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Joan Munter

Brush Creek

Mission Center


[email protected]


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We proclaim

Jesus Christ

and promote

communities of

joy, hope, love

and peace.

Brush Creek Mission Center


Two major highways intersect in the middle of Salem, Illinois. Those who

drive these routes will pass by no fewer than nine churches, many with

changeable display signs visible for all travelers to see. Some list only

times of services, the pastor’s name, or dates of upcoming activities at

the individual churches. As most people do, I glance at the signs when I

pass in my car.

But this sign was different. It caused me to dwell on its message – a

strong message for each of us.

It is easy for us to experience guilt as we consider our offerings of time,

talent and treasure. We feel we aren’t doing as much as we could, or as

much as others are doing. “I should be doing more”, we tell ourselves, be-

cause the tasks seem overwhelming, and others are doing so much.

READ THE SIGN ! Things which seem infinitely small to you, can be just

what someone needs in a moment of your caring. You may be the only

person who can serve as God’s hands, feet, ears, mouth, eyes, at that mo-

ment. How do we know who has needs?

READ The SIGN! It’s a question, and God knows the answer – for you,

for me, for all of us. Ask God the question and expect an answer!!

May this season be filled with opportunities to be the answer to the

prayers of others – Merry Christmas!

Joan Munter

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Camp Dates

June Reunion - June 13-19 family camp

Sr. Hi Camp - June 21-27

going into 10th-12th grade and graduates

Jr. Camp - June 28-July 2

going into 4th-6th grade

Jr. Hi Camp - July 11-17

going into 7th-9th grade

July Reunion - July 18-24 family camp

Hydration Retreat 2019

All Youth currently in 7th—12th Grades

Hydration. Our New Year’s Eve Camp is open to youth in Junior High and Senior

High. Those wishing to help may also contact Keith and Becky Rhine.

Hydration will be held December 30, 2019-January 1, 2020, at Brush Creek


Check-in is 3:30-5:30 p.m. December 30

Camp is over at Noon, January 1, 2020

Directors: Kieth and Becky Rhine

Regristration forms can be found here;

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BCMC Fall Conference

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Held at the Brush Creek Church

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Brush Creek Mission Center Conference Summary

Our Mission Center was welcomed November 2nd into a beautiful setting for

our fall conference. What an incredible difference has been made by the work and

giving of our Brush Creek Congregation. You must all find a chance to step back

into time as you experience the future of this historical place. Thank you to all in

the Brush Creek Congregation for hosting our fall conference.

We were privileged to participate in a time of worship as Sue Bennett introduced

us to the new electronic piano (which also can sound like an organ). We listened

and sang praises to our God. What a lovely beginning to our time together.

During an introduction and period of reflection on the Mission Center theme for

the coming year – Vision 20/20!, Doug Mack had us looking through different

kinds of lenses and noticing their effect on our vision. What is your vision for the

coming year – 2020? and beyond? 20/20 is considered perfect vision – have you

checked yours with regards to the coming year?

Thirteen of our 23 congregations were represented at the conference for the elec-

tion of officers for 2020. We appreciate all who are willing to serve in leadership

capacities and encourage everyone to continue to support those we have elected.

After the election those present shared in a “pot luck” of sorts –in the dining hall

we all brought our lunches and shared. Brush Creek added some wonderful left-

overs from their freezer and we all enjoyed a delicious time of fellowship together.

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Merry Christmas!

I find that in light of the work that I do for the Mission Center gratitude seems to be the word that

comes to mind most. I am grateful to be counted among people who support their mission center and

campground so generously. I am grateful that I am among those who enjoy the fruits of our generos-

ity each summer during our camping season and experience the ebb and flow of the Holy Spirit in our

lives. We are financially in good shape for another camping season to handle the routine expenses of

maintaining our grounds. Anything beyond that would require fund raising. If you attended the mis-

sion center conference in November you would have received a financial packet sharing the activity

statements of the mission center and the campground.

