Download - E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Page 1: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

D 57085 C81 E4 19~9


Cnfield ConneCticut 1917 - 1919

~1IP 0 1921I f-11 Mbull j

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~~l~ill~i~ilillll(~[~f~ll11IIIIIIllIll 3 0231 00188 4852




Being a SoUvenir Program of the

CJ(eception and Celebration

held in their honor



SEPTE~R I 1919


s1o g-s c t


THE pleasure and pride with which we

welcome our veterans of the World War

can never be measured by words Enfield is

fortunate indeed to number you among her sons

and daughters-you whom we greet to-day and

you who returning no more can be met in

spirit only You have given much -the greater

part But watching your deeds your trials

your sacrifices overseas we who could not follow

you have striven each to do our part as best we

could and to keep faith with you With our

deepest appreciation of the sacrifices you have

made we ask that you accept and preserve this

souvenir of Enfields war record both abroad and

at home as an expression of the gratitude of her


Program of the Day 8110RNING

900 to 915-Ringing of Church School and Factory Bells 930-Parade-Service men Samuel Brown post G A R Spanshy

ish-American War Veterans Red Cross organization Boy Scouts Fraternql organizations Floats etc

1100-Exercises on Monument Square- Music by band selection by Liberty Chorus opening remarks by Walter P Schwabe general chairman welcome by Selectman Albert J Epstein patriotic address Col Charles L Young of Springfield Mass band selection presentashytion remarks by Philip J Sullivan followed by presentashytion of medals by Town Officials to Service Men and to parents whose sons made the Supreme Sacrifice selecshytion by Liberty Chorus


1215- Marching of Service Men Grand Army post and SpanishshyAmerican Var Veterans to Alden Avenue Ball Park

1230-Luncheon for Service Men and other Veterans

100-Unfurling of Stars and Stripes

115-Track and Field Events

300-Ball Game-Overseas Men vs Domestic Service Men for purse of $50 in gold

430- Marching of Veterans of the Three Vars to Kingsburys Grove

445-Clambake for all Veterans to be followed by program of Athletic Sports exclusively for Returned Service Men

500-Band Concert for general public on Ball Park 600-Lowering of the Colors

Officers of the General Committee Chairman Walter P Schwabe

Vice-Chairman Rev D Russ Judd

Secretary Philip J Sullivan Treasurer Robert F Kelly

Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice LYLE E ADAMS

Born in Burke Vt 1896 Killed in action Oct 23 1918

GEORGE E BRAYTON Born in New York 1892

Died in Maryland Hospital Oct 28 1918


Killed in action Oct 16 1918

CYRIL BUFTON Born in Enfield July 18 1898

Died at Ft Ethan Allen Vt June 6 1917

THOMAS PERCY EVERITT Born in Elora Can Aug 1 1890

Killed in action Oct 22 1918

LAZARUS A HAIRABEDIAN Born in Marash Turkey 1874

Killed in action Reported Dec 1918


Killed in action Oct 11 1918

S WILBUR McCRAY Born in Springfield Mass July 11 1899

Killed in action Oct 2 1918

ALBERT V POOLE Born in Enfield Oct 3 1891 Killed in action Aug 4 1918

EDWARD B SHEEHAN Born in Enfield July 22 1891

Died at Walter Reed Hospital Washington Feb 14 1919

HORACE J TANGUAY Born in Enfield July 23 1890 Killed in action July 22 1918

CHARLES G WILSON Born in New York Oct 24 1887

Died in Brooklyn Marine Hospital Nov 16 1918


Born in Enfield June 7 1888 Died in Quincy Mass Oct 4 1918

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


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Page 2: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

~1IP 0 1921I f-11 Mbull j

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~~l~ill~i~ilillll(~[~f~ll11IIIIIIllIll 3 0231 00188 4852




