Download - Effects National Security Act passed CIA created House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Root out Communist subversives in American Government Alger.


Effects National Security Act passed

CIA created House Un-American Activities Committee

(HUAC) Root out Communist subversives in American

Government Alger Hiss = Communist spy Julius and Ethel Rosenberg = Ran a spy ring


Second Red Scare Effects

National Security Act passed CIA created

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Root out Communist subversives in American Government

Alger Hiss = Communist spy Julius and Ethel Rosenberg = Ran a spy ring


Radical senator from Wisconsin Extreme paranoia of Communists in

American society and government Root out Communists

Used House Un-American Activities Committee Hollywood Ten Hollywood Blacklist

McCarthyism Radical senator from Wisconsin Extreme paranoia of Communists in

American society and government Root out Communists

Used House Un-American Activities Committee Hollywood Ten Hollywood Blacklist

Eisenhower warned against American business prosperity linked to

government military spending

Military-Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned against American business prosperity linked to

government military spending

Development of Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe

Sputnik Communist Revolution in China Iron Curtain Berlin Blockade by Stalin Nuclear Arms Race

US Develops Hydrogen Bomb & Soviet Union develops one shortly after

Causes of the Cold War Development of Soviet Satellites in Eastern

Europe Sputnik Communist Revolution in China Iron Curtain Berlin Blockade by Stalin Nuclear Arms Race

US Develops Hydrogen Bomb & Soviet Union develops one shortly after

National Defense Education Act U-2 Incident Korean War Second Red Scare Fallout Shelters Berlin Wall Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis McCarthyism Development of the CIA National Highway Act Selective Service Act of 1951 NATO Collective Security Domino Theory Vietnam

Effects of the Cold War Sputkik National Defense Education Act U-2 Incident Korean War Second Red Scare Fallout Shelters Berlin Wall Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis McCarthyism Development of the CIA National Highway Act Selective Service Act of 1951 NATO Collective Security Domino Theory Vietnam

Vietnam Defoliant Kill vegetation

Agent Orange Vietnam Defoliant Kill vegetation

Sustained bombing campaign of North Vietnam

Code name Burn jungles to root out Vietcong Vietcong used jungles as cover

Operation Rolling Thunder Sustained bombing campaign of North

Vietnam Code name Burn jungles to root out Vietcong Vietcong used jungles as cover

LB Johnson Social reform program “War on Poverty” Programs included

Economic Opportunity Act VISTA Medicare and Medicaid Elementary and Secondary Education Act Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) National Endowment for the Humanities

Great Society LB Johnson Social reform program “War on Poverty” Programs included

Economic Opportunity Act VISTA Medicare and Medicaid Elementary and Secondary Education Act Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) National Endowment for the Humanities

Groups who were helped most by Great Society

Minorities and poor Groups who were helped most by Great


Stopped East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin

Stood as a symbol of Communism

Berlin Wall Stopped East Germans from fleeing to

West Berlin Stood as a symbol of Communism

Non-violent protest Civil disobedience Three men who were leaders

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Thoreau

Non-violent protest Civil disobedience Three men who were leaders

Limited president’s ability to authorize war Cause

LB Johnson’s escalation Vietnam protests in US

War Powers Act Limited president’s ability to authorize war Cause

LB Johnson’s escalation Vietnam protests in US

Marines Killed unarmed villagers in Vietnam Burned village Caused a new round of protests at home

My Lai Massacre Marines Killed unarmed villagers in Vietnam Burned village Caused a new round of protests at home

Reject white society Build a separate culture Gain rights through force African-American militant leader Nation of Islam

Malcolm X Reject white society Build a separate culture Gain rights through force African-American militant leader Nation of Islam

Cut taxes Aid to poor Promote space program John F. Kennedy’s domestic program

New Frontier Cut taxes Aid to poor Promote space program John F. Kennedy’s domestic program

Levitte Towns Middle class moved to White prosperity

Suburbs Levitte Towns Middle class moved to White prosperity

Poll tax illegal

24th Amendment Poll tax illegal

Prohibited segregation in public accommodations


Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibited segregation in public

accommodations Law

Truman passed Ended discrimination in armed services

Executive Order 8802 Truman passed Ended discrimination in armed services

Segregation by law Jim Crow Laws

De jure Segregation Segregation by law

Jim Crow Laws

Upheld Brown v. Board Eisenhower sent troops Nine students integrated Central High

Little Rock Nine Upheld Brown v. Board Eisenhower sent troops Nine students integrated Central High

Investigated Kennedy’s assassination Ruled that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone


Warren Commission Investigated Kennedy’s assassination Ruled that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone


Supreme Court Desegregation of schools

Brown v. Board Supreme Court Desegregation of schools

Bus boycott Montgomery, Alabama Rosa Parks refused to give up seat Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leader

