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BIG DATA Une liste bibliographique de documents et d’articles scientifiques

Dans ce numéro

Big Data

Data science

Artificial Intelligence

Cloud computing

Business Intelligence

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Big Data N° 05 - 2017

Dossier documentaire

Définition :

« Le dossier documentaire est un produit documentaire constitué d'un ensemble de documents de sources diverses, choisis et réunis sur une question donnée, et organisé de façon à faciliter l'accès

à l'information rassemblée…»1

1 ADBS : L'association des professionnels

de l'information et de la documentation


Big Data

Data science

Artificial intelligence

Cloud computing

Business intelligence

L’utilisation d’internet et des nouvelles

technologies de l’information et de la

communication a contribué à l’explosion

du volume de données numériques

stockées et échangées à l’échelle


Ce volume ne cesse de croitre de

manière exponentielle, d’où l’émergence

du concept « BIG DATA » (méga

données, données massives...) qui

questionne à la fois :

La situation actuelle et future du

volume des données stockées et

échangées ;

Les technologies et procédures (base

de données) capables de stocker et

traiter ce volume massif de données

généralement non structurées ;

L’Accès et l’analyse en temps réel de

ces données volumineuses et variées

De ce fait on ne peut pas donner une

définition universelle et précise du

concept « Big Data » puisque le terme

évoque en lui-même et selon les

communautés, un ensemble de

problématiques liées surtout au stockage,

accès, diffusion et analyse de ces « méga

données ».

Dans ce numéro, on essayera

d’introduire les concepts clés liés au Big

Data, En présentant des ressources

documentaires (Papiers / électroniques)

pour mieux comprendre les différents

aspects des problématiques déjà

évoquées dans cette introduction.


“Big data is high-volume,

high-velocity and/or high-

variety information assets

that demand cost-effective,

innovative forms of

information processing that

enable enhanced insight,

decision making, and

process automation”1


“ Chaque jour, nous

générons 2,5 trillions

d’octets de données. A tel

point que 90% des données

dans le monde ont été créées

au cours des deux dernières

années seulement ” 2(IBM)


Big Data

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Stratégie Big Data

Auteur : Thomas H. Davenport

Éditeur : Pearson

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7440-6617-7

Cote : 658.403 8/DAV

Le mirage numérique : pour une politique des Big


Auteur : Evgeny Morozov

Éditeur : Les Prairies ordinaires

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-350-96113-2

Cote : 005.7/MOR

Du Big data au smart data : au service d'un monde


Auteur : Fernando Iafrate

Éditeur : ISTE éditions

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-1-10-704772-3

Cote : 658.403 8/IAF

Big Data

Le big data

Auteur : Pierre Delort

Éditeur Presse Universitaire de France

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-2-13-065211-3

Cote 658.403 8/DEL

Le Big Data (ou mégadonnées) entend rationaliser et

formaliser la gestion des données très volumineuses, mais

souvent faiblement définies, afin d'en extraire des

informations utiles et économiquement exploitables. C'est

ainsi que nos recherches par mots clés sur Google peuvent

accélérer la production d'un vaccin antigrippe ou que Rolls

Royce équipe de capteurs ses moteurs d'avion de la gamme

Trent pour, grâce aux données collectées, rationaliser ses

programmes d'entretien et de réparation comme la gestion de

ses stocks de rechange et améliorer la conception du moteur.

Cet ouvrage est une invitation à penser ce qu'une approche

par les mégadonnées modifie dans la recherche et

l'innovation, dans la vie des entreprises et dans notre vie

quotidienne. Ni eldorado, ni miroir aux alouettes, le Big Data

est loin de n'être qu'une mode. Président de l'association

nationale des DSI, Pierre Delort enseigne le Big Data à l'école

des Mines.


On résume généralement la

problématique du Big Data aux 3 V

pour designer :

Volume : données massives en

perpétuelle croissance ;

vélocité : vitesse de création d’échange

et de mise à jour de ces données

Variété : Données aux formes variées

(image, texte…), de différentes

sources et non structurées (réseau


L’applicabilité et l’usage des « Big data »

par des communautés diverses peuvent

être illustrés par de nouvelles

caractéristiques qui s’ajoutent aux 3

éléments précités (3V) à savoir :

Véracité : Fiabilité des données

Valeur : Données exploitables qui

peuvent générer un profit ou un

avantage. (clients potentiels, nouveaux

produits, concurrence, tendances…)



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Data warehousing in the age of big data

Auteur : Krish Krishnan

Éditeur Elsevier

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-12-405891-0

Cote 005.745/KRI

Les bases de données NoSQL et le big data

Auteur : Rudi Bruchez

Éditeur : Eyrolles

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-212-14155-9

Cote : 005.75/BRU

Bases de données NoSQL

et Big Data ; cours et travaux

Auteur : Philippe Lacomme

Éditeur : Ellipses

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-340-00261-6

Cote : 005.75/LAC

Big data : concepts et mise en oeuvre de Hadoop

Auteur : Laurent Jolia-Ferrier

Éditeur : ENI éditions

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-2-7460-8688-3

Cote : 005.74/JOL

Big Data


This book has touched upon governance and information life

cycle management aspects of Big Data in the larger program,

however you can reuse all the current program management

techniques that you follow for the Data Warehouse for this

program and even implement agile approaches to integrating

and managing data in the Data Warehouse.

Technologies will continue to evolve in this spectrum and

there will be more additions of solutions, which can be

integrated if you follow the modular integration approaches to

building and managing the Data Warehouse.

The Appendix sections contain many more case studies and

a special section on Healthcare Information Factory based on

Big Data approaches.

