Download - Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Page 1: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Pedi atri c Septi c Shock

Best Evidence, N ursi ng consi derati ons

Dr . Sami AL Farsi, M DSenior consult ant, PEM

Direct or, Child Healt h Depart ment

Royal Hospit al, Oman

Page 2: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department


I do not have any r elevant fi nanci al rel ati onshi p wi th commerci al i nterest to di sclose.

Page 3: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

O bjecti ves Def ine sepsis and sept ic shock Recognize ear ly manif est ation of sepsis and septic

shock Dif f erent iat e bet ween t ypes of shockand proposed

m anagement

Review t he curr ent base of evidence f ortime sensitive,goal dir ect ed st epwise management .

Page 4: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Case 1:

1 year old child previously healt hy presented t o ED wit h fever for 2 daysLethargic , HR = 190 , Temp = 38.7 , RR= 40 , BP = 90/40 , Sat = 95% room airCRT 4 sec , week peripheral pulses , cold, mot t led skin

Is he septic / shock ?


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Case 2

7 years old child ALL on chemot herapy-5 days ago last cycle Fever f or 1 day

Lethargic , Temp: 39.1 HR= 170 RR= 21 Sat= 94% Bounding pulses (centr al and peripheral) , warm skin

CRT= 1 sec Bp= 80/40

septic / shock ??


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Pedia tric Sepsis

75000 children hospit alized each year in t he US f or sever sepsis 4.4% of children’s hospit al admissions 7% of PICU admissions

50% of sever sepsis occurs in infant s 49% of children wit h s ever sepsis have underlying diseases

Respiratory infect ions account for 40% and primary bacteremia 25% M ean LOS 31 days

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Pedia tric Sepsis

Sept ic shock mortalit y rates 0-5% in pr eviously healt hy children Sept ic shock mortalit y rates 10% in chronically ill children Already improving mortalit y rates due t o intensive care ( 97% t o


M ort alit y rates bett er in c hildren (9%) t han in adult 28%

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• Updat e f orSurviving SepsisCampaign G uidelines f orM anagement of SevereSepsis and Sept ic Shockincluding t he Pediat r icSubgroup

• Consensus Comm it t eeof68 int ernat ional expert sr epr esent ing 30 int ernat ionalorganizat ions

Dellinger RP, et al: Cr it Car e Med2013

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Page 10: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

New Co ncepts inSepsis

New def init ions based on a Task Force published in JAM A 2016 – SI RS validit ychallenged Sepsis def ined as a “ lif e-t hreat ening organ dysf unct ioncausedby a

dysregulat ed host due toinf ection” Sept ic shock is a subset of sepsis “in which under lying circulat ory

and cellular/m et abolic abnor malit ies are prof ound enoughtosubst ant ially increase m ort alit y”

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From: The Third I nternati onal Consensus Def ini tions for Sepsis and Septi c Shock ( Sepsis- 3)JAM A. 2016;315( 8): 801-810. doi:10.1001/jama. 2016.0287

Sequential [Sepsis-Related] Organ Failure AssessmentScorea

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Putting i tTogethe r

A SO FA ≥2 r ef lects mortalit y risk of 10% Pat ient s wit h suspect edinf ection whom ay requir eI CU caremay

be ident if ied by a quick SOFA or qSOFA (RR≥ 21 ; Alt er edM entalSt at us ; hypotension

Sept ic shock have f urt herdysregulat ory dysf unct ion– persist enthypot ension despit e vasopressor agent sandwit h elevated lactat e≥ 2 m m ol/ L – mort alit y> 40%

Page 13: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

From: The Third I nternati onal Consensus Def ini tions for Sepsis and Septi c Shock ( Sepsis- 3)JAM A. 2016;315( 8): 801-810. doi:10.1001/jama. 2016.0287

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How can any of this be appl iedtochi ldren?