Montgomery Bus Boycott Bus boycott Montgomery, Alabama Rosa Parks refused to give up seat Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leader

Soviets first in space Sputnik 1st satellite Yuri Gagarin 1st in orbit

Desire of US to beat Soviets to the moon Creation of NASA Kennedy’s challenge to be first to the Moon

Space Race Soviets first in space

Sputnik 1st satellite Yuri Gagarin 1st in orbit

Desire of US to beat Soviets to the moon Creation of NASA Kennedy’s challenge to be first to the Moon

Neil Armstrong “That’s one small step for a man, one giant

leap for mankind.” Statement represents a great advance in human


Beat the Soviets to it

Moon Neil Armstrong “That’s one small step for a man, one giant

leap for mankind.” Statement represents a great advance in human


Beat the Soviets to it

Latin America Promote democracy Kennedy’s plan Replaced Monroe Doctrine

Alliance for Progress Latin America Promote democracy Kennedy’s plan Replaced Monroe Doctrine

Cuba Soviets tried to place nuclear missiles in

Cuba and finally removed them Brinkmanship Naval Blockade Test ban Treaty ended

Limit nuclear testing Hot line between White House & Kremlin

Cuban Missile Crisis Cuba Soviets tried to place nuclear missiles in

Cuba and finally removed them Brinkmanship Naval Blockade Test ban Treaty ended

Limit nuclear testing Hot line between White House & Kremlin

Eisenhower Passed after Soviets launched Sputnik Money to increase math and science


National Defense Education Act Eisenhower Passed after Soviets launched Sputnik Money to increase math and science


Made segregation illegal African Americans received the vote African Americans could run for office African Americans gained a new sense of

ethnic pride Spread to other minorities

Civil Rights Movement Made segregation illegal African Americans received the vote African Americans could run for office African Americans gained a new sense of

ethnic pride Spread to other minorities

Ended US involvement in Vietnam US troops withdrew POW’s released Military activities ended in Laos and

Cambodia 17th parallel dividing line

Paris Peace Accords Ended US involvement in Vietnam US troops withdrew POW’s released Military activities ended in Laos and

Cambodia 17th parallel dividing line

“take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States…”

Johnson Escalation Vietnam

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution “take all necessary measures to repel any

armed attack against the forces of the United States…”

Johnson Escalation Vietnam

One country falls to communism, others in region will fall

Eisenhower US involvement in Vietnam

Domino Theory One country falls to communism, others in

region will fall Eisenhower

US involvement in Vietnam

Agency Exploration of space

NASA Agency Exploration of space

1st African American major league baseball player

Jackie Robinson 1st African American major league baseball


African American Supreme Court Justice

Thurgood Marshall African American Supreme Court Justice

“Separate but equal” Supreme Court case after Reconstruction

Plessy v. Ferguson “Separate but equal” Supreme Court case after Reconstruction

Desegregated University of Mississippi African American Veteran Received the GI Bill

James Meredith Desegregated University of Mississippi African American Veteran Received the GI Bill

Civil Rights Leader Used Civil Disobedience Montgomery Bus Boycott March on Washington to support Kennedy’s

Civil Rights bill “I Have A Dream”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Leader Used Civil Disobedience Montgomery Bus Boycott March on Washington to support Kennedy’s

Civil Rights bill “I Have A Dream”

Health care for the poor

Medicaid Health care for the poor

Health care for the elderly

Medicare Health care for the elderly

Saigon fell to Communist North Vietnam North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam

End of Vietnam War Saigon fell to Communist North Vietnam North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam

US involvement in Vietnam began when this country signed the Geneva Accords

Created Cambodia and Laos Vietnam divided at 17th Parallel

French US involvement in Vietnam began when

this country signed the Geneva Accords

Created Cambodia and Laos Vietnam divided at 17th Parallel

Official documents made public Revealed that the executive branch

(Johnson) had lied to Congress about Vietnam

Published in New York Times Shocked and appalled public

Pentagon Papers Official documents made public Revealed that the executive branch

