Download - Eden Magazine September issue

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Septembe 2011 Volume 1 Issue 9

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Front Cover artwork by Gio Berishvili ~ Back Cover Photography by Micha schwarz

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Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your

photography. For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected] or

EditorMaryam Morrison

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world

“Affirm divine calmness and peace, and send out only thoughts of love and goodwill if you want to live in peace and harmony. Never get angry, for anger poisons your system.”

Paramahansa Yogananda

Artwork by Maryam Morrison

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4 Mike Pabst


6Our Extraterrestrial Heritage




14No Finning

PleaseThe Compassionate



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Mike Pabst

Fine Art & Portrait Photography

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Mike born in Germany , where he discovered his passion for photography in the early 80’s. After graduating in 1987, he worked in the Photography-Retail industry for almost 14 Years, served in the german airforce from 1986 – 1987 and moved to the united states in 2002.

In 2005 that he began to consider photography as a career. Mike’s original focus was on pet photography. He created the 2009 and 2010 pet calendars for hobo hotel and animal angels.

In 2009 Mike expanded his portfolio to include portrait, Fine art and commercial photography, his work achieved respectable results at local charity auctions and Art Shows.

To find more of Mike’s works visit his website and online gallery

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Alida FehilyWisdom Consultant

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A 2005 Psychic of the Year (WA), International Wisdom, Psychic Consultant, , Demartini Method Certified Facilitator,

Thank God I...Coaching Facilitator and author, WIZ-cARDs, Thank God I... Trilogy Vol 3.

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Alida has helped thousands of people see their futures more vividly and clearly through face to face consultations, public speaking, radio talks, published articles, workshops and internet social media. She consults for people from all walks of life including business owners, celebrities and entrepreneurs. She is considered to be one of the world’s leaders on human behaviour and personal development. Alida provides a unique wisdom consul-tation relating with matters of love, life, relationships, money, career and many more.

The Australian Psychics Association awarded her the “Psychic of the Year (WA) 2005. She is rated as one of the most sought after psychic/intuitive in the world. She re-creates and transforms people’s lives by opening their mind to a new level of awareness and a new way of thinking. So that they can discover the truth to the mysteries of wisdom and knowledge and find their own genius within.

Alida trained under the renowned Dr John Demartini from “The Secret” where she made her way to become a Demartini Method Certified Facilitator. She uses a magical methodology that neutralizes emotional charges, balanc-es the mind and opens ones heart and mind. She guides people by opening their portal to the gift of self-awareness.

She uses her intuition to eliminate the factors that are holding people back from reaching their goals and living their dreams.

Alida is the author of the WIZ-cARDs which is a wonderful tool for people to help find the pathway within and to discover their own reality. It could help them create the life of their dreams and inspire them to live according to their highest potential. She created them through a divine universal message she received from Jack Canfield. The creation is of pure energy and incredibly accurate. The WIZ-cARDs shows very clearly the ‘Law of Reflection’ at work.

Alida is a Thank God I...Certified Facilitator.She is also an Author Ambassador for the spiritual community, a place where one can transcend their challenges with a new sense of purpose in life. This is a place of transformation through book publishing, education and documentaries and more.

Alida is a co-author in volume 3 of the inspirational “Thank God I” trilogy. She opens her heart by telling her story “Thank God I was mentally and physi-cally abused. She is also the co-author to the Thank God I Am An Empowered Women’s book which it yet to be released. This is where she tells her extraordinary story of triumph to success.

Other past times includes writing articles for international magazines, blog talk radio and webinar programs and is seen on A Celebration of Woman as a Woman of Action.

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Learn how to transform any situation you might encounter into a more ordered and meaningful condition or experience. You will be able to tap into the mysteries of

wisdom to achieve your dreams. If you are you ready to change your life and live the life of your dreams.

Contact Alida at

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Our Extraterrestrial Heritage

A recent survey suggests that “79% of Americans who reckon alien life probably does exist”. What can be the reason for this extraordinary statistic? Why does this idea exist in such a high percentage of the population?

