Download - Don’t Miss The Hub’s Handcrafted Christmas · Rosebud and Surrounds ISSUE 81, November 15th, 2016 On December 2nd,

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Rosebud and Surrounds

ISSUE 81, November 15th, 2016

On December 2nd, Seawinds Community Hub will hold it’s highly anticipated Handcrafted Christmas Market.

The market is a fantastic opportunity for locals to showcase their talents and for the community to pick up

some amazing high quality and unique handmade Christmas gifts and bargains.

With more than 60 stalls including gifts, Christmas cards and decorations, baked goods, apparel and REAL Christmas trees. There is

something for everyone!

Bring the kids and grandkids because Santa will be attending and available for photos.

There will also be lots of fun activities for the children including jumping castle, plaster painting,

treasure hunt and more!

Save the date or cancel your plans, because the Seawinds Community Hub Handcrafted Christmas Market is the place to be!

Friday December 2nd, 4.30 - 8.30pm, 11a Allambi Avenue, Rosebud West.

A Market for all things Handmade and Handcrafted

Don’t Miss The Hub’s Handcrafted Christmas Market

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ISSUE 81, November 15th, 2016

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Have your say: Help us to serve you

Seawinds Community Hub is committed to translating local needs into practical opportunities, programs and solutions for each member of our diverse community. We believe that regular consultation with our local community can help us to ensure that we continue to provide relevant and meaningful experiences for all who walk through our doors. Please take a moment to complete the survey and provide your feedback. We value your opinion and appreciate your time. Have you ever been to Seawinds Community Hub? (please circle) Yes / No If yes, what was the purpose of your visit? (please tick all that apply)

Course or Class (please list) _____________ Support Service or Group, Counselling Meeting, Event or Seminar Children’s Services, Childcare, Kindergarten Massage, Health, Beauty Seahorse Café, High Tea or Community lunch Other____________________________________________________________________________________

How would you rate your experience at Seawinds Community Hub? (please tick)

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Why?_______________________________________________________________________________________ If you have visited Seawinds Community hub, can you tell us why? (please tick)

I don’t have time I don’t know where it is Nothing on offer interests me I can’t get there Other ____________________________________________________________________________________

What are you interested in… (please list specific classes or activities that you would be interested in attending)

Computers and internet_______________________________________________________________________

Recreation and fitness ________________________________________________________________________

Adult Education ____________________________________________________________________________

Pre school activities___________________________________________________________________________

Youth programs ____________________________________________________________________________

Languages / Cultural (eg. Indigenous)______________________________________________________________

Group activities______________________________________________________________________________

One off Workshops____________________________________________________________________________

Drama and movement_________________________________________________________________________

Art and Craft _________________________________________________________________________________

Community Events ____________________________________________________________________________

Cooking and Food Art__________________________________________________________________________

Health and Inner Wellbeing_____________________________________________________________________

Counselling and Non Judgemental Support_________________________________________________________

Parenting programs____________________________________________________________________________



Other (Please specify)__________________________________________________________________________

Any further comments?__________________________________________________________________________


Please deliver, email, or post to: Seawinds Community Hub 11a Allambi Avenue Rosebud West, 3940 e: [email protected]

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Briars Ward Councillor Bev Colomb was elected as Mayor of Mornington Peninsula Shire for 2016/17 at the Annual Council Meeting on Monday 14 November. Councillor Bryan Payne was elected as the Shire’s Deputy Mayor.

In her acceptance speech, Mayor Colomb thanked her peers for showing their support.

“It is a very exciting time to have this new Council around the table. We have a great diversity of experience and skill and already it has really been shown to me a great sense of goodwill.

“I would like to thank the last term of Council. There were many, many good things that happened and it's going to be a pleasure to celebrate that with the retiring Councillors that will be coming forward tonight,” said Councillor Colomb.

Councillor Colomb has been a Councillor for the peninsula for over 10 years. This will mark the third time Councillor Colomb has been Mayor of the Shire, having served as its leader in 2008 and 2015.

