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Let’s play!

Ascolta e leggi il fumetto.101

I play the clarinet and the piano. I don’t like classical music, I prefer jazz.

I love drawing and art. In my free time I usually draw comics. I can play the trumpet.

I play the cello and I’m very good at it!

I can play the guitar, but I prefer singing. I study voice at the conservatory of music three times a week.

Good morning!

We would like to know more about your interests. Can you play any musical instruments? Do you like music? Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?

Hello guys! How are you?

For example, I play the piano, I’m very good at it, but I also play the violin. I love classical music.

In Africa music is life! Everyone can play at least one instrument. I can play the djembe, that is a type of drum. I also love dancing!

I prefer rock music. I’m a very good actor and I love bananas.

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Indica se le frasi sono vere (T = True) o false (F = False).

1 Aleksej can play the piano and

loves rock music. T F

2 Captain Cook is a very good actor. T F

3 Maisha loves dancing. T F

4 Juliet is very good at playing the

trumpet. T F

5 Captain Cook is the conductor. T F


Associa ciascun personaggio allo strumento che sa suonare.3

•at least almeno

• conductor direttore d’orchestra

What does it mean?

1 Aleksej

A trumpet D celloB guitar E djembeC piano F piano and clarinet

4 Ilknur2 Juliet 5 Maisha3 Pablo 6 Francesco

OK, then everyone can choose an instrument and... let the music begin!

So, everyone can play a musical instrument here, right? Let’s play something together! Captain Cook is the conductor!

Great idea!

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Grammar spot1


Avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza

Present simPle Present continuous

Si usa per indicare...

• abitudini o routine quotidiana (spesso con gli avverbi

e le espressioni di frequenza):

Her brother never watches TV in the evening.

• situazioni permanenti: She lives in London.

• orari: The film starts at 9 pm.

Si usa per indicare...

• azioni in corso di svolgimento (now, at

the moment):

He’s studying German at the moment.

• azioni temporanee (this week, this month):

She’s studying for her exams these days.

Il present simple e il present continuous

Every day / week / month / year

Once a day / a week / a month / a year

Twice a day / a week / a month / a year

Three / Four times a day / a week / a month / a year

Trova gli errori nelle frasi e correggili.

Always I go to the park at the weekend. I always go to the park at the weekend.

1 I always am helpful at home.

2 They go sometimes to the cinema.

3 Is usually your teacher nice?

4 My cousin doesn’t never eat broccoli!

5 Do you visit often museums?

6 My teacher gives us always a lot of homework!


Completa le frasi con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

Francesco always gets up (always / get up) before 7.00.

1 He (play) the clarinet in an orchestra.

2 Hurry up! The bus (wait) for us!

3 Where (we / go)? This is the wrong road!

4 My friends (not believe) my story.

5 Please, be quiet! I (read) a very interesting book.

6 (Pablo / like) horror films?


•Gli avverbi di frequenza generalmente vengono posti prima del verbo. I always go to school on time.

•Con il verbo be, l’avverbio di frequenza segue il verbo e non lo precede. She is always hungry.

•A differenza dell’italiano, le frasi con never richiedono sempre il verbo alla forma affermativa. I am never late. NON I am not never late.

Keep in mind!always (100%) sempre

usually (75%) di solito

often (50%) spesso

sometimes (25%) qualche volta

never (0%) mai

Grammar bank, p. 88

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Grammar spot 1


Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

I think / am thinking this music is fantastic.

1 It is depending / depends on the weather...

2 These roses smell / are smelling lovely.

3 I am having / have a difficult time right now.

4 I look / am looking for my grammar book.

Do you know where it is?

5 I believe / am believing that Leonardo Di Caprio

is a wonderful actor.


• I verbi di stato di solito non si usano al present continuous.

•Alcuni si possono usare al present continuous ma cambiano significato: This film looks interesting. (Questo

film sembra interessante.) ª è uno

stato. She’s looking at me. (Lei mi sta guardando.) ª è un’azione.

Keep in mind!

I verbi di stato

Il present continuous con valore di futuro

Completa le frasi con il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

Veronica is washing (wash) the dishes after we have lunch.

1 Ilknur (travel ) to Turkey tonight?

2 My classmates (go) to the sports centre after school.

3 Francesco (not ride) his bicycle this afternoon.

4 Aleksej (do) his English test tomorrow afternoon.

5 Juliet (take) her brother to the shops this afternoon?

6 Pablo (watch) TV this evening.


• Non descrivono un’azione ma uno stato.

• Esprimono stati d’animo o volontà (like, love, hate,

prefer, want, need):

He wants to go to the cinema tonight.

• Fanno riferimento ai sensi (feel, smell, hear, taste,


Can you hear me?

• Descrivono un’azione della mente (think, believe,

know, realise, remember, understand):

I don’t understand what he wants to say.

• Il present continuous si può usare anche per parlare di azioni programmate nel futuro, con

avverbi o espressioni di tempo come tomorrow, next month, this afternoon, tonight, ecc.

I’m flying to New York tomorrow.

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Grammar spot1

Love / Like / Hate / Enjoy

8 eight

Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

Maisha Hi! What are you doing?

Pablo We’re playing basketball. Do you want to play?

Maisha No, thanks. I don’t like playing (not like / play) basketball.

Pablo Wow! I (1) (love / play) basketball, it’s great!

Maisha Well, I (2) (like / dance) instead.

Pablo Dancing! Oh, I (3) (hate / dance). I can’t dance.

Maisha That can’t be true. Everyone can dance.

Pablo Not me!

Maisha So I know you (4) (like / play) basketball, but what else do

you (5) (like / do)?