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Can this belief in alien life come from the possibility that we are all connected to an extraterrestrial race? Was the ‘missing link’ in our evolution due to the arrival of an alien race that bred with or somehow implanted its genetic material and educat-ed our Homo sapiens ancestors around 13,000 years ago? As per Darwin’s theory, those Homo sapiens with the Alien Visitor gene had a significant advantage and began to replace those that didn’t – resulting in the human race that quickly evolved from a single point.

Does this explain the unusual leap in our evolution from Homo to pharaoh? It would also explain our common bond (collective conscious) as our alien knowl-edge is transferred down the generations via this trans-generational memory gene, where each generation is able to access some of this knowledge which in some cases we classify as ‘genius’. This trans-generational memory gene can also ex-plain our IQ, imagination and the paranor-mal!

With the rapid development of genetics, epigenetics, DNA, etc., scientists around the world are closing in on the gene(s) that differentiate us from our closest rela-tives the Chimpanzee and Bonobo. Could these distinctive genes belong to an ex-traterrestrial ancestor that arrived and thrived on Earth in our pre-history? In the meantime can clues be found elsewhere?In Wiltshire, UK near to the stone circles at Avebury stands Silbury Hill. This ancient mound has provided the background for a number of UFO sightings and many of the less obvious man-made crop circles in

recent years. Are there any clues to show that Silbury Hill is linked to extraterrestri-als and hence human evolution? The perception we have of Silbury Hill is nothing more than a burial mound or an-cient fort. This is mainly thanks to the ar-chaeological establishment, in particular Professor Atkinson’s dig from 1968-1970 and subsequently endorsed by English Heritage.

The English Heritage Conservation and Restoration Project in 2007/2008 fol-lowed the previously mentioned tunnel by Professor Atkinson. Although much of the evidence of its age and function had been contaminated over the centuries, there was some evidence discovered during this recent dig to suggest that Silbury Hill was originally constructed as a pyramid.

Some of the uncovered information to suggest this extraordinary possibility is as follows:-

There were large sarsen stones found at the summit and a number of pieces have been discovered close to the surface elsewhere in the Hill. These large sarsen stones suggest a cap or podium at the top of the structure. Large chalk blocks measuring 29 x 39½ x 12 pyramid inches were discovered at the top of Silbury Hill.

“Over 10,000 survey points on the mound alone allowed us to plot detailed contours. This emphasised that the structure is not in fact circular, but built in straight segments that may indicate radial walls or buttresses” English Heritage.

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A thin band of dark brown butter-textured material approximately 5mm thick spread across the base area prior to the construc-tion. So far no stones have been found in this bizarre band of mica-like material.

Close to the entrance a large chamber had been discovered and its purpose unknown. Other cavities have been dis-covered beneath the base of the Hill. Does this suggest evidence of a stor-age place but any artefacts placed within had long since been removed and any records lost?

A few flint flakes some dated to 12,000 years old were discovered in pits on top of the first phase of Silbury Hill.

The building of the final phase of the Hill occurred in “steps”.

Archaeologists found this to be a very ‘clean’ site, suggesting that once Silbury Hill had been built, it seems unusual that only a selected few had access to the Hill.

It is clear that in our pre-history there was a mass of people in this area who were organised and prepared to work very hard in relative harmony, but we can still only guess at its function. So, to under-stand Silbury Hill we need to move our focus elsewhere to attempt to provide a plausible explanation for its purpose. I believe answers can be found by studying the most ancient and mysterious monu-ments found on Earth – pyramids!

We are aware of the Great Pyramid in Egypt but what is not fully understood is the existent of hundreds if not thousands

of pyramids built on every continent on Earth during our pre-history. So, why were these amazing technological struc-tures built?