Article provided by Emily Lees

Councillor Colomb elected as Mayor

Welcome — Meet and Greet

Meet your newly elected Councillors for the Seawinds Ward of the Mornington Peninsula Shire

Celebrate our change of name to Capel Sound Learn how to enjoy what is on offer for local residents. Book Launch: ‘Stories of Rosebud West’ By Bettyanne Foster

Place: Seawinds Community Hub, 11a Allambi Avenue, Rosebud West 3940 Date: Saturday 10th December Time: 10 – 12 noon (FREE morning tea provided)

Hosted by Seawinds Community Hub and the Rosebud West Action Group

Frank Martin, Simon Brooks, David Gill, Hugh Fraser, Sam Hearn and Bryan Payne Julie Edge, Kate Roper, Bev Colomb, Antonella Celi and Rosie Clark

Kids can get crafty and creative this Christmas at Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Libraries throughout December.

Our libraries will be running after school workshops for primary school aged children where they can enjoy listening to a Christmas story and making their own Christmas stocking.

Once finished, kids can look forward to seeing their stocking filled with gifts from Santa Claus hanging up in their own home.

This is a great opportunity for children to understand the true value of Christmas by making their own Christmas decorations.

To see what else is happening at your local library visit:

EVENT DETAILS: Rosebud Library : Thursday 8 December Somerville Library: Tuesday 13 December

Mornington Library: Wednesday 14 December Hastings Library: Thursday 15 December All sessions will run from

4pm – 5pm.

Article provided by Emily Lees

Get crafty this Christmas

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Congratulations to Wallaroo Primary School on earning first prize for the 2016 Walk to School competition, followed closely by Mt Eliza North Primary School who took out second prize.

Wallaroo Primary School earned first place for having the highest participant rate for the Walk to School program over the month of October.

Wallaroo Primary will be

donating their $1000 prize towards the school’s Health and Wellbeing initiative.

This year, the peninsula had 25 primary schools take part in VicHealth’s Walk to School activities throughout October.

Walk to School is a month of activities encouraging primary school students across Victoria to walk, ride, scoot or skate to and from school as often as possible throughout

October. Walk to School

highlights the benefits of walking for children and parents - such as improving health and fitness, increasing social connections and confidence in walking - and it also helps to take care of our environment by reducing car emissions.

To learn more about Walk to School month, visit

Article provided by

Emily Lees

Congratulations to Local Walk to School Winners

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Join crime writer and former assistant Victoria Police Commissioner Bill Robertson at the Mornington and Hastings Libraries for a compelling talk about his second novel Fox.

Fox is a gripping action thriller about Colin Fox, a member of the stolen generation, who despite having an extremely traumatic childhood becomes a specialist SAS

officer. Murder, bikie gangs,

outback boxing tents, false imprisonment and a female stalker are all part of the plot in this well-researched novel.

Bill Robertson retired from Victoria Police as the Assistant Commissioner after 36 years of service.

Bookings are essential.

To book, visit

au or phone 5950 1820.

EVENT DETAILS: 6 December, 11am at Mornington Library – Vancouver St, Mornington 3931 6 December, 2pm at Hastings Library – 7 High St, Hastings 3915 No cost required.

Article provided by

Emily Lees

Author Talk with Crime Writer - Bill Robertson

Mornington Peninsula Shire invites you to join Alastair Clarkson on Tuesday 6 December in Mount Eliza for a breakfast presentation.

You are invited to hear how through people management Alastair had delivered outstanding performance year after year in the highly competitive field of professional sport.

Through an entertaining and highly personalized presentation you will learn how he has dealt with the challenges throughout his

renowned career and how these experiences might relate to your own.

Alastair is one of the AFL’s most celebrated modern day coaches having led Hawthorn to four premierships in 2008, 2013, 2014 and 2015, as well as being runners up in 2012.

