Download - Edge Aug 23-10

  • 8/9/2019 Edge Aug 23-10


    The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of ourcommunity and is distributed across North

    America. Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman

    Great August Films!!!

    Wednesday, Aug. 25thWaynes World

    Friday, Aug. 27thDate Night

    Doors open at 6:30 PM

    Admission Price$3.50 each

    Suggestions for movies arewelcome. Please contact:

    T.rex Discovery CentreEastend, SK.

    See Movie Synopseson pg. 4

    Trailers now available onT.rex Discovery Centre



    Friday, August 27

    Steak and Ribs SupperCorn on the Cob, Baked Potato

    Salad & Dessert$22.75

    Reservations Required295-3792

    Thanks Trea, Kevin,

    Cindy & Familyfor a Great Night

    of Music!

    (Closed Mondays)


    the Eastend Dinos

    Motorcycle Club,

    the Golf & Curl Committee,

    Dino Days Committeeand

    the Light Horse Show

    for another successfulyear of events.

    Your efforts aremuch appreciated.

    Town of EastendMayor & Council

    The Velvet Takeover

    The biggest news in the Canadian financial markets is the proposed, unwelcome bid by BHPBilliton for Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan. BHP is an Australian mining firm withmassive global reach and they have the financial clout to make an all cash offer of $130 ashare. They are wasting no time by going directly to the shareholders with this deal and bypassing the Potash board of directors. While the management of Potash is screaming bluemurder the people in Saskatchewan are being amazingly quiet about this so called velvet

    takeover bid; the smooth hand with the tempting cash.Its true that while head office for Potash is in Saskatoon the real mind of management is inIllinois. The biggest shareholders are mainly large financial institutions including mutualfunds and pension funds; many of which are foreign owned. When you look at this theresonly a sentimental connection to Saskatchewan. The business of mining doesnt really carewhere the goods are located. Since this is the case, why should you care about the deal? Itsall being grappled out in the murky depths of global finance while our lives will go on day-to-day pretty much the same.

    Despite this there are potential repercussions for Saskatchewan. There are shareholders ofPotash Corp. who live in the province and, likely, pension fund holders who will be af-fected. There are also businesses that provide supplementary goods and services and result-ing employment that will be affected. They should be speaking up about their concerns.

    BHP is very savvy and has chosen a particularly good time to make their assault on the Pot-ash corporate bastion. Few other companies can quickly muster up a strong competitive bid.Therefore, its up to the Potash shareholders to decide whether they should take the cash andrun. Its tempting since the share price has struggled through disappointing times since themiddle of 2008. However, in any offer the question is really what other better, more produc-tive choices will you have for the cash once received? BHPs shares arent traded in Canadaor the United States. If youre an investor interested in potash as a commodity youll have tolook at smaller publically traded companies here who will have lost their leverage becauseBHP will pull out of Canpotex (the marketing and distribution company wholly owned bySaskatchewan potash producers).

    Why should you care? Because the world is heading for a food crisis: many mouths andmore demand that can only be met by higher-yield production. Dont let a couple of years oflower demand for fertilizer fool you, its a massively valuable commodity second only, pos-

    sibly, to water. Everyone who grows grain should own Potash shares directly or throughmutual funds or pension funds in order to benefit from what will be significantly higher fer-tilizer prices down the road. When seen this way, $130 per share is just too cheap. Its a one-way deal that will never come back. Its not just that the commodity will be owned andmanaged outside of Canada, it already is, its that you will have no way to participate in thecompany that controls it. The best answer for Saskatchewan and all shareholders may be toreject the BHP bid and certainly at this opportunistic price. JK

    T.rex Discovery Centre, bringingeducation, movies and entertainment

    for the whole family to enjoythis fall and winter.

