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...Education in UAE between Past and present...

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Introduction:-Began the development of education in the United Arab Emirates effectively in 1962, did not exceed the number of schools then 20 schools, attended by less than 4,000 students, most of them male. Were not available infrastructure for many basic social services, such as hospitals, housing, airports, ..... Etc., and there was a great lack of manpower.Contents:- 1 History of Education in the UAEo 1.1 Type I: Koranic education or Mutawao 1.2 Type II: Education Seminarso 1.3 Type III: Education evolutionary or semi-formalo 1.4 Type IV: modern-formal education 2 development of education 3 development of education 4 resettlement education 5 women and education 6 ITo 6.1 goals 7 youth activities 8 Adult Education 9 measures of success 10 people with special needs 11 private universities 12 new strategic plan 13 schools tomorrow .. 14 sources

History of Education in the UAE:-The history of education in the UAE to ancient civilizations effects were found in several historical sites. In those first period was human develop themselves through self-education, and the acquisition of knowledge simulated friction, and in a subsequent period appeared education practiced by teachers they have the knowledge in the science of science, and so the development of education in the UAE from the traditional pattern simple to another form of education based on lessons and decisions and regulations. So we can determine through our conversation about the historical development of education are four types of educational systems that emerged in the UAE through its long history.Type I: Koranic education or Mutawa:-This type of education was prevalent long ago, has been practiced by a large number of mutawwa'in and Almtoat. They are veteran teachers. And adopted education Mutawa on the Quran and Hadith as well as training on writing and calligraphy and familiarity pillars of Islam and ablution, and no type sophisticated education in Mutawa appeared as a result of the different lessons that performed some mutawwa'in and diversity sometimes as a result of the diversity of culture and capacity to know and expertise, and this naturally led to the emergence of a clear differentiation in the lessons that children receive at the hands of some veteran teachers have continued education in Mutawa to the onset of evolutionary declined his role slowly, and disappeared from the community afterwards.Type II: Education Seminars:-This type practiced by a small number of scholars, scientists and insiders who they have the extensive knowledge of the assets of dogma and doctrine and interpretation, grammar, spelling, history and different religious lessons. Held in a corner in a mosque or be allocated a place or position known in Beit al-Faqih himself or in the house of a merchant or other objects in the town has prospered loops and lessons mentioned in the UAE for a long time but months episodes that ran scientists find themselves in the head tent during the campaign British Last by year 1819 AD and saw cities UAE many corridors of science that has Bahaaha senior scientists visited the country at the time and sat teach students thoughtful, and remained scientific seminars and classes mentioned source of science and jurisprudence has graduated the first generation of pioneers UAE, then declined with the advent of schools evolutionary and the beginning of the development of education and access courses and lessons in modern evolutionary schoolsType III: Education evolutionary or semi-formal:-Appeared during the period between 1907 to 1953. In these years led affected pearl merchants adults (Ataiwawih) movements of reform and Arab Awakening, and then opened schools Enlightenment in cities and recruited scientists to manage these schools and oversee the organization of the lessons and progress of education where the most famous schools evolutionary in Sharjah school Altimah Mahmudiya year 1907, and reform in 1935. In Dubai, the Ahmadiyya was founded in 1912 and Salmiya in 1923, and happiness in 1925, and Al Falah 1926. Education has witnessed in the Emirate of Dubai evolutionary remarkable development since 1936, this year founded the Encyclopaedia, the first circle of knowledge in the UAE, has been headed by Sheikh blocker bin Rashid Al Maktoum, leading the reform movement in the thirties.In Abu Dhabi, founded School Al Otaiba in 1930, and emerged after several schools the same pattern in the cities of the other emirates, has continued education Evolutionary until the late forties, where a number of factors to stop those schools, especially with the spread of recession trade and the emergence of cultured pearls and Tathiraharb Second World exchanges business in the Arabian Gulf, which reflected negatively on those leading schools that graduated from the elite intellectuals of the pioneers of the UAE and the school reform Qasmia was established in Sharjah in 1935 have helped through excellence in the development of education curricula of style semi-formal to formal education. And on the ruins of this school and through educational experiences established the first regular school in the UAE namely Qasimiyah School SharjahType IV: modern-formal education:-Began with Sharjah opening Qasimiyah school year 1953/1954, the first academic year in wire formal education. Appeared at the beginning of modern education or government in the UAE, and was educated organized in schools and classes and decisions as well as evaluate the student and give him a certificate course at the end of the school year and the development of formal education in the UAE during the two phases were dependent on local governments and knowledge which was founded during the sixties. The launch major education has occurred since the second of December 1971, a day on which all the UAE, Vtasst federal ministries including the Ministry of Education and Youth, which took responsibility for overseeing the education at various stages and spread over the period of government schools equipped with the latest devices and means and with architectural style upscale, and brought the state educational missions from various Arab countries to contribute to the development of modern education and so saw the UAE during that period a great leap in the field of education led to increased literacy rate among the people and the eradication of illiteracy, then a major development in the areas and types of education and stages. [2]Education Development:-When the discovery of oil and the beginning of the development, the state has paid great attention to education, and considered Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the education of development priorities, when he said: Young people are the real wealth of nations. He gave to all the projects that are gradually promote education, qualified for a generation grows capable of giving and serving the nation.When the Federation in 1971, were not educational services has reached many villages and cities, not the number of students in the state than the 28 thousand students, and was on those who wish to complete his education after high school was sent to the outside, either to a foreign country or Arabic for on graduate degrees at the expense of the state. At the same time worked to find leadership infrastructure.And has been the establishment of official bodies, which oversees the education, in the year 1970. Was then incorporates four stages of learning, are: [3] kindergarten 4-5 years Primary 6-11 years medium 12-14 Secondary 15-17 years.Education Development:-Began the development of education and provide all their needs, to include females and males who are educated in public schools for free, to appear later special education an integral part of the efforts of the public sector, and providing education to more than 40% of the students who are studying in the United Arab Emirates. As a special education teaching additional foreign languages to the many citizens and members of the various communities, as well as to adopt a variety of approaches for some materials, such as science, mathematics and others.Education remained the biggest concern of the state, arose to adopt a future plan for the development of education in the next twenty years, and bearing in mind the achievement of its objectives to reach education to levels consistent with the requirements of the standard technology and science. This plan focuses on the education of information technology and literacy in this area. To maintain the society's values and principles, and to ensure the promotion of the emerging generations. Ms. confirmed: Samar Mohammed Khamis Abdalgavr obtained Chhah from the Ministry of Economy in Abu Dhabi for intellectual property rights that it has a project to strengthen the ability to learn and Hmaalparwa be applied soon, God willing, for the benefit of millions of students from the Arab worldResettlement education:-This plan resettlement of education, the percentage of citizens working in the wire of Education to 90% by the year 2020. Today the spread of schools in every village, every students receive his share of education and educational care without discrimination.Women and Education:-I have benefited Emirati women greatly benefit from educational opportunities multi provided by her state, has shown Emirati women's ability to take responsibility, and the results of the general secondary for three consecutive years (1996-1999) evidence of the superiority of female students as more recipients to arrange the best success rate greater Be UAE students. The result now able Emirati women received several leadership positions in the state at various levels. It works with men in all government and private institutions have demonstrated a significant presence and a good performance does not differ from those provided by men.As can be seen now distributed Ain University graduates and technical colleges to all departments and companies, lists various works in specialties such as engineering and applied sciences, media and communications and information technology.IT:-It has become IT education top priority educational objectives in Dubai in particular, and the UAE in general, where he was Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, his own teaching information technology schools in Dubai in March 2000, and was a teacher Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the first secondary school in the UAE apply his project, and then circulated to schools in Abu Dhabi within a comprehensive plan aimed to publish it in all schools in the state.Of its goals:-Among the targets, set by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in mind, graduation generation, sons of the United Arab Emirates, is capable of serving their country and to meet its needs, a generation ambitious live up country and elevate him, in addition to securing the best tools of e-learning and equipping schools laboratories modern and update the curriculum to suit the requirements of the times. And promote the project to provide training to all students via the Internet, provider of all educational resources necessary through the gate for the project. [4] He also Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the promotion of information technology to inaugurate the first university email Dubai in the region and proved Falithaouhsalt a lot of international awards and joined Mrs.: Samar Mohammed Khamis Abdalgavr to become in the same convoy and provide the best educational project to promote e-learning ability as compassionate Park project and Minister of Education and former d. Hanif Hassan, director of curriculum ministerial: Sheikha professor immortality Qasimi

