Download - edX on Google Cloud Platform

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edX on Google Cloud Platform

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Do you want to run edX platform on your own?

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See how it’s possible with few clicks

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1. go to under GCP click LAUNCH

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3. click on Launch Open edX Now

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4. set NAME, PROJECT (on google cloud platform, you will probably need to create new project & setup billing)select DISK SIZE and SERVER TYPE (n1-standard-1 min.)select REGION where server will be hosted

click on Create

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5. wait few minutes while everything is prepared

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don’t close this window

IP address

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http://<IP address>/ - Main page

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http://<IP address>:18010/ - course administration

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you can sign in with:username: [email protected]

password: assigned under Application Info

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But it’s better to have your own email and password, so we let’s

create another user.we’ll login into Django


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go to http://<IP address>/admin/ and sign in

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Lots of admin stuff here. in line Users click +Add to create new user

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type username and password, then click Save

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type your email, name and check in checkboxes.Save

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We need to create User Profile for new user.on User profiles line, click +Add

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select newly created User and Save

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That’s it.Now you can login under your email

and start making content.

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But there are still lots of things to set before you go to public

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Like having website on your own domain.

Or displaying your own theme on the main page.