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Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, with its population of 450,000. It is one of the largest cities in Great Britain. In addition it is split up into two parts (Old and New) and is a part of the worlds heritage UNESCO.It is also famous for its castle, which lies on a 700 million year dead volcano. From the Bronze Age people have set their settlements on the rock; in the 12th century the royal castle was built. The castle in the early years served also as a prison, thanks to its dungeons and tunnels. The castle is visited by turists in spite of the fact that is said there are goasts.Many inventors studied in Edinburgh, for instance Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telefone; James Clerk Maxwell (colourful photographs) and Alexander Wood the inventor of the hypodermic needle.Edinburgh is also famous because of its Festival held each summer offering thousands of theatre, comedy and music performances. During the Festival a huge mass of people come to the city.Hogmanay is the expresion for the New Years celebration in Edinburgh which is the biggest street party in the world.