Unclear at t his t im east hese guidelines do not addresspediat ricpat ient s

Biomar kers such aslact ate cont inuest o playa role andhasim plicat ions on survival

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Sepsi s

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Sepsi s D i sease Spectrum

SI RS Sepsis Sever e Sepsis

Sept ic Shock

Tem p inst abilit y >38.5° C or <36.5°CHR >2SD (HR if <1year )RR >2SD Abnorm al WBC or >10% immat ur e neut rophil

Goldst ein Pediat rCrit Care Med2005 6( 1) :2-8

Alt er ed m ental status CRT ≥3sec or f lash capillary refill Diminished or bounding peripher al pulses M ott led cool extremit ies Decr eased urine out put <1 mL/kg/hrHypot ension

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Fever def ined as ≥38°C

≥38. 5 C has im proved specif icit y Core t emperat ure is consider ed gold st andar d

Rect al, bladder , oral

Pediat r Cr it Care Med2005; 6: 2-8

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Pedi atri c Age Group D efi ni ti ons

Newbor n Neonat e

I nf ant Toddler

School age child Adolescent and young adult

0 days t o 1 wk 1 wk t o 1 mo

1 m o t o 1 yr 2 - 5 yr s

6 - 12 yr s 13 t o 18 yr s

Pediat r Cr it Care Med2005; 6: 2-8

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SI RS : Age- speci f i c vi t al si gns andl aboratory vari abl es

Syst oli c BPmm Hg

WBCX103/ mm3

Respir atory Rate ( breat h/mi n)

Bradycardia( Beat s/ min)

Tachycardia( Beat s/ min)

Age gr oup

< 65> 34> 50< 100> 180Newbor n< 75> 19. 5 or < 5 > 40< 100> 180Neonat e< 100> 17. 5 or < 5 > 34< 90> 180I nf ant<94 > 15. 5 or < 6 > 22NA > 140Toddler< 105> 13. 5 or < 4.5 > 18NA> 130Child< 117> 11 or < 4. 5 > 14NA> 110Adolescent

Pediat r Cr it Care Med2005; 6: 2-8

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Septi c Shock

Sept ic shock = Sepsis and cardiovascul ar organ dysf uncti on– There is no r equir ement f or hypot ension as t here is in t he

adult populat ion

– Tachycar dia ( m ay be absent if hypot herm ic)wit h signs of decreased per fusion)

– Decreased per ipheral pulses, alt ered alert ness, capillary r ef ill >2 seconds, mot tled or cool extr emit ies, or decr eased urine out put

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Col d or Warm Shock

Decreased per f usion m anif ested by alt ered/ decreased mental st at us

Capillary r ef ill >2 secs ( cold shock) or flash capillary r efill

( warm shock) Diminished ( cold shock) or bounding ( warm shock) per ipheral


M ot t led cool ext r emit ies (cold shock), or decr eased urine out put 1 mL/ kg/h

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Col d Shock

Page 23: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Implementation of Sepsis Protoco l

Short er t ime to fir st intravenous f luid Short er t ime to ant ibiotics administ rat ion Reduced t ime t o vasoactive infusion

Decreased m ort alit y Reduced lengt h of hospit al and PICU st ay

Reduced number of children wit h organ dysf unct ion

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Implementation of Sepsis Protoco l

Early use of pract ice consistent wit h 2002 guidelines improved outcom e in newborn and children (mortalit y rates 8% vs38% ) .

Every hour delay wit hout rest orat ion of normal BP f or age and CRT less t han 3 sec – associated wit h a t wo f old increase in adjusted mort alit y odd ratio

Han et all, pediat rics 2003; 112: 793 –799

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Improv ing Adherence to PAL S Septic Shock Guide l ines O bjecti ve: improveadherence t o national guidelines for children wit h

septic s hock in a pediat ric emergency depart ment wit h poor guideline adherence

Methods: Prospective cohort study of children presenting t o a t er tiary care pediat r ic emer gency department wit h septic shock

Qualit y improvement (QI) interventions, were used t o improve adherence t o a 5-component sepsis bundle, including timely (1) recognit ion of sept ic shock, (2) vascular access, (3) administrat ion of intravenous (IV) f luid, (4) antibiotics, and (5) vasoact ive agents

Paul et all, Pediat rics 2014;133:e1–e9

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Improv ing Adherence to PAL S Septic Shock Guide l inesResul ts:

242 patients were included: 126 pat ients before the intervention and 116 patients dur ing t he QI intervent ion

Achieved 100% adherence for all metr ics

Reduct ion in hospit al mort alit y from 4. 0% to 1.7%.