Being a SoUvenir Program of the

CJ(eception and Celebration

held in their honor



SEPTE~R I 1919


s1o g-s c t


THE pleasure and pride with which we

welcome our veterans of the World War

can never be measured by words Enfield is

fortunate indeed to number you among her sons

and daughters-you whom we greet to-day and

you who returning no more can be met in

spirit only You have given much -the greater

part But watching your deeds your trials

your sacrifices overseas we who could not follow

you have striven each to do our part as best we

could and to keep faith with you With our

deepest appreciation of the sacrifices you have

made we ask that you accept and preserve this

souvenir of Enfields war record both abroad and

at home as an expression of the gratitude of her


Program of the Day 8110RNING

900 to 915-Ringing of Church School and Factory Bells 930-Parade-Service men Samuel Brown post G A R Spanshy

ish-American War Veterans Red Cross organization Boy Scouts Fraternql organizations Floats etc

1100-Exercises on Monument Square- Music by band selection by Liberty Chorus opening remarks by Walter P Schwabe general chairman welcome by Selectman Albert J Epstein patriotic address Col Charles L Young of Springfield Mass band selection presentashytion remarks by Philip J Sullivan followed by presentashytion of medals by Town Officials to Service Men and to parents whose sons made the Supreme Sacrifice selecshytion by Liberty Chorus


1215- Marching of Service Men Grand Army post and SpanishshyAmerican Var Veterans to Alden Avenue Ball Park

1230-Luncheon for Service Men and other Veterans

100-Unfurling of Stars and Stripes

115-Track and Field Events

300-Ball Game-Overseas Men vs Domestic Service Men for purse of $50 in gold

430- Marching of Veterans of the Three Vars to Kingsburys Grove

445-Clambake for all Veterans to be followed by program of Athletic Sports exclusively for Returned Service Men

500-Band Concert for general public on Ball Park 600-Lowering of the Colors

Officers of the General Committee Chairman Walter P Schwabe

Vice-Chairman Rev D Russ Judd

Secretary Philip J Sullivan Treasurer Robert F Kelly

Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice LYLE E ADAMS

Born in Burke Vt 1896 Killed in action Oct 23 1918

GEORGE E BRAYTON Born in New York 1892

Died in Maryland Hospital Oct 28 1918


Killed in action Oct 16 1918

CYRIL BUFTON Born in Enfield July 18 1898

Died at Ft Ethan Allen Vt June 6 1917

THOMAS PERCY EVERITT Born in Elora Can Aug 1 1890

Killed in action Oct 22 1918

LAZARUS A HAIRABEDIAN Born in Marash Turkey 1874

Killed in action Reported Dec 1918


Killed in action Oct 11 1918

S WILBUR McCRAY Born in Springfield Mass July 11 1899

Killed in action Oct 2 1918

ALBERT V POOLE Born in Enfield Oct 3 1891 Killed in action Aug 4 1918

EDWARD B SHEEHAN Born in Enfield July 22 1891

Died at Walter Reed Hospital Washington Feb 14 1919

HORACE J TANGUAY Born in Enfield July 23 1890 Killed in action July 22 1918

CHARLES G WILSON Born in New York Oct 24 1887

Died in Brooklyn Marine Hospital Nov 16 1918


Born in Enfield June 7 1888 Died in Quincy Mass Oct 4 1918

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
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  • o57677953_013
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Page 3: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~~l~ill~i~ilillll(~[~f~ll11IIIIIIllIll 3 0231 00188 4852




Being a SoUvenir Program of the

CJ(eception and Celebration

held in their honor



SEPTE~R I 1919


s1o g-s c t


THE pleasure and pride with which we

welcome our veterans of the World War

can never be measured by words Enfield is

fortunate indeed to number you among her sons

and daughters-you whom we greet to-day and

you who returning no more can be met in

spirit only You have given much -the greater

part But watching your deeds your trials

your sacrifices overseas we who could not follow

you have striven each to do our part as best we

could and to keep faith with you With our

deepest appreciation of the sacrifices you have

made we ask that you accept and preserve this

souvenir of Enfields war record both abroad and

at home as an expression of the gratitude of her


Program of the Day 8110RNING

900 to 915-Ringing of Church School and Factory Bells 930-Parade-Service men Samuel Brown post G A R Spanshy

ish-American War Veterans Red Cross organization Boy Scouts Fraternql organizations Floats etc