Data architecture: a primer for the data


Auteur : William H. Inmon

Éditeur Morgan Kaufmann

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-12-802044-9

Cote 005.743/INM

Today, the world is trying to create and educate data

scientists because of the phenomenon of Big Data.

Data Architecture a Primer for the Data Scientist addresses

the larger architectural picture of how Big Data fits with the

existing information infrastructure, an essential topic for the

data scientist. Drawing upon years of practical experience and

using numerous examples and an easy to understand

framework. W.H. Inmon, and Daniel Linstedt define the

importance of data architecture and how it can be used

effectively to harness big data within existing systems.

You'll be able to: Turn textual information into a form that

can be analyzed by standard tools. Make the connection

between analytics and Big DataUnderstand how Big Data fits

within an existing systems environment Conduct analytics on

repetitive and non-repetitive data.


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Big data: new science, new challenges, new

dialogical opportunities.

Abstract: The advent of extremely large data sets, known as 'big data,'

has been heralded as the instantiation of a new science, requiring a new

kind of practitioner: the 'data scientist.' This article explores the concept

of big data, drawing attention to a number of new issues-not least ethical

concerns, and questions surrounding interpretation-which big data sets

present. It is observed that the skills required for data scientists are in

some respects closer to those traditionally associated with the arts and

humanities than to those associated with the natural sciences; and it is

urged that big data presents new opportunities for dialogue, especially

concerning hermeneutical issues, for theologians and data scientists.



Handling big data: research challenges and future


Abstract: Today, an enormous amount of data is being continuously

generated in all walks of life by all kinds of devices and systems every

day. A significant portion of such data is being captured, stored,

aggregated and analyzed in a systematic way without losing its '4V' (i.e.,

volume, velocity, variety, and veracity) characteristics. We review major

drivers of big data today as well the recent trends and established

platforms that offer valuable perspectives on the information stored in

large and heterogeneous data sets. Then, we present a classification of

some of the most important challenges when handling big data. Based on

this classification, we recommend solutions that could address the

identified challenges, and in addition we highlight cross-disciplinary

research directions that need further investigation in the future.



Articles scientifiques

A general perspective of Big Data: applications,

tools, challenges and trends

Abstract: Big Data has become a very popular term. It refers to the

enormous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured

data that are exponentially generated by high-performance

applications in many domains: biochemistry, genetics, molecular

biology, physics, astronomy, and business, to mention a few. Since

the literature of Big Data has increased significantly in recent years, it

becomes necessary to develop an overview of the state-of-the-art in

Big Data. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of Big

Data literature of the last 4 years, to identify the main challenges, areas

of application, tools and emergent trends of Big Data. To meet this

objective, we have analyzed and classified 457 papers concerning Big

Data. This review gives relevant information to practitioners and

researchers about the main trends in research and application of Big

Data in different technical domains, as well as a reference overview of



Big Data and Its Technical Challenges

Abstract: The article discusses the inherent technical challenges that

are reportedly associated with Big Data as of July 2014, focusing on

data-driven mathematical models, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's

impact on the field of astronomy, and information about technological

advances such as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Moore's law for

single-threaded applications is addressed, along with open source

work involving systems such as Hadoop. Internet company Google

Inc. and social networking services such as Facebook and LinkedIn

are examined. INSET: Case Study.


Big Data

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Big Big Data IN THE Field Service INDUSTRY.

Abstract: The article discusses the use of big data by the U.S. real estate

industry to protect properties against severe weather damage and

compliance with regulatory requirement in order to mitigate associated

financial risks. Topics discussed include role of the property preservation

company Safeguard Properties in data collection, the MapAler technology

which utilizes data sources such as the Federal Emergency Management

Agency and the INSPI Mobile application.


Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and Big Data:

A Revolution That Will Transform Supply Chain

Design and Management.

Abstract: We illuminate the myriad of opportunities for research where

supply chain management ( SCM) intersects with data science, predictive

analytics, and big data, collectively referred to as DPB. We show that

these terms are not only becoming popular but are also relevant to supply

chain research and education. Data science requires both domain

knowledge and a broad set of quantitative skills, but there is a dearth of

literature on the topic and many questions. We call for research on skills

that are needed by SCM data scientists and discuss how such skills and

domain knowledge affect the effectiveness of an SCM data scientist. Such

knowledge is crucial to develop future supply chain leaders. We propose

definitions of data science and predictive analytics as applied to SCM. We

examine possible applications of DPB in practice and provide examples

of research questions from these applications, as well as examples of

research questions employing DPB that stem from management theories.

Finally, we propose specific steps interested researchers can take to

respond to our call for research on the intersection of SCM and DPB.



Articles scientifiques

Innovation in the Industry: The Role and Risks

of Big Data

Abstract: The article reports that big data represents an area of huge

potential starting to take form in terms of improving the efficiency of

the sector's operations. It notes that several Western Australia

consultancies and service providers are at the forefront of capitalizing

on those opportunities. The growing body of web-based applications

and digital tools utilized across the value chain implies the increasing

relevance of cyber security.


Big Data

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Management des données de l'entreprise

Auteur : Pierre Bonnet

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7462-2391-2

Cote : 658.05/BON

Data analysis using sql

and excel

Auteur : Gordon S. Linoff

Éditeur : Wiley

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-0-470-09951-3

Cote : 005.758 5/LIN

Ordinal data modeling

Auteur : Valen E. Johnson

Éditeur : Springer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-0-387-98718-7

Cote : 519.5/JOH

Data Science

Big data analytics: from strategic

planning to enterprise


Auteur : David Loshin

Éditeur Elsevier

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-12-417319-4

Cote 005.74/LOS

Big Data Analytics will assist managers in providing an

overview of the drivers for introducing big data technology into

the organization and for understanding the types of business

problems best suited to big data analytics solutions,

understanding the value drivers and benefits, strategic

planning, developing a pilot, and eventually planning to

integrate back into production within the enterprise.