Youth activities:-Was accompanied by education special attention activities youth are many, including all parallel events to teach systematic, as was the adoption of private entities managing cultural clubs, arts and clubs Science and scouts, and is keen to organize social events and camping, taught the Koran and interested development sense of social and cultural youth.Adult Education:-Her state and rehabilitation of educating them, so they can keep abreast of developments and challenges surrounding them. We have the state adopt a comprehensive program to eradicate illiteracy in cooperation with the Association of Women's Union.Measures of success:-We can say that efforts are still going on and there's insistence on success, and can monitor the results of the experiment comparing simple, because we find that the literacy rate of men in 1975 and reached 54.2% compared to 30.3% for women, but changed in 1998, and became 73.4% for men and 77.1 % for women.Special Needs:-Also established a special department, under the Ministry of Education interested in developing the education of children with special needs and rehabilitation to occupy sites positive productive in society. This circle began to such achievements: Farm wholly managed by a group of physically disabled Zayed Agricultural Center for the Disabled, one of the successful projects. This project has received international attention and praise.Private Universities:-Opened in the UAE, a number of private educational institutions at various levels of education from nursery children up to the granting of Hadat higher education master's level. Since the first step in the development of the country, gave the United Arab Emirates great attention to youth and their role in making the future, and continues to do its utmost to develop education, and the provision of infrastructure inclusive, to take advantage of citizens in economic development, and strengthening the position of the country of civilization.New strategic planIn light of the state's new strategy and put the Ministry of Education Dzitha of General Strategy. [5]Schools tomorrow:-Within the framework of keeping up strategy the federal government, keen and the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to implement a joint program to get rid of strengthening programs offered by colleges and universities, so that students when graduating from high school able to pursue higher education in colleges and universities without the need to these programs. Has been set up working teams comprising members from the Ministry of Education and the UAE University, Zayed University and Higher Colleges of Technology, and is currently being work on the preparation of plans for the development of all aspects of work in schools and applied start of the next academic year 2007/2008 AD. [6]Resources:-1. ^ Education in the UAE2. ^ History of Education in the United Arab Emirates - Ministry of Education3. ^ History of education in the UAE4. ^ Portal for IT project5. ^ Strategy of the Ministry of Education6. ^ Schools of tomorrow - and the Ministry of Education in the UAE