1100-Exercises on Monument Square- Music by band selection by Liberty Chorus opening remarks by Walter P Schwabe general chairman welcome by Selectman Albert J Epstein patriotic address Col Charles L Young of Springfield Mass band selection presentashytion remarks by Philip J Sullivan followed by presentashytion of medals by Town Officials to Service Men and to parents whose sons made the Supreme Sacrifice selecshytion by Liberty Chorus


1215- Marching of Service Men Grand Army post and SpanishshyAmerican Var Veterans to Alden Avenue Ball Park

1230-Luncheon for Service Men and other Veterans

100-Unfurling of Stars and Stripes

115-Track and Field Events

300-Ball Game-Overseas Men vs Domestic Service Men for purse of $50 in gold

430- Marching of Veterans of the Three Vars to Kingsburys Grove

445-Clambake for all Veterans to be followed by program of Athletic Sports exclusively for Returned Service Men

500-Band Concert for general public on Ball Park 600-Lowering of the Colors

Officers of the General Committee Chairman Walter P Schwabe

Vice-Chairman Rev D Russ Judd

Secretary Philip J Sullivan Treasurer Robert F Kelly

Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice LYLE E ADAMS

Born in Burke Vt 1896 Killed in action Oct 23 1918

GEORGE E BRAYTON Born in New York 1892

Died in Maryland Hospital Oct 28 1918


Killed in action Oct 16 1918

CYRIL BUFTON Born in Enfield July 18 1898

Died at Ft Ethan Allen Vt June 6 1917

THOMAS PERCY EVERITT Born in Elora Can Aug 1 1890

Killed in action Oct 22 1918

LAZARUS A HAIRABEDIAN Born in Marash Turkey 1874

Killed in action Reported Dec 1918


Killed in action Oct 11 1918

S WILBUR McCRAY Born in Springfield Mass July 11 1899

Killed in action Oct 2 1918

ALBERT V POOLE Born in Enfield Oct 3 1891 Killed in action Aug 4 1918

EDWARD B SHEEHAN Born in Enfield July 22 1891

Died at Walter Reed Hospital Washington Feb 14 1919

HORACE J TANGUAY Born in Enfield July 23 1890 Killed in action July 22 1918

CHARLES G WILSON Born in New York Oct 24 1887

Died in Brooklyn Marine Hospital Nov 16 1918


Born in Enfield June 7 1888 Died in Quincy Mass Oct 4 1918

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
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  • o57677953_014
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Page 4: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919


THE pleasure and pride with which we

welcome our veterans of the World War

can never be measured by words Enfield is

fortunate indeed to number you among her sons

and daughters-you whom we greet to-day and

you who returning no more can be met in

spirit only You have given much -the greater

part But watching your deeds your trials

your sacrifices overseas we who could not follow

you have striven each to do our part as best we

could and to keep faith with you With our

deepest appreciation of the sacrifices you have

made we ask that you accept and preserve this

souvenir of Enfields war record both abroad and

at home as an expression of the gratitude of her


Program of the Day 8110RNING

900 to 915-Ringing of Church School and Factory Bells 930-Parade-Service men Samuel Brown post G A R Spanshy

ish-American War Veterans Red Cross organization Boy Scouts Fraternql organizations Floats etc

1100-Exercises on Monument Square- Music by band selection by Liberty Chorus opening remarks by Walter P Schwabe general chairman welcome by Selectman Albert J Epstein patriotic address Col Charles L Young of Springfield Mass band selection presentashytion remarks by Philip J Sullivan followed by presentashytion of medals by Town Officials to Service Men and to parents whose sons made the Supreme Sacrifice selecshytion by Liberty Chorus


1215- Marching of Service Men Grand Army post and SpanishshyAmerican Var Veterans to Alden Avenue Ball Park