La Data Science ou la science des

données, est une discipline qui permet

d’exploiter et d’analyser des données

brutes pour en extraire des informations


C’est un mélange disciplinaire “entre la

data inférence, le développement

d’algorithme et la technologie, dont

l’objectif est la résolution de problèmes

analytiques complexes”2

La data science se base sur des

méthodes automatisées à l’aide

d’algorithmes pour trier et analyser des

données (massives) brutes et non

structurées afin d’en extraire des

informations utiles.

“ La science des données est

l'extraction de connaissance

d'ensembles de données. Elle

emploie des techniques et des

théories tirées de plusieurs

autres domaines plus larges

des mathématiques, la

statistique principalement, la

théorie de l'information et la

technologie de l'information...”1



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Measuring data quality for ongoing improvement

Auteur :Laura Sebastian-Coleman

Éditeur : Elsevier

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-0-12-397033-6

Cote : 005.73/SEB

Data mining applications

with R

Auteur : Yanchang Zhao

Éditeur : Elsevier

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-0-12-411511-8

Cote : 006.312/ZHA

Rapid miner: data mining use cases and business analytics applications

Auteur : Markus Hofmann

Éditeur : CRC Press

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-1-482-20549-7

Cote : 006.312/HOF

Data science : fondamentaux et études de cas ;

machine learning avec Python et R

Auteur : Éric Biernat

Éditeur Eyrolles

Langue Français

ISBN 978-2-212-14243-3

Cote 006.31/BIE

La data science est l'art de traduire des problèmes

industriels, sociaux, scientifiques, ou de toute autre nature, en

problèmes de modélisation quantitative, pouvant être résolus

par des algorithmes de traitement de données. Cela passe par

une réflexion structurée, devant faire en sorte que se

rencontrent problèmes humains, outils techniques

/informatiques et méthodes statistiques/algorithmiques.

Chaque projet de data science est une petite aventure, qui

nécessite de partir d'un problème opérationnel souvent flou, à

une réponse formelle et précise, qui aura des conséquences

réelles sur le quotidien d'un nombre plus ou moins important

de personnes.

Éric Biernat et Michel Lutz proposent de vous guider dans

cette aventure. Ils vous feront visiter les vastes espaces de la

data science moderne, de plus en plus présente dans notre

société et qui fait tant parler d'elle, parfois par l'intermédiaire

d'un sujet qui lui est corollaire, les big data.

Functional data analysis

Auteur : J. Ramsay

Éditeur Springer

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-387-94956-7

Cote 519.5/RAM

This monograph presents many ideas and techniques for

such data. Included are expressions in the functional domain

of such classics as linear regression, principal components

analysis, linear modelling, and canonical correlation analysis,

as well as specifically functional techniques such as curve

registration and principal differential analysis.

Data arising in real applications are used throughout for

both motivation and illustration, showing how functional

approaches allow us to see new things, especially by

exploiting the smoothness of the processes generating the

data. The data sets exemplify the wide scope of functional

data analysis; they are drwan from growth analysis,

meterology, biomechanics, equine science, economics, and


The book presents novel statistical technology while

keeping the mathematical level widely accessible. It is

designed to appeal to students, to applied data analysts, and

to experienced researchers…



Data Science

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Managing data in motion : data integration, best

practice techniques and technologies

Auteur : April Reeve

Éditeur : Morgan Kaufmann

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-0-12-397167-8

Cote : 005.74/REE

Nonparametric functional data

analysis : theory and practice

Auteur : Frédéric Ferraty

Éditeur Springer

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-387-30369-7

Cote 519.5/FER

Modern apparatuses allow us to collect samples of functional

data, mainly curves but also images. On the other hand,

nonparametric statistics produces useful tools for standard

data exploration. This book links these two fields of modern

statistics by explaining how functional data can be studied

through parameter-free statistical ideas.

This book starts from theoretical foundations including

functional nonparametric modeling, description of the

mathematical framework, construction of the statistical

methods, and statements of their asymptotic behaviors. It

proceeds to computational issues including R and S-PLUS

routines. Several functional datasets in chemometrics,

econometrics, and pattern recognition are used to emphasize

the wide scope of nonparametric functional data analysis in

applied sciences. The companion Web site includes R and S-

PLUS routines, command lines for reproducing examples

presented in the book, and the functional datasets.

Data mining and business analytics

with R

Auteur : Johannes Ledolter

Éditeur Wiley

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-1-11-844714-7

Cote 006.312/LED

Collecting, analyzing, and extracting valuable information

from a large amount of data requires easily accessible, robust,

computational and analytical tools. Data Mining and Business

Analytics with R utilizes the open source software R for the

analysis, exploration, and simplification of large high-

dimensional data sets. As a result, readers are provided with

the needed guidance to model interpret complicated data,

and become adept at building powerful models for prediction

and classification.

Highlighting both underlying concepts and practical

computational skills, Data Mining and Business Analytics with

R begins with coverage of standard linear regression and the

importance of parsimony in statistical modeling. The book

includes important topics such as penalty-based variable

selection (LASSO); logistic regression; regression and

classification trees; clustering; principal components and

partial least squares; and the analysis of text and network




Data Science

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The Science of Managing Data Science.

Abstract: The article discusses the management of data science research

teams. Particular focus is given to the author's experiences as the vice

president (VP) of engineering at a startup firm specializing in data mining

and machine learning research.

According to the author, traditional software development processes

such as agile and scrum are not well suited for research work. Details on

the creation of communications and logistics processes for the team are


Topics discussed include transparency, research deadlines, and



Big data and data science methods for

management research.