Recognised for his innovation, leadership philosophies and ability to lead change the way AFL football is played, Alastair is a passionate, people-focussed person with a real interest in the community.

Alastair’s coaching and playing career is full of learnings transcending into business.

With an educational background, including a Master of Business Administration from Monash University and being one of the nine leaders in B-School’s Leadership course, Alastair articulates the similarities between achieving and maintaining peak performance in sport and business.

EVENT DETAILS: Tuesday, 6 December 2016 7am – 8:45am Ranelagh Club – 3 Rosserdale Crescent, Mount Eliza 3930 Tickets costs $47.25 (breakfast and booking fee included in total ticket price). Tickets are limited. Bookings are required by visiting

Article provided by Emily Lees

Breakfast with Alastair Clarkson in Mount Eliza

You’re invited to the

Seawinds Community Hub Christmas Community Lunch

Wednesday 14th December, 12.30pm 2 Course meal: Roast Christmas Lunch with Pudding

and all the trimmings. $5. Bookings essential: Phone 5982 2204

Come and join the festivities! 11a Allambi Avenue Rosebud West

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We are a friendly weight loss night group who meet weekly at the Tootgarook Scout Hall, Kevin Street, Tootgarook. Meeting starts with weigh-in between 6 – 6.30 pm every Tuesday night. We are the only T.O.W.N. night group on the Peninsula. If you are struggling with your weight and would like support and guidance, please come and join us. Contact - Geraldine - 0458 480 796 Chris - 0406 360 347


Looking to feel rewarded? We are looking for volunteers who are community

minded .

Come and have a bit of fun with us. For the men there is the fellowship of going out on the

truck for furniture collections. Pottering in our workshop with minor repairs.

Ladies General sales duties or if you are into woodwork minor


Call Heather or Rob on 0416272047


Providing a happy home away from home Quiet, safe indoor, outdoor environment, No steps, secure fencing Only a few doggie guests at one time

Day care, feeding and walking also available

For all enquiries call Annie on 0407 704 958

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‘Let’s Get Active’

Neighbour Day

Sunday 19th March, 2017


Calling all sporting clubs and those who want to get involved?

Expressions of Interest are open now!

Contact Seawinds Community Hub to find out more - 5982 2204

It’s time to send through your ideas for consideration for Mornington Peninsula Shire’s 2017/18 Annual Budget to help guide the direction of the programs, projects and initiatives the Shire delivers to your local community.

Chief Executive Officer Carl Cowie encourages the community to submit their thoughts, suggestions and priorities for the coming year.

“This is a great opportunity for residents, businesses, sporting and community groups to

communicate their future aspirations for the Shire by contributing to the Annual Budget process.

“The Shire is committed to building on a sound understanding of community needs and expectations through engaging in a responsive, open and accountable manner. Your thoughts and suggestions will help us guide the direction of the peninsula’s future.

“This is particularly important for the 2017/18 Annual Budget following on from Council elections

and in the context of the rate capping constraints,” said Mr Cowie.

You can submit your ideas online through the Shire’s website For your submission to be accepted, please include your name and contact details.

There will also be opportunity to make a verbal presentation in support of submissions before a committee of Council in December, date to be confirmed following the induction of the new

Council. The 2013-2017 Council

Plan can be downloaded from the Shire’s website or a hard copy can be obtained from Shire offices. The 2017-2021 Council Plan is under development and will be adopted by 30 June 2017.

Submissions for consideration in the development of the Annual Budget 2017/18 close at 5pm Thursday 8 December 2016.

Article provided by

Emily Lees

Mornington Peninsula Shire wants to know your thoughts

Christmas Family Day- Find out the real meaning of Christmas at Presbyterian Churches of Sorrento and Rye. All ages children and family welcome.