1230-Luncheon for Service Men and other Veterans

100-Unfurling of Stars and Stripes

115-Track and Field Events

300-Ball Game-Overseas Men vs Domestic Service Men for purse of $50 in gold

430- Marching of Veterans of the Three Vars to Kingsburys Grove

445-Clambake for all Veterans to be followed by program of Athletic Sports exclusively for Returned Service Men

500-Band Concert for general public on Ball Park 600-Lowering of the Colors

Officers of the General Committee Chairman Walter P Schwabe

Vice-Chairman Rev D Russ Judd

Secretary Philip J Sullivan Treasurer Robert F Kelly

Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice LYLE E ADAMS

Born in Burke Vt 1896 Killed in action Oct 23 1918

GEORGE E BRAYTON Born in New York 1892

Died in Maryland Hospital Oct 28 1918


Killed in action Oct 16 1918

CYRIL BUFTON Born in Enfield July 18 1898

Died at Ft Ethan Allen Vt June 6 1917

THOMAS PERCY EVERITT Born in Elora Can Aug 1 1890

Killed in action Oct 22 1918

LAZARUS A HAIRABEDIAN Born in Marash Turkey 1874

Killed in action Reported Dec 1918


Killed in action Oct 11 1918

S WILBUR McCRAY Born in Springfield Mass July 11 1899

Killed in action Oct 2 1918

ALBERT V POOLE Born in Enfield Oct 3 1891 Killed in action Aug 4 1918

EDWARD B SHEEHAN Born in Enfield July 22 1891

Died at Walter Reed Hospital Washington Feb 14 1919

HORACE J TANGUAY Born in Enfield July 23 1890 Killed in action July 22 1918

CHARLES G WILSON Born in New York Oct 24 1887

Died in Brooklyn Marine Hospital Nov 16 1918


Born in Enfield June 7 1888 Died in Quincy Mass Oct 4 1918

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 5: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Program of the Day 8110RNING

900 to 915-Ringing of Church School and Factory Bells 930-Parade-Service men Samuel Brown post G A R Spanshy

ish-American War Veterans Red Cross organization Boy Scouts Fraternql organizations Floats etc

1100-Exercises on Monument Square- Music by band selection by Liberty Chorus opening remarks by Walter P Schwabe general chairman welcome by Selectman Albert J Epstein patriotic address Col Charles L Young of Springfield Mass band selection presentashytion remarks by Philip J Sullivan followed by presentashytion of medals by Town Officials to Service Men and to parents whose sons made the Supreme Sacrifice selecshytion by Liberty Chorus


1215- Marching of Service Men Grand Army post and SpanishshyAmerican Var Veterans to Alden Avenue Ball Park

1230-Luncheon for Service Men and other Veterans

100-Unfurling of Stars and Stripes

115-Track and Field Events

300-Ball Game-Overseas Men vs Domestic Service Men for purse of $50 in gold

430- Marching of Veterans of the Three Vars to Kingsburys Grove

445-Clambake for all Veterans to be followed by program of Athletic Sports exclusively for Returned Service Men

500-Band Concert for general public on Ball Park 600-Lowering of the Colors

Officers of the General Committee Chairman Walter P Schwabe

Vice-Chairman Rev D Russ Judd

Secretary Philip J Sullivan Treasurer Robert F Kelly

Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice LYLE E ADAMS

Born in Burke Vt 1896 Killed in action Oct 23 1918

GEORGE E BRAYTON Born in New York 1892

Died in Maryland Hospital Oct 28 1918


Killed in action Oct 16 1918

CYRIL BUFTON Born in Enfield July 18 1898

Died at Ft Ethan Allen Vt June 6 1917

THOMAS PERCY EVERITT Born in Elora Can Aug 1 1890

Killed in action Oct 22 1918

LAZARUS A HAIRABEDIAN Born in Marash Turkey 1874

Killed in action Reported Dec 1918


Killed in action Oct 11 1918

S WILBUR McCRAY Born in Springfield Mass July 11 1899

Killed in action Oct 2 1918

ALBERT V POOLE Born in Enfield Oct 3 1891 Killed in action Aug 4 1918

EDWARD B SHEEHAN Born in Enfield July 22 1891

Died at Walter Reed Hospital Washington Feb 14 1919

HORACE J TANGUAY Born in Enfield July 23 1890 Killed in action July 22 1918

CHARLES G WILSON Born in New York Oct 24 1887

Died in Brooklyn Marine Hospital Nov 16 1918


Born in Enfield June 7 1888 Died in Quincy Mass Oct 4 1918

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


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Page 6: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice LYLE E ADAMS