Abstract: The authors focus on data science applications in management

research. They talk about challenges of data acquisition, processing,

storage, and analysis, and state the field is changing rapidly with

computing applications and business practices.

They talk about the reporting and visualization of data and challenges of

data science and big data, including the impact that large sample sizes

will have on statistical significance


Articles scientifiques

Science and data science.

Abstract: Data science has attracted a lot of attention, promising to

turn vast amounts of data into useful predictions and insights. In this

article, we ask why scientists should care about data science. To

answer, we discuss data science from three perspectives: statistical,

computational, and human.

Although each of the three is a critical component of data science, we

argue that the effective combination of all three components is the

essence of what data science is about. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Data Science: Challenges and Directions.

Abstract: he article examines the relationship between data science

problems and the need for systematic thinking, methodologies, and

approaches in order to develop machine intelligence. It discusses how

data science helps scientists understand and synthesize complexities

and intelligence in problem solving.

Particular attention is given to data-driven machines to represent and

advance human-like intuition and creative thinking through human-

data interaction.


Data Science

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Panorama de l'intelligence artificielle

Auteur : Pierre Marquis

Éditeur : Cépaduès-éditions

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-364-93041-4

Cote : 006.3/MAR

Intelligence artificielle :

cours, exercices corrigés et projets

Auteur : Louis Gacôgne

Éditeur : Ellipses

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-340-00884-7

Cote : 006.3/GAC

L'intelligence artificielle pour les développeurs

Auteur : Virginie Mathivet

Éditeur : Éditions ENI

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9215-0

Cote : 006.3/MAT

Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge representation,

reasoning, and the design of intelligent


Auteur : : Michael Gelfond.

Éditeur : Cambridge University Press

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-1-10-702956-9

Cote Cote: 006.3/GEL

…Knowledge representation and reasoning is the

foundation of artificial intelligence, declarative programming,

and the design of knowledge-intensive software systems

capable of performing intelligent tasks. Using logical and

probabilistic formalisms based on answer set programming

(ASP) and action languages, this book shows how

knowledge-intensive systems can be given knowledge about

the world and how it can be used to solve non-trivial

computational problems.

The authors maintain a balance between mathematical

analysis and practical design of intelligent agents. All the

concepts, such as answering queries, planning, diagnostics,

and probabilistic reasoning, are illustrated by programs of

ASP. The text can be used for AI-related undergraduate and

graduate classes and by researchers who would like to learn

more about ASP and knowledge representation


L’intelligence artificielle (IA)

désigne l’ensemble de théories et

de techniques mises en œuvre en

vue de réaliser des machines

capables de simuler l'intelligence


L’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) ‘’avait pour but

de donner à la machine la capacité de

résoudre des problèmes ou d’accomplir des

tâches de « haut niveau » habituellement

dévolues à l’être humain ‘’ cette approche

classique a orienté une partie des recherches

dans ce domaine vers la ‘’ modélisation des

connaissances et des raisonnements ‘’

Depuis quelques années et avec l’avènement

du ‘’BIG DATA’’ et les nombreuses possibilités

qu’offrent ces grandes quantités de données

combinées au développement des

techniques d’apprentissage automatique

(Machine learning), de nombreux problèmes

relevant de l’IA sont attaqués avec un

certain succès par une voie différente de

l’ancienne approche (reconnaissance des

objets, compréhension du langage naturel,

recherche d’information….) 1

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Superintelligence: paths, dangers,


Auteur : Nick Bostrom

Éditeur Oxford University Press

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-19-967811-2

Cote 006.301/BOS

L'intelligence artificielle pour les développeurs

Auteur : Virginie Mathivet

Éditeur : Éditions ENI

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9843-5

Cote : 006.3/MAT

Systèmes multi-agents

Auteur : Colloque

Éditeur : Cépaduès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-364-93191-6

Cote : 006.3/COL

L'intelligence artificielle en images

Auteur : Henry Brighton

Éditeur : EDP sciences

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7598-1772-6

Cote : 006.3/BRI

Artificial Intelligence


A New York Times bestseller Superintelligence asks the

questions: What happens when machines surpass humans in

general intelligence? Will artificial agents save or destroy us?

Nick Bostrom lays the foundation for understanding the future

of humanity and intelligent life.

The human brain has some capabilities that the brains of

other animals lack. It is to these distinctive capabilities that our

species owes its dominant position. If machine brains

surpassed human brains in general intelligence, then this new

superintelligence could become extremely powerful - possibly

beyond our control. As the fate of the gorillas now depends

more on humans than on the species itself, so would the fate

of humankind depend on the actions of the machine


But we have one advantage: we get to make the first move.

Will it be possible to construct a seed Artificial Intelligence, to

engineer initial conditions so as to make an intelligence

explosion survivable? How could one achieve a controlled


Les technologies de l'intelligence :

l'avenir de la pensée à l'ère informatique

Auteur : Pierre Lévy

Éditeur Editions Seuil

Langue Français

ISBN 978-2-02-013091-2

Cote 153.4/LEV

L'information se manipule, l'expérience se simule,

l'intelligence s'artificialise. L'informatique et les réseaux de

communication, en permettant à chaque utilisateur

d'organiser textes, sons, images ou logiciels en "hypertextes"

divers et fluctuants, suscitent des technologies de

l'intelligence aussi radicalement nouvelles que le furent, en

leur temps, celles liées à l'écriture.