There are many examples of Egyptian pyramids that show a ‘de-nuded Silbury Hill’, i.e. what Silbury Hill may have looked like if it was built in an arid environment. Similar mounds to Silbury Hill covered in vegetation found in Bosnia, Slovenia, China, etc., have also been shown to be pyramids. To find out more, we must first under-stand the scientific properties of the pyr-amid. Clues can be found thanks to the discovery of the atom and its constituent parts which enabled the development of electricity by 19th century inventors including Westinghouse, Edison and Tesla. The motion of negatively charged electrons in one direction and positively charged in the other around an electric circuit known as an electric current is clearly understood. What is less famil-iar is the flow of ionic energy around our planet. Ions occur when an atom either gains an electron (anion) or looses an electron (cation). Ions exist naturally due to the ongoing atomic reactions with energy sources such as heat, light and sound energy. An ionic current flows when the negatively charged anions are attracted towards the positively charged (opposites attract) Sun via the ionosphere and the positively charged cations are attracted from the Sun to the negatively charged Earth.

This flow of ionic current is a natural occurring wireless phenomenon.

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However, if a pyramid shape is placed on the ground thus intersecting this flow of ionic current, its effect is to dramatically increase the flow of electrical energy at the tip of the pyramid compared to the base, i.e. the pyramid is able to generate and store free electrical energy!

All pyramids have been found to con-tain some crystalline/quartz stone such as sarsen, granite or salt. These mate-rials act as a transducer. A transducer is a power transforming device which can convert one form of energy into an-other. A pyramid depending on its size, angle, construction and materials used (Professor Atkinson described Silbury Hill as being inside a “highly coloured layer cake”), can generate huge amounts of electrical energy which can be convert-ed into large magnetic fields, seismic (communication signals), Ion Generator/Bionizer (as found in modern air purifiers/conditioners), heat and earth (ley line)energy. Water nearby, which is common to all pyramids, provides a constant source of negative anions.

Was there a highly intelligent civilisation in our pre-history who understood the properties of pyramids and the science of our planet? Were pyramids built because they were critical to their survival and the continued existence of their offspring us!! Their amazing mathematical and astro-logical knowledge suggest they did?

Is this another crackpot idea? Russian scientists don’t think so. They are build-ing pyramids to purify the surrounding atmosphere to help tackle the effects of greenhouse gasses. Maybe one day we

will see pyramid power used to replace wind farms?

Was Silbury Hill originally built as a pyramid? The evidence from other pyramids and the details of my research on Silbury Hill suggest it was a pyramid and part of a huge complex incorporat-ing Avebury Stone Circles nearby and Stonehenge to the south. If Silbury Hill was originally built as a pyramid this would show a remarkable link to other pyramids and hence highly intelligent civilisations that grew up in our pre-history.

Are we being studied? Is the Alien Visitor aware that it had left its knowledge and experiences behind on our planet? If it returns will we have some common knowl-edge that will enable us to understand the secrets of space and our hidden powers?

John Cowie is a veteran of the semiconductor revolution. As a former senior executive with Philips and Intel Corporation, his original intention was to write a book based on the characters he met and his first-hand experiences during his many years in this exciting young industry. But as he watched the remarkable evolution of the silicon chip and in turn the computer and telecom-munications industries, he began to link these extraordinary envisioneering achievements with the human brain. Regular journeys past the an-cient sites of Silbury Hill and the standing stones of Avebury prompted him to consider where our knowledge could have come from and the seeds of the Alien Visitor gene theory began.

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No Finning Please

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If you ask a vegan and vegetarian killing an animal for food is cruel, whereas meat eaters will say that humanely killing animals for food is all right! But sadly when it comes to finning there is no humane thing about it.

According to PETA, finning involves “pulling sharks from the water, cutting off their fins, and then throwing them back into the sea to spin to the bottom while they lowly bleed to death.” so the result of this for the Shark causes either starve to death, eaten alive by other fish, or drown (if they are not in constant movement their gills cannot extract oxygen from the water).

Sharks have been around since before the dinosaurs, The earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago. Since that time, sharks havediversified into 440 species. They are amazing fish who captured oceans and seas around the world. Although it is hard to test the Shark’s hearing, but studies showed they may have a sharp sense of hearing and can possibly hear prey many miles away.