Born in Burke Vt 1896 Killed in action Oct 23 1918

GEORGE E BRAYTON Born in New York 1892

Died in Maryland Hospital Oct 28 1918


Killed in action Oct 16 1918

CYRIL BUFTON Born in Enfield July 18 1898

Died at Ft Ethan Allen Vt June 6 1917

THOMAS PERCY EVERITT Born in Elora Can Aug 1 1890

Killed in action Oct 22 1918

LAZARUS A HAIRABEDIAN Born in Marash Turkey 1874

Killed in action Reported Dec 1918


Killed in action Oct 11 1918

S WILBUR McCRAY Born in Springfield Mass July 11 1899

Killed in action Oct 2 1918

ALBERT V POOLE Born in Enfield Oct 3 1891 Killed in action Aug 4 1918

EDWARD B SHEEHAN Born in Enfield July 22 1891

Died at Walter Reed Hospital Washington Feb 14 1919

HORACE J TANGUAY Born in Enfield July 23 1890 Killed in action July 22 1918

CHARLES G WILSON Born in New York Oct 24 1887

Died in Brooklyn Marine Hospital Nov 16 1918


Born in Enfield June 7 1888 Died in Quincy Mass Oct 4 1918

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
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Page 7: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

List of residents of the T own of Enfield Connecticut who served in the naval or military forces during the W orld War

Adams Lyle E Alaggio Angelo Allen Charles H Allen Chester R Alfano Benedetto Altiparmakis Charles Angelico Biagio Archontous Ulysses Arrowsmith vVm Arsenault Arthur J Ash T homas Aveyard George G Baker Stanlev A Banks E dward Barnes Howard Barney Azel T Barney Maynard V Barrett Frederick S Barton Alexanuer Barton Arch ibald Becker W illiam Fl Bedard Arthur Beehler Orrin W Bennett E dward F Bennett John F Bennett iTilf red Joseph Bernier J ames Bernier Leon F Bernier P hilip J Bidwell Charles 0 Bielitz Frank A Bilello Salvatore Bissonnette Origine M Blackburn Raymond E Blazejewski Thaddeus Blunden Charles vV Boggio Edward T Bomley Charles F Bordeau Joseph Bostick Stephen

of the United States or its Allies

Boucher J eremiah Boudreau Arthur J Bourgeoise Maurice J Boushey W illiam E Bourque Louis N Bradsnyder Henry E Brahman Wallace Henry Brainard C Duncan Brainard Malcolm S Brancato Luigi

Brayton George E Bridge Alexander L Brigada Felice J Brigada Joseph Brodeur Val-lie Bromage Harold J Brown Raleigh B Brunnell Francis X

Bruno Guiseppe Burke Francis A Buck Allison G Buck Leslie J

Bufton Cyril Burbank Arthur J Burnejka Michael Buscemi Baldassare Bushnell Ira Swift Button Edward VI Byrnes Matthew J Caldwell J ames R Caramazza middotSalvatore Cardaropali Francesco Cardarazue Francesco Carroll Edward W Carson Harry Herbert Castonguay Lawrence Catalano Modesto Cavanaugh Daniel C Cervaicjus Ruozupus Cerrato Raphael

