Download - E THE HANGE WEEK 11: Feb. 9€¦ · circumstances, joy is an inner state of mind and heart. Indeed, joy, as Archbishop Tutu points out, makes everything more do-able. We have paired

Page 1: E THE HANGE WEEK 11: Feb. 9€¦ · circumstances, joy is an inner state of mind and heart. Indeed, joy, as Archbishop Tutu points out, makes everything more do-able. We have paired

BE THE CHANGE - WEEK 11: Feb. 9-15 Joy, Creativity & Humor

“Discovering more joy does not save us from the inevitability of hardships and heartbreak. In fact, we may cry more easily, but we will also laugh more easily, too. Perhaps we are just more alive. Yet as we discover more joy, we can face suffering in a way that ennobles rather than embitters. We have hardship without being hard. We have heartbreak without being broken.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Joy has found its way into our 90-day program to remind us that, as we take conscious action, we need not lose our joy in living. We know that while happiness is often seen as an external state dependent on outer circumstances, joy is an inner state of mind and heart. Indeed, joy, as Archbishop Tutu points out, makes everything more do-able.

We have paired joy with creativity and humor to remind us all of the importance of relaxing, allowing and enjoying, even when pursuing “very serious” issues and goals! In fact, my teacher Thich Nhat Hanh instituted a “lazy” day for his fellow humanitarian aid workers during the Vietnam War to relax, play and rest.

When was the last “lazy” day you took – with no agenda, nothing to do but rest, relax and enjoy? Creativity always results from this kind of time!

Why not try it?

Dr. Andrea

This week’s assignments: 6 Days a Week: Do ten minutes or more of spiritual practice. 6 Days a Week: Read the daily passages from Mark Nepo’s “The Book of Awakening” - Feb. 9-15. Watch/Listen to 2 talks this week: Michael Meade - “The Need for the Ecstatic” Elizabeth Gilbert - “Your Elusive Creative Genius” TRIPPING OVER JOY

What is the difference Between your experience of Existence And that of a saint?

The saint knows That the spiritual path Is a sublime chess game with God And that the Beloved Has just made such a Fantastic Move That the saint is now continually Tripping over Joy And bursting out in Laughter And saying, “I Surrender!”

Whereas, my dear, I am afraid you still think You have a thousand serious moves.

― Hafez





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J. B










