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in Texas




Irrigation of Sugarcanein Texas

Bob Wiedenfeld, Juan Enciso, Guy Fipps and John Robinson*

*Respectively, Professor, Assistant Professor and Irrigation Engineer Specialist,Professor and Irrigation Engineer; and Associate Professor and Extension Economist,

The Texas A&M University System

This material is based upon work supported by the Rio Grande Basin Initiativeof the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service,

United States Department of Agriculture under Agreement No. 2001-45049-00149.

Cultivation of sugarcane (Saccarum spp.), which probably originated in New Guinea (southeast Asia), most likely began in the LRGV around the early 1900s. A perennial potentially harvestable for 10 or more years, the sugarcane plant matures over the course of just 1 year. Commercial producers generally grow sugarcane plantations for 4 to 5 years and, in the Valley, harvest their sugarcane crop every year, usually starting in September or October and ending in March. The second year after planting is called the first ratoon; producers generally can obtain two to four ratoon crops, depending on sugar levels. In South Texas, sugarcane beds are spaced every 60 inches.

Figure 1 shows the growth periods of sugarcane: establishment (germination and emergence), vegetative (tillering and canopy establishment), grand growth and ripening. During tillering (the second stage in Fig. 1), sugarcane produces multiple stalks. In the Fig. 1. Growth stages of sugarcane.

Producers in Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) grow approximately 45,000 acres of sugarcane, a crop with high water requirements (about 65 inches per year). Rainfall in

semiarid South Texas supplies only a third of this need, so producers must irrigate. As the Valley industry developed, producers historically enjoyed abundant, inexpensive irrigation water, but recently water available for agricultural use has become restricted. Although such restrictions will likely continue, water remains available for agricultural use even after South Texas’ municipal and industrial requirements are met. If producers efficiently use such limited water resources, cultivation of sugarcane can continue to play a significant role in the Valley’s agricultural economy.

grand growth period, sugarcane develops rapidly, and individual stalks start to grow. During ripening, producers cut off nitrogen applications and irrigation to slow down growth and enhance sugar production.

Agronomic characteristics of sugarcane


Sugarcane water use increases rapidly during canopy establishment, peaking during the grand growth stage when plant canopy cover increases from 10 to 100 percent. During the sugarcane plant’s last developmental stage (ripening or yield formation), stalks grow and leaf area declines, so that the crop is less able to respond to sunlight and needs less water. At the same time, sugar content of the cane naturally increases, by harvest reaching levels of between 10 and 12 percent of fresh weight. To encourage cane dehydration and conversion from total sugars to recoverable sucrose during ripening, producers should limit nitrogen application and restrict water supply by extending irrigation intervals or stopping irrigation altogether. Too frequent irrigation during ripening may accelerate plant flowering, reducing sugar production.

Sugarcane water requirements

To secure high yields, producers must provide adequate water to the sugarcane crop during its vegetative and yield formation stages. Producers can use reference ET (evapotranspiration) or class A pan evaporation data to estimate crop water requirements.

Depending on weather conditions, sugar-cane evapotranspiration requirements vary from 55 to 65 inches. Reference ET more accurately related to actual plant water use is calculated based on temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar data gathered by automated weather stations. Then, this reference ET number (or the class A pan data) is multiplied by a crop-specific coefficient (Kc) to account for growth stage.

General water requirements in sugarcane production

Around the world, sugarcane production varies from 45,000 to 134,000 lbs/ac (20 to 60 tons/ac). Average production for the LGRV is 38 tons/ac; production levels have increased year-by-year with adoption of better irrigation management practices.

Water-use efficiency is defined as production per unit of water applied. As determined by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization researchers, worldwide average water-use efficiency for sugarcane at 80-percent moisture varies from 1130 to 1808 lbs/ac-in (5 to 8 kg/m3) and for sucrose, from 136 to 226 lbs/ac-in (0.6 to 1 kg/m3). In 2003, the following water-use efficiencies were obtained at the Texas A&M Research and Extension Center (research conducted by Dr. Robert Wiedenfeld):

• For total crop: 2540 lbs/ac-in for planting crop and 2883 and 2270 lbs/ac-in for first and second ratoons (11.2, 12.8, 10.0 kg/m3, respectively)

• For sucrose alone: 210, 383 and 276 lbs/ac-in for planting crop and first and second ratoons respectively (0.9, 1.7, and 1.2 kg/m3, respectively)

Production levels depend on the total amount of water available: barring other limiting factors, one acre-inch of water will produce about one ton of cane. Growers in the LRGV potentially could produce about 65 tons of cane per acre per year. However, problems with water distribution and irrigation timing, as well as other cultural factors such as fertility, salinity, pests and soil compaction, have limited Valley growers to production averages of only about 60 percent of this potential.