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 8: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Chadderton Thomas Chalyin C George Chmielewski Antoni Chandler Charles Chouinard Joseph P Chouinard Wilfmiddotred Thomas Cimino Domenico Clark Frank W Cochrane Colin M Cole Earl Comparetto Calogero Conboy John P Conlin Raymond Conte Carmine Cook John Henry Coombs William F Cote John Cfabtree George Cusimano Joseph A Cygan Ignatius DAgostino Joseph Daniels Anielo Danil Eveipetis DArsey Thomas F Daunes Benedict Davison Arthur Leete Decrisanti Donato DeFeo Louis Deland Bruce W Delaney Thomas J Delaney William L Denoia Domenico Dixon Clifford D Dixon Robert H Doherty Joseph Dooley John P Dowd Clement V Downey Lawrence T Downton Alfred Dutton Lendon F Dziedziencius Matisens Epstein S Raymond

Everitt Thomas Percy Fabrico Francesco Fahey Thomas M Fahey William A Farrington Edward F

Farrington John W Fennell Edward A Ferguson Goven R Flack Gordon V Fleming John J Fredericks Frederick Jr Frigon Frank Furey Charles A Fundannazzo Salvator Galipeau Edward L Gallant Albert R Gallant Daniel Gallant John W Galloway Aloysius Gamache Joseph Gamble Charles D Ganner George A Gannuscio Bernardo Gati Tomaso Gavin William E Geffen Arthur Gendron Harry Gendron Henry Gendron William Godfrey Alfred P Gogoli John Golasz Stephan Gordon David W Gorman Edgar J Gowdy Raymond W Grady Arthur Joseph Grady Emerick Gray Christopher Greco Vincenzo Green Harold G Griffin John A Griffin John Edwin Griffin Joseph Griffin Lawrence P Griffin Maurice J

Hairabedian Lazarus A Hale Clarence Hallam Theobald J Hallas David Milford

Handley Timothy W Hannifin Thomas Hannon J olm

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 9: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Hardiman Arthur J Harper James J Harrison Ralph H Hasekian Leon P Hartiz Frank Henry Norman vV Higgins John E Higgins John Joseph Higgins Martin J Higgins Michael P Hoggett Clifford R Holloway Gordon E Holrikas William Houlihan Michael J Howard George T Humphries Albert E Hutton John E Hymans Mauritz S Johnston J olm Knox Judd Theodore Hoffman Kane Maurice A Kamaros Stratz D Kelly Andrew J Rev Kennedy Lionel J Kidd John Joseph King Clarence T King Robert E Klein Lester A Knight Harry Kologeros John Komitsky Camil Krgowski Stanley Kudla Joseph Kuica Antonio Lach Andrew LaFreniere Leon J LaGrange Edward LaGrange Frederick E LaJoie Leo F Landolfi Pasquale Landry Henry J Landry Thomas Lane Donald V Lapenskar Frank Larrabee Joseph W Larrabee Ovila Louis Lavers Roscoe Edwin

Lavigne Harold A Lawton John Joseph Leach Roland Leathe Charles B Leete Malcolm R Leete Raymond E Legensa Joseph Leggett Albert V Lemay Florian Lisiak Frank K Lloyd Francis G Locke Herbert E Locke Wilbur T Long Joseph P Loughlin John Lynch George B Maffe Alberto C Maher Raymond J Mahoney Joseph P Malia Martin A Mallard Clifford E Mallard Raymond G Mallardi Giuseppe Mangin Silvestro Marcinkiewicz John Marentis George Marks Herbert A Martin Charles E Martin Eugene Masek Frank Maslenski Stanislaw Mathewson George T Maylott Russell F McAviney Norman

McCray S Wilbur McGowan Thos F McKelligott William G McKinney Harold H McKinney Leon L McLaren William MeN amara Joseph middot H McNevish William MeN evin William A Mellor John H Merrill Albert F Merrill Clifford T Midgorski Zigmont

