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Docteur    Luc  BODIN  





Prepare  for  the  change  From  prophecies  to  reality  






Translated  by  Carole  Toulousy-­‐Michel  

Edited  by  Judy  Promisel  

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ISBN 978-2-9522195-6-39782952219563 2 Not for sale


Dr. Luc Bodin PhD. has a degree in clinical oncology and is specialized in naturopathy: homeopathy, phytotherapy, nutrition, micro-nutrition, acupuncture… as well as disease imagery and symbolism, neuro linguistic programming… and energy healing.

He is also a scientific consultant with health magazines and the author of several books in the fields of his competence such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, healing energy….

Dr. Luc Bodin regularly organizes hands-on energy healing training sessions that are opened to all in order to prepare for the upcoming changes. All the necessary information can be found on his Web sites at :

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ISBN 978-2-9522195-6-39782952219563 3 Not for sale



I just finished writing “Prepare for the Change” in August/September 2010, well before the Japan earthquakes, the Australian floods and other… I hesitated for a while to get this book published with a publishing company. Then in May 2011, I decided to make it available free of charge on my Web site after several updates. My motivation was to warn as many as possible in order to give to all the tools to get prepared without any stress or anguish.

This book starts in setting the stage of what our world is going through today, geopolitically, militarily, financially and environmentally. It is true that listing all these events may be anguishing for some. However it is necessary to go beyond and keep reading the book as, conversely to what the reader may feel at the beginning of the book, it is not pessimistic. It is bringing a message of hope with simple, concrete and above all positive tools so that everyone can cross serenely this transition period. The solutions are in the second part of the book.

For those interested, I regularly organize “Prepare for the Change” training sessions with my wife Nathalie Bodin. They are opened to everyone and take place generally during week-ends. All the necessary information can be found on my Web site at where the training sessions of energy healing that I practice are also listed.

Enjoy your reading and may the best be in your life.

Dr. Luc Bodin







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Introduction P8

The Facts P10

• The holes in the ozone layer • The reversal of the poles • The shift of the magnetic poles • The decreasing intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field • The Schumann resonance • Solar activity • Time acceleration • Tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and storms • Meteorites

The Evidence P21

• Ever-increasing pollution • Bad air quality • Less raw material • Soil desertification and degradation • Ocean desertification • Sea level rise • Plummeting agricultural production and upcoming food shortage • Drinkable water shortage • Animal and vegetal biodiversity • Development of the drug market • Overpopulation • National debts • The economic crisis • Wars • Nuclear incidents and accidents • Apprentice sorcerers • Human rights • Social problems • Health • Ideology

Stories and troubling prophecies P37

• The bunkers and Camelot Project • The 25,920-year cycle

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• The Mayan calendar • St. Malachy’s prophecy of the popes • The prophecies of Edgar Cayce. • The Hopi prophecy • The prophet Muhammad • The St. John of Jerusalem prophecies • The Indigo children • Planet X • Last prophecy of Peter Deunov • The Web-Bot • The giant spheres in the middle of our galaxy

Other stories and prophecies P54

• The galactic alignment of December 21, 2012 • The solar system cycle in the galaxy • The secret of Fatima • The prophecies of Nostradamus • The secret Bible code • Ram Bahadur Bomjon • The crop circles • The 13 crystal skulls • The book of Daniel • The apocalypse of St John • The Chinese Yi-Ching • And the others…

How can we conclude? P63

What is going to happen? P64

• Several theses - The catastrophe thesis - The destruction thesis - The evolution thesis

• What type of international events can we expect in the few years? • Why are the current events so important? • When will it happen? • Is this evolution mandatory? • Vibratory change • The transition • What will happen to human beings during the transition? • The passage into the fifth dimension: what does it mean? • In other words

Impact on human beings P73

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• Why can this passage be so difficult? • Genetic modifications • What are the most frequent symptoms during this transition period? • What can make this transition easier? • Disorders might persist: they may trigger diseases • Time acceleration • Development of new perception acuity • At the level of the energetic body

Getting prepared for the change P82

• In your daily life • Change the way you think • Chance and synchronicities • Important cleaning time • At the body level • At the mind level • At the energy level • How about time? • Let us summarize

Recommended exercises P105

• Exercise on your beliefs • Visualization exercise • Symbolism exercise • The small balloons exercise • Optimism exercise • The tree exercise • Breathing exercise • Meditation exercise • Sleep exercise • Exercise to capture energy • Intuition exercise • Feeling exercise

The new world P109

• The new technologies • The end of the good/evil duality • The end of religions • The end of Ego • New capabilities will develop • Intuition • Perception of vibrations • Telepathy • Thought as a strength

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• Cosmic opening • The new society • The new world • The last Peter Deunov prophecy • The prophecies of St John of Jerusalem

Conclusion P117

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We fear that our world is on the brink of chaos. It feels fragile and… destructible. It is a new impression and not a reassuring one. Until now, we were bathing in opulence and security, sure that all the problems encountered by humanity would be immediately resolved by the human genius.

Now we are getting aware that our society is vulnerable--a colossus with feet of clay. We sense that our planet cannot be pilfered and deteriorated any longer without our ecosystems and our lives to be seriously impacted. Moreover, we are discovering that we depend on the workings of our sun and that, without warning, the galactic winds can blow the good or the bad onto our planet…

Added to that, many prophecies predict the end of the world and include descriptions of events that we are experiencing today. And don’t let us forget the famous Mayan calendar that even indicates a precise date for the end of our world. It would be on December 21, 2012.

It is, however, necessary to maintain some distance--similar prophecies predicted the end of the world for the year 1000, others for the year 2000 with the famous computer bug…And nothing happened. So should we believe today the predictions for 2012?

Whether these predictions are real or not, they reset man to his right place within the universe. Beyond his maniacal egoism, the human being is only a tiny piece of this huge complex. That is why some feel threatened. The end of the world may seem closer and humans may be attacked by forces with indomitable strength and swept away like wisps of straws in the midst of a tornado….Others will even feel that humanity is righteously punished for its mistakes.

However, instead of dreading the possible end of our civilization, it would be judicious to view what is going on as an evolution of human kind and to contemplate the future with confidence. Whatever the upcoming events, they will allow the emergence of a new society, built upon sharing, compassion, tolerance and personal development.

This general trend has already surfaced because for several years now, new vibrations have been reaching the Earth, allowing humans to develop new perception and

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understanding capabilities. All these changes are part of the normal order of evolution from a galactic, human and terrestrial viewpoint.

However, like in all transition periods, the old structures will have to be replaced by better-adapted new ones. This, in turn, will be difficult as many remain attached to the past and strive against this universal occurrence. It will be more difficult for them. Others will be unaware of what is going on and from the force of habit will try to rebuild a world identical to the previous one. Then some will contemplate the future with serenity while knowing that a new “Eden” is looming on the horizon for humanity. For them, this crossing will be simpler and performed in full awareness.

This book is intended for all who yearn to understand the upcoming events and who want to get prepared.


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The  Facts    

Many major events are happening, right now, at the planetary and galactic levels, and they are troubling because of their number, their intensity and their progression. But do they indicate the end of the world? This is not obvious. We will see that no date concerning them can be conclusive: at the planetary level, what is a month or a year?

The holes in the ozone layer

In the 1980’s and 1990’s, the media kept telling us about the holes in the ozone layer and today this information has totally disappeared…but the holes are still there! This ozone layer is particularly important for humans because it protects the Earth from cosmic and ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the sun.

The holes in the ozone layer are essentially centered above the poles. Others can also be found elsewhere, temporarily, notably above Europe.

It is well known that the thickness of the ozone layer varies naturally and seasonally. But these data have nothing to do with the depletion that has been happening during the past few years. Notably, the volume of the stratospheric ozone (above the atmosphere) has been decreasing. This type of ozone should not be confused with the ozone that you find in highly polluted cities. To give you an idea about the damage, it has been calculated that in August 20051 only for the Antarctica area, the hole in the ozone layer had spread on more than 10 million km2 (same surface area as the Canadian territory).

Officially, the depletion of the ozone layer is caused mainly by CFC emissions (chlorofluorocarbons) from industrial applications (aerosols, solvents, cooling liquids, etc.).

The sun’s UV radiation is not correctly absorbed any more by the ozone layer so the planet and its inhabitants (humans, animals and vegetal life) are facing numerous consequences: melting of polar ice caps, increase in plants temperature, decrease of agriculture quality and output, important consequences upon health with chromosome mutations, skin cancers, cataracts, accelerated skin aging, eye infections, autoimmune disorders… The Asef2 is forecasting an increase of 5% in skin cancers in Europe and 10% in the United States3 in the upcoming years.

Fortunately, the historical Montreal agreement signed in 2007 by 190 countries with a goal of limiting HCFC production seems to be bearing fruit. Indeed, the hole in the ozone layer does not seem to progress any longer: it is a first step. However the hole is still significant and the average thickness of the ozone layer is still at its lowest level.

                                                                                                                         1  dated  08/31/2005  2  Association  Sante  Environnement  France  (Association  Health  Environment  France)  2  Association  Sante  Environnement  France  (Association  Health  Environment  France)  3  Bulletin  d’information  de  l’Ordre  des  Medecins  n.9  january-­‐february  2010  

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The improvement is not notable and the few variations that have been observed these past few years are due to seasonal changes and weather conditions.

The reversal of the poles

Two satellites launched twenty years apart, Magsat and Oersted, have yielded data that the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPG: “Paris Physics Institute of the Globe”) analyzed; its observations show significant variations at the level of the Earth’s magnetic field4. Scientists concluded that this phenomenon could indicate an upcoming pole reversal, specifically called “true polar wander”, showing a cyclic variation of magnetic field intensity without polarity change between the poles.

However, more observations have evidenced that the Earth’s magnetic field is changing. Indeed, our planet usually behaves like a dipole with a positive charge on one pole and a negative charge on the other. Each charge has a set territory whose theoretical limit is the equator. But for the past few years, this limit has been rapidly fluctuating showing increasing overlap of the magnetic fields. Scientists believe that this activity is the sign of an upcoming pole shift. However it remains impossible to set a date for the event. It may happen tomorrow or in a hundred years.

Pole reversals have occurred at various times in the past. Geologists have uncovered evidence of this in the orientation of the ferromagnetic particles in volcanic lava. While cooling, the lava preserves the magnetized particles oriented toward the pole of the specific time. This is what allows us to establish that during the past 90 million years, pole shifts occurred approximately every 10,000 to 780,000 years5. And the last one occurred… 780,000 years ago.

These reversals can happen more or less rapidly. It can take weeks, months or years. They are followed by a chaotic period of variable duration during which the Earth’s electromagnetic field remains unstable. Thus, it was observed that several poles could form at the surface of the globe: up to eight poles at the same time were counted!

This pole reversal would be caused by the inverted rotation of the Earth’s core –influencing directly the poles’ position and the related Earth’s electromagnetic field. But before the core starts turning in the opposite direction, it stops for some time (probably several days). This is the most dangerous time as the Earth remains without its electromagnetic protective shield (see above).

The effects of this pole reversal upon humans is difficult to predict. But a geomagnetic change of such intensity will influence behaviors: mental health disorders, fatigue, depression, distress, aggression, etc…

The shift of the magnetic poles

According to Russian specialists at the Academy of Science, the Earth’s magnetic poles are now shifting toward the equator. Between 1994 and 2001, the north pole–varying more than the south pole—shifted by approximately 300 kilometers with an average

                                                                                                                         4  Sciences  et  Avenir  Magazine  –  June  2002  5  Sciences  et  Avenir  Magazine  –  June  2002  

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speed of 10 kilometers per year until the 1970s, then increasing to roughly 40 kilometers per year6.

Currently the north magnetic pole is in Canada and is going toward Russia with a higher speed of 64 kilometers per year7. This would be caused by the activity of the Earth’s core which also impacts the electromagnetic field of our planet.

This shift should be taken seriously. For one, it shows the profound changes occurring in the Earth’s electromagnetic field; in addition, such a rapid shift can only disrupt human beings and leave them disoriented as is the case for migratory animals.

The intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field is decreasing

Earth’s magnetic field is generated by the motion of molten iron alloys of the outer core around the solid inner core of the planet. It is a giant dynamo generating electrical power.

The latest observations show that, during the past few years, the Earth’s electromagnetic field has been decreasing. It is estimated that within 2,000 years it will have completely disappeared, thus leaving the Earth unprotected from cosmic radiation and solar winds made of ionized particles (protons, electrons, helium cores, etc). Geophysicists have also verified that the main climate changes in the past have always meant that the Earth’s magnetic field is changing too.

This is why the decrease of the magnetic field is bringing more and more auroras boreales on Earth. Then, in the long term, bigger upheavals are to be expected like earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis, storms, hurricanes, heat waves, floods…with a never-seen intensity. Climate change and the related temperature variations will reach extremes in the cold and in the heat.

Human beings, animals and plants will be also impacted by the arrival of these solar winds. Agriculture will become more difficult during this period, even impossible on large stretches of land. Animals will not be able to migrate anymore and will show distress.

Since solar radiation will increase on the planet, genetic mutations may occur in the vegetal and animal worlds, thereby generating new species. But also at the human level, this radiation could generate an increase in the acidity of the body, hormonal dysfunction, emotional disorders, irritability, depressions, behavioral troubles, diseases8, chronic fatigue syndrome, and numerous deaths in the population.

The Schumann resonance

In the years 1952-1957, the German physicist, W.O. Schumann, discovered that the cavity defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up is in resonance with the Earth’s electromagnetic field. He was able to measure the vibratory rate or frequencies of the Earth. They could be compared to a

                                                                                                                         6  Sciences  et  Avenir  Magazine  –  June  2002  7­‐north-­‐pole-­‐magnetic-­‐russia-­‐earth-­‐core.html  8  Many  diseases  have  genetic  causes:  diabetes,  Alzheimer’s,  cancers…  

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human heart beat. The Schumann resonance might be the Earth’s heart! It directs the rhythm to all living entities on Earth, including humans. This significant frequency increase (from 8 to 13 hertz) considerably impacts our lives without us being aware of it.

Once the Schumann frequency resonance was 7.8 Hertz (Hz). But since 1980, it has been increasing. This phenomenon started to develop slowly and has now accelerated to reach 12.8 Hz. This acceleration does not have any obvious explanation.

According to legends, the increase in the Earth’s vibratory rate in the years 2000-2010 has shifted the Earth into the fourth dimension9. This frequency opens the human mind, thereby allowing humans to cross into the fifth dimension when the frequency reaches 13Hz…

Researchers such as the engineer Gregg Braden10 believe that when the Earth’s frequency reaches 13Hz – according to the acceleration rate, it should happen soon—the Earth will stop rotating. It will be the “zero point” of the Earth’s magnetic field. Then after 2 or 3 days, our planet will resume its rotation…but in the other direction! The sun will rise in the west and will set in the east.

Inverted rotation of the Earth already occurred in the past. The Egyptians even made hieroglyphic representation of its latest occurrence. It appears that this event happened more than 10,000 years ago, during the “Leo” age. For that matter, they had chiseled two lions back-to-back holding up a sun. Moreover on one side, a hieroglyph representing the sky was turned upward and on the other side, another hieroglyph was turned downward, in order to symbolize the rotation of the Earth.

We have to be cautious about these assertions. But everything looks connected: the pole reversal, the motion of the poles, the decrease of the Earth’s magnetic field and the acceleration of the Schumann resonance. These different phenomena seem to have the same cause and could be the forecasters of upcoming planetary changes.

The related consequences upon human health could be significant. Our cells are tiny battery cells and can be easily influenced by a change in frequency in our environment. Moreover, our brain produces waves which vibrate in harmony with the Earth’s frequency, notably the alpha waves (8 to 12Hz). In human beings, frequencies lower than 12 Hz are those of relaxation, hypnosis and drowsiness whereas those higher than 12Hz—that currently prevail—are those corresponding to nervousness, anxiety, intense mental work….which we find in many people right now.

Therefore it is understandable that an increase of the Earth’s vibratory level will impact the mental and physical conditions of the human beings.

The solar activity

The solar cycle (or solar magnetic activity cycle) has a period of 10 to12 years as follows:

• It stops its activity, • It resumes progressively the occurrence of solar eruptive phenomena,

                                                                                                                         9  The  meaning  of  these  “dimensions”  is  explained  in  a  later  chapter  10  American  author  of  “Awakening  to  Zero  Point:  The  Collective  Initiation”.  

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• It reaches normal solar activity with the release of numerous sunspots visible on the photosphere of the sun as dark spots,

• It progressively slows down, • Then it stops again.

So after an intense solar activity during the years 2000, the solar cycle followed its usual course and slowed down at the end of 2008. Then, solar activity completely stopped for 266 days in 2009. During that time, no sunspot could be seen on the photosphere of the sun. Such a long stop in the solar activity is rare but not exceptional. Then suddenly in January and February 2010, several intense solar flares occurred and indicated the solar activity had resumed.

The sunspots indicate solar flares. So the number of sunspots shows the intensity of the solar activity. This is important as it directly impacts what occurs on Earth. It explains that the storms we have on Earth are generally linked to solar storms. For example, the 2005 series of hurricanes: Katrina, Rita, Wilma….coincided with one of the most disrupted weeks in the solar activity history…

The planetary scientist Jean-Loup Bertaux declares that solar activity should be calmer in the next few years:”we are almost certain that the next solar activity peak will be a lot less intense than the previous one”11. This would mean that the next solar cycle would be less intense during the 2010-2012 period…Not all share this opinion.

Some even see that after the calm of 2009, solar storms will occur in the years 2011-2012. This forecast can be explained because solar activity is powered by a hydro-magnetic dynamo process, a kind of “conveyor belt” on the sun’s surface, carrying away the sunspots and the generated magnetic fields, once their activity is over. They are carried toward the poles 200,000 kilometers deep where the natural sun dynamo reenergizes them. Once reenergized, the sunspots go back upward to the sun’s surface. This is how new sunspots appear. Astrophysicists consider that, according to the speed of the conveyor belt, a cycle is completed in 30 to 50 years. But between 1986 and 1996, the belt speeded up, then slowed down in 2008 and brought about the 266-day-long solar calm. So the magnetic fields that were generated in the 1980s and 1990s should come out in the years 2010-2012 as sunspots and intense solar activity.

For University of Paris XII astrobiologist Yves Benilan, the sun has a cycle of 10 to 12 years with intense activity periods followed by little activity periods. The last solar activity peak occurred around the year 2000, therefore the next peak will take place in 2012.

It is also the opinion of Mausumi Dikpati from the National Center for Atmospheric Research who asserts that “the next sunspot cycle will be 30 to 50% more active than the previous one”. This assertion seems to coincide with a brutal and violent sun awakening in 2010 : on January 19, there were two strong solar flares (class C4.9 and C5.2) and above all at the beginning of February an M2.3 class12 solar flare on the 3-level13 GOES scale. The last strong solar flare occurred in 2007. The Russian TESIS                                                                                                                          11  Figaro  Newsletter  dated  01-­‐18-­‐2010  12­‐plus-­‐grande-­‐eruption-­‐solaire-­‐depuis-­‐juin-­‐2007.html>  

13  Scientists  classify  solar  flares  according  to  their  x-­‐ray  brightness  in  the  wavelength  range  1  to  8  Angstroms.  There  are  3  categories:  X-­‐class  flares  are  big;  they  are  major  events  that  can  trigger  planet-­‐wide  radio  blackouts  and  long-­‐lasting  radiation  storms.  M-­‐class  flares  are  medium-­‐sized;  they  can  cause  brief  radio  blackouts  that  affect  Earth's  

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laboratory researchers state that ”it is a new intensification of solar activity. Solar flares are getting stronger and the time elapsing between them is getting shorter”.

These last observations seem to corroborate the National Center for Atmospheric Research forecasts stating that in the near future, solar activity would reach the historical peak of 1958 (M+ Class).

The stakes are important for the Earth. Any strong solar flare directly facing our planet could destroy life within minutes. Fortunately, this is a very low probability.

Aside from this extreme situation, the geomagnetic storms and the coronal mass ejections (CME) generated by the solar flares reach the Earth in a few hours or a few days. They affect the Earth’s electromagnetic field with electric power and radio blackouts. This is what happened in the United States in 1965 and in Quebec in 1989. If a more intense solar flare occurred, a planet-wide blackout would take place.

According to The London Times14, this is exactly the warning that scientists are giving us: the solar activity could disrupt television and internet transmissions during the Olympic Games in London in 2012.

Also, a more intense solar activity could increase the global warming of the planet and its impact on health according to the INVS15 because of:

• The emergence or reemergence of infectious diseases, • An increase in heat waves, floods and other extreme events, • And the profound modification of the environment (air and water quality, UVs,


Thus, it looks like we are moving toward more intense solar activity in the next few years with consequences upon the life and health of human beings.

Time acceleration

Together with the acceleration of the Earth’s vibrations, time goes faster and contracts to reach a peak when the frequency reaches 13Hz, i.e., “zero point”. A real day would be 16 hours long compared with once. This phenomenon gives the impression of not having enough time or that time went by too fast.

This impression is stronger as every day, we get more and more information from different channels: television, radio, internet, newspapers, cell phones, wifi, mail…Information seems to come from everywhere and needs time to be managed. This is only the beginning, because discoveries, inventions, events and information will bombard us steadily at a faster pace until the human brain analytical capacities overflow.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       polarregions.  Minor  radiation  storms  sometimes  follow  an  M-­‐class  flare.  Compared  to  X-­‐  and  M-­‐class  events,  C-­‐class  flares  are  small  with  few  noticeable  consequences  here  on  Earth.  

 14  dated  February  3,  2010  15  Institut  de  Veille  Sanitaire  (Insitute  for  Sanitary  Watch)  16  Le  Quotidien  du  Medecin  (French  medical  journal)  dated  April  12,  2010  

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According to Gregg Braden17, the Earth is about to slow down its rotation and increase its vibration frequency. He says that time will be faster and faster as the Earth will get closer to “zero point”. These observations go hand in hand with the prophecies of the Mayan calendar affirming that at the end of the current cycle, time will seem to accelerate.

Tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and storms

Many natural catastrophes are taking place in the world. Are there more disasters than in the past or are we better informed?

Unfortunately, studies show that the number of cyclones and hurricanes is increasing. Thus, between 1900 and 1930 there was an average of four hurricanes and two tropical storms per year, all in all six strong depressions. In the years 1930-1940, there was an average of 10 per year. Then, between 1995 and 2005, the average went up to 15: eight hurricanes and seven storms… It looks like the planet global warming is a factor in the increase18.

It is the same occurrence for earthquakes. The Asia-Pacific region appears particularly hit as well as the Samoa Islands on September 30, 2009 with a magnitude19 of 8, and Indonesia on September 30 and October 1, 2009 with magnitudes of 7.6 and 6.6. Taka’aki Taira from Berkeley University in California has demonstrated that these high magnitude earthquakes could alter the state of other tectonic faults anywhere in the world, such as the San Andreas fault in California20. These earthquakes could start a chain reaction.

Additionally, the annual sum of all these more significant natural disasters shows a strong increase. From a hundred per year in 1975, we have reached more than 400 per year since the beginning of the years 200021. Natural catastrophic events that are accounted for are: storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, epidemics, droughts, fires, mud slides… Among all these disasters, floods and storms remain at the top of the list (60%). Fortunately, the number of victims is declining from 120,000 per disaster in 1975 to less than 60,000 in the years 2000. It can be explained because international humanitarian assistance seems to be better organized than before. It was true until 2010… when terrible disasters gave way to many victims (deaths, wounded, missing).

Indeed, at the beginning of 2010, natural disasters suddenly multiplied. First, it was a 7.3 earthquake in Haiti (followed by twenty-five 4.5 aftershocks) killing 230,000 people, then another earthquake in Chile of 8.8 magnitude22 (followed by a tsunami alert) that

                                                                                                                         17  18  www.sciences-­‐et-­‐  dated  08-­‐14-­‐2009  19  The  Richter  magnitude  scale  goes  from  1  to  10.  Any  magnitude  increase  of  “1”  refers  to  30  folds  the  emitted  energies  and  by  10  folds  the  movement  amplitude.  20  dated  10-­‐01-­‐2009  21  http://www.notre-­‐  22  20  dated  03-­‐01-­‐2010  

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killed 799, a huge storm in Europe that hit the Vendee region in France23 and killed 29, and finally torrential rains in Uganda forcing entire populations to migrate24.

There follows a brief summary of the main disasters that occurred during the 2010 first four months:

January 2010

01…..Solomon Island: 7.1 earthquake.

06….. Haiti: 7.3 earthquake followed by twelve 5.9 to 5.0 aftershocks killing more than 230,000.

10…..U.S.A.(California): 6.5 earthquake.

20…..Haiti: 6.1 earthquake with 52 aftershocks of 4.5 magnitude or higher.

February 2010

26…..China: 5.1 earthquake.

27…..Chile: 8.8 earthquake killing more than 700. Moreover, it moved the city of Concepcion by more than 3 meters, altered the Earth’s rotation axis by 8 cm and slightly shortened the day by 1.26 microsecond.

28…..France: storm Xynthia killing at least 51.

March 2010

Beginning of March: Italy: torrential rains and floods.

01…..Chile: 3 violent aftershocks shake the center of the country.

03…..Uganda: torrential rains causing mud slides killing at least 80.

08…..Turkey: 6.1 earthquake killing 51.

09…..Greece: 4.4 earthquake.

14…..Japan: 6.6 earthquake.

15…..Fidji: violent hurricane.

20…..Cuba: 5.6 earthquake.

20-22 China: violent sand storms on Beijing.

21…..Iceland: volcano eruption, hundreds of people evacuated.

                                                                                                                         23  Le  dated  03-­‐01-­‐2010  and  03-­‐02-­‐2010  24  Le  dated  03-­‐03-­‐2010  

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24…..Turkey: 5.1 earthquake.

26…..Phillipines: 6.2 earthquake.

30…..India: 6.4 earthquake.

31…..France : 4.3 earthquake in the Tarbes area.

April 2010

04…..Mexico (southern California): 7.2 earthquake followed by three 5.1 to 4.3 aftershocks.

07…..Indonesia (Sumatra): 7.7 earthquake followed by five aftershocks -- one was 5.2.

07…..Brazil: torrential rains on Rio killing 95.

11…..Spain: 6.3 earthquake in the Grenade area.

11…..Western Pacific: 6.8 earthquake.

13…..China: 7.1 earthquake killing at least 1,350.

14…..India: hurricane killing at least 34.

14…..Tibet (China): 6.9 earthquake.

15…..Poland: 4.3 earthquake.

15-20 Europe: cancellation of international flights and closing of northern European airports due to ash clouds from the Icelandic volcano.

16…..Mexico: 5.3 earthquake.

16…..Alaska: 5.7 earthquake.

17…..Portugal: Lisbon flooded by a tornado.

23…..Chile: 5.9 earthquake.

24…..Crete: 5.2 earthquake.

24…..Indonesia: 6.0 earthquake.

24…..Damosa Islands: 5.6 earthquake.

These earthquakes impact the other tectonic plates and induce a chain reaction with unforeseeable consequences. The whole planet can be impacted. Imagine what could take place if a chain reaction mechanism were triggered… This risk is now on our doorstep.

Global warming is considered as another possible cause for earthquakes. The melting of the polar ice caps is causing a change in the weight and pressure upon the underlying tectonic plates. Therefore, they are lighter and could induce movement of all the tectonic plates on the planet. Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions could

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develop and add up to the number of natural disasters that have been taking place for the past few years.


At all times, the Earth has been threatened by meteors. Every day, meteors strike the Earth’s ground at hypervelocity from outer space. Fortunately, these are generally only dust or small stones. However, when you add up their daily weight falling on the Earth, they represent 10,000 kilograms of interplanetary matter. These tiny pieces do not jeopardize the planet or its inhabitants.

But the size of meteorites can also reach diameters as wide as several tens of kilometers and even hundreds of kilometers for the largest ones.