Comment se constitue un hypertexte? Comment

fonctionnent ces réseaux qui organisent et redistribuent sans

cesse l'information? Comment, surtout, ces technologies

intellectuelles modifient-elles nos modes de pensée? Pour

saisir cette mutation inaccessible à l'épistémologie classique,

Pierre Lévy se fait anthropologue, écologue même quand il

dessine les grandes lignes d'une "écologie cognitive"

susceptible de réconcilier l'homme avec la technique, voire de

jeter les bases d'une techno-démocratie dont on commence à

percevoir les signes avant coureurs.


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7e Plateforme AFIA Chambéry, 16 au 20

mai 2011

Auteur : Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle

Éditeur Publibook

Langue Français

ISBN 978-2-7483-6423-1

Cote 006.3/PLA

Technologies des systèmes multi-agents et applications industrielles

Auteur : : Amal Seghrouchni,

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7462-1785-0

Cote : 006.3/FAL

Artificial Intelligence


Le principal objectif de cette conférence réside dans le

rapprochement de différentes communautés en rassemblant

cette année trois conférences (IC, CAp et RJCIA) : - Ingénierie

des Connaissances : organisée depuis 1997 sous l’égide du

Gracq (Groupe de Recherche en Acquisition des

Connaissances), IC permet de favoriser les échanges sur le

thème des mécanismes de la connaissance, en particulier les

processus associant l’humain et l’environnement informatique.

Elle accompagne ainsi l’essor des technologies de

l’information, en inventant les théories, les méthodes et les

outils permettant l’intégration de la dimension « connaissance

» dans des environnements informatiques. - Conférence

francophone d’Apprentissage : c’est le rendez-vous annuel de

la communauté francophone depuis 1999 dans le domaine de

l’apprentissage. Les réflexions portent principalement sur la

représentation des connaissances, au travers des méthodes

de construction par l’exemple.

Informatique et intelligence

ambiante : des capteurs aux applications

Auteur : Gaelle Calvary

Éditeur Hermès

Langue Français

ISBN 978-2-7462-2981-5

Cote 006.3/CAL

Le concept d'intelligence ambiante, décliné sous différents

vocables (informatique ubiquitaire, informatique diffuse,

internet des objets, etc.), traduit l'émergence d'un domaine

scientifique dont le périmètre est encore flou. Pour cette

raison, nous choisissons de définir l'intelligence ambiante par

sa finalité : fournir des espaces de services et des dispositifs

fondés sur les nouvelles technologies et capables de

répondre de manière adaptée en toute circonstance à la fois

à des besoins individuels et à des défis sociétaux dans tous

les secteurs d'activités » (J. Coutaz et J. Crowley, chapitre 1).

Effet de mode ou discipline d'avenir ? Cet ouvrage fait le

point sur le concept d'intelligence ambiante, les questions

éthiques qu'il soulève et les défis qu'il pose en informatique.

Ces défis sont étudiés à tout niveau d'abstraction : des

capteurs à l'interaction homme-machine en passant par les

réseaux et les systèmes d'information. Son vaste potentiel

applicatif est honoré par des exemples issus des domaines

de la santé, des loisirs et du transport.


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Robotics: Ethics of artificial intelligence.

Abstract: The article presents the concerns and solutions of leading

researchers for reducing societal risks from intelligent machines.

Computer science professor Stuart Russell encourages debates on the

potential and limits of autonomous weapons. Robotics lecturer Sabine

Hauert urges researchers to create a public platform that promote a

balanced discussion of the issue. Bioengineering professor Russ Altman

cites the impact of artificial intelligence technologies for healthcare.


Merging With the Machines: Information

Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Law of

Exponential Growth.

Abstract: An interview with futurist Ray Kurzweil is presented. He says

that man should move away from using fossil fuels and in return use

renewable energy such as solar and geothermal. He mentions the

potential danger in technologies. He notes that artificial intelligence (AI)

will be integrated in the human civilization


Artificial Intelligence Goes Microbial

Abstract: The article explores Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its use in

microbiology. Topics discussed include insights on the topic from Tim

Zanni, a global and U.S. technology sector leader at KPMG, the company

Zymergen, cofounded by Joshua Hoffman and Zach Serber, and deep-

learning systems and how they are often skilled enough to surpass human



Articles scientifiques

Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, and Modeling.

Abstract: Artificial intelligence and simulation overlap increasingly

as computer hardware prices fall and software sophistication

increases. Artificial intelligence programming methods permit more

realistic and robust simulation models and help the user develop,

run, and interpret simulation experiments. Simulation algorithms

permit expert systems to reason about complex models that change

over time or include interacting stochastic elements. This article

describes basic concepts in artificial intelligence and highlights

expected benefits in each field over the next decade. [ABSTRACT



Artificial Intelligence: Is the Future Now for A.I.?

Abstract: In education, artificial intelligence (AI) has not made much

headway. In the one area where it would seem poised to lend the most

benefit--assessment--the reliance on standardized tests, intensified

by the demands of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which holds

schools accountable for whether students pass statewide exams,

precludes its use. Standardized tests are graded consistently, with no

allowance for individual student abilities or styles of learning, and no

place for artificial intelligence's ability to decipher and shore up

weaknesses. In this article, the author takes a look at several software

developers that are making notable enhancements to their AI

technology and at the schools that use these technology. An interview

with Ray Kurzweil, an artificial intelligence guru whose theories about

the potential of machine intelligence have generated much debate

over the years, is presented. In his interview, Kurzweil talks about how

AI can be useful in K-12 assessment and where he sees it's going in a

few years from now.