Sharks may have up to 3,000 teeth at one time. Most sharks

do not chew their food, but gulp it down whole it in large pieces. The teeth are arranged in rows; when one tooth is damaged or lost, it is replaced by another. Most sharks have about 5 rows of teeth at any time. The front set is the largest and does most of the work.

According to Mother Nature Network more than 73 milllion sharks are killed annually just for their fines. Many restaurant serve fin soup for $100 a bowl, studies show that shark has among the highest levels of toxic mercury found in fish and, when eaten in high quantities, can be hazardous to your health.

So, now the question rises are we really need to killing them off in huge numbers which throws the marine ecosystem out of balance for just a bowl of soup?!

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The term Akasha comes from a 5000 year old Sanskrit language,”the basis and essence of all things.” The Akasha Records can be revealed by diving into the subconscious mind in deep state of meditation. The information you will find in an Akasha Reading it is not like a psychic reading, it is glimpse into your deep souls path and destiny. It’s been said the Akasha Record is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe. Akasha of energy is found within each situation you are in, by Just pauseing and look within any one can find out about it and experience it. Just simply go through and beneath your emotions and thoughts. The consciousness is here, we are all just so busy to look into the Universal web of consciousness. Once we reach the point of how to make this journey, we be able to tap into and open this subconscious con-nection. The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or right as you’re falling asleep. Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge to this space. When we step beyond our normal chattering ego-based mindset and into the silence, we can hear, see and feel this information as if God herself were whispering it to us.

With our past which is essential to us, we be able to realizing and understanding the life path we’re on right now, and with this our future will become clear to real-ize who you were. It is so simple to access your Akashic Record. With entering into an extremely deep and meditative mindset your journey will be start.

Akashic RecordsDivinginto the Subconscious Mind

By; Heidi Sawyer

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I remember clearly the first time I intention-ally accessed the Akashic records. I went to look for details in my life at a time when I was feeling stuck. I had clear questions I wanted answering: was I ever going to get married and to whom? Trotting off up there in meditation, I was not expecting any real answers. I was experimenting but I did want to know the answers to my questions.

To my surprise, I received the information I was seeking. Some would call it chance; others could say it was my sub-conscious providing the information. Whatever the explanation was, intentionally accessing the Akashic Records had given me precisely what I was looking for.

The Akasha is an area of consciousness that many of us have heard of but cannot quite fathom. Akasha simply means ‘space’. It is a sanskrit word which refers to empty space not being empty at all. It suggests that the wide open space of nothingness is actually alive with information and communication.

So what are the Akashic Records? They are the Universe’s etheric database in which all records are kept regarding the past, pres-ent and probable future, determined by our thoughts, actions and interactions with the rest of creation. These records act as the central storehouse for the entire history of every soul since the beginning of creation.

This universal filing system contains every word, thought, deed and action. The records are impressed upon a subtle

substance called the akasha. According to Hindu mysticism, the akasha is the primary principle of nature from which the natural principles of earth, air, fire and water are created. These five principles follow on to represent the five senses of the human be-ing. The akasha is really a collection of all possible forms of energy, from the mate-rial to the psychic and spiritual, from which universal creation grows from Divine im-pulse.

The Akashic Records have also been re-ferred to as ‘The Book of Life’ in many reli-gious and cultural traditions. It has no sense of time and distance. It is a state of ‘is’.

It is possible for anybody to go and look at their records through guided meditation. It takes a little bit of time to get used to look-ing. Sometimes if you are not ready you won’t be able to see the text in the book of your lifetime. You can also view other’s books. If it is not right for you to see the record, you will find the book isn’t available to you. Other than that, you can look at all sorts of things, including what you are here to learn and why certain events or people are or have been in your life. You can begin to understand something that didn’t make sense previously.

In case you are wondering: I am now very happily married to the person whom I vaguely knew at the time and who at that time was the last person I expected to be presented at the Akashic Records.

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Heidi Sawyer Heidi Sawyer is the Course Director of the Institute of Psychic Development. She is the authority on the subject and her home study psychic development course is the flagship course in this field. It is the most sold product of its kind in the world. What makes Heidi stand out from others is her very strong and loyal psychic support network. Visit her psychic courses website or join her 20,000+ psychic newsletter readership.

