Download - E-Commerce With MLM Software

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software



    C. B. Online Pvt. Ltd. is an Online

    have started our operation in M

    adding branches to our Service ran

    timely support to client. Client re

    pattern. We have a team of young

    Our Story:

    C.B Online is one of the fastest g

    solutions over a decade, helping b

    Navi Mumbai, India (Headquarters

    range with each passing day to recreates opportunities empowering

    on our customers, providing optim

    CB Online family endeavors to brin

    and Malaysia. Our high-end servic

    the highest standards in the indust

    Our Vision & Missi

    We want to be the very best in

    worldwide. We are result-orientcommitment. We do our best to en

    Our Teams

    Our teams of online marketing p

    handling multiple projects and cli

    almost all the projects that they h

    plans and solutions with an eye

    investing in your own online marke

    Software Solution Provider based in Mumbai, Indi

    umbai (Financial Capital Of Asia) and from Y2

    ge. At C. B. Online Pvt. Ltd., our main focus is qualit

    tention is our main motto, we never think abou

    energetic professionals.

    owing online software providers, organized to of

    usinesses build their global presence. With our h

    ), we believe in growing as a whole, expanding ou

    ach new heights. Our innovatively developed andbusinesses to make an impact globally. We at C.B

    ized web solution and real time support to our est

    g a positive change that is set in motion across Indi

    s like Web Development, Internet marketing and

    y creating a path for you to be the market leader.


    providing expert Web Development Services a

    d and focus on our customers satisfaction, mhance the user experience with our outside the bo

    rofessionals at C. B. Online Pvt. Ltd. are highly

    ents. The team's experience and training ensur

    ndle. They are also proficient in providing the bes

    on your budget. Therefore you won't have to t

    ting campaign as they will be both effective as well

    a. In early Y2k ,we

    till now ,we are

    y of our services &

    one time service

    fer optimized web

    mble beginning in

    r base and service

    designed websites Online, emphasize

    eemed clients. The

    a and in U.S.A, U.K

    -Commerce are of

    d Web Solutions,

    k ing it a lifetimethinking.

    experienced with

    s their success in

    t online marketing

    hink twice before

    as cheap.

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    The Team is primarily divided into

    The Managers: The Managers in t

    is to keep the work flow going with

    the major developments and detail

    The Developers: The Developers a

    according to search engine norms.

    for the customer and subsequently

    The Marketing Team: The Marketi

    services, link building, keyword res

    The Content Development Team:

    churn out unique content for the si




    Financial Services




    Multi State Society

    NBFC Software

    Nidhi Software

    Banking Software


    Affiliated Software

    MLM Solution

    Travel Software

    four parts:

    e team are the oldest and most experienced staff

    minimum hitches. They are also tasked with the jo

    ed status of the project to the clients.

    e tasked with the designing and development of t

    At the same time, they also ensure that the site is

    providing all necessary data.

    ng guys use a variety of white hat techniques that i

    arch, etc. to ensure the top position for your site.

    he Content Developers primary work profile is to c



    K ON

    whose prime duty

    b to communicate

    e client website

    ttractive enough

    nclude SEO


  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Real Estate

    Retail Software

    Call Center

    Hospital Software School Software

    HR Software

    Hotel Software

    Logistics Software

    Stock Inventory




    Static & Dynamic We

    E-commerce Solution

    Web Application Dev

    Windows Application

    Mobile App Develop

    Logo, Website & Bro

    Corporate Identity D Bulk SMS Service

    Search Engine Optimi

    Social Media Optimiz

    Web Hosting

    Web Content / Techn

    Technical Training (C

    IDE bsite Development




    ent (Android & iOS)

    hure Design


    zation (SEO)

    tion (SMO)

    ical Writing


  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software



    PHPWe offer expert PHP We

    Depending on specific cli

    solution for considerably s

    time and cost saving adva

    scalable and inexpensive w


    MySQL Community Server

    expert MySQL database d

    application. We leverage th

    to deliver full- featured, scal


    We offer expert .NET Applic

    Depending on specific clien

    considerably small to comp

    saving advantages of this

    Standalone/Web solutions.


    Microsoft SQL Server is a re

    database driven application


    design and programming services for vario

    nt requirements our PHP team will develo

    all website to complex internet application.

    ntages of open source technologies to deliv

    b solutions.

    is the world's most popular open source dat

    iven application services for various client n

    e time and cost saving advantages of open sou

    able and inexpensive solutions.

    ation design and programming services for vari

    t requirements our team will develop a custom

    lex Windows/Web applications. We leverage t

    technology to deliver full- featured, scalable

    lational database management system. We off

    services for various client needs to complex app

    us client needs.

    p a customized

    e leverage the

    r full- featured,

    abase. We offer

    eds to complex

    rce technologies

    ous client needs.