Pablo I (6) (like / play) chess.

Maisha Chess! That’s boring.

oVER To YoU! Crea delle frasi con would like o would love seguendo le indicazioni.

Your friend loves making pizza.

Sandy would love to make pizza for dinner.

1 You want to do something with your friend tonight.

2 You are in a restaurant and you want to have a glass of water.

3 You are expressing how much you want to go to Paris.

4 You want to become a footballer.

5 You are offering your friend a sandwich.

6 You wish to work for a big company.



Soggetto + love / like / hate / enjoy + forma in -ing del verbo

He enjoys travelling with friends.

Soggetto + would (‘d) love / like + to + forma base del verbo

I’d love to go to the theatre at the weekend.

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Vocabulary spot 1

Completa le tabelle con gli strumenti musicali dati. 3

trumpet • trombone • xylophone • drums • flute • violin • guitar •

clarinet • oboe • viola • timpani • tuba


Scrivi i generi dei film sotto alle locandine corrispondenti. Attenzione: ci sono due generi in più!


Ascolta il dialogo fra Ilknur e Juliet. Quali generi tra quelli dell’esercizio 1 vengono nominati?


Films & music

western • musical • science-fiction film • cartoon • fantasy film •

horror film • romance • action film • historical film • comedy

1 4 2 3










5 6 7 8

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Functions spot1


Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

Would you like to go to the cinema?

A Sure. Good idea.

B Are you free tonight?

1 Are you doing anything tonight?

A Sorry, I’m not a big fan.

B No, have you got anything in mind?

2 Let’s meet outside the cinema.

A Great, see you then.

B There are many people.

3 Sorry, I don’t really like musicals.

A Would you like to go to the cinema?

B OK, how about historical films?

4 Why don’t we watch that new horror film?

A I can’t sleep at night if I watch films like that.

B They were interesting.

5 Would you like to go to a concert?

A I always say yes to a concert.

B Why don’t you like rock music?

6 How about the new comedy film?

A I love comedies.

B A musical is the perfect show.


Asking about plans – Making suggestions – Expressing likes and dislikes

Completa il dialogo con le espressioni date. Poi ascolta e controlla.

Ilknur (1) tomorrow?

Maisha Yes, any suggestions?

Ilknur (2) shopping?

Maisha (3) I really want to buy new clothes and shoes.

Ilknur (4) the new shopping mall. There are a lot of fashion clothes and

shoe shops.

Maisha (5) clothes shops! What time would you like to go?

Ilknur The shopping centre opens at 10 on Saturday. We can get there by 11.

oVER To YoU! Immagina di chattare con la tua amica di penna inglese, Kate. Scrivi la chat seguendo la traccia (30-40 parole).

• Kate ti chiede se hai da fare sabato sera.

• Rispondi di no e chiedi che cosa ha in mente.

• Kate propone di andare a vedere un film


• Rifiuti categoricamente, detesti le commedie

romantiche. Proponi un film d’azione.

• Kate accetta e dice che adora i film d’azione.


I love • Great idea! • Let’s go to • Would you like to go • Are you free



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Culture spot 1

eleven 11

Very famous musicals

Leggi il blog. Poi indica se le frasi sono vere (T = True) o false (F = False) e correggi quelle false.


Completa il testo di presentazione di questo musical a partire dalla scheda.2

Hello. Welcome to my blog!

My name is Jamila and I live in Liverpool. I study at the Liverpool Theatre School. I’m very fond of musicals,

so for my birthday my parents gave me a holiday in the capital of musicals, London. London is full of

theatres, in the area called the West End there are more than 50 theatres, so it is also called Theatreland.

Here are two of my favourite musicals:

CatsCats is one of the most famous musicals in the world. The musical tells the story of a group of

cats. The music was composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The first performance of Cats was in

1981 and it ended in London in 2002. But you can still see it in other parts of the world. I saw it

in Singapore when I visited my uncle, for example.

Billy ElliotBilly Elliot is a musical based on the film of the same title. The music is

by Elton John and the lyrics are by Lee Hall. It tells the story of Billy, a

British boy who loves dancing, and his struggle against prejudice to

become a dancer.

• lyrics testi delle canzoni

What does it mean?

One of the most famous musicals of the last years is (1) .

It debuted in the USA, but it still runs in London at the (2) .

The musical tells the story of Simba, a young lion who wants to become a king. His

cruel uncle plots to usurp the throne and kills Simba’s father. Simba runs away to save

his life but when he is an adult he comes back. Simba defeats his uncle and becomes


The music and the songs are amazing. They are composed by (3) .

The duration of the show is (4) .

Title: The Lion King

Director: Julie Taymor

Music: Elton John

Song: Tim Rice

Duration: 160 minutes

Where: Lyceum Theatre,

London West End

1 London is the capital of classical music. T F

2 The London West End is called Theatreland. T F

3 Cats tells the story of a group of cats and dogs. T F

4 The film Billy Elliot is based on the musical. T F

5 Billy is a boy who loves singing. T F

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1 Fun-tastic games

12 twelve

Unisci i puntini e scopri lo strumento musicale.3

Risolvi l’anagramma e scopri lo strumento musicale.


S __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


Rock concert

Completa i giochi e scopri gli strumenti musicali, poi colora la band.

board__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Risolvi il rebus e scopri lo strumento musicale.1

__ __ __ __ __

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1Fun-tastic games


Quale strumento musicale sa suonare Ken? Trova l’uscita dal labirinto e lo scoprirai.







3 3



6 6

Completa il cruciverba e scopri il nome dello strumento musicale nascosto.


__ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __







