Download - DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

Page 1: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,


CWNA Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village

The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at the Fireside Room

at Mt. Bachelor Village. Board Co-Chair, Bob Brell, called the meeting to order at 7:10pm. Four

(4) board members were present, therefore establishing a quorum (minimum of four (4)

members required).

Board Members Present: Bob Brell, Co-Chair, Land Use Development

Summer Oman, Secretary

Glen Grochowski, BPRD Liaison

Tracy Pfiffner, E-Communications

Board Coordinators Present: None

Committee Heads Present: None

Other CWNA Members: One member from First on the Hill was in attendance

Guests: None

Board Meeting Minute Acronyms

BPRD – Bend Parks and Recreation District

BDC – Bend Development Code

CEAC – Campus Expansion Advisory Committee

CMSCTF – Cascade Middle School Crosswalk Task Force

COB – City of Bend

CWNA – Cascade West Neighborhood Association

CWNA BOD – CWNA Board of Directors

LUBA – Land use Board of Appeal

NA – Neighborhood Association(s)

NART – Neighborhood Associations Roundtable

OSU-C – Oregon State University Cascades

TSAC – City of Bend Traffic Safety Advisory Committee

UGB – Urban Growth Boundary

Page 2: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

Approval of Minutes

The Board received and reviewed the minutes from the CWNA August 5, 2015 Board Meeting.

A motion was made by Bob Brell, seconded and carried unanimously to approve the drafted

CWNA Board Meeting Minutes from August 5, 2015 as prepared by Summer Oman with the

following amendment:

Under “Committee Reports: Item 7. BMPRD,” second sentence, remove “CAC” and

replace with “BPRD Board. “

Committee Reports

1. Membership – Committee Head, position open, Bob Brell reported that membership

numbers still stand around 750 and that we have 2,210 tax lots within our NA.

2. TSAC - TSAC Representative, Jeanne Berry, not present. Bob Brell attended the TSAC

meeting on 9/15/15 and reported that TSAC’s goals for 2015 are as follows:

i. Review TSAC Charter

ii. Create Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program/Reprioritize the livability of local


iii. Continue to implement the Biking and Walking Safety program

iv. Create road diets lane reduction safety projects

v. Improve education and outreach

Brell suggested at the meeting that the TSAC needs to re-examine its Charter and

Mission and either ramp up its mission or disband the group and conduct its mission

within the existing City staff organization. Doug Knight, City Councilor, agreed and

stated he would take the lead with the City Council and promote ramping up the

mission to focus on the impact from traffic safety on livability.

The Transportation Options Program had handouts at the meeting for the 2015

Executive Summary Strategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and Bike

Infrastructure, which Brell shared with the Board; see attached. (Exhibit A)

3. Land Use - Committee Head, Bob Brell prepared a report that was sent to the board; see

attached. (Exhibit B)

4. Website/Membership Data Base – Committee Head, Julie Austin, not present, no

report given. Board discussed the desire to update CWNA’s website. Tracy Pfiffner

volunteered to contact Julie to work through some ideas and create a plan of action.

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5. Noxious Weed Eradication - Committee Head, Tina Burnside, not present, no report

given. Board discussed the continued battle with noxious weeds and agreed that

information and photographs should be made available on our website and included in

upcoming newsletters.

6. Finance - Treasurer, Jeanne Berry, not present. Bob Brell reported that our FY budget

was increased this year over last FY and totals $2,588.00. No money has been spent to


7. NART - CWNA Representative, Position Open, Bob Brell reported that the next meeting

will be 9/17/15 at 4pm in the board room of City Hall. The “Rollover Neighborhood

Association Funds Grant Program” will be discussed and finalized. Brell handed out

draft copies of the program guide and application; see attached. (Exhibits C & D)

8. BPRD CWNA Liaison, Glen Grochowski reported that work on the Alpine Park Trail Head

connection from SW Swarens Avenue to Meeks Trail is underway. All necessary

easements for Alpine Park Trail connections through Tetherow have been signed. The

Deschutes River Trail South UGB crossing is still in the Planning phase as BPRD

coordinates with the U.S. Forest Service and State of Oregon Parks and Recreation


9. Central Westside Transportation Study, Jeanne Berry, Committee Member, not

present, no report was given. The board generally discussed the progress and possible

outcomes of this study.

