Download - Dowry Harassment - Radhe Maa

Page 1: Dowry Harassment - Radhe Maa

Dowry Harassment - Radhe Maa

Page 2: Dowry Harassment - Radhe Maa

Godwoman booked under Dowry Act screamed a headline that had the usual irresponsible loosely written report that repeated allegations against Radhe Maa

that had no evidence to back the allegations. The accuser was the daughter-in-law of a Radhe Maa devotee whose husband had filed for divorce citing incompatibility as the reason for the step. The sensation hungry media lapped it up without asking

how Radhe Maa could be accused of advising devotees to demand dowry? Why would Radhe Maa do it? How would she gain? What would Radhe Maa's motive be?

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