In the past, some meteors left traces of their impact that are still visible today on the Earth. The damages are proportional to the size of the meteor. The biggest crater is in Chicxulub in Yucatan, Mexico, with a 200 kilometer-wide crater. The meteorite was 10 kilometers wide. Its impact upon the Earth threw up tons of dust into the atmosphere thereby creating massive cooling of the planet.

Of particular concern is that the sighting of any large meteor traveling toward the Earth would be visible by astronomers only when it reached the orbit of Jupiter or Saturn. It means that the crashing of the meteor would be a matter of several hours or at best a few days according to its speed.

Astronomers have already counted more than 900 meteoroids with a diameter between 1 and 1,000 kilometers that are potentially jeopardizing the Earth. They gravitate within the solar system, particularly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Among them, 70 could collide with the Earth during the next 100 years. Yet, the crash of a single meteoroid of one kilometer diameter, could destroy all life on our planet for millions of years…

The meteor named Toutatis, with a 4.6 km length and a 2.4 km width, avoided a collision with the Earth on July 5, 2005. Yet, we are not out of trouble because it is supposed to come back toward our planet in the future… in the years 2562 –which gives us the time to prepare. This time, it will shoot by the Earth only 400,000km away from it.

In 2009, a large asteroid also grazed the Earth by 60,000 kilometers. If it had collided with the Earth, the impact would have resulted in a catastrophe equal to the Tunguska blast in Siberia in 1908 where extensive damage was recorded on more than a 100 sq. kilometers.

Other known meteors are potentially dangerous like Apophis25 with a 270 meter diameter and a 27 million metric ton mass. It could collide with the Earth or most probably graze it by 30,000 kilometers in 2029. However the collision date is getting closer and closer according to newest assessments. Colliding with Apophis would generate a colossal tsunami if it crashes into the ocean, or gigantic damages if it crashes on land. Besides, this is why the Russians are seriously contemplating deflecting Apophis’s trajectory to eliminate any danger. Several strategies are currently                                                                                                                          25    

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under study. One consists of sending a spacecraft onto it and another would introduce an orbital object that would modify the meteor’s gravitation and trajectory26.

In front of this threat of meteors crashing into the Earth, Russia created in 2010 a preventative air and space system to monitor the arrival of asteroids into the solar system. Valeri Menchikov, the director of the A.A.Maximov Space Systems Research Institute, indicated in an interview: ”All global catastrophes have been triggered by asteroid crashes, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes: the disappearance of the dinosaurs, of Atlantis and the Deluge (…) I consider it is stupid to ignore this danger27.” To him, the current follow-up stations are incapable of detecting all the asteroids whose number is “increasing in the past few years. This does not mean that they did not exist before, it is just that we did not pay attention to them. Besides the current technological means can detect one asteroid only at a distance of one million kilometers, whereas an asteroid traveling at 20km/second can reach the Earth in twelve hours. If its diameter is 100 meters, it will be too late to take protective measures.” This is why he recommends developing equipment that can detect, in the solar system, the asteroids targeting the Earth 3 to 4 million kilometers away and also preparing now the Earth to protect itself against this threat. This type of statement from an international expert validates all the most pessimistic information that has been presented up to now.

Also, the possible presence of toxic metals released from the inside of meteorites at the time of the crash on the Earth could destroy a great part of the existing species. The same type of phenomenon might have happen 65 million years ago entailing the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Besides, might a meteor threaten the Earth, we can wonder whether the authorities would warn the population. Probably not. They would invoke the risk of general panic and our own “safety”, thereby depriving us from getting prepared for our upcoming destruction.

Thus, meteors are potential dangers for the whole planet. However, for the time being, no meteor seems to be threatening the Earth. But any meteor may surface today, tomorrow, in one hundred years… or never. Some enlightened beings even see the doom and gloom on December 21, 2012, the date of the end of the Mayan calendar… obviously!

However today, what is certain is that the crash of an asteroid with a one kilometer diameter would trigger a doomsday on Earth: the extinction of the human race.






                                                                                                                         26Sciences  et  avenir-­‐  February  2010    27  RIA  Novosti  dated  February  4,  2010  

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The  Evidence    

When you take the trouble to listen to the news –distilled and thinned down every day by the media--a few elements seem alarming for our near future. Figures and dates are self-explanatory.

Ever-increasing pollution

Like the Kyoto protocol, agreements are about limiting the “increase” in pollution instead of a genuine decrease. Pollution keeps on increasing on our planet. What is worse is that industrialized countries are pointing to developing countries and accusing them of being responsible for it. Even if it is partly true –although the United States and China still hold first place—it is obviously difficult for these countries to develop their economies and limit their pollution while they attempt to participate in the international market!

Concerning pollution, the WWF28 has denounced chemical industry lobbying. Based on a study covering three generations, complete with blood tests (grand-mother, mother and children), it has been observed that “we all are 100% contaminated by a chemical products cocktail”. These toxic substances accumulate in the body and are transmitted in the womb from mother to child. The WHO29 published in July 2007 a report “that underscores the poisonous impact of pollution on children’s health. Whether pollutants are ingested or inhaled, they are very dangerous for young children resulting in serious metabolism disturbances. As-a-result, four million children die every year30!”

According to the WHO, 14% of diseases in the OCED31 countries with high income result from the environment32. And it is likely this figure is largely underestimated. It is now well-known that our environment may the direct cause of genetic diseases, cancers, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, respiratory problems, heart troubles and allergies, but also may delay children’s growth and lower their IQ33.

Moreover, “in the short term, pollution kills in France34”. This is why after following up the three pollution indicators (nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone), the French Health Watch Institute demonstrated that the higher the pollution level, the more the

                                                                                                                         28  World  Wildlife  Fund  29  World  Health  Organization  30  WHO,  July  27  –  dated  August  24,  2007  31  The  “Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation  and  Development”  is  an  international  economic  organization  of  34  countries  founded  in  1961  to  stimulate  economic  progress  and  world  trade.  It  is  a  forum  of  countries  committed  to  democracy  and  the  market  economy,  providing  a  platform  to  compare  policy  experiences,  seek  answers  to  common  problems,  identify  good  practices,  and  co-­‐ordinate  domestic  and  international  policies  of  its  members.  32Bulletin  d’information  de  l’Ordre  des  medecins  n.9,  January-­‐February  2010  (French  medical  bulletin)  33  Intellectual  quotient  34  S.  Franco  Suglia,  A.Gryparis,  R.O.  Wright,  J.  Schwartz,  and  R.J.  Wright  Association  of  Black  Carbon  with  Cognition  among  Children  in  a  Prospective  Birth  Cohort  Study  Am.J.Epidemiol.,  February  1,  2008;  167:280-­‐286  

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risks for hospitalizations and deaths35 are significant ”in the short term”. “The risk for any type of death is tightly associated to high pollution levels “36it concludes.

Also, many pollutants induce DNA disturbances37 and hormonal disorders that are the cause of abnormalities in animal genitalia (feminization of fish38) and also of sterility in human beings. This represents a significant concern as an increasing number of sterile couples resort to fertility centers. Chemical pollution, drug derivatives39 (derivatives of contraceptive pills, antibiotics, acetaminophen…remaining 80% active40) found in the water, and the electromagnetic fields from television and computer screens41 probably are the main culprits. Moreover, the bioaccumulation of substances –hormones, for one- is reaching spectacular proportions in some species:”If you eat 300 g of mussels from the Seine river estuary, you swallow the equivalent of a contraceptive pill”, explained the ecotoxicologist Professor Francois Leboulanger, during the first European Congress on environmental pathologies42.

Last but not least, the composition of 20% of all chemical products that appear on the American marketplace today is kept secret. The reason their producers invoke is possible industrial theft. This explains why public authorities cannot assess the danger of substances43. Officially, it seems that European laws do not operate according to such rules. It remains that allowing industrialists—and some are unscrupulous-- to play with health safety may turn out to be very dangerous.

Moreover the toxicity thresholds of substances have largely been underestimated. For example, it has just been demonstrated that even a very low dose of lead is toxic. The official value starts with 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter (mcg/dl) of blood. It has been shown that patients with a ratio of 2.11mcg/dl already have 5 times more likelihood to have mental disorders than the population that has not been exposed to lead. Patients with a ratio of 0.7 mcg/dl have twice as many chances44. The example of bisphenol a (BPA) is also significant as it may negatively impact human reproductive and cardiovascular systems and intestinal tract45. BPA has long been used in the manufacturing of baby bottles because it was considered safe by the authorities. In view of such a determination, it is very probable that today’s norms and standards are widely underestimated. Most of these products have a cumulative effect in the human body.

Concerning electromagnetic pollution, it is reaching levels never seen before. We are surrounded by an incredible number of artificial electromagnetic fields: radio, TV waves, radars, satellites, electricity, high voltage lines, cellular and wireless phones, relay antennas, computer and TV screens, etc. When you consider that our body functions with electricity (nervous influx, muscular contractions…) but that also every single cell of our body is a micro transmitter-receiver to allow intercellular communication, it is logical to think that they can be as disrupted as electronic devices aboard planes.

                                                                                                                         35  Quotidien  du  Medecin  02-­‐03-­‐2009  (Daily  medical  news)  36  BEH,  weekly  epidemiological  bulletin,  n.5  dated  02-­‐03-­‐2009  37  Journal  of  Environmental  Monitoring,  January  26,  2009  38  Journal  of  Environmental  Monitoring,  January  26,  2009  39  Journal  of  Environmental  Monitoring,  January  26,  2009  40  Journal  of  Environmental  Monitoring,  January  26,  2009  41  http://emf-­‐  42  Quotidien  du  Medecin  -­‐-­‐  10-­‐15-­‐2009  (Daily  medical  journal)  43  Sciences  &  Avenir  (magazine)—February  2010    44  Science  et  vie  (magazine)  –  February  2010    45  Science  et  Vie  (magazine)-­‐-­‐February  2010  

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Bad air quality

The air we breathe is becoming an increasing problem in our societies, not only with pollutants but now with nanoparticles. The air, like the drinkable water we buy, is going to become a commercial commodity that we may have to pay for dearly and that may be rationed. It is as though every human being born on this planet may not have the right to breathe freely to live.

Less raw material

This is another upcoming occurrence. Raw materials (wood, stones, metals) are natural substances not manufactured by man but indispensable to produce energy (gas, electricity…) and to manufacture goods. They are wood, oil, gas, iron, titanium, tungsten, platinum, nickel, silicon, pewter, antimony, cobalt, manganese, zinc, uranium, silver, phosphate, gold, diamonds, lead, etc.

For a long time it was believed that these resources were endless. But the number of mines whose minerals are in significant quantity and quality to justify their exploitation is very limited on this planet. If we follow the current pace, ten minerals will have totally disappeared in twenty years46 such as terbium, hafnium, silver, antimony, palladium, gold, zinc, indium, pewter, etc. The first shortages will occur around 2012-2013.

Most of these minerals are not generally known by the general public, however they are indispensable in such fields as data processing/high tech, manufacturing of vehicles, television sets, etc. This is why the growing scarcity of raw materials is more worrisome than the oil exhaustion (oil now comes from deep-drilling). They are the real stakes of current world conflicts, just like the two Iraq wars whose goal was the oil supply of both the United States and Europe (and not the false information about the weapons of mass destruction). Because according to certain sources, oil will have disappeared in 40 years47; more optimistic sources talk about 60 years.

Another example is that of the coups and the wars in Africa sponsored by industrialists or governments aiming at getting control of the mines of this rich continent. These minerals are becoming scarce and going further and further is necessary to reach new deposits. In the next future, fighting to own them is going to be more and more virulent and fierce as this is about supplying entire countries in such raw materials. Europe is likely to be hit hard as it imports most of its strategic rare metals (niobium, rhodium, tungsten…)48. Then, China produces 97% of the world’s rare earth elements49 and this will unmistakably shift the world’s economic balance.

To top it all, the economic development of countries such as India and China considerably increases the consumption in raw materials—hastening the occurrence of shortage. What is the solution? In the very near future, we are going to have to change the way we consume and develop ways to recycle the used raw materials, otherwise we are heading toward a serious international crisis.                                                                                                                          46  47  Le  Nouvel  Observateur  (magazine)dated  08-­‐10-­‐2004  48  Sciences  et  Avenir  –  February  2010  49­‐news/2011/08/rare-­‐earths-­‐in-­‐rare-­‐lands.html  

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Soil desertification and degradation

This phenomenon is threatening 70% of arid or dryland zones and it represents 25% of the Earth’s surface50. Deserts progress at a rate of 6 billion hectares per year. The main causes are deforestation, animal overgrazing, soil salinization and global warming. This degradation will bear severe consequences upon food production and will first hit the developing countries.

Furthermore, deforestation in the Amazon is drying up the soil. This mechanism entails important release of carbon in the atmosphere which, until then, was concentrated in the forest. This will come in addition to the pollution phenomena.

Ocean desertification

The general public knows less about this phenomenon but it is as tragic as soil desertification. The desertification of the oceans is increasing faster than previously anticipated, as written in an article published in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”   51.   In this article, scientists explain that oceanic dead zones are increasing by 5% per year. This is why they appear as a major threat to the world ecosystems. These zones are located in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans’ subtropical regions but also the southern areas of the Indian Ocean.

The reasons are obvious: intensive fishing and pollution. Pollution is responsible for the water acidification (increase in pH). This is why 7.5km away from the California coast, the water pH is high enough to dissolve clam shells and coral skeletons52. Additionally, the marine phytoplankton had decreased by 30% since the beginning of the industrial era. Yet, phytoplankton produces the major part of the oxygen that we breathe but also is known to play an important role in sequestering carbon dioxide which dissolves into the sea from the atmosphere, via photosynthesis. This mechanism is believed to be responsible for the removal of nitrogen and about half of CO2


Many observers were counting on the marine environment to supply food to humanity in the 21st Century. Now this dream is obsolete.

Sea level rise

The planet global warming impact the sea level rise and is going to first hit developing countries like Bangladesh with 150 million inhabitants. According to experts, the number for this rise is variable. It could reach 20 to 40 cm in 2100 but this number may be

                                                                                                                         50  51  

52  53­‐marine-­‐plankton-­‐sequestration-­‐carbon/1062/  

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underestimated. In Denmark, Dr. Aslak Grinsted from the University of Copenhagen talks about one meter54!

This sea level rise will provoke important population migrations with political consequences (where will they go?) and decrease the world’s agricultural lands.

Plummeting agricultural production and upcoming food shortages

A serious food shortage is looming in the horizon. It will be triggered by the degradation of arable lands and of the bottom of the oceans. Sea rise level will aggravate the problem as will the continuous increase of the world population. In the upcoming years, this problem will become more acute.

The decline of nutrients (vitamins, trace elements…) in the foods we eat is another important factor because of soil nutrient depletion due to intensive agriculture for decades. For example the soil pH due to excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in China is jeopardizing their agricultural output. In addition, these acid soils attract parasites.

Within the same context, even the industrialized countries may face this completely new situation of food shortages. Thus M.V.K. Sivakumar, a researcher of the World Meteorological Organization explains that “ today we feed the 6.3 billion world population with 11% of the surface exploited for serious food production. The question is whether we will be able to feed an 8.2 billion population in 2020 with less arable land”. He was talking about Africa, Latin America and some Asian territories where less rain and more uncertainty about the weather might be most damaging.55

Drinkable water shortage

According to United Nations experts, half of the world population will suffer from drinking water shortage by the year 202556. This is horrendous news because the water then is the air that we breathe—a vital necessity for each human being.

This is why some continue to assert that the air and the water supply constitute a right—because every human being must be able to get it free from the day he was born and all through his life… Industrialists consider that water is a commercial commodity like any other commodity. It is remarkable to verify that industries pollute water and make consumers pay to depollute it. The point-of-view discrepancy on this subject is huge.

However, it seems obvious that water and air, as well as food, are not common commodities. We should not forget that we can live very well without television or cellular phone. But we cannot live more than three minutes without breathing and more than three days without drinking.

Waste should be limited for everyone to have water. Let us observe that a Madagascan uses 10 water liters per day whereas a French consumes 150 liters and an American 660 liters.                                                                                                                          54  55  56  

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Animal and vegetal biodiversity

For centuries, human beings have selected vegetal species with a view to cultivating them… particularly for the past fifty years. This process entailed the disappearance of hundreds of agricultural species yet having unarguable nutrient value. This occurred strictly for agricultural output motives versus nutritional value. This is why out of the tens of wheat species that once existed, only two are currently being cultivated: the durum wheat and bread wheat, with some spelt and einkorn wheat. It would be very difficult today to trace back the lost species. Yet food variety is particularly important to bring the daily nutrients indispensable for the human body to function. But today, the agricultural production is following an opposite process. Out of the 50,000 edible plants on Earth, only three are supplying the needs of 60% of the world food: rice, wheat and corn.

Forest devastation and poaching are causing the disappearance of many animal species. This phenomenon may develop even more with the desertification process. It is likely that the Amazonian rain forest will be gone by 2030… The same is occurring quickly with desertification of the ocean. The fishing industry goes further and deeper to seek fish. The Mediterranean Sea is almost dead and the Atlantic Ocean is dying. The Pacific Ocean is currently safe (temporarily) because of its size. Intensive fishing practices and industrial discharge are the main culprits.

There are roughly 1.5 million known animal species on Earth. They are all treasures that are disappearing in front of our very eyes. They constitute the genetic heritage of the Earth. They give the biodiversity that our world needs for balance. As the Secretary General of the United Nations declared “Biodiversity means life. Biodiversity is our life57”.

Destroying a link of this chain can only entail disturbances. When an animal species is extinct, there are environmental consequences upon the plants they were eating and their predators… etc. This brings about weeds, grasshoppers, flies, rabbits or toads invasions as seen in Australia where the environmental balance was destroyed after the arrival of new species brought from Europe by the new settlers. This is what we also see in Japan with gigantic jellyfish—reaching 2-meter diameters and up to 200kg. They destroy fishermen’s nets and their venom contaminates the flesh of the harvested fish. This is caused by jellyfish-eating species becoming extinct like turtles, but also by industrial and agricultural discharge58.

According to Richard Leakey59  ,  former head of  Kenya Wildlife Service, 100,000 species (animals, insects, fish, plants…) become extinct every year. According to a poll60carried out by the American Museum of Natural History in New York with 400 biologists, 70% believe that we are headed to a massive species extinction like those that occurred before on Earth. The last one occurred 65 million years ago with the dinosaur extinction. A total of six massive extinctions may have occurred in the past: 500, 440, 365, 250, 200 and 65 million years ago. Every time, thousands even millions of years were necessary for the Earth to recover its balance—a different balance from the previous one.                                                                                                                          57  58­‐giant-­‐jellyfish-­‐blooms-­‐ria.html  59  Leakey  and  Lewin,  The  Sixth  Extinction:  Patterns  of  Life  and  the  Future  of  Humankind  [Paperback  1996]    60  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  

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That study also establishes that 20% of species could become extinct by 2030. And according to Richard Leakey and the biologist Edward Osborne Wilson61, at the present pace, the Earth will lose 55% of its species within a century.

It is impossible to predict the consequences of such phenomena because of the gigantic environmental imbalance. They will obviously impact the fauna and the flora but also the land and the oceans. Some few species will become prevalent which, in turn, may impact the Earth’s atmosphere and its climate.

For human beings, the disappearance of biodiversity will entail the emergence of new diseases because of extinction of animal species which were the vectors or the reservoirs of diseases. For Patrice Debre, a professor at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, but also an immunologist and ambassador in charge of fighting against AIDS and transmittable diseases: We are seating on a series of biodiversity atomic bombs located in certain areas of the world and that can, at any time, explode and introduce new viruses and therefore new pathologies62”.

For the Norwegian government, the only way to safeguard vegetal biodiversity is to lock it up into a global seed vault. An underground cavern was built in the Svalbard archipelago (island of Spitsbergen) and can resist any type of disaster. At completion, the number of seeds should reach 4.5 million types63.

It seems clear that human civilization is going to bear the consequences of biodiversity disappearance. One may wonder whether it will survive. One may consider the progressive bee extinction currently occurring and pay attention to Albert Einstein’s words: “If the bees were to disappear, man would only have a few years to live”.

Development of the drug market

Today, the drug market is in full bloom. According to official sources, 4% of the Western population uses cocaine, without any class distinction. Many political figures are regular users. Also, marijuana is so commonplace that it is practically legal… in every day’s reality whereas it is not legalized by society.

Drug trafficking is currently one of the most lucrative markets in the world. This is the reason that industrialists, financiers and political authorities do not get involved and largely profit by the quasi-inexhaustible windfall which allows buying everything: arms and weaponry, soldiers, police, banks, corporations, politicians and even entire countries. The benefits accrued from the world drug trafficking are more sizeable than the GNP of many countries. It cannot be disputed that it represents the largest source of benefits currently available in the world, even ahead of the armament industry.

Also, it looks like countries under U.S. control such as Afghanistan, Turkey or Colombia are today the largest drug producers in the world. Shouldn’t we wonder whether this is the cause or the consequence of such presence? Why does it always seem impossible to eliminate this market? It is up to everyone to find their own answer.

                                                                                                                         61  http://www.wellcom/user/davidu/extinction.html  62  Quotidien  du  Medecin  –  dated  02-­‐03-­‐2010  63  

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With the world population estimated at 7 billion in 2012, the Earth has never been so populated. Every day, there are 200,000 more people on our planet. It is estimated that in 2050, the world population will be 9 billion. This is due to an increase in life expectancy (55 in Africa versus 75 in Europe—close to 80 in the United States), a decrease in infant mortality rate and to hygiene development.

26.3%64 of the world population is less than 15 years old; western countries’ populations keep aging: in 2011, it was estimated that 16.8% of population was over 65 in France and 12.8% in the United States. Discrepancies are significant and continue to increase between rich countries with an aging population and poor countries with high demographic progression and a young population. This phenomenon may cause, sooner or later, some tensions between the different countries. It is obvious as on the one hand, some will look for young labor and on the other hand, the others will look for the industrialized countries’ wealth.

Moreover roughly 700 million people live on volcano slopes and 380 million live on sea coasts which are risk-bearing regions (tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, sea level rise…) in the future.

National debts

The countries need more and more money to pay for their huge expenses: business representation expenses, business trips, lodging, salaries, different benefits…This is true at all levels: international, European, government and local levels. At every level these enormous working capital expenses are paid by the taxpayer.

This is how after tolerable increases of income taxes are exhausted, new types of taxes are invented every year. There are also embezzlements. This how many taxes that are supposed to pay for healthcare remain in the government treasury. Also government-supported pension funds that are profitable are levied. All means are good enough but sometimes it is not good enough.

In 2009, the French debt reached a record level of 1,415 billion euros versus “only” 1,076 euros in 2004. This considerable debt equals to 22,000 euros per French citizen. Moreover, France borrows money every year like the 120 billion borrowed for the year 2010. Another example is the U.S. House of representatives who voted, in February 2010, an increase of the public debt ceiling reaching 14,300 billion dollars65. A staggering figure!

Also in 2007, 58% of the French debt was held by non-residents and this proportion is increasing as France has now entered the “red zone” where its independence is threatened66.

But this is a general phenomenon. As of September 2011, the levels of public debt as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) from 2010 indicate that France ranks 14th with 83.50% of GDP, Germany is 19th with 78.80% of GDP, Italy is 8th with 118.10%                                                                                                                          64  65  Le  dated  02-­‐05-­‐2010  66  Le  Monde  newspaper  dated  08-­‐13-­‐2007  

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of GDP, the United States with 58.90% of net debt GDP is 37th (gross debt GDP is 97%), and Japan is first with 225.8% of GDP67. And we know that national debts are increasing…

Obviously, these considerable debts put the debtor countries under the domination of the creditor countries. All this is very fuzzy: we might wonder who these creditors are who can dictate their own laws in our countries. It is very probable that these creditors are the “great financiers” (also called the “money lords”), a term used to qualify the heads of multinationals who own banks, communications, industries (armament, pharmaceuticals, food industry…) etc.

These debts common to all world countries considerably jeopardize the international economy but also the international stock exchange. Indeed it has been estimated that debt will represent in average 120% of countries’ GDP by 2014. This is a spectacular increase compared with the financial crisis in 2007 when the ratio was “only” 78%.

The economic crisis

Today it is obvious that the serious 2008 financial crisis has not served as a lesson in spite of the massive injection of billions of euros into the economy. This virtual money crisis is fomented by the big financial groups and, primarily, banks. Governments had to borrow enormous amounts of money in order to maintain the balance of the world’s monetary system. This money was borrowed from the “great financiers” as French governing entities would call them. But weren’t these the big financial groups who originated this very crisis? If this is the case, it seems right to ask if all this has not been precisely orchestrated with a goal to make the governments their creditors.

Whatever the truth is, the stock market has cooled down and stock values are acting like yoyos. Observers even foresee a new crisis in the 2010s years. The reason is simple: nothing has changed since 2008, no real reform has taken place and all is as if it never happened with the old habits. We seem to forget that the same causes generally induce the same effects.

During these relentless fluctuations of the dollar, some oil producing countries like Russia and China are proposing to drop the dollar as a world currency. Economists are forecasting the collapse of the dollar that could be replaced by a single currency agreed upon by the North American countries: the United States, Canada and Mexico. This change would have significant consequences on international trade.

In the case of another stock market collapse, the whole world economy would come to a sudden halt. The consequences would certainly be more serious and persistent than those in 2008. Unemployment would spread and poverty would touch all layers of society: pensions would not be paid, money invested in banks would disappear with the crisis, companies could not pay their employees and governments would not be able to pay their bills. Social movements would probably develop on a world-wide scale.


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The wars

At a time when all the world’s nations gather everyday to talk about peace, simmering wars have never been so prevalent. Pirating is developing all around the globe. Terrorism is increasing. Yet, wars generate terrorism as demonstrated with Iraq’s occupation. But also, wars put the world economy to work.

International and civil wars are multiplying everywhere in the world: Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Chechnya, Somalia, Eritrea, Israel, Palestine, Niger, Peru, Colombia, Kenya, Nepal, Tibet, Sudan, India, Sri Lanka….Moreover conflicts are very likely to escalate in Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and Israel up to creating a third world war. Tactical nuclear weapons will probably be used, by then.

Wars generate wars, violence generates violence and death calls for death--it has always been an unrelenting logic. These past years, instead of eradicating terrorism, wars have generated new terrorist groups and areas. It is the example of David against Goliath: when faced with the massacres of their family, friends or relatives, these men and women undertake desperate actions to fulfill their vengeance in vain. This is how biological and chemical attacks today constitute the main threats. The danger of “dirty” bombs (as though there were “clean” bombs…) is seriously contemplated by the French government implementing new battle plans68 using high tech in order to detect threats of all types of possible biological attacks.

It is true that wars have never been “clean” but today the civil populations are the hostages of conflicts: pilfered, killed, massacred, collectively raped, deported, imprisoned, sterilized… Genocides have never been so many and so wide-spread. Moreover, the weaponry in use can reach the populations beyond the borders: chemical, bacteriological, neutron, uranium-derived and miniature nuclear weapons, use of electromagnetic fields (acting upon the brain), climatic and telluric wars (modifying and generating catastrophes that look natural), etc. The human mind has never shown so many skills as in inventing new weapons: we are reaching a climax.

War can have different aspects. At the close of the cold war, economic war scenarios were contemplated between countries. We now know that this scenario is skillfully orchestrated by multinational companies who own economic and financial interests in all the world countries and they relocate their pawns according to the best opportunities of the moment without any emotion. The only existing war is currently the war between multinationals when they do not reach an agreement.

The other style of war is cyber warfare, like we saw in the Spring of 2007 in Estonia. Even though it is a member of the European Union, this small country had a cyber attack. “For several weeks, the media, banks and even government Web sites were out of service. The attack originated from thousands of computers that saturated the Estonian sites with requests. It was impossible to retrace the cyber criminal and many accuse the powerful Russian neighbor for launching the order69…”. It is possible that the goal of this attack was to test the hardware on a real-scale adversary, just like the                                                                                                                          68  dated  02-­‐07-­‐2010  69­‐cyberguerre-­‐ANSSI-­‐  

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Germans had tested their armament during their war against Spain and the Americans during the first Gulf war. All main official Web sites (police, army, defense, government, communications, energy) in all world countries are attacked by hackers of cyber groups.