10. Deschutes County Brownfield Study, Ron Webber, Committee Member, not present, no

report was given. The board discussed the recent announcement of OSU-C’s 2-year

agreement with the county to explore possible development options of the site. During

this time we anticipate that no further developments will be made in the original

brownfield study.

11. Member E-Communications – Tracy Pfiffner just issued the second official CWNA

Newsletter. A third newsletter will be forthcoming with annual meeting information in

the coming weeks.

New Business

1. OSU-Cascades 4-Year University Application Status (All) – Oregon Board of Appeals

ruled in favor of OSU-Cascades Site Plan as of this morning.

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2. CWNA Annual General Membership Meeting and Election – October 14, 2015 (All) In

order to put together a proper a fully coordinated event, the board has decided to pull

the proposed forum with OSU-C from the Annual Meeting agenda. The board intends to

host that event this Spring to discuss OSU-C process and vision moving forward. The

annual meeting will focus on the elections and other standard board business, as well as

a request for feedback from the membership on upcoming issues (the OSU-C Forum,

Fuel tax, etc.) and as a ‘Meet Your Board, Meet your Neighbor’ social. Brell to secure

location and to submit an announcement to be posted in the Bulletin. Pfiffner to create

a newsletter focusing on the upcoming annual meeting to be emailed to the

membership at the start of October.

The CWNA Brochure and membership applications typically sent out to announce and

invite the membership to the annual meeting will be issued this spring in conjunction

with the intended OSU-C forum.

3. Website & Database Management Payment (All) Bob Brell moved to approve payment

to Austin Design LLC in the total of $180 for website and database management services

for the period of 7/1/15 – 12/31/15. The motion was seconded and unanimously


4. Fuel Tax, Bob Brell asked the board if they believed that CWNA should voice an opinion

on the proposed fuel tax. It was discussed and found that the board legally has the

ability to formulate an opinion on the proposed bill. The board decided to put the

question to the membership, to be discussed at the annual meeting.

5. Resignation, Bob Brell announced that he will be resigning from the CWNA board due to

personal reasons, effective following the October 14th meeting. Bob has spent many

years leading and shaping this board into one of the most active, reliable and respected

among the neighborhood associations. We thank him for all of his years of service and

dedication to its members. He will be sorely missed and we wish him all the best.

With no further business brought before the Board, a motion was made by Tracy Pfiffner and

seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:52pm.

Prepared and submitted by Summer Oman, Secretary.

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1 | P a g eExecutive SummaryStrategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and Biking Infrastructure August 2015



Executive SummaryStrategic Implementation Planfor Pedestrian and Bike Infrastructure

This is a summary of the Strategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and BikingInfrastructure as well as the public process that was followed in development of thisplan. The strategy summarized here achieves a unified pedestrian and bikingtransportation system through the incremental but systematic deployment of safe andaccessible facilities and places high importance on the use of state of the art designtechniques to increase user comfort and perception of safety in order to support andencourage increased levels of and biking in targeted areas of the community. Theapproach provides a priority assessment for capital projects and uses multipledeployment mechanisms including the use of alternative funding sources andmaximizing implementation during maintenance activities.


Page 6: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

2 | P a g eExecutive SummaryStrategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and Biking Infrastructure August 2015

Public Outreach

A citizens’ advisory committee was created to guide the development of thisimplementation plan. Named the Bicycling and Walking Improvement Priorities(BWIP) Committee, members represented appointed committees of both theDeschutes County Commission and the Bend City Council, as well as bicycling andaccessibility advocacy groups in the community. The committee met frequentlythroughout 2013 and 2014. The group completed a chartering process to documenttheir goals, objectives and roles in the development of the strategic implementationplan. The committee hosted a forum open to the public to begin creating the strategyand then presented draft and final strategies to the following committees:

City of Bend Accessibility Advisory Committee Central Oregon Coalition for Access Deschutes County Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizens Advisory Committee Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Neighborhood Association Roundtable City of Bend Traffic Safety Advisory Committee City of Bend Planning Commission.

Strategic Implementation Plans

Biking Facilities

The recommended bicycling system deployment strategy includes the followingdelivery techniques: Focus on central core where densities and land use intensity are greatest

(Century Drive to Purcell; Butler Market to Reed Market); Capitalize on private development provided infrastructure; Capitalize on maintenance projects (e.g. overlays); Provide the next level of bike facility (not just a bike lane) (e.g. buffered, cycle

track, separated, bike box, etc.) to serve the broadest range of communitymembers; and

Create complete street to accommodate multimodal trips along & across thestreet.

A new system element, Bike Boulevards, has been incorporated to broaden thereach of the existing bike lane system. Whereas bike lanes are provided on arterialand collector roadways which carry heavier traffic loads and freight traffic, BikeBoulevards are located on local streets to provide a less stressful and more

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3 | P a g eExecutive SummaryStrategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and Biking Infrastructure August 2015

comfortable route for a broader range of community members. Bike Boulevards areimportant to achieve increased mode split and safety.

Next Steps for implementing the City of Bend’s Bicycle Facilities:

1. Develop and issue design RFP which will provide concept designs for theprojects identified in Table 1.

2. Create a revolving fund and budget system that creates concept plans,provides project designs and constructs projects.

3. Identify funding for on-going bicycle system maintenance.

The MPO Policy Board has provided a separate budgetary line item within Bend’sSurface Transportation Program funding for bike facility maintenance which wouldinclude on-going sign and pavement marking maintenance.

Pedestrian Facilities

The recommended deployment strategy for pedestrian facilities includes threedelivery techniques:

Focus on Pedestrian Zones: Complete Neighborhoods that already have many ofthe elements that make them attractive to pedestrians;

Continue to require Complete Streets: streets serving all modes, all abilities,along and across the street;

Provide less stressful and more comfortable, safe & secure pedestrian facilities(not only technically ADA compliant but also attractive, safe and inviting byincluding street crossings, buffered sidewalks, street trees, illumination, etc.).

Next Steps for the Pedestrian System Deployment

1. Develop and issue design RFP which will provide concept designs for manyof the projects identified in this deployment strategy.

2. Create a revolving funding and budgeting system that creates concept plans,designs projects, and constructs projects.

3. Develop a program and identify funding for on-going pedestrian systemmaintenance.

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4 | P a g eExecutive SummaryStrategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and Biking Infrastructure August 2015

Table 1

2014 Pedestrian and Bicycle SafetyFacility Deployment Strategy & Project Priorities

PrioritizedSystem Element Location Project Description

Structures Drake Park Footbridge

Add or enhance pedestrian and bikingfacilities at these locations.

3rd Street canal (south of Brosterhous)Brosterhous canal (east of 3rd)Purcell Blvd canal (north of Empire)Franklin Undercrossing of RR & Parkway

Corridor StudyParkway over/under crossings (corridor concept)

US97 Study for safety crossings withODOT, city of Bend and Bend MPO todetermine mitigation to congestion and

strategies for multimodalcomfort/performance & connectivity

Sidewalks Bend Community Center (perimeter streets 5th, 6th,Greenwood, Kearney) Add sidewalks.


College Way-Portland-Olney-Neff (COCC to St. Charles)

Prioritized for both pedestrian andbiking upgrade-create integrated

streetscape projects (e.g. landscaping,illumination, enhanced roadway xings &

bike lanes, missing sidewalk).

Newport-Greenwood (College Way to NE 12th Street)Galveston-Riverside-Franklin-Bear Creek (14th toPurcell)Colorado-2nd Street (Bond to Wilson)Wilson (Bond to 9th)14th (Colorado to Newport)3rd Street (Greenwood to COID canal)4th/Studio (Alden to Butler Market)8th-9th (Reed Market to Butler Market)

Overlays(not mapped) Up to 8 overlays

Take advantage of ‘clean slate’afforded with fresh pavement surface tofacilitate complete biking corridors (e.g.enhanced connectivity, use of state ofthe art bike lanes such as buffered bikelanes, green conflict zones, bike boxes,and protected bike lanes).

StormwaterGrate InletElevationChanges

(not mapped)

Wilson AvenueSmooth pavement transitions for

stormwater grate inlets located in bikelanes.

Bond Street8th/9th StreetFranklin Avenue3 additional corridors

Trip Facilities(not mapped) Way Finding Signage

Add way finding signage along keyroutes to provide travel times and

directions to community destinations.

Bike Boulevards

COCC to St. Charles Hosp (4 mi) via 1st Street Rapids

Deploy 6 initial neighborhood bikewayson local streets and providing

enhanced crossings of busy streets.

COCC to Larkspur Trail (3.2 mi) via HawthorneOSU-OMD-Coyner Trail via Aune (4 miles)Juniper Swim-Bend High-Marshall High via 6th St (2.3miles)Harmon-Columbia route (2 miles) Kenwood to OMD12th Street (2 miles) Bend High to Butler Mkt


Bike ParkingAdd group bike parking downtown tooptimize safety of all users. Upgrade

traffic signal equipment andphasing/timing to enhance safety of allusers. Add pedestrian safety features

such as enhanced crossings, curbextensions, illumination. Add bikeway

facilities throughout downtown.

Pedestrian Facility Enhancements

Bike Facility Enhancements


3rd at Hawthorne

Enhanced crossings include medianrefuge, high visibility signing and

pavement marking and can includeactivated flashing lights.

3rd at RooseveltGreenwood at 6th

Greenwood at 4th

Neff at WilliamsonNeff at Purcell27th at Conners

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- Stud


Galveston-Bear Creek

College Way - Neff to Purcell



















AY 97






HWY 20





















AY 97




Pine Nursery Park

Riley Ranch Nature Reserve


89:w Enhanced Roadway Crossings


Parkway Study Areas

SidewalksStreetscape CorridorsBike Boulevards

! Existing Trails! Planned Trails

Park AreasCity LimitsRailroad

0 0.5 1 1.50.25Miles¯

This map is for reference purposesonly. The information was derivedfrom various sources . Care wastaken in the creation of this map,but it is provided “AS IS”. Please contact the Bend MPO for the to verify map information or to reportany errors.


Old Mill


Date: 9/2/2015



2014 Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Facility Deployment Strategy

& Project Priorities Map

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6 | P a g eExecutive SummaryStrategic Implementation Plan for Pedestrian and Biking Infrastructure August 2015

Planning Projects Synthesis

There are several large planning projects which have been initiated, but are not yetcompleted.

Urban Growth Boundary Remand (UGB) Project Central Westside Plan Bend Central District Multimodal Mixed Use Area (BCD MMA) Plan OSU Cascades Master Planning (future)

Each of these planning efforts will have their own set of construction projects andpriorities identified. It is anticipated that there will be some overlap of projects, aswell as new projects. Once these projects are completed, there will need to be anintegration and synthesis of these project lists and priorities. It is anticipated that thiswill be performed as part of the city’s 5-Year CIP Update.

Standards and Specifications

Staff shall pursue amendments to the city’s standards and specifications that enableincorporation of the elements of the Toolbox into new construction or reconstructionof older facilities. A link to the Toolbox can be found here: or you canreview under Transportation Planning Program with theMultimodal Safety Program for more information.

Page 11: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

Land Use Development.

1. OSU-CASCADES. CWNA Membership may need to re-educate themselves with the CEAC

(Citizen Expansion Advisory Committee) and the follow-on process which involved

forming key citizen task forces to study a range of issues potentially impacting the

community. This link

advisory-committee/ceac-meeting-materials will take you to the task force

recommendations and the OSU-Cascades response covering Sustainability,

Transportation, Neighborhood Livability, Housing and Health Care among others. Some

of you were a part of that process and CWNA is indebted to you for your time, energy

and brain power you brought to the table.