Class A pan evaporation data correlates somewhat with plant water use. Researchers have developed coefficients related to class A pan values from various regions for different crops based on stage of growth (Table 2). The values estimated with reference ET generally differ from the ones estimated using the pan “A” evaporimeter.

Available soil water and irrigation scheduling

To effectively schedule irrigation, producers must be able to determine the percent-depletion of available soil water by crop water use. A balance sheet approach (like a checkbook register) can be used to keep track of additions (through rainfall and irrigation) and removals (through crop water use) from a soil reservoir of a specific size. Depletion percentages then can be either measured directly or estimated. Both methods require information about a crop’s rooting depth and the capacity of a particular soil to hold moisture.

Crop coefficients and average ET and rainfall for the LRGV are presented in Table 1. Researchers calculate crop coefficients by sampling the soil for water content over several growing seasons.

Table 2. Average monthly pan evaporation at Weslaco and pan coefficients for sugarcane water use in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

(ET sc – evapotranspiration of sugarcane)

Month Class A Pan(inches)

K ET sc(inches)

Jan 4.42 0.21 0.9

Feb 5.16 0.22 1.1

Mar 6.44 0.29 1.9

Apr 8.15 0.35 2.9

May 9.86 0.47 4.6

June 10.28 0.69 7.1

July 11.42 0.79 9.0

Aug 1.037 0.77 8.0

Sep 6.99 0.64 4.4

Oct 5.90 0.55 3.2

Nov 4.41 0.41 1.8

Dec 3.90 0.22 0.9

TOTAL 87.3 ------ 45.8

Table 1. Researchers calculate crop coefficients by sampling the soil for water content over several growing seasons.(ET ref – reference evapotranspiration; ET sc – evapotranspiration of sugarcane; Kc – crop coefficient)

Month DaysCumulative


ET Stage Kc ET sc RainfallET –Rain

Jan 31 31 3.44 Tillering 0.40 1.4 1.6 0.0

Feb 28 59 3.74 Tillering 0.40 1.5 1.6 0.0

Mar 31 90 5.00 Tillering 0.40 2.0 0.5 1.5

Apr 30 120 5.91 25% canopy 0.64 3.8 1.6 2.2

May 31 151 7.11 50% canopy 1.15 8.2 2.6 5.5

June 30 181 7.20 Full canopy 1.25 9.0 2.9 6.1

July 31 212 7.79 Full canopy 1.25 9.7 2.9 6.8

Aug 31 243 7.47 Full canopy 1.25 9.3 2.3 7.0

Sep 30 273 5.82 Ripening 1.10 6.4 4.7 1.7

Oct 31 304 4.92 Harvest 0.70 3.4 2.2 1.3

Nov 30 334 3.82 Tillering 0.40 1.5 1.4 0.2

Dec 31 365 3.13 Tillering 0.40 1.3 1.4 0.0

65.34 57.5 25.7 32.3


Depending on soil type, sugarcane roots can extend as deep as 6 feet. Table 3 shows water-holding capacities for the top 4 feet of different soils in the LGRV. Water availability varies with soil depth. For example, Harlingen soil can hold 0.12 to 0.18 inch of water per inch of soil at depths from 0 to 11 inches; between 0.06 to 0.13 inch of water per inch of soil at depths between 11 and 35 inches; and 0.03 to 0.13 inch of water per inch of soil at depths between 35 and 72 inches. The same soil can hold between 3.5 to 6.8 inches of water in soil 4 feet deep.

Producers can use several different types of tools to directly measure soil-moisture depletion levels.

Neutron probes and time domain reflec-tometry (TDR) instruments measure actual volumetric moisture content. These instru-ments usually require calibration to relate data to available soil moisture. Such instru-ments are expensive and complicated to operate, so usually are used only in irrigation research.