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 10: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Miller James J Miller Joseph W Mills Charles Mills William A Mistretta Vincent J Mitchell Harold S Manseau Walter F Moore Earl R Moore Harold G Moore John Moquin Ernest H Morin Philip Moszlinski Stanislaw Murphy William R Murray Thomas J Naylor Earl J Needham James J Neelans Alf red W N eelans Harold G Nichols James Niemiec John Nolan D J Novak John Nuccio Benny Nuccio Peter OBrien Martin Vvilliam OBrien P Edward OConnor Comelius Vv OConnor Thomas J OHear Francis X OHara James Arthur OKeefe Patrick V Oliphant James Papafil Theodore Paradise F rank A Pare Armand Pare Raoul G Perreault Phillip Pasquariello Antonio Passalacqua Giuseppe Pasini Charles Pastormerlo Carlo Patrevita Artilaro Patrevita Giovanni Patruno Tohn Petersen middotr-Ians Petrokilos Gregory

Pititteri Rosario Plamondon Joseph A

Poole Albert V Porchello Matte Positano Adrea Potter Giles E Prezinso Angelo Provencher Leon Arthur Provenzano Salvatore Purdy Harold Vincent Puzzo Domenko Quinn Nicholas S Rabbitt James H Renfrew Dudley Resta middotFrancesco Richards Herbert G Richards Leon B Rinaldi Vincenzo Rinaldo Giuseppe Rivers Elmer J Roberts Frank vV Roberts Kenneth C Robinson Fred Rockwell George 0 Rodosti Leonard Romanavakan Yourocjis Roux Philip Rowan Thomas Ryan Edward F Ryan William Ryder Walter J Salley Leon F Sanford Arthur H Sanford Charles B Sant Andrea Guiseppe Santacroce Nicolas Santaniello Angelo Sapsuzian Gregory M Jr Sapsuzian Haig K Sapsuzian Leon K Sapsuzian Samuel S Sarno Giovanni Scalia Calogero Schianca Giuseppe Schivone Carlo Scott George Scussire John

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 11: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

Sferrazza Francesco Shannon Francis J Shannon Joseph Shea John P Shea Michael James Shea William L

Sheehan Edward B Sherida11 Joseph E Sianko Walter Simonton Frank F M D Sisitzky Abraham Sisitzky Samuel Slamon W m R Slaybard Joseph E Smith Arthur Smith Herbert Smith Richard Smith William Sredzinski Telesfor Stack Patrick F Stack Thomas Edward Stafford James Stanley Charles Starr Wilfred J Steele Albert H Stetson Norman L Storino Natale Stowe Raymond T Sullivan John Lawrence Sullivan Arthur G Sullivan John L Sullivan Joseph P Sullivan Philip J Jr Surprenant Charles V Swadas Adolf Tamasauskas Rokus Tanguay Edgar P Tanguay Eugene J

Tanguay Horace J Tanguay Philip E Tanguay Roland J Tate Carroll C Tatro Emery Taylor Fred H Thidzinski Kazimerz Thiesse Charles 0

Thomson Alan T Thompson Anthony Thompson William G Thorp Frederick H Toon William H Tierney Fred M Tierney John Joseph Tierney Martin J Trudeau Andrew J Thurber Charles Tredola Carmine Triggs Patrick F Trioli John Ulan John V andano Emilio Vasseur Gilbert N Varno Herbert A Vella Vincenzo Vesce John Virdiglio Patsy Virone Guiseppe Visekas Procopos Warburton Edward J Warner Charles R Warner Everett J VTarner Wilbur Watton Martin John Weller Albert H Wahlenberg William White Ransford Joseph White Fred White Frederick E White John D Wieno Joseph Wiles William E

Wilson Charles G Wismant Alexander J Wood William 0 Woodruff Frank P Woodward Stanley H Wysocki Victor Young Willard R Young William J Zakarian Nazaret Zirolli Giovanni Zubickis Alex

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 12: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

BRITISH-CANADIAN RECRUITING MISSION Morin Charles Welch Lawrence C Profeta John Angelica Peter Hill Joseph McDermott Edward Howard Herbert Wood Thomas A

Whatmore George

POLISH LEGION Cieslak Stanislaw Pelczar Antoni Fryzlo Jakob Paja Andrzej Gwozdz Piotr Prejzner Wladyslaw Zielenski Franciszek J uniewicz Czeslaw Pasterczyk Stanislaw J emiolo Michal Kiszka Wawezyniec Sienkowski Wladyslaw Korona Wojciech Witkos J uzef Miehalczyk Piotr Wachol Piotr Nowak Franciszek Szostek Andrzej Maslenski Alex Karp Stanislaw