    ized solution for

    e time and cost

    and inexpensive

    r expert MS-SQL


  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Other Technologies

    We also serves our clients wit

    Drupal, Ruby On Rail, Presta-Sho

    C B Online Pvt. Ltd. nurturesbusiness experts. The team prid

    Getting to understand yo

    Working with the client t

    Making it easier to under


    Lowering your marketing

    Increasing the sales and p

    Software Quality Assuran

    We, at C. B. Online Pvt. Ltd. co

    comes to software developmen

    customer's every demand and

    products. The software that is d

    account for performanceand sta

    Other than that, software needs

    is the next important check t

    universally supportable by major

    Our strict level of quality controlor faulty. The slightest hint of a

    This results in software that is d

    customer'sdemands and bench

    following technologies: WordPress, Magent

    and many more other technologies.

    an efficient team comprising of both technolthemselves on

    r business

    create a total web application

    tand all the technical aspects

    with your clients


    rofitabilityof your business


    ntinuously strive to provide the best possibl

    t and testing. The quality is maintained so as

    also to maintain our reputation as a develop

    eveloped is made to pass through hundreds of

    bility which are the two important needs of our

    to be supported by basic programs and opera

    at our product goes through to ensure tha

    operating systems and programs.

    and checks ensure that the software rarely turnefect and they are promptly discarded without

    efect-free and provides optimum performance


    , Joomla, Zend,

    ogy experts and

    quality when it

    to adhere to the

    er of top quality

    quality checks to


    ing systems. This

    our software is

    s out to defectivea question asked.

    according to the

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Customer SupportWe provide outstanding voice

    fulltime employees giving techni

    e-Commerce Softwar

    Comprehensive Web Base

    Customizableas per client

    Robust system being teste

    Easily export the reports i

    Integrated with real time

    Customizable MIS reports

    Multi User system for mor

    Can incorporated with all

    On Demand Technical Sup

    We provide completely customiz

    and experienced in developing th

    The team is capable to develop c

    have integrated every common f

    have included several new and hisoftware all rounder. The web ba

    you can spread your e-Commerc

    Salient Key Features of Our Simple e-Commerce Ma

    Category/Product Mana

    Order Management Syst

    Easy Order Processing

    Easy Stock Inventory

    Commission Manger for

    Responsive Website

    non-voice support to all our clients. Presentl

    cal & sales support.


    d Real Time Software

    's requirement

    d for thousands of records

    to PDF, Microsoft Word and Excel

    mail and Mobile SMS system

    e transparency & security

    ypes of Referral Program Plans


    able software for e-Commerce. Our core team i

    e e-Commerce Software to start such company

    stomize e-Commerce Software as per your req

    ature that the e-Commerce companies need. In

    ghly useful features as per the use of the softwased e-Commerce Software is capable to take pa

    business across the world.

    Softwareagement System

    ement System



    we have 150+

    fully dedicated

    or institutions.


    addition, we

    re to make thement online so

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Key Benefits of Our Softwa Our proficiency in this do

    You can be available 24x


    Minimize overall process

    Highest ROI with compar

    Monitor activities of you

    All your data owns by yo

    It is easy to accommodat

    Helps in organizing the d

    Get the insight you need

    Because the customizati

    Software Feature list for e-

    Software Settings

    1. System Setup

    All type of single setup like TDS

    2. User Type SetupThe system will have different

    Group will be given permission

    3. User Permission Setup

    Access permission to User Gro

    4. Working Days Setup

    To secure the system and main

    can be added and system will n

    5. Working Hours Setup

    To secure the system and main

    Working hours can be added to

    remain helps clients to get success at a quicker p

    to your customers from anywhere being a co

    ing time

    e to any other software

    Marketing team

    and it remains safe by using our Software

    e the future changes because of the flexibility o

    cuments required

    to keep your business on track and moving effi

    n possible, you can use it with any other third

    Commerce with MLM:

    percent, Website Down/Website Up, Fire SMS On/

    ype of users, to segregate all users, it needs user gr

    to access software modules.

    p, User can access those software modules which

    tain accurate accounts, it needs to stop all transacti

    ot accessible to branches. Super Admin can access

    tain accurate accounts, it needs to stop all transacti

    do the same. Super Admin can access at anytime,


    plete online

    f the software


    arty software

    Off, Branch Access On/Off


    re granted permission.

    ons on particular days, tho

    t anytime, any location.

    ons on after a time period

    ny location.