Paul et all, Pediat rics 2014;133:e1–e9

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Improv ing Adherence to PAL S Septic Shock Guide l ines

Paul et all, Pediatr ics 2014;133:e1–e9

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Improv ing Adherence to PAL S Septic Shock Guide l ines

Paul et all, Pediat rics 2014;133:e1–e9

P lan


Stu d y


Process f ocused QI methodology

Reduced mort alit y 4.8% t o 1.7%

Care bundles simplif y & st reamline t he pr ocess t hus

speeding it up

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Pedi atri c sepsi s


R e co gn itio n Flu id An timicrob ial

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Copyright©2017 by the Society of Crit ical Care Medicine andWolt er sKluwer Healt h, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pedi atri c sepsi s


Resus citation


Page 34: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Recogni ti on bundl e

Screen patient f or septic s hock using an inst it ution t r igger t ool ( High r isk patients, Vit al signs and

physical examination)

Clinician assessment wit hin 15 minut es f or any pat ient who sc reens posit ive in t he t r igger t ool

Init iate resuscit at ion bundle wit hin 15 m inut es f or any patients ident if ied by t he t r igger t ool whom t he

assess ing clinician confirm suspicion of septic s hock

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H i gh Ri sk Popul ati on

M alignancy

Asplenia (I ncluding SCD)

Bone M arr ow Transplant

Centr al or Indwelling line/cat heter

Solid organ t ransplant Immunodef iciency / Immunosuppress ion /


Page 38: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Age- speci f i c vi t al si gns

Syst oli c BPmmHgRespir atory Rate ( breat h/mi n)

Bradycardia( Beat s/ min)

Tachycardia( Beat s/ min)

Age gr oup

< 60> 50< 100> 180Newbor n< 60> 40< 100> 180Neonat e< 70> 34< 90> 180I nf ant< 70 + age in yr x 2 > 22NA > 140Toddler< 70 + age in yr x 2> 18NA> 130Child<90> 14NA> 110Adolescent

Page 39: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Exam abnormal i ti es

Non- specific War m shock Cold shock

Bounding Decr eased or weak Pulses

< 1 sec≥ 3 secCapillar y Ref ill

Pet echiae/purpur aFlushedM ot t led,cool Skin

Decr eased/ Lethar gyI r r it abilit y /confusion/ inappropr iate cr y , poor int er act ivnesswith par ent s, obt unded

M ent al status

Page 40: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

I dentif y as meeting sepsis / septic shock if :

1- Hypot ension or2- Meet 3/8 crit eria or 3- Meet 2/8 crit eria in

high r isk

Pat ient s pres ent t o ED wit h concern f or inf ect ion and / or tem perat ure abnor malit y

Exc lude f r om shock triage t ool, cont inue r outine

t r iage proc ess

Continue ass ess ment at t r iage

• Obt ain f ull set of vit al signs• Focus ed hist ory and PE • I s t he pt . high r isk ? Tem p - - - - --- -- -- -Hypot ension - - -- -- -- -- --Tachyc ar dia - -- -- -- -- -Tachypnea - - -- -- --- -- --CRT - - - - - -- -- -- -- -Ment al st at us - - -- --- -- -- -- --Pulse qualit y - - - - -- -- -- -- --Skin - - - - - - -- --- -- -- -



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Elect ronic M edical Record

Page 43: Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM …...Pediatri c Septi c Shock Best Evidence, Nursi ng considerati ons Dr. Sami AL Farsi,MD Senor consultant, PEM Drector, Chd Health Department

Weight esti mati on

Consi stent wei ght esti mati on tool

An accurat e weight , whether obtained wit h a scale locked t o read only in kil ograms or a lengt h‐based

resuscit at ion t ape, is t he f oundation of ef f icient and accurat e dosing f or f luid resuscit at ion and medicat ion administ rat ion f or t he pediat r ic patient wit h s hock

sym ptom s

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Moni tori ng

- Dynamic cardiopulmonary monit oring f acilit ates

t rending of vit al signs

O xygen admi ni strati on- Begin wit h a high‐ f low f ace mask t o improve

oxygenation is needed

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Temperature control

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Fir st mi nutes

Pat ient placed on 100%oxygen I V access obtained and 20 mL/ kg bolus initiat ed–

consider t wo lines Blood sugar Tem p

Blood sent f orlaborat ories, cult ures andlact at e Ant ibiot ics begun –

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Vascul ar access

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Resusci tati on Bundl e

Att ain I V/IO access wit hin 5 m inut es

appropriate f luid resuscit at ion begun wit hin 30 m inut es

Init iat ion of broad s pectr um empir ic antibiotics wit hin

60 m inut es Begin peripheral or centr al inotr ope infusion t herapy

f or f luid – ref ract ory shock wit hin 60 m inut es.

