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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Which is the better portfolio in terms of risk and return among the following two portfolios?T-bill has 5% return

    Explanation :

    The Sharpe ratio of Portfolio A is 0.25 whereas for Portfolio B it is 0.30. This means that for a unitof risk taken by the portfolio B, the return is 0.30 which is higher than 0.25

    Portfolio A is better

    Portfolio B is better

    Both give same return

    Questions 1 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    The correlation coefficient respecting the following dataset is:

    Explanation :





    Questions 2 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    A risk-free portfolio is non-existent since

    Explanation :

    Portfolio risk can be decomposed into unsystematic risk and systematic risk; the latter cannot bediversified away.

    it is impossible to construct a risk-free portfolio

    a risk free portfolio exists only at a conceptual level and hence is impractical

    systematic risk cannot be diversified away

    unsystematic risk cannot be diversified away

    Questions 3 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    A portfolio comprised of 20 - 30 assets

    Explanation :This is because risks that arise at the micro-level or firm level or industry level tend to cancel

    each other out without in any way contributing to overall portfolio risk.

    can achieve greater risk reduction if the number of assets is raised to 300

    can achieve greater risk reduction if the number of assets is brought down to just 3

    can achieve greater risk reduction if the number of assets is brought down to 100

    can achieve the same level of risk reduction that can be achieved by increasing the

    number of assets to 100 or 300.

    Questions 4 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    The major benefit of diversification is to:

    Explanation :

    The main advantage of portfolio diversification is it reduces the expected risk.

    Increase the expected return

    Increase the size of the investment portfolio

    Reduce brokerage commission

    Reduce the expected risk

    Questions 5 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Which of the following is not an assumption of the Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM)?

    Explanation :

    Investors make their investment decisions based on a single period horizon i.e., the next

    immediate time period.

    Investors are risk-averse and use the expected rate of return and standard deviation of

    return as appropriate measures of return and risk respectively.

    Investors make their investment decisions based on a single period horizon i.e., thenext immediate time period.

    Transaction costs in financial markets are low enough to ignore and assets can bebought and sold in any unit desired.

    Investors make their investment decisions based on multi-period horizon.

    Questions 6 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    True or False?Tax liability need not be adjusted while calculating the cost of debt.

    Explanation :Cost of debt needs an adjustment for tax liability for the reason that, interest is a charge on profit

    and is an deductible expenditure for computation of tax purposes. Cost of debt is given by: Kd =

    (I NP) * (1 T)



    Questions 7 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    The following monthly data of yields on 5-year Treasury bonds was extracted from the ReserveBank Bulletin:

    What type of yield curve is indicated by the above data set?

    Explanation :

    Since it can be noticed that the short-term yield are higher than the long-term yield.

    Normal yield curve

    Inverse yield curve

    Humped yield curve

    Variable yield curve

    Questions 9 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    If an asset is selling at US$120.30 in the cash market, and the price of a futures contract on thesame asset is 98.28, what is the basis?

    Explanation :Basis point = $120.30 - $98.28 = 22.02





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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    In May, Company A bought a 3 x 6 FRA from Novel bank at a bid rate of 3.65% for a notionalprincipal amount of $50,000. If on August the LIBOR rate is 3.22%, how will the settlement takeplace?

    Explanation :The buyer of FRA is protecting itself from a rise in interest rates. In case the interest rate risesabove the FRA rate, the bank will make payment to company and when interest rate falls belowFRA rate, the company makes payment to bank.

    Company A receives 3.65% from Novel bank

    Company A pays 3.65% to Novel Bank

    Company A pays 0.43% to Novel Bank

    Company A receives 0.43% from Novel bank

    Questions 11 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    The fractional price change in an option resulting from a one-point change in price of theunderlying instrument is called:


    Hedge ratio.


    Sharpe Ratio.

    Questions 12 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Which of the following is/are true?

    Explanation :For American put, the restriction is P < X.

    So, P1 - P2 = X1 - X2

    The price difference between two American puts cannot exceed the difference in

    exercise prices

    The price difference between two European puts cannot exceed the difference inexercise prices

    The price difference between two American puts cannot exceed the difference in thepresent value of exercise prices

    Both (a) and (b)

    Questions 13 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    If the current yield on a bond is 9% and its face value is $1000 with a coupon rate of 7% itscurrent market price is

    Explanation :Current yield = Annual dollar coupon interest/Price0.09= 70/PricePrice =$778





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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    In September, the December natural gas futures are trading at US$4.12 while the January naturalgas futures are trading at US$ 4.26. A spread trader expects the spread to narrow over the nextmonth, with the December price down relative to the January price. What positions will the tradertake to profit from this situation?

