Download - Drupal Hosting - What you get and how much it should cost


Drupal Hosting

Mike Hostetler
A Mountain Top, LLC

A few assumptions ...

Assumption #1:

Drupal needs hosting

Assumption #2:

Not all hosting is created equal

Assumption #3:

Not all Drupal needs the same hosting

This creates choices

A choice for you, as the Drupal expert

A choice for your client

How do I decide?

How do I help my client decide?

Ask the Drupal Spaceman

Just Kidding

Not Really ...

Decision #1

Decide what business
you are in?

Are you a designer?

Are you a developer?

Do you want to get phone calls at 2am?

You probably don't

Hosting is a completely different business

Redirect Hosting FAIL Anger

Answer #1:

Be the person who can call and yell at the hosting company on behalf of your client

Decision #2:

Estimate the level of resources your site needs

Estimate your users

Estimate your nodes

Are you hosting or embedding Rich Media?

Estimate your traffic, in simultaneous users

Answer #2:

Planning and projecting your resources is critical to choosing your hosting vendor

Decision #3:

Choose the type of hosting & the vendor

There are 4 major types of hosting

Shared Hosting

Virtual Private Servers

Dedicated Single-Server

Dedicated Multi-Server

TIP: Google cares about hosting

TIP: You probably need less then you think ...

TIP: Shared hosting is like replacing a Ferrari's engine with a Hamster Wheel

TIP: Before choosing a vendor, submit a support ticket and time the response

How do I find a vendor?

Ask people at a
Drupal Meetup or Camp

Decision #3:

Choose the level of Drupal performance tuning

After the site is built ...

Administer Site Configuration Performance

Caching Mode: Normal

Advanced Caching:

Enable Page Compression

Enable Block Cache
(if appropriate)

Optimize CSS Files

Optimize Javascript Files

Test with Firebug and Yslow

Server Side Optimizations

APC Alternative PHP Cache

APC Alternative PHP Cache


Decision #4

Plan how to keep your hosting company accountable

Netcraft Uptime Survey

Netcraft Uptime Survey


Many other tools ...

Thank You

Mike Hostetler
A Mountain Top, LLC

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