Artificial Intelligence

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Auteur : Sébastien Déon

Éditeur : Éditions ENI

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9741-4

Cote : 004.36/DEO

Resource optimization and security for cloud services

Auteur : Kaiqi Xiong

Éditeur : Wiley

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-1-84821-599-3

Cote : 005.8/XIO

Objectif Cloud : une démarche pratique orientée services

Auteur : Jean-Louis Caire

Éditeur : Willy

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7460-8974-7

Cote : 004.36/CAI

Cloud Computing

Mastering cloud computing :

foundations and applications


Auteur : : Rajkumar Buyya

Éditeur : Elsevier

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-12-411454-8

Cote 004.678 2/BUY

… Mastering Cloud Computing is designed for

undergraduate students learning to develop cloud computing

applications. Tomorrow's applications won’t live on a single

computer but will be deployed from and reside on a virtual

server, accessible anywhere, any time. Tomorrow's

application developers need to understand the requirements

of building apps for these virtual systems, including concurrent

programming, high-performance computing, and data-

intensive systems.

The book introduces the principles of distributed and

parallel computing underlying cloud architectures and

specifically focuses on virtualization, thread programming,

task programming, and map-reduce programming. There are

examples demonstrating all of these and more, with exercises

and labs throughout.


Les grandes quantités de données

générées et qui proviennent de différentes

sources posent le problème de leur

stockage et exploitation en temps réel.

Ces données brutes qui sont souvent

non structurées peuvent apporter

beaucoup d’informations utiles.

Le cloud computing constitue une

solution importante pour gérer de manière

flexible l’ensemble de ces données grâce

aux plateformes et solutions proposées

par différents acteurs dans le domaine.

Les possibilités qu’offrent les solutions

proposées sont énormes en termes

d’infrastructures dédiées et de moteurs

d’analyse des données stockées en temps

réel. Ce qui permet de mieux appréhender

ces données et mieux les exploiter


‘’Le Big Data est en quelque sorte

dépendante du cloud pour la flexibilité

qu’il fournit. Les traitements des outils Big

Data se trouvent alors facilités dans un

environnement adaptable à volonté pour

optimiser les opérations d’analytiques.’’2




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Cloud computing : sécurité, stratégie

d'entreprise et panorama du


Auteur : Guillaume Plouin

Éditeur Dunod

Langue Français

ISBN 978-2-10-059875-5

Cote 658.403 8011/PLO

The basics of cloud computing: understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing in theory and


Auteur : Derrick Rountree

Éditeur : Elsevier

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978-0-12-405932-0

Cote : 004.678 2/ROU

Cloud computing


Cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent

comprendre les concepts et les enjeux du cloud computing

qu'ils soient informaticiens (chefs de projets, architectes,

développeurs, équipes d'exploitation) ou experts métiers,

responsables de maîtrise d'ouvrages...

La première partie introduit les concepts du cloud computing,

des SaaS, PaaS et IaaS. Elle présente les différents modèles

logiciels et situe le modèle cloud dans ce contexte.

La deuxième partie présente de manière détaillée les

opportunités et les risques pour l'entreprise. Elle aborde

successivement les points de vue de la direction, des

utilisateurs et des informaticiens, avant de dresser une

synthèse en vue d'une aide à la décision.

La troisième partie décrit les différentes étapes que va

franchir une entreprise qui souhaite aller vers le cloud

computing. Elle traite également de l'intégration du cloud dans

le SI.

La quatrième partie propose un panorama des offres SaaS

classées suivant les catégories : services de collaboration,

services FrontOffice, services BackOffice.

La cinquième partie aborde les aspects techniques. Elle

introduit les architectures sous-jacentes aux plateformes cloud

et présente leurs particularités. Elle décrit les principales

plateformes IaaS/PaaS du marché.

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Catching The Cloud: Managing Risk When

Utilizing Cloud Computing.

Abstract: The article discusses the significance of using cloud computing

in managing security risk in the information technology community. It

mentions that the U.S. administration had launched a Federal Cloud

Computing Initiative to determine the possible cloud computing

applications in the federal government, as the use of cloud computing is

spreading throughout the country. It highlights security principles for

effective cloud computing security.


Investment evaluation of cloud computing in the

European business sector.

Abstract: The importance of cloud computing is acknowledged both at

national and entrepreneurial level. Its potential in business has been

already described in many studies (Dillonet al., 2010; Bayraket al., 2011;

Nuseibeh, 2011; Repschlaegeret al., 2013). However, many European

countries do not exploit it much in spite of many positive responses made

by respected consulting companies. The reasons for this are a very low

level of changes in companies, ignorance of opportunities of the given

technology and, consequently, an inability to count the return of

investment. Therefore, the aim of this article is to introduce a tool for the

investment evaluation of cloud computing, which corresponds to the

needs of the European business environment and to the properties of this

technology. Furthermore, the cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) method is

explored. This method is adjusted for cloud computing on the basis of

companies’ requirements, which were collected from quantitative and

qualitative surveys and from the interviews with experts in cloud

computing from academic and business environments. In addition,

individual stages of the CBA method used in cloud computing are



Articles scientifiques

Success Factors for Deploying Cloud


Abstract: The article discusses the implementation of cloud

computing systems in an organization's information technology (IT)

system, which can increase data storage capacity while decreasing IT

expenditures. An overview is presented of the types of service models

offered by cloud vendors, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),

Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Various competitive advantages of successful cloud computing

deployment are reviewed, such as technical, managerial, and

relational organizational capacities


Cloud Computing: Overview and Risk Analysis.

Abstract: We provide an overview of cloud computing: evolution,

benefits, and challenges. Then we examine the risk characteristics

identified in accounting and auditing literature by comparing a hand-

collected sample of cloud computing companies with a matched

sample of non-cloud computing companies. The study uses a

comprehensive set of factors used in accounting and auditing

literature to describe client business risk, audit risk, and auditor-

related risk. Unsurprisingly, the findings show that large companies

in the historically high-risk information technology industries provide

cloud computing. More interestingly, the results show that cloud

computing is more leveraged, and more likely to have a material

weakness and longer audit tenure. Cloud computing companies are

also more likely to restate their financial statement after providing

cloud technologies. Some of the risk variables we used in the study

are not statistically significant in capturing the risks of cloud

providers (e.g., security, privacy, availability, confidentiality). The

study contributes to the literature in IT outsourcing in general, and in

cloud computing more specifically.


