Download - Early Case Analytics

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

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Catelas Early Case Analytics … NO SURPISES

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

How We Do ItCurrent Approach

So how can we provide the best possible information … EARLY … and eliminate possible surprises?

Collect, Cull, Review, Collect….… an iterative process

Keyword dependent and susceptible to surprises as more information is gathered

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal


Catelas Early Case Analytics … NO SURPRISES

Uncovering evidentiary supportEnabling counsel to make strategic decisions… earlier

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

We identify people relationships…

…and focus on the relevant data

How are we different

We don’t work with just “documents”….

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

How We Do It

IMEmail Telephony Log files

Behavioral Sciences

Social Network Analysis



How we do it

• Focus on people, relationships and timelines before reviewing content

• Import any communications data or documents:

• Email Log files• Native emails (nsf, pst)• 3rd party exports: Clearwell, Autonomy, Wave


• Visualize 100% of the organization before collection

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

How we make a difference

Catelas Identification Report

Exhaustive list for preservation

Justification to limit scope for collection


Answer 3 Questions:

1. Who are the ‘hot people’?

2. What are the ‘hot documents’?

3. What should we review first?

Catelas Early Case Analytics Report

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

Eliminating surprises

Fast, precise, impactful


Catelas Early Case Analytics … NO SURPISES

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Copyright © 2011 Catelas Inc. All rights reserved Early Case Analytics & Identification- Legal

Thank You

Robert Levey978 996 [email protected]