Tensiometers and watermark sensors measure the tension at which soils hold water; as a soil’s tension numbers rise, plants have an increasingly difficult time extracting water. These tools are relatively inexpensive and can be operated easily by growers.

Moisture availability estimations based on soil-moisture tension integrate the effects of soil texture, so readings need not be adjusted for soil type, but can be biased by soil salinity. Typically, tension measurements will remain low for extended periods as plants remove available water from the soil, then rise rapidly as available moisture levels approach lower limits. When soil moisture tension in root zones reaches between 30 and 60 centibars, it is usually time to irrigate.

In order to measure conditions reliably in large fields, producers need to install soil water sensors in several locations and at different depths, then regularly go into their fields to record sensor measurements.

Growers in various sugarcane regions have often gone to the effort and expense of installing sensors, but failed to continue the frequent measurements necessary to amass a database of useful information. Before deciding to use such sensors, producers should consider such ongoing monitoring needs.

Irrigation is generally triggered when the sugarcane crop depletes about 55 to 60 percent of the soil water stored in the root zone. This point is called the management allowable depletion (MAD). For example, for a Rio Grande silty loam soil with a water-holding capacity of 7 inches and a MAD of 60 percent, irrigation is needed at the point that 4.8 inches (7*0.6 = 4.8 in) of

Table 3. Properties of soils in the LGRV.

Series Soilhorizons

Available water


Water available in the top 4 ft.

(in/4 ft)

Harlingen Fine Clay 0-11 in.11-35 in.35-72 in.



Mercedes Clay 0-74 in. 0.13-0.18 6.2-8.6

Olmito Silty Clay 0-63 in. 0.15-0.20 7.2-9.6

Laredo Silty Clay Loam 0-18 in.18-72 in.



Lyford Sandy Clay Loam 0-11 in.11-48 in.



Raymondville Clay Loam 0-15 in.15-65 in.



Willacy Fine Sandy Loam 0-74 in. 0.14-0.18 6.7-8.6

Hidalgo Sandy Clay Loam 0-28 in.28-80 in.



Rio Grande Silty Loam 0-63 in. 0.15-0.24 7.2-1.5


Sugarcane fertilitySugarcane has high nitrogen and potassium needs and relatively low phosphate require-ments. For a yield of 110,000 lbs/ac (55 tons/ac) of cane, typical application rates are:

• Nitrogen: 90 to 180 lbs/ac (100 to 200 kg/ha)

• Phosphorus: 25 to 100 lbs./ac. (29 to 90 kg/ha)

In South Texas, potassium application usually is not required, because soils contain high levels of this nutrient, with irrigation water supplying additional potassium.

For good sugar recovery, application of nitrogen should be kept low as possible, especially when ripening periods are moist and warm.

Current irrigation practices in the Lower Rio Grande Valley

Historically, producers in Texas’s Lower Rio Grande Valley have used flood or furrow irrigation for all their crops. An extensive network of canals (Fig. 2) and large diameter underground pipelines delivers large volumes of water from the Rio Grande River to fields, primarily by gravity flow, over short periods of time according to a rotational scheme. Because the Valley generally slopes toward the northeast, away from the river, little pumping is necessary. At present, water restrictions generate increasing concerns about using more efficient irrigation technologies.

At the delivery system level, losses occur due to evaporation and leaks caused by the age and condition of canals and pipelines.

water have been used. Table 4 shows the corresponding number of irrigations needed for this kind of soil.

The balance sheet approach assumes that a plant can access equally all available moisture between saturation and wilting point. Researchers have shown such assumptions to be accurate for wet soils. However, as a soil dries, plants have increasing difficulty in extracting water, and their growth rates decline.

Table 4. Number of irrigations needed for a Rio Grande Valley silty loam soil 2 ft deep

Month ET - Rain(in)


Jan 0.0 0

Feb 0.0 0

Mar 1.5 0

Apr 2.2 1

May 5.5 2

June 6.1 2

July 6.8 2

Aug 7.0 3

Sep 1.7 1

Oct 1.3 0

Nov 0.2 0

Dec 0.0 0

TOTAL 32.3 11

Fig. 2. Water canal lined with concrete in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.


irrigation districts are lining canals and substituting pipe systems for old concrete pipe networks.