(Johnson) had lied to Congress about Vietnam

Published in New York Times Shocked and appalled public

Government agency Spies Gather information about foreign


CIA Government agency Spies Gather information about foreign


Student Protests After US invaded Cambodia and Laos College campus National Guard opened fire on protestors

after they threw rocks

Kent State Student Protests After US invaded Cambodia and Laos College campus National Guard opened fire on protestors

after they threw rocks

Vietnamese New Year Vietcong attacked key points

Capital of Saigon

US Military Victory: won battle Vietcong psychological Victory: made

Americans at home doubt if Vietnam could be won

Tet Offensive Vietnamese New Year Vietcong attacked key points

Capital of Saigon

US Military Victory: won battle Vietcong psychological Victory: made

Americans at home doubt if Vietnam could be won

Leader of Vietcong Communist

Ho Chi Minh Leader of Vietcong Communist

Wrote: The Feminine Mystique Said women were unhappy being

homemakers in the 1950s Helped start the Women’s Movement of the

1960s and 1970s

Betty Friedan Wrote: The Feminine Mystique Said women were unhappy being

homemakers in the 1950s Helped start the Women’s Movement of the

1960s and 1970s

Organized Migrant workers Non-violent protests

Cesar Chavez Organized Migrant workers Non-violent protests

Free Love Valued and promoted personal freedom and

individuality British Invasion

The Beatles The Rolling Stones

Woodstock Rock concert turned violent

Andy Warhol: Pop Art Drugs

Counter Culture Free Love Valued and promoted personal freedom and

individuality British Invasion

The Beatles The Rolling Stones

Woodstock Rock concert turned violent

Andy Warhol: Pop Art Drugs


American Indian Movement Dennis Banks and George Mitchell Rights of Native Americans Second Occupation of Wounded Knee

Rode desegregated on buses through the south

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organized

Freedom Riders Rode desegregated on buses through the

south Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)


Benefited minority groups Preferential job hiring & college placement Purpose = equalize years of discrimination

Affirmative Action Benefited minority groups Preferential job hiring & college placement Purpose = equalize years of discrimination

Reagan Military missile defense system Re-started arms race between US & USSR

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars”

Reagan Military missile defense system Re-started arms race between US & USSR

First female Supreme Court Justice Appointed by Reagan

Sandra Day O’Connor First female Supreme Court Justice Appointed by Reagan

Economic collapse of the Soviet Union US only Superpower in world

End of Cold War Economic collapse of the Soviet Union US only Superpower in world

Wrote: Silent Spring Environmentalism Toxic waste effects on environment

Rachel Carson Wrote: Silent Spring Environmentalism Toxic waste effects on environment

September 11, 2001 Terrorists hijacked planes World Trade Center Pentagon attacked US Capital attacked

9/11 September 11, 2001 Terrorists hijacked planes World Trade Center Pentagon attacked US Capital attacked

Liberation of Kuwait Persian Gulf War Code name for attack of Iraq

Operation Desert Storm Liberation of Kuwait Persian Gulf War Code name for attack of Iraq

Détente with Soviet Union and China major accomplishment SALTI signed

Limited development of nuclear weapons Visited China

Vietmanization fighting to Vietnamese troops

Economic policy to deal with Stagflation Wage and Price Freeze

Watergate Impeached Resigned to escape conviction for crimes

Nixon Détente with Soviet Union and China major accomplishment

SALTI signed Limited development of nuclear weapons

Visited China Vietnamization

Turning over Vietnam fighting to Vietnamese troops Economic policy to deal with Stagflation

Wage and Price Freeze Watergate

Impeached Resigned to escape conviction for crimes

CREEP broke into hotel Steal Democrat Campaign secrets arrested

Information about break-in leaked to Washington Post Carl Bernstein Bob Woodward

Nixon used Plumbers to cover-up Nixon face Impeachment


Watergate CREEP broke into hotel

Steal Democrat Campaign secrets arrested

Information about break-in leaked to Washington Post Carl Bernstein Bob Woodward

Nixon used Plumbers to cover-up Nixon face Impeachment


Political movement that grew out of Baby Boomers

Rejected traditional views Called for government action to bring about

radical social change

New Left Political movement that grew out of Baby

Boomers Rejected traditional views Called for government action to bring about

radical social change

1st peace time draft Cause = Cold War

Build strong military

Caused Vietnam protests

Selective Service Act of 1951 1st peace time draft Cause = Cold War

Build strong military

Caused Vietnam protests

Theory that men and women are politically, socially and economically equal

Feminism Theory that men and women are politically,

socially and economically equal

Began when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait

Operation Desert Shield Became Operation Desert Storm

Persian Gulf War Began when Saddam Hussein invaded

Kuwait Operation Desert Shield Became Operation

Desert Storm

Not elected as president 25th Amendment enabled Nixon to appoint him

because Spiro Agnew (Vice-President) resigned

Stagflation WIN (Whip Inflation Now)


Pardoned Nixon

Ford Not elected as president

25th Amendment enabled Nixon to appoint him because Spiro Agnew (Vice-President) resigned

Stagflation WIN (Whip Inflation Now)


Pardoned Nixon

President Promoted global human rights Outsider in Washington Deregulation of airline industry Camp David Accords

Peace between Egypt and Isreal Iran Hostage Crisis led to Reagan defeating

him in the 1980 Election

Carter President Promoted global human rights Outsider in Washington Deregulation of airline industry Camp David Accords