    Sell December futures and buy January futures

    Buy September futures and sell December futures

    Buy December futures and sell January futures

    Cannot answer without more information

    Questions 20 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    A portfolio manager wants to invest $5 million in T-bonds in six months from now. He fears thatthe interest rates will fall and therefore wants to hedge his risk. Which hedging strategy isadvisable?

    Reverse hedge

    Long hedge

    Long hedge

    Cross hedge

    Questions 21 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Companies employ Swaps for

    Explanation :

    Swaps help companies to meet all of the mentioned objectives.

    Investment purposes


    Reduce funding costs

    All of the above

    Questions 22 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Assume that the daily volatility of a stock is 1.75%, and trading happens on 256 days a year. Thevolatility () used in the Black & Scholes formula should be:

    Explanation :1.75 * Sqrt(256)

    = 28%





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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    If the Spread consists of buying lower strike price Call Option and selling higher strike price CallOption, it is referred to _________________.

    Explanation :In a bull call spread, a Call option is bought with a strike price of x and another call option, soldwith a strike of y, producing a net initial payment. (x < y).

    Bull Call Spread

    Bear Call Spread

    Bull Put Spread

    Bear Put Spread

    Questions 24 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Which of the following is a type of credit derivative?I. A put option on a corporate bond

    II. A total return swap on a loan portfolioIII. A note that pays an enhanced yield in the case of a bond downgrade

    IV. A put option on an off-the-run treasury bond

    Explanation :An option on a T bond has no credit component.

    I, II, and III

    II and III only

    II only

    All of the above.

    Questions 25 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    The option component of the swaption can be designated to be exercised only at its expirationdate for _________________; on specific pre-specified dates for ________________; at any

    time up to and including the exercise date for ______________.

    Bermudan swaption; American swaption; European swaption

    American swaption; Bermudan swaption; European swaption

    European swaption; Bermudan swaption; American swaption

    American swaption; European swaption; Bermudan swaption

    Questions 26 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    A repurchase agreement occurs when:

    Explanation :A repurchase agreement involves the sale of a security to a counterparty with an agreement to

    repurchase it at a fixed price on an established future date.

    A company agrees to buy back its commercial paper before maturity

    A bank depositor agrees, in advance, to re-invest money in a negotiable certificate of


    An investor buys part of a government security dealers inventory and simultaneously

    agrees to sell it back

    The federal government agrees to buy T-bills

    Questions 27 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    The quoted rate on a US T-bill with 60 days to maturity is 8.12%. Its purchase price is $ 98.0 per$ 100. The money market yield is:

    Explanation :MMY = (100-98.00)/98.00*(360*100/60)=12.25%





    Questions 28 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    What is the correct order for progress in the foreign exchange?I. The Inter-war Period

    II. The Gold StandardIII. The Floating Rate Period

    IV. The Bretton Woods Par Value Period

    Explanation :The Gold Standard, 1880 - 1914

    The Inter-war Period, 1919 - 1939The Bretton Woods Par Value Period, 1946-1971

    The Floating Rate Period, 1971 to Present

    I, II, III, IV

    II, I, IV, III

    IV, III, II, I

    III, II, I, IV

    Questions 30 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    You are short CHF 13 million at 1.4525. If the USD/CHF is now quoted at 1.4685/90 and if youdeal at that rate, what profit or loss would you make?

    Explanation :To settle the short CHF position you need to buy CHF. You can buy 13 million CHF at13,000,000/1.4685 i.e., USD 8,852,570.65. The initial value of 13 million CHF is

    13,000,000/1.4525 i.e., USD 8,950,086.06. so the profit is USD 8,950,086.06 minus USD8,852,570.65 i.e., USD 97,515.41.

    Profit of USD 100,528.54

    Loss of USD 99,980.83


    Profit of USD 97,515.41

    Questions 31 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    An order in which no time or price is fixed for the execution of the order for the security to bepurchased or sold and it remains in effect until it is either cancelled or executed is known as:

    Market order

    Open order

    Stop order

    Limit order

    Questions 32 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Which of the following intermediaries operate in the equity markets?




    All of the above

    Questions 33 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Tick size is the minimum price fluctuation available in a marketplace-expressed in terms of pointsor fractions of a point of the price or rate.



    Questions 34 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Which of the following statements is not true?

    Explanation :

    Commodities are traded in spot as well as derivatives market.

    Commodities are store of value

    Commodities are physical substances

    Commodities are traded only in spot markets

    Commodities are traded in spot and derivative markets

    Questions 35 of 36

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  • 8/9/2019 Early signals


    Diagnostic Exam I

    Power markets are more fragmented than other commodity markets because it cannot be storedin the conventional sense. Therefore it is known as a _____ commodity.

    Explanation :Since, storage of electricity cannot be done in the conventional sense it is known as a flowcommodity.


    cash and carry


    all of the above

    Questions 36 of 36

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