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Branch Setting

    1. Branch Creation/Master

    Admin can add branches to list

    selecting branches. Members c

    2. Extend Operation Time

    It can be given extended time t

    User Settings

    1. User Creation/Master

    Super Admin & Branch Admin c

    2. Suspend User

    Super Admin can suspend any

    3. Un-suspend User

    Super admin can un-suspend t

    4. Extend Operation Time

    Super Admin can extend any p

    Employee Master

    1. Designation Master

    Maintain the designation mast

    2. Employee Master

    Create/Modify employees as p

    3. Salary Setup

    Setup salary for each Employee

    4. Prepare Salary

    Prepare salary master to send t5. Upload Salary Sheet

    Upload prepared Salary sheet t

    6. Paid Salary Master

    List out all paid salary to the e

    Account Ledger

    1. Account Ledger Creation

    All type of account ledgers can

    2. Voucher Entry Form

    Entry of all indirect Expense & I3. Ledger Statement

    Generate Ledger Statement wi

    out his employees, users and members, Employees

    an be registered with selected nearest branch from

    o operate the system beyond the time bound.

    an create users.

    ser to restrict access to the system for a time bein

    e user to rollback the restriction.

    rticular users operation time, So that he/she can fi

    r for employees.

    r requirement, View the list of employees.

    added from master

    he bank for transfer or direct payment.

    o the system to maintain the accounts to reflect th


    be added like Assets, Liabilities, Income & Expense

    ncome into the system.

    h date range and Ledger

    & Users can be added wit

    the application form.


    nish all the operations for

    General Ledgers

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Product Master

    1. Category Master

    Maintaining of Super/Sub Cate

    2. Product Master

    Manager products to be sold w

    3. Low stock alert setupMake entry for low stock for ea

    4. Discontinue Products

    Any time any product can be di

    5. Promotional Products

    Set products for promotional p

    Member Master

    1. Member Master

    All registered members can be

    here.2. Profile Update

    Any profile modification can be

    3. Document Upload

    Upload document of ID Proof,

    4. Lock/Unlock Member

    Lock or Unlock members to res

    5. Password Setting

    It can be viewed or change pas

    6. Lucky Draw Program Enrolme

    Two way methods to enrol.

    Genealogy Master

    7. Member Tree View

    All registered members can be


    8. Member List View

    Any profile modification can be

    9. Down-Line View

    All registered members can be

    ory of Products.

    ith the shopping cart. Manager products with vario

    ch product combination of size, colour and other p

    scontinued if any discrepancy or other any other is

    urpose, just set the product added from Master

    listed here. View profile, check status and all type

    done from admin section after a thorough check o

    ddress Proof and PAN card as membership proof.

    trict access their accounts.



    listed here. View profile, check status and all type

    done from admin section after a thorough check o

    listed here linked to one Member.

    s details and images.

    rameters as required.


    f information can be view

    the documents.

    f information can be view

    the documents.

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Commission Master

    1. Lucky Draw Program

    List of calculated commission

    2. Direct Sponsor Commission

    List of calculated commission

    3. Binary CommissionList of calculated commission

    4. Repurchase Commission

    List of calculated commission

    5. Awards/Rewards

    List of calculated commission

    Stock Management

    1. Logistic Master

    All Logistic service provider can

    1.1. Create Vendor1.2. Add Freight Cost

    1.3. Attach to Accounting Ledg

    2. Inbound Stock

    2.1. Product Inbound Stock

    2.2. Returned Order Stock

    2.3. Master Stock List

    3. Process Orders

    3.1. Order Master

    3.2. Payment Confirmation

    3.3. Order Cancelation3.4. Final Order Despatch with

    3.5. Delivery Status Update By

    4. Stock Report

    4.1. Opening/Closing Stock

    4.2. Current Stock

    4.3. Low Stock Products

    Ledger Reports

    1. Day Book Report

    2. Cash Book Report3. Trail Balance Report

    4. Profit & Loss Report

    5. Balance-sheet Report

    be added and maintained their respective details.


    Logistic Details

    Vendor with API integration

  • 7/25/2019 E-Commerce With MLM Software


    Frontend Website:1. Frontend Website

    1. e-Commerce CMS website

    2. Category Listing

    3. Product Listing

    4. Shopping Cart Features5. Returning Customer Signup

    6. Place order without or with

    7. Shopping Cart with Paymen

    2. Member Signup

    Membership form will be with

    choose a Product Package, afte

    payment via e-Pin or Online Pa


    3. Repurchase - Shopping Cart

    All listed products will be availa

    and will be available to all Me

    Member Back Office:1. Login form

    All member needs to provide c

    2. Profile

    Member can view his profile.

    3. Genealogy

    Member can view his list of do

    4. Commission

    List of all commission paid to hi

    5. Order Master

    Member can view his Repurcha

    6. Order Status Check

    API integrated Delivery Status.

    7. Point/Credits Calculation

    Points to be calculated as per o

    8. Change Password

    Member can change his/her pa

    ith all features

    with Facebook, Google and Twitter Account.



    inimum required field to create account, after the

    r confirmation member will be guided to Make Pay

    ment. After the confirmation of payment the mem

    ble in the shopping cart to do the shopping. It will


    rrect username and password they entered or rec

    n-line members.

    m or qualified for the same.

    se Orders, can check the status of his orders.


    ssword at any time.

    signup member will be as

    ent, It will be asked to m

    ber join to the Member

    ork like normal shopping

    ived via SMS.