Download - E uvoices catalonia 2


Gerard Pitarch, Andrea Ortiz, Adriana Lavín,

Mariona Lopez and Enric Jaulent

EUvoices EUvoices Comenius Comenius

Índex• Presentation

• Arrived

• First day

• Second day

• Third day

• Last day

PRESENTATION• Hello, we are the school ambassadors,

and in Sicily we represented our school.

Arrived• We arrived to

Sicily at night, we met the family's that were waiting for us, and we went with theme to his house.

The first day• The first day we went to Montreale with a bus, to visit a

church and to lunch all together.

• In the afternoon we went to Palermo, that it’s the capital of Sicily, we visit a palace and we walk around the city.

• Finally, we arrive at the “Piazza Garibaldi” because the families were waiting for us and we went to our houses.

The second dayThe second day we went to his school to do the

presentation of our school and we explain information about Catalunya, for example, the gastronomy, places

to visit, the traditions thinks, the geography…

• In the afternoon we went to visit Collesano that is a beautiful place.

The third day • In the morning we stay in the school.

• In the afternoon we went to Cefalú to visit the principal of he village and go shopping. There we bought an ice-cream and a lot of souvenirs. I think that this village is my favorite one together with Campofelice di Rocella

• And at night we went to a excellent restaurant to dinner all together to say good bye.

The last day• On Thursday at 10 am, we were on

"Piazza Garibaldi" to say good bye to the host families before the travel to Barcelona.

• At 7:30 pm we arrived to Barcelona's airport very happy with the experience

• This interchange it has been very useful and interesting.

• We learned other languages, discovered other country and his culture.

• We lived with eight different nationalities speaking English.


• We want to give thanks to our school, the teachers Laia and Mireia and very especially to the Sicilian families that have hosted us.

Special thanks

The end

We hope you like our Comenius Presentation!!