Download - DUNLAP UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a graduate of Mississippi State University. ... Melissa Mackey, ... Shawn is always happy to pitch in and help at the church in any way


People Serving People

In the Spirit of Christ.

Inside this issue:

Mission Buckets

April Calendar






Rummage Sale

DUMC Children



Kitchen Redo

Shawn Silver Tribute





Jail Ministry News


Prayer Concerns April Volunteers Weekly/Monthly Events





April, 2018

Early Worship : 8:30 am

Sunday school : 9:30 am

Worship: 10:30 am

Youth 5:00 pm Pastor Natalie Smart

Cain Family Thank You

Church Survey


Spring Training!

A Thank You to Keith!

Page 2 April, 2018

April, 2018 Page 3

What would we do without our church family?

Thank each and every one of you for your

prayers, cards, calls and visits during Bernice’s

illness and passing. A special “thank you” to all

who helped prepare and serve a meal for our

family after the funeral. We cherish each of you

and are grateful for your support always.

God’s blessings,

Eddie, Charlotte and the Cain Family.

The N.O.W. Committee has designed a survey to learn in detail how you feel

about your church life and the programs offered. They also would like to

know where you want to see the church go in the next three years. You can

find the survey online at https// If

you would rather fill in a paper copy, they are available in the Narthex or

from Margaret Lane. Thank you for your participation!

If you have someone in the church you would like to see highlighted with a newsletter article, please tell Margaret Lane.


Dunlap UMC hosted the Sequatchie Bell Choir on March 18; we are most grate-

ful for the opportunity to share in worship. On that morning, we discovered that

two of our members were somehow unable to be in attendance. We had

been in practice during the Sunday school hour, all the while in hopes that our

missing ringers would soon arrive. They did not, and at the last minute (literally

the last minute) we corralled Keith Maxwell to join in. Keith played with the

group without benefit of practice and made it look easy. He never asked, just

did everything he could – which was to save the day- and we so thankful that

he did!

Keith is a true professional and a versatile musician. He is always willing to share

his gift of music, and always with beautiful results. Be sure and give Keith some

thanks when you see him!

Bert Esslinger


Spring Lay Servant Training for the Scenic South District:

Friday, April 20, 2018, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 21,

2018 at Flintstone UMC, 2503 Chattanooga Valley Road, Flintstone,

GA. Basic and Advanced Courses will be offered. Deadline for

registration is April 6, 2018. Registration cam be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to P. O. Box 80353, Chattanooga,

TN 37414. Cost is $30, which includes curriculum and lunch. Call

Margaret Lane at the church office, 423-949-2724 for a registration


Page 5 April, 2018

Addison Shock will be our guest pastor on Sunday, April 22, when

we honor the class of 2018. He comes highly recommended by

Kaitlyn and Jake. Addison serves as the Pastor of the TN Tech

University Wesley Foundation. He is a graduate of Mississippi

State University. Since graduation, he has worked in youth minis-

try and done non-profit work. His hobbies are rock climbing, fly

fishing, playing basketball, reading, not eating sugar, organizing

things and lovingly debating. He is currently working on his

Master's of Divinity at Vanderbilt.

Over the next few weeks, John Kell and other trustees will

put a fresh coat of paint on our hallway walls and in the Narthex. If you are proficient with interior painting and have

the time, please volunteer to help John and the trustees with

this springtime spruce-up! Thank you.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

10:30 a.m. Service

Celebratory Luncheon afterwards




The Venturing Crew and the Boy Scouts are

teaming up to hold a Rummage Sale at Dunlap

UMC on April 21 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Proceeds

will be used to support both group’s many

projects and competitions.

They are taking donations of sellable items,

including books, at the church office from now

until the sale.

Thank you for supporting their efforts.

Scouting is a great organization and helps our

youngsters prepare for adulthood.

April, 2018 Page 7


Easter Sunday Morning @ 9:30 a.m.

Palm Sunday Children’s Sermon: The

children greeted “Jesus” with shouts of

Hosanna and waving palms.

(Thank you, Roland, for all you do!)


Take a minute and check out the kitchen. Jeannetta Walker has

straightened, tossed out, and organized it so beautifully it hardly

looks like the same facility! And thanks to John Kell for repositioning the freezer, making it so much easier to access, and

opening up a good deal more storage capacity. Wow!

In September of 2016, Sequatchie County was struck

by a tornado. Funds were collected from the community and the church to provide relief to those

most hard hit. Over the past 18 months, these funds

have been carefully managed and distributed by

Melissa Mackey, Of the original $2,939 collected,

$810 remains. The fund, originally titled “Tornado

Relief Fund” has now been renamed “Community

Relief Fund.“ Its purpose remains the same: to help

people in need because of natural disasters such as a

tornado or flood, or by fire and other unforeseen

catastrophes. If you become aware of someone in

need of assistance, please contact Melissa Mackey. In

addition, if you want to contribute to the Community

Relief Fund, please write a check to Dunlap UMC and

designate the funds. Thank you.