Important developments within the past month or so include:

a. 10-Acre Site Application. PZ 14-0210. The State of Oregon Land Use Board of

Appeals (LUBA) on June 8, 2015 upheld the City of Bends’ City Council decision

which approved the OSU-Cascades Application. On July 17 Truth in Site

submitted an initial filing appealing the LUBA decision to the State of Oregon

Court of Appeals (COA). Arguments with the Court were held on August 26 by

Truth in Site, OSU-Cascades and the City of Bend. The COA on September 16,

2015 ruled in favor of the OSU-Cascades site plan.

b. Site Development. After about a year-long delay, on June 30, 2015 construction

began without any fanfare on OSU-Cascades’ west-side campus off SW Century

Drive and Chandler Avenue. The site has been prepared for infrastructure and

buildings and construction has commenced on the first 3 buildings.

c. Truth in Site. TIS (Truth in Site, “For the University & Against the Location”), a

grass roots organization contending the campus will overrun an already

congested part of the city conducted an online survey giving all Central

Oregonians a chance to voice their opinions about the OSU-Cascades campus.

The survey utilized an independent survey consultant and utilized

SurveyMonkey, an arms-length online survey vehicle. The survey results from

1,207 respondents were published in mid-August. Included in the results were

66% of the respondents preferred a location closer to Hwy 97 for accessibility

reasons and 58% of the respondents living in Bend, live more than one mile from

the Chandler/Century Drive location. For complete results go to the Truth in Site

website at

d. Now for Bend. Now for Bend, a group initiated and funded by two individuals

and subsequently supported by several local organizations to include Bend

Chamber of Commerce and Bend 2030 among others published results from a

survey conducted by GS Strategy Group, Boise ID which showed 59% of Bend

residents favor the expansion of OSU-Cascades on the west side of Bend (the

specific site was not identified). Unfortunately, the survey did not numerically

reveal how many of the 300 adults surveyed lived within 1 mile and 1-2 miles

from the “west side” of Bend which clouds the survey’s conclusions.


Page 12: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

e. Campus Expansion. OSU-Cascades entered into a 2-year non-binding agreement

with Deschutes County to evaluate the adjacent 76-acre “demolition landfill”

with the aim to expand the present 10-acre site. The county’s west-side landfill is

located directly to the north of the 10-acre site. OSU-Cascades is also in a

decision mode whether to purchase a 46-acre pumice mine located to the west

of the 10-acre site; the university hasn’t determined if the costs will pencil out.

2. Bend Development Code Amendments. PZ-15-0560. The City of Bend issued a NOTICE

OF PUBLIC HEARING on June 15, 2015 regarding proposed Development Code

Amendments to Chapters 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1 and 4.2 of the

development Code. The project number is designated PZ-15-0560. The proposal amends

Chapter 1.2 Definitions and 1.3 Enforcement and repeals 4.2 in its entirety and proposes

a new 4.2 Minimum Developments Standards Review, Site Plan Review and Design

Review. The amendments also propose changes to the residential compatibility

standards, the Mixed Riverfront District (MR) building height standard, fence and wall

requirements, duplex and triplex lawn and patio requirements and adds a definition for

tasting rooms. There are also several minor amendments that provide consistent

terminology and clarify code text throughout the Code. The Notice pointed to a Planning

Commission hearing on July 13, 2015 and a City Council hearing on August 19, 2015.

CWNA responded to the Notice and 1) submitted comments ranging from suggesting

definitions to be added for College, University and Residential Compatibility along with

other suggestions and objected to the proposed changes in their entirety to Chapter 2.1

Residential Districts. 2.1.300 G. Residential Compatibility Standards and 2) provided

testimony at the Planning Commission Meeting on July 13. The Planning Commission at

the recommendation of staff agreed to form a working group to seek alternatives to the

proposed Residential Compatibility language; the group met on July 24 and met again

during the week of July 27. The Planning Commission also decided to reopen the Public

Hearing at its August 10 meeting to hear additional testimony and feedback from the

working group.