Cloud computing

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Intelligence économique, mode d'emploi

Maitrisez votre information stratégique

Auteur : Arnaud Pelletier

Éditeur : Pearson Education

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7440-6656-6

Cote : 658.47/PEL

Business Intelligence : avec Excel, Power BI et

Office 365

Auteur : Jean-Pierre Girardot

Éditeur : Éditions ENI

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9289-1

Cote : 658.05/GIR

Business intelligence simple et efficace - avec

excel et powerpivot

Auteur : Gouigo Jean-philippe

Éditeur : Éditions ENI

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7460-8912-9

Cote : 658.05/GIR

Business Intelligence

Enterprise business intelligence and data

warehousing: program

management essentials

Auteur : Alan Simon

Éditeur Morgan Kaufmann

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-0-12-801540-7

Cote 658.472/SIM

Corporations and governmental agencies of all sizes are

embracing a new generation of enterprise-scale business

intelligence (BI) and data warehousing (DW), and very often

appoint a single senior-level individual to serve as the

Enterprise BI/DW Program Manager. This book is the

essential guide to the incremental and iterative build-out of a

successful enterprise-scale BI/DW program comprised of

multiple underlying projects, and what the Enterprise Program

Manager must successfully accomplish to orchestrate the

many moving parts in the quest for true enterprise-scale

business intelligence and data warehousing. Author Alan

Simon has served as an enterprise business intelligence and

data warehousing program management advisor to many of

his clients, and spent an entire year with a single client as the

adjunct consulting director for a $10 million enterprise data

warehousing (EDW) initiative. He brings a wealth of

knowledge about best practices, risk management,

organizational culture alignment, and other Critical Success

Factors (CSFs) to the discipline of enterprise-scale business

intelligence and data warehousing.


‘’La business intelligence est

l’ensemble des techniques et

procédures de traitement de

l’information à des fins de

prises de décisions

managériales’’ 1

Le développement du contexte du big

data constitue un enjeu réel pour la

business intelligence.

Avec l’explosion des données non

structurés et qui proviennent de différentes

sources souvent ignorées par les data

warehouses (entrepôt de données) Les

architectures traditionnelles des systèmes

décisionnels commencent à atteindre

leurs limites et ne peuvent plus satisfaire

de nouveaux besoins liés essentiellement

à l’usage de ces données.

La Business Intelligence ‘’est actuellement en

train de se réinventer en cette période

d’effervescence technologique : les Big

Data permettent en effet d’explorer de

nouvelles possibilités qui vont révolutionner

l’informatique décisionnelle’’2



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Fundamentals of computational


Auteur : James M. keller

Éditeur Wiley

Langue Anglais

ISBN 978-1-11-921434-2

Cote 006.33/KEL

E-business intelligence : transformez l'information en connaissance puis en


Auteur : Bernard Liautaud

Éditeur : Maxima

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-84001-266-5

Cote : 658.403 8/LIA

Business intelligence avec SharePoint Server 2010 :

créez un portail décisionnel et pilotez la


Auteur : Sébastien Fantini

Éditeur : Éditions ENI

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-7460-6513-0

Cote : 004.68/FAN

Business intelligence et management

Auteur : Alphonse Carlier

Éditeur : AFNOR Editions

Langue : Français

ISBN : 978-2-12-465429-1

Cote : 658.403 8/CAR

Business Intelligence


This book covers the three fundamental topics that form the

basis of computational intelligence: neural networks, fuzzy

systems, and evolutionary computation. The text focuses on

inspiration, design, theory, and practical aspects of

implementing procedures to solve real-world problems. While

other books in the three fields that comprise computational

intelligence are written by specialists in one discipline, this

book is co-written by current former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE

Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, a

former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy

Systems, and the founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE

Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. The coverage

across the three topics is both uniform and consistent in style

and notation.

Modern enterprise business intelligence

and data management: a roadmap for it

directors, managers, and architects

Auteur : Alan Simon

Éditeur Morgan Kaufmann

Langue Français

ISBN 9780128015391

Cote 006.312/SIM

Nearly every large corporation and governmental agency is

taking a fresh look at their current enterprise-scale business

intelligence (BI) and data warehousing implementations at the

dawn of the "Big Data Era». And most see a critical need to

revitalize their current capabilities. Whether they find the

frustrating and business-impeding continuation of a long-standing

"silos of data" problem, or an over-reliance on static production

reports at the expense of predictive analytics and other true

business intelligence capabilities, or a lack of progress in

achieving the long-sought-after enterprise-wide "single version of

the truth" - or all of the above - IT Directors, strategists, and

architects find that they need to go back to the drawing board and

produce a brand new BI/data warehousing roadmap to help move

their enterprises from their current state to one where the

promises of emerging technologies and a generation's worth of

best practices can finally deliver high-impact, architecturally

evolvable enterprise-scale business intelligence and data



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Towards an understanding of the role of business

intelligence systems in organisational knowing.

Abstract: Recent advances in information technology (IT), such as the

advent of business intelligence (BI) systems, have increased the ability of

organisations to collect and analyse data to support decisions. There is

little focus to date, however, on how BI systems might play a role in

organisational knowledge creation - in organisational knowing. We

develop a conceptual framework of organisational knowing based on a

synthesis of the literature, and use this as a framework to investigate how

BI systems facilitate knowing in a case organisation. We identify two

practices triggered by BI systems that distinguish them from prior

applications of IT: the ability to initiate problem articulation and dialogue,

and that of data selection (e.g. to address information needs of

organisational decision makers at different managerial levels)...