  • 8/9/2019 Edge Aug 23-10


    CCCCOMMUNITYOMMUNITYOMMUNITYOMMUNITY HHHHAPPENINGSAPPENINGSAPPENINGSAPPENINGSEastend Arts CouncilSept. 13 ???ECT&EDASept. 7Eastend Rink Complex???Kinsmen Sept. 14Historical Museum Sept. 14K-40Sept. 1CWLSept. 1Friends of the Museum &

    T.rex Discovery CentreSept. 9Kinettes ??RM of White Valley Sept. 9TOWN COUNCIL Sept. 8Clay Centre Comm ClubSept. 21School Comm CouncilSept. 21Chamber of CommerceSept 15Fire Dept. Sept. 14 & 28Eastend Swimming Pool Sept. 15Prairie Pearls Sept. 29RW InstituteSept. 8TOPS MEET- Health Centre Quiet Room,

    Thursdays @ 5:00 p.m.AAMondays @ 8:00p.m. at Henrys PlaceBINGOMondays at 7:00 in the Rink!

    Alanon Health Centre Quiet RoomTuesdays .


    SHERRY HORNUNGRN(NP) - AUG 25, 27 & 30SEP. 1, 8, 9 & 13


    AUG. 26 AND 30


    AUG. 27, 2010

    To book an appointment Phone 295-4184Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.

    Eastend Agencies Ltd.

    Call for a new quote on:

    Agro, Home, Autoand Tenant Insurance

    Your locally owned and operatedinsurance brokerage

    104 Maple Ave. N.295-3655

    [email protected]

    Advertising Rates$15 per week per ad.

    Space and sizing at Editors discretion





    Yes! Its another T.rexDiscovery Centre...


    Pack a snack and a lunchand spend the day with us

    on Tuesday, August 24.Camp is open to kids age3-5. It will run from 10:00am to 2:00 pm and is $30per child ($25 if you havea membership with us).Call us at295-4009 to register orfor more information.

    The EastendFire Department

    is looking for Fire Fighters

    Male or Female Must be 18 years

    of age min. Able to attend meetings


    Interested PartiesPlease Contact:

    Skip GiverhaugFire Chief


    Need a Lift??

    2 ton Engine Lift

    $23 per day rent

    Call: Robert Paul295-7571






    TIME: 2 pm



    Come and join

    in the fun!

    Everyone Welcome

    Time ... to think aboutwhat security means to you.

    When it comes to your investment port-

    folio, how do you define security?

    Guarantees that protect yourinvestment?

    Reliable income flow? The expectation of future gains?

    Talk to us today about how financialalternatives like Investors Group Guar-anteed Investment Funds provide ameasure of certainty for your investmentportfolio.

    Laurel [email protected](306) 295-4060

    The Plan

    I.G. Insurance Services Inc.

    Karuna Spirit

    in concert

    St. Augustines Anglican ChurchEastend, SK

    Saturday August 28th7pm - 9pm

    Donations welcomeKevin Werre singer songwriter,

    didgerido, drums, guitar

    Trea Jensen, singer songwriter,guitar, percussion.

    An evening of originalsongs, folk, celtic and

    indigenous sounds

  • 8/9/2019 Edge Aug 23-10


    The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of ourcommunity and is distributed across North

    America. Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman

    Art Markings Autumn2010

    Exciting new art experiencesfor the fall.

    Each month with focus on themany aspects of one medium.

    Art workshops for Adults and

    Children will begin in SeptemberPlease call ahead to registerTrea - 295-4099 [email protected]

    Student Art lessonsWednesdaysSeptember 8, 15, 22, 293:45 - 5:45Watercolour and all its'possibilities! $100

    October 6, 13, 20, 27

    Sculpture and masks $100November 3, 10, 17Drawing, portraiture, perspectiveand shading $75

    Adult One Day workshopsSaturday Sept 25th 11am - 5pmGoddess MandalaWatercolour, your inner goddess andmeditation $50.

    Managing Your Money

    Do You Need a Lifetime Income Guarantee?

    Are you getting ready to retire or already retired? Are you looking for a secure, pre-dictable, guaranteed retirement income? The answer could be a Guaranteed Invest-ment Fund (GIF) with Lifetime Income Benefit.

    A GIF (also known as a segregated fund policy) is a form of insurance that combinesthe growth potential of investment mutual fundsincluding built-in diversification,liquidity and professional managementwith the features of an insurance policy toprovide the security of a guaranteed income for life. Depending on the features you

    choose, your GIF could provide:

    A predictable income guaranteed for life, starting as early as age 50.