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Nature has entrusted woman as the giver of life, as the mother of the earth. Given this great honor she can possess the energy to move the universe.

(Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta)

The Compassionate Heart of Sarah Lanyero

(as told by Sandra Murphy founder of One Step at a Time)

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At just 18 years old Sarah has lived a life that many of us thankfully could never imagine. Her life story although one filled with immense sadness and trauma is an inspiration. Her strength and determina-tion to survive a childhood of depriva-tion and cruelty yet still grow to become a woman with immeasurable compassion for others is a true gift to humanity.

Sarah was born in 1993, the 2nd of six children. Life was not easy as her younger brother Edmond died at age 7 years and another brother Isaac has severe learning difficulties. In 2001 Sarah’s father was shot by the LRA rebels as he drove a vehicle to Sudan. Later her mother was also shot by the rebels but survived only to die a few years later. Sarah’s older brother, abducted by the LRA rebels is still missing.

By the age of 9 both Sarah and her sister were abducted from school by separate LRA rebels forces and taken to the bush. Sarah was blindfolded and made to walk to a line of rebel men and the one she touched became her husband. Her life was cruel with no food except when a raid was carried out on a village. She hated eating the stolen food from people she knew would have been killed, but this was the only way to survive her childhood. The head rebels would eat first and the abducted children got what was left over. If the rebels gave them no food they would eat raw vegeta-bles dug from the ground or leaves. The only water was from passing rivers and puddles.

They walked for weeks and if they were

tired and asked to rest they would be shot. At nighttime the children slept in the open bush, often tied by a rope around their waist. Sarah still has serious scaring on her body from bites and injuries. The rebels forced the children to dance and if they were not happy they would be killed.

Forced to carry and use a gun Sarah sorrowfully recalls that she also saw many people killed for no reason. Once she was sent with a rebel to kill a man but didn’t want to do it so she convinced the rebel to shoot a tree and let the man go free. She was terrified to lie to the rebel chief that the man was dead but knew it was the right decision.

Time passed by until a day came when Sarah was walking in the bush and upon meeting another group of rebels she noticed that with them was her sister. Although glad to see each other alive they both knew that they could not let anyone know they were sisters or they may be shot or even worse, one of them could be forced to kill the other.

During this time Sarah had become a trusted abductee and she had been approached by another girl who wanted to escape. Sarah although very unhappy refused to go as she desperately wanted to escape with her sister. It took 3 years before an opportunity arose. The girls were allocated together to take anoth-er girl with a diseased leg to a hospital. As the girls carried guns many people they approached for help ran away, but eventually they found some compassion-ate people who took them to the local bar-racks where they would be safe.

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It was at this time that Sarah’s mother came to collect her daughters that she was shot by the rebels and they had to stay at the barracks until their mum had recovered enough to return home. Once home Sarah went back to school but refused to go back to year 3 as she was too big and people would know she had been abducted. She felt people would call her a rebel and treat her badly, so she put herself in class 6. On 1st November 2004, when a girl was unable to sit her class 7 leaving exam Sarah saw a golden opportunity and sat it in her place. Unknown to Sarah this was to be the time her mother would die. Sarah re-calls this day so clearly. She was in school when one of her uncles visited. She knew something was wrong as they never visited her at school. On announcing her mother’s death Sarah quietly sobbing continue to bravely take her final leaving exam and somehow was able to get a reasonable grade.

On returning home Sarah was deeply pained to find out that her mother had been buried without her being there. This memory still greatly distresses her to this day. In her sorrow Sarah was again dismayed to find that money her mother had left the family which should have taken them to school had been stolen. Now orphaned her uncles decided to marry her and sister to men they had never met. They refused to help unless the girls agreed to marry. Winnie accepted but Sarah knew she had to take care of her brothers and decided to stay alone with her siblings and her old grandmother. The family lived in a camp at this time of rebel insurgency with absolutely nothing until the UN came

to give the area food relief. They sur-vived on this as a child headed family.