CWNA took the lead after speaking with property owners in Sunrise Village, Braeburn,

and on Bachelor View Road to speak on their behalf and participated in a series of

working sessions resulting in a revised Section 2.1.300.G Residential Compatibility which

was supported in its entirety by the Planning Commission and subsequently approved

by the City Council without change. To review the new code language and access ePlans,

go to the City of Bend website at (click on Public Viewer), then

enter PZ-15-0560 in the ePlans search bar. Questions may also bedirected to Pauline

Hardie at 541-693-2153.

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3. Type II Tentative Plan Application. PZ-15-0728. The City of Bend has issued a NOTICE OF

PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW for a Type II Tentative Plan application for a 3-lot

partition of a 1.1 acre parcel located on 19489 Kemple Drive (Tax lot 01800) within the

First on the Hill subdivision. The application submitted by Brain and Kerri Ely and all

documents can be viewed from the City of Bend website. To access, ePlans, go to the

City of Bend website at From the ONLINE SERVICES menu at the

top of the webpage, select ePlans (Public Viewer), then enter PZ-15-0728 in the ePlans

search bar. Questions may also be directed to Aaron Henson, Senior Planner, at 541-

383-4885 or [email protected]

Criteria: Bend Development Code. Chapter 4.3. Subdivisions, Partitions, Replats and

Property Line Adjustments. Any comments must be raised in writing and directed

toward the criteria that apply to this request (the Project number PZ-15-0728 must be

referenced) and submitted no later than September 15, 2015 by email to

[email protected] or to the Bend Planning Division, 710 NW Wall Street, Bend,

OR 97701.

On September 15, 2015, the Applicant was found in non-compliance with the

requirement to post a Land Use Notice on the property; the Applicant posted the Notice

on September 16, 2015 thus the period for comment was re-set to September 30, 2015.

Bob Brell


Land Use Development Committee Head.

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Rollover Neighborhood Association Funds Program Guide


In June, 2015, the Bend City Council approved a change to the budgeting system that

will allow unspent Bend Neighborhood Associations funds to be rolled over to the

subsequent year and allocated as grants. These rollover funds are in addition to the

recently increased per-tax-lot funding that neighborhood associations use for

communications purposes. The new, additional rollover funds do not have to be

restricted to communications.

The amount of rollover neighborhood association funds available are determined

annually after the end of the fiscal year (June 30). Rollover amounts will announced in

September and available for reimbursement in October. The amounts are expected to

vary each year. The rollover fund grant program will be administered by the

Communications Department in the City Manager’s office.

Rollover grants are a one-time expenditure and can be used for projects that benefit the

applicant’s neighborhood.

As this rollover fund program proceeds in coming years, recipient neighborhood

associations will be rotated to ensure that all neighborhoods have an opportunity to

receive a rollover grant, if they propose an eligible project.


The purpose of the Rollover Neighborhood Association Fund grant program is to build

community and to help develop sustained engagement from membership in

neighborhood associations.

Neighborhood Associations provide an opportunity for citizens to address the issues

affecting their neighbors and offer an opportunity to participate in decision making.

Sometimes, neighborhood associations lose momentum when there’s not a particular

issue driving interest.

This grant program is intended to provide additional means to help neighborhood

associations maintain strong, functional leadership and membership.


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The City’s projected funding available for the Rollover Neighborhood Association Funds

from the 2013-14 fiscal year’s budget is $________. Application deadline is Dec. 11,

2015. Grants will be awarded for projects meeting the criteria by Jan. 8, 2016.


The proposed project will benefit the neighborhood.

Grant proposals must be discussed and approved by the neighborhood association


Physical improvements or changes must occur on public land.

The project is low- or no-maintenance. Any maintenance will be performed by


The project must be completed by the end of the grant cycle (June 30, 2016)

Exceptions may be possible in the first years of this program.

Eligibility requirements and project ideas:

Any active, City-recognized neighborhood association is eligible for the funds.