The American take this threat at the first degree. In February 2010, they even organized the simulation of a real-scale cyber attack70. It was implemented by an independent group, the Bipartisan Policy Center, against the American government and its structures.

Another type of war is that of internet viruses sent with a goal to destabilize an administration or a corporation.

After wars of mass destruction, chemical and bacteriological wars, human ingenuity has developed psychotronic warfare, i.e. a war aimed at controlling the brain of adversaries. These weapons are mainly constituted of electromagnetic fields and are derived from Soviet and American research during the Cold War. They were perfected to a degree that we, the general public, cannot imagine. These “shadow weapons71” have reached such a sophistication that they can hit individuals without their being conscious of it and thereby modify their behavior and make them hyper-aggressive or completely passive. The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) project results from a scientific and military program and would be another weapon able to act upon the human brain at the planetary level.

Controlling the climate is certainly part of the armament panoply of the developed nations. We have a small scale example in the Chinese who manipulated the local weather conditions during the Beijing Olympic Games so that good weather would prevail. But it is very likely that current weaponry is much more sophisticated.

What is wonderful for the military, is being able to use these psychotronic and climatic weapons with complete impunity because officially, they do not exist.

Nuclear incidents and accidents

Chernobyl was a dreadful catastrophe with consequences for the whole planet. However, the many nuclear tests of the past carried out by the Americans, the Soviets, the French, the British, the Chinese… had the same negative impacts. Moreover, they made some telluric areas more fragile on the planet, which could increase seismic processes. It is likely that today, tests are still being carried out without the knowledge of populations, probably underground making the balance of the planet even more precarious.

In the civil use of nuclear energy, the Tchernobyl case is not an isolated case. Many potentially serious accidents have been avoided in extremis in France and abroad. Every year many “incidents” occur in the world. Their gravity is often difficult to evaluate                                                                                                                          70­‐news%2F2010%2F02%2Fsimulation-­‐shows-­‐government-­‐lacks-­‐policies-­‐needed-­‐to-­‐respond-­‐to-­‐cyberattack%2F45971%2F  71  Les  armes  de  l’ombre  by  Marc  Filterman  –editions  Carnot.  Book  out  of  print.  

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because we lack reliable information72, like Sweden in July 2006, Slovenia in June 2008, Kashiwazaki-Kariwa (Japan) in July 2007, at Tricastin (France) in December 2009… to name a few.

In France, the nuclear plants were built to last roughly 20 years (now they say 30 years…) and today, we have reached 40 years or even more because: “the decision to extend the duration beyond 40 years will have to be submitted between 2010 and 201573 to obtain authorizations granted by the Direction Generale de la Surete Nucleaire et de la Radioprotection (French Agency for Nuclear Safety and Radio Protection)”. In short, our nuclear plants are aging and it is logical to think about likely incidents in the future.

Currently the EPR74 represents a considerable risk for nuclear safety—more important than a nuclear plant. Some countries have declined to buy it from the French. Finland has committed and is biting its fingernails. Additionally, many delays are adding up in its construction showing that this technology is not proven.

Also, nuclear waste poses serious problems for the future because the stocking places are multiplying and it is highly necessary to exercise constant surveillance for centuries to come. It is also fair to ask about the life expectancy of the waste containers. The oldest ones date back several decades and some wastes have been thrown without any precaution into seas and oceans.

Adding to civil nuclear activity, the military activity is even more secretive… The various countries have their officially recognized missiles and those that remained concealed. And we are not mentioning the countries who now retain nuclear force and who are therefore potential decision-makers: China, India, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea….Iran? Moreover, the ever-possible miniaturization of nuclear bombs makes them easy to carry in backpacks.

There is also information about some nuclear submarines –notably Russian submarines—that have sunken with their nuclear ballistic missiles. Such places have been indicated as Norwegian coasts and the Chunnel. Moreover, old nuclear submarines are abandoned on the Kola Peninsula in the Barents Sea as there are no resources to decommission them. Incidents are possible at any time among the hundred nuclear reactors left behind with no surveillance that could entail an enormous chain reaction.

The world is living on a powder keg that can explode at any time.

Apprentice sorcerers

Let us be clear: a great majority of scientists may be taken seriously but it is not always the case about their employers: governments, armies, industrialists… who turn

                                                                                                                         72  73  http://www.developpement-­‐  74  European  Pressurized  Reactor  

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inventions to their advantage instead of sticking to the original goals they were created for.

For decades, researchers and the military in particular have been playing the apprentice sorcerers. Nuclear testing constitutes a first example because the resistance of the Earth’s tectonic plates was tested and many civilian and military personnel were exposed more or less voluntarily. GMO cultivation is another example. It is a “real scale” experiment with catastrophic consequences for the upcoming generations. Bacteriological weapon testing, DNA manipulations, cloning, new chemical products, nanoparticles and other less known but more serious testing, may exit from safe laboratories and spread in the general population. This is how in the 1940s-1950s, the Philadelphia experiment tried to manipulate time and nearly caused a planetary disaster. Nowadays, the Z machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world and is designed to test the resistance of nuclear heads in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. It turned out capable of producing, since 2006, temperatures that are four to six times higher than that of an H bomb with no reasonable scientific reason (2 to 3 billion degrees). So with no known reason, this device has become a real weapon of mass destruction75. Man is playing the apprentice sorcerer everywhere in the world, for himself or for groups, armies or governments. The multiplication of that type of research increases the risks of dissemination of disasters at any moment.

Human rights

Human rights are constantly trampled in all the world countries including Europe, as indicated in the annual Amnesty International report. France has been brought to the European Court of Human Rights 34 times in 2008: 24 were in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights76. Foreigners are naturally the first ones to be hit based on their looks. Incidents are multiplying and create even more insecurity.

Young children are exploited in many countries. They are put to work earlier and earlier and child prostitution happens with young girls and young boys. These endemic calamities can be found anywhere while authorities close their eyes.

Prostitution also is in full bloom. No doubt that it has always existed but today it is spreading and involves many minors who have been taken away or sold by their families and countries with a goal for prostitution. The number of missing children is more significant than officially reported.

According to the American Journal of Psychiatry,77 there is a neurobiological basis for aggression and crime. The study is based on a 20-year period and shows that fear conditioning is the mechanism by which we learn to link antisocial acts with negative consequences such as punishment or social exclusion. By leading to a failure in such social learning, poor fear conditioning would thus predispose an individual to antisocial behavior. The study probes the association of poor fear conditioning in early childhood with adult criminal behavior and shows the relationship between antisocial behavior and                                                                                                                          75  76  77  

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brain amygdala dysfunction. This finding is heavy with consequences as it would entail that some individuals would need to be arrested and treated before they commit a crime. This opens the door to abuses… that already took place in the past.

Social problems

Crises, wars, unemployment…. They all generate serious social tensions. Purchasing power is eroding and poverty is increasing in the countries called “rich” and these phenomena conceal serious underlying social tensions. According to census in France, there were close to 7.9 million people under the poverty level in 200678(well before the financial crisis). This accounted for 13.2% of the population, compared to 11.7% (7 million people) in 2004. Since the financial crisis, things have gotten worse: what is the percentage today?

The solution that authorities have found to fight social cases is to create public housing that has become real ghettos where even the police do not want to set foot. This situation is logical given the precarious conditions of this concentrationary setting. Our governing authorities only need to spend a week-end with their families to understand how the dwellers of these places really feel. These places have become “no-law” areas and have developed their own laws that have nothing to do with the official laws. The youngsters who were born and evolve in that milieu recognize only these laws.

Faced with this situation to stop crime, more police is created. Miscellaneous police corps and the army patrol the streets. Instead of creating security, their presence creates suspicions and diffidence between individuals, and aggravates the general insecurity climate. The result is contrary to what was expected –at least officially. But other solutions exist, with the example of the Nordic countries or New Zealand where the presence of the police is much less obvious and the crime rate is much lower.

The other technique to fight against crime is to track all civilian identities. All means are good: credit cards, identity card, passport, reward cards…The DCRI79 --the intelligence service of the French police-- is everywhere. But it always is insufficient and new files are assembled with new contents and new titles classified by alphabetical order, by illegal aliens, by biometric passports, by organized gangs, etc.

The net result is that today the poor are even poorer. Precarious conditions are on the rise. The middle class is disappearing gradually but at the same time the rich are getting richer. The luxury market is striving. The masterpieces sold today reach record prices.

For the time being the social status quo is stable but for how long? Differences and inequalities have never been so great between social classes and between poor and rich countries.

                                                                                                                         78  dated  05-­‐06-­‐2009  79  

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The pharmaceutical industry is in full bloom. Besides, for a long time, it has generated more significant benefits than the armament industry. Also there have never been so many medications to treat us and medication consumption has tripled in 30 years. In spite of that, illnesses and diseased people have never been so many. In France, the 65 million population counts 800,000 cancer cases (230,000 more cases per year), 850,000 Alzheimer’s cases, 110,000 Parkinson’s cases, 600,000 schizophrenia cases, 500,000 epileptics, 130,000 spondyloarthritis cases, 250,000 rheumatoid arthritis cases, 60,000 MS cases, 1,4 million fibromyalgia cases, 8 to 10 million high blood pressure cases, 10 to 12 million migraine cases, 2.5 million diabetes (type 2) cases, 2 to 3 million psoriasis cases, 6 million depression cases ( and 160,000 attempted suicides/year), 15 million miscellaneous phobias, 15% sterile couples, etc.

All in all, eight out of ten French say they suffer from at least one health problem80. In the United States, one American out of five is reported to suffer from mental troubles81. And at last in the world, 1 billion people are reported to suffer from overweight with 200 million people suffering from obesity.

The causes for these illnesses are very diverse. However it is possible to draw conclusions: poor eating habits and industrial food, sedentary lifestyle, stress, pollution (air, water, food in the city and the countryside, at work and at home), drugs (alcohol, tobacco, heroin, marijuana, ecstasy), lack of purpose in life…

Medicine has itself its share of responsibility in the disease occurrences….some point at vaccinations, dental fillings, X-ray excesses, some menopausal hormone therapy treatments, anti-cholesterol medicines, chemotherapy, etc. Thus, medicine heals on the one hand and makes people sick on the other hand. A great business!

Our society is the cause of most of our diseases. Indeed, did you know that not so long ago there existed populations without cancer82? Their secret was in a balanced nutrition, eating in small quantities, a sense of conviviality, sharing and life in the open –non polluted—air.

Thus our society triggers the occurrence of many “civilization” diseases. Then, it developed a very elaborate medical system to care for the diseases that it itself created, thereby generating enormous profits. It would have sufficed to suppress the causes for these diseases in order to eradicate them. Medicine is more interested in the consequences than the causes—which make diseases incurable. Thus politicians and medical doctors do not seem concerned by disease prevention.


Today, the leading idea in our world is that you can buy and sell anything—industrial goods, the water we drink, human organs, even people. It seems that only profits are                                                                                                                          80  Agence  France  Presse  dated  06-­‐05-­‐2007  81  Cahiers  de  la  Bio-­‐energie  n.  14  82­‐Pierre_Willem  

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important. The individuals and materials that contribute to these profits are negligible because they are interchangeable. This is how firms can make extraordinary profits and can, at the same time, let go of their workers, or even delocalize their facilities in order to earn even more money the following year.

Only one thing counts: business. So let us consider that you are in good health, your car is working fine and you are a happy person: nobody has any interest in you! However, tomorrow, let us say that you are in a car accident: then you are going to make the machine turn round: insurances, hospital, medical doctors and staff, medication, the garage, the spare parts manufacturer…. In short, the economic system gets a jump start based on your misery.

Modern society does not seek at all the happiness of its members. Instead, its goal is to make the economic machine turn round, i.e. to make money. So long as you have not taken this point, you will be mistaken about the fundamental goal of the society you are living in.

This objective is reached through lies, propaganda, flawed news, creation of new needs, fears, flattery, constraints…

All this explains why, in our society, all problems are tackled upside down. This distorts completely the way people think. For example, the authorities wonder how to get rid of garbage and refuse: recycling, storing… without asking how we can decrease the amount of garbage… maybe with less packaging, it is that simple! Another example is the pollution in our rivers and springs. Our authorities implement sewage and wastewater treatment plants that will be dearly paid for by the taxpayer. Yet, shouldn’t the polluters be responsible for paying for the decontamination? An additional example is that of our healthcare in dire deficit, therefore all taxpayers have to pay additional social charges. Shouldn’t the solution consist in decreasing the cost of medications that often account for more than 70% profit to the pharmaceutical industry?

Why doesn’t anybody say anything? This is untrue as in reality, many people are complaining but their voice is not relayed by the media. Because corruption is now reaching record levels at all layers of the political and financial world. This is how the Italian Court of Auditors denounces the lack of scruples of the Italian Administration and corruption crimes that have increased by 229% in 2009 and embezzlement charges by 153%. This concerns only “small” corruption by bureaucrats and does not deal with that of the “big bosses” with national and international ramifications.

Beyond getting more money in less time, there is a need for domination and power, implying thereby controlling people and all types of excesses, violence and debauchery.

But if we were to isolate and ask questions to each individual on this Earth, it would become obvious that the common desire is to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors and respect the Earth where they live and that they will leave to their children. But the political orientations of governing authorities are very far from these fundamental considerations. How long will this disdain for the profound aspirations of humanity last?


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Troubling  Stories  and  Prophecies  


In 1983, President Reagan explained that, after reading the Old Testament and the Armageddon83 prophecies, he could not push away the possibility of an apocalypse during the present generation. He added that there was no doubt that prophets had precisely described the situation of our modern world today84.

The bunkers and Camelot project

We have already talked about the Norwegian bunker built in the Spitsbergen islands. It is designed to store million of seeds from all the world’s countries. The main idea is to store them for the future generations. This is a magnificent idea –at first thought. But other possible intentions are suspected and questions posed. Why build, today, this bunker costing millions of euros? Is it because our governing leaders have knowledge of upcoming upheavals on Earth? Are all plants going to disappear completely from the surface of the Earth in the very near future?

Also, some venture that this bunker would not be used only to store seeds. It would also be connected to an underground network that would give shelter to our country leaders once the end of the world events unfold. They would be getting ready for these events, creating shelters for themselves without informing the populations who would be abandoned on the ravaged Earth.

It is certain that if our leaders were aware of such occurrences, we would probably not be told. And they would stealthily prepare underground hideouts for themselves and their families.

Whatever they might do, they would do it discreetly and not publicize it as it is done in Norway. Besides, many bunkers already exist around the world, mainly as a consequence of the Cold War. It is very likely that, since then, they have considerably been enlarged. Moreover there probably also exist underground communications networks connecting the different shelters…without the general public’s knowledge.

These facts seem to be verified in a letter written by a former member of the Norwegian government, Olaf Nielsen, who conjures up a planet-scale catastrophe and a certain “Camelot project.” The goal would be to build bases to provide shelter to the governing elite and to those who could contribute to the reconstruction of the future world: medical doctors, scientists, etc. while leaving behind more than 90% of the world population who would definitely die. Several letters presented as emanating from Olaf Nielsen are

                                                                                                                         83  Biblical  term  indicating  the scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to occur at the end of the world.  

84  Holy  Blood,  Holy  Grail  and  The  Messianic  Legacy  by  Michael  Baigent,  Richard  Leigh  and  Henry  Lincoln  

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presently circulating. They are not all completely identical but present similarities in their style and content. Here is the text of one of them:

“My name is Olaf Nielsen, human citizen and I have the duty to warn as many people as possible.

I have worked on the global seed vault construction on the Spitsbergen Island in Norway.

The Norwegian government is building more and more underground bases and bunkers. When asked, they simply say that it is to preserve our botanical heritage for the protection of populations…

Very few know about this: there is not enough space in the camps to save 6 billion people and governments fear general panic if they alert the population.

As for me, I already know that I am going to leave before 2012 to go the area of Mosjøen where we have a deep underground military facility.

The people that are going to be left on the surface and die with the others will get no help whatsoever and the year 2012 will be marked by natural catastrophes like no other ever lived on Earth.

Governments are predicting that at least 90% of the world population will die. To those who are ready to survive, I recommend that they find a high place to store canned food and lots of water. Also, get pills against radiation effects, survival clothing, weapons and make up survival groups.

For the last time, I pray God to help you…”

If this letter is truly genuine, we learn that catastrophes are going to happen in a very near future…2012, but also that our governing leaders are totally aware of this. They are getting prepared, building underground shelters for themselves while knowing that 90% of the population will be sacrificed.

In some versions of the Olaf Nielsen letter, mention of Planet X is made (see chapter on Planet X); it would cause destruction on the Earth in 2012. Does this prediction really emanate from Olaf Nielsen or from an adaptation of the Planet X thesis? It is impossible to answer since today it is totally impossible to get in touch with Olaf Nielsen. Therefore, all this cannot be verified.

The 25,920-year cycle

It is well known that our Earth’s axis follows a rotation called the precession of the equinoxes. This cycle lasts 25,920 years. It is reaching its close. Some see 2012 as the year of the end. Nothing proves it but noting contradicts it either.

This 25,920-year cycle is divided in 12 periods of 2,070 years (matching the 12 zodiacs) with transition periods of 90 years in between. In a more global manner, this cycle has two long periods: an ascent of 12,960 years corresponding to a significant spiritual evolution of humanity and a descent of 12,960 years bringing humanity into sleep, i.e. in the dark corners of the human being.

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Supposedly, a certain number of major events have occurred during the 25,920-year cycle that is coming to an end. Thus, Atlantis fell about 12,500 years ago, i.e. precisely in the middle of the 25,920-year cycle, right between the ascent and the descent. The Deluge occurred 6,250 years ago, i.e. at three quarters of the cycle.

We are currently reaching the end of the dark part of the cycle. The new upcoming cycle will bring humanity out of its sleep toward a great evolution.

So, even if the date of 2012 is not absolutely sure for the end of this cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, it remains that we are currently living its conclusion.

The Mayan calendar

The Mayans were obsessed by the notion of time. They elaborated no less than 17 different systems able to calculate the years, seasons, moons… cycles. Their research allowed predicting very precisely events that occurred since the world was created.

The Mayan calendar is a kind of schedule of creation according to Ian Lungold85. It starts when the Earth is created, 16.4 billion years ago and ends on the day of the winter solstice, December 21 2012, at the time when the sun sets on the Mayan country.

But researchers have disagreed on this date that was calculated on the Mayan, Julian and Gregorian calendars. It looked like the end of the Mayan calendar could have been on October 28, 2011 in our Gregorian calendar86. Many who wanted to reinforce this theory did not hesitate to invent proofs or fictitious events… Trading on fear is always very profitable.

The Mayan calendar shows 9 successive periods of different durations for millennia since creation. They equate to 9 different levels of consciousness for the Earth and for humanity. First, there was the cellular cycle, then the mammal cycle, the family cycle, the tribal cycle, the cultural cycle, the national cycle, the planetary cycle87…The 8th cycle is the galactic cycle. The 9th and last cycle lasts only 260 days.

Mayans also had three main calendars: the Tzolkin with 260 days with a rather religious connotation; the Haab with 360 days linked to agriculture; and the “Long Count” with a cycle of 5,125 years. The current cycle of the long count supposedly started on August 13, 3114 B.C. and will end on the winter solstice, December 21, 2012. The date when the cycle begins is the same as when the planet Venus first appeared above the Earth’s horizon.

Mayans, like Aztecs, thought that the world had been created several times. We are supposedly in the 5th world or rather in the 5th sun. The previous “suns” did not have a happy ending:

• The first sun was a water sun that ended up in an overall flood. • The second sun was a wind sun that died due to a hurricane which removed all

the living beings from the Earth.

                                                                                                                         85  86  It  was  introduced  in  the  16th  century  to  replace  the  Julian  calendar  which  was  not  precise  enough.  87  The  cycles  are  often  referred  to  as  “underworlds”.  

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• The third sun was a fire sun that died due to volcanic eruptions or to a meteor fall.

• The fourth sun was destroyed by blood and fire.

As to our 5th sun, it ends on December 21, 2012, while the “Earth will set to move”…an enigma hard to decipher!

We have to understand that for the Mayans, the end of their calendar means that the world will cease to be the way we know it now, it will cease to exist… which does not mean that it will be the end of humanity, but rather the beginning of a new world. It will be a new birth, a change and another way to live where “humans will be more human”. The Itza age will be the age of wisdom and knowledge to reawaken humanity’s consciousness.

St. Malachy’s prophecy of the popes

Saint Malachy (1094-1148) was an Irish bishop who had a vision while he was on a visit to Rome in 1139. He saw the chronological succession of the 111 popes who would follow Pope Celestine II (1143-1144) until the end of time. Each of the 111 prophecies attributed to him is a motto written in Latin—related to each pope or his time period --- these remain cryptic and esoteric for some popes and more obvious for other popes. For example, “rosa umbriae” (the rose of Umbria) for Clement VII (1758-1769) who was from Umbria and whose emblem was a rose; or also “aquila rapax” (the tawny eagle) for Pius VII who was emprisoned by Napoleon 1st ; or “Lumen in caelo” (the light in the sky) for Leo XIII who was from the Pecci family whose emblem was a comet in a blue sky; but also Benedict XV, with “Religio depopulate” (devastated religion), who was pope from 1914 to 1922, during World War I and the epidemic of Spanish flu.

Benedict XVI the current pope, corresponds to the 111th prophecy: “Gloria oliviae” (of the olive tree’s glory) which is hard to decipher. Is it because the olive tree is the symbol of the St. Benedict order, or of the peace emblem? It is hard to say. Some have correlated this prophecy with a text from the St. John Apocalypse conjuring up the “two witnesses’ prediction” with the apparition of the sixth angel. These two witnesses are described as the “olive trees.” Also interesting is that in the text, the seventh apocalypse angel announces the end of the world and the last judgement.

So, according to Malachy, Benedict XVI carries the last prophecy. Therefore he would be the last pope before the “end of the world.” However, doubt persists as the prophecy ends with another name, a certain “Peter the Roman” (Petrus Romani). But the text is not formally authenticated. Moreover, it would be surprising if a pope were to adopt the name of St Peter, the first pope but also one of the twelve apostles of Jesus… Is that name attached to Benedict XVI or rather to the pope who would succeed him? Would he be the last pope of the end of time?

The text says:”In persecusione extrema sacrae raomanae ecclesiae sedebit Petrus romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus; quibus transactis, civitas septi-collis diruetor; et judex tremendous judicabit populum suum” which means "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the formidable (also translated, “dreaded” or “dreadful”) Judge will judge the people.”.

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Whatever the answers to these questions, the end of the popes and therefore the end of the world seem near, even very near, according to Malachy.

The prophecies of Edgar Cayce

The famous American healer Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)   demonstrated the uncanny ability to put himself into a self-induced trance. During these trances, he had visions that allowed him to answer questions that came to be called "readings," that allowed many people to heal from difficult diseases, and even life-threatening illnesses. These many cures constitute the undeniable proof that his words came from a man out of the ordinary.

During these modified states of consciousness, Edgar Cayce tackled many other topics: the origins of humanity, astrology, the life of Jesus, Atlantis, extrasensory perception… It is for all these reasons that he was called “the sleeping prophet.” He also happened to give predictions about the future. Often, he was talking about great upheavals and the end of the world: the Earth will be upset…the Earth will break open… He explained that there will be major transformations, notably in the coastal areas of America and Northern Europe, and that Japan will go to sea, there will be major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, new lands will appear and others will disappear, climates will change in many regions of the globe… He even evoked a shifting of the poles—which seems to be corroborated by the reversal or at least the current shift of the poles unknown during Edgar Cayce’s time88.

Here is the text: “The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the poles - so that where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in those periods in '58 to 98’, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, alone is it given to those who have named the name - and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given.89”

It is naturally obvious that Edgar Cayce made a mistake about these dates (between 1958 and 1998). However, if we forget about the dates, these predictions are very close to what we are living today: seismic activity, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, global warming… In another prediction, Edgar Cayce adds: “The shifting of the poles” will indicate that “a new cycle begins90.” And today, as we enter the Age of Aquarius, the speed of the North Pole shift has never been so fast.

However, we should not forget that all other predictions given by Edgar Cayce on other topics turned out to be right. So how can we account for such a gross mistake about a future date prediction?                                                                                                                          88  89Edgar  Cayce  Reading  3676-­‐15  90  Edgar  Cayce  Reading  826-­‐8  

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Indeed, it is possible that our history is not written once for all and that events and decisions made by human beings can interfere and change the future, or at least modify it—such as postponing a date or reducing the amplitude of a cataclysm, etc. This is exactly what the Hopis assert, as well as Edgar Cayce himself. He implied that the future was dependent not only upon individuals but also on human communities and on the ways they live and think. In turn, a mood is created, a state of mind that will help preserve a town or a region or at least it will minimize catastrophes…

“All of these are, as is ever on or in such an activity, dependent upon individuals or groups who are in or keep an attitude respecting the needs, the desires, the necessary requirements in such a field of activity. That some are DUE and WILL occur is WRITTEN, as it were, but - as we find - as to specific date or time in the present this may not be given91.”

Thus, the attitude and thoughts of individuals are able to minimize or postpone events. And even if it remains obvious that huge changes will soon occur on the Earth, the attitude of humanity, but also the attitude of each and every individual can interfere with a tragic turn of events and make them less important or delay their occurrence in time. This explains why Edgar Cayce erred about dates in his predictions concerning our present because, by what we see today, his predictions are very likely to be accurate. The date of these events has simply been delayed… but for how long?

The Hopi prophecy

This prophecy emanates from the Hopi tribe in Arizona, several centuries ago. It was revealed in 1968 during the Continental Intertribal Council of Fairbanks in Alaska. It says that the Earth has already known several cycles: the mineral cycle, the vegetal cycle, the animal cycle in which we are (which will be destroyed by fire) and lastly the human being cycle which is about to begin.

In the past, this prophecy has predicted events that actually happened –which gives it a strong credibility. For example:

• “An iron horse will come to the country of the red man”: obviously, it is the railroad.

• “Spiders’ webs will crisscross the sky”: the contrails –or even the chemtrails that airplanes leave behind in the sky of the whole planet.

• “The white man will make rivers of ashes that will poison the earth and make it sterile for generations”: probably the pollution that destroys the plant and animal world, or is it a nuclear prediction?

• “The white man will steal the rocks of the moon. This event will indicate that we are a few days away from purification”: is it about the rocks collected during the Apollo missions or about moon mining planned in the future?

                                                                                                                         91  Edgar  Cayce  Reading  270-­‐32  

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• “The white man will build a permanent house in the sky. This is the final warning before purification”: here is the international space station (ISS) which would announce that the purification time has come.

But this prophecy was the most written about: “One day, some stars will align, the way it already happened thousands of years ago. It is time for the Earth’s purification. Climate changes and many catastrophes may occur when we get to that stage. What may happen then, nobody can really know”. Many saw at all costs an exceptional planet alignment that would happen on December 21, 2012. But this is not the case at all –as we will see later. However, this does not contradict the Hopi prophecy: the date of December 21, 2012 simply does not fit.

It is possible to consider that the alignment in the text is that of May 2000 where the sun, the Earth and the moon were aligned with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. This seems to be the case, all the more as after that date, climate change and all types of catastrophes started to appear on the Earth. It would indicate that the purification time of the earth has started and would still be running its course.

The Hopi prophecy predicts that our world (the 4th) would be destroyed by fire. But the Native Americans also bring an important precision: the destiny of our world will entirely depend on the behavior of its inhabitants, whether it is in accordance or not with the views of the Creator… “Tell men not to fear any cataclysm. Only what they have tolerated will happen within and without themselves. Know that there are two types of upheavals in the manifested Universe. The former are due to the natural mutations of the cosmos and punctuate the stages of its ascent, the latter are the fruit of the sick souls, the children of the anarchical thought forms. Both are inevitable along the line of creation (…). The cataclysm is not inevitable. It can likely be avoided”92.

