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Page 1: Effective communication

Effective CommunicationThe Basics

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COMMUNICATION is the act of imparting or exchanging information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Bear in mind that this covers both SENDING and RECIEVEING INFORMATION.


Communication requires some form of feedback from the receiver to the source. Successful communication will take place if that feedback is in line with what the source was aiming for when sending out the message in the first place.

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Understanding the benefits of effective communication helps companies place a focus on developing a workforce that is able to communicate within the firm and with customers, vendors and business partners.

Let’s itemize them, shall we…

Would you like to add a few????

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1. Take responsibility for the success of your communication. If they're not "getting it", it's because you're not giving it in a way they can understand.

2. Realize that the unconscious mind is your greatest ally.3. It's not about you. To communicate effectively, learn to see the world from the

other person's perspective.4. If what you're doing isn't working... do something different.5. Every action has a positive intention. You just have to find it.6. It's better to be successful than right. The world demands results, not excuses.

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Use this exercise to prove it to yourselfRead this sentence eight times.


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Good communication skills go beyond conversations, but employees must know how to communicate well in written reports and emails. 

Email is a widely used tool for business communications, but a 2013 survey by Sendmail, Inc., found that it has caused tension, confusion, or other negative consequences for 64 percent of working professionals.So, how can you avoid your emails doing this? And how can you write emails that get the results you want? 

• Don't over communicate by email.• Make good use of subject lines.• Keep messages clear and brief.• Be polite.• Check your tone.• Proofread

• Any more?

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BAD EXAMPLESubject: Revisions

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for sending that report last week. I read it yesterday, and I feel that Chapter 2 needs more specific information about our sales figures. I also felt that the tone could be more formal.

Also, I wanted to let you know that I've scheduled a meeting with the PR department for this Friday regarding the new ad campaign. It's at 11:00 a.m. and will be in the small conference room.

Please let me know if you can make that time.



GOOD EXAMPLESubject: Revisions For Sales Report

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for sending that report last week. I read it yesterday, and I feel that Chapter 2 needs more specific information about our sales figures.

I also felt that the tone could be more formal.

Could you amend it with these comments in mind?

Thanks for your hard work on this!


(Monica then follows this up with a separate email about the PR department meeting.)

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Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

Successful communication is a two-way street. If management is doing all the talking, employees tend to tune out. What's more, the people doing the real work of the company often have the best suggestions for improving it and are often the first to see danger approaching.

Here are a few tips:• Create formal feedback mechanisms• Take input seriously• Check management attitude• Suspend judgment and evaluation • Reward feedback (if/when necessary, in very little ways)

Now let’s listen to you

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