Projects can include capital construction projects, clean-up or landscaping projects,

additional communication activities and more. Typical community building projects

include but are not restricted to:

Communications (websites, software, email lists, online forums, mailings).

Door to door canvassing materials or signs intended to build membership.

Providing language translation/interpretation, childcare or other efforts to make

neighborhood activities for accessible for all neighbors.

Activities such as tree-planting, beautification projects, invasive plant removals,

neighborhood clean-ups, etc.

Crime prevention activities such as National Night Out, block watch programs,

emergency preparedness efforts such as creating a neighborhood directory or


Planning or building of playgrounds, gardens, benches, fountains, public art, etc.

Neighborhood or culturally specific fairs and/or festivals.

Sustainability programs, such as a recycling event or community tool library.

Commented [AA1]: Is this a realistic time frame for neighborhoods this first year?

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Limits and restrictions:

Funds cannot be spent for efforts for or against any political issue, ballot measure or


No single grant will receive more than 50 percent of the funds available in one year.

Picnics or social events are limited to a $300 grant and occur in addition to the

neighborhood association’s mandated annual meeting.

Funds cannot be used to compensate neighborhood association board members for


Steps to developing a project

1. Brainstorm ideas and needs in your neighborhood. Make a list. Prioritize ideas

with your fellow neighborhood association leaders.

2. Check in with the grant program coordinator to ensure that the top ideas meet

the criteria and to identify and review any coordination and permit approvals that

may be needed from various City departments.

3. Define the project scope. Determine resources needed.

4. Obtain official and documented support from the neighborhood association board

to include in the application.

5. Discuss project with grant program coordinator.

6. Obtain three bids for any goods or services to be purchased.

7. Submit application.

City of Bend contact, grant program coordinator:

Anne Aurand, Community Relations Manager

541-388-5573 or [email protected]

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Rollover Neighborhood Association Funds

Grant Application, 2015-16


The purpose of the Rollover Neighborhood Association Fund grant program is to build

community and to help develop sustained engagement from membership in

neighborhood associations.


The City’s projected funding available for the Rollover Neighborhood Association Funds

from the 2013-14 fiscal year’s budget is $______. Application deadline is October 15,

2015. Grants will be awarded for projects meeting the criteria on November 1, 2015.

Eligible projects:

Eligibility requirements and project ideas can be found in the Rollover Neighborhood

Association Funds Program Guide document.

Section One: Summary

Neighborhood Association:

Project coordinator, name and title:

Name of project:

Contact phone number:

Requested grant amount:

Contact email address:

Have you previous applied for/received a rollover grant? Explain.

Contact mailing address:


Page 18: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

Section Two: Project Description

In an attached document:

1) Clearly describe your project in as much detail as possible. Include location, map,

site plans, images and photos if possible.

2) Outline your budget, how your requested funds would be used. See “limits and

restrictions” in Rollover Neighborhood Association Funds Program Guide document.

Section Three: Criteria

1) The project will benefit the neighborhood. (Describe how the project will benefit the

neighborhood or greater community. Demonstrate the value of your project.)

2) Grant proposals must be discussed and approved by the neighborhood association

board. (Provide minutes from meeting or a signed letter of support from the board.)

3) Physical improvements or changes must occur on public land. (Please work with your

government agency that improvements are planned for public land.)

4) The project is low- or no-maintenance. Any maintenance will be performed by

volunteers. The City will not maintain projects or provide ongoing expenses.

5) Picnics or social events are limited to a $300 grant and occur in addition to the

neighborhood association’s mandated annual meeting.

6) The project must be completed by the end of the grant cycle (June 30, 2016) (Include

a proposed timeline for the project.)

Page 19: DRAFT CWNA Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 16, 2015€¦ · Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Fireside Room @ Mt. Bachelor Village The CWNA Board meeting was held on Wednesday,

Section Four: Prerequisites check list

A designated project coordinator has been assigned.

A City staff person has reviewed the proposed project prior to the application submittal.

A letter of support from the neighborhood association board is submitted with application.

Where applicable, contractor/vendor bids have been obtained.