So the Hopis are predicting the end of our world. But nothing is final and it is still possible for human beings to avoid, or at least strongly attenuate, the effects of this transition with their actions and their thoughts.

The prophet Muhammad

Muslims are not left without prophecies either. The prophet Muhammad also indicated omens as being the signs of the end of time. Here follows a few of them:

• Horses will not be used anymore in wars,

• Knowledge as related to universal wisdom will disappear and ignorance will prevail,

• Loose behavior will appear,

• The deterioration of family ties,

• Consulting with the ignorant,                                                                                                                          92  Translated  from  the  French  book  Le  Voyage  de  Shambhalla  by  Anne  and  Daniel  Meurois  Givaudan,  published  by  Amrita  

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• Giving responsibilities to incompetent people,

• Trusting the liars, comforting and giving to traitors,

• Distrusting the loyal and betraying the honest,

• Earth’s distances will become short,

• Non-respect of pacts,

• Ferocious competition for the trifles of the low world,

• False testimony, deception and cheating,

• The happiest will be without scruples,

• Women will wear clothes without really wearing clothes,

• Adultery will be wide-spread,

• Divorces will increase,

• Consuming wine will be an everyday act,

• Natural catastrophes will increase,

• Time will accelerate,

• Trade will be wide-spread on Earth and markets will gather up,

• Wealth will be detained by the greedy93.

It is not easy to confirm these data but many sources say the same things without pointing at a reliable source. Under the reservation that the Prophet actually wrote all this (which remains to be proven) 1,400 years ago, we can only be impressed by such clairvoyance. Because all these signs are applicable to our times. However it is difficult to give a date for the end of time because all these signs were already existing 20 years ago (but to a lesser degree) and will probably be exacerbated in 20 more years if the world continues this way.

All in all, again, the end of the world is predicted as near but no precise date can be indicated.

The St. John of Jerusalem prophecies

St. John of Jerusalem (or Jean de Vezelay) was one of the founders of the Knights Templar Order. In 1099, he wrote –well before Nostradamus--, prophecies following visions he supposedly had about the end of the world. He gave the date of such event as the beginning of the 3rd millennium.

                                                                                                                         93  Bennani  Karim  Mohamed  Tajeddine  in  French  and  in  Arabic  

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His prophecies have two distinct parts: part one matches the time period “when the Year Thousand begins after the Year Thousand” which illustrates the events before the apocalypse while describing with extreme precision our current society; part two describes what will happen after the apocalypse “when it is the midst of the Year Thousand that comes after the Year Thousand”.

Every prophecy is remarkable. There are excellent books and Web sites on the subject94. So, I am going to quote only four prophecies in order to give you a general idea:

Prophecy 11

When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins Man will make mechandise of everything Everything will have its price Trees, water and animals Nothing more will be given and everything will be sold. But then Man will be no more than his weight of flesh His body will be bartered like a side of meat They will take his eye and his heart Nothing will be sacred, neither his life nor his soul They will compete for his dead body and his blood Like a dead animal to be cut up. Prophecy 18 When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins Men will no longer rely on the law of God But will want to lead their lives like a horse They will want to choose their children in their wives’ wombs And will kill those that they don’t like. But what sort of man takes himself for God like that? The Powerful will seize the best lands And the most beautiful women The poor and the weak will be cattle Each home will become a donjon Fear will be in every heart like a poison. Prophecy 23 When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins The sun will burn the earth The Air will no longer be a veil which protects from the fire It will be only a curtain with holes And the burning light will eat away skins and eyes. The sea will rise like boiling water Cities and seasides will be covered And entire continents will disappear                                                                                                                          94  

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Men will take refuge on the heights And they will rebuild already forgetting that which has happened.  

Prophecy 27 When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins Man will think that he is God when he will be nothing more than a baby He will hit out, always overcome by anger and jealousy, But he will be armed with the power that he has taken And blind Prometheus he will be able to destroy everything around him. He will remain a dwarf of the soul and he will have the strength of a giant He will take enormous strides forward but he will not know which road to take His head will be heavy with knowledge But he will not know why he lives and dies He will be like the fire always gesticulating or the child who whimpers.

If we believe this text, we are today living the beginning of the end of the world. The descriptions of St. John of Jerusalem perfectly match our current world from “the Year Thousand after the Year Thousand”, when diseases, destructions, desertification, earthquakes, fires, solar flares, sea rise, wars… and fear are part of our daily program. This passage will lead to another path, that of “the midst of the Year Thousand that comes after the Year Thousand”, that I will reveal to you in a subsequent chapter.

The Indigos

These new children are not officially recognized but are everywhere on Earth since the 1980s and above all since the 1990s. Other names are been given to them such as sky, star, crystal, rainbow children…This gives them an esoteric connotation which may not enhance the seriousness of this, however, very genuine phenomenon.

Today it is recognized that many children are not fit to our society. We hear about failures at school, attention deficit disorder (ADD), hyperactivity, overweight, aggressivity, anorexia… but also about children of high intelligence, hypersensitive, children with an innate wisdom from their early years. Most of them are the indigo children.

These cases are multiplying around the world with no explanation. These children are called indigos because of the color of their indigo aura. They are generally hypersensitive children who feel intuitively everything going on around them. They generally are passionate about a particular subject or a discipline at the expense of all other activities. For some, it will be trees or nature, for others, it will be engineering or quantum physics… These children provide great lessons of wisdom and this make their parents consider them as sages or prophets. And this is the danger even if the lessons that given are absolutely right, it remains that these children do not seem to apply the precept they themselves preach. They manifest much love or compassion for the people around them. This is why it is important to root them in the present and inculcate

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in them the bases of societal living. From then on, they will give the best of themselves. Otherwise…

All in all, with the massive arrival of indigo children these past few years, many have seen the sign of the end of time. Once they have reached adulthood, these children would be the guides of humanity toward the fifth dimension… Maybe! It remains to be verified.

Planet X

When, at the beginning of the 20th Century, the orbits of Neptune and Saturn were studied by astronomers, they saw abnormalities that could be only explained by the presence of another planet in the solar system. So research for another planet started. It led to Pluto’s discovery. But this still did not explain the disturbances that had been observed. This is why in1978, two astronomers from the U.S. marine observatory in Washington D.C., R. Harrington and T. Van Flanders, ventured the hypothesis that these planets were submitted to a gravitational attraction from another celestial body, still unidentified to this day called “planet X.” According to these researchers, planet X would probably be an “intrusive” planet that the sun would have captured and that it would be in a very ecliptic orbit. It is also probable that its mass is 3 to 5 times that of the Earth.

However, up now, research on planet X has led to nothing. So we can wonder whether, today, a planet in our solar system could escape from the large number of human telescopes turned toward space? The answer seems to be “yes”. For example, in July 2005, NASA announced the discovery of a new planet in our solar system. Lurking in the outermost reaches of our solar system, this new planet (90377) was named Sedna or Xena –the Inuit Goddess of the ocean. It had been seen by American astronomers. Sedna is made up of rock and ice and it has a reddish color. Sedna’s diameter is 2,600 km with a revolution period of 557 years around the sun. Other planets were discovered in the years 2004-2005 and were classified as dwarf planets such as Makemake (136472), Orcus (90482) and Eris (136199). These examples show that our solar system still conceals mysteries and that all celestial bodies gravitating in it have not been found yet.

Moreover, the existence of these dwarf planets does not suffice to explain all the orbital disturbance displayed by the planets in the outermost confines of our solar system. There may well be another unknown celestial body that lurks in the outermost reaches of our solar system. So where is it? Where is this famous planet X?

Planet X has been the subject of numerous books. The most famous book is “Worlds in Collision” by Immanuel Velikovsky, first published on April 3, 1950. This Russian writer and psychiatrist develops the theory that in the past, a celestial body approached the Earth and caused a strong tension upon its crust and innumerable catastrophes. The Deluge would have been one consequence… Was this celestial body planet X? It is a possibility as once it finished its far-out rotation (which would explain why our telescopes cannot catch it), it would come back toward the sun and the Earth while following a wide revolution that would last several thousand years.

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Hindu mythology seems to corroborate. For Indian astrologers, our Earth goes through cycles of 14,400 years that end with huge cataclysms. In the past, civilizations like Mu and Atlantis were destroyed in this manner. These 14,400-year cycles are divided into four periods of 3,600 years each called “Shars”. We are seemingly in the last shar, called “Kali Yuga” or the Iron Age. It is itself divided into 4 periods whose last one is 100 years long and precisely started at the beginning of the 20th Century. It will end with the return of a planet at the beginning of the 21st Century.

This legend is inspired by ancient Sumerians’ writings that named this planet “Nibiru.” The Babylonians had called it Marduk, by the name of their main God—which shows the significance of it. This planet was larger than the Earth and was orbiting elliptically in a different plane from the other planets. Its rotation is apparently reverse from the other planets. A complete rotation takes it very far away from the sun before it comes back very close to the planets closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars…with possibilities of many incidents.

But the legend does not stop there. Nibiru does not only travel throughout our solar system but it also may have inhabitants called the Annunnakis, or Elohim, or Nephilim, or Mardukians, i.e. the beings who would have originated the birth of humanity.

The arrival of planet Nibiru brings about many frightful predictions. For some, this planet will directly hit the Earth and for others, it will brush so closely against it that it will cause terrible and devastating cataclysms. And of course this will occur on December 21, 2012.

Also, according to them, St. John of Jerusalem talked about planet X in his “Apocalypse”. “And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” Looking at the whole text of the apocalypse –or revelation—the name Wormwood is another symbolic image and its relation with planet X looks extremely farfetched.

But if a planet is coming and is bigger than the Earth, why don’t we see it? In 1983, something curious occurred. At that time the satellite Iras detected a celestial body as big as Jupiter in the outermost space of the solar system95. It might even be part of the solar system. But since this announcement, no more information has transpired.

There is an additional element to add to this dossier. In February 2010, Marc Buie, a Pluto specialist at the Southwest Research Institute of Boulder, Colorado, explained that Pluto’s color is shifting more and more toward red. This is a troubling fact because, as NASA declares, after decades of stability, its color has changed rapidly within two years, between 2000 and 2002. For some, this would come from a change of season on Pluto –it rotates around the sun for 248 years—and for others, it is due to Nibiru passing close to Pluto.

Last prophecy of Peter Deunov

Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a Bulgarian spiritual Master also known under the name of Beinca Douno His life was an example of purity, wisdom and creativity. Albert                                                                                                                          95  The  Washington  Post,  12-­‐30-­‐1983  

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Einstein was fascinated by him. These words are attributed to him:”The world bows before me but I bow before Master Peter Deunov.” Here is the integral text of his prophecy showing rare clairvoyance:

“During the passage of time, the consciousness of man traversed a very long period of obscurity. This phase which the Hindus call “Kali Yuga”, is on the verge of ending. We find ourselves today at the frontier between two epochs: that of Kali Yuga and that of the New Era that we are entering.

A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by “Ascension”.

Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere. Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos.

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him.

The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed.

Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison. Understand your situation and liberate yourself from it. I tell you this: exit from your prison! It is really sorry to see so much misleading, so much suffering, so much incapacity to understand where one’s true happiness lies.

Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomena, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe.

Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment.

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This region is called “the thirteenth zone”; one also calls it “the zone of contradictions”. Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live.

The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave.

The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, it is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended upon it. In the future, all will be subjugated to Love and all will serve it. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man will be awakened.

The terrible predictions of the prophet Daniel written in the bible relate to the epoch that is opening. There will be floods, hurricanes, gigantic fires and earthquakes that will sweep away everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions; terrible explosions will resound in numerous regions of the earth. There where there is earth, water will come, and there where there is water, earth will come.

God is Love; yet we are dealing here with a chastisement, a reply by Nature against the crimes perpetrated by man since the night of time against his Mother; the Earth.

After these sufferings, those that will be saved, the elite, will know the Golden Age, harmony and unlimited beauty. Thus keep your peace and your faith when the time comes for suffering and terror, because it is written that not a hair will fall from the head of the just. Don’t be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection.

You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem.

Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe.

The New Era is that of the sixth race. Your predestination is to prepare yourself for it, to welcome it and to live it. The sixth race will build itself around the idea of Fraternity. There will be no more conflicts of personal interests; the single aspiration of each one will be to conform himself to the Law of Love. The sixth race will be that of Love. A new continent will be formed for it. It will emerge from the Pacific, so that the Most High can finally establish His place on this planet.

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The founders of this new civilization, I call them “Brothers of Humanity” or also “Children of Love” They will be unshakeable for the good and they will represent a new type of men. Men will form a family, as a large body, and each people will represent an organ in this body. In the new race, Love will manifest in such a perfect manner, that today’s man can only have a very vague idea.

The earth will remain a terrain favourable to struggle, but the forces of darkness will retreat and the earth will be liberated from them. Humans seeing that there is no other path will engage themselves to the path of the New Life, that of salvation. In their senseless pride, some will, to the end hope to continue on earth a life that the Divine Order condemns, but each one will finish by understanding that the direction of the world doesn’t belong to them.

A new culture will see the light of day, it will rest on three principal foundations: the elevation of woman, the elevation of the meek and humble, and the protection of the rights of man.

The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principal, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base!

The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that “each flesh shall glorify God”. Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain.

There is not any place on earth that is not dirtied with human or animal blood; she must therefore submit to a purification. And it is for this that certain continents will be immersed while others will surface.

Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one’s liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.

The words “If you are not born again.” apply to the sixth race. Read Chapter 60 of Isaiah it relates to the coming of the sixth race the Race of Love.

After the Tribulations, men will cease to sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will once again become pure, the same for water.

The parasites will disappear. Men will remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of noticing that they are finally liberated from their previous

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condition. In the same manner that one gets rid of the parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved Beings to prepare men to serve the God of Love.

They give to them good conditions to grow and to develop themselves, and to those that want to listen to them, they say: “Do not be afraid! Still a little more time and everything will be all right; you are on the good path. May he that wants to enter in the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare.”

Thanks to the idea of Fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and that will not wait. But before, great sufferings will be sent to awaken the consciousness. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The ardent wave emanating from On High will contribute in liquidating the karma of peoples. The liberation can no longer be postponed. Humanity must prepare itself for great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism.

Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it!

It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth.96”

The Web Bot

Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project, refers to an internet software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the internet. It was developed in the late 1990s, originally to predict stock market trends. Internet bots monitor news articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of internet chatter. Words in the lexicon are assigned numeric values for emotional quantifiers such as duration, impact, immediacy, intensity, and others. The lexicon is dynamic, and changes according to shifts in emotional tension, and how humans communicate those changes using the Internet. Its original goal of predicting stock market trends was overcome by other predicting trends. It predicted, three months ahead of time, the September 11 events as indicating that an event “would change the life of the American people.” It also predicted the general power shortage of 2003 in the USA and the 2004 tsunami.

Today the Web Bot is focused on several topics: stock markets, but also natural catastrophes, American populations, European populations and space.

It seems that Web Bot has predicted an increasing number of catastrophes to happen until 2012. And for 2012, it indicated that unknown energies would come from space. Maybe is it in relation to solar flares, meteorites or the arrival of the planet Nibiru? A huge energetic wave coming from the confines of the universe? It is impossible to tell.

The Web Bot also forecasts an upcoming short nuclear war. And the recent events concerning Iran could match this theory.


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This Web Bot is troubling! But here, we are relying only on hear-say and no official document…too bad.

The giant spheres in the middle of our galaxy

At the end of 2010, a curious phenomenon has been observed. Two huge bubbles are connected to one another in the center of our galaxy.

Our galaxy can be compared to a large flat disk. On each side, North and South of the disk, spheres spanning 50,000 light-years have been discovered. They emit powerful gamma rays –high energy electromagnetic radiation. It is difficult to know their origin as they may come from the black hole in the center of the galaxy.

This discovery is troubling. Is it possible that this unknown emission may be causing the increasing vibratory level of our galaxy? It will be most interesting to follow up this phenomenon.





















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Other  Stories  and  Prophecies      

There are stories galore about the end of the world and about 2012. But many stories lack accuracy. Such are the Nostradamus prophecies, remarkable in a general manner, but which cannot be interpreted about predicting the end of the world.

The galactic alignment of December 21, 2012

On many internet Web sites, the same sentence can be found again and again without a clear explanation: “When the sun rises on December 21, 2012, for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun will intersect with the Milky way and the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered as a metaphor for the Tree of Life, a symbol that all spiritual traditions recognize. It is at that time that our planet is supposed to register terrible and devastating earthquakes…” This illustrates the type of impressive articles with implied references that you can read in the papers or on the internet. But there is no serious source to validate them.

Fortunately, some skeptics have verified the allegations of this text. The only valid point remains the date of December 21, 2012, when the sun will intersect the ecliptic plane of the Milky Way. However, this has already happened in the past. Actually this position occurs periodically twice a year, every six months… In the recent past, there have been more precise alignments than the one scheduled for 2012. The last one happened in 199897. This is why this galactic alignment does not present any danger or potential consequence for the Earth. It simply marks the end of a cycle, just like December 31 marks the end of a year and the beginning of a new cycle for the Earth.

Now, if we look at our solar system on December 21, 2012, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will (somewhat) be aligning; others talk about an alignment of the Earth, Venus and the Sun –this remains to be proven. But all this is not exceptional. Moreover and once more, in the recent past, more significant and precise alignments have occurred, without bearing any consequences for the Earth. For example, in May 2000, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon were aligned with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter.

Let us also add that June 6, 2012 marks the last transit of Venus –which, per se, is not important but for the Mayas, it was. Venus’s departure would indicate the end of a 5,125-year cycle. Additionally, there will be a total solar eclipse on November 13, 2012 in the south Pacific region.

In short, all this is interesting but does not underlie any danger for the Earth or humanity, or give any hint about December 21, 2012.


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The solar system cycle in the galaxy

It is established that our solar system rotates around the central sun –called Alcyone--of our galaxy, just like our Earth rotates around our sun. This revolution takes roughly 226 million years to complete. Since it was created, our solar system has completed 20 to 21 galactic rotations.

According to some astrophysicists98, our system is currently completing the last phase of its rotation. Some even assert that this could match precisely with the end of the precession99 of the equinoxes cycle, even with the end of the Mayan calendar. But the lack of precision reduces that possibility as the margin of error, concerning how long the solar system rotates in the galaxy, is one million years!

But the story –or fable—does not stop here. At the end of the cycle, the solar system would supposedly be passing through a nebula—a clump of gas and dust-- also rich in photon light waves. This is where we presently are. Thus the whole solar system –including the Earth—is currently experiencing electromagnetic radiation accruing from the surrounding galactic region. This phenomenon could increase due to the thinning of the ozone layer and of the Earth’s magnetic field.

This is similar to the “wobble effect” which could cause, in the near future, gigantic electromagnetic and telluric disturbances from the cosmos. This, in turn, would impact orbital satellites, human communications (cellular phones, radio, television, wifi, radar…), electric airways, pipelines, sub-marine cables and all electronic devices.

But neither the luminous nebula, nor the wobble effect benefits from reliable sources. These beautiful stories circle around on the internet.

The secret of Fatima

In 1917, 3 children reported the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. Apparently, this gave way to extraordinary manifestations of the sun in the sky –“dance of the sun”—that were observed by thousands of people.

The Virgin reportedly gave three secrets to the children. The first secret was a vision of hell; the second secret included her instructions to save souls from hell and convert Russia to Christian faith. The third secret was never revealed and all the Popes since Pius VI have refused to divulge it to the world… conversely to the Virgin’s request.

In 2000, the Vatican decided to divulge it or at least to present a text as being the 3rd secret of Fatima. The text describes the Holy Father with other bishops, priests, religious men and women going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big cross. On their way, they passed through a big city “half in ruins.” He prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way. The story proceeds in telling that the Pope would be killed by soldiers once he reached the top of the hill. In short, the third secret

                                                                                                                         98  Paul  Otto  Hesse  Jose  Comas  Sola    99  Instead  of  straightening,  the  Earth's  rotation  axis  precesses,  i.e.  it  exhibits  a  slow,  conical  motion  around  the  orbital  axis.    

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would be the assassination of the Holy Father within a context of general destruction. But there is no precision about the name of the Pope nor when or where it would take place.

However, for a great number of observers, the secret that was divulged by the Vatican during Jacinta and Francisco Marto beatification would be false! The 3rd secret is certainly not limited to the simple description of the Pope assassination attempt, otherwise, why keep the secret for so long? It does not make sense. And instead of calming down curiosity, it deepens the mystery of the 3rd Fatima secret. Until it is divulged, all this is of little interest.

The prophecies of Nostradamus

Michel de Nostredame, also named Nostradamus (1503-1566) was an apothecary and an astrologist. He wrote a great number of predictions that remain hardly understandable, except in hindsight. All texts are coded and written in a mix of Latin and French.

In some books, it is written that the secret of the Nostradamus code is hidden under a stone where is engraved: “On the marble where texts and writings have been composed”. It is predicted that it will be uncovered in our times… it seems logical. What would be the use to write a book about the future if it cannot be understood by anyone!

However some quatrains turned out to be explicit enough for us to understand them and verify the predictions’ authenticity. Nostradamus predicted very accurately his own death. He died on July 2, 1566, on the exact date and in the precise conditions that he had predicted.

Others quatrains are also very clear:

Quatrain 91 of the 2nd Century refers directly to the Hiroshima bomb:

“At sunrise one will see a great fire, Noise and light extending towards Aquilon: Within the circle death and one will hear cries, Through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.”

The translation is:

“A huge fire will propagate from Japan And from Russia, the repercussions will be perceived Many deaths and cries inside the mushroom Where all will perish with no illusion”

Quatrain 60 in the 1st Century is also directed toward Napoleon Bonaparte:

“An Emperor will be born near Italy, who will cost the Empire very dearly. They will say, when they see his allies, that he is less a prince than a butcher.”

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A certain number of prophecies are well understood and turned out to be accurate. Even though quite a few prophecies remain obscure to this day, the validity of many shows how valuable Nostradamus’s predictions are. However, we have to be cautious as it seems that some quatrains have been added after Nostradamus’s death and therefore are not genuine.

Out of 942 predictions, many seem to be related to the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. Quatrain 41 of the 2nd Century seems to refer to what will happen in a very near future:

“The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff will change country.”

It translates as follows:

“A star similar to the sun Will be visible in the sky for seven days A devastating asteroid Which out of days will create a night of terror.”

It seems that Nostradamus might be predicting the arrival of an asteroid devastating the Earth, unless it is the return of planet X? Again, no date is indicated for these events.

While we wait for the Nostradamus Code, there is a cornucopia of interpretations that all turned out false. For example, authors who claimed to be specialists, located around the year 2000 a series of major events that were bound to totally upset the way of living in the 21st Century. Unexpected planetary movements, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, major climate changes, even a shift in the earth’s axis were announced together with the temporary alliance of the United States and Russia against countries of the Middle-East.

Many other interpretations had predicted the reign of the “Great King of Terror” starting in 1999 while the plague and famine would wreak havoc on the whole Earth. These events should have climaxed in the year 2000. No comment here…

What should we conclude? First, it seems true that Nostradamus had accurate predictions as events of the past show it. But these predictions are coded, probably because he wanted to protect himself against the Inquisition that was reigning at his time. Since we do not have the code, the quatrains’ interpretation is arduous, almost impossible. Many who have tried have failed. The quatrains are not wrong, simply no one has been able to interpret them so far.

However, through texts that are more or less understandable, it is possible to say that our times will be full of “torments,” which does not mean the end of humanity because there exist prophecies relating to the future of humanity up till the years 6,000.

The discovery of the famous code may bring dates and chronology of events to come that we do not have presently.

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The secret Bible code

Michael Drosnin, an American journalist and author of the book “The Bible Code”, explains that many prophecies are coded in the Hebrew version of the Bible. To uncover them, he used a computer program called “Skip Code”-- a technique based on equidistant letter sequences—allowing to reconstitute words from Bible texts, for example, in skipping 10 letters (after removal of spaces and punctuation). Then, other words are discovered…This is how researchers established that the Bible foretold many events that occurred thousands of years later. Examples are many like the holocaust of World War II, the Iraq war or the assassinations of Isaac Rabin or J.F. Kennedy. Many names are supposedly mentioned like Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein…

At first sight, it looks extraordinary. But mathematicians have applied the same equidistant letter sequences on other books like “Moby Dick” and “War and Peace.” Thus, they even discovered hidden meanings and historical events such as the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.! It obviously is the proof that there is no secret code in the Bible or at least, it is not the right code.

But Drosnin did not stop there. In his second book “The Bible Code II”, he predicted the beginning of the apocalypse after a nuclear war in the Middle-East in 2006. He also adds that the Earth will be showered with meteors in 2010 and 2012. It looks impossible to give him credit anymore.

Ram Bahadur Bomjoon

In 2006 in Nepal, the attention of inhabitants was drawn to a young boy who was constantly meditating under a tree without eating or drinking. Some saw in him the reincarnation of Buddha, hence his nickname the “Buddha Boy.” One day he disappeared from the hollow tree where he had been meditating for months because there was no peace so it was not conducive to meditation. He then forewarned that he would come back six years later around 2012. The legend goes that he needs to meditate until 2012 in order to save humanity.

All this is fascinating but lacks accuracy… except for the date of 2012. But it is not said that his return would coincide with the end of the world. This is only suggested with the expression “to save humanity”, but from what…?

Anyway, it is a beautiful story!

Crop circles

A crop circle or crop formation is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. The first crop circles reports started appearing in the 1970s in South England. But texts dating back to the Middle Ages bear mention of similar events. These manifestations seem to spread to many other

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countries. Opinions diverge about their meaning: some talk about pranks, others see messages to humanity.

It is hard to tell. Even if some crop circles have been made by pranksters, the perfection and complexity of some designs would make some suppose that these are messages for humanity. Most of these phenomena spread on stretches of land as big as football fields and were made in record time: one night according to official reports, several minutes as reported by others.

However, to validate the thesis of the messages, we would need to know who the authors are. Do they belong to another dimension? Extraterrestrials? Why then would they communicate with symbols? There are simpler means to communicate and give us information. Moreover, the meaning of crop circles is not obvious for the layman.

One theory is that certain crop circles are related to the Mayan calendar like the one that appeared in England on August 6, 2004. Another one supposedly indicates the planets’ position in the solar system on December 23, 2012. There appears a new planet (Nibiru?) in our solar system.

Personally, when I study crop circles, I am convinced that a great number of them are messages sent to us. However, it is true that some of them have been made by pranksters, possibly to reduce the validity of such a phenomenon to the eyes of the public.

It remains impossible to tell the truth about the crop circles referring to the Mayan calendar and to the date of December of 2012.

The 13 crystal skulls

According to a Mayan legend, the crystal skulls hold a knowledge transmitted by the Atlanteans who, themselves, had received it from beings coming from the sky. Thus, at the beginning, there were 12 worlds where human life had developed. The Earth was named “the planet of the children.” These worlds gathered their knowledge inside these skulls and gave them to men. There are 12 skulls plus a thirteenth one which connects up and synthesizes the knowledge of these worlds. For a long time, these skulls were kept in a pyramid called “the Ark.” Different civilizations have been their keepers. Eventually, they were dispersed because man did not show any wisdom in using the skulls. But the legend says that when the 13 skulls are reunited, they will reveal the secrets of life to humanity.

The British explorer Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges discovered the first skull in the ruins of a temple in the Mayan city of Lubanntun100. The skull is made from a block of very pure clear quartz crystal about the size of a small human cranium, measuring some 5 inches (13 cm) high, 7 inches (18 cm) long and 5 inches wide. The lower jaw is detached and articulated. A medico-legal reconstitution showed it is the perfect reproduction of a Native American woman.

                                                                                                                         100  In  Belize  

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Then, several skulls appeared in different parts of the world, without any explanation. They were given names: Sha-Na-Ra, Max, the skull with a Christian cross, Synergy … These skulls emanate a strong energy and can bring healing to the sick.