    Payments based on an income percentage that increases with age and will neverdecrease (unless withdrawals exceed the annual guaranteed amount) regardless ofhow your policy performsthus protecting you against the risks of market re-turns and volatility.

    Payments that can be deferred to increase the amount of the annual lifetime in-come.

    The possibility for income resets - usually every three years that can increasethe amount of your income payments to help offset inflation. As your policy mar-ket value increases, you have the option of using those gains to reset your life-time income amount.

    Death benefit guarantees. When you die your spouse, estate or other designatedbeneficiary will receive the greater of the market value of your GIF policy at thedate of your death, or the death benefit guaranteed amount, which can range from75% to 100% of all the contributions allocated to the policy (less reductions forany withdrawals). You select the 75% to 100% guaranteed death benefit payoutwhen you obtain the policy. Upon death, the proceeds of your policy can be paiddirectly to a beneficiary other than your estate, thus avoiding the time and expenseof probate.

    Access to your assets whenever they are needed but certain fees or RRIF mini-mums may apply to withdrawals. Withdrawals in excess of the annual guaranteedincome amount will affect your lifetime income amount.

    For business owners and professionals, a GIF offers the potential for creditor pro-tection of personal assets.

    If youre looking for a measure of certainty in your investment portfolio and your re-tirement income, a GIF could make sense for you. Talk to your financial advisor aboutwhether its the right fit for your financial plan.

    This column written and published by Investors Group Financial Services Inc. ( in Quebec a Finan-cial Services Firm), presents general information only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any in-vestments. Contact your own advisor for specific advice about your circumstances. For more informa-tion on this topic please contact your Investors Group Consultant. Insurance products and services aredistributed by I.G. Insurance Services Inc. (in Quebeca Financial Services Firm) . Insurance licensesponsored by Great-West Life Assurance Company outside Quebec.

    Jacks Caf

    Come try our new weeklyspecials and soups

    Try our NewJacks in the BoxMeat Lovers Pizza

    Hours of Operation

    MondayclosedTuesFri 9am8:30pmSaturday 8am8:30pmSunday 9am8:30pm

    For groups of10 or morecall ahead295-3313

    Mature, Responsible, Dependable

    Waitress/Waiter required atJacks Caf

    also, Part-timeDishwasher/Night Cleaner

    Apply in person at326 Red Coat Dr.

    The Edge in 5 Striking Pages

    The Eastend Edge has 5 pages this weekwith exceptional colour photos availableat

    The photo montage on page 5 is gener-

    ously provided by Stephen Langton Gou-let. This week it features colour photosof Butterflies.

  • 8/9/2019 Edge Aug 23-10


    New Bestseller at the LibraryBook Review:

    9 Dragons by Michael Connelly

    This is the latest instalment in a series of novels focusing on Detective Hieronymus HarryBosch of the LAPD. Theres a shooting that may involve a Hong Kong triad, a reluctant part-ner, a detective from the Asian Gang Unit that Harrys not sure he can trust. Thats just atypical day for a fictional detective, until the case strikes close to home: Harrys teenagedaughter, Maddie, goes missing and he receives a video from her kidnappers. She is clearlyin danger and theres every indication that it is tied to the Triad shooting. Harry is on the nextplane to Hong Kong and he intends to bring his daughter back, no matter what.

    I am a big fan of detective novels, and I love a good series you get a chance to get to know

    the characters, to see them succeed (or fail) and to see what happens in their lives. HarryBosch, the character created by Michael Connelly, is a great example. Weve seen himthrough various ups and downs during his time with the LAPD (IAD investigations, transfersfrom Robbery Homicide to the cold case squad and back again) and turmoil in his personallife, including having his home destroyed in an earthquake. We saw him briefly married toEleanor Wish, a former FBI agent who is now a professional poker player in Hong Kong;their daughter a daughter Harry never knew he had lives with her mother overseas.