Water application is not metered in some Valley irrigation districts, so it is assumed that 6 inches of water is applied per irrigation; however, actual application rates vary by plus or minus 33 percent based on length of runs, degree of field uniformity and initial soil moisture content. Some districts are intensifying efforts to meter water and allocate it volumetrically.

Factors historically influencing scheduling of furrow irrigation for sugarcane have included standard recommendations, varia-bility of and priority for water resources and a grower’s experience and judgment. Norman Rozeff’s irrigation guide for Texassugarcane growers (early 1990s) recom-mended an average seven irrigations per year, with a range of from 4 to 11 irriga-tions annually. Both this publication and South Texas Sugarcane Production Handbook (1998) recommend determining crop moisture requirements using the balance sheet approach discussed above.

In deciding when to irrigate, producers also must consider nonagronomic factors, including:

• The need to order water several days in advance;

• The fact that since several growers may share a supply line, they will have to take turns using it; and

• The water, personnel and equipment needs of other crops and fields.

Ultimately, when choices must be made, the grower will allocate scarce resources in such manner as to produce the greatest return.

For example, many irrigation canals are merely unlined earthen ditches which allow water to seep into their banks. Obviously, water lost to evaporation or leakage is not available to irrigate producers’ crops.

Furrow irrigation efficiency has been increased dramatically by farmers that level fields and use proper furrow stream size and length. Historically, farmers moved water from turnout valve to furrows using open ditches and siphon tubes, losing water as it soaked into the ground during the transfer process. Producers currently reduce losses from valve to furrow by using gated aluminum pipe or poly pipe and by metering their water (Fig. 3). To further increase water-delivery efficiency, Valley

Fig. 3. In the Lower Rio Grande Valley, irrigation systems using soil ditches and siphon tubes have constantly been upgraded to poly pipe systems.


Improving sugarcane irrigation efficiency

Producers can choose a number of irrigation techniques to meet crops’ water requirements more efficiently, including:

• Tailoring furrow irrigation methods to maximize their efficiency;

• Scheduling irrigation to insure that water is being applied at the maximum intervals to meet crop requirements; and

• Using more efficient application systems.

Efficient Furrow Irrigation 1. Adequate drainage: Because water

tables are frequently high and salty, Valley producers usually must install subsurface drainage (Fig. 4). Good crop growth requires adequate aeration to remove water-table salt from roots and to leach away salts that accumulate from irrigation water out of the Rio Grande River, which typically contains 900 ppm or more total dissolved solids.

2. Proper grade: Cropland also must be leveled properly so that water will flow evenly across fields. Drainage installa-tion and land leveling require special-ized, laser-guided equipment, and pro-ducers typically contract out these jobs.

3. Efficient water transport: Transporting irrigation water from turnout valve to furrow head is accomplished most efficiently using gated aluminum or PVC pipe or collapsible poly pipe. Aluminum or PVC pipe lasts for many seasons, but it costs more than poly pipe, and its set-up and removal are labor intensive. Poly pipe is rolled out and can be left in place, collapsing to be driven over safely when empty. However, since poly pipe is easily damaged, it has a short lifespan. A few growers still use open ditches and siphon tubes to accomplish transport from turnout valve to furrow head, but such methods result in high water losses.

4. Optimum furrow water velocity: For uniform distribution and minimal waste, water should flow down the furrow as quickly as possible. As it flows down the furrow, water leaches into and through the soil; the longer water must flow to push to the far end of a field, the more infiltration and the more loss occur. Therefore, so that water will move more quickly, producers should irrigate the fewest possible number of rows atone time, based on the available head. Then when the first rows are finished, the next set of rows can be started, and so on. Such an irrigation strategy requires careful attention. Sometimes, irrigators run large numbers of rows simultaneously, so the water will take longer to reach the other end of the field, allowing irrigation to left unattend-ed for long periods (often overnight).

Fig. 4. Subsurface drainage used to control high water tables in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.


Surge irrigation uses valves at regular intervals in the irrigation line to divert water flow first in one direction, then the other, directing water into only half the furrows at any one time. Such intermittent quick shots of water seem to seal the soil, with each subsequent shot infiltrating less. While the mechanism of this effect is not known, the benefits of surge irrigation have been proved and are widely accepted.

