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Effective Writing, Tips


Page 2: Effective writing, tips for Bloggers

Effective writing needs time and experience, you know the saying practice makes perfect, no? If you want to improve quickly you can follow the tips below.It won’t happen in a day but it will happen faster.

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Think before you start

Start by creating an outline of the whole article, concentrate on what you want to mention in it. Research to enhance your thoughts on these outlines, and only then start writing.

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Use numbers

Numbers like 3, 7, 10 etc. attract a lot, it’s human nature, 3 being the most appealing. Use them in your compositions, especially in headings.

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Clear and concise Clear and concise, short and precise. The truth is everybody hates long and complex articles and readers tend not to read them. So try to write in a clear and concise manner, be straight forward and don’t use huge chunks of texts in your articles. Use short words, points, avoid using junk words and talk straight to the point.

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Edit at the endDon’t edit along the way, thoughts will slip your mind. Write down your key points and elaborate them without thinking about vocabulary and grammar. You can proofread and improve your article after you finish writing it. Don’t risk losing good information to make your previous thought look right. There’s time for everything.

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Keep you readers

Keep your readers, don’t waste their time. Be straight forward and offer an answer as soon as possible, solve the problem quickly. Don’t lose your reader due to useless information.

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Proofreading is essential in the writing process. Try reading aloud and observing your mistakes, you will realize when something is awkward.

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Stay on the topic

Don’t try increasing the size of your post by going of topic. Don’t forget that you are trying to solve a problem or offer information about an interest.This is a requirement of good writing, follow the outlines you’ve written before and you will have a great post.

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Always check your facts

Double check your facts to avoid negative impact on your reader’s mind, try to impress your audience. Write correctly, don’t write about things you don’t know or which you are not sure of.

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Consider your reader’s interests

If you want to attract more visitors write nicely in a specific flow. Maintain a level of understanding and vocabulary level for the type of readers you are addressing. Don’t lose their interest and respect them, offer interesting content that they can enjoy.

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Pay attention to your vocabulary

Don’t overwhelm your readers by using typical and out of the common form of words in your posts. Use simple language; you don’t need to show off your vocabulary skills.

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Don’t overwhelm your readers by using typical and out of the common form of words in your posts. Use simple language; you don’t need to show off your vocabulary skills.