    The story starts with a shooting in a liquor store; not an uncommon occurrence in LA. Thevictim is an elderly Chinese man, someone Bosch met many years ago, and he feels a strongconnection to the case. Hes a little out of his element he doesnt speak the language orunderstand the familys customs. Consulting with the Asian Gang Unit leads to suspicionsthat a Triad may be involved the victim appears to be paying off a customer with a suspi-cious tattoo on a surveillance tape.

    Because Chu is unable to get a quick translation of the Chinese tattoos on the victim (whichmakes Bosch suspicious), Bosch sends pictures of them to his daughter in Hong Kong. Mad-die is able to make the translation and although Bosch cautions her to keep quiet about it,well, shes a teenaged girl with pictures of a real-life murder victim on her cell phone! She isbound to tell somebody. A few hours later, Bosch has a video message showing his daughter,tied to a chair, the victim of a kidnapping.

    Hong Kong is a very different world from Los Angeles, but Bosch is determined to protecthis daughter. His ex-wife, Eleanor, and her colleague, Sun Yee, are able to provide somehelp, but Harry is running on instinct. He needs to find his little girl before she disappearsinto an Asian underworld of triads and human traffickers.

    The story moves at a whirlwind pace and sweeps you right along with it. The characters arereal and honest there are no saints in this story but they get a chance to try and atone for

    their sins. There are mistakes and miss-steps along with flashes of brilliant investigating. Itsa terrific addition to a terrific

    New to Our LibraryTwo Non-Fiction Books

    with Local Ties

    Raging Against Time by Dr. Arnold Pow-ell. Dr. Powell doctored here in the latefifties-early sixties (Eastend and Climax).This book has some chapters about histime spent in Eastend and Climax and was

    donated by the VanderZaan family.

    Stories from My Life is a memoir JeanFrancis Oakes, from the Nekaneet Re-serve, talks in a good way about her lifeand the teachings of her elders. It wastranscribed from taped conversations,2006-2008, by Candace Savage.

    Movie Synopsis:

    Waynes World

    Originally a skit on "Saturday Night Live"during the late '80s and early '90s, "Wayne'sWorld" is about two teenage dudes who hosta public access TV show, which is mainlyabout rock, babes and people who live in thearea. One day Wayne and Garth go to a rockconcert, and Wayne falls in love with a bass

    guitarist named Cassandra Wong. Waynespends the rest of the movie trying to getCasandra to fall in love with him. He alsostruggles with a network executive whowants to buy the rights to his show.

    Movie Synopsis:

    Date Night

    In New York City, a case of mistaken

    identity turns a bored married couplesattempt at a glamorous and romantic eve-ning into something more thrilling anddangerous.

    Library Exclusives

    During the up-grading of the central li-brary system it will not be possible toplace holds for books. As an alternative,bestsellers, new releases and books ofinterest provided by donation will be ex-clusively available at the Eastend Libraryand will be reviewed and noted in the

    Edge. JK

    New Bestselling Nordic MysteryAvailable at the Eastend Library

    The Stone-Cutter(No.1 Bestselling Swedish Crime Novel)

    by Camilla Lckberg

    The remote resort of Fjllbacka has seenits share of tragedy, though perhaps noneworse than the little girl found in a fisher-

    mans net. But the post-mortem revealsthat this is no accidental drowning.

    Local detective Patrik Hedstrm has justbecome a father. It is his grim task to dis-cover who could be behind the methodicalmurder of a child both he and his partner,Erica, knew well. He knows the solutionlies in finding the reason for such a terri-ble crime.

    What he does not know is how this casewill reach into the dark heart of Fjllbackaand tear aside its idyllic faade, perhapsforever.

    Other mysteries by Camilla Lckberg:The Ice Princess, and The Preacher

    Coming this Fall & WinterTo the Silver Willow Gallery

    & Guest House

    Concerts featuring visiting performers

    Beginning October 2with

    Samantha Robichaud

    More information in September

    Tickets $20Call: Laurie 295-2633

    Theres a full roster of Activitiesand Entertainment in Eastend

    this Fall and Winter.

    Watch the Edge forCurrent Information.

  • 8/9/2019 Edge Aug 23-10