5. Tillage: Used to control weeds, to incorporate fertilizers and to shape beds, cultivation also results in moisture loss due to evaporation from the freshly tilled soil. In the short term, however, it increases infiltration rates and stimulates decomposition of organic matter that contributes to the soil’s moisture-holding capacity. So, to reduce irrigation requirements, producers should design production practices to minimize cultivation as much as possible.

Drip and Spinkler Irrigation SystemsAlternate irrigation systems such as drip and overhead (sprinkler) systems allow producers more precise control over amounts and distribution of irrigation water than is possible with furrow or flood irrigation. Both drip and sprinkler systems have been used successfully for sugarcane production in the LGRV. Compared to furrow irrigation, these systems reduce water use and increase crop yields.

1. General advantages and disadvantages of drip and overhead systems: Drip and overhead systems reduce water use through uniform distribution of desired amounts of water at frequent intervals

over entire fields. These systems increase crop yields by maintaining soil moisture conditions optimum for growth, applying water as often and in amounts necessary to accomplish this goal. Drip and overhead irrigation also reduce costs associated with controlling weeds, diseases and pests; permit precise application of plant nutrients and ripeners using chemigation; and enhance sucrose content.

On the other hand, installation cost is an obvious major disadvantage of drip or overhead irrigation. Currently growers pay $12 to $20 per acre for each irrigation, with costs for the water applied to an acre of sugarcane each year averaging $84 to $140 (depending on the number of irrigations). Drip and overhead irrigation systems have been found to reduce sugarcane water use in the Valley by about 25 percent, while maintaining or increasing yields. The water saved by increased efficiency can be used to grow crops on additional acres. The other benefits previously listed also help to offset the cost of a drip or overhead system, and invest-ment in such irrigation systems can be spread out over the equipment’s lifetime.

2. Drip irrigation systems: To be effective, drip systems require care and maintenance by knowledgeable operators. Because drip irrigation systems typically are designed to meet peak demand, they will operate almost continuously during a crop’s period of most rapid growth. To get uniform water distribution, producers must operate such systems within design specifications; mistakes can be costly. Rodents and other pests, dirty water sources and vandalism can damage such systems. Periodic flushing with


H2SO4 and HCl is necessary to prevent clogging of emitters by precipitates or algae. Adaptation to these system requirements is not always easy for growers accustomed to low-tech furrow irrigation.

3. Overhead irrigation systems: LRGV producers likely will have to use more expensive lateral-move overhead irrigation machines (Fig. 5), rather than center-pivot models, because the linear systems can be configured to match field layouts already in place in this region. Drag hoses using sprinkler heads apply irrigation water to the soil, instead of to foliage where it may increase disease and insect problems. Lateral-move machines also may prove more durable, with lower filtration requirements than drip systems and longer life expectancies under rugged south Texas field conditions.

When Valley producers begin green cane harvesting, they can incorporate overhead irrigation into production systems that handle trash left in the soil, using sprinkler heads to keep the trash moist and stimulate decomposition following harvesting. The trash blanket conserves soil moisture and retards weeds, while providing soil-enhancing humus to improve physical properties and furnish nutrients. The trash blanket will not interfere with overhead system irrigation as it does with furrow irrigation.

Economics of different irrigation methods

The three irrigation systems (drip, linear and flood) differ in both magnitude and types of costs. Fixed costs for furrow irrigation in the LRGV are negligible, while drip and sprinkler irrigation require substantial fixed investment. The typical sugarcane field is 30 acres or less, implying a large fixed cost per acre for the sprinkler system (Table 5).

The key variables to consider in comparing irrigation systems are acreage size (because of fixed costs), energy and labor. Table 6 shows the differences in total irrigation costs per acre between sprinkler and furrow irrigation systems, using data collected at the Weslaco Research and Extension Center. Because of their higher Figure 5. Linear-moving system with water supplied by

a hose.

Table 5. Typical sugarcane irrigation parameters for an irrigation system on 30 acre field.

Irrigation system



Variableirr. cost($/ac)

Fixedirr. cost*($/ac)

Totalirr. cost($/ac)

Net returns**($/ac)

Flood 36 63 $129 $0 $129 $519

Sprinkler 50 58 $108 $559 $667 $233

Drip 50 52 $174 $210 $384 $516

*Note: This assumes a 30-acre field; for different acreages, the sprinkler fixed cost/acre would change significantly. Fixed costs are annualized over period of 10 years with 9% interest.

