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Wednesday, March 21, 201216 Sport

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Continued on page 6

PaGe 12

oprah Winfrey network lays off one-fifth of staff

Kate battles nerves to give first public speech

Despite not getting the best out of his car in Melbourne, par-ticularly in qualifying, Vettel was under no illusions about how strong McLaren appears to be. “I think at the moment they have the up-

per hand,” said the double world champion. “They showed it here. But whether they still have it next week remains to be seen.

“Surely they look very strong. They had an excellent winter. Pre-

season testing was very good for them and they seem to be in very good shape, whereas there are a lot of things we need to do to catch up. Hopefully we will be able to do that and beat them.”

Although there were stages of the Australian GP where Vettel was a match for Button, he does not think that he had the package beneath him that would have al-lowed him to overhaul the 2009 world champion for victory. “Ini-tially I was quite happy because we caught up with Jenson and I

thought we might have a go, but he was too strong. I think you have to respect that and see the fact that he was unbeatable.

“He pulled away immediately [after the safety car] and I was struggling. I think I held up Lewis [Hamilton] at that stage a bit, strug-gling to get temperature, but after a couple of laps I was back into my rhythm and it seemed alright.

“I think we stabilised the gap to Jenson ahead and pulled away slightly from Lewis. It was a good race after that but surely we had no chance to beat Jenson.” Despite not being able to repeat his victory from last year, Vettel was still pretty happy with the overall weekend.

“I think we had a very good start of the race and I was able to find a rhythm quickly and get past a couple of people, especially the Mercedes because to get them is usually quite tricky. They are usu-ally quite quick on the straights and we’ve seen that last year a couple of times that many people got frustrated behind them, so that was crucial.

“I think the pace was pretty good and I was happy with the car. It was an important race for us to learn about the car and the potential was there. Surely Jenson deserved to win, so congratulations to him and the McLarens, but to finish ahead of Lewis was great for us.”

Vettel: red Bull will need to dig deep to overhaul McLaren

Sebastian Vettel has conceded McLaren has the upper hand over Red Bull at the moment, and that his team will need to dig deep if it is to overhaul its rivals in the fight for the world championship. Although Vettel bounced back from a disap-pointing sixth place on the grid to finish second last weekend in the Australian Grand Prix, he never looked like being able to threaten runaway race leader Jenson Button.

RoSS Brawn has taken a swipe at the exhaust designs of some rival teams, suggesting they have not been created in the way the rules intended.

Amid an ongoing row over the design of a DRS-activated F-duct on Brawn’s own Mercedes car, the team principal thinks that it is wrong that his team is being singled out for technical scrutiny.

“Every year that I can remember, there is debate and argument,” said Brawn about his car being at the centre of paddock gossip in Australia. “And probably, to be honest, what we have done is taken the spotlight off the ex-haust systems that people are running because they are nowhere near what was intended by the FIA.

“The FIA probably told you all that we were not going to have exhaust blown diffusers any more. We thought we were not going to have them. But several cars

have got them. “Our wing system has probably taken the spotlight off some-thing that was clearly never intended.

“F1 is very competitive, the people involved in it are extremely competitive, and it is the nature of F1. You have to work to written regulations and, if some-body can see a clever interpretation, then that is the nature of this business.”

Although Brawn still faces the risk of a rival team protesting the legality of the rear wing design on his car, he has ruled out lodging a similar complaint against the exhaust designs elsewhere.

“We have already been through the FIA and challenged the FIA to its interpretation,” he said. “They told us that they are comfortable with what has happened, so we respect that.

“We are now looking at the systems people are using to see if we feel that they could be a benefit to us. I suspect they will disappear next year.”

AP Photo/Brandon Malone,Pool

Red Bull driver Sebastian Vet-tel of Germany drives out of his pit lane garage during the Aus-tralian Formula One Grand Prix at Albert Park in Melbourne, Aus-tralia, Sunday, March 18, 2012.

Brawn hits out at rival teams’ exhaust

REUTERS/Brandon Malone

Ross Brawn

Bali Post

Denpasar – The terrorists shooting location in Laksmi Bun-galow on Danau Poso Street number 99x Sanur was still tightly guarded by the police on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. There were at least four police officers in the area and others were undercover police walking around the bungalow.

The condition around the area was not like before where hun-dreds of people gathered to see the scene. Yesterday, there was no more people who came and checking the bungalow but some motorists still curious with the bungalow. There were also some people in and out of the place. They were the people who rent the bungalow and also some prostitute who work there. The terrorists were looking for prostitute in the bungalow just before the raid.

IBP/Yudi Karnaedi

Balinese Hindus carrying temple equipment during the ritual of Melasti, in Padanggalak Beach, Bali, Indonesia on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. The ritual, which is performed ahead of the Balinese Hindu’s Day of Silence, is held to purify the universe from bad influences, bad deeds and bad thoughts.

The procession was already being started at 4 am. They were coming from Praupan Vil-lage, Bali Post Media Group, Bekul Village, Penatih, jenah,

and Tembawu Village. In the afternoon, the beach packed with the people from Kesiman, Biaung, Sumertha, Pagan, Tonja, and others.

The similar condition was also seen on Sanur through Sumawang Beach. The Melasti was carried out under the rain even some of the villages had use psychic to get rid the rain. However, the rain didn’t stop and that not made the Hindus to stop the procession. They still carried out the proces-sion solemnly.

In order to prevent any dam-age to the pretima which was

carried during the procession was wrapped with plastics. Ketut Wiana, a Hindu observer, said that the rain is not an obstacle for the Hindus to carry out the Melasti procession in relation to Nyepi Day. This shows their devotion to God.

The Melasti is the procession to clean the bhuawana agung and bhuawana alit. It will give positive vibrant to enter Nyepi Day. (sue)

entering nyepi day

Hindus carry out MelastiBali Post

Denpasar – Rain was not an obstacle for the Hindus in Denpasar to carry out Melasti procession on the beach. Since early in the morning, hundreds of Hindus already gathered on Padanggalak Beach on Tuesday, March20, 2012.


Police officers are seen on Laksmi Bungalow where the teror-ists were raided

The scene still tightly guarded

Page 2: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

International Wednesday, March 21, 20122 Wednesday, March 21, 2012 15International Sport

Bali News

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan. Jakarta: Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-

5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

“We ask all the components of society to further increase their awareness,” said Mayor Rai Mantra when met after the coordi-nation meeting with the leaders of regional working units (SKPD), headmen as well as societal components of Denpasar in the Ksiraarnawa Building, Denpasar on Monday (Mar 19).

Meanwhile, the Headman of Sanur Kauh, I Made Dana, justi-fied the shooting against the sus-pected terrorists on Jalan Danau Poso belonging to his territory, precisely located at Blanjong hamlet. The hotel or bungalow owner was a resident of Panti hamlet. “It is usually for short time and long stay,” Dana said

last Monday.Made Dana said that prior to

the incident his party organized an administrative discipline to resi-dents in three blocks. One of the targets set by the policing team of Sanur Kauh was the Jalan Da-nau Poso. The policing was over around 09:00 p.m. local time and the officers were about to return to their post. However, before dismissing, the sound of explo-sions was heard. It was presumed as the explosion of firecrackers. The officials of village security then monitor the source of explo-sion. However, upon arriving at location, police officers had been blocking the road section around the scene. “On that account, our

officers were then asked to secure the road,” said Dana.

Regarding the shot perpetra-tors, Dana assumed they came to the scene to monitor the condition of the neighborhood. Moreover, in the near future there would be organized the ogoh-ogoh parade. “Maybe they come to perform a location survey,” said Dana.

However, information in the field told if the perpetrators came to Sanur to look for prostitutes. They arrived by a red vehicle. While waiting for the coming of the prostitutes booked, they waited at local gazebo. Prior to making a date, the officers from the Special Detachment 88 had carried out the arrest. (kmb12)

Denpasar (Bali Post) –

Bali Distribution State Electricity Company (PLN) is experiencing losses that are predicted to reach hun-dred millions Rupiah due to the nature disaster that is hitting Bali such as a number of electricity material isola-tors, travers, Jointing MVTIC and treck schoor being hit by trees as Public Relation of the Company, Agung Mastika, in Denpasar last Monday (19/3)

stated. “After calculating the damages reaching IDR 400 million,” Mastika stated.

Even so Bali’s electricity supply is still secure and in normal condition after those damaged has been fixed. PLN will always supervise if there are any damages again remembering Bali’s weather still unfriendly. It was stated, lately there has been glitches on the electricity with worst affected at Kintamani, Ban-gli. Due to it, a number of un-

planned electricity turned off will happen as in Sukawana Village the electricity cables were hit by huge tree which needs a long time to repair it. “In Kintamani a number of time the electricity cur-rent didn’t go well, was on for several hours then died again, happened for two days. Yet as I clarified we are fixing it and the supplies in Kinamani have gone normal again,” Mastika concluded. (kmb27)

Denpasar (Bali)—Terrorism acts seem to still

become a serious threat to the se-curity of Bali. Evidently, Sunday night (Mar 18), the Detachment 88 team shot dead five suspected members of terrorist network in the area of Jalan Danau Poso and Jalan Gunung Soputan, Denpasar. It proved that Bali was still becom-ing a target of terrorists for their action so that the reality should be addressed seriously by all the com-ponents of Balinese community. The most appropriate attitude was by increasing alertness and closing any gaps potentially infiltrated by terrorists to prepare, plan and carry out their acts.

In this context, customary ham-let of each customary village should make synergy with the ad-ministrative village and intensify their surveillance over the hubs of the regional migrants in their territory through regular popula-tion inspection. Chief of Panjer customary village, Prof. Dr. I Nyo-man Budiana, and Chief of Tonja customary village, I Wayan Puja, confirmed the matter on Monday (Mar 19).

Budiana said that alertness to locations of the regional migrants as very vulnerable areas infiltrated by terrorists were not an excessive action or without a reason. By all means, it could be ascertained that not all the regional migrants had equipped themselves with the administration required so that their presence in Bali could be considered illegal. Additionally, many of them did not have a clear job so their activities in Bali were worth suspecting.

“Especially for handling the illegal regional migrants, I hope the Denpasar Municipality and regency governments in Bali have the courage to forcibly repatri-ate them to their home of origin. Moreover, the regional regulation on the information system for civil management in force today justified the taking of such firm action,” said Budiana.

According to Budiana, the

imposition of such strict sanction could not be interpreted that Bali was anti-migrants because it was not applied blindly. In contrast, the migrants complying with all the provisions required were still given the right to live and stay in Bali just like any other residents. The professor employed at the Un-diknas University also warned that Bali had been devastated by terror-ist attacks for two times known as the Bali Bombing I and II. Both in-cidents were inseparable from the awareness of Balinese community tending to be weak in monitoring the movement of illegal migrants in their territory.

“To anticipate similar incidents happening again, I do hope the owners of boarding house or rental house with their own conscious-ness to report the presence of migrants living in their house to local authorities. Do not wait until the coming of policing operation to submit the civil administration,” he said.

Similar opinion was also ex-pressed by Chief of Tonja custom-ary village, I Wayan Puja. Accord-ing to him, sanction in the form of forcible repatriation to illegal migrants ensnared in the policing operation in Denpasar was non-negotiable. To live in Denpasar, they should equip themselves with a valid identity, travel pass and certificate of expertise or skills from the authorities in the region of origin. Most importantly, they were also required to have a guar-antor who guaranteed that their presence in Denpasar was not for doing negative activities. In ad-dition, they were also required to report their existence in Denpasar to the authorities of village as well as submit the migrant identity card (KIPP).

“Without bringing such docu-ments, do not blame if the Den-pasar Municipality will forcibly repatriate them to their home of origin. Moreover, if the migrants have been proved to have no clear job in Denpasar,” he said. (kmb13)

Impact of terrorists firing

Denpasar Mayor asks village apparatus to be alertDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Shooting case against terrorist suspects in Sanur drew the attention of the Mayor of Denpasar IB Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra. His party asked the village officials to be more alert to anticipate the chaos and threat against the orderliness in the society. All the par-ties should make coordination, both with community leaders and village apparatus, so that the threats could be minimized.

Electricity Company loss hundred millions due to disaster

Terrorism threatens BaliIntensify surveillance to hubs of regional migrants

The 59 points scored by Orlando were the fewest allowed by Chica-go in any regular-season game. The Bulls’ previous record low points allowed was 62 in 1997. Lucas said Rose was an influence even when he was not on the court.

“Derrick comes us to us every game and says, ‘It’s time, let’s go. Just because I’m not playing doesn’t mean we’re going to lose,’” Lucas told reporters.

“We needed this win. It was a good road win for us.” Chicago (38-10) have built a three-game lead in the conference over Miami, who they beat 106-102 last week. The Bulls raced to a 15-point lead against Orlando and dominated the fourth by outscoring the home team 25-11.

Dwight Howard recorded 18 points and 12 rebounds but the

Magic (29-18) could not get their offense on track and lost for the third time in four games. How-ard’s renewed commitment to the Magic was expected to settle the team after he waived the opt-out clause in his contract last week that would have allowed him to become a free agent after this season.

However, his decision has failed to provide the Magic with a spark. With the win, Chicago’s Tom Thibodeau became the fast-est coach to reach 100 wins in the NBA, achieving the mark in 130 games.

“Tonight you saw a team play-ing without their star player and they did what they needed to do to win,” said Orlando’s Glen Davis. “I wish they would have had Derrick Rose, in a sense.


KEY BISCAYNE, Florida - Alisa Kleybanova says she will bring a whole new approach to her tennis ca-reer when she returns to tournament action on Tuesday after a ten month battle with cancer. The Russian was in the top 20 and tipped to rise higher in the game before she was diagnosed with stage two Hodgkins lymphoma after the Italian Open last May.

After undergoing chemotherapy in Italy, the 22-year-old is now ready to restart her career as a wild card at the Sony Ericsson, where she faces Sweden’s Johanna Larsson in the first round.

“I don’t want to think about rank-ings, I just want to be on the court and feel good. I just want to be myself,” she told reporters. “I have a huge motivation to just live at 100 percent, every day of my life.”

Kleybanova, who has won twice on the WTA tour, said she had been suffering excessive fatigue and flu-like symptoms for some time before medi-

cal tests produced the shocking news. “Something was going on because I kept getting sick but then I always got over it and I was playing tournaments and feeling pretty good,” she said.

“In Rome, obviously, I got really, really sick and couldn’t get over it anymore. So we started to do all the controls and exams. “You never think of something like that, you always think, let’s try again. I went to Paris, I was still hoping to play the French Open but I didn’t get better that time.

“On one side it was a shock but the other hand I knew there had to be reason why I wasn’t right,” she added. Kleybanova switched off from the game completely during her treat-ment in Italy and concentrated only on fighting the cancer.

“I knew it was going to be an-other big fight for me and one that is much tougher and take a lot of time and something I really had to focus on beating,” she said. “I followed everything that my doctors told me to do and I learnt to listen to my

body well,” she added. “I hope that is among the reasons why I was able to recover quickly.

“You feel really bad. I didn’t re-ally try to keep myself in shape or anything, the most important thing was obviously to survive - to stay there and resist.

“Because in the beginning you still think okay, I can do it, but the more you do, it gets worse. It doesn’t mat-ter anymore how you look and how long it is going to take you to get back on court.”

After finishing her treatment in December, she wasted no time in getting back in training in Florida with her eye on the Key Biscayne tournament.

“I know there will be some stress and nerves ahead of matches but it’s not the most important thing in my life anymore,” she said. “I’m just going to have fun out there and try to enjoy every day that I am on court. I am sure that will help me to get me back to my condition and hopefully even better again.”

Associated Press Writer

LONDON — English soc-cer player Fabrice Muamba began breathing indepen-dently and responding to family members on Monday, showing significant signs of recovery in intensive care two days after suffering a cardiac arrest during a match. The 23-year-old Bolton mid-fielder collapsed on the field just before halftime at Tot-tenham on Saturday. Initial attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful, and his heart started beating on its own again only later in the hospital.

For two days, amid an outpouring of global support, Muamba remained in critical condition in intensive care in a heart attack unit, and his long-term prognosis was uncertain.

But the Congo-born player made progress throughout

Monday, with medics no lon-ger describing his condition as “critical” by the evening.

“He is continuing to show signs of improvement this evening,” Bolton and the London Chest Hospital said in a joint statement. “He is now able to breathe inde-pendently without the aid of a ventilator. He has also been able to recognize fam-ily members and respond to questions appropriately.

“These are all positive signs of progress. However, his condition remains seri-ous and the medical staff in intensive care will continue to monitor and treat him.”

Muamba’s friend, Curtis Codrington, said the fam-ily told him the player was speaking “minimal words in English and French, which is better than nothing.” That was later confirmed by Chel-sea midfielder Michael Es-sien after a hospital visit.

Bulls hold Magic to 59 points, win without RoseReuters

Chicago - The Chicago Bulls continue to thrive in the ab-sence of league MVP Derrick Rose and cemented their place at the top of the Eastern Conference with a suffocating 85-59 road win over the Orlando Magic on Monday. The Bulls are 10-4 without Rose, who has missed four straight games with a groin injury. Carlos Boozer scored 24 points and had 13 rebounds while reserve point guard John Lucas put up 20 points to pick up the slack.

Chicago Bulls

center Joakim

Noah (13) is

fouled by Orlando

Magic center

Dwight Howard

while going up

for a shot during

the first half of an

NBA basketball

game in Orlando,

Fla., Monday,

March 19, 2012.

AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

Kleybanova returns to the court after cancer battle

Muamba breathing independently, talking again

Page 3: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

3 Wednesday, March 21, 201214 InternationalInternational Bali NewsSport Wednesday, March 21, 2012

“I can’t deny that it’s better to be eight points behind than 10 and tomorrow we have to come out and compete again,” Guardiola told a news conference ahead of the Spanish, European and world champions’ home game against Granada on Tuesday. “I still think that we won’t win the league,” added the former Barca and Spain midfielder.

“I am delighted that the fans and the players think we can do it. It’s nice to have that hope. “But it will be very hard to win all 11 games we have left and they (Real) will drop very few points. “This is the first time we are coming from behind, but the point is that we are coming from a long way back and all the teams have a lot at stake.”

Guardiola has had the upper hand over his Real counterpart Jose Mourinho in head-to-head clashes this season but Barca’s patchy away form has left them trailing in the league. The only team to beat Real at their Bern-abeu stadium this term, Barca look to have an easier run-in in the league campaign and host their arch-rivals at their Nou Camp arena next month.

Real, who play at struggling

Agence France Presse

Former Brazil star Ronaldo, a member of the local organizing committee of the 2014 World Cup, on Monday registered his interest in becoming president of the coun-try’s football federation.

“I would like to begin my politi-cal career in football. I want to be-come a football politician,” he was quoted as saying in an interview in the Folha de Sao Paulo daily.