Business Intelligence Competency Center:

Improving Data and Decisions.

Abstract: This article describes the development of a business

intelligence competency center at a multi-line insurance company in the

Midwest. It outlines the organization’s problems which led to the creation

of the business intelligence competency center and the steps taken to

ensure a successful implementation. Through a change in culture and use

of an intermediary between end users and the larger information

technology area, a significant success was achieved for all involved.

Resulting from this experience is a set of best practices for business

intelligence competency center implementation that, if followed, can lead

to success for any company.


Articles scientifiques

Business intelligence and analytics: from big

data to big impact

Abstract: Business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) has emerged as

an important area of study for both practitioners and researchers,

reflecting the magnitude and impact of data-related problems to be

solved in contemporary business organizations. This introduction to

the MIS Quarterly Special Issue on Business Intelligence Research

first provides a framework that identifies the evolution, applications,

and emerging research areas of BI&A. BI&A 1.0, BI&A 2.0, and BI&A

3.0 are defined and described in terms of their key characteristics and

capabilities. Current research in BI&A is analyzed and challenges and

opportunities associated with BI&A research and education are



The Performance Effects of Using Business

Intelligence Systems for Exploitation and

Exploration Learning

Abstract: Accounting researchers are becoming increasingly

interested in the performance effects of business intelligence (BI)

systems in their role as management control systems. Extant research

focuses on the performance effects of adopting and implementing

such systems. However, there is less known about how organizations

use the information in BI systems for management control once

implemented, and whether the use of this information translates into

organizational performance. We utilize the theoretical connection

between information systems and organizational learning to explain

the performance effects of BI system use through organizational

learning. Evidence from recent literature indicates the need for

organizations to engage in exploitation and exploration learning in

pursuit of organizational ambidexterity.


Business Intelligence

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Documents papiers

7e Plateforme AFIA Chambéry, 16 au 20 mai 2011 13

Bases de données NoSQL et Big Data ; cours et travaux 04

Bases de données NoSQL et le big data, Les 04

Basics of cloud computing: understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing in theory and practice, The 04

Big data analytics: from strategic planning to enterprise integration… 08

Big data au smart data : au service d'un monde connecté, Du 03

Big data, Le 04

Business Intelligence : avec Excel, Power BI et Office 365 18

Business intelligence avec SharePoint Server 2010 : créez un portail décisionnel et pilotez la performance 19

Business intelligence et management 19

Business intelligence simple et efficace - avec excel et powerpivot 18

Cloud computing : sécurité, stratégie d'entreprise et panorama du marché 16

Data analysis using sql and excel 07

Data architecture: a primer for the data scientist 03

Data mining and business analytics with R 09

Data mining applications with R 08

Data science : fondamentaux et études de cas ; machine learning avec Python et R 07

Data warehousing in the age of big data 04

E-business intelligence : transformez l'information en connaissance puis en profit 19

Enterprise business intelligence and data warehousing: program management essentials 18

Functional data analysis 08

Fundamentals of computational intelligence 19

Informatique et intelligence ambiante : des capteurs aux applications 13

Intelligence artificielle : cours, exercices corrigés et projets 11

Intelligence artificielle en images, L'. 12

Intelligence artificielle pour les développeurs, L' 11-12

Intelligence économique, mode d'emploi Maitrisez votre information stratégique 18

Knowledge representation, reasoning, and the design of intelligent agents 11

Management des données de l'entreprise 07

Managing data in motion : data integration, best practice techniques and technologies 09

Mastering cloud computing : foundations and applications programming. 15

Measuring data quality for ongoing improvement 08

Mirage numérique : pour une politique des Big data, Le 03

Modern enterprise business intelligence and data management: a roadmap for it directors.. 19

Nonparametric functional data analysis : theory and practice 09





























Index Index

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Objectif Cloud : une démarche pratique orientée services 19

OpenStack 15

Ordinal data modeling 07

Panorama de l'intelligence artificielle 11

Rapid miner: data mining use cases and business analytics applications 08

Resource optimization and security for cloud services 15

Stratégie Big Data 03

Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies 12

Systèmes multi-agents 12

Technologies de l'intelligence : l'avenir de la pensée à l'ère informatique, Les 12

Technologies des systèmes multi-agents et applications industrielles. 13

Articles Scientifiques .

Artificial Intelligence Goes Microbial 14

Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, and Modeling. 14

Artificial Intelligence: Is the Future Now for A.I.? 14

Big Big Data IN THE Field Service INDUSTRY. 06

Big data and data science methods for management research. 10

Big Data and Its Technical Challenges 05

Big data: new science, new challenges, new dialogical opportunities 05

Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact 20

Business Intelligence Competency Center: Improving Data and Decisions. 20

Catching The Cloud: Managing Risk When Utilizing Cloud Computing. 17

Cloud Computing: Overview and Risk Analysis. 17

Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and Big Data: A Revolution 06

Data Science: Challenges and Directions. 10

General perspective of Big Data: applications, tools, challenges and trends, A 05

Innovation in the Industry: The Role and Risks of Big Data 06

Investment evaluation of cloud computing in the European business sector. 17

Merging With the Machines: Information Technology, 14

Performance Effects of Using Business Intelligence Systems for Exploitation and Exploration Learning 20

Robotics: Ethics of artificial intelligence. 14

Science and data science. 10

Science of Managing Data Science, The 10

Success Factors for Deploying Cloud Computing. 17

Towards an understanding of the role of business intelligence systems in organisational knowing. 20

















































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