During this time Sarah was pleased to be chosen to be funded for a tailoring course in a school for abducted children and did 3 terms there. Unexpectedly the spon-sor withdrew the support just before the end of the first year exams. Sarah was distressed and mortified and sat alone in a field crying. It was here One Step at a Time found Sarah. Touched by her story I agreed to fund her fees to the end of her training. What we did not know was that during her last term Sarah was ap-proached by a teacher who wanted her to be his girlfriend. She refused and he kicked her seriously and she was taken to hospital. She was afraid and ran to Gulu to live in a convent with some nuns. I vowed to find her and help her again.

Whilst in Gulu Sarah found a boyfriend who she believed loved her but when she became pregnant he told her to abort the baby and left her. She decided that the baby would not defeat her and after all she had been through she knew she would fight to preserve that new life. She was forced to leave the convent and when her blood pressure rose the baby was delivered at 6 months.

She was alone in hospital through labour and with the baby in special care there was no one to care for them. She ate only through the kindness of other people and other patients who shared their food with her.

From here a priest met her and begged another convent to keep her and the baby.

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There was a clinic attached to the convent and an American volunteer doctor took care of the baby.

It was from here that she borrowed a phone to call me in UK. I travelled to visit Sarah and baby Emmanuel. He is still not well as his lungs have not developed fully even though he has now reached his full term time.

When I spoke to Sarah last she told me she had an addition to her family. She explained that because she had been shown so much compassion by the people who had helped her, she felt that she should pay back some of this kindness. On witnessing a young boy being beaten and tied to a hut because he had wet his mat in the night, Sarah decided to adopt him. This young boy had been born without arms, and un-fortunately disability in Uganda can be considered a curse, or a sign you have done something wrong in a past life. Due to this children with disabilities can be abandoned or mistreated. Sarah was so touched by this child’s distress that she decided to make him as her brother. Sarah is now teaching him to eat with his feet.

Those who know Sarah are touched by her compassionate heart. Her story is one of bravery, courage and incredible em-pathy and gentleness for those who are also suffering. Sarah is a very strong and determined girl. I have met strong women in my life but she has suffered more than many. She is committed to supporting her family and her aim is to reunite them all under her care. She is an amazing

mother with so much love for her child and has learned quickly how to care for him. She still suffers trauma but accepts that it is God’s will that keeps bringing her out of the troubles she has experienced. To date this incredible young woman is still living at the grace of the sisters.

Sarah has been trained to make jewellery from recycled can rings and now feels ready to become independent and earn her own money. She wants to train to use a knitting machine and move back to live near to our office and bring her brothers to live with her. One Step at a Time is supporting this move. Staff are due to visit this month to assess the boy for further help to love him and give him a life that each one of us deserves. These children and young people are not alone thousands, in Uganda are in need of compassion and One Step at a Time is doing just that.

If you feel you could help Sarah or a child like her please contact the charity on [email protected] or see web site

You can also enable Sarah to remain independent, by posting her something we throw away every day. If you would like to help Sarah to restart her life please help to collect and post the pull rings of cans for her to make her creative handbags.

Ring pulls for SarahOne Step at a Time,PO BOX 493,Lira,Uganda,Africa

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In the next issue Ellen Love Vaman talks about Naturopathy and the greatest influence in individuals life.

Living healthy past to her through her parents who showed her to “respect & honor the land & all it has to offer us”.

Health RockZ

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Gio was always fascinated by the idea that life on earth came from some other beautiful planets, and he always wanted to put that idea into his works, in his dreams he traveled to those distant worlds of symmetry, order and chaos, meeting with fellow aliens. Green to him is the color of life, and in these piece he wanted to express the beauty of symbolic existence.. mandalas, vortexes, Aliens, distant planets and beautiful b/green gardens...

All in Gio’s head to manifest in his arts.

About front cover

The Vafa shelter is a non government charity

organization relying solely on private

donations and volunteers

Make a difference and change their livesVafa Animal Shelter;

email: [email protected]

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Sharing some beautiful moments

Share with us those moment that you captured

Willy Zack & Tula

Sammy & Payten Britney

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