Ricardo Teixeira, who led the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) since 1989, stepped down this month and also resigned his post as head of the organizing committee.

His 22-year stewardship of CBF was marred by controversy, with repeated calls for his resignation amid allegations of financial ir-regularities in Brazil and abroad. His deputy Jose Maria Marin has taken over.

Reuters ma moved four points

behind third-placed Lazio in Serie A’s Champions League qualifying spot after Pablo Osvaldo’s early goal secured a 1-0 win over Genoa on Monday.

City rivals Lazio lost 1-0 at Catania on Sunday as Udinese and Napoli drew 2-2, opening the door for Luis Enrique’s inconsistent sixth-placed side to and make a late dash for third place with 10 games left in the season.

Striker Osvaldo, start-ing in place of the injured Francesco Totti, converted Leandro Greco’s pass after three minutes as Roma domi-

nated at the Stadio Olimpico. Rodrigo Palacio hit the bar for 14th-placed Genoa when it looked easier to score.

U.S.-owned Roma, who on Monday signed a deal to train at Disney World during the next pre-season, now have their eyes fixed on the Magic Kingdom of the Champions League having spent big this term building a new team which has not always gelled.

Leaders AC Milan and second-placed Juventus look all but assured of automatic entry into Europe’s top club competition next season but Serie A’s race for third spot and the qualifying round berth could go to the wire

Barca unlikely to reel in Real - Guardiola

Barcelona’s Alexis San-chez from Chile, top, and

Sevilla’s Julien Escude from France, bottom, fight for the ball dur-

ing their La Liga soccer match at the Ramon San-chez Pizjuan stadium, in Seville, Spain on Satur-

day, March 17, 2012.


BARCELONA - Barcelona still have very little chance of catch-ing leaders Real Madrid and securing a fourth successive La Liga title despite closing the gap to eight points, coach Pep Guardiola said on Monday. Real conceded a stoppage-time equaliser to draw 1-1 at home to Malaga on Sunday, ending an 11-match winning streak, and Barca’s 2-0 win at Sevilla on Saturday left Real on 71 points to Barca’s 63 with 11 matches left.

Villarreal on Wednesday, still have away games at Osasuna’s Reyno de Navarra stadium, where Barca lost 3-2 last month, at city neighbours Atletico Madrid and at Athletic Bilbao. They also have tough home games remain-ing against third-placed Valencia and Sevilla.

Barca’s trickiest away match looks to be at Levante, who are currently in fourth, and fifth-placed Malaga visit the Nou Camp at the beginning of May.

Both holders Barca and Real are through to the Champions League quarter-finals and could meet in the final. Barca play Bilbao in May’s King’s Cup final having disposed of Real in the last eight.

AP Photo/Angel Fernandez

Ronaldo interested by top Brazilian football job

Ronaldo, who won the World Cup with Brazil in 2002, said he did not know whether he would

be a candidate for the presidency but if the CBF asked him “I would accept”.

AFP Photo/Vanderlei Almeida

Former football star Ronaldo, member of the Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup organizing committee, is embraced by a fan after visiting Mario Filho “Maracana” stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on March 2.

Roma beat Genoa to close in on third

Mangupura (Bali Post)—Hindu devotees held melis or melasti or mekiyis procession on Tuesday

(Mar 20) in conjunction with the celebration of Nyepi or Day of Silence in the Caka New Year 1934 falling on Friday (Mar 23). Water springs becoming the destination of the melasti procession was tributaries, lakes and so on.

Meanwhile, the Hindus at three customary villages in Badung—consisting of the Kerobokan, Padang Luwih and Padangsambian organized their melasti procession on Tuesday to Petitenget Beach.

Chief of Kerobokan customary village, AA Kompiang Sutedja, said on Monday (Mar 19) that hundreds of pratima or sanctified effigies represented the venerated deities were escorted in the procession by means of approxi-mately 120 palanquins. Such ritual procession started at 08:00 a.m. local time by Hindu devotees from of Padang Luwih customary village and then was followed by the Kerobokan and Padangsambian. To make the implementation go smoothly, the village apparatus had coordinated with police and pecalang or customary security taskforce. During the melasti procession, the road users on the Kerobokan-Petitenget route should acknowledge it.

“We will use a half of the road body from Padang Luwih customary vil-lage to the Petitenget Beach and vice versa. For smoothness of the melasti procession, the road users either riding motorcycle or vehicle are advised to look for alternative routes to avoid the congestion,” he said. In accordance with the experience of previous years, the melasti procession always ran smoothly. Similarly, the current procession was also expected to take place smoothly and successfully.

Added AA Kompiang Sutedja, after the melasti procession in the sea, the sanctified effigies would be enthroned in Baleagung temple of each cus-tomary village. There the deities would abide for two days. They would be escorted back to each abiding temple after the devotees undertook the tawur kasanga ritual at each village intersection, then proceeded with Pengerupukan on Thursday (Mar 22) or the day before Nyepi. “This procession aimed to invoke the Tirtha Amertha or holy water of life in the ocean and sweep away the impurities of universe,” he said. (08)

Decision of the jury panel set the ogoh-ogoh coming to nomination namely the Candra Birawa (Sebe-langa), Bhuta Kala (Pekambingan), Ganapati Duta (Gemeh), Naras-ingha Murti (Titih) entirely from West Denpasar subdistrict.

Meanwhile, the nomination from North Denpasar consisted of the Ksatria Gatot Kaca (Tang-guntiti), Wahana Awatara (Maerta Rauh Kaja), Ganapati Murti (Tain-siat), Dhurga Mahesura (Sedana Merta) and Gatot Kaca Anggugah

Janji (Tega). Then, five nominations from East Denpasar were Wraspati Kalpa (Kedaton, Sumerta), Panca Satya Mudurga (Sima), Detya Para Cona (Kepisah), Detya Kala Ludraka (Kedaton, Kesiman).

The five members of jury panel also put the ogoh-ogoh from South Denpasar into nomination as par-ticipants of the parade, namely the Catur Mukha (Gladag), Desa Kala Patra (Dukuh Merta Jati), Sita Kapandung (Karang Suwung), Candra Bairawa (Sekar Kangin),

and Secamuka (Kaja).Head of the Denpasar Cultural

Agency, I Made Mudra, said on Monday (Mar 19) the parade would be conducted prior to the parade carried out by customary youth club (STT) of the hamlets held around the Catur Muka Stat-ue. “We will organize the parade earlier than the ogoh-ogoh parade of the nearby hamlets,” said Mudra accompanied by the Spokesperson of Denpasar Municipality, Dewa Gede Rai. (kmb12)

Amlapura (Bali Post)—Having shot dead the five sus-

pected members of terrorist net-work in Denpasar, the exit-entry point to Bali through the Padangbai was heavily guarded on Monday (Mar 19). All the human passengers and freights were inspected.

Chief of Padangbai Port Police (KP3), Dewa Ketut Nila Candra,

said last Monday in Padangbai that his party did not found so far the suspected members of the terrorist network. Aside from the examina-tion to people, his party did not found any weapons or explosives.

He said that such strict guard was also intended to prevent any escapee of the members of the terrorist networks, including other

criminals like bank robbers from leaving Bali through the eastern-most gateway.

According to Nila Candra, the vehicles entering and leaving Bali were also examined by de-ploying animal unit in the form of bomb sniffer dogs. He said such strict guard would continue to be made. (013)

IBP/Yudi Karnaedi

Ogoh-ogoh entitles Narasinga Murti from Banjar Titih, one of the parade during Pangeru-pukan Day

Participants of ogoh-ogoh parade definedDenpasar (Bali Post)—

After going through the assessment process, the jury panel consisting of five personnel ulti-mately decided that 20 pieces of ogoh-ogoh or papier mâché demon in Denpasar were ready to join the parade in central intersection of Denpasar. The twenty pieces of ogoh-ogoh originated from four subdistricts in Denpasar.

After the shooting of suspected terrorists

Padangbai Harbor strictly guarded

Denpasar (Bali Post) –Five suspects to be terrorists

shot to dead by Densus 88 Indo-nesian Police and Bali Police last Sunday (18/3) at two locations, Laksmi Hostel, Danau Poso Street No. 99X, Sanur, South Denpasar and around Gunung Soputan Street, West Denpasar, named Hilman, Dede and Nanang from Band-ung, Kapten alias Umar from Jepara, Martino alias Abu Hanif alias Abang from Makassar were strongly suspected will act during Melasti (cleansing ceremony at the beach) ceremonies as they would look for crowded locations such as this kind of ceremony, from the information collected by Bali

Post last Monday (19/3). Yet for when they will take action it is not known yet from the document con-fiscated, one of their plans were during those ceremonies. Besides that they were going to rob at sev-eral places such as jewellery shop, money changer and café which they have surveyed several days ago. According to the anonymous source, there was no local boy in-volved in this planned act although one of them have lived in Jimbaran for a long time while other came one by one several days ago. “It is suspected they were part of a network group that did the robbery at CIMB Bank, Medan,” a anony-mous source stated. (kmb21)

Singaraja (Bali Post) –Post shooting of terrorists

in Denpasar, Buleleng Police straight away supervised the pub-lic harbour at North Bali shores in anticipating any terrorists using water route to get out of in Bali. Besides that a number of area that have become non residents’ living place also being supervised as stated by Buleleng Police Opera-tional Section Head, PC Ida Putu Wedana Jati, last Monday (19/3). “We are taking anticipation steps after the shooting. We are putting

efforts in increasing security on entrances also illegal routes in Buleleng,” Jati explained.

It was stated until last Monday there hasn’t been any indica-tion of such group coming in through North Bali. Even so routine security has taken place as conditioned. Celukan Bawang Harbour, PPI Sangstit and other public harbours were also being supervised also flats in Buleleng. “For this we have coordinated with responsible institutes,” Jati concluded. (kmb15)

Thousands of Hindu devotees perform melasti to Petitenget

Terrorists planning to attack at ”Melasti”

Public harbor at northern beach supervised

Page 4: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela — Ven-ezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Monday that his government has received word of plans for an at-tack on his leading rival. Chavez did not give details but said his govern-ment had information of a possible plot against opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles.

“I have information they want to attack Capriles, and we’ve offered security for his team,” Chavez said in a telephone call broadcast live on state television.

The president said the director of the national intelligence agency met with Capriles’ team. As for who might be behind such plans, Chavez

said, “it’s not the government, not at all.” “As a government, we’re obliged to get involved in this situ-ation and provide protection to any Venezuelan, and above all in this context,” Chavez said.

He said his government believes that “foreign groups or sectors” are behind the plans, the government-run radio station YVKE Mundial reported. “This is information that we’ve treated seriously due to the sources from which it comes,” Chavez said, without elaborating.

The Venezuelan leader made the remark two weeks after gunfire rang out at a political event where Capriles was meeting with resi-dents of a traditionally pro-Chavez neighborhood. One young man, a

supporter of Capriles, was injured in the shooting. Capriles criticized the president’s comments Monday night on his Twitter account.

“The statement of the candidate of the (ruling party)... borders on being irresponsible,” Capriles said in one message. “A president shouldn’t offer protection to one Venezuelan,” an-other message from Capriles said. “He should guarantee it to all Venezuelans, which is something very different.”

News International4 Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Science Wednesday, March 21, 2012 13International

With the attacker, who escaped on a motorbike, still on the loose, police stepped up a manhunt in the city of a million people in southwestern France. Sarkozy said the killings and those of the soldiers, one of Carib-bean and two of Muslim origin, in two attacks last week, appeared to be motivated by racism.

Mourners gathered for an over-night vigil at the Ozar Hatorah school in a leafy residential neighborhood in Toulouse, where the gunman went on the rampage on Monday morning, killing a 30-year old rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his children aged four and five, and another child, the daughter

of the school’s principal. The 7-year-old girl, Miriam Monsonego, died in her father’s arms as medics tried to resuscitate her.

“He came on his motorbike, got off and shot a bullet in the air... Then he got out another gun and started shooting at everyone, at the children. He chased us into the school,” Baroukh, a Jewish man living nearby who had come for morning prayers, told Reuters, declin-ing to give his family name.

Military police reinforcements were rushed into the area and guards were deployed at mosques and synagogues in the region. In the United States, New York police ramped up security at syn-

agogues and other Jewish institutions citywide. Video surveillance footage showed the gunman bursting into the school and shooting one child at close range in the head, before fleeing on a motorbike, said Nicolas Yardeni, regional head of the French Jewish umbrella association, CRIF.

It was the worst anti-Semitic incident in France since August 1982, when six people were killed in a grenade attack and subsequent shooting at the Goldenberg restaurant in a Jewish neighborhood of central Paris. France’s 600,000-strong Jewish community is Europe’s largest.

Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, the Socialist opposing him in his uphill bid for re-election in May, both rushed to the scene. “Barbarity, savagery and cruelty cannot win, hate cannot win. The republic is much stronger than all this,” Sarkozy said, announcing a min-ute of silence in schools on Tuesday.

Agence France Presse

Gun-toting soldiers patrol guard posts overlooking North Korean territory beyond a barbed-wire fence. Hundreds of red flags with a skull motif dot roadsides, warning of mines. This is the area which South Korea hopes to turn into a major eco-tourism attraction.

Untouched by developers for six decades due to the military standoff, the scenic areas surrounding the world’s last Cold War frontier have paradoxically become a peaceful haven for wildlife. The 155-mile-long (248-kilometre) borderline which bisects the peninsula was fixed when the 1950-53 war ended with an armistice. A Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) extending for two kilometres each side of the line was designated as a buffer zone.

Thousands of tourists who visit the truce village of Panmunjom within the DMZ each year get a grim reminder of the peninsula’s tragic past. Now Seoul is trying to put a more positive spin on the border region, by promoting its ecological value and opening trekking routes which will also give visitors a glimpse of the secretive North.

“The DMZ has been no man’s land for decades, making its well-preserved natural surroundings a perfect site for eco-tourism,” Park Mee-Ja, a director of the environment ministry’s nature policy divi-

sion, told AFP. “There is so much more to this area than just the sad history and the war.”

The DMZ and surround-ing area are home to nearly 3,000 plants and animals -- including otters, mountain sheep, musk deer and doz-ens of other species -- nearly extinct elsewhere in the crowded South, according to the government. Civilians are barred from entering the DMZ except at Panmunjom. The South’s military also restricts civilian access to the strip of land immediately south of the zone.

The DMZ itself will re-main off-limits to visitors. But after long deliberation the South’s army is finally set to sign an agreement this month to open up its out-skirts -- and to help develop routes free of mines.

Hugo Chavez: plans for attack on rival uncovered

AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez holds up a Venezuelan

flag in front of supporters as he stands on a balcony at Mira-flores presidential palace in

Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday March 17, 2012.


Messages of hope for reunification are seen attached on a military barbed wire fence at Imjingak peace park in Paju near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) divid-ing the two Koreas.

S.Korea to push tourism near tense border with North

AP Photo/Bruno Martin

Police officers and firefight-ers gather at the site of a shooting in

Toulouse, southwestern France, Mon-

day, March 19, 2012. A shooter

opened fire in front of a

Jewish school killing a num-ber of people, the Toulouse

prosecutor said Monday.

Gunman attacks Jewish school in France, four killedReuters

TOULOUSE, France - A gunman shot dead three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in Toulouse on Monday, days after killing three soldiers nearby, prompting French President Nicolas Sarkozy to put the region on its highest terrorism alert.

The first batch of panda dung tea will be sold in lots of 50 grams that will cost some 22,000 yuan ($3,500) each, a price An said makes it the world’s most expensive tea. Most people use about 3 grams of tea per cup. An defended the steep price, saying he would channel profits from the initial batches into an environmental fund. Future batches would be cheaper, he added.

“I thank heaven and earth for bless-

ing us with this environmental panda tea,” the 41-year-old former teacher and journalist said at a weekend event to promote the tea. “I just want to con-vey to the people of the world the mes-sage of turning waste into something useful, and the culture of recycling and using organic fertilizers.”

Dressed in a panda suit to promote his tea, An invited a dozen or so guests to help hand-pick the first batch of tea at his plantation at the weekend.

The fertilizer made the tea a health boon, An said, because pan-das only eat wild bamboo and absorb only a fraction of the nutrients in their food. And pandas make plenty of fertilizer. “They are like a machine that is churning out organic fertil-izer.” An said. “They keep eating and they keep producing feces.”

“Also, they absorb less than 30 percent of the nutrition from the food, and that means more than 70 percent of the nutrients are passed out in their feces.”

After brewing the first pickings, An described the tea as fragrant and smooth. Some of his guests, how-ever, were not impressed. “It’s sold at such a sky-high price, perhaps this is just hype,” said 49-year-old Li Ximing.

Agence France Presse

Apple has sold more than 3 mil-lion units of its third-generation iPad in less than four days. “The new iPad is a blockbuster with three mil-lion sold?the strongest iPad launch yet,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Customers are loving the incredible new features of iPad, including the stunning Retina dis-play, and we can’t wait to get it into the hands of even more customers around the world this Friday.”

The latest iPad went on sale in Australia, the US, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Switzerland, UK and the US Vir-gin Islands at 8 AM local time on March 16.

In 2010, Apple sold approxi-mately 300,000 units of the original iPad on the first day of sale. It took close to 80 days to reach sales of 3 million. Reuters reported that Apple

sold almost one million units of its second generation tablet, the iPad 2, on its launch weekend in 2011.

In December 2011, Amazon an-nounced that consumers were buy-ing its tablets at a rate of a “million Kindle devices per week.” At the time Amazon said its 7”, $199 Android-based Kindle Fire tablet was its bestselling product but declined to provide sales figures for its individual devices. Apple, on the other hand, announced that iPad sales had reached a total of 55 million units worldwide in December 2011.

The third-generation iPad will be available in additional countries including Austria, Belgium, Bul-garia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ice-land, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Roma-nia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden on Friday, March 23.


LONDON- On New Year’s Eve 2004, after months of losing weight and suffering fevers, night sweats and shortness of breath, student Anna Watterson was taken into hospital coughing up blood.

It was strange to be diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB)- an ancient disease associated with poverty - especially since Watterson was a well-off trainee lawyer living in the affluent British capital of London. Yet it was also a relief, she says, finally to know what had been mak-ing her ill for so long.

But when Watterson’s infection refused to yield to the three-pronged

antibiotic attack doctors prescribed to fight it, her relief turned to dread. After six weeks of taking pills that had no effect, Watterson was told she had multi-drug resistant TB, or MDR-TB, and faced months in an isolation ward on a regimen of injected drugs that left her nau-seous, bruised and unable to go out in the sun.