I have estimated that the campground checking account balance will be around $144,000.00 to begin

the new year. The mission center estimated carryover balance should be around $8,000.00. As re-

ported at the Mission Center Conference the investment accounts and savings account balances at that

time were as follows:

Ministries Development Fund Account (Endowment) $271,127.20

MC Reserves $ 74,351.28

(monies are drawn from these accounts to offset congregational assessments)

BCMC Congregational Mission Initiative Support Fund $ 17,977.48

IYF Funds $ 2,094.98

Balance of Investment Accounts $365,550.94

Savings Account $ 5,212.54

Within the savings account are monies held for SPEC, Titus Team and the Women’s Retreat – it is

important to note that our SPEC account is low at $684.82. The bus fees and assessment for our mis-

sion center have been high ($5401.57)and it does not appear that this amount will be less next year.

I would encourage our congregations to be diligent about saving our dimes and sending them to the

Mission Center to be deposited into the SPEC account to help fund this expense.

Revisions to the Campground Dedicated Fund (Endowment) Bylaws were approved by the Dedicated

Fund Committee, the Campground Board and the Brush Creek Mission Center Conference. The up-

dated bylaws will be signed and forwarded to the Presiding Bishopric at International Headquarters.

As I sit here contemplating what needs to be done to close out my books for the end of the year I am

not overwhelmed – just grateful. We, as a body, are choosing to support the mission of Jesus Christ

in our congregations, mission center, camping program, campgrounds and beyond.

Yes, gratitude is the right word.

Thank you all – have a blessed holiday.

Christine Ober

Brush Creek Mission Center and Campground

Financial Officer

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Living the Mission Initiatives can mean “The life of new year, vision of opportunities to serve.”

Our Titus Team, in the past sent out letters requesting if anyone desired help or could share ideas

about how their congregation lives this initiative; “Abolish Poverty and End Suffering”.

We suggested an opportunity to share in a ministry that lives this initiative. The Thompsonville

Congregation has their own food pantry.

Thompsonville hosts the food pantry the 3rd weekend of every month. They start on Friday at

the church at 3:30 pm to organize the food and get set up. Volunteers are welcome to come at

that time or later as suits their schedule. Saturday starts early, volunteers should arrive no later

than 7:45am and be at their work station ready to receive clients by 8 am. Distribution stops at

10 am. After that there is the work of putting away tables, taking trash out, mopping the floor

and loading cardboard in the truck to be recycled. Lots of areas to help.

You can see there are a variety of jobs and almost any age can find a place to help.

If a congregation chooses to pick a day to come then the Thompsonville Congregation can post

on BCMC website so others could choose a date that has not been scheduled.

So you may ask; “Is the greater need for help on Friday or Saturday?”, That is hard to predict, but

they always need carriers for Saturday morning. That involves carrying boxes for the clients out

to their car. Most of the clients are not physically able to carry, just a rough idea the weight of

box is 25-35 Ibs. It depends on the food available for that month.

The next Food Pantry weekend will be held on December Friday 20 and Saturday 21st.

What a ministry and thank you for living this initiative Thompsonville Congregation!

“We are called to be Christ’s hands and feet, serve the poor and hungry and stop conditions that

diminish the worth of persons”

We will be sharing more suggestions in the near future!


The Abolish and End Suffering Titus Team

Deby Klein

[email protected]

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Merry Christmas from The Abolish and End Suffering Titus Team

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Good News and Greetings from Decatur

Decatur congregation's "Hanging of the Greens" Service was held on Sunday evening, Nov

24 at 5:00 PM instead of having morning worship. We decorated our sanctuary and

lighted the Christmas tree. Each Sunday, special ornaments are placed on the tree repre-

senting Love, Joy, Hope and Peace.

Bobbi Jo Patterson works at Dollar General, and for the past three years has organized

and overseen an Annual Toy Drive through Dollar General for children whose names have

been given to Bobbi, that may be needing toys at Christmas. It has been a great success

each year, and our gym already has a large amount of items donated and collected. Thanks

to Bobbi Jo for all she does to make Christmas a little merrier for lots of kids.

Wishing each congregation in our BCMC a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year!

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Good News and Greetings from Fairfield

The Fairfield Community of Christ had been looking and praying for an opportunity for out-

reach for several months when the chance to minister to students at Frontier Community

College became available. At a Back -to– School prayer activity, where people were asked

to come pray for each local school prior to the start of the new school year, I was asked to

lead prayers for our local community college. Our group prayed for the students and in-

structors and discussed what could be done to help students who were athletes and far from

home. Some of the students are from Arkansas, eastern Kentucky, the Dominican Republic,

and one student is even from Australia.