However, according to official studies carried out by two BBC journalists in 1997, Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas101, the skulls from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. and that of the British Museum in London show grinding traces. It is the same thing with the skull at Quai Branly Museum in Paris. But for the skulls called “Christian cross”, “Max” and “Sha-Na-Ra”, no comment was given after their examination—which seems curious… Moreover, it was not possible to date them as quartz does not age or very little in our time scale.

This does not mean that all the skulls are not real. Besides, it is also curious that quartz has been chosen to store information. Today, crystal quartz is used to store our computer memory. Don’t you find this strange? The choice of the skull shape is not insignificant either. Indeed, this brain shape would allow easy resonance with the human mind which, in turn, would transmit information more easily… when the 13 skulls would be reunited.

Since these skulls are from Mayan origin, they boost the interest in the Mayan calendar. It obviously prompts many to say that they will reunite on December 21, 2012! But these are pure speculations!

In short, if this represents a beautiful Mayan legend, the 13 skulls—if they exist… and it seems to be the case—are in no way useful to establish a date concerning the end of the world.

The book of Daniel

Daniel was a great prophet whose words were transcribed in the Old Testament. In chapters 11 and 12, observers are seeing predictions in relation to what is going to happen in our present—or very near future…whereas others consider these descriptions are those of historical events between 6th and 2nd centuries B.C…. and this makes a big difference!

There goes the description of a great war between the king of the North and the king of the South. Naturally it is easy to see the United States invading Iraq. But there are many other possible interpretations.

Then, in Chapter 12, Verse11, it is written:” And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”

At Verse 12: “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.”

                                                                                                                         101  The  Mystery  of  the  Crystal  Skulls:  A  Real  Life  Detective  Story  of  the  Ancient  World,  July  1998  

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At Verse 13: “But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.”

To make this clear, it means that there have been or there will be three and a half years (1290 days) of terrible trials (plagues, catastrophes, epidemics, etc.) for the humans, followed by 45 days of planetary upheavals for a total of 1335 days, forewarning thereby the end of the world. This is an interesting interpretation but not very convincing… As to the date? Nothing is said.

The apocalypse of St. John

The apocalypse or book of revelation was written by John the apostle in 95 on Patmos Island. It is the final book of the New Testament. Theoretically, this text describes the final combat between good and evil, between God and the devil to allow the good men to live in harmony on Earth.

No date is mentioned concerning the above-said events. Some say that the St John text was referring to the events of the time whereas others say they are predictions for the future of humanity.

Before we go any further, we need to go into the meaning of the term “apocalypse.” It does not mean “frightening catastrophe announcing the end of the world,” even if some dictionaries indicate it. This term comes from the Greek “apukalupsis” and translated from the Hebrew “nigla” meaning “denuding”, “veil removal” or simply “revelation.” The apocalypse would therefore mean the upcoming of a revelation that will open the eyes of humanity. At that moment, the humans will receive the comprehension of all that has always been in front of their eyes but that they did not see (or did not want to see). Thus it is said that “scales will come away from their eyes”, meaning that human beings will not be blind anymore (or blinded) and that they will at last be able to see reality. A wonderful plan…

Unfortunately, as is the case for many prophecies, words, phrases and symbols hide what could be simple to understand about John’s text: the 7 seals, the 7 trumpets, the beast with 10 horns and 7 heads, the 7 cups… It is hard to find clues and we have to be careful of interpretations.

It is said that the 7 seals of the apocalypse will have to explode before the apocalypse begins. Some see class X solar flares and we are getting close to the very last seals! It would be interesting to know how they reached such a flimsy conclusion even if this theory looks interesting.

Other texts in the Apocalypse of St. John, like Chapter 8, drew a lot of attention:

Verse 10: “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters.”

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Verse 11: “And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”

These two verses seem to be the description of a meteor falling on the Earth, causing great havoc and making water undrinkable (from toxic metals of the meteor?). Could this cause the apocalypse? Concerning the date of this occurrence, nothing is written.

All the same, it is possible to conclude form the text of St. John that terrible events will occur at an undetermined date: massacres, earthquakes, famines, floods, fires, water and animal (the meat could not be eaten anymore) poisoning, wars… Then it will be the apocalypse. It will be a revelation, a mind opening for the humans who will see and understand reality as it is.

The Chinese Yi-Ching

The Yi-Ching is a Chinese divination system dating back to 2,800 years B.C.. For the controversial researcher Terence McKenna, the Yi-Ching also has hidden meanings. For example, if the 64 hexagrams are set on a graph, it would supposedly be possible to find correlations with great world events. For him, the date of the end of our world is in 2012! Who could have known...?

And the others…

For some authors, the date of December 21, 2012 bringing extraordinary events on Earth is so obvious that they “forced” that date into a certain number of predictions such as Nostradamus, Malachy, Cayce… They also added other prophecies such as:

• The Pythia oracles in Greece, • The Roman Sybil who supposedly predicted the end of the world for the last

generations after the year 2000… • Mother Shipton in England in 1641, • Merlin the wizard, not the one from the legend, but the real one reported by

Geoffroy de Monmouth in his book “De Monemula Vita.” Apparently he also predicted the shifting of the poles and the change of “nature” of the planet.

These predictions really seem goofy for the most part and anyway they cannot be verified since their sources cannot be identified.

Moreover, the general impression that comes out of them seem to remove all credit to the subject we are concerned with. Maybe it is their real purpose? Because in the news kingdom, disinformation reigns!

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What  can  we  conclude  ?      

How can we conclude? Since the dawn of time, there have always been predictions about the end of the world, such as the one on the year one thousand, and closer to us, that of the year two thousand. Many prophecies have been connected to these dates. Many religions have even relayed this information. Mythology also relates stories of societies that have vanished and were populated by strange beings: cyclops, giants, unicorns, centaurs… Today, the movies predict destructive cataclysms threatening humanity: falling meteors, climate change, moving tectonic plates, wars or nuclear accidents, epidemics, zombies… These events are often presented as being divine judgments and/or man being punished for all his past and present mistakes.

However, some optimists are suggesting that the future may offer beneficial changes for humanity who would start over on new foundations. This thought is being fed by certain prophecies describing a long period of peace and happiness for all the Earth’s inhabitants occurring after the apocalypse (at least for the survivors). For some, it will last one thousand years; for others, it will develop in the 5th dimension.

Then, everyday’s reality shows that the end of the world predictions may make some sense. Today it is evident that at the world level, human society looks extremely fragile. Grave international events are threatening it. The 2008 economic crisis might just be the simple premise.

Dangers seem to be accruing from all sides: economic crisis, war threat, environmental problems, nuclear accidents, social disorders, pollution, lack of water, raw materials disappearance, deforestation, land and sea desertification…One can fear the end of the world is near or at least the end of our society the way it is today. And in spite of it all, this society carries on along the same path even though most projections are very pessimistic for human beings and the Earth.

Then, one can add up the instability of the planet itself with the increase in natural catastrophes, threat of poles inversion, reduction of the Earth’s magnetic field and above all increase in the Schumann resonance. This acceleration of the planet pace is acting upon the physical and mental planes of human beings as it first induces fatigue, stress and anxiety.

To top it all, a good number of prophecies state that humanity has come to a significant bifurcation in its history as in the Mayan calendar, St. Malachy, Hopi, St. John of Jerusalem, Peter Deunov and Web bot prophecies…

So, we do not have any formal proof but a string of arguments tend to demonstrate that very soon –within a few months or years—we are going to live a period of great turbulence at many levels: planetary, solar and galactic…

But today, can we say how this is going to occur?

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What  is  going  to  happen  ?    

The data we have indicates that serious significant events may happen in the next future, but can we indeed tell what is going to happen? Everyone would like to have the answer to this pivotal question. Even though it is an arduous exercise, we are going to attempt to find answers, or at least give some basic clues.

Several theses:

• The catastrophe thesis: For the most pessimistic, the Earth is going to undergo a sizeable catastrophe causing the destruction of our civilization and most of the human species. The origins of this scourge can be:

1. A natural catastrophe: a falling meteor, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, solar flares, polar reversal, disappearance of the Earth’s magnetic field, arrival of a new planet, etc.

2. A catastrophe caused by man: epidemic, war or nuclear accident, food supply crisis, international economic crisis, etc.

3. An interplanetary catastrophe: some do not even hesitate to see the arrival of hostile (of course) extraterrestrials on Earth who would capture the resources of our planet and enslave human beings.

• The destruction thesis: In this situation, there is no major incident but a series of disasters more or less significant and localized. Natural catastrophes and others caused by man would add up: earthquakes, bankruptcies of countries, civil wars, hurricanes, international localized wars, famines, unemployment, epidemics…Adding up all these calamities leads to the fall of our civilization and the destruction of a great part of humanity.

• The evolution thesis: The change in the vibratory level of the Earth is going to open human consciousness. Men will understand the consequences of their acts and the power of their thoughts. They become responsible. This phenomenon is already started and is going to pervade all. Some have already felt the related first effects. It will continue and even increase within the incoming months and years until we pass into another dimension.

Naturally, these different theses are not mutually exclusive. We could readily see a vibratory change together with a series of calamities ending up with a sizeable catastrophe at the end that would eradicate humanity and its civilization.

But let us remain objective. The first two theses are pure conjectures within the current information we have. Naturally, they may occur at any moment as well as may never occur. For example, wars and nuclear accidents can be avoided; earthquakes and

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tremors can subside with time; meteors can go by the Earth millions of kilometers away from it. Everybody should agree to this.

What type of international events can we expect in the next few years?

It is very probable that serious international events will happen in the very next future. The easiest to predict are:

• A new economic crisis deeper and more serious than the one in 2008. • A war between the United States (with Israel) and Iran with tactical nuclear

weapons that would degenerate into a world war. But other screenplays are possible with other protagonists like Russia, China…

• Social unrest causing revolutions or at least serious upheaval leading to chaos or anarchy.

• The bankruptcy of entire countries unable to pay their national debts. • A new nuclear accident similar to Chernobyl’s. • A world epidemic where the avian flu and the H1N1 flu would just have been

precursors (a kind of general rehearsal). • A shortage in raw material, food and drinkable water causing many international


All these dangers are at our door and may occur any time and destroy the whole of humanity. One of them may even happen in very little time.

But humanity has already gone through tragic situations: two bloody world wars have already happened; murderous earthquakes have occurred; economic crises have brought about great upheaval like the one in 1929; there have already been revolutions everywhere on Earth; once, plague epidemics killed half the European population…And every time, humans and societies survived without anybody mentioning the end of the world.

In other cases, the awakening of government leaders and populations succeeded in avoiding threats of mass destruction at the last minute. For example during the cold war, a nuclear war was nearly triggered several times.

This is why, even if the threat of serious events is significant today, it can be avoided if each individual (good) will works toward peace and the well-being of all. It entirely relies upon human beings and above all their government leaders.

In addition to human phenomena, we have cataclysms and natural catastrophes whose number has increased during these past few years. This is particularly notable since the beginning of 2010 when catastrophes relentlessly occurred: droughts, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, melting glaciers, sea level rise…Moreover, these different phenomena can trigger a chain reaction. This is difficult to evaluate.

This verification seems to be confirmed by the Web bot predicting an increase in natural catastrophes between now and 2012. But we have to understand that the Web bot extrapolates in the future from facts happening in the present. These predictions remain projections from the present but are not affirmations.

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Can we expect a planetary catastrophe that would cause the destruction of our civilization, of humanity, and even of the major part of the Earth? There is nothing tangible announcing it today. However, isn’t a meteor or a planet aiming straight onto the Earth from the very confines of space? Nothing can confirm it nor contradict it presently. Such a type of event, like a strong solar flare directed toward the Earth, or a sudden stop of the Earth’s magnetic field is always possible. However, the probability of this occurring is not greater than yesterday or in 50 years.

Why are current events so important?

What makes the current situation different from all those of the past? There are facts and risks all converging toward the present time:

• The international political and economic situation is particularly unstable. • The planet is suffering from serious environmental imbalance. It seems we have

reached a point of “no return”. • Prophecies, predictions and forecasts all seem to converge to indicate that our

times are times of great changes. • Natural catastrophes multiply and seem to intensify.

Also, lately, new planetary phenomena are happening on Earth: the movement of the poles, the threat of a polar reversal, the reduction of the Earth’s magnetic field, the end of the 25,920-year cycle, the increase in the Schumann resonance.

So presently, in-depth changes are occurring in the rhythms and vibrations of the Earth. In turn, they will entail great upheavals in human beings at the physical, mental and energy levels. This is undoubtedly the origin of the rupture that will occur in the near future, that is, the rupture between the past and the future of the Earth.

Our future could also be influenced by the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth. UFOs are observed everywhere and more and more lately, and people are starting to talk. Many political and military personalities are conjuring up extraterrestrial contacts that have been concealed from the general population by authorities. Now, if there are already extraterrestrials on our planet, what are their intentions with respect to the human race: friendly or hostile? This is one more unknown factor in the wide panoply of potential current dangers.

When will it happen?

Serious political, economic and environmental events have been listed above, and may even happen very shortly.

The end of the 25,920-year cycle, the pole reversal, the present reduction in the magnetic field, the increase in the Schumann resonance, changing solar activity, etc… may occur very shortly also. But “shortly” at the planetary level can be in terms of years, even decades.

Only some prophecies indicate dates or more definite periods:

• The Mayan calendar for December 21, 2012.

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• Saint Malachy indicates that Benedict XVI would be the last pope before the apocalypse.

• Saint John of Jerusalem indicates the year thousand after the year thousand.

Therefore, a convergence of arguments suggests we are on the edge of sizeable events occurring on Earth—with no more precision than that.

Is this evolution mandatory?

It is important to ask this question. The answer has two parts:

1. Vibratory change Currently, among all the events anticipated, the only one really happening is

the rise of the Schumann resonance. For the time being, the other events are only hypotheses, prediction, prophecy or speculation. One has to be aware of this as this fact, by itself, is very important. It means that a vibratory change is currently happening on Earth. This is a point to absolutely remember because this vibratory change is under way and cannot be stopped. Besides, this is part of normal evolution for the Earth. However, it will definitely have significant repercussions on all human beings as we shall see later on. It is inevitable.

This elevation of the Earth’s frequency is very progressive, so all human beings can adjust to it. It is a good thing because if the frequency had suddenly risen, most of us would not have been able to handle it and would have died from spontaneous internal self-combustion. The organs slowly vibrating at low frequency would have heated up, due to the new higher frequencies coming from space. In turn, it would have triggered spontaneous combustion of the fats inside the body and entailed death.

Let us remember that this vibratory elevation is also affecting animals and plants. Take the time to observe pet behavior around you. Take dogs, for example, they do not sniff each others’ behinds like they used to. Instead, they sit down into groups for a “chat”, without paying attention to the human world around them. Also, I often seem to sense or feel the emotions of the plants –as though barriers between us were withering away. Stones and gems have become much more powerful and can heal individuals when applied on the body for their health. Thus, minerals, plants, animals and humans are all affected by the arrival of these new energies. 2. The transition

We are presently living through this transition, i.e., the period of the frequency change. It is an adjustment period. It can come through differently, well or not well, according to the attitude of human beings taken as a whole at the planetary level, and every person at an individual level.

Also, it is very difficult to accurately date upcoming events, because a prophecy simply extrapolates from a situation existing at a given time. Somehow, it is the most probable future at a determined moment. But if, between the time the prophecy is given and its actuation, unexpected events occur, or if there is a mood change… the prophecy becomes invalid. It means that evolution did not take the most probable path, but took another way leading to another future.

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Understanding this notion is essential as it underlines that nothing is ever engraved in stone: our future belongs to us i.e., it depends upon us. Here follows two converging points:

• From the Hopis: “Tell men not to fear any cataclysm. Only what they have tolerated will happen within and without themselves. Know that there are two types of upheavals in the manifested Universe. The former are due to the natural mutations of the cosmos and punctuate the stages of its ascent, the latter are the fruit of the sick souls, the children of the anarchical thought forms. Both are inevitable along the line of creation (…). The cataclysm is not inevitable. It can likely be avoided”102.    

• From Edgar Cayce who was answering about future upheavals: “To be sure, that may depend upon much that deals with the metaphysical, as well as to that people called actual or in truth! for, as understood - or should be by the entity - there are those conditions that in the activity of individuals, in line of thought and endeavor, keep oft many a city and many a land intact through their application of the spiritual laws in their associations with individuals.103” In another reading, he confirmed this viewpoint: “As to the changes that are coming, - as in the fulfilling of time and space (which has been referred to), - these will, as indicated, depend upon what individuals and groups do about that they know respecting His will, His purpose with man. The geographical changes, as we find, will not be of any appreciable change in the affairs of men, save as induced by those activities of men respecting their application of those laws pertaining to same, in this particular generation.104”

So, it is obvious that if our government leaders show intelligence, understanding and

compassion, they will carry out great deeds in social, economic, political and environmental terms. This will set humanity into a better place to adjust to energy changes that are unfolding and that will continue to unfold.

However up till now, the decisions taken by government leaders as well as the

attitude of human beings do not lead humanity toward an easy passage. On the contrary, everything seems to keep consciousness from awakening and to reinforce materialism.

This is why we should not expect our governments to bring solutions to current

issues because they may happen too late or never at all. We need, instead, to individually change. Everything can change if a certain mass of people on Earth awaken to it and decide to change. Their evolution alone can transform the Earth…

To a person who feared that catastrophic events would happen in New York, Edgar

Cayce was explaining: “ As we already indicated, it will depend on men themselves and their activities. As for you, it will depend upon the attitude you will adopt. If you settle in New York City with a negative mind, so you can expect the worst! But if you settle into a positive perspective and you act accordingly, then you don’t have to worry!” Edgar

                                                                                                                         102  Translated  from  the  French  book  Le  Voyage  de  Shambhalla  by  Anne  and  Daniel  Meurois  Givaudan,  published  by  Amrita  103  Edgar  Cayce  Reading  311-­‐10  104  Edgar  Cayce  Reading  1602-­‐6  

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Cayce also pointed out that everyone’s destiny relies on oneself, one’s behavior and one’s state of mind. This is why it is important to individually get prepared to the ongoing events. It is useless to expect or hope for solutions coming from the outside.

Peter Deunov hammers the point home as he describes the events that are unfolding today: “The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that “each flesh shall glorify God”. Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain105(…).

It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth.”

This text indicates that those who refuse the current change and/or who remain in hatred, anger, intolerance, etc…will have huge difficulties during this transition time. However, if men open up to tolerance, mutual help and compassion…if consciousness opens… this period will go through without any trouble or harbinger. Altruistic, compassionate and loving thoughts are in harmony with the new upcoming frequencies and allow adjusting whereas dark thoughts cannot attune to these new vibrations.

Here again, Edgar Cayce is very clear: “that ye are not alone to pray for peace but are to pursue peace - by living the second phase of the divine injunction, "thy neighbor as thyself.106"

Nevertheless, even if the world outlook does not seem engaging at the present time, everything can still change. A general awakening is enough. It can go very quickly. What is needed is a significant number of people who give up their fears, anguishes and doubts and turn toward personal evolution, meditation and compassion… to transform it all.

So everything is possible during this transition phase, according to the human state of mind. Only one thing is certain: the increase in the Earth’s vibrations will take place with or without human beings!

What will happen to human beings during the transition?

In order to understand the consequences of vibratory frequency changes upon man, it is necessary to remember that matter is not constituted the way it looks to us. In reality, matter is made up of enormous energy concentration. Thus, matter is only energy. To give you an idea of what energy represents, just remember that it is energy which is liberated to produce electricity in nuclear plants.                                                                                                                          105­‐prophecy-­‐of-­‐peter-­‐deunov/    106  Edgar  Cayce  Reading  3976-­‐22  

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Besides, quantum physics has demonstrated with wave-particle theory that the particle (matter) can become waves (energy) and conversely, waves can concentrate and form matter. We can compare this phenomenon to water that becomes steam under heat and also conversely steam can condense back into water.

Thus, the human being who is basically made up of matter is in fact only energy. This notion totally changes the vision we have not only of the human body but also of our surrounding world.

For millennia, traditional medicine has been teaching that the human being has more than one physical body. Other “bodies” made up of more subtle energies surround it.

Thus, the human being has seven bodies nestled into one another like Russian dolls. Each body covers the previous one and lightly extends outside.

We can distinguish107:

* The physical body - the first energetic body.

* The astral body composed of:

- The etheric body which concentrates the energy for the physical body; - The pranic body or radiating body, related to emotions.

* The mental body composed of:

- The lower mental body: sensitivity, pleasure, pain; - The higher mental body: intelligence.

* The spiritual body composed of:

- The spiritual body: eternal and immortal; - The soul developing itself and evolving… love and charity.

Each body is composed of energy vibrating at a higher and more subtle level than the previous body. These bodies are not visible through the usual means. You have to apply special attention with touch or vision to be able to comprehend them. The lowest –or slowest-- vibrations belong to the physical body, and gradually as energy vibrates faster, we get to the mental body (mental, reason, intelligence) and the spiritual body with the soul.

Thus, the Earth’s vibration elevation is not going to greatly impact the physical body (matter) but will significantly stimulate the mental and spiritual bodies in human beings. It is at that level in the human that the greatest transformations are going to take place. Men will tend to concentrate less on life’s materialistic aspects than on their mind and

                                                                                                                         107  Guide  de  la  medicine  globale  et  integrative  du  Dr.  Bodin  –  published  by  Albin  Michel  (Guide  of  global  and  integrative  medicine)  

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consciousness which will gradually open up and develop. It is ineluctable. Troubles and disorders will occur when individuals will refuse this change.

In a next chapter, current energetic transformations in humans are reviewed.

The passage into the fifth dimension: what does it mean?

In mathematics, the first spatial dimension is a line –or the length; the 2nd spatial dimension is the length and the width. We live in the 3rd dimension constituted by a length, a width and a height. If we follow this logic, the 4th dimension refers to a new dimension unknown to us. Some refer to time as this unknown dimension.

Another viewpoint does not use the known measure units –length, width and height-- but the vibratory level of the Earth and its inhabitants’ to characterize the dimensions. This other system is based on the Earth’s present vibration in the mathematical 3rd dimension. Then, to go from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, the vibratory rate is increased and the frequency rises to reach another level, i.e., another dimension. There is an identical phenomenon to reach the 5th dimension. Thus, the higher the dimension, the higher the frequency, and the further it gets from matter’s low vibrations as it enters the lighter realms of the mind.

In theory, when an object shifts into another dimension, it becomes invisible in the dimension it just left and appears into the new dimension… What is troubling is that in fact, an individual will remain at the “same place”, and simply changes his own vibration to access another dimension… Thus, all dimensions are located at the same place but vibrate at different frequencies, and they are not visible with respect to one another. This is comparable to the different radio wave lengths with different frequencies within the same atmosphere but without interference between one another.

However, this viewpoint uses both mathematical and vibratory dimensions and mixes them up together. From a frequency viewpoint, it is difficult to assert that we really are in the “3rd” dimension. Why wouldn’t it be the first or the 521st dimension for example? Nobody can say! When “knowledgeable” people mention the passage into the 5th dimension, why isn’t it the 4th one? Why is the 4th dimension always skipped over? This is a mystery. So as we continue in this book, I will stick to the term “5th dimension” for better coherence with the terms that are usually used. Just remember what this means: “the passage into a higher dimension”… just forget the number!

The current vibratory change causes the human beings of the whole planet to adjust their resonance with the 5th dimension, i.e. they are gradually increasing their vibratory level in order to pass over with no difficulty. This passage is progressive (this is what is occurring right now) and not sudden as it would be unbearable for most living beings. This is why it is important to adjust to it and get prepared so that this change happens as easily as possible.

Since the frequency elevation is progressive, the moment we pass over into the 5th dimension will probably be imperceptible. Nothing will tangibly show it to us. There will not be any customs officer, no floor line or any sign. Everything will be the same in the other dimension but nevertheless, everything will be different for human beings. Their

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world or universe vision will be totally changed, as we shall see in the subsequent chapter. Therefore, we should not expect tangible changes, the sky will still be blue and the birds will still be singing in the trees.

However, it is important to pinpoint that the passage into the 5th dimension is not an end per se. It is one more stage that humanity will have reached on its way to evolution. Later on, probably in thousands of years, there will be even higher dimensions, presumably the 6th, the 7th, etc.

In other words…

- It is possible that planetary events, natural catastrophes, a polar reversal or a temporary stop of the Earth’s magnetism happen. At first sight, if it has to happen, nothing can stop it. But in fact, if the humans, as a whole, change and direct their focus toward more “humanity”, the power of their gathered thoughts could change a lot of what could be. This is what quantum physics has taught us in demonstrating that thoughts can act upon matter. A forecast can be postponed, lessened or erased if favorable events occur.

- It is probable that political, social or economic events will occur in the very next future. But again, lucidity, good will or simply common sense can take hold of our government leaders and avoid tragic events for the populations.

- It is certain that the Earth’s frequency has been rising during the

past few years, thereby inducing troubles in human beings (see following chapter). These troubles or disorders may be more or less significant according to the preparation of each of us in order to adjust our body and our mind to vibratory changes.

Helping each and everyone to get prepared for the upcoming change is the main reason for writing this book. Many recommendations and exercises are proposed in a subsequent chapter.


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Impact  on  human  beings  

The vibratory change is going to impact human beings at all levels: physical, psychological and energetic. The transition period we are presently going through –and will still be crossing for some time— is the most arduous. Our bodies have to constantly adjust to the progressive elevation of frequencies. Once in the next dimension and after a time of adaptation, it is probable that organisms will be balanced again. This balance will be different from the one in the 3rd dimension. Don’t let us think that once we get to that point, we will resume business as usual. On the contrary, everything is going to change and then, human beings will see and live the essential.  

Why can this passage be so difficult?

This passage can be painful for individuals who resist the change they are undergoing and therefore the way they live is unbalanced.

First of all, the elevation the Earth’s vibratory frequency is going to act upon the human physical body. Turbulences are going to impact all the body particles, atoms and all molecules. Moreover, since the cells are minuscule electric batteries as well as emitters/transmitters, they will also undergo these successive vibration changes. It is going to disrupt them and impact not only organs’ function but also hormones, thereby inducing miscellaneous disorders. This situation will last until individuals become adjusted to the new ambient vibration.

Additionally, as the work of the Japanese Masaru Emoto108 has demonstrated, water structure varies according to vibration frequencies. Now, our body is composed of 70 to 80% water, so this vibratory change is going to restructure the water network of our body. And since the general frequency level is increasing –it becomes lighter and more spiritual—the water structure of the body is going to transform and attune to the ambient vibrations.

However, with this new frequency, the toxins, toxic substances and acids inside the body will have a tendency to slow down and even keep the body cells and the body water from synchronizing their respective vibrations. It is going to create a “push-pull” phenomenon that will translate into more or less serious manifestations and disorders in the body.

Furthermore, the human brain in a normal state produces waves in resonance with the Earth’s frequency –notably, the alpha waves between 8 and 12 Hz. Traditionally, frequencies lower than 12 Hz resonate with states of relaxation, drowsiness, hypnosis… whereas frequencies higher than 12 Hz resonate with states of mental agitation, anxiety, intense cerebral work… Thus, the Earth’s vibratory level has recently risen from 7.8 Hz to 12.8 Hz and therefore strongly stimulates the psyche of people… This                                                                                                                          108  “Water  Crystal  Healing”  or  “The  Hidden  Messages  in  Water”  

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phenomenon first generates stress, anxiety, even depression that, in some cases, cannot be handled by everyone.

It is likely that the profusion of artificial electromagnetic fields (cellular phone grids, radio, television, radar, microwave antennae, electric power, screen, wifi, Bluetooth, high tension lines, portable telephones….) where human beings are living, will not easily allow the body to attune to the Earth’s frequencies. These fields tend to garble the body’s vibratory reception and to aggravate already-felt disorders.

Genetic modifications

In biology, and specifically in genetics, the new field of epigenetics has shown that our genes respond to our life situations and our environmental exposure. Genes are not going to change but simply open or close, i.e. become active or inactive with all the possibilities within this range. This mechanism is achieved by methylation of a DNA sequence to deactivate its expression.