“My friends were really shocked,” Watterson said. “Most of them had only heard of TB from reading Vic-torian novels.” Tuberculosis is often seen in the wealthy West as a disease of bygone eras - evoking impover-ished 18th or 19th century women and children dying slowly of a disease then commonly known as “consump-

tion” or the “white plague”.But rapidly rising rates of drug-

resistant TB in some of the wealthi-est cities in the world, as well as across Africa and Asia, are again making history. London has been dubbed the “tuberculosis capital of Europe”, and a startling recent study documenting new cases of so-called “totally drug resistant” TB in India suggests the modern-day tale of this disease could get a lot worse.

“We can’t afford this genie to get out of the bag. Because once it has, I don’t know how we’ll control TB,” said Ruth McNerney, an ex-pert on tuberculosis at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Drug-resistant “white plague” lurks among rich and poor


A volunteer holds sputum samples from tuberculosis (TB) patients at the Indonesian Union Against Tuberculosis clinic in Jakarta in this April 4, 2011 file picture.


Employees collect tea leaves fertilised by panda droppings during a media event at a tea farm in Ya’an, Sichuan province March 17, 2012.

Poo for tea: China’s pandas brew a top dropReuters

YA’AN, China - China’s national treasure, the giant panda, will become even more precious if one businessman succeeds in using their dung to grow organic green tea he intends to sell for over $200 a cup. An Yanshi, an entrepreneur in southwest China, grows the tea in mountainous Ya’an in Sichuan province using tons of excrement from panda bears living at nearby breeding centers.


Apple has sold more than 3 million units of its newest tablet.

Apple sells a record 3 million iPads in less than 4 days

Page 5: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Activities Wednesday, March 21, 2012 5Entertainment InternationalWednesday, March 21, 201212 International

Temple CeremonyCalendar Event for February March 18 through April 6, 2012

EvEry Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is con-sidered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importance of the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sail-ings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.

Balinese Temple Ceremony

18 Mar redite Umanis Merakih - Pura Parangan Tengah Banjar Ceningan Kangin - Lembongan- Pura Dalem Celuk Sukawati Gianyar

21 Mar Buda Wage Merakih - Pura Bendesa Mas Kepisah Pedungan - Denpasar Selatan- Pura Natih Banjar Kalah Batubulan- Pura Desa Silakarang Singapadu- Pura dalem Petitenget Kerobokan - Kuta- Pura Dalem Pulasari Samplangan - Gianyar- Pura Kubayan - Kepisah Pedungan - Denpasar - Selatan- Pura Pasek gelgel Banjar Tanahpegat - Tabanan- Pr. Paibon Banjar Bengkel Sumerta - Denpasar- Pura Pasek Lumintang Denpasar- Pr. Panti Penyarikan Medahan - Sanding - Tampaksiring- Pr. Pasar Agung Banjar Dauh Peken Kaba-kaba - Tabanan.

27 Mar Anggar Kasih Tambir - Pura Dalem Puri Batuan Sukawati- Pura Dalem Kediri Silakarang - Singapadu- Pura dalem Desa Sukawati- Pura Dalem Desa Singakerta - Ubud- Pura dalem Lembeng Ketewel - Sukawati- Pura Paibon Pasek Tangkas Peliatan - Ubud- Pura Puseh ngukuhin Keramas - Gianyar.- Pura Pemerajan Agung Ki Telabah Tuakilang - Tabanan- Pura Karang Buncing Blahbatuh- Pura Dalem Bubunan Seririt Buleleng- Pura Desa Badung Kota Denpasar- Merajan Pasek Gelgel Gobleg Turupinghe, Banjar, Buleleng- Pura Luwur Pedengenan Bedha Bongan - Tabanan- Mr. Dukuh Sebudi -- Mr. Pasek Ngukuhin Keramas- Pura Pucak Payongan Lungsiakan - Desa Kedewatan- Pura Tanah Kilap Denpasar Selatan- Pura Selukat Desa Keramas - Blahbatuh - Gianyar- Pura Dalem Tampuagan Desa Peninjoan - Tembuku -

Bangli- Pura Waturenggong Desa Taro- Pura Dalem Bentuyung Ubud- Pura Puseh Ubud.- Pura Dalem Peliatan Ubud.

28 Mar Buda Umanis Tambir - Pura Sari Bankar Titih Kapal

6 Apr Purnama Kedasa - Odalan Betara Turun Kabeh Besakih- Ngusaba di Pura Bukit Jati Bukit Jati - Bangli- Pura Batur Kalanganyar Bangli- Pura Masceti Pejeng Aji Tegalalang Tegalalang- Pura Dalem Tangsub Sukawati- Pura Penambangan Badung Denpasar- Ngusaba Pura Lempuyab Madia Pura Lempuyab Madia Karangasem- Ngusaba Pura Batur Bangli- Pura Desa Singakerta Ubud- Pura Pasek Gelgel Tagtag Kukuh Marga Tabanan- Pura Gaduh Ketapian Sumerta Denpasar- Pura Pasek Bendesa Batur Batur Tuak Ilang Tabanan- Pura Pasek Agung Tagtag Kelod Peguyangan Denpasar- Pura Agung Pasek Bendesa Tonja Denpasar- Pura Pasek Gelgel Angsri Baturiti- Pura Pasek Gelgel Bale Agung Subamia Subamia Beraban- Pura Dukuh Sari Belatung Bengkel Timpag Kerambitan- Pura Pusat Dukuh Sari Belatung Rendang Karangasem- Pura Pita Maha Palangkaraya Kalteng- Pura Canda Peraba Komplek Polri Jelambar Jelambar Jakarta Barat- Pura Agung Jagat Natha Kota Denpasar- Pura Pemerajan Agung Puri Petak Gianyar- Pura Dadia Agung Bendesa Tangkas Kori Agung Pusat Desa Gerih Abiansemal Badung- Pura Puseh Desa Adat Dukuh Sidemen Karangasem- Pura Jagathita Karana Samarinda- Pura Penataran Agung Sriwijaya Palembang Sumatera Selatan- Pura Agung Girinatha Semarang


JAKARTA - Jakarta based Aston International had opened its second Quest Hotel in Bali – the Quest Hotel Tuban on March 16th, 2012.

The 95 rooms 3 star plus hotel is located in the heart of Tuban on Jalan Kediri just down the road from the well-liked Aston Tuban Inn and only a short a 5 minute drive from Bali’s Airport.

The new Quest features 95 over-sized guest rooms, which are with 39 to 42 m2 considerably larger than is common for Bali hotels in this category, an eclectic all day restaurant, a swimming pool and a full service spa.

The Quest Hotel Tuban is a funky,

enjoyable, and affordable hotel that aims to combine the value of a pre-mium budget hotel with unique and inspiring design and uncompromis-ing service standards making it ideal for vacationers seeking a fashionable but unpretentious environment.

Aston International’s Vice Presi-dent for Sales & Marketing, Mr. Norbert Vas, said “Quest hotels are unique as they are moderately priced but target travelers who possess a certain savoir vivre and appreciate stimulating design and

attention to detail. Our first Quest in Bali, the Quest Kuta Central Park, won last year’s Indonesia Design Editor’s Choice Award for the Best Budget Hotel design in the country and we are very confident that Quest Tuban is equally attractive and will

match this success “Indonesia will see more of As-

ton’s style meets value approach to mid class hotels as further Quest Hotels are in an early stage of de-velopment in Denpasar, Makassar, Surabaya, Solo and Yogyakarta.

Quest Hotel Tuban opens in Bali

Courtesy of Aston International

Seen in the picture, Mr. Norbert Vas - Vice President Sales & Marketing and Mr. Bagus Pariyatna - General Manager of Quest Hotel Tuban (center).

“As CEO, I have a responsibility to chart the course for long-term success for the network. To wholly achieve that long-term success, this was a necessary next step,” Winfrey said. The respon-sibilities of the laid-off workers will be distributed among people with the network and its venture partners, Dis-covery Communications and Winfrey’s Harpo Studios, according to OWN.

The cable channel, which launched Jan. 1, 2011, endured a freshman year of executive turnover and missteps that proved OWN lacked a solid foundation on which to build. This was despite a Discovery Communications invest-ment of a reported $250 million and counting.

Discovery executives will take a

more active role in the channel, accord-ing to the announcement. Neal Kirsch, chief financial officer of Discovery’s U.S. networks, will move to OWN as the chief financial officer and chief op-erating officer, reporting to OWN presi-dents Erik Logan and Sheri Salata.

John MacDonald had decided to exit as OWN’s COO, Logan said. Another Discovery executive, Lee Bartlett, will have joint oversight of business and le-gal affairs with an OWN vice president, Tina Perry.


LOS ANGELES - And people thought Ashton’s Kutcher’s “Two and a Half Men” predecessor Charlie Sheen had a tendency to get way out there...

Kutcher has signed on to go into space, as a customer of Richard Bran-son’s upcoming Virgin Galactic service,

which will shuttle rich people from the Earth, probably to escape to a distant planet as the accelerating class warfare lays waste

to the ground below.“Two and a Half Men” star Kutcher will be the company’s 500th customer, Branson an-nounced on his blog Mon-day.

“I gave Ashton a quick call to congratulate and welcome him,” Branson wrote. “He is as thrilled as we are at the prospect of being among the first to cross the final frontier (and back!) with us and to experience the magic of space for himself.”

According to Branson, Vir-gin Galactic’s spaceships “are built and flying in the final stages of our exhaustive test flight program.” Tickets for the flights run $200,000.

Actor Brad Pitt and “X-Men” director Bryan Singer are also among those who have report-edly booked tickets for Virgin Galactic flights.

Associated Press Writer

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Ac-tor Sean Penn is being honored by a group of Nobel laureates for his relief work in Haiti following the country’s devastating January 2010 earthquake.

Penn is to receive the 2012 Peace Summit Award at the 12th World Sum-mit of Nobel Peace Laureates. The event will be held in Chicago next month and

is expected to draw such luminaries as Poland’s Lech Walesa and the Dalai Lama.

Penn arrived shortly after Haiti’s quake and established an aid organiza-tion now known as J/P Haitian Relief Organization. The group has provided schools, medical care and housing to thousands of people displaced by the quake. The actor issued a statement Monday calling the award an “extraor-dinary honor.”

Oprah Winfrey Network lays off one-fifth of staffAssociated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES — Oprah Winfrey’s struggling television network, OWN, said Monday it is laying off one-fifth of its workers and restructuring its operations in New york and Los Angeles. The decision to let 30 employees go is a “tough” one, but the economics of a start-up cable network didn’t fit with OWN’s cost structure, Winfrey said in a statement.

AP Photo/Harpo, Inc., George Burns/file

FILE - In this Oct. 10, 2011 file im-age released by Harpo, Inc., Oprah

Winfrey, right, is shown with host Rosie O’Donnell during the debut of “The Rosie Show,” in Chicago.

Sean Penn’s Haiti work earns humanitarian prize

AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa, File

FILE - In this April 10, 2010 file photo, U.S. actor Sean Penn carries the be-longings of a person displaced by the earthquake as people are relocated from the Petion ville Golf Club to a new camp, Corail-Cesselesse, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Ashton Kutcher signs on to go into space

Ashton Kutcher

Page 6: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Wednesday, March 21, 20126 11News

BUSINESSInternational International

From page 1

Catherine, who was wearing a royal-blue dress which fashion com-mentators said was identical to one worn by her mother two years ago, confessed to one wellwisher after the address: “I find doing speeches nerve-wracking.” The 30-year-old Duchess of Cambridge, formerly known as Kate Middleton, appeared to have memorised the speech, glancing at her notes only occasionally.

She told a packed audience she regretted that William, the second in line to the throne, could not be with her -- he is in his final week of a six-week training period as an air force helicopter pilot in the Falkland Islands. “I am only sorry that William can’t be here today; he would love it here,” she said.

“A view of his -- that I share -- is that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.” Catherine visited the charity privately last year when re-

searching which causes she wanted to support. On Monday she said she was “enormously proud” to be a patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices.

She said that “far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children”, the hospice was “a home”. “For many, this is a home from home -- a lifeline, enabling families to live as normally as possible during a very precious period of time.” The speech earned a rapturous round of applause, prompting a broad smile from Catherine.

Fashion commentators said Cath-erine’s 57-year-old mother Carole had worn an identical dress, a £139 ($220, 167 euros) number from high street retailer Reiss, to the Royal Ascot horse racing meeting in 2010. That prompted speculation that mother and daughter share clothes.

Graeme Moran, fashion writer at fashion industry magazine Drapers,

said: “She sends the message that fashion should not be throw-away and wear once and never wear again.” Catherine married William in a cere-mony in April last year at Westminster Abbey watched by a global television audience of two billion.

The speech was the latest in a series of solo engagements for the duchess since her husband went to the Falklands on a posting which has angered Argentina as the 30-year an-niversary of the war over the islands approaches.

On Sunday, she carried out her first solo military engagement, presenting sprigs of shamrock to members of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards infantry on St Patrick’s Day. Last week, she showed the skills that made her captain of her school’s field hockey team as she joined Brit-ain’s Olympic squad in the Olympic Park in east London.

Associated Press Writer

OSLO, Norway — Five people were killed and one person was dug out alive after Swiss and French skiers were buried by an avalanche Monday on Norway’s Arctic fringe. Rescuers located the victims through beacons from their radio transceivers, but only the first person they found survived, a Swiss man who was taken to a local hospital in stable condition.

A 1-kilometer (3,000-foot) wall of snow came crashing down on the ski-ers on Sorbmegaisa mountain, 65 kilometers (40 miles) east of the northern city of Tromsoe, police spokesman Morten Pettersen said. The last victim was found buried under 6 meters (20 feet) of snow.

Four Swiss and one French skier died in the avalanche, which started at a height of 1,100 meters (3,600 feet) and was 600 meters (2,000 feet) long. Swiss Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jenny Piaget confirmed that four Swiss citizens had been killed and one injured. They were not named. A Swiss embassy official from Stockholm was dispatched to support the survivors.

The victims were part of 12 people out skiing when the avalanche struck about 2:30 p.m. One of the six who escaped called to alert authorities, and dozens of volunteers were dispatched to the site along with police and military helicopters. Rescuers tracked down the avalanche transceivers through the heaps of snow as they scrambled to dig out the victims. Police announced after 7 p.m. that the last victim had been found.

“It was a demanding search,” said Tor Indrevold of the local Red Cross team, explaining that rescuers were “digging down two stories” of snow.

The northern tip of Norway is popular among tourists who come to experience the Arctic wilderness or marvel at the Northern Lights. The region also offers cross-country skiing, reindeer sledding, ice fishing and snowmobile rides.


BAGHDAD - Car and roadside bombs killed at least 43 people in cities and towns across Iraq on Tuesday, police and hospital sources said, extending a spate of violence ahead of next week’s Arab League summit in Baghdad.

The meeting is seen as the country’s debut on the regional stage fol-lowing the withdrawal of U.S. troops in December and Iraq’s govern-ment is anxious to show it can reinforce security to host its neighbors.

The deadliest attack on Tuesday occurred in the southern Shi’ite Muslim holy city of Kerbala, where twin explosions killed 13 people and wounded 48, according to Jamal Mahdi, a Kerbala health depart-ment spokesman.

“The second explosion caused the biggest destruction. I saw body parts, fingers, hands thrown on the road,” 23-year-old shop owner Murtadha Ali Kadhim told Reuters.

“The security forces are stupid because they always gather at the site of an explosion and then a second explosion occurs. They become a target.”

Security forces are frequently targeted in Iraq, where bombings and shootings still occur on a daily basis and Sunni Muslim insurgents and Shi’ite militias are still capable of carrying out lethal attacks.

Although overall violence has declined since the height of sectarian fighting in 2006 and 2007, many Iraqis worry whether their government has the wherewithal to impose security nine years after the U.S.-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein.

Avalanche kills 5 foreign tourists in Norway

Explosions across Iraq kill at least 43


Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge joins in an art class with Marnie Jennings at The Treehouse centre in Ipswich, eastern England. She gave a steady performance in her first public speech as a royal, conquering her nerves to address children and staff at the hospice

Kate battles nerves to give first public speechAgence France Presse

Prince William’s wife Catherine gave a steady performance in her first public speech as a royal on Monday, conquering her nerves to address children and staff at a hospice. She looked confident though sounded a little apprehensive as she paid tribute to staff and volunteers’ efforts helping children with life-threatening conditions at the Treehouse centre in Ipswich, eastern England.


LOS ANGELES - Hamburger chain Wendy’s Co knocked Burger King Corp from its spot as the second-largest U.S. ham-burger chain in 2011, but sales of both companies continued to lag McDonald’s Corp , the country’s No. 1 restaurant chain.

The combined revenues of Wendy’s and Burger King came to just under $5 billion last year, when total revenue at McDonald’s rose 12 percent to $27 billon, according to earnings statements from the companies.

McDonald’s menu appeals to a wider range of customers, and it has used its financial heft to buy ingredients like ground beef at lower prices than many of its rivals.

Subway remained the second-largest restaurant chain in the United States last year, according to a report by consulting firm Technomic.

Starbucks Corp came in at No. 3, followed by Wendy’s and Burger King, according to Technomic.

Technomic found that overall sales for the top 500 U.S. restau-rant chains grew 3.4 percent to an estimated $242 billion in 2011. That compared with an 1.8 percent rise posted in 2010.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries was the fastest-growing U.S. chain with sales over $200 million, followed by burrito chain Chipotle Mexican Grill and Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches, Technomic said.

The sales were the latest indication the multiple programs the government and Federal Reserve initiated to bail out the financial sector may turn out to be less costly than originally feared.

The Treasury bought $225 billion of MBS in 2008 and 2009 in an effort to keep the mortgage market from freezing up as private investors fled. The $250 billion it reaped from the investment reflected both principal and interest.

“The successful sale of these securi-ties marks another important milestone in the wind-down of the government’s emergency financial crisis response efforts,” Treasury Assistant Secretary Mary Miller said.

The government purchased the mortgage debt as part of a bid to stabilize the housing industry, using funds authorized by the Housing and Recovery Act of 2008. It was one of several programs running in paral-lel with the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, which was set up during the administration of President George W. Bush to buy toxic assets from banks, but that ended up largely as a mechanism to inject capital into financial institutions.

Economist Douglas Lee, who

heads advisory firm Economics from Washington, said it seems inevitable the government will end up with “sub-stantial losses” on the bailout effort but it was appropriate to try to reap gains where possible.

Over the long haul, though, the effort to rebuild a reliable housing finance system means that costs for subsidizing operations of firms like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will continue to be costly, he noted.

Investments in insurer AIG and in automakers are likely to prove hard to fully recoup. Earlier this month, the Treasury said it was selling 206.9 million shares of AIG, which still would reduce the government’s stake in the company to 70 percent from 77 percent.

“You have to say that these pro-grams have worked in the sense that it’s restored a sense of stability that we sought,” Lee said, “But now it is right to have the government back out and let the private sector get on with their job.”