**Note: Gross return (i.e., tons/acre*$18/ton) net of irrigation costs only.


fixed costs, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems are more expensive for smaller acreages than furrow systems. For example, with furrow irrigation labor costs of $20 per acre, a sprinkler irrigation system will be $280 more expensive for an area of 50 acres. However, as shown in Table 6, as the area and labor costs increase, the difference in cost between overhead sprinkler and furrow becomes smaller.

Drip or sprinkler systems may be more productive than furrow systems, due to higher water use efficiency. In order to offset the cost differences shown in Table 5, production needs to be increased as shown in Table 7 (7a, sprinkler irrigation; 7b, drip irrigation). In general, drip systems are more competitive with furrow irrigation.

Table 6. Difference in irrigation costs per acre between overhead sprinkler and furrow irrigated sugarcane, over a range of field sizes and furrow irrigation labor costs.

Costs of labor for furrow irrigation per growing season ($/ac)

Acres $20 $30 $40 $50

10 $1,332 $1,322 $1,312 $1,302

20 $674 $664 $645 $644

30 $455 $445 $435 $425

40 $346 $336 $326 $316

50 $280 $270 $260 $250

60 $236 $226 $216 $206

70 $205 $195 $185 $175

80 $181 $171 $161 $151

90 $163 $153 $143 $133

100 $149 $139 $129 $119

*Note: As field size increases, fixed costs of overhead sprinkler system shrink, making it more competitive with furrow irrigation.**Note: As the cost of labor per acre for furrow irrigation increases, overhead sprinkler system is more competitive.

Table 7a. Yield gain (tons/ac) from overhead sprinkler irrigation required to break even with furrow irrigation.

Seasonal cost per acre for furrow irrigation labor

Acres $20 $30 $40 $50

10 74.0 73.4 72.9 72.3

20 37.5 36.9 36.4 35.8

30 25.3 24.7 24.2 23.6

40 19.2 18.7 18.1 17.5

50 15.6 15.0 14.4 13.9

60 13.1 12.6 12.0 11.5

70 11.4 10.8 10.3 9.7

80 10.1 9.5 9.0 8.4

90 9.1 8.5 8.0 7.4

100 8.3 7.7 7.1 6.6

*Note: Assumes return of $18 per ton to grower.

Table 7b. Yield gain (tons/ac) from drip irrigation required to break even with furrow irrigation.

Seasonal cost per acre for furrow irrigation labor

Acres $20 $30 $40 $50

10 8.2 7.6 7.1 6.5

20 6.3 5.8 5.2 4.7

30 5.7 5.2 4.6 4.1

40 5.4 4.9 4.3 3.8

50 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.6

60 5.1 4.6 4.0 3.4

70 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.4

80 5.0 4.4 3.8 3.3

90 4.9 4.3 3.8 3.2

100 4.9 4.3 3.8 3.2

*Note: Assumes return of $18 per ton to grower.


ConclusionThe challenge for sugarcane growers in the LRGV is to increase produc-tion at the lowest costs, while using less water, through management strategies such as irrigation scheduling, frequent irrigation applications at light depths, applying correct amounts of fertilizer, optimum stream size selection and proper leveling of land. Farmers’ use of these strategies should be complemented by irrigation districts’ efforts to achieve greater flexibility and reliability in canal networks through modernizing canal systems and upgrading irrigation systems at the farm level. Levels of technology selected should be adapted to characteristics of a particular farm and must be economically justified.

Sugarcane Irrigation ResourcesAllen, R.G., L.S. Pereira, D. Raes and M. Smith. 1998. Crop evapotranspiration - guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Doorenbos, J., and A.H. Kassam. 1986. Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Fipps, G. Irrigation Water Quality Standards and Salinity Management. Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Publication B-1667.

Rozeff, N. 1998. Sugarcane irrigation management. In: N. Rozeff, J.M. Amador and J.E.Irvine. (eds.). South Texas Sugarcane Production Handbook. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Weslaco and Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc., Santa Rosa, TX. (Excerpt available from Research and Extension Center, Weslaco.)


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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. Edward G. Smith, Interim Director, Texas Cooperative Extension, The Texas A&M University System.500, New