Download - Editing




The screenshots are from premier and are from when editing of the video first started and finished

This shows the production of the titles that I made using premier. I made sure that all the titles were in line with the video and each other. I put titles in the production because during my research I found out those opening sequences conventionally they feature in there. This is an example of the name of the production which was important as it tells the audience the name of the film.

This became easier after a while lining them up and making sure that they were all the same size.

Step 1) Decide what to put there.

Step 2) click on title.

Step 3) Get the right size for the text so that one size matches.

Step 4) Type the text needed.

Step 5) Press the exit button.

Step 6) drag the text from the side where you want it in the video.

Editing of music

Below shows the editing of music to match the different scenarios.

This shows that I have edited the sound between the start and the end. I had to make sure that all the music flowed properly and that the volume was loud enough to hear. Overall there were a few problems making sure that the audio stayed the same level of volume throughout and worked but found a way in the end. I used a mysterious sound track as this is conventional for thriller.

Editing of effects

Below shows the editing of a swinging effect of text coming in. This was done by typing in and searching effects and finding time to pick one that matched the genre thriller. This shot shows it in the middle of coming in.

This is the final result when it flips inwards. Overall this was used to make production of the opening sequence look more interesting and appealing for the audience.

Editing effects

This was done on Photoshop to make the logo of production of the video. Photoshop was used to make the palm tree and then copied over the premier to fit into the video.

Overall making this palm tree was difficult because I wanted to make sure that I didn’t use any copyright pictures and then find a way to still make it look affective to match the genre.