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Page 1: Ecolawns

Ecolawns Linda R McMahan, Ph.D.Associate Professor EmeritusDepartment of HorticultureOregon State University

Page 2: Ecolawns

What is an ecolawn?• An ecolawn is a lawn

alternative that often includes broad-leaf plants mixed with grasses• Also may be called an

eco-lawn, ecology lawn, or herb lawn• Generally requires less

water and fertilizer than all-turf alternatives

Photographs are from Randy W’s garden unless noted otherwise

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Ecolawn components• Most mixes claiming to be

ecology lawns have flowering plants as a component—some just have drought-tolerant grasses• Make sure you find out

contents before purchasing your mix to make sure it is what you wish to use Grasses, clover, and “English


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Very Low Maintenance Alternative"Perhaps 70 percent of these home lawns are never fertilized and very few are ever treated with herbicides for weed control, . . .Sounds pretty low maintenance to me. In fact, total neglect might be a better description.” Tom Cook, retired Oregon State University faculty, 2003

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Research at Oregon State University• "When we irrigated these

'ecolawn' mixes once per month in the summer, and mowed every three weeks during the growing season, the lawn stayed green and for the most part looked like a normal lawn," said Cook. "We never sprayed any of the plots with pesticides.“• Tom Cook, Retired OSU

faculty, 2003.

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More photos from Randy’s Garden

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Photos from Diane S., another OSU Master Gardener in Yamhill County, showing her “herb lawn”

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Care is relatively Simple • According to “Low

Maintenance Turf” Publication at Oregon State University at by Tom Cook

• Mow to 2 inches every 3 weeks• Water thoroughly 2-3

times in summer only• Use little or no


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More from OSU sources• Very helpful site!

Low-maintenance turf details (including composition) at OSU’s Department of Horticulture Site:

Photo from the website

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Some seed mixes available from Oregon companies• The following seed

companies offer mixtures based on Cook's work: Nichols Garden Nursery, Albany, OR and Pro-Time Lawn Seed, Portland, OR ("Fleur de Lawn"

• Another local alternative is Protime PT-705 PDX seed mix from Hobbs & Hopkins Ltd. • Other mixes may be

available—web searches may be the best way to locate them.

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More information . . .• News article about lawn

alternatives at

• She dreams of a soft groundcover wandering gently among flower beds. Where weeds now reign, she sees a textured carpet—a mix of grasses, yarrow, shamrock, clover and sweet alyssum.

Photo: Tom Gentle, from the website

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An ecolawn brochure• Download at http://

• Ecolawn: The Learning Garden. A brochure created by Steve Castagnoli and OSU Master Gardeners in Hood River, OR in 2013!

Photo from the OSU Extension Hood River website

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This presentation may be used freely for educational purposes.© Oregon State University, 2014