Many critics contend it did more to prop up Wall Street than Main Street, and anti-bailout anger helped fuel both the conservative Tea Party movement and Occupy Wall Street

on the left. Treasury Secretary Timo-thy Geithner has argued the steps the government took helped prevent a deeper economic downturn.

Some $414 billion was paid out in TARP funds in a process that gave the government preferred stock in banks, other financial firms and some automakers in return for the public investment. Some of the preferred stock was later converted to com-mon stock in some of the firms. A Treasury official said that to date $331 billion has been repaid, includ-ing dividends and interest earned on the preferred shares.

While the TARP program current-ly is $83 billion in the red, the Treasury projects losses will ultimately shrink to about $68 billion. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has a lower loss estimate of $34 billion.

Taxpayers, also stand to lose from the bailout of mortgage fi-nance firms Fannie Mae and Fred-die Mac , which were placed into government conservatorship in 2008. The government has lost $151 billion on its investments in the two companies, but the Obama administration projects that loss will fall to $28 billion by 2022.


- Royal Bank of Scotland Plc is closing its equity capital market and corporate finance units in South Korea and cash equities businesses in Indonesia, Korea and Singapore affec t ing 70 people as part of moves to cut the size of its investment bank.

The decision to close some units comes after an agreement with Malaysia’s second-biggest lender CIMB Group Holdings Bhd , which is not buying the units, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters and later confirmed by the bank.

An RBS spokeswoman said 70 employees would be impacted by the closure of the units and that it would work closely with CIMB

to conclude the deal for the other Asian units.

CIMB said earlier this month that it had entered into exclusive talks with RBS to acquire some of its Asia-Pacific cash equities and investment banking busi-nesses.

“However, for commercial reasons, we have agreed with CIMB that the cash equities, ECM and corporate finance busi-nesses in Korea and cash equities in Indonesia and Singapore will not ultimately transfer as part of the sale,” the memo said.

“We have therefore made the decision to initiate steps to wind down these businesses commenc-ing today.”

A significant chunk of RBS’ operations are in Hong Kong,

Singapore, Australia and India. It has offices in 11 countries across the region, including China.

The deal with CIMB came after an auction for the sale of Asian assets of RBS attracted interest from firms including Bank of China Ltd and Japan’s Mizuho Financial Group Inc .

RBS has halved the size of its investment bank as part of a major retreat since its 2008 taxpayer bailout, and has been forced by the British government and lower profitability across the industry to extend the retreat further.

Earlier this year, the bank had said it would exit its cash equi-ties, corporate broking, equity capital markets and mergers and acquisitions businesses.

AP Photo/Reed Saxon

This Jan. 29, 2012 photo, shows signage promoting break-fast is at a Wendy’s restaurant in Culver City, Calif. Wendy’s edged out Burger King in U.S. sales volume for the first time last year since Wendy’s was founded in 1969, according to a report by the food industry research firm Technomic Inc. that’s set to be released next month.

Wendy’s knocks Burger King out of No. 2 spot

Treasury nets $25 billion profit on mortgage debtReuters

WASHINGTON - The Treasury Department said on Monday it made a $25 billion profit on sales of mortgage-backed securities acquired during the financial crisis, part of its ongoing ef-forts to wind down taxpayer-financed bailout programs.

RBS shutting down some Asian units

One of the tenants, Indah, said that she is still afraid because of the incident. She explained that when the raid which killed five people hap-pened, she was watching TV in her room. “I thought it was sound of firecracker but when I went out of the room, a police

officer told me to stay inside,” Indah added.

The similar thing was also stated by Lia. She said that there were more than 10 shots fired during the raid. “I was shock and shaking in my room during the gun fire happened,” Lia said. . (jay)

The scene...

Page 7: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 7Indonesia Today Wednesday, March 21, 201210 InternationalInternationalDestinations

08123961594New Year Eve



Classic Stage

ChristmasKids Party


Kehen Temple is a beautiful Hindu temple located in foothills, south part of Bangli Re-gency and it is about 45 Km from Denpasar town. Inside of this temple are, there is Pany-impenan Temple building keep 3 inscriptions which is relating to its contents and temple existence. It is strategically located in the high land, so we can see the beautiful view. It is a famous temple in Bali and many visitors from foreign country has visited it.

The existence of the inscription at Kehen Temple can be explained as follows:

* Kehen Temple Inscription ‘A’ is men-tioning the existence of 3 sanctums those are Hyang Api, Hyang Tanda, and Hyang Karimama

* Kehen Temple Inscription ‘B’ from 11 century is mentioning the empire functionary that is the Senapati Kuturan pu Kandara and it elaborate with the anathema words in oath

* The Inscription from 13 century (year 1204 M) is mentioning Hyang Kehen and Hyang Wukir. At the moment Hyang Kehen is equal to Kehen Temple and Hyang Wukir is Puncak Bukit Bangli Temple.

* It is one of Monarchic Temple, The tem-

ple under the aegis of king while ceremony execution and construction is delivered to local countryside custom

* As a sanctum which is used as a altar (oath) for empire functionary who disloyal to his obligation will incur the Sapata or very horrible anathema. The function of Kehen Temple as sanctum in execution of oath ceremony is supported by the existence of a circumlocutory canister by 4 dragon tails which is called canister Sarpantaka. Nowa-days, the canister is placed in a building in form of Gedong

* Worshiping supremacy Siwa God in the form of Eka Dasa Rudra utilizes to request the godsend to the good human life and universe for blessing of fertile life, secure, prosperous and peaceful.

The structure of Kehen Temple yard is arranged to have a terrace and it shows the existence of tradition megalithic which is continued as a symbol from the existence of mount that is one of the fertility sources. The temple festival can be divided into 2 types those are Piodalan Ceremony which is executed every 6 month, that is on Wednes-day Keliwon Sinta (Balinese Calendar) and Ngusaba Ceremony which is executed every 5 years.IBP/File

Kehen Temple


JAYAPURA - The body of Sri Rama Krisnan, pilot of a crashed helicopter in Papua was evacuated from Tembagapura through Timika to Jakarta on Monday morning for an autopsy at the Cipto Mangunkusumo general hospital.

On Sunday (March 18), Search and Rescue (SAR) team of PT Freeport in Papua province, successfully evacuated the body of Sri Rama Krisnan from the crash location at 9.45 am local time.

The pilot body of the New Zealand citizen was subsequently sent to Tembagapura hospital.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the other two victims, Adrianus Amba Sangka and Iyan Timisela, were still laid in state in Tembagapura hospital for identification proses.

The helicopter with flying code PK-ODA which crashed on Saturday, March 17, was found around the tunnel 70 or left side of Tembagapura towards the Ridge Camp of PT Freeport.

Search and Rescue (SAR) team of PT Freeport in Papua province, successfully evacuated the body of Sri Rama Krisna from the crash location at 9.45 am local time.

The helicopter belonging to Airfast Company which was oper-ated by PT Freeport, crashed when it returned from Awanagon to Tembagapura.

Prior to the crash accident that was allegedly due to the bad weather, the helicopter pilot, once contacted the helipad 66 of Tembagapura asking permit for emergency landing, however it subsequently went missing.

The PSSI, organisers of the previously unofficial Indonesia Premier League said they would also recognise the Indonesia Super League providing ISL organisers handed over control.

The decision came after the PSSI congress in Palangkaraya, Borneo on Sunday but not all members attended the meeting which world governing body FIFA had ordered to happen before Tuesday.

The Indonesia Soccer Rescue Committee (KPSI), featuring some PSSI members, held its own confer-ence in north Jakarta on Sunday after growing frustrated at what it said was poor leadership by the

PSSI.There the KPSI elected a new

PSSI leader and deputy chairman and plan to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport to have them recognised as the heads of Indone-sian soccer by FIFA, Indonesian media outlet Kompas reported on Monday.

Despite the KPSI’s actions, the PSSI’s disciplinary commission head, Bernhard Limbong, said he was “optimistic” its moves to rec-ognise the ISL would avoid FIFA sanctions.

“We have followed FIFA’s order to hold a congress before March 20 and we did that,” Limbong said.

“We have also admitted Indone-sia Super League, as well as Indo-nesia Premier League (LPI), under PSSI, which addressed FIFA’s stat-ute to unite the breakaway league into one single league.”

The move could appease upset supporters of the national team, who were humiliated 10-0 by Bah-rain in their final World Cup quali-fier last month after the ISL-based players were barred from playing because of the feud.

Last year, under the guidance of former chairman Nurdin Halid, the PSSI was fortunate to avoid a FIFA suspension after failing to arrange leadership elections and control the then-unofficial LPI backed by oil tycoon Arifin Panigoro.

Halid eventually left office and was replaced in a July elec-

tion by the Panigoro-backed Djohar Arifin Husin. The LPI then became the PSSI’s recogn-ised league.

However, Halid’s former col-league Nirwan Bakrie restarted the ISL this year, reigniting the issue, but Limbong said the two leagues will now co-exist under the PSSI should the ISL agree.

“So for now we have two leagues working parallel for this season. If these leagues later disagree, we would dismiss both leagues and form a new competition, we can call it Indonesia’s pro league or something,” Limbong said.

“But we can’t do it now. We are still tied with broadcasting contract, players contracts.”

However, the PSSI have other problems to address.

The KPSI elected La Nyalla Mahmud Matalitti as its PSSI chairman on Sunday with Rahim Soekasah his deputy after saying they had the support of the majority of the PSSI.

“Djohar Arifin is no longer rec-ognised by two-third members of PSSI that are here,” Matalitti was quoted as saying by the Jakarta Post on Monday.

The PSSI disputed the atten-dance figures at the KPNI Jakarta meeting saying its conference in Borneo was attended by 94 of 97 legal voters.

While the olive branch might limit the immediate threat of sanc-tions by FIFA, the football power struggle in the world’s most popu-lated Muslim country appears a long way from concluding.


JAKARTA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held talks with a number of rectors here on Monday to discuss the possibility of Indonesia developing green cars as a solution to unstable global crude oil prices.

“I hope that leading institutes of higher learning will collaborate with the government or other part-

ners in the future to produce the so-called green transportation or green cars,” the President said.

He said green cars were a solu-tion to the problem of uncertain global crude oil prices.

“So that in 10 or 15 years this nation will not be affected by global oil price upheavals,” the President said.

The development of an envi-ronmentally friendly and efficient

transportation system served as the answer to global challenges such as energy crises and climate change, he noted.

The move was part of a preven-tive effort so Indonesia would always be prepared to face any global oil price upheavals, he added.

“A nation that is not prepared will lose to other nations,” he said.

Among the rectors present were Ahmaloka of the Bandung-based Institute of Technology (ITB), Triyogi Yuwono of the Surabaya-based 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS), Gumilar Rus-lima Soemantri of University of Indonesia (UI) and Sudjarwady of the Yogyakarta-based Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

At the meeting, the President was accompanied by Minister/State

Secretary Sudi Silalahi, Education and Culture Minister M. Nuh, In-dustry Minister MS Hidayat, and Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta.

Earlier in the day, the President received a Nissan-Renault delega-tion led by Carlos Ghosn.

Minister Hidayat said Nissan-Renault had expressed keen inter-est in helping Indonesia develop green cars.

AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim

Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, right, gestures during a joint press conference with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after their meeting at Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

President discusses green car development with rectors

Indonesia hope to dodge FIFA banThe Indonesia Football Association is confident of avoiding a FIFA

ban after offering an olive branch to another breakaway soccer league in a new twist in the struggle for power.

Crashed helicopter pilot`s body evacuated to Jakarta

Page 8: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

98 International Wednesday, March 21, 2012 International Wednesday, March 21, 2012


OVERVIEW:If there’s just one dish that people remember after a

visit to Bali, it’s this famous delicacy, usually known by its Indonesian name, Babi Guling.

INGREDIENTS:1 suckling pig, weighing about 6-8kg1½ tbsp salt200 shallots, peeled and sliced100 gr cloves garlic, peeled and sliced50 gr ginger, peeled & chopped300 gr candlenuts, chopped350 gr fresh turmeric, peeled &chopped3 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed80 gr laos, finely chopped120 gr bird’s-eye chilies, sliced10 stalks lemon grass, finely sliced1 tbsp black peppercorns, crushed1 tsp dried shrimp paste, roasted5 fragrant lime leaves, finely shredded2 salam leaves2½ tbsp oil4 tbsp turmeric water

PREPARATION:Ensure inside of suckling pig is completely cleaned

out. Season inside and outside with salt. Combine all other ingredients, except turmeric water, and mix thoroughly. Fill inside of suckling with mixture, close belly with string or thin satay skewer. Rub the outside of the pig with turmeric water until the skin is shiny yellow.

Place suckling pig on roasting rack and roast in hot oven (220°C / 425°F) for approximately 1 hour. Rest for 10 minutes in warm place before serving. When serving, first remove the crisp skin with a strong carving knife, then loosen meat from the bones and cut into even dice or slices. Place a heaped tablespoon of stuffing on each serving plate, and then top with meat and skin. Traditionally this dish is eaten with Jukut Nangka Mekuah and steamed rice.

Helpful hint: If you have a large barbeque with rotisserie or constantly turning spit, you can cook the pig over charcoal for an authentic Balinese flavor.

At first, people knows about the meaning and values behind brata penyepian (Nyepi fasting) as a part of Hindu’s teaching and one Balinese unique tradition. In its development there’s a want to make that tradition as part of tourist attraction. Now, people want it more than that wants it as a part to be applied and seen as something important in the global environment.

Before this there were some psy-chology problems appearing as in Nyepi. Supports did not come from those who did not involve in these priorities yet it came at last after the positive appreciation spread having its approach added or changed and so global priorities got in it which is marked by (and hopefully will actu-ally happen) by having all television station broadcast off minimal for Bali area for the whole day of Nyepi Caka New Year 1933 this Saturday, 5th March 2011.

These global priorities were part of the ongoing three aspects as I wrote in December 2007 that in introducing and socializing the meaning of Nyepi with new approaches will let others see the use of having it in preserving the environment. Nyepi was intro-duced to the nation and international not for Bali’s tourism priorities but for wider importance, global itself, for ongoing development. Nyepi from global perspective can still be assessed such as environmental pollution.

In this context the Head of Indo-

nesia Delegation for Climate Change Summit Conference year 2007 in Nusa Dua, Emil Salim, revealed that Nyepi has a great contribution in decreasing CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emission not only in Bali and not only a day and night but its positive affect spreads and for that it is not weird if other confer-ence attendees were amazed with the film about Nyepi in Bali. They were amazed remembering this conference was about the reflection of the world’s complaint against global warming as the earth’s surface temperature kept going up with carbon dioxide and other gasses or green house gasses kept covering earth, keeping heat.

This approach should be developed and has a wider appreciation that brata penyepian is not only in order to ap-preciate certain religion and for Bali’s tourism, but it’s for everyone, a uni-versal priority and for the future. Bali is rich with universal characteristic spirits and so to introduce it so doesn’t need a religious approach such as spirit in agriculture is the subak (irrigation) system, tumpek kandang ceremony for environment preservation which is all part of traditional spirit which amazed others as it has universal meaning. Other than that would be Nyepi itself, kawitan (ancestors), banjar, desa pakraman (traditional vil-lages), sekaa (groups) and more.

Those spirits were not only dig and united to make the dreamed Bali, Bali Dwipajaya, but also to actualize in

finding balance points in developing variety in purpose those spirits keep protected and became an inspiration source in the new variation. For ex-ample Bali traditional spirit taught to build a building not just for owner’s need but also for the environment. Yet its height parameter is not “not al-lowed to be higher than a coconut tree” but it’s “not more than 15 meters”.

These spirits couldn’t be applied if facing globalization grabbing the world. Agriculture sector with its subak system seems no longer seen its role when the international world hit by food crisis. In other hand, the affect of higher commodity agricul-ture price in international market not felt by the local farmers. Also when soya beans price and others are being played by overseas traders, the local entrepreneurs couldn’t fight back. This is showing that all this time we haven’t fully actualize these spirits that is developing beneath the people and so the balance point in variety hasn’t been found. Moreover those universal meaningful spirits starts to go.

The analogue with Nyepi is the Tri Hita Karana (three human harmonic connection with God, human and environment). Tri Hita Karana has universal values in the concept and implementation not separating races, generations and religions. For that in the process to approach and socialize it to national and international, Tri Hita Karana not only should be a philoso-

Gde Jaya Seratabena said the disaster devastating Bali in recent days caused damages and substantial losses. So far the disasters striking Bali Island had claimed 11 fatalities, five people were slightly in-jured and two victims in Bangli were still missing and now being searched. Addition-ally, the disasters also caused damage to infrastructures and houses comprising 75 severely damaged houses, 16 lightly dam-aged, and five seriously damaged sanctums. The disaster hit a number of regions such as Denpasar, Badung, Tabanan, Klungkung and Karangasem.

“Regarding the damage in Bangli and Buleleng, we have not received any report so far. Calculation of the loss indeed takes a long time because the affected regions were quite extensive and the damage afflicted was serious,” he said. Meanwhile, Seratabena said that logistical assistance to the victims had been distributed.

Further he said that based on informa-

tion of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Denpasar III Region in the next few days the weather was still extreme so that it had potential to disaster. He admitted that in such extreme weather condition a number of regions in Bali were prone to disasters such as the coastal areas, mountainous areas and hill ranges. When asked more details about the vulnerable points to disasters, his party could not map them out definitely and clearly.

People living in mountainous and coastal areas were encouraged to be vigilant and so were people passing through many trees. To anticipate the disaster earlier, as soon as receiving information his party admitted to immediately disseminate it to related agen-cies handling the disaster management and the public to avoid more fatal consequences. “Any update on weather information from the BMKG has been delivered to the com-munity in order they can be alert,” he con-cluded. (kmb29)

Balinese people attend the Melasti ceremo-ny prayer on the island of Bali on March 20, 2012. Melasti is a puri-fication proces-sion which is held three days before Nyepi, a day in silent, as during the Nyepi day Hindus on the island of Bali are not allowed to work, travel or take part in any indulgence.

Disasters in Bali cause losses up to IDR 4 billion so farDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Disasters striking Bali kindled by the Lua tropical cyclone in Indian Ocean caused severe damages and losses. Head of the Bali Central Operations Control, I Gde Jaya Seratabena, said on Monday (Mar 19) that to date the disasters occurred in almost all the regencies in Bali and caused a loss of up to IDR 4 billion more. The worst impact of disaster was in Buleleng and Bangli region where so far the amount of losses could not be ascertained because the calculation was still in progress.

People gathered in one of rivers in Bangli regency after it hit by whirlwind recently to search the missing victims. Bali has lost around 4 billion rupiah because natural disaster that hit the island over these past few days.