Thus, it has been demonstrated that stress, the environment, food, famine, smoking, emotional shocks and in vitro fecundation can alter the genes of individuals. For example, the anxiety of pregnant women during the September 11 events activated a stress gene in their babies. It can be measured in their blood as their cortisol level is higher than the average of children of the same age.

Today we know that many diseases have epigenetic origins like cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and probably many others. This means that they are associated with genetic modifications due to environmental situations or abnormalities. It is important to remember that these genetic modifications can be transmitted to the next generations.

But aside from these pathological conditions, positive changes in the way we live such as healthy food, regular physical exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, etc. can also produce positive epigenetic alterations during this time, as was noted on men suffering from prostate cancer109.

This is how the new high frequency energies coming onto the Earth are going to activate certain genes and deactivate others that have become useless in individuals. This will cause an in-depth transformation of humanity.

In our genome, 65 to 70% of our genes are silent -- our DNA intronic part. It is where our organism taps the best solutions to adapt to our environmental changes. With the new vibrations, some genes are going to be activated and we can trust that these changes will be beneficial for our future. As, since the dawn of time, the arrival of man on Earth, his evolution and transformation have been the Universe’s work. The Universe exists only for this reason, otherwise, we would have disappeared a long time ago.

                                                                                                                         109  Geminal  Study  –  French  Daily  journal  “Quotidien  du  Medecin”  dated  6-­‐20-­‐2008  

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What are the most frequent symptoms during this transition period?

As we just saw, the vibrations elevation of the Earth will impact the physical and mental well-being of humans at many respects. Here are listed a few symptoms:

• Fatigue is often the first symptom. Awakening in the morning is often difficult and time is needed to recollect oneself. Fatigue will require efforts to carry out daily activities. This, in turn, impacts work quality and the need to sleep longer will be felt. Now, fatigue happens to be the most frequent complaint heard in medical offices.

• Concentration disorders, memory troubles, transient disorientation… one has difficulties finding one’s words or book, movie titles…It can also happen that, for a few seconds, one does not know where they are or what day it is… All this can cause lack of concentration at work, at reading and even at driving. These symptoms feel very disconcerting and may even happen to young people.

• Sleep disorders as one wakes up often at night, needs to sleep longer or/and wakes up early and tired. Sleep can also be very deep but not beneficial and is often associated with sleep apnea.

• Vertigo and sudden loss of balance that are often temporary but that can become more frequent and more intense. This can happen in any position: lying down, sitting or standing up. This is temporary and only last a few seconds. It is caused by vibratory modifications and also changes in the Earth’s magnetism.

• Extreme mood swings giving way to intense reactions as faced with events, easy crying, sudden sadness but also stress, anguish without reason, sleep disorders and greater irritability.

• And many small symptoms: - Night sweats and hot flashes, - Itching on the whole body and particularly in the eyes, - Feeling more thirsty, - Vision troubles: blurry vision, difficult eye accommodation… - Tinnitus, - A modified sense of taste, - Rapid growth of nails and hair, - Acidity, sourness and digestive disorders: slow digestion, swelling,

intestinal transit dysfunction, nausea, etc. - Palpitations, - Aches and soreness especially in the neck and spine areas, - Contractions, spasms and cramps.

These symptoms are a sign that the body is reacting to the frequency changes and that it is attempting to adjust.

What can make this transition easier?

This is probably the most important question to ask ourselves while we are going through this period. We are all undergoing this vibratory change but some people do not seem affected by it, whereas others may present strong signs: fatigue, anxiety, concentration disorders… Why such a difference?

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The answer is multiple:

- In general, people who are attached to the past, refusing to change and evolve and who want to remain in the same space in their life, will have difficulties accepting these changes that are, however, ineluctable.

- The other important element is the way of life. If the body is clogged by food toxins, atmospheric pollutants, waste induced by stress…the adaptation will be much more difficult. The toxins will move into the body water and impede the restructuration process… They will also clog cells and organs and disrupt their functions. Fatigue, brain disorders, vertigo, etc. will greatly be caused by this phenomenon.

- The need to rest is another important point. The body and the mind need resting time to attune with the new vibrations. If individuals are constantly on the move, their transition will be disturbed, and even more so if they undergo a long period of stress.

- Other types of fatigue due to disease, deficiency, pregnancy, stress, insomnia…will disturb the body’s organism and will prevent its attunement to the new frequencies.

- During this transition period, old conflicts, the old elements of the past that have not been resolved will surface up from the unconscious where they were locked up. They will add up to possible issues in the current life and will make it even more difficult.

Thus, our world is not propitious to prepare us and adjust to the transformations that are taking place. Being always on the run, permanent competition, trips, television, mental overload, stress, lack of sleep, drugs, medication, modern foods…all these contribute to disrupt people’s transition. Moreover, insecurity generated by international tensions, threats of economic crises, unemployment…compound the difficulty.

Disorders might persist: they may trigger diseases

Normally, the troubles and miscellaneous manifestations are temporary. But with some individuals, they persist. At the beginning, organs, hormones and brain… disturbances are very light…Then with time, they may cause real diseases such as:

- Chronic fatigue syndrome, significantly reducing one’s capacity to carry out daily activities. Life becomes a stream of efforts and sufferings.

- Allergies. Experiments have shown that some electromagnetic frequencies can trigger allergies, whereas others can erase their symptoms110. These experiments could explain why the number of

                                                                                                                         110  C.W.Smith,  R.Y.S.  Choy  and  J.  Monro  “Water-­‐Friend  or  Foe?”,  laboratory  Practice,  34(10),  pp.29-­‐34  (1985)  –  C.W.  Smith  and  S.  Best  “Electromagnetic  Man  (Health  &  Hazard  in  the  Electrical  Environment)”,  published  by  J.M.  Dent  &  Sons,  London,  1989.  

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individuals with allergies has significantly risen in our countries for the past few years. Studies indicate that within 10 years, in France alone, one out of two persons will be affected by allergies … The presence of allergies indicates that the body’s organism has difficulties attuning to the current vibrations elevation.

- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and also inflammatory intestinal chronic diseases (hemorrhagic rectocolitis and Crohn’s disease) are very common nowadays. They irritate the intestinal wall, destroy the flora, generate permeability (dysbiosis), thereby opening the organism to the action of pollutants (pesticides and others), toxic substances (heavy metals) and germs. Autoimmune diseases originate from this phenomenon-- rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto thyroid disease, sclerodermia, etc., candidiasis (yeast infection) and chronic infections.

- Overweight problems caused by stress (snacking), intestinal troubles and hormonal disorders.

- Anguish, phobias and depressions, schizophrenia (psychosis), aggressiveness… become more and more frequent among young people, compounding with insomnia, dark and suicidal thoughts.

- Neurological and neurodegenerative diseases caused by neurons inflammation due to higher vibrations: Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis… but also disorders such as fibromyalgia, restless legs syndrome.

- Cancers. Some authors state that vibratory disharmony can also induce genetic mutations causing cancers.

- ElectroSensitivity. This is a new disease like many others on the list. It is caused by artificial electromagnetic fields, but the Earth’s vibratory changes can also contribute to it.

It is also troubling to see a significant increase in chronic diseases among children:111 attention disorders, hyperactivity, fibromyalgia, obesity, allergies, asthma, behavior disorders, learning disabilities, anorexia, cancer… the Earth’s vibratory change is undoubtedly one the main causes of this world-wide phenomenon.

It is obvious that all the above-listed diseases are not caused only by the simple elevation of the Earth’s vibratory level. However, a good number of them are new and their appearance seems to coincide with the beginning of the vibrations elevation. So even if the frequency changes are not the only culprits, they strongly contribute to the appearance of these diseases and could explain why more and more individuals are currently getting affected by them.


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Time acceleration

The other perceptible element in the current Earth’s frequency change is time acceleration. Days seem to go by faster than before. We have the impression that we do not have enough time to do everything we want to do.

Some have measured the actual length of our present days and assess they are 16 hours long. It looks like we have lost close to a third of our days! The reason boils down to time acceleration, but this impression is magnified because we accumulate more and more activities and everyday we receive more and more information that we need to process. These compounded phenomena give the sensation that time has lightning speed.

It is also possible to feel that chunks of time are missing. For example, during an activity, one may feel that only a few minutes have elapsed whereas in reality after checking the time, more than one hour has gone by.

These modifications about time going by –faster or by jumps—are clues that vibratory changes are presently taking place. These are also elements that are going to aggravate the disturbances at the human body level. The body’s internal clock loses track of time, particularly in sleep patterns and hormonal secretions.

Development of new perception acuity

Aside from the disorders listed above, there are other more subtle symptoms. They could be caused by the action of the new frequencies upon human DNA. Whereas some authors conjure up the possibility of genetic mutations, it would be more logical to call them epigenetic modifications—as already discussed. It is obvious that the current vibratory changes induce epigenetic mechanism that will wake up some DNA genes and potentials that were in sleep mode in human beings and turn off others. This seems to particularly affect the sense organs:

* First, the 5 senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch) modify and sharpen:

- New sounds become perceptible. Hearing becomes more acute as sounds are heard that were not heard before.

- Visual impressions occur such as sensing movements, black or colored stealthy images that depict elements from dimensions other than ours. These perceptions will tend to develop.

- Fragrances of perfumes, of flowers manifest without any justification for their presence.

- Particular sensations in the mouth: metallic taste, prickling sensation on the tongue, sensation of irritation…

- Hot hands, tingling sensation in the fingers, acute sensitivity of touch, new perceptions can also appear.

* Then, new “senses” appear:

- Intuition happens more and more and provides information and indications on one’s life directions, what decisions to make…It goes together with more and more synchronicities.

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- Feeling/sensing also increases. It can happen when meeting other individuals. Their feelings, their mental state or their sufferings will then become perceptible to others. Also, it is possible to feel if a product, a type of food or a device is good or noxious to oneself, according to the body’s sensations. An unpleasant feeling, ill-being or nausea will be negative clues whereas relaxation, well-being or strength will be positive clues. We will also feel more the animals’ feelings and those of the plants in our environment. This is why it will become more and more difficult to eat meat or trim trees…

- Sense of globality at two levels: . external globality: the sense of belonging to the human race, and not to a nationality but well beyond, to the entire universe. . internal globality: the sense of connecting the mind – that has dominated our actions up till now—and the heart.

- Clairvoyance will allow us to see the consequences of our actions upon others, to read the body’s pathological conditions, to apprehend the best decisions to make and many other things that we cannot yet see today.

- Telepathy will also happen. It manifests itself, for example, when we know someone is going to call before the phone rings or when we know immediately who is calling before picking up the phone.

Of course these modifications and manifestations are light and subtle, particularly at the beginning. They are often concealed by:

• Stress: it does not allow time for reflection when a new impression comes up; • Mental overload: it garbles any manifestation as the individual’s anxiety prevails; • But above all, the mind is the first hindrance to these manifestations. The mind

will consider them as mere mistakes and false impressions that do not mean anything.

At the level of the energetic bodies

All the human body energetic bodies are ebullient! They are directly undergoing the action of the abundant new energies. The outermost bodies are the most affected with emotions, the mind, and spirituality…

Indeed, the chakras are spinning faster. And because we evolve, new chakras112 appear: located above the head, they are directly associated to our new senses and to the elevated vibrations of the new dimension. They will move us more toward love, compassion, altruism and spirituality. Our contacts with the environment and nature will be easier. Individuals will intuitively look for these new energies because they will feel happy and content. They will have the impression of being connected to their environment to form only one entity.

Today, there are notable energetic transformations and lately, they tend to intensify. They are also related to our modern way of life and to the artificial electromagnetic fields

                                                                                                                         112  Chakras  are  wheels  of  energy  located  on  the  energetic  bodies  in  which  energies  flow  through.  Presently  ther  are  7  chakras.    

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created by man, but above all to new energies coming onto the Earth. We can distinguish that:

• Subtle bodies are less and less centered upon the physical body. This phenomenon gives the impression that the subtle bodies are trying to leave the physical body as though they wanted to escape from the current Earth’s changes. It causes disturbances to balance but also some organs become hyperactive (body motion) and other organs become underactive (lack of body motion) which, if this condition lasts, can impact individuals’ health.

• Our grounding is not good. It is probably related to the movement of the energetic bodies. It makes it difficult to be “here and now”. Most individuals are lost in their past or wonder about their future.

• Significant energy loss occurs because the energetic bodies have holes that leech energy, but also the cause can be energy-sucking miasmas113. These phenomena provoke lower energy levels inducing chronic fatigue conditions, and even diseases if they persist. This energy decrease entails a lower vibratory level in individuals. Now, to adjust to new energies, individuals need to have an elevated vibratory level, otherwise problems arise as we will see later.

• The presence of many energetic entities that penetrate the subtle bodies and are responsible for pains, contractions, spasms, cramps, digestive, urinary or gynecological troubles, memory loss and lack of concentration. These entities existed before the new energies arrived, but since they are low energies, they cannot adjust to the Earth’s new vibration elevation and they disrupt individuals instead.

• The appearance of new chakras. Thus, four new chakras have appeared above our heads. They are not always open as their opening depends on individuals and their evolution:

- 8th chakra: golden, it refers to a sense of globality –as mentioned before.

- 9th chakra: white, it refers to clairvoyance. Today, it is open in many individuals: we just need to learn how to use it.

- 10th chakra: transparent, it refers to telepathy. It is well formed in many advanced individuals but is generally not open.

- 11th chakra: rainbow, it refers to supra-spirituality and is the becoming.

The glands or organs they are related to are located in the subtle bodies. Up until now, the balance center of human beings was located in the heart (heart chakra). This center is moving upward. It is currently located at the throat level: this means that it is time to talk out, to express oneself, to affirm and inform people about what is going on in this world. This upward move will stop at the 7th chakra (crown): this explains the spiritual opening that human beings will have in the future.

So, many energetic transformations are underway. But that is not all. The sensitivity of everyone to energies is increasing. Today, when you practice for a few minutes, you can feel and work with energies. This was not true a few years back.

                                                                                                                         113  Translator’s  note:  Word  reference  definition  of  miasma:  noxious  exhalations  from  putrescent  organic  matter;  

poisonous  effluvia  or  germs  polluting  the  atmosphere.    

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The new energies will allow us to come into contact with beings living in other time-space, like the dead, the elementals, the fairies…New worlds parallel to ours will manifest themselves.

This is also why, today, there are also many more mediums and channelers. Contacting the energies of other dimensions is becoming simpler and faster. However, let us be careful. These channeling texts may be beautiful and full of light but often, errors or disturbances slip into this light, and the meaning may be distorted or the individuals may listen to them without discernment. Edgar Cayce, who regularly used this type of technique, was saying: “As has been indicated, rather than automatic writing or a medium, turn to the voice within! If this then finds expression in that which may be given to the self in hand, by writing, it is well; but not that the hand be guided by an influence outside of itself. For the universe, God, is within. Thou art His. Thy communion with the cosmic forces of nature, thy communion with thy Creator, is thy birthright! Be satisfied with nothing less than walking with Him!”114 Today, we would say: “The truth lies within you, don’t look elsewhere for it.”

It also applies for all spiritual advisers (supposedly so) who show the universe through their own narrow lens. Today with new energies, everyone can have direct access to spiritual energies without going through religious intermediaries or others. This is the end of their time. It is time for man to free himself from power and recognize his strength and inner power.

Lastly, some predict that extraterrestrials are going to contact us during this transition time. Maybe! But, if you think it over, it makes sense to think that:

1. Given the immensity of the Universe and the infinite number of suns and planets, there are necessarily billions and billions of intelligent races in a humanoid form or another. From protein and DNA fragment samples found on asteroids, it looks like humanoid races are predominant in our galaxy. But this does not mean it is the only intelligent race and even less elsewhere in the Universe.

2. If we expound on this idea, it is logical to think that there might be two extraterrestrial races: a. Those who already contacted our governments and therefore, we cannot

expect much from them. As up until now, their intervention has not changed our world situation: wars, famines, pollution, intolerance… It is unlikely that their intentions show benevolence in our respect.

b. Those who have been observing us and who wait until our evolution is completed in order to contact us. Only then, the discovery of their presence will be the source of great happiness for humanity, whereas now, we consider them as dangers, competitors or even conquerors…They may indeed show up after the humanity transition period. They will be the brothers who will welcome us among the great galactic family.

                                                                                                                         114  Edgar  Cayce  reading  (1297-­‐1)  

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Getting  prepared  for  the  change    

The vibratory change is an ineluctable planetary—galactic—phenomenon. It is useless to resist because it is happening anyway and everyone needs to adjust to it. Therefore, the first point is not to resist the change. As Buddha was saying: “In the universe, only one thing is inconstant: it is inconstance.” We should not be attached to the past or to the present and accept that tomorrow will be different from today. Then, it is up to everyone to project desires in the future: tomorrow will be better than today… or worse… according to the way you think. A little optimism can only be beneficial so let us favor it.

What can we do on the material plane?

First and foremost, we should not dramatize and be obsessed by this material plane: nobody can tell when and how the transition is going to take place. This can be accomplished in peace and tranquility, or in danger and destruction. It can take place in 2012 or in 50 years.

In the occurrence of events, the region where we live can remain intact or be destroyed. It might be necessary to move quickly away from possible catastrophe, war, epidemic, etc. The danger may come from the sky –rains, asteroid--, from the ocean –tsunami--, even the Earth –earthquake… So it is not possible to foretell all possible dangers… This is when having trust in life is indispensable. Our confidence in life may influence our destiny, the way it happened for this nun who started praying when the Hiroshima bomb struck and who miraculously survived.

However, with caution, here are a few recommendations:

• Some cash –checks and credit card will not work. • Some food reserve for several people for several days: watch for expiration dates

and don’t forget can openers. • A batch of bottled water and water jugs for washing body, dishes, restrooms…

Plan for water disinfectants such as chlorine bleach . • Sun-activated showers—the type you find on camp grounds. • A medicine kit with basic remedies: bandages, disinfectants, pain relievers,

antispasmodics, iodine (in case of radioactivity)… • Gas bottles for cooking and light, • Gasoline Gerry cans for the car, • Some wood for the fireplace, the cooker, the barbecue, • Lighters, matches… • Candles, sun-powered lights and sunlight battery charger, • Sun-powered radio for the news,

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• Possibly, solar panels, a windmill or a generator for lamps and electrical devices. • Comfortable hiking gear. Plan for hot days but above all for cold days that may

happen for a few days. Raincoats. • Camping gear: backpack, sleeping bag, blanket, water bottle, backpack stove,

pocket lamp, knife, tent… for everyone for any quick travel according to the events.

• Bikes (and tire patches) which can be useful if motors cannot run or if there is no gas left.

• Seeds to be planted after the events to make a vegetable garden.

All this constitute the strict minimum.

Change the way you think

During the current transition, the essential thoughts to develop are:

• To accept the change. Accept that tomorrow will be different from today. To accept giving up some things to acquire others. This points toward less materialism, less inclination toward material goods and more research about the meaning of life. Material goods do not last whereas the joys of life remain in memories forever.

• To think that tomorrow will be better than today. Our attitude is important: we can see a glass half full or half empty. In both cases, the glass is the same but the way we look at it is different. Who will be the happier person of the two? The same glass can induce two opposite feelings according to the individual’s point of view.

• Be confident in life so that we are provided for when we need it. Be confident that we will always meet the right person when we need to, that information and opportunities will happen at the right moment, and generally through unexpected channels.

This new state of mind brings calm and quietness because the individual is not resisting anymore but in acceptance and confidence. This very pleasant feeling will be original and unknown by many. It is the clue that the individual is on the right track.

In such a situation, the vibratory change will be understood and accepted as something profitable for all. Individuals will understand that this new path brings a life change within harmony, happiness and sharing, instead of a change in unrest and anarchy.

Besides, we have to admit that our society cannot last a lot longer in view of all the damage it generates on the environment, all the stress and diseases created in individuals, all the wars and massacres taking place everywhere on Earth. Too much egoism, racism, fears, individualism, search for glory and self gratification. Indeed, if we take away the habits we have to live in this society and the pleasures they procure, we will not regret it. The growth of humanity will occur through this society and the understanding of its actions. But today, it is time for a change, it is time to abandon old schemes and open completely novel ones.

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Chance and synchronicities

This state of mind will be new for many people who have a tendency to direct everything in their lives, and to organize it so there is no room for “chance” and “surprises”.

But does “chance” really exist? It is a good question. In the new world, we will rather face “synchronicities.” The psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung, coined the word “synchronicity” to describe the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner.115”

So, a few months ago as I was driving, I was pondering my life’s direction. This is where my reflection had taken me when I suddenly noticed a line of trucks on my right. One of these trucks had big letters written: “MEDIT.” As my car was going forward, I realized that they were the first letters of “Mediterranean Transport”, but I had gotten the message: in order to find my answer, I had to meditate. I followed the advice and I received my answer.

This is why it is interesting to be aware of the synchronicities that happen to us. They have different ways of occurring: it can be the sentence of a radio or TV broadcast while we zap different channels; it can be a newspaper title in a kiosk or the page of an open book, a commercial…

There are two different ways to use synchronicities:

• Think about the symbolic cause of the occurrence. For example, a power outage or a car that broke down. It is interesting to interpret this incident within the context of the situation or thoughts at that moment. The power outage may mean that we only look at life in a negative manner or maybe, in other circumstances, that our mind is blurred and cannot make an important decision. The car that breaks down before going to work often indicates that it is time to change jobs. Every individual is different and will find his own interpretation. Our free will allows us to choose, but then, we will choose with full awareness.

• Asking for synchronicities is the other possibility. For example, when you have a problem, you can ask for signs to appear in order to take the best approach. If the question is asked often and sincerely, the answer will show up sooner or later, often in an unexpected manner. But the curious fact is when the answer comes, there is no doubt that it is “the” expected answer… The first impression is always the right one. The mind starts working to plant doubts :”Are you sure it is a valid answer?” “You must be crazy!” etc. Therefore, during this crossing between the two worlds, synchronicities will help

to find the best attitude or the best way possible. This is simple information sent by life. Individuals will see the finger of God, messages from their spiritual guide, from their guardian angel, their higher self, or simply information sent by their subconscious. Each individual can then use this information for their own best interest. This is what free will is all about.


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Important cleansing time Through this period of significant change, the key element is to do an in-depth cleanse of body and mind. Systematic elimination of the vestiges of the past is key.

I. At body level

At body level, you need to deeply cleanse toxic substances and toxins because a clean body means a better health and also better adjustments to vibratory changes.

There are several explanations:

• A body in good health has a strong immune system that can withstand germs, allergies, pollutants…

• A body in good health can develop powerful self-healing processes allowing easy adjustments after daily activities and also adaptation to environmental modifications.

• Conversely, toxic substances and toxins are going to settle into the body’s organs and disturb their normal function at first, and may, then, generate diseases if the intoxication persists. When one organ starts performing poorly, sooner or later, it impacts not only other organs but also the adaptability of the body.

• Pollutants and toxic substances have a low vibratory level which, in turn, lowers the individual’s vibratory level. This will reduce the individual’s vitality, bring in fatigue and make the individual less reactive to changes.

• Lastly, when they invade the body, pollutants, acids and toxic substances tend to slow down its functions and to pollute the fluid network…Now the fluid/water network of the body is the first to be affected by the vibratory change. This pollution keeps the body from getting attuned to ambient frequencies. This will entail a chain reaction for all the body’s cells in the water medium.

What can be done to detoxify the body?

The first factor to implement is a healthy way of life to recover or keep good physical condition:

• Balanced meals with organic, seasonal and local foods. The Mediterranean diet is often a good example to follow. It consists in many fruits, raw vegetables together with white meats and fish. Use olive, rapeseed and/or walnut oils to season. This type of food will bring the nutrients (vitamins and trace minerals), antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats omega 3 and omega 6 that are essential to the organism. In the future, individuals will tend more and more to be vegetarians. Besides, it is recognized that consuming plants activates serotonin secretion levels in the body thereby bringing serenity and altruism into the mind, whereas consuming meats activates the adrenaline and noradrenaline secretion levels that entice individuals to action and competition. Moreover, as compassion

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will develop, it will become more and more difficult to raise and kill animals to eat their meat.

• Some supplements are often useful to compensate for the frequent deficiencies of modern foods. Regular intakes of royal jelly, ginger, maitake, pomegranate juice are recommended. But after more research, the most useful complements during our transition period are:

- CoQ10 fueling energy production to adjust our body to new energies. - Magnesium in trace minerals or magnesium glycerophosphate for

better body tolerance and assimilation. Not only does it give energy but also it calms down stress.

- Lithium in very low doses, in the form of trace minerals, contributes to developing altruistic thoughts and moving away from materialistic thoughts.

Also we can add, according to individual needs:

- Milk thistle to cleanse the body and stimulate the liver. - Spirulina to detoxify the body, fight against possible deficiencies and

eliminate excess acidity.

• Good physical activity (walking, biking, swimming, yoga and others) will fight against a sedentary life that induces weight gain and the clogging of the body.

• Deep breathing habits will bring oxygen as an energy source for the cells, and will also eliminate volatile toxins.

• Good night’s sleep is indispensable to give time to the body to heal from daily activities and to attune to new energies.

• Satisfactory sexual activity gives hormonal balance that causes relaxation and balance of body and mind.

• Contacts with nature help with physical activity and create body oxygenation.

• A regular life allows the internal clock to perform normally and to organize the main body functions and organs.

• Limiting (eliminating) alcohol, tobacco and other drugs that pollute the body and the brain.

• Remnants of former diseases, traumas or simply weaknesses from birth (congenital or hereditary) will need to be balanced out or worked upon permanently (or at least regularly) all life long. Bone and joint issues will be dealt by osteopathic and rehabilitation sessions, fragile organs, –gall bladder, liver, stomach, kidneys, veins, lungs… will be drained with remedies. This permanent or regular treatment is indispensable, otherwise, such organ or body region will develop disorders that may intensify, attract and accumulate toxins, even generate more serious diseases.

We will get back later on some of these notions.

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Live in a quality environment. A healthy life in a polluted environment will only have a partial benefit on body health. It is easy to recommend living in a healthy environment but, today, it is difficult to achieve. Pollution is everywhere, in cities and in the fields, at work and at home, in the air, water and food… Because of all this, today, it is not possible to live anymore in an environment as healthy as it was 100 or 200 years ago. Now, we have to content ourselves with the “least worse”:

• Avoid living in polluted areas such as close to a factory, incinerator, nuclear plant, highway, microwave antenna…

• Do not hesitate to wear protective masks with filters when handling toxic substances.

• At home, only use environmentally friendly cleaning and home improvement products: paint, varnish, glue, etc.

• Use protective devices against artificial electromagnetic fields. • Get your house tested for buried geochemical substances as certain areas

are hazardous to health. Living in these areas should be avoided or at least, staying there should not be extensive. Simple solutions often exist.

Detoxify the body from its toxic substances and toxins. There are several solutions:

• Eat organic food, live in a healthy environment are the first elements that will limit the arrival of new pollutants.

• Drink quality spring water. Avoid mineral water: minerals lose their ionization as soon as the water is bottled and may even intoxicate the body.

• Take only indispensable medication. Also, do vaccination that is useful and pertinently chosen.

• Dental fillings are a major source of pollution (mercury). That type of material has to be avoided but it is also necessary to think about replacing it with resins after proper environmental discharge so that the discharge of all mercury fillings does not give way to a worse solution.

• Limit acidic food intake—coffee, alcohol, red meat, etc…-- and favor alkaline food—mainly raw vegetables and fruits. Lithothamnion –red seaweed—is rich in minerals and alkalizes the body.

Boost up the natural emunctories (elimination):

• Drink a lot of spring water to urinate more and therefore eliminate more toxins.

• Watch intestinal transit and do not hesitate to take simple remedies to help eliminating: magnesium, psyllium, olive oil, ayurvedic Triphala116… But often, the individual suffers from bloating, intestinal inflammation, spasms… The treatment needs to go more in depth and regenerate the

                                                                                                                         116  Traditional  Ayurvedic  herbal  energizer  

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gastrointestinal tract (chlorophyll, clay, glutamine) and the intestinal flora (probiotics). Look for food intolerance that causes the intestinal walls to be permeable, thereby opening the body to pollutants and toxic substances.