Peace between Egypt and Isreal Iran Hostage Crisis led to Reagan defeating

him in the 1980 Election

President New Right Coalition

Conservativism Formed by the Moral Majority

Leader: Jerry Falwell Helped him get elected

Supply-Side Economics Increase supply of goods to decrease prices

Trickle Down Theory Backed policies to benefit business

Cut business taxes

Reagan President New Right Coalition

Conservativism Formed by the Moral Majority

Leader: Jerry Falwell Helped him get elected

Supply-Side Economics Increase supply of goods to decrease prices

Trickle Down Theory Backed policies to benefit business

Cut business taxes

Would have made sexual discrimination illegal

Passed Congress Was not Ratified by the States

Equal Rights Amendment Would have made sexual discrimination

illegal Passed Congress Was not Ratified by the States

Mikhail Gorbachev Economic restructuring of economy to allow

free enterprise Led to the collapse of Communism

Perestroika Mikhail Gorbachev Economic restructuring of economy to allow

free enterprise Led to the collapse of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev Political openness Led to the collapse of Communism

Glastnost Mikhail Gorbachev Political openness Led to the collapse of Communism

Carter’s administration US let Shah of Iran in US for medical

treatment Iranian mob stormed US Embassy and took

hostages Carter could not negotiate release

Iran Hostage Crisis Carter’s administration US let Shah of Iran in US for medical

treatment Iranian mob stormed US Embassy and took

hostages Carter could not negotiate release

During Reagan’s administration Purpose = fight Communism Nicaragua Communist government =

Sandinistas US support for Nicaraguan rebels (Contras) Using money from arms sales to Iran to

fund Contras military training Oliver North key figure to most of the blame

Iran-Contra Affair During Reagan’s administration Purpose = fight Communism Nicaragua Communist government =

Sandinistas US support for Nicaraguan rebels (Contras) Using money from arms sales to Iran to

fund Contras military training Oliver North key figure to most of the blame

President Appointed Clarence Thomas

Second African-American appointed to Supreme Court

Persian Gulf War

George H.W. Bush President Appointed Clarence Thomas

Second African-American appointed to Supreme Court

Persian Gulf War

President New Democrats

moderate NAFTA (The North American Free Trade Agreement)

Removed trade restrictions between US, Canada & Mexico Republicans created:

Contract With America Cut taxes and balance the budget

Scandal Whitewater Monica Lewinski Impeachment: second president in history to be impeached

Clinton President New Democrats

moderate NAFTA (The North American Free Trade Agreement)

Removed trade restrictions between US, Canada & Mexico Republicans created:

Contract With America Cut taxes and balance the budget

Scandal Whitewater Monica Lewinski Impeachment: second president in history to be impeached

Education No Child Left Behind Elementary and Secondary Education Act

9/11 Twin Towers Al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden US Embassy Bombings

War on Terror Department of Homeland Security

Airline security increased PATRIOT ACT Operation Enduring Freedom

Afghanistan after the Taliban

War in Iraq Saddam Hussein had ties to Al-Qaeda and possessed weapons of mass destruction

North Korea nuclear weapons

George W. Bush Education

No Child Left Behind Elementary and Secondary Education Act

9/11 Twin Towers Al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden US Embassy Bombings

War on Terror Department of Homeland Security

Airline security increased PATRIOT ACT Operation Enduring Freedom

Afghanistan after the Taliban

War in Iraq Saddam Hussein had ties to Al-Qaeda and possessed weapons of mass destruction

North Korea nuclear weapons

Supreme Court Case Reverse discrimination

Less qualified minority candidates received preferential admission to universities

Supreme Court said that racial quotas were unconstitutional

Regents of UC v. Bakke Supreme Court Case Reverse discrimination

Less qualified minority candidates received preferential admission to universities

Supreme Court said that racial quotas were unconstitutional

Supreme Court Case Flag Burning Constitutional 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech

Texas v. Johnson Supreme Court Case Flag Burning Constitutional 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech

Supreme Court Case Microsoft illegal monopoly

US v. Microsoft Supreme Court Case Microsoft illegal monopoly

Supreme Court Case Bussing constitutional

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

Supreme Court Case Bussing constitutional

Guaranteed equality between men and women in federally funded schools

Girls could try-out and be on boys teams if a girls team was not available

Title IX Guaranteed equality between men and

women in federally funded schools Girls could try-out and be on boys teams if

a girls team was not available

Law Public accommodations must be accessible

to physically disabled Cannot discriminate against disabled Accessible public transportation

Americans with Disabilities Act Law Public accommodations must be accessible

to physically disabled Cannot discriminate against disabled Accessible public transportation