Nyepi celebrationBalinese way to respect nature

Bali Today

Melasti Procession

Page 9: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

98 International Wednesday, March 21, 2012 International Wednesday, March 21, 2012


OVERVIEW:If there’s just one dish that people remember after a

visit to Bali, it’s this famous delicacy, usually known by its Indonesian name, Babi Guling.

INGREDIENTS:1 suckling pig, weighing about 6-8kg1½ tbsp salt200 shallots, peeled and sliced100 gr cloves garlic, peeled and sliced50 gr ginger, peeled & chopped300 gr candlenuts, chopped350 gr fresh turmeric, peeled &chopped3 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed80 gr laos, finely chopped120 gr bird’s-eye chilies, sliced10 stalks lemon grass, finely sliced1 tbsp black peppercorns, crushed1 tsp dried shrimp paste, roasted5 fragrant lime leaves, finely shredded2 salam leaves2½ tbsp oil4 tbsp turmeric water

PREPARATION:Ensure inside of suckling pig is completely cleaned

out. Season inside and outside with salt. Combine all other ingredients, except turmeric water, and mix thoroughly. Fill inside of suckling with mixture, close belly with string or thin satay skewer. Rub the outside of the pig with turmeric water until the skin is shiny yellow.

Place suckling pig on roasting rack and roast in hot oven (220°C / 425°F) for approximately 1 hour. Rest for 10 minutes in warm place before serving. When serving, first remove the crisp skin with a strong carving knife, then loosen meat from the bones and cut into even dice or slices. Place a heaped tablespoon of stuffing on each serving plate, and then top with meat and skin. Traditionally this dish is eaten with Jukut Nangka Mekuah and steamed rice.

Helpful hint: If you have a large barbeque with rotisserie or constantly turning spit, you can cook the pig over charcoal for an authentic Balinese flavor.

At first, people knows about the meaning and values behind brata penyepian (Nyepi fasting) as a part of Hindu’s teaching and one Balinese unique tradition. In its development there’s a want to make that tradition as part of tourist attraction. Now, people want it more than that wants it as a part to be applied and seen as something important in the global environment.

Before this there were some psy-chology problems appearing as in Nyepi. Supports did not come from those who did not involve in these priorities yet it came at last after the positive appreciation spread having its approach added or changed and so global priorities got in it which is marked by (and hopefully will actu-ally happen) by having all television station broadcast off minimal for Bali area for the whole day of Nyepi Caka New Year 1933 this Saturday, 5th March 2011.

These global priorities were part of the ongoing three aspects as I wrote in December 2007 that in introducing and socializing the meaning of Nyepi with new approaches will let others see the use of having it in preserving the environment. Nyepi was intro-duced to the nation and international not for Bali’s tourism priorities but for wider importance, global itself, for ongoing development. Nyepi from global perspective can still be assessed such as environmental pollution.

In this context the Head of Indo-

nesia Delegation for Climate Change Summit Conference year 2007 in Nusa Dua, Emil Salim, revealed that Nyepi has a great contribution in decreasing CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emission not only in Bali and not only a day and night but its positive affect spreads and for that it is not weird if other confer-ence attendees were amazed with the film about Nyepi in Bali. They were amazed remembering this conference was about the reflection of the world’s complaint against global warming as the earth’s surface temperature kept going up with carbon dioxide and other gasses or green house gasses kept covering earth, keeping heat.

This approach should be developed and has a wider appreciation that brata penyepian is not only in order to ap-preciate certain religion and for Bali’s tourism, but it’s for everyone, a uni-versal priority and for the future. Bali is rich with universal characteristic spirits and so to introduce it so doesn’t need a religious approach such as spirit in agriculture is the subak (irrigation) system, tumpek kandang ceremony for environment preservation which is all part of traditional spirit which amazed others as it has universal meaning. Other than that would be Nyepi itself, kawitan (ancestors), banjar, desa pakraman (traditional vil-lages), sekaa (groups) and more.

Those spirits were not only dig and united to make the dreamed Bali, Bali Dwipajaya, but also to actualize in

finding balance points in developing variety in purpose those spirits keep protected and became an inspiration source in the new variation. For ex-ample Bali traditional spirit taught to build a building not just for owner’s need but also for the environment. Yet its height parameter is not “not al-lowed to be higher than a coconut tree” but it’s “not more than 15 meters”.

These spirits couldn’t be applied if facing globalization grabbing the world. Agriculture sector with its subak system seems no longer seen its role when the international world hit by food crisis. In other hand, the affect of higher commodity agricul-ture price in international market not felt by the local farmers. Also when soya beans price and others are being played by overseas traders, the local entrepreneurs couldn’t fight back. This is showing that all this time we haven’t fully actualize these spirits that is developing beneath the people and so the balance point in variety hasn’t been found. Moreover those universal meaningful spirits starts to go.

The analogue with Nyepi is the Tri Hita Karana (three human harmonic connection with God, human and environment). Tri Hita Karana has universal values in the concept and implementation not separating races, generations and religions. For that in the process to approach and socialize it to national and international, Tri Hita Karana not only should be a philoso-

Gde Jaya Seratabena said the disaster devastating Bali in recent days caused damages and substantial losses. So far the disasters striking Bali Island had claimed 11 fatalities, five people were slightly in-jured and two victims in Bangli were still missing and now being searched. Addition-ally, the disasters also caused damage to infrastructures and houses comprising 75 severely damaged houses, 16 lightly dam-aged, and five seriously damaged sanctums. The disaster hit a number of regions such as Denpasar, Badung, Tabanan, Klungkung and Karangasem.

“Regarding the damage in Bangli and Buleleng, we have not received any report so far. Calculation of the loss indeed takes a long time because the affected regions were quite extensive and the damage afflicted was serious,” he said. Meanwhile, Seratabena said that logistical assistance to the victims had been distributed.

Further he said that based on informa-

tion of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Denpasar III Region in the next few days the weather was still extreme so that it had potential to disaster. He admitted that in such extreme weather condition a number of regions in Bali were prone to disasters such as the coastal areas, mountainous areas and hill ranges. When asked more details about the vulnerable points to disasters, his party could not map them out definitely and clearly.

People living in mountainous and coastal areas were encouraged to be vigilant and so were people passing through many trees. To anticipate the disaster earlier, as soon as receiving information his party admitted to immediately disseminate it to related agen-cies handling the disaster management and the public to avoid more fatal consequences. “Any update on weather information from the BMKG has been delivered to the com-munity in order they can be alert,” he con-cluded. (kmb29)

Balinese people attend the Melasti ceremo-ny prayer on the island of Bali on March 20, 2012. Melasti is a puri-fication proces-sion which is held three days before Nyepi, a day in silent, as during the Nyepi day Hindus on the island of Bali are not allowed to work, travel or take part in any indulgence.

Disasters in Bali cause losses up to IDR 4 billion so farDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Disasters striking Bali kindled by the Lua tropical cyclone in Indian Ocean caused severe damages and losses. Head of the Bali Central Operations Control, I Gde Jaya Seratabena, said on Monday (Mar 19) that to date the disasters occurred in almost all the regencies in Bali and caused a loss of up to IDR 4 billion more. The worst impact of disaster was in Buleleng and Bangli region where so far the amount of losses could not be ascertained because the calculation was still in progress.

People gathered in one of rivers in Bangli regency after it hit by whirlwind recently to search the missing victims. Bali has lost around 4 billion rupiah because natural disaster that hit the island over these past few days.

Nyepi celebrationBalinese way to respect nature

Bali Today

Melasti Procession

Page 10: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 7Indonesia Today Wednesday, March 21, 201210 InternationalInternationalDestinations

08123961594New Year Eve



Classic Stage

ChristmasKids Party


Kehen Temple is a beautiful Hindu temple located in foothills, south part of Bangli Re-gency and it is about 45 Km from Denpasar town. Inside of this temple are, there is Pany-impenan Temple building keep 3 inscriptions which is relating to its contents and temple existence. It is strategically located in the high land, so we can see the beautiful view. It is a famous temple in Bali and many visitors from foreign country has visited it.

The existence of the inscription at Kehen Temple can be explained as follows:

* Kehen Temple Inscription ‘A’ is men-tioning the existence of 3 sanctums those are Hyang Api, Hyang Tanda, and Hyang Karimama

* Kehen Temple Inscription ‘B’ from 11 century is mentioning the empire functionary that is the Senapati Kuturan pu Kandara and it elaborate with the anathema words in oath

* The Inscription from 13 century (year 1204 M) is mentioning Hyang Kehen and Hyang Wukir. At the moment Hyang Kehen is equal to Kehen Temple and Hyang Wukir is Puncak Bukit Bangli Temple.

* It is one of Monarchic Temple, The tem-

ple under the aegis of king while ceremony execution and construction is delivered to local countryside custom

* As a sanctum which is used as a altar (oath) for empire functionary who disloyal to his obligation will incur the Sapata or very horrible anathema. The function of Kehen Temple as sanctum in execution of oath ceremony is supported by the existence of a circumlocutory canister by 4 dragon tails which is called canister Sarpantaka. Nowa-days, the canister is placed in a building in form of Gedong

* Worshiping supremacy Siwa God in the form of Eka Dasa Rudra utilizes to request the godsend to the good human life and universe for blessing of fertile life, secure, prosperous and peaceful.

The structure of Kehen Temple yard is arranged to have a terrace and it shows the existence of tradition megalithic which is continued as a symbol from the existence of mount that is one of the fertility sources. The temple festival can be divided into 2 types those are Piodalan Ceremony which is executed every 6 month, that is on Wednes-day Keliwon Sinta (Balinese Calendar) and Ngusaba Ceremony which is executed every 5 years.IBP/File

Kehen Temple


JAYAPURA - The body of Sri Rama Krisnan, pilot of a crashed helicopter in Papua was evacuated from Tembagapura through Timika to Jakarta on Monday morning for an autopsy at the Cipto Mangunkusumo general hospital.

On Sunday (March 18), Search and Rescue (SAR) team of PT Freeport in Papua province, successfully evacuated the body of Sri Rama Krisnan from the crash location at 9.45 am local time.

The pilot body of the New Zealand citizen was subsequently sent to Tembagapura hospital.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the other two victims, Adrianus Amba Sangka and Iyan Timisela, were still laid in state in Tembagapura hospital for identification proses.

The helicopter with flying code PK-ODA which crashed on Saturday, March 17, was found around the tunnel 70 or left side of Tembagapura towards the Ridge Camp of PT Freeport.

Search and Rescue (SAR) team of PT Freeport in Papua province, successfully evacuated the body of Sri Rama Krisna from the crash location at 9.45 am local time.

The helicopter belonging to Airfast Company which was oper-ated by PT Freeport, crashed when it returned from Awanagon to Tembagapura.

Prior to the crash accident that was allegedly due to the bad weather, the helicopter pilot, once contacted the helipad 66 of Tembagapura asking permit for emergency landing, however it subsequently went missing.

The PSSI, organisers of the previously unofficial Indonesia Premier League said they would also recognise the Indonesia Super League providing ISL organisers handed over control.

The decision came after the PSSI congress in Palangkaraya, Borneo on Sunday but not all members attended the meeting which world governing body FIFA had ordered to happen before Tuesday.

The Indonesia Soccer Rescue Committee (KPSI), featuring some PSSI members, held its own confer-ence in north Jakarta on Sunday after growing frustrated at what it said was poor leadership by the

PSSI.There the KPSI elected a new

PSSI leader and deputy chairman and plan to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport to have them recognised as the heads of Indone-sian soccer by FIFA, Indonesian media outlet Kompas reported on Monday.

Despite the KPSI’s actions, the PSSI’s disciplinary commission head, Bernhard Limbong, said he was “optimistic” its moves to rec-ognise the ISL would avoid FIFA sanctions.

“We have followed FIFA’s order to hold a congress before March 20 and we did that,” Limbong said.

“We have also admitted Indone-sia Super League, as well as Indo-nesia Premier League (LPI), under PSSI, which addressed FIFA’s stat-ute to unite the breakaway league into one single league.”

The move could appease upset supporters of the national team, who were humiliated 10-0 by Bah-rain in their final World Cup quali-fier last month after the ISL-based players were barred from playing because of the feud.

Last year, under the guidance of former chairman Nurdin Halid, the PSSI was fortunate to avoid a FIFA suspension after failing to arrange leadership elections and control the then-unofficial LPI backed by oil tycoon Arifin Panigoro.

Halid eventually left office and was replaced in a July elec-

tion by the Panigoro-backed Djohar Arifin Husin. The LPI then became the PSSI’s recogn-ised league.

However, Halid’s former col-league Nirwan Bakrie restarted the ISL this year, reigniting the issue, but Limbong said the two leagues will now co-exist under the PSSI should the ISL agree.

“So for now we have two leagues working parallel for this season. If these leagues later disagree, we would dismiss both leagues and form a new competition, we can call it Indonesia’s pro league or something,” Limbong said.

“But we can’t do it now. We are still tied with broadcasting contract, players contracts.”

However, the PSSI have other problems to address.

The KPSI elected La Nyalla Mahmud Matalitti as its PSSI chairman on Sunday with Rahim Soekasah his deputy after saying they had the support of the majority of the PSSI.

“Djohar Arifin is no longer rec-ognised by two-third members of PSSI that are here,” Matalitti was quoted as saying by the Jakarta Post on Monday.

The PSSI disputed the atten-dance figures at the KPNI Jakarta meeting saying its conference in Borneo was attended by 94 of 97 legal voters.

While the olive branch might limit the immediate threat of sanc-tions by FIFA, the football power struggle in the world’s most popu-lated Muslim country appears a long way from concluding.


JAKARTA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held talks with a number of rectors here on Monday to discuss the possibility of Indonesia developing green cars as a solution to unstable global crude oil prices.

“I hope that leading institutes of higher learning will collaborate with the government or other part-

ners in the future to produce the so-called green transportation or green cars,” the President said.

He said green cars were a solu-tion to the problem of uncertain global crude oil prices.

“So that in 10 or 15 years this nation will not be affected by global oil price upheavals,” the President said.

The development of an envi-ronmentally friendly and efficient

transportation system served as the answer to global challenges such as energy crises and climate change, he noted.

The move was part of a preven-tive effort so Indonesia would always be prepared to face any global oil price upheavals, he added.

“A nation that is not prepared will lose to other nations,” he said.

Among the rectors present were Ahmaloka of the Bandung-based Institute of Technology (ITB), Triyogi Yuwono of the Surabaya-based 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS), Gumilar Rus-lima Soemantri of University of Indonesia (UI) and Sudjarwady of the Yogyakarta-based Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

At the meeting, the President was accompanied by Minister/State

Secretary Sudi Silalahi, Education and Culture Minister M. Nuh, In-dustry Minister MS Hidayat, and Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta.

Earlier in the day, the President received a Nissan-Renault delega-tion led by Carlos Ghosn.

Minister Hidayat said Nissan-Renault had expressed keen inter-est in helping Indonesia develop green cars.

AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim

Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, right, gestures during a joint press conference with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after their meeting at Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

President discusses green car development with rectors

Indonesia hope to dodge FIFA banThe Indonesia Football Association is confident of avoiding a FIFA

ban after offering an olive branch to another breakaway soccer league in a new twist in the struggle for power.

Crashed helicopter pilot`s body evacuated to Jakarta

Page 11: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Wednesday, March 21, 20126 11News

BUSINESSInternational International

From page 1

Catherine, who was wearing a royal-blue dress which fashion com-mentators said was identical to one worn by her mother two years ago, confessed to one wellwisher after the address: “I find doing speeches nerve-wracking.” The 30-year-old Duchess of Cambridge, formerly known as Kate Middleton, appeared to have memorised the speech, glancing at her notes only occasionally.

She told a packed audience she regretted that William, the second in line to the throne, could not be with her -- he is in his final week of a six-week training period as an air force helicopter pilot in the Falkland Islands. “I am only sorry that William can’t be here today; he would love it here,” she said.

“A view of his -- that I share -- is that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.” Catherine visited the charity privately last year when re-

searching which causes she wanted to support. On Monday she said she was “enormously proud” to be a patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices.

She said that “far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children”, the hospice was “a home”. “For many, this is a home from home -- a lifeline, enabling families to live as normally as possible during a very precious period of time.” The speech earned a rapturous round of applause, prompting a broad smile from Catherine.

Fashion commentators said Cath-erine’s 57-year-old mother Carole had worn an identical dress, a £139 ($220, 167 euros) number from high street retailer Reiss, to the Royal Ascot horse racing meeting in 2010. That prompted speculation that mother and daughter share clothes.

Graeme Moran, fashion writer at fashion industry magazine Drapers,

said: “She sends the message that fashion should not be throw-away and wear once and never wear again.” Catherine married William in a cere-mony in April last year at Westminster Abbey watched by a global television audience of two billion.

The speech was the latest in a series of solo engagements for the duchess since her husband went to the Falklands on a posting which has angered Argentina as the 30-year an-niversary of the war over the islands approaches.

On Sunday, she carried out her first solo military engagement, presenting sprigs of shamrock to members of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards infantry on St Patrick’s Day. Last week, she showed the skills that made her captain of her school’s field hockey team as she joined Brit-ain’s Olympic squad in the Olympic Park in east London.

Associated Press Writer

OSLO, Norway — Five people were killed and one person was dug out alive after Swiss and French skiers were buried by an avalanche Monday on Norway’s Arctic fringe. Rescuers located the victims through beacons from their radio transceivers, but only the first person they found survived, a Swiss man who was taken to a local hospital in stable condition.

A 1-kilometer (3,000-foot) wall of snow came crashing down on the ski-ers on Sorbmegaisa mountain, 65 kilometers (40 miles) east of the northern city of Tromsoe, police spokesman Morten Pettersen said. The last victim was found buried under 6 meters (20 feet) of snow.

Four Swiss and one French skier died in the avalanche, which started at a height of 1,100 meters (3,600 feet) and was 600 meters (2,000 feet) long. Swiss Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jenny Piaget confirmed that four Swiss citizens had been killed and one injured. They were not named. A Swiss embassy official from Stockholm was dispatched to support the survivors.

The victims were part of 12 people out skiing when the avalanche struck about 2:30 p.m. One of the six who escaped called to alert authorities, and dozens of volunteers were dispatched to the site along with police and military helicopters. Rescuers tracked down the avalanche transceivers through the heaps of snow as they scrambled to dig out the victims. Police announced after 7 p.m. that the last victim had been found.

“It was a demanding search,” said Tor Indrevold of the local Red Cross team, explaining that rescuers were “digging down two stories” of snow.

The northern tip of Norway is popular among tourists who come to experience the Arctic wilderness or marvel at the Northern Lights. The region also offers cross-country skiing, reindeer sledding, ice fishing and snowmobile rides.


BAGHDAD - Car and roadside bombs killed at least 43 people in cities and towns across Iraq on Tuesday, police and hospital sources said, extending a spate of violence ahead of next week’s Arab League summit in Baghdad.