These student athletes were desperate for something to do beyond attending classes and

practices. Our church decided to try and have an activity we could have a home cooked

meal and games once a month for these young people. Members and coaches of the soft-

ball, baseball and volleyball teams were invited to our Family Life Center and have attended

three activities that featured volleyball and old fashioned Bingo with prizes as well as a

home-cooked meal. The students have asked if we can try to have our Family Life Center

open on Sunday afternoons to play basketball and volleyball.

The students have been very appreciative for the chance to get a good meal as well as have

fun. We plan to continue this activity after the holidays as we seek to build relationship

with an often neglected age group. We would encourage the Mission Center to seek ways

to offer ministry to college-age young people to invite them to Christ.

David Savage, Pastor

Fairfield Community of Christ

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Do you have the app?

Download the Community of Christ app for Android and iOS de-vices from Google Play and the App Store on iTunes. With the Community of Christ app, you can read daily spiritual devotions, watch inspiring videos, stay in touch with mission happening around the world, and much more! The app is FREE!

Summer 2020 Colorado Reunion Adventure

We had such an incredible "Adventure" last summer that plans are under way for a

June 2020 Colorado Reunion Adventure.

Between now and Jan 6th, a $25 deposit is all that is needed to get regis-

tered. After this date, the deposit increases to $50. Please note: registrations re-

ceived after March 31st, the registration fees increase by $50.

I love the Community of Christ. I love people. I love adventure. I love that God

finds us where we are at on our individual journeys. I love the fact that there is ad-

venture out there to be explored with people who walk with Christ. I love that the

Community of Christ encourages us to find different ways to express our covenant

with Jesus.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions. All the best to you during this

Christmas season!


Best Regards,

Curtis Harper

Long Ridge Solutions LLC

Direct: 816-503-8809

Fax: 816-295-0765

[email protected]

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Ivan and Bonnie Holler would like to thank everyone in the Brush Creek Mis-

sion Center who wished them well or sent cards in honor of their 70th wedding


Ivan and Bonnie Holler of the Fairfield Community of Christ recently celebrated

70 years of marriage. Ivan grew up in the Orchardville area. His parents Earl and

Iva Holler were long-time church members. Ivan’s sister is Erma Lou Warren.

Bonnie and Ivan lived in a few different communities in Southern Illinois early

on. Their three children; Jackie, Dennis, and Mark graduated high school in Fair-

field. After the children were adults, Ivan and Bonnie moved to Bangladesh

where Ivan worked bringing electricity to small villages. The couple retired and

moved back to Fairfield where they are very active in Community of Christ. They

love to spend time with their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Daughter and son-in-law Jackie and Phil Hogue live in Troy, Illinois, have two

daughters and two grand sons. Son Dennis lives in Missouri and has a son and

two grand daughters. Son Mark lives in Florida and has two sons.

Dennis and Judy Holler

Phil and Jackie Hogue

Mark and Sue Holler

Bonnie and Ivan Holler

Fall 2019

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.Virginia “Lee” Flechs, 81, formerly of Fairfield, died at 7:15PM on Thursday, October 24,

2019, at The Arbors at Parkway Gardens in Fairview Heights, IL. She had worked for sev-

eral years at the Fairfield Public Library and also volunteered at the Clothesline in Fairfield.

Lee was born on June 16, 1938, in Spingerton, IL, to Hilda (Winter) Wise. She was married

to Bob Flechs, who preceded her in death on December 25, 2018.

Survivors include two sons David (Debra) Flechs of Norris City, IL, and Terry Flechs of

Mt. Prospect, IL, one daughter Kimberly (Jamie) House of Swansea, IL, six grandchildren

and five great grandchildren. Along with her husband Bob, she was preceded in death by

her mother, and one brother Donald.

Funeral services for Lee Flechs were held at 2PM on Monday, October 28th at the Johnson

and Vaughn Funeral Home in Fairfield with burial in Maple Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flow-

ers, memorial donations can be made to the Fairfield Community of Christ Church and will

be accepted at the Johnson and Vaughn Funeral Home which was in charge of the arrange-



Lee Flechs

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Maude Lambert

Maude A.M. Lambert, 103 of Taylorville passed away on Monday, October 28, 2019

at 11:00 a.m. at her residence in Taylorville, IL. She was born on April 1, 1916 in

Elmer, MI the daughter of Guy and Nina (Ginger) Moses. She married Dwight Lam-

bert on December 24, 1944 and he preceded her in death on July 21, 1990. Maude

was a retired business owner and operator of Lamberts Electric and Appliance Store

in Taylorville for many years. She was an avid quilter and was known for her deli-

cious pies and chicken and noodles.

