Download - ED02 - Panattoni

Pallet space 73191 97595
Watford Village Northamptonshire
This drawing is the property of Nene Group plc.
It must not be copied our distributed without our written permission each and every time and returned upon request.
All information contained herein is to be classed as confidential and is not to be disclosed to a third party.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the details and design contained herein are accurate, Nene Group plc shall under no circumstances be liable for any injuries, expenses or other losses which may be attributable to the use or adaptation of such data and design details.
All dimensions & details are subject to confirmation after a detailed survey. Where installation causes increased loading to your floor slab, we advise that it is tested for it's capability of supporting the given loads.
Do not scale from drawing.
If in doubt - ask.
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with other supporting documentation as applicable.
Watford Village Northamptonshire
This drawing is the property of Nene Group plc.
It must not be copied our distributed without our written permission each and every time and returned upon request.
All information contained herein is to be classed as confidential and is not to be disclosed to a third party.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the details and design contained herein are accurate, Nene Group plc shall under no circumstances be liable for any injuries, expenses or other losses which may be attributable to the use or adaptation of such data and design details.
All dimensions & details are subject to confirmation after a detailed survey. Where installation causes increased loading to your floor slab, we advise that it is tested for it's capability of supporting the given loads.
Do not scale from drawing.
If in doubt - ask.
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with other supporting documentation as applicable.
PNB 0480
PNB 0480
PNB 0480
PNB 0480
PNB 0480
Watford Village Northamptonshire
This drawing is the property of Nene Group plc.
It must not be copied our distributed without our written permission each and every time and returned upon request.
All information contained herein is to be classed as confidential and is not to be disclosed to a third party.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the details and design contained herein are accurate, Nene Group plc shall under no circumstances be liable for any injuries, expenses or other losses which may be attributable to the use or adaptation of such data and design details.
All dimensions & details are subject to confirmation after a detailed survey. Where installation causes increased loading to your floor slab, we advise that it is tested for it's capability of supporting the given loads.
Do not scale from drawing.
If in doubt - ask.
This drawing is to be read in conjunction with other supporting documentation as applicable.