The meeting is seen as the country’s debut on the regional stage fol-lowing the withdrawal of U.S. troops in December and Iraq’s govern-ment is anxious to show it can reinforce security to host its neighbors.

The deadliest attack on Tuesday occurred in the southern Shi’ite Muslim holy city of Kerbala, where twin explosions killed 13 people and wounded 48, according to Jamal Mahdi, a Kerbala health depart-ment spokesman.

“The second explosion caused the biggest destruction. I saw body parts, fingers, hands thrown on the road,” 23-year-old shop owner Murtadha Ali Kadhim told Reuters.

“The security forces are stupid because they always gather at the site of an explosion and then a second explosion occurs. They become a target.”

Security forces are frequently targeted in Iraq, where bombings and shootings still occur on a daily basis and Sunni Muslim insurgents and Shi’ite militias are still capable of carrying out lethal attacks.

Although overall violence has declined since the height of sectarian fighting in 2006 and 2007, many Iraqis worry whether their government has the wherewithal to impose security nine years after the U.S.-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein.

Avalanche kills 5 foreign tourists in Norway

Explosions across Iraq kill at least 43


Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge joins in an art class with Marnie Jennings at The Treehouse centre in Ipswich, eastern England. She gave a steady performance in her first public speech as a royal, conquering her nerves to address children and staff at the hospice

Kate battles nerves to give first public speechAgence France Presse

Prince William’s wife Catherine gave a steady performance in her first public speech as a royal on Monday, conquering her nerves to address children and staff at a hospice. She looked confident though sounded a little apprehensive as she paid tribute to staff and volunteers’ efforts helping children with life-threatening conditions at the Treehouse centre in Ipswich, eastern England.


LOS ANGELES - Hamburger chain Wendy’s Co knocked Burger King Corp from its spot as the second-largest U.S. ham-burger chain in 2011, but sales of both companies continued to lag McDonald’s Corp , the country’s No. 1 restaurant chain.

The combined revenues of Wendy’s and Burger King came to just under $5 billion last year, when total revenue at McDonald’s rose 12 percent to $27 billon, according to earnings statements from the companies.

McDonald’s menu appeals to a wider range of customers, and it has used its financial heft to buy ingredients like ground beef at lower prices than many of its rivals.

Subway remained the second-largest restaurant chain in the United States last year, according to a report by consulting firm Technomic.

Starbucks Corp came in at No. 3, followed by Wendy’s and Burger King, according to Technomic.

Technomic found that overall sales for the top 500 U.S. restau-rant chains grew 3.4 percent to an estimated $242 billion in 2011. That compared with an 1.8 percent rise posted in 2010.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries was the fastest-growing U.S. chain with sales over $200 million, followed by burrito chain Chipotle Mexican Grill and Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches, Technomic said.

The sales were the latest indication the multiple programs the government and Federal Reserve initiated to bail out the financial sector may turn out to be less costly than originally feared.

The Treasury bought $225 billion of MBS in 2008 and 2009 in an effort to keep the mortgage market from freezing up as private investors fled. The $250 billion it reaped from the investment reflected both principal and interest.

“The successful sale of these securi-ties marks another important milestone in the wind-down of the government’s emergency financial crisis response efforts,” Treasury Assistant Secretary Mary Miller said.

The government purchased the mortgage debt as part of a bid to stabilize the housing industry, using funds authorized by the Housing and Recovery Act of 2008. It was one of several programs running in paral-lel with the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, which was set up during the administration of President George W. Bush to buy toxic assets from banks, but that ended up largely as a mechanism to inject capital into financial institutions.

Economist Douglas Lee, who

heads advisory firm Economics from Washington, said it seems inevitable the government will end up with “sub-stantial losses” on the bailout effort but it was appropriate to try to reap gains where possible.

Over the long haul, though, the effort to rebuild a reliable housing finance system means that costs for subsidizing operations of firms like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will continue to be costly, he noted.

Investments in insurer AIG and in automakers are likely to prove hard to fully recoup. Earlier this month, the Treasury said it was selling 206.9 million shares of AIG, which still would reduce the government’s stake in the company to 70 percent from 77 percent.

“You have to say that these pro-grams have worked in the sense that it’s restored a sense of stability that we sought,” Lee said, “But now it is right to have the government back out and let the private sector get on with their job.”

Many critics contend it did more to prop up Wall Street than Main Street, and anti-bailout anger helped fuel both the conservative Tea Party movement and Occupy Wall Street

on the left. Treasury Secretary Timo-thy Geithner has argued the steps the government took helped prevent a deeper economic downturn.

Some $414 billion was paid out in TARP funds in a process that gave the government preferred stock in banks, other financial firms and some automakers in return for the public investment. Some of the preferred stock was later converted to com-mon stock in some of the firms. A Treasury official said that to date $331 billion has been repaid, includ-ing dividends and interest earned on the preferred shares.

While the TARP program current-ly is $83 billion in the red, the Treasury projects losses will ultimately shrink to about $68 billion. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has a lower loss estimate of $34 billion.

Taxpayers, also stand to lose from the bailout of mortgage fi-nance firms Fannie Mae and Fred-die Mac , which were placed into government conservatorship in 2008. The government has lost $151 billion on its investments in the two companies, but the Obama administration projects that loss will fall to $28 billion by 2022.


- Royal Bank of Scotland Plc is closing its equity capital market and corporate finance units in South Korea and cash equities businesses in Indonesia, Korea and Singapore affec t ing 70 people as part of moves to cut the size of its investment bank.

The decision to close some units comes after an agreement with Malaysia’s second-biggest lender CIMB Group Holdings Bhd , which is not buying the units, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters and later confirmed by the bank.

An RBS spokeswoman said 70 employees would be impacted by the closure of the units and that it would work closely with CIMB

to conclude the deal for the other Asian units.

CIMB said earlier this month that it had entered into exclusive talks with RBS to acquire some of its Asia-Pacific cash equities and investment banking busi-nesses.

“However, for commercial reasons, we have agreed with CIMB that the cash equities, ECM and corporate finance busi-nesses in Korea and cash equities in Indonesia and Singapore will not ultimately transfer as part of the sale,” the memo said.

“We have therefore made the decision to initiate steps to wind down these businesses commenc-ing today.”

A significant chunk of RBS’ operations are in Hong Kong,

Singapore, Australia and India. It has offices in 11 countries across the region, including China.

The deal with CIMB came after an auction for the sale of Asian assets of RBS attracted interest from firms including Bank of China Ltd and Japan’s Mizuho Financial Group Inc .

RBS has halved the size of its investment bank as part of a major retreat since its 2008 taxpayer bailout, and has been forced by the British government and lower profitability across the industry to extend the retreat further.

Earlier this year, the bank had said it would exit its cash equi-ties, corporate broking, equity capital markets and mergers and acquisitions businesses.

AP Photo/Reed Saxon

This Jan. 29, 2012 photo, shows signage promoting break-fast is at a Wendy’s restaurant in Culver City, Calif. Wendy’s edged out Burger King in U.S. sales volume for the first time last year since Wendy’s was founded in 1969, according to a report by the food industry research firm Technomic Inc. that’s set to be released next month.

Wendy’s knocks Burger King out of No. 2 spot

Treasury nets $25 billion profit on mortgage debtReuters

WASHINGTON - The Treasury Department said on Monday it made a $25 billion profit on sales of mortgage-backed securities acquired during the financial crisis, part of its ongoing ef-forts to wind down taxpayer-financed bailout programs.

RBS shutting down some Asian units

One of the tenants, Indah, said that she is still afraid because of the incident. She explained that when the raid which killed five people hap-pened, she was watching TV in her room. “I thought it was sound of firecracker but when I went out of the room, a police

officer told me to stay inside,” Indah added.

The similar thing was also stated by Lia. She said that there were more than 10 shots fired during the raid. “I was shock and shaking in my room during the gun fire happened,” Lia said. . (jay)

The scene...

Page 12: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Activities Wednesday, March 21, 2012 5Entertainment InternationalWednesday, March 21, 201212 International

Temple CeremonyCalendar Event for February March 18 through April 6, 2012

EvEry Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is con-sidered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importance of the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sail-ings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.

Balinese Temple Ceremony

18 Mar redite Umanis Merakih - Pura Parangan Tengah Banjar Ceningan Kangin - Lembongan- Pura Dalem Celuk Sukawati Gianyar

21 Mar Buda Wage Merakih - Pura Bendesa Mas Kepisah Pedungan - Denpasar Selatan- Pura Natih Banjar Kalah Batubulan- Pura Desa Silakarang Singapadu- Pura dalem Petitenget Kerobokan - Kuta- Pura Dalem Pulasari Samplangan - Gianyar- Pura Kubayan - Kepisah Pedungan - Denpasar - Selatan- Pura Pasek gelgel Banjar Tanahpegat - Tabanan- Pr. Paibon Banjar Bengkel Sumerta - Denpasar- Pura Pasek Lumintang Denpasar- Pr. Panti Penyarikan Medahan - Sanding - Tampaksiring- Pr. Pasar Agung Banjar Dauh Peken Kaba-kaba - Tabanan.

27 Mar Anggar Kasih Tambir - Pura Dalem Puri Batuan Sukawati- Pura Dalem Kediri Silakarang - Singapadu- Pura dalem Desa Sukawati- Pura Dalem Desa Singakerta - Ubud- Pura dalem Lembeng Ketewel - Sukawati- Pura Paibon Pasek Tangkas Peliatan - Ubud- Pura Puseh ngukuhin Keramas - Gianyar.- Pura Pemerajan Agung Ki Telabah Tuakilang - Tabanan- Pura Karang Buncing Blahbatuh- Pura Dalem Bubunan Seririt Buleleng- Pura Desa Badung Kota Denpasar- Merajan Pasek Gelgel Gobleg Turupinghe, Banjar, Buleleng- Pura Luwur Pedengenan Bedha Bongan - Tabanan- Mr. Dukuh Sebudi -- Mr. Pasek Ngukuhin Keramas- Pura Pucak Payongan Lungsiakan - Desa Kedewatan- Pura Tanah Kilap Denpasar Selatan- Pura Selukat Desa Keramas - Blahbatuh - Gianyar- Pura Dalem Tampuagan Desa Peninjoan - Tembuku -

Bangli- Pura Waturenggong Desa Taro- Pura Dalem Bentuyung Ubud- Pura Puseh Ubud.- Pura Dalem Peliatan Ubud.

28 Mar Buda Umanis Tambir - Pura Sari Bankar Titih Kapal

6 Apr Purnama Kedasa - Odalan Betara Turun Kabeh Besakih- Ngusaba di Pura Bukit Jati Bukit Jati - Bangli- Pura Batur Kalanganyar Bangli- Pura Masceti Pejeng Aji Tegalalang Tegalalang- Pura Dalem Tangsub Sukawati- Pura Penambangan Badung Denpasar- Ngusaba Pura Lempuyab Madia Pura Lempuyab Madia Karangasem- Ngusaba Pura Batur Bangli- Pura Desa Singakerta Ubud- Pura Pasek Gelgel Tagtag Kukuh Marga Tabanan- Pura Gaduh Ketapian Sumerta Denpasar- Pura Pasek Bendesa Batur Batur Tuak Ilang Tabanan- Pura Pasek Agung Tagtag Kelod Peguyangan Denpasar- Pura Agung Pasek Bendesa Tonja Denpasar- Pura Pasek Gelgel Angsri Baturiti- Pura Pasek Gelgel Bale Agung Subamia Subamia Beraban- Pura Dukuh Sari Belatung Bengkel Timpag Kerambitan- Pura Pusat Dukuh Sari Belatung Rendang Karangasem- Pura Pita Maha Palangkaraya Kalteng- Pura Canda Peraba Komplek Polri Jelambar Jelambar Jakarta Barat- Pura Agung Jagat Natha Kota Denpasar- Pura Pemerajan Agung Puri Petak Gianyar- Pura Dadia Agung Bendesa Tangkas Kori Agung Pusat Desa Gerih Abiansemal Badung- Pura Puseh Desa Adat Dukuh Sidemen Karangasem- Pura Jagathita Karana Samarinda- Pura Penataran Agung Sriwijaya Palembang Sumatera Selatan- Pura Agung Girinatha Semarang


JAKARTA - Jakarta based Aston International had opened its second Quest Hotel in Bali – the Quest Hotel Tuban on March 16th, 2012.

The 95 rooms 3 star plus hotel is located in the heart of Tuban on Jalan Kediri just down the road from the well-liked Aston Tuban Inn and only a short a 5 minute drive from Bali’s Airport.

The new Quest features 95 over-sized guest rooms, which are with 39 to 42 m2 considerably larger than is common for Bali hotels in this category, an eclectic all day restaurant, a swimming pool and a full service spa.

The Quest Hotel Tuban is a funky,

enjoyable, and affordable hotel that aims to combine the value of a pre-mium budget hotel with unique and inspiring design and uncompromis-ing service standards making it ideal for vacationers seeking a fashionable but unpretentious environment.

Aston International’s Vice Presi-dent for Sales & Marketing, Mr. Norbert Vas, said “Quest hotels are unique as they are moderately priced but target travelers who possess a certain savoir vivre and appreciate stimulating design and

attention to detail. Our first Quest in Bali, the Quest Kuta Central Park, won last year’s Indonesia Design Editor’s Choice Award for the Best Budget Hotel design in the country and we are very confident that Quest Tuban is equally attractive and will

match this success “Indonesia will see more of As-

ton’s style meets value approach to mid class hotels as further Quest Hotels are in an early stage of de-velopment in Denpasar, Makassar, Surabaya, Solo and Yogyakarta.

Quest Hotel Tuban opens in Bali

Courtesy of Aston International

Seen in the picture, Mr. Norbert Vas - Vice President Sales & Marketing and Mr. Bagus Pariyatna - General Manager of Quest Hotel Tuban (center).

“As CEO, I have a responsibility to chart the course for long-term success for the network. To wholly achieve that long-term success, this was a necessary next step,” Winfrey said. The respon-sibilities of the laid-off workers will be distributed among people with the network and its venture partners, Dis-covery Communications and Winfrey’s Harpo Studios, according to OWN.

The cable channel, which launched Jan. 1, 2011, endured a freshman year of executive turnover and missteps that proved OWN lacked a solid foundation on which to build. This was despite a Discovery Communications invest-ment of a reported $250 million and counting.

Discovery executives will take a

more active role in the channel, accord-ing to the announcement. Neal Kirsch, chief financial officer of Discovery’s U.S. networks, will move to OWN as the chief financial officer and chief op-erating officer, reporting to OWN presi-dents Erik Logan and Sheri Salata.

John MacDonald had decided to exit as OWN’s COO, Logan said. Another Discovery executive, Lee Bartlett, will have joint oversight of business and le-gal affairs with an OWN vice president, Tina Perry.


LOS ANGELES - And people thought Ashton’s Kutcher’s “Two and a Half Men” predecessor Charlie Sheen had a tendency to get way out there...

Kutcher has signed on to go into space, as a customer of Richard Bran-son’s upcoming Virgin Galactic service,

which will shuttle rich people from the Earth, probably to escape to a distant planet as the accelerating class warfare lays waste

to the ground below.“Two and a Half Men” star Kutcher will be the company’s 500th customer, Branson an-nounced on his blog Mon-day.

“I gave Ashton a quick call to congratulate and welcome him,” Branson wrote. “He is as thrilled as we are at the prospect of being among the first to cross the final frontier (and back!) with us and to experience the magic of space for himself.”

According to Branson, Vir-gin Galactic’s spaceships “are built and flying in the final stages of our exhaustive test flight program.” Tickets for the flights run $200,000.

Actor Brad Pitt and “X-Men” director Bryan Singer are also among those who have report-edly booked tickets for Virgin Galactic flights.

Associated Press Writer

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Ac-tor Sean Penn is being honored by a group of Nobel laureates for his relief work in Haiti following the country’s devastating January 2010 earthquake.

Penn is to receive the 2012 Peace Summit Award at the 12th World Sum-mit of Nobel Peace Laureates. The event will be held in Chicago next month and

is expected to draw such luminaries as Poland’s Lech Walesa and the Dalai Lama.

Penn arrived shortly after Haiti’s quake and established an aid organiza-tion now known as J/P Haitian Relief Organization. The group has provided schools, medical care and housing to thousands of people displaced by the quake. The actor issued a statement Monday calling the award an “extraor-dinary honor.”

Oprah Winfrey Network lays off one-fifth of staffAssociated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES — Oprah Winfrey’s struggling television network, OWN, said Monday it is laying off one-fifth of its workers and restructuring its operations in New york and Los Angeles. The decision to let 30 employees go is a “tough” one, but the economics of a start-up cable network didn’t fit with OWN’s cost structure, Winfrey said in a statement.

AP Photo/Harpo, Inc., George Burns/file

FILE - In this Oct. 10, 2011 file im-age released by Harpo, Inc., Oprah

Winfrey, right, is shown with host Rosie O’Donnell during the debut of “The Rosie Show,” in Chicago.

Sean Penn’s Haiti work earns humanitarian prize

AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa, File

FILE - In this April 10, 2010 file photo, U.S. actor Sean Penn carries the be-longings of a person displaced by the earthquake as people are relocated from the Petion ville Golf Club to a new camp, Corail-Cesselesse, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Ashton Kutcher signs on to go into space

Ashton Kutcher

Page 13: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela — Ven-ezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Monday that his government has received word of plans for an at-tack on his leading rival. Chavez did not give details but said his govern-ment had information of a possible plot against opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles.

“I have information they want to attack Capriles, and we’ve offered security for his team,” Chavez said in a telephone call broadcast live on state television.

The president said the director of the national intelligence agency met with Capriles’ team. As for who might be behind such plans, Chavez

said, “it’s not the government, not at all.” “As a government, we’re obliged to get involved in this situ-ation and provide protection to any Venezuelan, and above all in this context,” Chavez said.

He said his government believes that “foreign groups or sectors” are behind the plans, the government-run radio station YVKE Mundial reported. “This is information that we’ve treated seriously due to the sources from which it comes,” Chavez said, without elaborating.

The Venezuelan leader made the remark two weeks after gunfire rang out at a political event where Capriles was meeting with resi-dents of a traditionally pro-Chavez neighborhood. One young man, a

supporter of Capriles, was injured in the shooting. Capriles criticized the president’s comments Monday night on his Twitter account.

“The statement of the candidate of the (ruling party)... borders on being irresponsible,” Capriles said in one message. “A president shouldn’t offer protection to one Venezuelan,” an-other message from Capriles said. “He should guarantee it to all Venezuelans, which is something very different.”