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Resuscit at ion:

A- AirwayB- BreathingC- Cir culat ion - cryst alloidsD- Dext rose, Drugs = antibiotics, inotrops S-St eroids

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Fluid Resusci tati on

Rapid f luid boluses of 20 ml/kg ( push or rapid infusion device )

Observe f or signs of f luid overload ( Hepat omegaly, increase work of breat hing, rales)

Repeat f luid boluses up t o 40-60 ml /kg in f ir st hour if

no signs of f luid overload Goal t o at t ain normal perf usion and BP

Cor rect Hypoglycem ia ( D10%)

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Early Rapi d Flui d Resusci tati on i n Pedi atri c Septi c Shock i s Associ ated wi th Improved O utcomes

Oliveir a et al, Ped Emergency Car e24:2008

Tim e- sens it iveFluid- sens it ive

% M




• M ort alit y is f luid- sensit ive, where m ort alit y wit h decr eased amount of f luids given• M ort alit y is t im e sensit ive, where m ort alit y wit h delays to f luid administ rat ion

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Ini ti al Resusci tati on

O xygen by f ace m ask or if needed – high f low nasalcannula oxygen, or nasal CPAP f or r espir at ory dist r ess

and hypoxem ia

I f r equir e int ubat ion - cardiovascular inst abilit y is lesslikely af t er appropr iat e cardiovascular r esuscit at ion( give f luids f ir st if possible(

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Anti bi oti cs

G ive ant ibiot ics wit hin 1 hour * of ident if icat ion of sever e sepsis

Blood cult ures should be drawn f ir st if at all possible

– DO NO T DELAY adm inist r at ion of ant ibiot ics f orCT/LP

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Anti mi crobi al therapy

Weiss et al. Delayed ant imicrobial t herapy increases mortalit y and organ dysfunction dur at ion in pediat ric sepsis. Crit Car e Med. 2014; 42(11): 2409–17.

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Laboratori es

Elect r olyt es, calcium, r enal and liver f unct ion t est s

G lucose, lact at e Consider adding ket ones and amm onia

CBC and blood cult ure, I NR Cat h UA and cult ure

Consider t ox scr een CXR

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ABCs: Fir st H our of Resusci tati on

Goal M aint ain or r est ore:

Air wayOxyg enat ionVentilat ion

Cir culat ionHear t r at e

M onit or

Pulse oxymet erContinuous ECGBlood Pr ess ureTempera t ure Ur ine output


I onized calcium

End point :Norm al PulseCRT < 2 sec

War m extr emit iesNorm al urine output Norm al ment al stat usNorm al BP f or age Norm al G lucose

Normal I onized Calcium

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Flui d Refractory Shock

• Can begin wit h dopam ine t hroughper ipheral I V• I nt ubat ion m aybe perf or med here (RSI(• Child r equir ing invasive m onit oring andcentr al line should be

int ubat ed

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Inotropes-Vasopressors-Vas odilators

• Cold shock – begindopam ine – if r esist ant– cent r al epinephr ine

– Consider vasodilat or• War m shock – cent r al

nor epinephr ine

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Mechani cal Venti l ati on

• I ndicat ions:– Decreased Conscious level– Need t o est ablish invasive hem odynamic m onitoring– Should be consider ed in any pat ient whois not r apidly

st abilized wit h fluid r esuscit ation and per ipherallyadm inist ered inot r opes

– Evidence of r espir at ory f ailure– Co M oribid condit ion

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H ydrocort i sone

• G ive if child at r isk foradr enal insuff iciencyoradr enal pit uit ary axis f ailure

– Purpura f ulm inans– Congenit al adr enal hyperplasia– Pr ior r ecent steroidexposure, hypot halamic/pit uit ar yabnormalit y(

AND• Remains in shock despit e epinephr ine ornor epinephr ine inf usion

• St r ess dose 1- 2 mg/ kg/ day[ may requir eup to 50 mg/ kg/day

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N ow what?

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Stabi l i zati on bundl e

Use mult imodal monit oring t o optim ize f luid , horm onal and cardiovascular t herapies t o at t ain

hemodynamic goals.