Page 9 April, 2018

This month, we recognize Shawn Silver. Shawn was baptized by Reverend Arch Kelly in 1981 and confirmed in 2002 by Reverend Mark McKnight, officially making Shawn one of our most faithful, long-time members of Dunlap United Methodist Church. Shawn is always happy to pitch in and help at the church in any way needed and to do it cheerfully. He particularly enjoys music and those of us in the choir loft know it; lively music always puts a big grin on Shawn’s face. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is one of his best-liked church moments. If he had to pick favorite folks, he’d choose Dot and Howard Hatcher, but he appreciates everyone and enjoys being greeted. Shawn was particularly helpful in our recent weeks of church cleaning, For his help, Melissa Tibbs says a heartfelt “thank you!” for all the heavy-lifting and toting he took care of at her request. When you see Shawn Sunday morning, tell him hello. Like everybody, Shawn loves attention, and you’ll likely get a sweet smile in response. Thanks for all you do, Shawn.



The Dunlap United Methodist Women met on Monday, March 19, 2018 at the church. The UMW District President, Willela Douthat attended as their guest. She told the group about joint meetings taking place in some of the valley churches. They are meeting on Sunday afternoons at 2:30. Their next meeting will be on May 6 at the Sardis UMC. Willela left boxes to be filled with children’s toys,

toiletries and clothes. They should be finished by June 16; she will pick them up here, if needed. These supplies will go to Annual Conference and then to Uganda, Africa. The next meeting of the Dunlap UMW will be on April 16, 2018 at the church.

The Dunlap UMM met at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 25th. After the

10:30 service, they hosted a fundraising luncheon serving salads, chili and

soup, and hotdogs.

At their meeting, they discussed opportunities for new projects,

including holding cooking days to feed the hungry. They also discussed new

projects to assist the city of Dunlap. They also received a re-

port of the condition of their very important

funnel cake cooking grill. How can we have July 4th without


Their next meeting will be at 8:30 a.m. on April 22nd.

Linda Varnell, Betsy Hatfield and Ruth Tate conducted two services in the women’s

pod on March 22nd. There were more women than usual. The emphasis was on

Holy Week. Bill conducted three services, one in B pod and two in C pod; again,

there was a crowd. He also emphasized Holy Week and why it is important to all

Christians. Bill and Linda held a Maundy Thursday communion service. The inmates

have asked for a service on Easter Sunday evening and, depending on how this goes,

Bill and Linda may conduct future Sunday evening services.

Recently a lady in a restaurant in Chattanooga came

up to Linda and told her how much Linda’s efforts at

the jail had meant to her and that she credits Linda

for her success after release. The Jail Ministry is a

true blessing to all who participate.

Page 11 April, 2018


If you have an ongoing concern you wish to include in this list,

please fill out a prayer card found in the sanctuary pews or con-

tact the church office at 949-2724.


Our Pastoral Family

Don Martin

Alex Allen

Phyllis and Randy Cady

Becky Hatfield Card (leukemia)

Terri Wells (Margaret Lane’s niece)

William Austin (Leukemia)

Pam Camp

Martha Lou Reynolds

Cpt. John Kell (Afghanistan)

Howard Hatcher

Mike Vestal, Barbara & Art Coulson


Cheryl Martin

Robert Robertson

Family of Phyllis Parker

At Home: Shirley Blevins, Vera Adams,

Brookdale Hixson Assisted Living: Mildred Land

April Volunteers

Acolyte Greeters Lay Reader

4/1 Owen Boyer Betsy Hatfield & Leslie Hickman Cantata

4/8 Alyvia Boyer Maggie Greene & Donna Land Curtis Smith

4/15 Kenny Coulson Betty Morgan & Claude Lewis Charlotte Cain

4/22 Brylee Dishman Hank & Cindy Widick Bert Esslinger

4/29 Owen Boyer Bruce & Jeannetta Walker Lois Harris

Children’s Sermon Nursery Worker Praying with Pastor

4/1 Cantata Willavene Dunn No Sermon—Cantata

4/8 Communion Claude Lewis Frank Silver & Curtis Smith

4/15 Hank Widick Betty Morgan Ruth Tate & Charlotte Cain

4/22 Bruce Walker JoAnn Barker Bert Esslinger & Bruce Walker

4/29 Kendra Dishman Linda Lewis Betsy Hatfield & Leslie Hickman

April Usher: Jeff Barger Announcements: Margaret Lane

April Communion Helpers: 8:30 Brian Carrier

10:30 Margaret Lane, Betsy Hatfield, Keith Maxwell

Pastor Natalie Smart

1958 Main Street

Dunlap, TN 37327

E-mail Pastor Natalie:

[email protected] Office: (423) 949-2724

Return Service Requested


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Church email:

[email protected]

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People Serving People in the Spirit of Christ


UNITED METHODIST MEN UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Fourth Sunday each month 8:30 Third Monday of each month

8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall


6:00 p.m. each Sunday in Sanctuary 3:30 p.m. on Wednesdays


Mondays @ 6:00 p.m. in Sanctuary Mondays @ 6:00 p.m. in Sanctuary & gym

VENTURE SCOUTS Mondays @ 6:00 p.m. in the gym.


Second Wednesday of every month—5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

JAIL MINISTRY Fourth Thursday of each month—5:45 at the County Jail

BABS Second Monday of each month—10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall


Mondays at 9 a.m. in the library


Tuesdays & Fridays—4:45 to 6:00 p.m


Tuesday: Open Meeting—5 to 6 p.m.

NA Meeting—6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Thursday: Open Meeting—5 to 6 p.m.; Al-Anon @ 5 p.m. (in library)

Saturday: Open Meeting—9 to 10 a.m.

Church office hours are 11 am to 4 pm, Monday through Thursday. Pastor Natalie will be available mornings

and afternoons, Monday through Thursday, and can be reached anytime by cell phone: 423-364-1726.