News International4 Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Science Wednesday, March 21, 2012 13International

With the attacker, who escaped on a motorbike, still on the loose, police stepped up a manhunt in the city of a million people in southwestern France. Sarkozy said the killings and those of the soldiers, one of Carib-bean and two of Muslim origin, in two attacks last week, appeared to be motivated by racism.

Mourners gathered for an over-night vigil at the Ozar Hatorah school in a leafy residential neighborhood in Toulouse, where the gunman went on the rampage on Monday morning, killing a 30-year old rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his children aged four and five, and another child, the daughter

of the school’s principal. The 7-year-old girl, Miriam Monsonego, died in her father’s arms as medics tried to resuscitate her.

“He came on his motorbike, got off and shot a bullet in the air... Then he got out another gun and started shooting at everyone, at the children. He chased us into the school,” Baroukh, a Jewish man living nearby who had come for morning prayers, told Reuters, declin-ing to give his family name.

Military police reinforcements were rushed into the area and guards were deployed at mosques and synagogues in the region. In the United States, New York police ramped up security at syn-

agogues and other Jewish institutions citywide. Video surveillance footage showed the gunman bursting into the school and shooting one child at close range in the head, before fleeing on a motorbike, said Nicolas Yardeni, regional head of the French Jewish umbrella association, CRIF.

It was the worst anti-Semitic incident in France since August 1982, when six people were killed in a grenade attack and subsequent shooting at the Goldenberg restaurant in a Jewish neighborhood of central Paris. France’s 600,000-strong Jewish community is Europe’s largest.

Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, the Socialist opposing him in his uphill bid for re-election in May, both rushed to the scene. “Barbarity, savagery and cruelty cannot win, hate cannot win. The republic is much stronger than all this,” Sarkozy said, announcing a min-ute of silence in schools on Tuesday.

Agence France Presse

Gun-toting soldiers patrol guard posts overlooking North Korean territory beyond a barbed-wire fence. Hundreds of red flags with a skull motif dot roadsides, warning of mines. This is the area which South Korea hopes to turn into a major eco-tourism attraction.

Untouched by developers for six decades due to the military standoff, the scenic areas surrounding the world’s last Cold War frontier have paradoxically become a peaceful haven for wildlife. The 155-mile-long (248-kilometre) borderline which bisects the peninsula was fixed when the 1950-53 war ended with an armistice. A Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) extending for two kilometres each side of the line was designated as a buffer zone.

Thousands of tourists who visit the truce village of Panmunjom within the DMZ each year get a grim reminder of the peninsula’s tragic past. Now Seoul is trying to put a more positive spin on the border region, by promoting its ecological value and opening trekking routes which will also give visitors a glimpse of the secretive North.

“The DMZ has been no man’s land for decades, making its well-preserved natural surroundings a perfect site for eco-tourism,” Park Mee-Ja, a director of the environment ministry’s nature policy divi-

sion, told AFP. “There is so much more to this area than just the sad history and the war.”

The DMZ and surround-ing area are home to nearly 3,000 plants and animals -- including otters, mountain sheep, musk deer and doz-ens of other species -- nearly extinct elsewhere in the crowded South, according to the government. Civilians are barred from entering the DMZ except at Panmunjom. The South’s military also restricts civilian access to the strip of land immediately south of the zone.

The DMZ itself will re-main off-limits to visitors. But after long deliberation the South’s army is finally set to sign an agreement this month to open up its out-skirts -- and to help develop routes free of mines.

Hugo Chavez: plans for attack on rival uncovered

AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez holds up a Venezuelan

flag in front of supporters as he stands on a balcony at Mira-flores presidential palace in

Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday March 17, 2012.


Messages of hope for reunification are seen attached on a military barbed wire fence at Imjingak peace park in Paju near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) divid-ing the two Koreas.

S.Korea to push tourism near tense border with North

AP Photo/Bruno Martin

Police officers and firefight-ers gather at the site of a shooting in

Toulouse, southwestern France, Mon-

day, March 19, 2012. A shooter

opened fire in front of a

Jewish school killing a num-ber of people, the Toulouse

prosecutor said Monday.

Gunman attacks Jewish school in France, four killedReuters

TOULOUSE, France - A gunman shot dead three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in Toulouse on Monday, days after killing three soldiers nearby, prompting French President Nicolas Sarkozy to put the region on its highest terrorism alert.

The first batch of panda dung tea will be sold in lots of 50 grams that will cost some 22,000 yuan ($3,500) each, a price An said makes it the world’s most expensive tea. Most people use about 3 grams of tea per cup. An defended the steep price, saying he would channel profits from the initial batches into an environmental fund. Future batches would be cheaper, he added.

“I thank heaven and earth for bless-

ing us with this environmental panda tea,” the 41-year-old former teacher and journalist said at a weekend event to promote the tea. “I just want to con-vey to the people of the world the mes-sage of turning waste into something useful, and the culture of recycling and using organic fertilizers.”

Dressed in a panda suit to promote his tea, An invited a dozen or so guests to help hand-pick the first batch of tea at his plantation at the weekend.

The fertilizer made the tea a health boon, An said, because pan-das only eat wild bamboo and absorb only a fraction of the nutrients in their food. And pandas make plenty of fertilizer. “They are like a machine that is churning out organic fertil-izer.” An said. “They keep eating and they keep producing feces.”

“Also, they absorb less than 30 percent of the nutrition from the food, and that means more than 70 percent of the nutrients are passed out in their feces.”

After brewing the first pickings, An described the tea as fragrant and smooth. Some of his guests, how-ever, were not impressed. “It’s sold at such a sky-high price, perhaps this is just hype,” said 49-year-old Li Ximing.

Agence France Presse

Apple has sold more than 3 mil-lion units of its third-generation iPad in less than four days. “The new iPad is a blockbuster with three mil-lion sold?the strongest iPad launch yet,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Customers are loving the incredible new features of iPad, including the stunning Retina dis-play, and we can’t wait to get it into the hands of even more customers around the world this Friday.”

The latest iPad went on sale in Australia, the US, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Switzerland, UK and the US Vir-gin Islands at 8 AM local time on March 16.

In 2010, Apple sold approxi-mately 300,000 units of the original iPad on the first day of sale. It took close to 80 days to reach sales of 3 million. Reuters reported that Apple

sold almost one million units of its second generation tablet, the iPad 2, on its launch weekend in 2011.

In December 2011, Amazon an-nounced that consumers were buy-ing its tablets at a rate of a “million Kindle devices per week.” At the time Amazon said its 7”, $199 Android-based Kindle Fire tablet was its bestselling product but declined to provide sales figures for its individual devices. Apple, on the other hand, announced that iPad sales had reached a total of 55 million units worldwide in December 2011.

The third-generation iPad will be available in additional countries including Austria, Belgium, Bul-garia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ice-land, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Roma-nia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden on Friday, March 23.


LONDON- On New Year’s Eve 2004, after months of losing weight and suffering fevers, night sweats and shortness of breath, student Anna Watterson was taken into hospital coughing up blood.

It was strange to be diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB)- an ancient disease associated with poverty - especially since Watterson was a well-off trainee lawyer living in the affluent British capital of London. Yet it was also a relief, she says, finally to know what had been mak-ing her ill for so long.

But when Watterson’s infection refused to yield to the three-pronged

antibiotic attack doctors prescribed to fight it, her relief turned to dread. After six weeks of taking pills that had no effect, Watterson was told she had multi-drug resistant TB, or MDR-TB, and faced months in an isolation ward on a regimen of injected drugs that left her nau-seous, bruised and unable to go out in the sun.

“My friends were really shocked,” Watterson said. “Most of them had only heard of TB from reading Vic-torian novels.” Tuberculosis is often seen in the wealthy West as a disease of bygone eras - evoking impover-ished 18th or 19th century women and children dying slowly of a disease then commonly known as “consump-

tion” or the “white plague”.But rapidly rising rates of drug-

resistant TB in some of the wealthi-est cities in the world, as well as across Africa and Asia, are again making history. London has been dubbed the “tuberculosis capital of Europe”, and a startling recent study documenting new cases of so-called “totally drug resistant” TB in India suggests the modern-day tale of this disease could get a lot worse.

“We can’t afford this genie to get out of the bag. Because once it has, I don’t know how we’ll control TB,” said Ruth McNerney, an ex-pert on tuberculosis at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Drug-resistant “white plague” lurks among rich and poor


A volunteer holds sputum samples from tuberculosis (TB) patients at the Indonesian Union Against Tuberculosis clinic in Jakarta in this April 4, 2011 file picture.


Employees collect tea leaves fertilised by panda droppings during a media event at a tea farm in Ya’an, Sichuan province March 17, 2012.

Poo for tea: China’s pandas brew a top dropReuters

YA’AN, China - China’s national treasure, the giant panda, will become even more precious if one businessman succeeds in using their dung to grow organic green tea he intends to sell for over $200 a cup. An Yanshi, an entrepreneur in southwest China, grows the tea in mountainous Ya’an in Sichuan province using tons of excrement from panda bears living at nearby breeding centers.


Apple has sold more than 3 million units of its newest tablet.

Apple sells a record 3 million iPads in less than 4 days

Page 14: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

3 Wednesday, March 21, 201214 InternationalInternational Bali NewsSport Wednesday, March 21, 2012

“I can’t deny that it’s better to be eight points behind than 10 and tomorrow we have to come out and compete again,” Guardiola told a news conference ahead of the Spanish, European and world champions’ home game against Granada on Tuesday. “I still think that we won’t win the league,” added the former Barca and Spain midfielder.

“I am delighted that the fans and the players think we can do it. It’s nice to have that hope. “But it will be very hard to win all 11 games we have left and they (Real) will drop very few points. “This is the first time we are coming from behind, but the point is that we are coming from a long way back and all the teams have a lot at stake.”

Guardiola has had the upper hand over his Real counterpart Jose Mourinho in head-to-head clashes this season but Barca’s patchy away form has left them trailing in the league. The only team to beat Real at their Bern-abeu stadium this term, Barca look to have an easier run-in in the league campaign and host their arch-rivals at their Nou Camp arena next month.

Real, who play at struggling

Agence France Presse

Former Brazil star Ronaldo, a member of the local organizing committee of the 2014 World Cup, on Monday registered his interest in becoming president of the coun-try’s football federation.

“I would like to begin my politi-cal career in football. I want to be-come a football politician,” he was quoted as saying in an interview in the Folha de Sao Paulo daily.

Ricardo Teixeira, who led the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) since 1989, stepped down this month and also resigned his post as head of the organizing committee.

His 22-year stewardship of CBF was marred by controversy, with repeated calls for his resignation amid allegations of financial ir-regularities in Brazil and abroad. His deputy Jose Maria Marin has taken over.

Reuters ma moved four points

behind third-placed Lazio in Serie A’s Champions League qualifying spot after Pablo Osvaldo’s early goal secured a 1-0 win over Genoa on Monday.

City rivals Lazio lost 1-0 at Catania on Sunday as Udinese and Napoli drew 2-2, opening the door for Luis Enrique’s inconsistent sixth-placed side to and make a late dash for third place with 10 games left in the season.

Striker Osvaldo, start-ing in place of the injured Francesco Totti, converted Leandro Greco’s pass after three minutes as Roma domi-

nated at the Stadio Olimpico. Rodrigo Palacio hit the bar for 14th-placed Genoa when it looked easier to score.

U.S.-owned Roma, who on Monday signed a deal to train at Disney World during the next pre-season, now have their eyes fixed on the Magic Kingdom of the Champions League having spent big this term building a new team which has not always gelled.

Leaders AC Milan and second-placed Juventus look all but assured of automatic entry into Europe’s top club competition next season but Serie A’s race for third spot and the qualifying round berth could go to the wire

Barca unlikely to reel in Real - Guardiola

Barcelona’s Alexis San-chez from Chile, top, and

Sevilla’s Julien Escude from France, bottom, fight for the ball dur-

ing their La Liga soccer match at the Ramon San-chez Pizjuan stadium, in Seville, Spain on Satur-

day, March 17, 2012.


BARCELONA - Barcelona still have very little chance of catch-ing leaders Real Madrid and securing a fourth successive La Liga title despite closing the gap to eight points, coach Pep Guardiola said on Monday. Real conceded a stoppage-time equaliser to draw 1-1 at home to Malaga on Sunday, ending an 11-match winning streak, and Barca’s 2-0 win at Sevilla on Saturday left Real on 71 points to Barca’s 63 with 11 matches left.

Villarreal on Wednesday, still have away games at Osasuna’s Reyno de Navarra stadium, where Barca lost 3-2 last month, at city neighbours Atletico Madrid and at Athletic Bilbao. They also have tough home games remain-ing against third-placed Valencia and Sevilla.

Barca’s trickiest away match looks to be at Levante, who are currently in fourth, and fifth-placed Malaga visit the Nou Camp at the beginning of May.

Both holders Barca and Real are through to the Champions League quarter-finals and could meet in the final. Barca play Bilbao in May’s King’s Cup final having disposed of Real in the last eight.

AP Photo/Angel Fernandez

Ronaldo interested by top Brazilian football job

Ronaldo, who won the World Cup with Brazil in 2002, said he did not know whether he would

be a candidate for the presidency but if the CBF asked him “I would accept”.

AFP Photo/Vanderlei Almeida

Former football star Ronaldo, member of the Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup organizing committee, is embraced by a fan after visiting Mario Filho “Maracana” stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on March 2.

Roma beat Genoa to close in on third

Mangupura (Bali Post)—Hindu devotees held melis or melasti or mekiyis procession on Tuesday

(Mar 20) in conjunction with the celebration of Nyepi or Day of Silence in the Caka New Year 1934 falling on Friday (Mar 23). Water springs becoming the destination of the melasti procession was tributaries, lakes and so on.

Meanwhile, the Hindus at three customary villages in Badung—consisting of the Kerobokan, Padang Luwih and Padangsambian organized their melasti procession on Tuesday to Petitenget Beach.

Chief of Kerobokan customary village, AA Kompiang Sutedja, said on Monday (Mar 19) that hundreds of pratima or sanctified effigies represented the venerated deities were escorted in the procession by means of approxi-mately 120 palanquins. Such ritual procession started at 08:00 a.m. local time by Hindu devotees from of Padang Luwih customary village and then was followed by the Kerobokan and Padangsambian. To make the implementation go smoothly, the village apparatus had coordinated with police and pecalang or customary security taskforce. During the melasti procession, the road users on the Kerobokan-Petitenget route should acknowledge it.

“We will use a half of the road body from Padang Luwih customary vil-lage to the Petitenget Beach and vice versa. For smoothness of the melasti procession, the road users either riding motorcycle or vehicle are advised to look for alternative routes to avoid the congestion,” he said. In accordance with the experience of previous years, the melasti procession always ran smoothly. Similarly, the current procession was also expected to take place smoothly and successfully.

Added AA Kompiang Sutedja, after the melasti procession in the sea, the sanctified effigies would be enthroned in Baleagung temple of each cus-tomary village. There the deities would abide for two days. They would be escorted back to each abiding temple after the devotees undertook the tawur kasanga ritual at each village intersection, then proceeded with Pengerupukan on Thursday (Mar 22) or the day before Nyepi. “This procession aimed to invoke the Tirtha Amertha or holy water of life in the ocean and sweep away the impurities of universe,” he said. (08)

Decision of the jury panel set the ogoh-ogoh coming to nomination namely the Candra Birawa (Sebe-langa), Bhuta Kala (Pekambingan), Ganapati Duta (Gemeh), Naras-ingha Murti (Titih) entirely from West Denpasar subdistrict.

Meanwhile, the nomination from North Denpasar consisted of the Ksatria Gatot Kaca (Tang-guntiti), Wahana Awatara (Maerta Rauh Kaja), Ganapati Murti (Tain-siat), Dhurga Mahesura (Sedana Merta) and Gatot Kaca Anggugah

Janji (Tega). Then, five nominations from East Denpasar were Wraspati Kalpa (Kedaton, Sumerta), Panca Satya Mudurga (Sima), Detya Para Cona (Kepisah), Detya Kala Ludraka (Kedaton, Kesiman).

The five members of jury panel also put the ogoh-ogoh from South Denpasar into nomination as par-ticipants of the parade, namely the Catur Mukha (Gladag), Desa Kala Patra (Dukuh Merta Jati), Sita Kapandung (Karang Suwung), Candra Bairawa (Sekar Kangin),

and Secamuka (Kaja).Head of the Denpasar Cultural

Agency, I Made Mudra, said on Monday (Mar 19) the parade would be conducted prior to the parade carried out by customary youth club (STT) of the hamlets held around the Catur Muka Stat-ue. “We will organize the parade earlier than the ogoh-ogoh parade of the nearby hamlets,” said Mudra accompanied by the Spokesperson of Denpasar Municipality, Dewa Gede Rai. (kmb12)

Amlapura (Bali Post)—Having shot dead the five sus-

pected members of terrorist net-work in Denpasar, the exit-entry point to Bali through the Padangbai was heavily guarded on Monday (Mar 19). All the human passengers and freights were inspected.

Chief of Padangbai Port Police (KP3), Dewa Ketut Nila Candra,

said last Monday in Padangbai that his party did not found so far the suspected members of the terrorist network. Aside from the examina-tion to people, his party did not found any weapons or explosives.

He said that such strict guard was also intended to prevent any escapee of the members of the terrorist networks, including other

criminals like bank robbers from leaving Bali through the eastern-most gateway.

According to Nila Candra, the vehicles entering and leaving Bali were also examined by de-ploying animal unit in the form of bomb sniffer dogs. He said such strict guard would continue to be made. (013)

IBP/Yudi Karnaedi

Ogoh-ogoh entitles Narasinga Murti from Banjar Titih, one of the parade during Pangeru-pukan Day

Participants of ogoh-ogoh parade definedDenpasar (Bali Post)—

After going through the assessment process, the jury panel consisting of five personnel ulti-mately decided that 20 pieces of ogoh-ogoh or papier mâché demon in Denpasar were ready to join the parade in central intersection of Denpasar. The twenty pieces of ogoh-ogoh originated from four subdistricts in Denpasar.

After the shooting of suspected terrorists

Padangbai Harbor strictly guarded

Denpasar (Bali Post) –Five suspects to be terrorists

shot to dead by Densus 88 Indo-nesian Police and Bali Police last Sunday (18/3) at two locations, Laksmi Hostel, Danau Poso Street No. 99X, Sanur, South Denpasar and around Gunung Soputan Street, West Denpasar, named Hilman, Dede and Nanang from Band-ung, Kapten alias Umar from Jepara, Martino alias Abu Hanif alias Abang from Makassar were strongly suspected will act during Melasti (cleansing ceremony at the beach) ceremonies as they would look for crowded locations such as this kind of ceremony, from the information collected by Bali

Post last Monday (19/3). Yet for when they will take action it is not known yet from the document con-fiscated, one of their plans were during those ceremonies. Besides that they were going to rob at sev-eral places such as jewellery shop, money changer and café which they have surveyed several days ago. According to the anonymous source, there was no local boy in-volved in this planned act although one of them have lived in Jimbaran for a long time while other came one by one several days ago. “It is suspected they were part of a network group that did the robbery at CIMB Bank, Medan,” a anony-mous source stated. (kmb21)

Singaraja (Bali Post) –Post shooting of terrorists

in Denpasar, Buleleng Police straight away supervised the pub-lic harbour at North Bali shores in anticipating any terrorists using water route to get out of in Bali. Besides that a number of area that have become non residents’ living place also being supervised as stated by Buleleng Police Opera-tional Section Head, PC Ida Putu Wedana Jati, last Monday (19/3). “We are taking anticipation steps after the shooting. We are putting

efforts in increasing security on entrances also illegal routes in Buleleng,” Jati explained.