Confirm administ rat ion of appropriate antim icr obial t herapy and source contr ol

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Aggress ive Infection SourceControl

• Debr idem ent– Necrot izing pneum onia

– Necrot izing f asciit is– G angrenous m yonecrosis– Em pyem a

– Abscesses• Perf orat ed viscus – r epair and per it oneal

washout• Remove inf ect ed devices

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Performance Bundl e

M easure adherence t o Trigger, r esuscit at ion, and st abilizat ion bundles

Perf orm root cause analysis t o ident if y barr iers to


Provide an act ion plan t o address ident if ied bar r iers

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Case 1:

1 year old child previously healt hy presented t o ED wit h fever for 2 days. Lethargic , HR = 190 , Temp = 38.7 , RR= 40 , BP = 90/40 , Sat = 95% room airCRT 4 sec , week peripheral pulses , cold mottled

Is he septic / shock ?

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Case 1

I dentif y as meeting sepsis / septic shock if :1- Hypot ension or

2- Meet 3/8 crit eria or 3- Meet 2/8 crit eria in

high r isk

• Obt ain f ull set of vit al signs• Focus ed hist ory and PE • I s t he pt . high r isk ? Tem p - - - - --- -- -- -Hypot ension - - -- -- -- -- -Tachyc ar dia - -- -- -- -- -Tachypnea - - -- -- --- -- --CRT - - - - - -- -- -- -- -M ent al st at us - - -- --- -- -Pulse qualit y - - - - -- -- -- -Skin - - - - - - -- --- -- -- -

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Age- speci f i c vi t al si gns

Syst oli c BPmmHgRespir atory Rate ( breat h/mi n)

Bradycardia( Beat s/ min)

Tachycardia( Beat s/ min)

Age gr oup

< 60> 50< 100> 180Newbor n< 60> 40< 100> 180Neonat e< 70> 34< 90> 180I nf ant< 70 + age in yr x 2 > 22NA > 140Toddler< 70 + age in yr x 2> 18NA> 130Child<90> 14NA> 110Adolescent

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Case 1 acti on

M onit ored bed

Assessm ent by M D

Init iate resuscit at ion bundle

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Case 2

7 years old child ALL on chemot herapy-5 days ago last cycle Fever f or 1 day

Lethargic , Temp: 39.1 HR= 170 RR= 21 Sat= 94% Bounding pulses (centr al and peripheral) , warm skin

CRT= 1 sec Bp= 80/40

septic / shock ??

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Age- speci f i c vi t al si gns

Syst oli c BPmmHgRespir atory Rate ( breat h/mi n)

Bradycardia( Beat s/ min)

Tachycardia( Beat s/ min)

Age gr oup

< 60> 50< 100> 180Newbor n< 60> 40< 100> 180Neonat e< 70> 34< 90> 180I nf ant< 70 + age in yr x 2 > 22NA > 140Toddler< 70 + age in yr x 2> 18NA> 130Child<90> 14NA> 110Adolescent

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Case 2

I dentif y as meeting sepsis / septic shock if :1- Hypot ension or

2- Meet 3/8 crit eria or 3- Meet 2/8 crit eria in

high r isk

• Obt ain f ull set of vit al signs• Focus ed hist ory and PE • I s t he pt . high r isk ? Tem p - - - - --- -- -- -Hypot ension - - -- -- -- --Tachyc ar dia - -- -- -- -- -Tachypnea - - -- -- --- -- --CRT - - - - - -- -- -- -- -M ent al st at us - - -- --- --Pulse qualit y - - - - -- -- -- -Skin - - - - - - -- --- -- -- -

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Case 2

Next steps

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Take H ome Messages

Recognit i on –esufo DEslocotor profcitpeskcohscanim prove compliancewit h guidelines and improve outcomeTimer

Early appropr iat e f luid resuscitat ion( vascular access) Early empir ic ant ibiot ics wit hin 1 hour M oni t or HR, RR, Temp, BP, Spo2, glucose Early use of inot rope Early init iat ion of t r ansf erof cr it ical children

M aint ain or r estore air way, oxygenat ion and vent ilat ion

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Take H ome Messages

• Therapeut i c endpoint s:– Capillary r ef ill <2 secs– Norm al pulses wit h no dif ferent ial between thequalit y

of per ipheral and centr alpulses– War m ext r em it ies– Ur ine out put >1 mL/ kg/ h– Norm al m ent al st at us– Norm al blood pressure f orage– Norm al glucose concent rat ion– Norm al ionized calcium concentr ation

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Separati on Sl i de