• Have good physical activity, it burns toxins and perspiration eliminates organic waste.

• Breathing is another is another way to eliminate volatile toxins. This is how alcohol is eliminated, for example, and this is why breath alcohol testing is used.

• Let us be reminded that women eliminate toxins with menstruations.

In order to detoxify the body, it is possible to:

• Use certain remedies in cures for one or several months, once or twice a year according to the needs: spirulina, ramsons, milk thistle, cilantro, chlorella, aloe vera, birch juice…

• But also antioxidants that will neutralize free radicals attacking the body: glutathione, Co-enzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, selenium…

• Homeopathic isotherapy helps to cleanse the body from pollutants, anaesthetic remnants, vaccines, medication…

• Other techniques exist such as saunas, hammams and massages that help with toxin elimination.

The problem with the atlas and axis vertebrae

The atlas and axis vertebrae are the first cervical vertebrae. They are located right under the head’s occipital bone. In most individuals, they happen to be misaligned. Realigning them is not only difficult but it does not last. The consequences impact the entire skeleton and the head. This misalignment tends to disrupt not only the spine but also the main musculoskeletal functions.

Misalignment of the atlas and the axis vertebrae impacts the mind opening process in terms of memorization, concentration, reasoning as well as the function of the two brain hemispheres. It disrupts not only the energy capture at the crown chakra level but also the opening to higher thoughts, sharing and compassionate thoughts. Therefore, adjusting these vertebrae is very important during this transition time particularly because they use the primordial movement117. This adjustment helps to reset the whole skeleton—thus, the individual’s gait is often modified—and also allows harmonious brain work, easier reasoning, better synthesis work…

Adjusting these vertebrae allows the individual to remain on his life’s path and to follow the related aspirations, i.e. follow the uncompromising reason for his existence. Otherwise, his body may suffer from aches and pains because the integrity of his life is altered. Now, this step is indispensable to adjust at best to new energies. Indeed, realigning the atlas and the axis is pivotal in the period we are going through.                                                                                                                          117  The  terminology  “primordial  movement”  has  been  given  by  Luc  Bodin  to  describe  the  identical  and  ever-­‐present    movement  of  all  things,  from  the  smallest  particle  to  the  suns,  galaxies  and  the  whole  universe.  In  2D,  it  can  be  described  as  a  lemniscal  movement—figure  8-­‐shaped-­‐-­‐,  and  in  3D,  it  looks  like  a  torus—donut-­‐shaped.  It  can  be  perceived  and  regularized.  In  the  human  being,  it  helps  balance  out  a  malfunctioning  organ  or  a  misaligned  joint.  The  patient  does  not  need  to  be  touched  to  realign  the  joint  when  the  movement  gets  rebalanced.    

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II. At mind level

The present time brings back all old memories, the good and the bad, conflicts buried in the unconscious as well as the (more or less judicious) choices that were made in the past. They do not come back to disturb or haunt us, but to be reviewed in the light of our present understanding and then, to be digested and solved. Later on, they will completely disappear and not disrupt us anymore consciously or unconsciously in our present and future life.

Psychologists explain that the mind is made of the conscious and the unconscious, but generally, the one giving orders is not the one we think is. Most of the time—or rather all the time…--, our choices and decisions are managed, oriented and ordered by our unconscious. For example, how many men have married a woman who was reminding them of their mothers? The same thing applies to women with their fathers. How many children have chosen the same professional track as their parents? Why does such an individual look attractive? Because unconsciously, he is reminiscent of a brother, a sister, a past lover or a dear friend. Another example: an individual has the choice between two jobs. He chooses the job closest to home for less commuting and a better life –it seems. In fact, this work is not interesting and presents no future. He chose it because his father’s life job was sad, dismal and repetitive… Unconsciously, he follows his father’s footsteps. Whereas the other job, a little further from home, would have fulfilled him, made him progress and brought self-development. But a self-debilitating process was deeply and unconsciously rooted from his childhood when his mother would repeat to him: “You will never make it!” He was then programmed and as an adult, he refused a job that would/could show how worthwhile we would be.

If we go further, it is well recognized that painful childhood situations are associated with roughly 45% of early mental health disorders and close to a third of later life mental disorders118. Childhood psychological shocks that have not been assimilated can therefore induce serious behavioral disorders and even mental illness in adulthood. It is important to definitely solve these old conflicts now, in order to heal in the present and follow the energetic evolution that leads to the future of humanity.

For this passage and our life to unfold best in the new dimension, it is also time to get rid-- on top of these conflicts-- of all our beliefs, all the limiting values and the fears that disrupt our judgment and our life.

It is desirable to get rid as much as possible of the old schemes, conflicts, these aggravations that regularly resurface and disturb us, in order to be at peace and be able to welcome at best the new incoming energies.

In order to achieve this, several elements can be implemented:


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A calm and regular life:

• From a mental point of view, a calm and regular life is desirable. This does not mean that we should never go out and stay home at all times. It means that regularity should dominate without it being a routine or an obligation.

• Contacts with nature are desirable in order to recover a balance often disrupted by modern life but also by the current vibratory changes.

• A reasonable night of sleep that allows us to digest the recent conflicts and sort out information received during the day. Also, during this time, memories come out of the unconscious through dreams. They indicate that it is time to cope with them and solve them.

• Breathing means relaxation. Breathing with deep inhalations followed by deep exhalations with pauses in between will bring significant relaxation.

• Surrounding one’s self with objects, photographs, paintings, drawings that are cheerful and are reminiscent of pleasant memories. But having pictures of a dead husband in all the rooms is not beneficial. He remains in the memories and heart of his wife. It is useless to be reminded of him in the whole house. The living environment should be pleasing and pleasant to look at. Everything that reminds of sad or hurtful memories must be discarded out of sight and definitely eliminated.

• Be surrounded only by positive individuals who are happy and who emanate goodness and dynamism. The others will sap your good mood and drain your energy.

• Have leisure time and hobbies. Do not hesitate to laugh and be cheerful. Enjoy the present moment and savor its magical beauty.

• Learning how to manage your stress is very important. Stress increases the body acidity and also blurs the mind because the brain only concentrates on the problem, cannot see the whole situation and cannot manage it correctly anymore. And if what you fear happens, will it be so terrible? Thus, when you go into your stress and you apply reason to it, you can deflate it and make it disappear. It is also crucial to learn how to manage one’s time and organize one’s schedule.

• Know how to talk about your problems with the party you have a conflict with, but also talk to a boss, friends, work colleagues or your spouse. This allows one to free inner tensions and even to find a solution.

• Exercise your mind to only think positive: “I am going to make it.” Look at a half full glass instead of a half empty glass or as in the Arabic proverb; “Only rely on what you have!” Be confident, self-confident, confident in life, believe that life tomorrow will be better than today…It is good to gradually develop constructive thoughts that, in turn, will build up great inner strength. And when we know that

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thought was the builder of the world that surrounds us, we then understand how utterly important it is.

Relaxation and problem solving

• To relax and, above all, learn how to relax, there are techniques like yoga, relaxation and sophrology119 (with the Schultz autogenic training about relaxation techniques) that can be applied quietly at home, after a brief training.

• Meditation is also a simple and easy-to-do technique. The goal is to empty the head and stop the chatter of the mind that keeps us from looking at life in a clear manner. When you meditate, you simply stop your thoughts to silence the mind’s chatter. After a few minutes of this silence, the fundamental aspects of the issue to be solved become obvious… together with the fundamental aspects of life in general. But since it is difficult not to think, it is recommended to focus on an imaginary point inside your skull or behind your eyelids, or even focus on the breath as you feel the air coming in and out of your lungs… while being the spectator of the thoughts that go by and do not stop inside the mind.

• Working on one’s beliefs, life’s values and one’s fears is equally useful. Some values that are perceived as “good” can be limiting for the individual. Let us take the example of the woman who is too nice because it is the way she was raised: “Be nice, go fetch the bread in the kitchen” “Be nice, do this and do that…”…be nice… be nice… so this child ends up being nice and this will pose problems at school… then with boys who pursue her… later in her adult life. It is time to get free from this belief to always be nice, so that she becomes herself. This woman will be nice when she decides she will be and only when she decides. But values and beliefs are so deeply rooted into the personality that the individual is not conscious of it at all. They have become a normal way of life that would be unthinkable to change. However, these values, beliefs and fears (of disease, loneliness, pain, to not have enough, to be unable to make it…) dominate the personality and bring about its lot of overwhelming emotions and contradictions that keep her from being herself. (See exercise n.1, exercise on beliefs in the next chapter.)

• Conflict resolution is important and even, essential. The more conflicts are resolved, the more liberated the individual’s mind: the passage into the next dimension will be easier. We can resolve them on our own, in talking about them, pondering about them and looking at the problem with the eyes of the present, in another light.

Several techniques also exist to work on beliefs, values, fears and conflict resolution:


119 Sophrology  is  a  personal  development  method  that  is  designed  to  reduce  stress  and  promote  mental  and  physical  well-­‐being,  through  easy-­‐to-­‐do  mental  and  physical  exercises  that  can  be  done  anytime  and  anywhere.  


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• The old Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis method is proven and is always useful in important cases.

• Psychotherapy is more punctual than psychoanalysis. The goal is to find the origins and solutions to present mental troubles.

• NLP120 is a fast application with efficient results.

• Deep Accompanied Communication121 is also a simple method with quick and direct access to the subconscious.

• Time openings122 allow us to be in touch with the deeper being in order to find better solutions to problems.

• Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)123 is very interesting because learning this technique is very fast and the individual can treat oneself for many mental and physical problems without any danger. Other methods are similar such as TAT124 or Zensight125.

• Visualization126 and symbolism guide the individual to create images in the mind. This technique is very efficient because the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and unreal. The brain activates the same areas whether we do or imagine something. Thus whether we visualize that we are in good health and full of energy, or whether we write a symbolic letter –that we then burn—to an individual we bear a grudge against, these actions will be registered as being part of reality in the individual’s mind. Through this technique, we can solve many conflicts. (See exercises n.2 and n.3, visualization and symbolism exercises, in the next chapter)

• The next technique is simple and possible because of the new energies: just ask. It is an objective request. For example, when we want to resolve an old or a new conflict, just ask: “This memory is part of me, I accept it. I don’t want to forget it or erase it. However, I am asking that the related emotion does not disrupt my present or future life.” When you repeat several times this request and

                                                                                                                         120  Neuro-­‐linguistic  programming  (NLP)  is  an  approach  to  communication,  personal  development,  and  psychotherapy  created  in  the  1970s.  The  founders  of  NLP,  Richard  Bandler  and  John  Grinder,  established  that  NLP  is  capable  of  addressing  problems  such  as  phobias,  depression,  habit  disorder,  psychosomatic  illnesses,  and  learning  disorders  121  French  book  by  Odile  Mourglia-­‐Lavenant  and  Genevieve  Gauthier  “La  Communication  Profonde  Accompagnee”,  published  by  Editions  du  Dauphin.  122  The  Doubling  Theory  by  Jean-­‐Pierre  Garnier-­‐Malet.  See  book  “Change  your  Future”.  Best  paper  award  recipient  from  the  New  York  Academy  of  Science.  

123 Emotional  Freedom  Technique  was  developed  by  Gary  Craig.  It  consists  in  freeing  emotional  or  physical  disorders  in    integrating  understanding  of  the  acupuncture  meridians  with  a  simple  process  of  tapping  on  a  series  of  points  on  the  face  and  upper  body.­‐gary-­‐craig-­‐eft.htm 124 Tapas  Acupressure  Technique  was  developed  by  Tapas  Flemming.  It  is  a  tool  that  associate  work  on  the  energetic  field  for  ending  stress,  especially  traumatic  stress,  releasing  limiting  beliefs,  freeing  a  person  from  allergic  reactions,  gaining  better  health,  developing  self-­‐confidence,  a  more  positive  outlook  on  life,  and  experiencing  increased  relaxation.    125  This  technique  consists  in  directly  asking  the  unconscious  for  healing  a  deep-­‐rooted  problem  126  “The  Healing  Journey”  by  Carl  Simonton,  Reid  Henson  and  Brenda  Hampton,  Bantam  Books  

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you focus on it, magic occurs. This is how, today, it is possible to immediately resolve many conflicts. However it is important that the requests be clear, explicit and centered upon “I am asking, I want.” But, do not ask about forgetting the memory: the event is part of the individual’s life, it cannot be forgotten but the emotional impact can be eliminated.

• This “objective request” technique can be applied to mental problems (fears, anguish, depression, phobias…) and physical problems (aches, spasms, nauseas…). A great number of patients address their pain in the following manner: “Pain, I don’t want you. Go away! Disappear!” and if the individual would put enough energy into this request and repeat it often, it works… (See exercise n.4, small balloons exercise, in the next chapter)

The opening of Consciousness

• The search for the meaning of life. Freud outlined the role of sexuality in human behavior. This aspect is undeniable. Fortunately, it is not the only motivation for humans. The search for the meaning of one’s life is the other aspect. Why are we on Earth? To each one of us, our own answer. Indeed our world vision and therefore, our behavior will hinge on our own belief that there is a God who is good, an avenging God, there are several Gods or no God at all. This search for the meaning of life is currently important and should be deepened by reading, discussions, attending conferences, reflection, meditation, attention to synchronicities, contacts with nature, intuition… The religions that are locked into dogmas cannot help individuals anymore. On the contrary, they interfere with the simple vision of the universe; the same is true with masters, gurus, channelers, and other spiritual leaders… All the texts that have been written about the end of the world say that many gurus will be able to work miracles that will attract the crowds. But they will lead them onto misguided paths. The path of knowledge is an individual path. It is indispensable. This developing human thought is going to bring human beings toward more love, fraternity, sharing, altruistic thoughts… i.e. toward the elevated vibrations of the new dimension. Nevertheless, sexual behavior will be more free and less dominating than once: it will based on love and sharing, more than on mere physical pleasure, like it currently is.

• The search for the meaning of “one’s own” life also constitutes a foundation for the individual’s balance. Aside from the previous general comments about life or God, we should ask the question: “What is the meaning of “my” life, my existence, my coming onto the Earth?” I personally think that we are on Earth to learn. We all have to learn from one another but also, to be aware of our extraordinary capabilities. Additionally and independently from all this, we have a mission, a superior goal while on Earth. Each and everyone needs to find it. This goal generally is simple to find: it is an activity that the individual particularly enjoys doing and feels good because of it. It may to take care of others, counsel them, inform them, heal them… but also caring for the planet, the trees, a place… So many activities can match the missions of human beings. Working with NLP, astrological themes or simply self-examination can give precious pathways to reach this superior goal.

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• Becoming aware of the consequences of one’s actions is very important to go into the next dimension. The decisions that are currently taken are often based on selfish motivations, with no awareness of the impact upon others and of the chain reaction… Now this new consciousness about our actions will help us understand others’ reactions but also it will happen before any decision is taken. Every decision, even if it is the decision to do nothing, always has an impact upon others.

• Developing higher thoughts, less materialistic, further from possessing, power games, sexuality… but closer toward joy of living, happiness, forgiveness, love, compassion, acceptance, sharing… will help one to live pleasantly and develop higher feelings, belonging more to humanity. This type of thought does not mean accepting everything indiscriminately. If an individual disagrees with another one, he can/must say so, while being respectful and sending his love… This higher type of thought will help toward understanding and consensus between individuals and populations. It will enhance the fundamental aspects that can bring together individuals, and not the aspects that are currently used to divide. This elevated thinking will lead men toward the Universe’s upcoming new vibrations. Additionally, the law of resonance —a fundamental law of life—teaches that a vibration attracts the same frequency vibrations. Thus, aggressive thoughts will attract individuals and events associated with discord, aggressiveness, war…And conversely, higher thoughts will bring peace, love and tolerance between the Earth and the Universe’s populations. Therefore, we are the makers of the world we shall live in with our own thoughts. It is urgent to reflect about them and about a way to develop positive and altruistic thoughts.

The inner child

During my training courses, I often address my questions to “the inner child” of each participant or group. It is a kind of archetype that contains all the information necessary to find one’s life path. Most answers and recommendations that come out often are:

- Make more time for yourself. The individual lives a rat race, has no time to think, rest or let the mind go in order to let inspiration in.

- Have artistic hobbies: painting, singing, music, decoration, writing, etc. It helps the right brain—the site of intuition and of sensing-- to develop since it is underutilized in our society.

- Meditation to silence the mind. Only the essential will come through. - Frequent contacts with nature will bring calm and balance.

A gemstone…

To close this section, let us emphasize the benefits of the amethyst during this transition period. Indeed, it is the stone of spirituality, of energy transmutation and of transformation. Just wear it or place it in your office or night table. Cleanse it occasionally in sea salt water for 24 hours, and then recharge it in the sunshine for a whole day

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III. At energy level

It is important to preserve a high vibratory level and to balance the energetic bodies in order to quickly attune to the current frequency elevation. Disharmony between the environmental vibrations and the body’s vibrations produces body dysfunctions that many people feel, as seen previously.

Several recommendations come forward:

Avoid energetic leakage. Avoid everything that can drain your energy from the energetic bodies or can create energy blockages or vacuums:

• Industrial food is poor in energy: it drains energy and uses it for digesting. Also, meats (mainly red meat) bring, into the consumer’s body, the energies of a slaughtered—often in pitiful conditions—animal and therefore, a type of energies foreign to the individual. These are disruptive like drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and they tend to destroy the energetic bodies. It is recommended to turn toward essentially organic foods with very little red meat and alcohol.

• Disparaging, aggressive, pessimistic individuals dwell upon negative thoughts that assail us when we come across them or when they think about us. These thoughts are disruptive, like arrows drilling holes into our energetic bodies, and induce energetic leakages. It is advisable to get away as far as possible from these individuals.

• Also, beware: when the mind brings up a memory or an individual into our thoughts, our energies are connected with the place or that individual… and according to the quality of the vibration, fallouts can be favorable or not.

• Our thinking process has to be controlled and directed: we spend all our time thinking. Our thoughts attract thoughts and vibrations of the same caliber. For example, the pessimist will attract darker visions than the optimist.

• The most aggressive thoughts toward ourselves are: - The fear of loneliness and of separation. Besides, separation is the

very first human conflict at the time of birth with the separation from the mother. Then, life will bring other types of separations: death, divorce, move, lay-off, disputes…

- Lack of self-esteem together with continuous self-criticism, is often hidden but extremely frequent.

- Grudges and hard feelings against others will generate hatred, violence, but also against oneself when the individual feels he was inadequate in such and such a situation.

- Guilt or anger against oneself for understanding or not understanding something, is a very powerful emotion similar to an acid being poured into the mind.

- Greed and the related fear of not having enough and jealousy: coveting a job, a political position, money, a woman or a man, a house, a car…This emotion becomes an obsession and keeps the individual from reasoning or getting over it.

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New feelings have to come ahead of these different negative emotions:

- Forgiving others and oneself is basic. Forgiveness should come from the heart and not simply be intellectualized—it is completely different.

- Understanding or seeking to understand others’ behaviors—which does not mean that we have to agree with them but simply try to understand the motivation leading to their actions or behavior.

- Detachment from material goods, objects and people…Never expect anything or hope for something: this way there is no disappointment. The gifts that life offers are rarely those we expect. But since most people expect something else, they do not appreciate these gifts, unfortunately.

- Compassion and even love are extremely powerful energies that can burn out all negative emotions.

Many places can induce fatigue. They are to be avoided whenever possible. At first sight, they may look like relaxing settings but they eventually drain energy and weaken the energetic bodies.

- Churches were once highly energizing places but now, they are polluted by disruptive energies, like many temples synagogues or mosques.

- From a geobiology or geopathic viewpoint, many areas are affected by the intersecting lines of the Hartmann grid (or other Earth’s magnetic field grids), underground rivers, faults, cosmotellurian127 chimneys…and they severely affect individuals who live right above them. Thus, if your office desk, your bed or your favorite chair is above one of these sites, your energy will be drained and you will suffer from permanent fatigue. It can cause diseases and, with time, even cancer. There exist dwellings that have been described as cancer homes, where all the successive owners from different families had cancer.

- For individuals having doubts about their home, professional geopathic or geolobiological advice can be sought. Solutions can be found.

- Also, areas that have a “history”: war, massacre, murder, rape… remained loaded with these sufferings that will be transferred to the new inhabitants.

- Old objects that belonged to other people are charged with their energies. If for example, a person prayed a lot, all her life, with her rosary because she was seriously ill and suffered very much, this feeling will be transmitted to the new rosary owner and will interact with him. This is also true about jewelry and home decoration items. We already talked about old pictures or gifts that are bothersome to the individual who looks at them. They should be discarded. As well as the objects with a symbol, an image or a sentence (often on clothing) as they are going to impregnate those who wear them or live close to them.

- Artificial electromagnetic fields: electric, high voltage lines, television and computer screens, microwave antennae, wireless and cellular

                                                                                                                         1. 127  cosmotellurian:  relating  to,  like,  or  pertaining  to,  both  heaven  and  earth.


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telephones, wifi, radar, Bluetooth…interfere with energetic and physical bodies, because the physical body is essentially made of energy and uses energy to function. Fortunately, our body has a high tolerance and adaptation capacity toward the electromagnetic fields, but it cannot last forever. The longer the body is exposed to them, the weaker our self-defense mechanism becomes, thereby causing significant energy leakages, persisting fatigue and disease. These artificial electromagnetic fields are also going to jam the perception of the new universal energies by our body, and prevent its attunement. Moving away from these fields or getting a protective device is highly necessary. Even then, it is hard to determine which protective device really works.

- Water, as has been shown by the work of Professor Benveniste, keeps the memory of the products but also of the individuals that were in contact with it. So be careful of tap water as it holds the memory of all pollutants that have been contained, and be careful of swimming pools…However, salt (NaCI) deletes all memories and this is why bathing in the ocean is not detrimental but rather profitable.

Reenergize one’s energy and boost one’s vibratory level. This attunement time to the new incoming energies is essential.

- A healthy way of life is the first point: . A diet with organic food, very little meat and many raw seasonal fruits and vegetables that will bring necessary energy (there is no connection with calories which represent empty energies). . Suppressing drugs, alcohol and tobacco that weaken energies. . Sufficient hydration with dynamized and reenergized128water. To dynamize water, you can choose to:

• Stir it by hand • Mix it with an electric mixer • Leave it in the sun (in a glass container).

. Physical activity will stimulate the energy and increase the energetic level of the body. It has been shown that regular physical activity increases the number of mitochondrias –the cell’s power producers--in the cells. They produce the ATP129 that fuels the body’s energy. . Find geobiological and geopathic balance in one’s home and look for healthy and energizing places.

- Optimistic, self-confident and positive thoughts, also with respect to the universe and the future; solving old and current conflicts; minimizing problems (is this really important?) will take the individual toward high vibrations and consequently will increase one’s own vibratory level. This process is increased even more with thoughts of love, compassion, joy, sharing…

                                                                                                                         128  The  French  Memon  system  deletes  all  pathogenic  information  from  the  water  with  harmonizers.  129  Adenosine  triphosphate  (ATP)  is  considered  by  biologists  to  be  the  energy  currency  of  life.  

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It is therefore important to detach from the past and from what is related to it… to walk away from the need to possess and from the fear of not having enough. It is necessary to minimize our own needs and, above all, believe that everything that happens is good, even if the meaning or the use of it is not obvious from the start. Being confident in life will be the new dimension’s great challenge (See exercise n.5 on optimism in the next chapter).

- Contacts with nature are important because they help eliminate disruptive and/or used energies in the body and bring new vitalizing energies. Do not hesitate to walk barefoot, touch plants and trees. This is what they are here for. Also, stay still in place and feel the environment: the rocks, the trees, the animals, the energy, the air, the sun rays…because everything is life, everything is vibrations, everything is energy… It is in these natural settings that it is possible to feel it, simply and directly. (See exercise n. 6, the tree exercise in the next chapter).

- Look for peace and quiet so that body, mind and energies can attune and balance. § It is impressive to see how many people are afraid of silence today.

They always have noise in their ears: radio, phone, MP3, television. It might be resourceful to pause regularly, several hours per day, to allow the individual to be face to face with himself and ponder.

§ Music may help to elevate the mind and the energies. But not all music is equal. The work of Masaru Emoto demonstrated it. Classical, religious, and relaxing music should be preferred. They can even help to capture universal energies.

§ Getting away from all sources of stress, conflicts and negative thoughts is indispensable but not always easy to do. Do not hesitate to turn off television as it provides disinformation. Watching television or listening too much to the radio interferes with one’s own opinion-making: the media indicate what you have to think and do not allow time for personal reflection.

- Breathing is a key element and is often forgotten. The air should be non polluted, rich in oxygen and ionized. . Ionization is important as it gives quality to the air. Our life is supported by negative ions. They can be found in the high mountains, the seaside, cascades…Some devices ionize the air inside the home, such as salt lamps. . Deep breathing helps to relax. Breathe in and breathe out deeply for a few minutes and relaxation happens. . Ideally, we should breathe through the nose because our nostrils humidify the air and stop the ambient dust. The air we breathe in is full of energy that gets absorbed more easily through the mucous as in the process of smelling odors. The out breath carries volatile waste, preferably through the mouth. . It is recommended to breathe with the belly and the diaphragm and inflating the belly on the inhale and deflating it with the exhale. This creates a beneficial massage for all abdominal organs and a body

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rhythm that will impact the heartbeat and the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM). . Efficient breathing will bring the following benefits:

- Oxygen, the main energy source for the body, - Ph balance, - Less production of free-radicals, - Physical relaxation, - Rhythmic tune-up: heart and primary respiratory

mechanism130, - Detoxification of the body - Elimination of stress and emotions, - Energy.

(See exercise n. 7, breathing exercise in the next chapter)

- Meditation allows us to empty the mind and this, in turn, produces many benefits: . It stops the mind and the inner chatter that prevents all reflection. This pause enhances our ability to see the essential in life and provides a more enlightened decision-making power. . It relaxes body and mind. . It brings calm and serenity. . It helps the parasympathetic body response for optimal natural self-healing process with body cleansing and self-repair. . It brings forth old conflicts for them to get resolved and go away. . It enhances the essentials in one’s life and life, in general, to channel one’s evolution and one’s path. . When you silence and empty your mind, it leaves room for incoming intuitions and for energetic upload into the body. . It opens the mind onto spiritual energies so we attune to them but it also creates a contact with the whole universe…A kind of cosmic experience that matters greatly when it happens. It teaches us that we are all connected, that we are not alone and we are part of a whole. We are the whole… we can meditate on it.

Meditation is a very simple technique. You do not need to sit in the lotus posture and not move for hours. You can sit in a chair or on the floor, you can lie down on a bed or a sofa, it does not matter. It can last for a few minutes up to… what you feel up to. Just remember that time does not seem to have the same speed when you are in that state.

It is highly recommended to meditate in the present times. It is an excellent preparation for the ongoing transition. (See exercise n. 8, meditation exercise, in the next chapter).

- Sleep is an important time in many regards during this transition period. Unfortunately, because of modern life requirements, it looks like the general population does not get enough sleep whereas sleep is

                                                                                                                         130  Primary  respiratory  mechanism  or  PRM  is  the  beat  of  the  sacro-­‐cranial  fluid  that  surround  the  brain  –roughly  12  beats  per  minute.  

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greatly needed during this current energetic change. Sleep is useful for several reasons:

. Sleep is the time when the body repairs itself. During the day, the body wears because of diurnal activities and every night, it benefits from the body’s natural self-healing process. . Sleep allows memory management. . Dreaming helps in expressing and conjuring up conflicts and memories that have not been digested and need resolution. Generally, these memories come back when it is time to digest them. . Every night, the human being remodels one’s body and mind according to one’s archetype, i.e. one’s model, one’s higher self… in order to lead one’s life and mission on Earth at best, as was indicated by Rudolph Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. . REM sleep is an essential time for synchronizing the body with the environment, strictly from an energetic point of view. . Mystics believe that sleep is the time when the energetic bodies leave the physical body to go into the future and seek the information that will help live a better life in the present. . At last, it is possible to use sleep to get answers and solutions to problems. Suffice it to clearly present the problem (physical or mental) just before going to sleep at night and wait for the answers in the next few days. Do not hesitate to renew your request until you get an answer. (See exercise n.9, sleep exercise, in the next chapter).