She is survived by her Daughter: Marie Ann Lambert of Taylorville; two grandchil-

dren: Dwighla Yard of Taylorville, IL and Chad Noreuil of Scottsdale, AZ; One

great grandson: Zavier Noreuil of Scottsdale, AZ ;Daughter-in-Law: Kristina Baker

of Kansas; Brothers Leroy Moses of Peoria, AZ and Norman (Judy) Moses of Tay-

lorville, IL; Sisters: Mabel Baker of Galesburg, IL and Lila Brooner of Independ-

ence, MO: nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents,

husband: son: Terry Baker and Sisters-in-Law: Rose Moses and Irene Moses.

Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2019 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at Sut-

ton Memorial Home in Taylorville with the funeral service to be held immediately

following the visitation on Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in Sutton Me-

morial Home in Taylorville. Bonnie King will be officiating and the burial will be in

Oak Hill Cemetery Taylorville, IL.

Memorials may be made to: Community of Christ Church 321 W. Bidwell Taylor-

ville, IL 62568

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Ida Eileen Brooks Reindl, 99, of Taylorville passed away at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, Novem-

ber 28, 2019 at Taylorville Care Center. She was born on December 30, 1919 in Taylor-

ville, the daughter of Worthy and Ida (Dilbeck) Brooks. She married George Leroy Reindl

on February 5, 1939 in Taylorville. Leroy preceded her in death on March 25, 2001.

Mrs. Reindl was active for many years as a 4-H leader, member of the Christian County

Historical Society, Home Extension, Eagles, and the Christian County Senior Citizens. She

was a lifelong member of the Community of Christ Church. She enjoyed making quilts and

scrap books for her family.

She is survived by her daughter: Shirley (Roy) Truax of Assumption; special bonus great

grandson: Aidan Greenberg of Bridgeton, Missouri; brother-in-law: Russell Reindl of No-

komis, many nieces and nephews, and very special friend: Kitty Chance of Taylor-

ville. Mrs. Reindl was preceded in death by her parents; husband; granddaughter: Kim

Greenberg and her husband Bari; sisters: Laura Jean Hussellton, Carrie Bell Brooks; and

brother: Chester Dilbeck.

A funeral service for Mrs. Reindl was held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, December 2, 2019 at

McClure Funeral Home in Taylorville officiated by Elder Lori Smothers. Burial was in the

Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Community of Christ Church in

Taylorville. McClure Funeral Home and Cremation Services in Taylorville is assisting the

family with arrangements. Memories of Mrs. Reindl, or condolences to the family, may be

left online at


Ida Brooks Reindl

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Correna “Laura Jean” Skelton, 84, passed away peacefully at Good Samari-

tan Hospital in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, on Thursday, December 5, 2019, with

her husband John, her sister Shirley, and niece Joyce by her side.

Correna known as “Laura Jean” to many was born to the late Bert and Retha

Henson, on August 6, 1935, in Orchardville, Illinois. Correna graduated

from Wayne City High School in 1952 and was First Chair Trombone player in the

school band and a proud Wayne City Indian.

Correna married the love of her life after seven dates on May 27, 1956. After John

and Correna married, they lived together in California, Maryland, Missouri, and

Texas during John’s military career before relocating to Orchardville, Illinois in No-

vember of 1996.

Correna is survived by her husband John of sixty-three years; her three children and

their spouses Tonya M. Skelton and Larry A. Kimbrough of Houston, Texas; Jackie

L. Bennaman and Kenneth J. Bennaman of Arnold, Maryland, and John Eric Skelton

and Marina Nalli-Skelton of Hanover, Maryland.

Correna is survived by five grandchildren, Dr. Madison L. Skelton-Phillips, twenty-

seven years old, Kory M. Skelton, twenty-five years old of Phoenix, Arizona, Jacob

M. Bennaman, eighteen years old of Arnold, Maryland, Adriane J. Skelton, fourteen

years old and Luke A. Skelton, twelve years old of Hanover, Maryland.

