sp. sedge Gram. Perennial Native 230 239 Chaerophyllum procumbens wild chervil Forb Annual Native 10 15

Claytonia virginica spring beauty Forb Perennial Native 108 115

Conopholis americana squaw root Forb Perennial Native 3 3

Cynoglossum virginianum hound's tongue Forb Perennial Native 47 51

Cystopteris protrusa fragile fern Fern Perennial Native 53 56

Delphinium tricorne dwarf larkspur Forb Perennial Native 103 84

Desmodium sp. tick-trefoil Forb Perennial Native 11 19

Dicentra sp. squirrelcorn/Dutchman's breeches Forb Perennial Native 56 62

Draba verna spring draba Forb Annual Alien 1 1

Elymus sp. bottlebrush grass Gram. Perennial Native 103 113

Erigenia bulbosa harbinger-of-spring Forb Annual/ Perennial Native 90 71

Erigeron sp. fleabane Forb Annual/ Biennial Native 1 0

Page 18: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

Erythronium americanum trout lily Forb Perennial Native 194 188

Eupatorium rugosum white snakeroot Forb Perennial Native 163 165 Floerkea proserpenicoides false mermaid Forb Annual Native 90 94

Galium aparine bedstraw Forb Annual Native 96 100

Galium circaezans wild licorice Forb Perennial Native 101 103

Galium concinnum shining bedstraw Forb Perennial Native 13 13

Galium triflorum scented bedstraw Forb Perennial Native 55 62

Geum vernum spring avens Forb Perennial Native 29 54

Glechoma hederacea creeping charlie Forb Perennial Alien 6 12

Hydrastis canadensis goldenseal Forb Perennial Native 17 16 Hydrophyllum appendiculatum appendaged waterleaf Forb Perennial Native 8 14 Hydrophyllum macrophyllum large-leaved waterleaf Forb Perennial Native 19 20

Impatiens sp. jewelweed Forb Annual Native 27 44

Ipomoea purpurea morning glory Forb Annual Alien 0 1

Isopyrum biternatum false rue-anemone Forb Perennial Native 7 4

Jeffersonia diphylla twinleaf Forb Perennial Native 34 42

Lamium purpureum purple dead nettle Forb Annual Alien 7 7

Laportea canadensis stinging nettle Forb Perennial Native 1 7

Leersia virginica white grass Gram. Perennial Native 8 0

Lysimachia nummularia moneywort Forb Perennial Alien 27 33

Maianthemum racemosa false Solomon's seal Forb Perennial Native 3 2

Malva sp. mallow Forb Annual/ Perennial Alien ? 3 2

Microstegium vimineum Japanese stiltgrass Gram. Annual Alien 41 31

Mitchella repens partridgeberry Forb Perennial Native 0 5

Monarda clinopodia basil beebalm Forb Perennial Native 1 1

Onoclea sensibilis sensitive fern Fern Perennial Native 0 3 Ornithogalum umbellatum star-of-Bethlehem Forb Perennial Alien 44 19

Osmorhiza claytonii sweet-cicily Forb Perennial Native 5 19

Oxalis sp. wood sorrel Forb Perennial Native 43 34

Packera aurea golden ragwort Forb Perennial Native 100 62

Packera obovata roundleaf groundsel Forb Perennial Native 1 14

Phacelia bipinnatifida fernleaf phacelia Forb Biennial Native 3 5

Phlox divaricata blue phlox Forb Perennial Native 12 15

Podophyllum peltatum mayapple Forb Perennial Native 95 103

Polemonium reptans Jacob's ladder Forb Perennial Native 12 14

Polygonatum biflorum Solomon's seal Forb Perennial Native 7 11

Polygonum virginianum Virginia knotweed Forb Perennial Native 60 72 Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas fern Fern Perennial Native 65 119

Potentilla simplex cinquefoil Forb Perennial Native 10 24

Prenanthes altissima tall white lettuce Forb Perennial Native 2 0

Page 19: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils

Ranunculus abortivus kidney-leaved buttercup Forb Biennial Native 36 41

Ranunculus hispidus hispid buttercup Forb Perennial Native 0 3

Ranunculus recurvatus hooked buttercup Forb Perennial Native 22 34

Rumex sp. dock Forb Perennial Native 1 0

Sanguinaria canadensis bloodroot Forb Perennial Native 1 5

Sanicula sp. sanicle sp. Forb Biennnial Native 19 41

Scutellaria lateriflora blue skullcap Forb Perennial Native 1 0

Solidago sp. goldenrod Forb Perennial Native 0 1

Spiranthes sp. lady's tresses Forb Perennial Native 1 0

Stellaria media common chickweed Forb Annual Alien 65 49

Stellaria pubera star chickweed Forb Perennial Native 6 15

Stylophorum diphyllum woody poppy Forb Perennial Native 0 1

Thalictrum thalictroides rue anemone Forb Perennial Native 9 19

Tradescantia virginiana spiderwort Forb Perennial Native 4 4

Trillium flexipes drooping trillium Forb Perennial Native 0 1

Trillium recurvatum purple trillium Forb Perennial Native 2 19

Trillium sessile sessile trillium Forb Perennial Native 38 11

Trillium sp. trillium sp. Forb Perennial Native 26 43

Valeriana pauciflora large-flowered valerian Forb Perennial Native 14 42

Verbesina alterniflora wingstem Forb Perennial Native 15 34

Viola palmata three-lobed violet Forb Perennial Native 5 15

Viola pubescens yellow violet Forb Perennial Native 1 10

Viola sororia blue violet Forb Perennial Native 226 221

Viola sp. violet sp. Forb Perennial Native 27 31

Viola striata cream violet Forb Perennial Native 23 50 108

Notes: 109

1 Morphospecies that could not be identified to at least the genus level are not included. 110

2 Gram. = graminoid, i.e. grasses and sedges 111

Page 20: Effects of abundant white-tailed deer on vegetation, animals, mycorrhizal fungi, and soils