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EDL 628School Law and

EDL 628School Law and

 Teacher Issues

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EDL 628School Law and


1. Announcements/Questions

 – Review Sheet

 – Online Course NextWeek

 – KYPT Issues

2. Evaluation &Dismissal

3. Teacher Expression

 – Oral Argument

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EDL 628School Law and

Evaluating Teachers

• 704 KAR 3:345

• When to Evaluate

• Must a school develop andfollow an evaluation plan? –  Yes, at least for tenured

teachers to put them on

notice of the evaluationcriteria.

• Who to evaluate …

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EDL 628School Law and

Case Summary

Bd. of Educ. of Erlanger-Elsmere v.Code

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• Causes & Procedures forDismissal

• 161.790

• Procedures for Dismissal – Notification of charges,

 – Opportunity for a hearing,

 – Adequate time to prepare arebuttal to the charges,

 – Access to evidence and namesof witnesses,

 – Hearing before an impartialtribunal,

 – Representation by legal

counsel, – Opportunity to present

evidence and witnesses,

 – Opportunity to cross-examine adverse witnesses,

 – Decision based on evidence

and findings of the hearing, –  Transcript of the hearing,


 – Opportunity to appeal.

1. Insubordination2. Immoral Character3. Physical or Mental


4. Inefficiency,5. Incompetency, &6. Neglect of Duty 

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EDL 628School Law and

Administrator Dismissal

•  Term Contracts, so possiblenonrenewal with no due process.

• If dismissed during the term of acontract, due process ensues.

• If the administrator has tenure in thedistrict, must comply with 161.175 reclassification to a teaching positionis possible.

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EDL 628School Law and

How free are teachers in theirexpression and lifestyle choices?

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EDL 628School Law and

Oral Argument PreparationTime

Photocredits: Laughing

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EDL 628School Law and

Oral ArgumentRobertson v. Lieberman County School 

District, No. 413

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EDL 628School Law and

 The First Amendment & Teacher

Speech• Pickering v. Board of Education (1968) – Jeopardized relationship with superiors or

coworkers? – Impaired classroom performance? – Impeded school operations?

• Mt. Healthy (1977) – School employees can be fired for

independent reasons even when

expression claims exist• Connick v. Myers (1983)

 – The form, content & context of theexpression must relate to a matter of 

public concern. Private grievances are notprotected.

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EDL 628School Law and

Case SummaryCurricular Speech?

Boring v. Buncome County Bd. Of Educ.

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EDL 628School Law and

• How does Hazelwood relate to all of this?

 – Rule: School officials can censor school-

sponsored expression for pedagogicalreasons.

• How is this different from Pickering?

MSNBC – Teacher 


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EDL 628School Law and

Association and PoliticalRights

•  You can be a Communist, but youcan’t get out of questions about it.

• Political Activity:


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EDL 628School Law and

Scenario #1

• A AP teacher complained to hersuperintendent that it wasunconscionable when the school

district cut funding of the gifted andtalented program.

Is this teacher’s speech protected under the First Amendment?

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EDL 628School Law and

Scenario #2

• A teacher appears on a televisiontalk show as a spokesperson for gayrights. Six members from the

community come to thesuperintendents office demandingthe dismissal of the teacher.

How should the superintendent respond?

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EDL 628School Law and

Teacher LifestyleChoices

Is the teacher a role modelboth in and out of the


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EDL 628School Law and

Can the school dismiss a

teacher if they disagree with ateacher’s lifestyle choices?

•  Yes. If the conduct has becomenotorious and the conduct directlyaffects the performance of theresponsibilities of the teacher.

• Note: There must be a nexusbetween the teacher’s conduct andthe disruption.

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EDL 628School Law and

Privacy Rights•

Where do Privacy Rights come from? – The 4th, 9th & 14th Amendments

• Fourth Amendment: protection againstunreasonable search and seizure.

Ninth Amendment: personal privacy act as anunremunerated right reserved to the people.

• Fourteenth Amendment: protection against stateaction impairing personal liberties without dueprocess of law.

• How do they affect schools?

• What do you make of this situation? – Sex Change Controversy 

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EDL 628School Law and

Past Attempted or SuccessfulDismissals for Lifestyle Issues

• Adultery

Involvement in Divorce• Pregnancy out of Wedlock

• Homosexual Orientation or Conduct

• Lawrence v. Texas (2003)

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EDL 628School Law and

Where do we draw the lineon teacher privacy?

Where should we?

Teacher’s Contract from 1923:

Miss agrees:

4. Not to get married. This contract

becomes null and voidimmediately if the teachermarries.

5. Not to keep company with men.

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EDL 628School Law and

1. To be home between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless inattendance at a school function.

2. Not to loiter downtown in ice creamstores.

3. Not to leave town at any time

without the permission of thechairman of the Board.

4. Not to smoke cigarettes. Thiscontract becomes null and void

immediately if the teacher is found

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EDL 628School Law and

1. Not to drink beer, wine, or whiskey.2. Not to ride in a carriage or

automobile with any man except

her brother or father.3. Not to dress in bright colors.4. Not to dye her hair.5. To wear at least two petticoats.

6. Not to wear dresses more than twoinches above the ankles7. Not to use face powder, mascara, or

paint the lips

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EDL 628School Law and

What Amendments apply toprivacy rights? How?

• Fourth Amendment: protectionagainst unreasonable search andseizure.

• Ninth Amendment: personalprivacy act as an unremuneratedright reserved to the people.

Fourteenth Amendment:protection against state actionimpairing personal liberties withoutdue process of law.

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EDL 628S h l L d

Discussion Questions