Correna is survived by her brother Nyhl Henson, sister Shirley Fisk, and niece Joyce


She is survived by many nieces, nephews, in-laws, and many, many friends.

Correna was preceded in death by her daughter, Rhonda Lynn Skelton, parents Bert

and Retha Henson, brother Olen Henson, sisters Marie Fry, Melba Knauss, and Ro-

chelle Crowder.

Correna was an accomplished pianist and singer performing at church, weddings,

and many social events for most of her life. Correna passed her love and apprecia-

tion of music to her children and grandchildren. Mom was immensely proud of her

family and leaves behind nothing but beautiful memories.

Correna was a lifelong member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter

Day Saints, now known as The Community of Christ Church. Correna was ordained

to Office of Teacher in Austin, Texas then ordained to Office of Priest in Orchard-

ville, Illinois.

Correna Skelton

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2019 Event Location

Dec. 25 Wednesday—Christmas

Dec. 30-1 Mon-Wed. Hydration Youth Retreat Brush Creek

Jan 1 2020 Happy New Year

Schedule of Events

Community of Christ

Brush Creek

Mission Center


The Brush Creek Mission Center e-Bridges Newsletter

The Brush Creek Mission Center e-Bridges Newsletter began in 2004 and is currently scheduled for publication the middle of the following months; February, April, June, August, October, and December. Submissions may be e-mailed to Donna at [email protected]. Items larger than a few sentences should be sent as a WORD document. Current and past editions are archived on the BCMC website at the following link;

Brush Creek Mission Center SOCIAL MEDIA

Instagram: @brushcreekmissioncenter Facebook: @brushcreekmissioncenter


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Caution! Image Copyrights

Just because you can view an image on a website or other online location, does not

mean that you can download, copy, or otherwise use that image in personal or for con-

gregational use. All images, videos, sound tracks, music, etc. is protected by copyright

laws, and only the owner has the power to allow sharing.

Ask your webmaster to ensure that all images on your website and in newsletters/

presentations hanging on your website or on FACEBOOK are either used by permis-

sion (explicit approval from the artist has been received) or are removed from the web-


Provide training for your staff/content-producers regarding copyrights Ensure your CCLI, OneLicense and CVLI licenses are current and being used properly

by your staff/leaders

Here are some links to the World Church website regarding this topic:

Please be mindful both of Mission Center websites and any congregation’s web pages

as well. Please pass this along to your congregation leaders and any church sponsored

affiliate groups. Thanks for addressing these kinds of issues!

Originally from; Carrie Welch [email protected]

Social Media Ethics Statement

The mission of Community of Christ is to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote com-

munities of joy, hope, love, and peace. Social media provides opportunities for self-

expression, community building, witness and education, faithful disagreement, and

fulfillment of Christ’s mission. Social media, which provides ways to make relation-

ships and engage in dialogue, has tools to promote or diminish Christ’s mission.

The purpose of this ethics statement is to affirm for Community of Christ disciples

and priesthood that Christ’s calling is lived out in all aspects of our lives including

interactions on social media. Priesthood members and disciples of Jesus should con-

sider the following guidance when using social media. The five elements of this

guidance work together and should not be applied separately when applied to inter-

actions and relationships on social media.

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Brush Creek Mission Center Joan Munter,

Mission Center President


[email protected]

Chris Ober,

BCMC Financial Officer

[email protected]

Brad Bryant,

Mission Center

Invitation Support Minister

[email protected]

Donna Savage,

BCMC e-Bridges Editor

[email protected]

Please share this

e-Bridges with your


We are 24 congregations across Central and Southern Illinois, that are part of a world-

wide church known as Community of Christ.

Our mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love and

peace. Our mission is to invite people to Christ, pursue peace on earth, abolish suffering,

experience congregations in mission and develop disciples to serve.

We share a sacred campground known as Brush Creek located near Xenia, Illinois in

Wayne county. The Brush Creek Saints organized in 1842. The Brush Creek White

Church was built in 1872. Family camp activities called Reunion began in 1894. The camp-

ground now hosts a June and July week-long Reunion in addition to several youth camps.

Brush Creek reunions, camps and retreats allow us to experience the kingdom of God on

Earth. Our heritage, our friendships, and our shared Christian mission unite us and

strengthen us.