- Capturing the universal energies. The universal energies are just at

our reach and are there to answer our needs. It is likely that once, human beings were permanently connected to them. But today, this process is not spontaneous and requires special attention. A specific exercise exists to help us capture this energy and get recharged at any time and anywhere. For some individuals, this energy is better captured when they pray, others will listen to certain types of music (classical, religious, Zen…). (See exercise n.10, exercise to capture energy, in the next chapter).

- Intuition will be a key element in the upcoming times. Fortunately it is developing in most individuals. Thus, many people know what is best for them or guess who is calling them on the phone. Coincidences are currently multiplying as well as telepathy, premonitions –giving good or bad impressions on a given situation, project, choice…Intuitions are as good information as the ones we see or hear. It is up to everyone to act upon them or not. Our decisions belong to us. However, intuitions are often very pertinent (See exercise n.11, intuition exercise, in the next chapter).

- Feeling/sensing is close to intuition. The only difference is that the

information channel is the body and not the mind. Intuition is like a little voice inside the head. Feeling or sensing is felt through the body. The body will know immediately if a product, a remedy, a person, a situation is good or not for the individual. So the reaction is immediate.

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We can already feel repulsions when we meet individuals: this means that they are not attuned to us and may disrupt us. Also, when we get to a place, it is possible to feel inside one’s body if this place is beneficial or not. Therefore, it is important to learn to listen to one’s body and its reactions. (See exercise n. 12, feeling exercise, in the next chapter).

- Objective request. To reenergize oneself, suffice it to ask that life

(God, a guide, the universe, the unconscious…) sends all the energy we need. It works perfectly, just like it is written in the scriptures: “Ask and you will receive.” Just formulate your requests very precisely.

- Praying is another kind of request. It helps communicating directly with

the creative forces of the universe. This does not mean reciting a ready-made prayer to the attention of God, a saint, a guide or simply the Earth or Gaia… It is a dialogue where the individual expresses doubts, fears, but also desires, needs… It is the expression of problems but also of desires. This is a special moment, a dialogue with the Divine when it is possible to feel, at times, a benevolent presence and unconditional love… These magnificent impressions melt away concerns and problems. During these moments, answers can come in the form of words or intuition.

How about time?

Presently, time goes by faster and faster. Additionally, the amount of information that we receive is increasing and will quickly overwhelm the processing capacity of the human brain. This is when our intuition will come to our rescue. It will sort out the interesting elements and those that can be forgotten. This will allow quick processing of information without agonizing whether decisions are right or wrong.

LET US SUMMARIZE In order to prepare for the energetic changes that will lead into the next dimension, the following steps are necessary:

1. Cleanse one’s body to remove pollutants, toxic substances and toxins from the organism. A cleaner body will be more efficient and able to self-repair. Adaptation will be easier with respect to the upcoming environmental changes.

2. Eliminate all past and present conflicts that have not been resolved so that the passage can be made easier.

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3. Elevate one’s energetic level as much as possible to keep attuned with the new vibrations.

In this “end of time” period, all that was concealed, that belonged to corporations, intelligentsias and secret societies, is now being revealed. All this information can be found in books, newspapers, on the internet, in television or radio shows. Everything is open, for everyone to understand and use. Gifts, transmitting powers, healing prayers, healing powers, clairvoyance, etc. are not reserved to a certain “elite” but now, it all is at everyone’s reach.

Suffice it to understand that all is simple. One does not need to complete graduate studies to understand the life’s great principles. In the scriptures, it is said that the knowledge of the world is at everybody’s reach. And those who make things complicated with technical terms, complex formulas or tortuous indications… thereby attempt to keep their power and their supremacy. This is true for the political, scientific, medical and religious worlds. Fortunately, this time is almost over.

The leadership of gurus, despots, leaders, lords, presidents… is reaching its close. Human beings are becoming autonomous and each becomes the only master of one’s destiny. Men are becoming aware that “all is within themselves” and that they do not need anyone to give them orders (flawed, most of the time.) As they trust life and the universe, the notion of fear disappears as well as the need to be protected that led to the submission of people by others.

Additionally, we are in the presence of a wonderful occurrence of synchronicities during the past few years: at a time when we need to resolve our innermost conflicts, to cleanse our body and purify our energetic bodies, new healing means and methods have “miraculously” appeared lately that can be used by anybody. They are NLP, EFT, energy healing, objective request, conscious breathing, visualization, symbolism, synchronicities, etc.

So, in order to get prepared for the present and upcoming changes, the following steps are recommended:

* Boost self-repair and adaptation powers of the body faced with the new energies. Several elements are key:

- Eat organic, seasonal and local foods, - Drink energized water, - Exercise regularly, - Oxygenate the body (ionized air), - Take natural supplements regularly to make up for deficiencies, - Sleep enough and regularly, - Have regular contacts with nature, - Detoxify your body regularly, - Manage your stress and your time, - But also: make time for yourself, learn to relax and let your body adjust

to these changes.

* Remove mental blockages and get rid of limiting values, beliefs and fears with techniques such as NLP, but above all EFT, TAT, visualization, meditation, symbolism, sleep, objective requests… and the development of new values:

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- Acceptance - Forgiveness - Letting go - Compassion and love, - Sharing, - Tolerance, - Detachment from material goods, - Confidence in life, - Joy, - Focusing on one’s archetypal values, - Living in the “now”.

* Search for the meaning of one’s own life with NLP, astrology, synchronicities, intuition, feeling/sensing, meditation, reflection…

* Learn to develop new talents:

- Develop positive and self-reliant thought, - Be in contact with nature and feel the energies and the life that beats in

all things… Develop your cosmic mindfulness that connects the whole universe,

- Use conscious breathing, - Remain aware and call for synchronicities, - Practice meditation, - Practice some symbolism and visualization techniques, - Regularly use intuition and feeling, - Learn and practice EFT on yourself and others, - Learn to perceive energies, to balance them, to remove blockages,

and refocus the body to capture universal energy131, - Regularly use the objective request technique… ask what you would

like, what you want… ask about disruptions…This is possible at all moments of the day and particularly right before going to sleep.

These different techniques can be used by everyone. Learning them only takes a few hours.

Therefore it is possible to have keys that can not only open the doors to good health and personal evolution but also prepare to the upcoming changes:

- Balanced meals - Energized hydration, - Synchronicity awareness, - Body detoxification, - Conscious breathing, - Enlightened sleep, - Stress management, - Communication, - Development of intuition, - Feeling/sensing,

                                                                                                                         131  Dr.  Bodin  regularly  offers  “energy  healing”  training  in  France  and  abroad.  Refer  to  his  Web  site    

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- Meditation, - EFT, - Visualization techniques, - Guided symbolism, - Energetic upload, - Body centering, - Objective request, - One’s life mission, - Letting go, - Grounding, - Ho’oponopono, - Centering the energetic bodies.

Most of these techniques are taught by the author of this book.





















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Recommended    exercises    

1 – Exercise on your beliefs

Take a piece of paper and a pen, read and follow each question one after the other and write down:

• All life values and elements that were important to your mother, what was guiding her life ad her decisions. For example: money, self-sacrifice, attention to others, power, etc.

• Do the same for your father. • Do the same for yourself.

You will see that many values are common to you and each of your parents. Thus, you have taken upon yourself values that belonged to your parents. These values, beliefs, and fears are not yours, so is it really on these bases that you want to build your life? Think it over and choose. Now, your decision knowingly belongs to you, whereas it was not the case before!

2 – Visualization exercise

The goal is to develop positive attitudes and self-confidence toward the future.

Settle down comfortably into your favorite chair and see yourself, for example, as a dynamic and lucky individual, in great shape and succeeding at everything he/she undertakes. You can also see yourself well-dressed, attractive and self-assertive in all your life’s activities, being admired by all.

Print that page in your head and repeat it several times a day. This image will gradually become part of your reality.

3 – Symbolism exercise

Once, you had a conflict with an individual who disappeared from your life (move, death, job change…). It is not possible anymore to go see that person to settle this conflict. Moreover, many years have gone by and the individual has certainly forgotten the conflict… but not you.

One solution is to write to this individual and open your heart in putting down all your grudges, how you suffered from his/her attitudes, reflections, mockery… Once you are done listing everything, you sign and close the envelope as though you were going to mail it. Then, you burn it symbolically in your fireplace, out in nature or elsewhere.

The brain does not differentiate between what you wrote and burned, and a letter actually sent to the individual. This simple gesture can alleviate the outrages of the past.

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4 – The small balloons exercise

The goal is to resolve conflicts or eliminate old painful memories.

Settle down in a place where you know you will not be disturbed and close your eyes. Behind your eyelids, imagine a beautiful landscape, real or unreal, in the countryside, the seaside or the mountains, it is your choice.

In this magnificent setting, you lay down a white tablecloth on the ground. Then, symbolically, you are going to set on it all your past and current problems, all your grief and pains, your grudges and indignations, your shame, your hurt… you put everything out…

Then, you see yourself taking the four corners of your tablecloth, knotting them together and tying on plenty of colorful balloons. You can see your bundle being raised into the air by the balloons, higher and higher in the sky. Look at it until it is a simple dot in the sky’s horizon as it gets consumed by the burning rays of the sun.

At that moment, invoke –according to your own beliefs—God, a Saint, a guide, a guardian angel, a higher being or if you do not believe in any of this, call for your unconscious or subconscious, and ask that all that makes you suffer be taken away from you and in return, send forgiveness, love, compassion and peace. You let this alchemy happen in peace and quiet.

You can do this exercise as many times as you feel is right for you.

5 – Optimism exercise

In any life situation, even those that look the most painful, try to extract the positive and the good for you, your life, your evolution.

You will see that, in all events, there is something good. Thus, you will gradually get used to finding the positive side of everything.

6 – The tree exercise

During a walk in nature, select a beautiful, strong and vigorous tree. Get close and apply your back against it. You are directly in the tree’s aura. Place your hands onto the bark, right behind you. Stay there for a while and feel what is happening.

If you do not feel anything special, you may first ask that your used energies be evacuated and then, ask to be recharged. It is very efficient.

7 – Breathing exercise

Here is a way to get rid of your old used energies and to reenergize.

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Sit down comfortably in a chair or elsewhere, and inhale deeply with your nose while inflating your belly. At the top of your inhale, hold your breath for 3 or 4 seconds and visualize that the air you just breathed in, contains energy spreading throughout your whole body.

Then, exhale with your mouth as you visualize the cloud of used energies that you are exhaling.

Repeat three or four times in a row, but not more in order to avoid hyperventilating which unbalances the body.

8 – Meditation exercise

This exercise will show you that meditating is easy and that results can be immediate.

Select a peaceful and quiet place. Settle comfortably on a bed or a chair. Make sure you will not be disturbed: turn off the phone and any device that could interrupt your meditation. Close your eyes.

Try to think about nothing for one minute, to relax and to stop the chatter of your mind. Quickly you will see that, at least when you start, it is difficult to think about nothing. So start in focusing on your breath, i.e. every inhale and every exhale; on a point behind your eyelids or an imaginary dot in the middle of your skull. Let the calm take hold of you and let silence fill you.

If a thought comes in or you hear a noise, do not try to chase it away because you will not succeed. Let it in and allow it to go through you and leave, the same way it came in.

This exercise only takes one or two minutes. It will allow you to recover your calm and the right vision of occurrences and events.

Repeat this exercise as many times as you wish, in any place or any circumstance. As you practice more, try to lengthen your meditating time.

9 – Sleep exercise132

Every night before going to sleep, consider the problem or the business that concerns you, but do not allow your mind to discuss it.

Then affirm what you wish and let the sleep come in so that “you open the field of your super consciousness.”

The solution will appear unexpectedly in the course of the next few days or when you wake-up.

                                                                                                                         132132  From  the  French  book  “La  Cle”  by  Grace  Gassette  and  Georges  Barbarin,  published  by  Astra  

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10 – Exercise to capture energy

Sit down comfortably and erect in a seat or a chair, with your head straight and place your hands on your knees with your palms turned up. Then, silence and empty your mind and call for this energy to come into you. Meanwhile, you can play soft and conducive music of your choice.

The energy will come through the top of your head and/or your palms. You can feel a small pressure, heat or tingling sensation. Let it in quietly. It may take several minutes. At the same time, the energy seems to spread in the whole body. Gradually, your body will recapture its vigor.

11 – Intuition exercise

When a question or a problem does not find any answer, you can interrogate your intuition. Here is how.

Start by asking a question related to your problem so that the answer is yes or no. Then, listen to the first answer that comes to your mind. The first impression is the right one. Do not linger because the mind takes the relay, interferes and brings doubt.

Bring special attention to the way you phrase the question, and not : “This work has been asked from me, what should I do?” The answer would not be clear. Just ask: “Is it good for me that I accomplish this work?” The answer will be yes or no. Sometimes, there will be a blank and this means that either the phrasing of the question was not correct, or the answer does not matter.

With time, answers will be more clear-cut and complete but always very short with two or three words. More words mean that the mind is taking over and it is not valid.

12 – Feeling exercise

If you hesitate between two jobs, two places to live, two dishes, etc., bring your mind into the situation.

Just imagine that you have accepted the first job and that you are already working. Observe how you feel and take a short minute to feel the reactions in your body: do you feel well, at peace, happy and relaxed? Or, on the contrary, are you anxious, sad or unhappy?

Then, do the same thing with the other job. You may experience fatigue, headaches, nausea in one case and this will indicate this one is not good for you. Or you can feel light and happy in the other situation which will indicate that it is good for you.

It remains up to each of us to decode this interesting piece of information and decide which option to take.


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The  new  world    

Let us be clear: the energetic change is not going to occur all-of-a-sudden because we, the human beings, could not survive it… The process started ten to twenty years ago and it is going to continue -- 2012 will probably be a simple marker in this evolution. This marker may, in fact, be more significant as it will represent a breakaway from the past, a little bit like the World Wars or 9/11. But this evolution will continue to set in with the years and decades following 2012. This is the reason—with others—why the opposition forces are currently so active: with all the means possible, they try to keep humanity from progressing toward this degree of evolution.

It is naturally possible that major events accelerate this phenomenon. And quite a few prophecies go in this direction with no indication of any date, yet.

Be that as it may, the universe, the Earth and humanity are presently undergoing great changes. In spite of all this, life goes on. But gradually, it will go on away from the ways of the past, on pathways never used up until now.

Obviously, this is not what most sci-fi movies show when they narrate end of the world stories. Generally, they show a grouping of survivors who are ready to rebuild the world upon the old schemes: a leader, a police, compulsory work, a currency, standardized education… Very few dare bring up the birth of a new society, based on values other than individualism: sharing, compassion, personal development, harmony with nature… all in all, a more humane society.

We can all see that our society has led us into a dead end. Therefore, it is time to think about changing it, otherwise future humanity will fall back into the same rut we now know.

The new energies will help humanity to change course. Motivations will be based less on materialism, possessions and power but more on intuition, creativity and self-accomplishment. Human beings will become more…humane. This will empower them to self-develop what is still in embryonic stages: sharing, love, compassion, peace, harmony, joy…Besides, when you pronounce these mere words, everybody agrees that they represent exactly everybody’s dreams, the aspirations of all humans on this Earth. This old dream that humanity has -- is constantly pushed away by mere yearnings for power, glory, hegemony and leverage by some high level characters (political, religious, financial, industrial, military, media, sects…). But the new energies are going to awaken all human consciousness, one by one. This wave will be so strong that it will sweep away archaic structures and personal interests.

What happens in this upcoming period relies on how government leaders will react. But, whatever they do, it will happen anyway… it is unavoidable.

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The new technologies

In the new dimension, a great number of present-day new technologies will not work anymore:

• Either because the new energies will prevent, interfere with or hamper their activity: for example, new cosmic waves may interfere with electronic devices, computers, orbital satellites, cell phones, radios, television, radars, high wires, pipelines, undersea cables... many devices that become inoperable and that we have to learn to do without.

• Or because these technologies will not be useful (or be of limited use) in the new world. It is obvious that if telepathy and intuition become a common way of life, many communication devices will be useless.

And at last, we may see the development of the famous free energy that shed a lot of ink since Tesla. Apparently, this technique has been known and implemented long ago already! But it has not been developed by the powers in place and the reason is simple. If today, each individual had free, inexhaustible energy at one’s disposal, capable to provide heating, lighting, gasoline and make appliances work, each of us would aspire to become free and autonomous. Governing authorities would have difficulty keeping their power in place.

In the world prior to 2012, this technique was not conceivable. In the new world, it will be one of the main constituents of human evolution. The availability of this free energy should make the transition easier between the two worlds, before it becomes obsolete, in turn…when human evolution will have gone even further. This is when energy will emanate from thought.

The end of the good/evil duality

A very troubling occurrence will happen in the new dimension: the good and evil duality will disappear. Indeed, our present world is entirely based upon this duality: yin and yang, day and night, man and woman…Duality generates the judgment of what is good or bad. Besides, this notion is reflected in civil laws and religious precepts that have been created by the men in power.

In the current world, there are two forces in constant opposition: the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness that have been fighting since the dawn of time in order to dominate human kind. Today, the forces of Darkness are busier than ever to keep the humans from passing into the new dimension. The means that are used are simple but terribly efficient: fear, racism, war, propaganda, disinformation, desires, covetousness… These dark forces refuse the upcoming fusion with the positive forces. They do not want change to occur. Everything is organized to throw human beings and the planet off balance, so that they cannot sustain the energetic changes.

In our society, the “good man” has to obey civil laws and religious precepts. From this viewpoint, one could think that our government leaders are the best “good men” in our society and that they lead by example. But that is very far from the truth.

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This will not matter anymore in the next dimension because the notion of good and bad is going to disappear completely. Non-judgment will prevail. Each of us will act upon our own conscience and intuition and follow thoughts of sharing and compassion.

There exists a universal mistake, consisting in representing the forces of Good under the banner of God and the forces of Evil directed by Evil. This is erroneous, because God --or the Divine-- is “one”, it is unity. Below and independently from him, but emanating from him, we have the “Two”, i.e. the duality between Good and Evil.

If God were representing the Good, it would have swept away the forces of Evil since it is so powerful. But, on the contrary, these two forces had to remain balanced, neither winning otherwise the principle of duality would have disappeared. Yet, this duality was necessary for the advancement of the humans.

Now this period is reaching its close and the humans are going to regain unity. The halves of each human being –yin and yang, feminine and masculine—are going to unite. We can already see this tendency today in the general population as the two genders tend to look more and more alike…

The end of religions

The term “religion” comes from the Latin “religare” meaning “to link.” This is how religions link individuals to God. They are intermediaries to carry human prayers to God but they also explain to men what God expects from them. Given the different dogmas established by the representatives of the different religions, it is obvious that God messages have been received and interpreted differently.

But today, it is possible for each individual to converse directly --and with no intermediary-- with God or with the forces represented by one’s beliefs. These “spirits” are now directly available to all of us without anyone to channel messages—which avoids many interferences and garbles.

As the years go by, this contact will become more and more frequent until it is habitual and permanent. It will bring a feeling of joy, happiness and balance to all human beings. They will be fed by this Presence but also they will never feel alone anymore.

The end of the Ego

Our present world has been dominated by the mind controlled by the Ego. This is what brought about the state of emancipation and evolution where we are today. For that reason, the Ego has been very useful. However, the new energies make it useless or, at least, not predominant anymore.

The heart is going to open and the heart chakra is going to counterbalance the mind and the Ego. In the times to come, it will be important, or rather, essential, to make decisions more with the heart. The mind corners us into selfishness whereas the heart, i.e. love, allows us to make decisions that are right and good for ourselves and for others. The heart will have the last word about our future…

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The heart will also guide us onto life paths that will match our own expectations, hopes and deepest aspirations.

So that we can train ourselves to make decisions with our heart, we have to already live in the present and be here and now. This is because in the now, the Ego has no place to be: it exists when we think about the past or the future but not when we live in the present moment.

Then, when you make a decision, place one of your hands on your heart, right on your chest. Let your heart express itself and the decision will probably emanate from it. Try it and you will see!

Thus, the heart will guide and extract humanity from the present situation that, from the Ego point of view, will lead nowhere but to a tragic ending….Then later, beyond the heart, there will be vacuity: occurrences will take place with no expectations or judgments. This is when we will be intimately convinced that everything that happens is right.

New talents are going to develop

In addition to the feeling of globality that underlies the vast feeling of belonging to humanity, clairvoyance will develop as already mentioned, but also other talents such as:

Intuition is the first talent and undoubtedly the most important in this transition period. Intuition provides immediate answers in the face of problems and situations. Since time goes by faster, it becomes difficult to reflect on everything, to think about all the decisions, to weigh pros and cons…The development of intuition will come to help rationale but will not substitute for it. Both brain hemispheres, that of reason and that of intuition, will be used together and will be permanently connected. This will allow better decisions, understanding and processing of information, questions and situations. Intuition will supply information constituting the fundamental part of rationale. The union of both brain hemispheres is also a clue about the disappearance of duality in general.

The perception of vibrations will help perceive energies such as the energetic bodies of an individual, their colors, their abnormalities…This will allow us to treat and heal these energies and recover good health. Energies emanating from trees, plants, animals, minerals will also be perceptible. This new vision will open up, to the eyes of everybody, the world of the invisible and the reality that was hidden from them until then…Who knows, maybe entities, elves, genies, even ghosts will become visible? By the same token, it will be easy to feel given situations, individuals, objects and this will help make the right decisions but also see immediately the repercussions of one’s actions upon others… Therefore, human consciousness is going to open and understand the extent of its actions not only upon others but also upon the universe.

Telepathy is going to settle in gradually in all human beings. With the end of misunderstandings, lies, deceptions, scams, concealments, counter-truths, mystifications, slander, injustice, false promises, hypocrisies, inventions, propaganda…everything will be visible to everybody’s eyes. The disappearance of lies will be the greatest benefit to human kind during this passage into the new dimension. And since lies and secrets will be impossible, society will change but also groups,

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families and even couples. Tolerance and understanding will develop gradually. It is difficult to tell where all this will lead, but this pathway is pure and deprived of lies—which is what counts.

Thought as a strength will become obvious to everyone. Our thoughts create the universe where we live. They create the present but also the future of each of us. Thus, when many thoughts are gathered for a common goal, they will influence the future of the whole humanity.

As a consequence:

• It means that we can create the world that we want, rooted in positive, constructive thoughts that go in the direction we hope for. If this thought is strong enough and repeated enough times, it will anchor into reality.

• It also means that, since we have created the world we live in, its weaknesses match our own weaknesses, its lacks match our own lacks, its flaws match our own flaws… Our outer world is the mirror of our inner being. However, when we know this, we can work on ourselves –like the teachings of Ho’oponopono133—and surmount our flaws, make up for our lacks, strengthen our weaknesses… The action that we will bear on our own problems will have an impact upon our close and distant environment because, in the universe, everything is connected. This is a fundamental truth about the universe…

The thinking process that we will develop will allow us to travel in space and time. Thought will become more and more creative and will replace, in major part, work as we intend it today. Thought has no limits except those of our imagination…

Cosmic opening will be an everyday reality. The reliance of human beings between one another will become evident. It will spread to all life on Earth and into the cosmos. Humans will not feel alone any longer. They will be connected not only between themselves but also with other worlds… to discover.

This contact will reset man in his right place in the universe—a place neither insignificant nor predominant.

The new society

The new energies will develop higher feelings in man: sharing, understanding, forgiveness, detachment, tolerance, compassion, even love. New talents will be added: intuition, feeling, thought as strength, telepathy… All this will deeply transform human society. Indeed, the new society will have nothing to do with the previous one. The concept of money, for example, will disappear, as well as the army, bureaucracy and governments…The concept of work will be transformed. Artistic activities and personal development will be promoted. Individualism will reign at the same time as inter-reliance between human beings. Everyone will watch for the well-being of each other while respecting each other’s private life.                                                                                                                          133  Ho’oponopono  is  an  ancient  Hawaiian  Healing  Art  where  you  learn  that  everything  that  happens  in  your  life  is  100%  your  responsibility;  through  self  identity,  it  allows  you  to  be  responsible  for  all  your  actions,  problems,  and  opportunities  that  come  your  way  by  cleaning  your  subconscious.  

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This world is rather difficult to fathom at the present time. It will set in as we go, with time. The beginnings may be difficult depending on the resistance that will be encountered. But whatever happens, this world will come for the greater benefit of all. The goal of it all is universal harmony and within it, the objective for all beings to, at last, become who they really are.

The new world

In order to get an idea of what is awaiting humanity in the new dimension, suffices it to listen to certain prophecies coming from different regions and different periods but all saying the same thing:

• The last prophecy of Peter Deunov that I am quoting again:

“You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem.

Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe.

The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principle, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base!

The Earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings that are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that “each flesh shall glorify God”. Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain…

It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on Earth.134”

• The St. John of Jerusalem prophecies135 , again, are magnificent and paint a great picture of what is in store for us:


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“Prophecy 36 In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand Man will have a second birth The Spirit will take hold of the human throng Who will worship in brotherhood Then the end of the barbarous times will begin. This will be the time of a new vigor of the Faith After the black days of the beginning of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand Happy days will open up Man will again find the path of Men And the earth will be in order.

Prophecy 37 In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand Roads will go from one end of the earth and the sky to the other end Forests will be dense again And the deserts will have been irrigated The waters will have become pure again. The earth will be like a garden Man will watch over everything that lives He will purify that which he has soiled He will feel as if all the earth is his home And he will be wise in thinking of the days to come.

Prophecy 38 In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand Each person will be like a measured footstep They will know everything about the world and about their bodies They will cure illness before it appears Each person will be healer of himself and of the others. They will have understood that you have to help to be able to maintain And man, after the times of narrow-mindedness and of avarice, Will open his heart and his purse to the poorest He will feel himself to be a knight of the human order And in this way a new time will at last begin.

Prophecy 39 In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand Man will have learnt to give and to share The bitter days of solitude will be gone He will believe once more in the spirit And the Barbarians will have acquired recognition. But that will come after the war and the fires That will spring up from the blackened ruins of the towers of Babel And it will have taken an iron fist


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ISBN 978-2-9522195-6-39782952219563 116 Not for sale


For the disorder to be put in order And for man to find again the right path.

Prophecy 40 In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand Man will know that all living things are bearers of light And that they are creatures to be respected He will have built the new cities In the sky, on the earth and on the sea. He will have the memory of what was And he will know what will be He will no longer be afraid of his own death For in his life he will have lived several lives And the light, he will understand, will never go out.”




















Page 117: ebook3 PREPARE FOR THE · Docteur!!Luc!BODIN!!!!! Prepareforthechange! From!prophecies!toreality! !!!!! Translated!by!Carole!Toulousy6Michel!

ISBN 978-2-9522195-6-39782952219563 117 Not for sale






The world is marching toward a great universal upheaval leading us to a new dimension, rich with promises for all humanity. At that point, human beings will have evolved to a level never reached before. The first visible element of this upcoming new world will be the development of intuition, of thought and even of some form of telepathy.

Each and every one of us needs to get prepared and detoxify our body, resolve old conflicts and rebalance our energies: this will ensure an easier adjustment to vibratory changes that are presently occurring and will carry on in the future.

This evolution is an ineluctable path. It is possible that 2012 may be a significant marker for the way to this transformation as indicated in the Mayan calendar, but also by other prophecies that are less precise about dates. This will probably be just a formal marker to indicate that a critical vibratory level has been reached. This vibratory elevation will continue well after 2012. The process does not present any danger for human beings so long as they do not resist the occurring changes but prepare for them. Once united, human beings will even be able to influence events so that everything happens smoothly for everyone…

…because the future is not sculpted in stone: it relies entirely upon ourselves and upon the choices we will make.