It was stated until last Monday there hasn’t been any indica-tion of such group coming in through North Bali. Even so routine security has taken place as conditioned. Celukan Bawang Harbour, PPI Sangstit and other public harbours were also being supervised also flats in Buleleng. “For this we have coordinated with responsible institutes,” Jati concluded. (kmb15)

Thousands of Hindu devotees perform melasti to Petitenget

Terrorists planning to attack at ”Melasti”

Public harbor at northern beach supervised

Page 15: Edisi 21 Maret 2012 | International Bali Post

International Wednesday, March 21, 20122 Wednesday, March 21, 2012 15International Sport

Bali News

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan. Jakarta: Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-

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“We ask all the components of society to further increase their awareness,” said Mayor Rai Mantra when met after the coordi-nation meeting with the leaders of regional working units (SKPD), headmen as well as societal components of Denpasar in the Ksiraarnawa Building, Denpasar on Monday (Mar 19).

Meanwhile, the Headman of Sanur Kauh, I Made Dana, justi-fied the shooting against the sus-pected terrorists on Jalan Danau Poso belonging to his territory, precisely located at Blanjong hamlet. The hotel or bungalow owner was a resident of Panti hamlet. “It is usually for short time and long stay,” Dana said

last Monday.Made Dana said that prior to

the incident his party organized an administrative discipline to resi-dents in three blocks. One of the targets set by the policing team of Sanur Kauh was the Jalan Da-nau Poso. The policing was over around 09:00 p.m. local time and the officers were about to return to their post. However, before dismissing, the sound of explo-sions was heard. It was presumed as the explosion of firecrackers. The officials of village security then monitor the source of explo-sion. However, upon arriving at location, police officers had been blocking the road section around the scene. “On that account, our

officers were then asked to secure the road,” said Dana.

Regarding the shot perpetra-tors, Dana assumed they came to the scene to monitor the condition of the neighborhood. Moreover, in the near future there would be organized the ogoh-ogoh parade. “Maybe they come to perform a location survey,” said Dana.

However, information in the field told if the perpetrators came to Sanur to look for prostitutes. They arrived by a red vehicle. While waiting for the coming of the prostitutes booked, they waited at local gazebo. Prior to making a date, the officers from the Special Detachment 88 had carried out the arrest. (kmb12)

Denpasar (Bali Post) –

Bali Distribution State Electricity Company (PLN) is experiencing losses that are predicted to reach hun-dred millions Rupiah due to the nature disaster that is hitting Bali such as a number of electricity material isola-tors, travers, Jointing MVTIC and treck schoor being hit by trees as Public Relation of the Company, Agung Mastika, in Denpasar last Monday (19/3)

stated. “After calculating the damages reaching IDR 400 million,” Mastika stated.

Even so Bali’s electricity supply is still secure and in normal condition after those damaged has been fixed. PLN will always supervise if there are any damages again remembering Bali’s weather still unfriendly. It was stated, lately there has been glitches on the electricity with worst affected at Kintamani, Ban-gli. Due to it, a number of un-

planned electricity turned off will happen as in Sukawana Village the electricity cables were hit by huge tree which needs a long time to repair it. “In Kintamani a number of time the electricity cur-rent didn’t go well, was on for several hours then died again, happened for two days. Yet as I clarified we are fixing it and the supplies in Kinamani have gone normal again,” Mastika concluded. (kmb27)

Denpasar (Bali)—Terrorism acts seem to still

become a serious threat to the se-curity of Bali. Evidently, Sunday night (Mar 18), the Detachment 88 team shot dead five suspected members of terrorist network in the area of Jalan Danau Poso and Jalan Gunung Soputan, Denpasar. It proved that Bali was still becom-ing a target of terrorists for their action so that the reality should be addressed seriously by all the com-ponents of Balinese community. The most appropriate attitude was by increasing alertness and closing any gaps potentially infiltrated by terrorists to prepare, plan and carry out their acts.

In this context, customary ham-let of each customary village should make synergy with the ad-ministrative village and intensify their surveillance over the hubs of the regional migrants in their territory through regular popula-tion inspection. Chief of Panjer customary village, Prof. Dr. I Nyo-man Budiana, and Chief of Tonja customary village, I Wayan Puja, confirmed the matter on Monday (Mar 19).

Budiana said that alertness to locations of the regional migrants as very vulnerable areas infiltrated by terrorists were not an excessive action or without a reason. By all means, it could be ascertained that not all the regional migrants had equipped themselves with the administration required so that their presence in Bali could be considered illegal. Additionally, many of them did not have a clear job so their activities in Bali were worth suspecting.

“Especially for handling the illegal regional migrants, I hope the Denpasar Municipality and regency governments in Bali have the courage to forcibly repatri-ate them to their home of origin. Moreover, the regional regulation on the information system for civil management in force today justified the taking of such firm action,” said Budiana.

According to Budiana, the

imposition of such strict sanction could not be interpreted that Bali was anti-migrants because it was not applied blindly. In contrast, the migrants complying with all the provisions required were still given the right to live and stay in Bali just like any other residents. The professor employed at the Un-diknas University also warned that Bali had been devastated by terror-ist attacks for two times known as the Bali Bombing I and II. Both in-cidents were inseparable from the awareness of Balinese community tending to be weak in monitoring the movement of illegal migrants in their territory.

“To anticipate similar incidents happening again, I do hope the owners of boarding house or rental house with their own conscious-ness to report the presence of migrants living in their house to local authorities. Do not wait until the coming of policing operation to submit the civil administration,” he said.

Similar opinion was also ex-pressed by Chief of Tonja custom-ary village, I Wayan Puja. Accord-ing to him, sanction in the form of forcible repatriation to illegal migrants ensnared in the policing operation in Denpasar was non-negotiable. To live in Denpasar, they should equip themselves with a valid identity, travel pass and certificate of expertise or skills from the authorities in the region of origin. Most importantly, they were also required to have a guar-antor who guaranteed that their presence in Denpasar was not for doing negative activities. In ad-dition, they were also required to report their existence in Denpasar to the authorities of village as well as submit the migrant identity card (KIPP).

“Without bringing such docu-ments, do not blame if the Den-pasar Municipality will forcibly repatriate them to their home of origin. Moreover, if the migrants have been proved to have no clear job in Denpasar,” he said. (kmb13)

Impact of terrorists firing

Denpasar Mayor asks village apparatus to be alertDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Shooting case against terrorist suspects in Sanur drew the attention of the Mayor of Denpasar IB Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra. His party asked the village officials to be more alert to anticipate the chaos and threat against the orderliness in the society. All the par-ties should make coordination, both with community leaders and village apparatus, so that the threats could be minimized.

Electricity Company loss hundred millions due to disaster

Terrorism threatens BaliIntensify surveillance to hubs of regional migrants

The 59 points scored by Orlando were the fewest allowed by Chica-go in any regular-season game. The Bulls’ previous record low points allowed was 62 in 1997. Lucas said Rose was an influence even when he was not on the court.

“Derrick comes us to us every game and says, ‘It’s time, let’s go. Just because I’m not playing doesn’t mean we’re going to lose,’” Lucas told reporters.

“We needed this win. It was a good road win for us.” Chicago (38-10) have built a three-game lead in the conference over Miami, who they beat 106-102 last week. The Bulls raced to a 15-point lead against Orlando and dominated the fourth by outscoring the home team 25-11.

Dwight Howard recorded 18 points and 12 rebounds but the

Magic (29-18) could not get their offense on track and lost for the third time in four games. How-ard’s renewed commitment to the Magic was expected to settle the team after he waived the opt-out clause in his contract last week that would have allowed him to become a free agent after this season.

However, his decision has failed to provide the Magic with a spark. With the win, Chicago’s Tom Thibodeau became the fast-est coach to reach 100 wins in the NBA, achieving the mark in 130 games.

“Tonight you saw a team play-ing without their star player and they did what they needed to do to win,” said Orlando’s Glen Davis. “I wish they would have had Derrick Rose, in a sense.


KEY BISCAYNE, Florida - Alisa Kleybanova says she will bring a whole new approach to her tennis ca-reer when she returns to tournament action on Tuesday after a ten month battle with cancer. The Russian was in the top 20 and tipped to rise higher in the game before she was diagnosed with stage two Hodgkins lymphoma after the Italian Open last May.

After undergoing chemotherapy in Italy, the 22-year-old is now ready to restart her career as a wild card at the Sony Ericsson, where she faces Sweden’s Johanna Larsson in the first round.

“I don’t want to think about rank-ings, I just want to be on the court and feel good. I just want to be myself,” she told reporters. “I have a huge motivation to just live at 100 percent, every day of my life.”

Kleybanova, who has won twice on the WTA tour, said she had been suffering excessive fatigue and flu-like symptoms for some time before medi-

cal tests produced the shocking news. “Something was going on because I kept getting sick but then I always got over it and I was playing tournaments and feeling pretty good,” she said.

“In Rome, obviously, I got really, really sick and couldn’t get over it anymore. So we started to do all the controls and exams. “You never think of something like that, you always think, let’s try again. I went to Paris, I was still hoping to play the French Open but I didn’t get better that time.

“On one side it was a shock but the other hand I knew there had to be reason why I wasn’t right,” she added. Kleybanova switched off from the game completely during her treat-ment in Italy and concentrated only on fighting the cancer.

“I knew it was going to be an-other big fight for me and one that is much tougher and take a lot of time and something I really had to focus on beating,” she said. “I followed everything that my doctors told me to do and I learnt to listen to my

body well,” she added. “I hope that is among the reasons why I was able to recover quickly.

“You feel really bad. I didn’t re-ally try to keep myself in shape or anything, the most important thing was obviously to survive - to stay there and resist.

“Because in the beginning you still think okay, I can do it, but the more you do, it gets worse. It doesn’t mat-ter anymore how you look and how long it is going to take you to get back on court.”

After finishing her treatment in December, she wasted no time in getting back in training in Florida with her eye on the Key Biscayne tournament.

“I know there will be some stress and nerves ahead of matches but it’s not the most important thing in my life anymore,” she said. “I’m just going to have fun out there and try to enjoy every day that I am on court. I am sure that will help me to get me back to my condition and hopefully even better again.”

Associated Press Writer

LONDON — English soc-cer player Fabrice Muamba began breathing indepen-dently and responding to family members on Monday, showing significant signs of recovery in intensive care two days after suffering a cardiac arrest during a match. The 23-year-old Bolton mid-fielder collapsed on the field just before halftime at Tot-tenham on Saturday. Initial attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful, and his heart started beating on its own again only later in the hospital.

For two days, amid an outpouring of global support, Muamba remained in critical condition in intensive care in a heart attack unit, and his long-term prognosis was uncertain.

But the Congo-born player made progress throughout

Monday, with medics no lon-ger describing his condition as “critical” by the evening.

“He is continuing to show signs of improvement this evening,” Bolton and the London Chest Hospital said in a joint statement. “He is now able to breathe inde-pendently without the aid of a ventilator. He has also been able to recognize fam-ily members and respond to questions appropriately.

“These are all positive signs of progress. However, his condition remains seri-ous and the medical staff in intensive care will continue to monitor and treat him.”

Muamba’s friend, Curtis Codrington, said the fam-ily told him the player was speaking “minimal words in English and French, which is better than nothing.” That was later confirmed by Chel-sea midfielder Michael Es-sien after a hospital visit.

Bulls hold Magic to 59 points, win without RoseReuters

Chicago - The Chicago Bulls continue to thrive in the ab-sence of league MVP Derrick Rose and cemented their place at the top of the Eastern Conference with a suffocating 85-59 road win over the Orlando Magic on Monday. The Bulls are 10-4 without Rose, who has missed four straight games with a groin injury. Carlos Boozer scored 24 points and had 13 rebounds while reserve point guard John Lucas put up 20 points to pick up the slack.

Chicago Bulls

center Joakim

Noah (13) is

fouled by Orlando

Magic center

Dwight Howard

while going up

for a shot during

the first half of an

NBA basketball

game in Orlando,

Fla., Monday,

March 19, 2012.

AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

Kleybanova returns to the court after cancer battle

Muamba breathing independently, talking again

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PaGe 12

oprah Winfrey network lays off one-fifth of staff

Kate battles nerves to give first public speech

Despite not getting the best out of his car in Melbourne, par-ticularly in qualifying, Vettel was under no illusions about how strong McLaren appears to be. “I think at the moment they have the up-

per hand,” said the double world champion. “They showed it here. But whether they still have it next week remains to be seen.

“Surely they look very strong. They had an excellent winter. Pre-

season testing was very good for them and they seem to be in very good shape, whereas there are a lot of things we need to do to catch up. Hopefully we will be able to do that and beat them.”

Although there were stages of the Australian GP where Vettel was a match for Button, he does not think that he had the package beneath him that would have al-lowed him to overhaul the 2009 world champion for victory. “Ini-tially I was quite happy because we caught up with Jenson and I

thought we might have a go, but he was too strong. I think you have to respect that and see the fact that he was unbeatable.

“He pulled away immediately [after the safety car] and I was struggling. I think I held up Lewis [Hamilton] at that stage a bit, strug-gling to get temperature, but after a couple of laps I was back into my rhythm and it seemed alright.

“I think we stabilised the gap to Jenson ahead and pulled away slightly from Lewis. It was a good race after that but surely we had no chance to beat Jenson.” Despite not being able to repeat his victory from last year, Vettel was still pretty happy with the overall weekend.

“I think we had a very good start of the race and I was able to find a rhythm quickly and get past a couple of people, especially the Mercedes because to get them is usually quite tricky. They are usu-ally quite quick on the straights and we’ve seen that last year a couple of times that many people got frustrated behind them, so that was crucial.

“I think the pace was pretty good and I was happy with the car. It was an important race for us to learn about the car and the potential was there. Surely Jenson deserved to win, so congratulations to him and the McLarens, but to finish ahead of Lewis was great for us.”

Vettel: red Bull will need to dig deep to overhaul McLaren

Sebastian Vettel has conceded McLaren has the upper hand over Red Bull at the moment, and that his team will need to dig deep if it is to overhaul its rivals in the fight for the world championship. Although Vettel bounced back from a disap-pointing sixth place on the grid to finish second last weekend in the Australian Grand Prix, he never looked like being able to threaten runaway race leader Jenson Button.

RoSS Brawn has taken a swipe at the exhaust designs of some rival teams, suggesting they have not been created in the way the rules intended.

Amid an ongoing row over the design of a DRS-activated F-duct on Brawn’s own Mercedes car, the team principal thinks that it is wrong that his team is being singled out for technical scrutiny.

“Every year that I can remember, there is debate and argument,” said Brawn about his car being at the centre of paddock gossip in Australia. “And probably, to be honest, what we have done is taken the spotlight off the ex-haust systems that people are running because they are nowhere near what was intended by the FIA.

“The FIA probably told you all that we were not going to have exhaust blown diffusers any more. We thought we were not going to have them. But several cars

have got them. “Our wing system has probably taken the spotlight off some-thing that was clearly never intended.

“F1 is very competitive, the people involved in it are extremely competitive, and it is the nature of F1. You have to work to written regulations and, if some-body can see a clever interpretation, then that is the nature of this business.”

Although Brawn still faces the risk of a rival team protesting the legality of the rear wing design on his car, he has ruled out lodging a similar complaint against the exhaust designs elsewhere.

“We have already been through the FIA and challenged the FIA to its interpretation,” he said. “They told us that they are comfortable with what has happened, so we respect that.

“We are now looking at the systems people are using to see if we feel that they could be a benefit to us. I suspect they will disappear next year.”

AP Photo/Brandon Malone,Pool

Red Bull driver Sebastian Vet-tel of Germany drives out of his pit lane garage during the Aus-tralian Formula One Grand Prix at Albert Park in Melbourne, Aus-tralia, Sunday, March 18, 2012.

Brawn hits out at rival teams’ exhaust

REUTERS/Brandon Malone

Ross Brawn

Bali Post

Denpasar – The terrorists shooting location in Laksmi Bun-galow on Danau Poso Street number 99x Sanur was still tightly guarded by the police on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. There were at least four police officers in the area and others were undercover police walking around the bungalow.

The condition around the area was not like before where hun-dreds of people gathered to see the scene. Yesterday, there was no more people who came and checking the bungalow but some motorists still curious with the bungalow. There were also some people in and out of the place. They were the people who rent the bungalow and also some prostitute who work there. The terrorists were looking for prostitute in the bungalow just before the raid.

IBP/Yudi Karnaedi

Balinese Hindus carrying temple equipment during the ritual of Melasti, in Padanggalak Beach, Bali, Indonesia on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. The ritual, which is performed ahead of the Balinese Hindu’s Day of Silence, is held to purify the universe from bad influences, bad deeds and bad thoughts.

The procession was already being started at 4 am. They were coming from Praupan Vil-lage, Bali Post Media Group, Bekul Village, Penatih, jenah,

and Tembawu Village. In the afternoon, the beach packed with the people from Kesiman, Biaung, Sumertha, Pagan, Tonja, and others.

The similar condition was also seen on Sanur through Sumawang Beach. The Melasti was carried out under the rain even some of the villages had use psychic to get rid the rain. However, the rain didn’t stop and that not made the Hindus to stop the procession. They still carried out the proces-sion solemnly.

In order to prevent any dam-age to the pretima which was

carried during the procession was wrapped with plastics. Ketut Wiana, a Hindu observer, said that the rain is not an obstacle for the Hindus to carry out the Melasti procession in relation to Nyepi Day. This shows their devotion to God.

The Melasti is the procession to clean the bhuawana agung and bhuawana alit. It will give positive vibrant to enter Nyepi Day. (sue)

entering nyepi day

Hindus carry out MelastiBali Post

Denpasar – Rain was not an obstacle for the Hindus in Denpasar to carry out Melasti procession on the beach. Since early in the morning, hundreds of Hindus already gathered on Padanggalak Beach on Tuesday, March20, 2012.


Police officers are seen on Laksmi Bungalow where the teror-ists were raided

The scene still tightly guarded