RED CROSS NURSES Malia J Elizabeth Love Grace

OConnor Elizabeth Uzelmeier Elizabeth P Fisher Augustine Malone Adelle C

Wilson Agnes F

STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS Abbe Leslie Morgan King Frederick Stanley Burns John Francis Mitchell Thomas Francis Bromage William H OHear John Francis Bridge Chester Gordon Pouchot Francis 0 Caldwell Warren Francis Rosenberger Edward Glen Fahey Francis James Slanetz Charles A Ferguson John J Slanetz Edward J Hilditch Leon Moore Simmons Frank Abbe

Starr Albert Ernest


UNITED WAR ACTIVITIES Mulligan William J Bourque Ernest Brodrick Martin E Parkman Edgar H Cavanaugh John F Woodward Olin E Dinneen Michael J Brainard D William

Malia John T

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 13: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

What enfield Contributed To the Service 517 men and women

To Red Cross Drives $1634100 To United War Drive 1366400 To Y M C A Drive 404235 To K of C Drive 260000 To Library Fund Drive 54350 To Smileage Book Drive 6800 To Red Cross Membership Drives 534600 To Salvation Army Drive 233557 To Near East Drive 200000

$4694042 Average per person $469

To Library Books Drive 350 vols

What enfield Loaned Through the patriotic efforts of the Enfield Liberty Loan Comshy

mittee of 100 Lyman A Upson chairman the following amounts were subscribed in the various Liberty Loan campaigns

Number of Per cent ofSQuota ubscnbecl Subscriptions Population

First Liberty Loan_______ No Quota $8000000 Unknown Unknown

Second Liberty Loan _____$27000000 33380000 1324 13 plus Third Liberty Loan______ 19160000 26000000 1800 18 Fourth Liberty Loan ______ 38500000 42980000 2582 25 plus Fifth Liberty Loan _______ 28800000 32190000 1200 12

$142550000 War Drive Stamp Campaign_______ 8000000

Jverage per person--------~ ----------------------------------- $15055 Valuation of town---------------------------------------------$861781800 Percentage of loans to valuation 18

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 14: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919

enfield war Bureau John K Bissland Mark W Bushnell Chairmen

Frederick E Hunter Mrs David Gordon Walter P Schwabe Rev William F OBrien Grover C Bowman Albert J Epstein P J Rogers Philip J Sullivan Horace B Brainard J Hamilton Potter Charles H Willson John M Savage Teresio Marinaccio James T Murray Patrick F Burke Jr Mrs Mark W Bushnell George S Phelps Lyman A Upson

enfield ~d Cross Chairman Mrs Mark W Bushnell

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs J Hamilton Potter

ExecutiVe Committee Mrs George S Phelps Miss Anna Hannigan Mrs George Douglass Mrs S H Neelans Mrs Frank Stuart Mrs William A Bridge Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Susie M Pilkington Mrs Thomas Hargraves Mrs George T Finch

Mrs D J Mullane

CJgd Cross cActiYities Hospital Garments and Supplies Completed 5708 Surgical Dressings 44740 I(nitted Goods 6700 Comfort Kits 600

enfield Liberty Chorus The Enfield Liberty Chorus under the leadership of Denslow

King rendered valued patriotic service PRESS OF H C BRAINARD


  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016
Page 15: E4 'The VETERANS of Cnfield, ConneCticut · D . 570.85 .C81 . E4 . 19~9 'The . WORLD WAR VETERANS . of . Cnfield, ConneCticut . 1917 - 1919
  • o57677953_001
  • o57677953_002
  • o57677953_003
  • o57677953_004
  • o57677953_005
  • o57677953_006
  • o57677953_007
  • o57677953_008
  • o57677953_009
  • o57677953_010
  • o57677953_011
  • o57677953_012
  • o57677953_013
  • o57677953_014
  • o57677953_015
  • o57677953_016