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Girl group Melody wowed everyone when uploading a spontaneous video of them singing onto YouTube. One year later they are the biggest girl group around selling out singles worldwide, performing at momentous events and even being nominated for the BRITS. We got to meet with them for an exclusive Fusion interview revealing gossip about boyfriends, a new tour, their V festival performance and moreHey Melody! Its great to see you girls, youve been through such a crazy year hows it been for you all? Hardeep- (laughs) Yes its been SO crazy weve been through so much this year and weve loved every second of it, to be honest we still cant believe this is all happening to us, it still feels like a dream!Yes. I bet! So how did you girls all meet?Anna- We were all in the same secondary school but we were in different classes so we never really saw each other, I knew of the girls but we had never spoken. We then started at the same college and it was then when all three of us became really close, we were in some of the same classes and we all just clicked! Autumn: Yeah we think back now and think how weird it was how we were all in the same secondary school but never spoke and now were all so close, its as if weve known each other forever!Ahhh its sweet how things work out, how was Melody formed? Autumn- We all love music and singing, we used to get together after college or on the weekends and write and record songs. Then one time we actually plucked up enough courage to share one of our songs on YouTube. We uploaded it thinking no one would even notice it, but it got so many views. The video was posted and shared all over social media, the response was incredible! It was then when we realised people actually liked what we enjoyed doing so we thought it was a great opportunity to form a girl group! So you girls played at V festival this year, how was that?Hardeep- Oh wow it was epic! It was so amazing to be performing at such a well known festival with so many people we literally felt on cloud 9. The crowd were fantastic which added to the whole experience. It was a day Ill never forget. Anna- Yeah it was awesome, it felt surreal hearing the crowd singing songs that weve wrote and produced. I loved every second of it and I still have to pinch myself thinking that we sang at the same festival as artists like Rihanna and Justin Timberlake, who I have personally admired since I was younger. Have you ever thought about going on tour?Autumn- Yes! One of our favourite things is performing live and the reactions from the crowd, so going on tour would be perfect. We have talked about it so much and it is definitely one of our goals to achieve.Hardeep- We would all enjoy it- us and the fans! I think once weve released an album we will hopefully start planning a tour.Now for the question were dying to know! There have been many rumours about boyfriends, can any of you confirm any relationships?Anna- (laughs) Nope, they are all rumours.Hardeep- Yep (laughs), were all single. Its funny how the media can blow something out of proportion. Were seen with a male and its automatically assumed its a new romance, when in reality they are just friends. To finish, what has been the highlight of your year?Autumn- Hmm thats tricky, there have been so many amazing things that have happened. Hardeep- Urmm I think for me it was when our single What love went straight to number one. It was near the beginning of the year and I remember being so happy and proud.Autumn- I think my highlight was when we met the Beyonc. She spoke to us for ages and gave us so much interesting advice. Anna- Im finding it difficult to narrow it down to just one thing, but overall what Ive enjoyed most this year is being able to do what I love most, alongside my two best friends.