1. Movie: First Christmas (From the Billy Budd Clay Animation, 20 mins). Nativity Photo Zone with dress up, Craft, Carols and lots more Rye Presbyterian Church Hall (opp. Rye Pri Sch) – 1 Dec Thur, 3:15-5pm Ellen Grant Hall at Sorrento (opp. CFA at Sorrento)- 2 Dec Fri, 3:30- 5 pm 2. Christmas Carol Service- Christmas story, Bible reading & Sing along Carols. Followed by supper. All Welcome. Rye Presbyterian Church, Sun 18 Dec, 5 pm

Any enquiry : Hui Lim 0402 887 650

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1. Pleased proud puppet?

2. Gum Olibanum, from the tree Boswellia sacra?

3. Dickensian metaphor, mean with money?

4. White marking on horse's lower leg?

5. ...may be willing, but flesh weak?

6. 9, 18, 22, 79 are significant?

7. Powdered wool or cloth in certain wallpapers?

8. Malaikah in the Qur'an, and Mal'akh in the Hebrew Bible?

9. Widely used title of high authority, in English was orginally 'hlafweard', meaning bread-keeper?

10.Pre-1948 widely used unit of luminous intensity?

Mind Workout


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Mornington Peninsula Shire, in conjunction with the Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board, is excited to have launched a new initiative to help connect the tourism industry with people seeking employment on the peninsula.

Mornington Peninsula Shire Mayor Councillor Bev Colomb said the Shire looks forward to working with the Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board to promote such a rewarding career path.

“This campaign aims to encourage and build understanding for school leavers, job seekers, existing skilled workers and professionals to consider the peninsula tourism industry as a career choice.

“We have ambassador videos that will inspire job seekers far and wide. These videos will be available on an interactive website alongside other supporting information. The page will give people more insight into career options and

lifestyle choices within the industry,” said Councillor Colomb.

Executive Chair of the Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board, Tracey Cooper said the Shire and the Regional Tourism Board are working with the local industry to further encourage and promote how people can have a satisfying career within the tourism industry.

“The peninsula’s tourism industry is extremely strong. In fact, it’s one of the healthiest tourism industries within all of Victoria.

“Despite this, tourism businesses face a genuine issue with attracting and retaining employees,” said Ms Cooper.

Alongside the website, job seekers can also stay updated with a dedicated Facebook page showcasing how joining the tourism industry is a great choice for a reliable, secure and rewarding career.

Those who visit the website and Facebook page can look forward to viewing

the diverse range of career paths available at the peninsula, learn about available training opportunities and watch videos from our ambassadors sharing their career experiences.

This exciting project has been developed in partnership with Mornington

Peninsula Shire, the Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board and sponsored by Chisholm Institute.

To learn more about this initiative visit

Article provided by

Emily Lees

Launch yourself into a tourism career

Don’t miss the Seawinds Handcrafted Christmas Market! Save the Date!

Friday December 2nd 2016, 4.30pm - 8.30pm

Rotary Club of Rosebud Rye

Come to our Rye Foreshore Market

8am— 1pm

Saturday 3rd of December

Fruit and vegetables, plants,

homemade products, jams and soaps,

kitchen items, tools, clothing.

Mornington Peninsula Careers in Tourism Campaign ambassadors at the launch on Tuesday 22 November. Conleth Roache (General Manager of RACV Cape Schanck), Jessica Marshall (Event Coordinator at Lindenderry Red Heal) and Brett Blanch-Hellyer (Senior Pool Attendant at Peninsula Hot Springs).

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A fellow walked into a bank in New York City

asking for a loan for $4000 dollars. “Well, before

we lend you the money we are going to need

some kind of security” the bank teller said. “No

problem” the man responded here are the keys

to my car “you’ll see it, it’s a black Porsche

parked in the back of the parking lot.”

A few weeks later the man returned to pay off

his loan. While he was paying it up, along with

the interest of $11 dollars, the manager came

over, “sir, we are very happy to have your

business, but if you don’t mind me asking, after

you left we looked into you and found out that

you are a millionaire, why would you need to

borrow $4000 dollars?”

“Well, the fellow responded it’s quite simple,

where else can I park my car for three weeks in

New York for $11 dollars?”

Q: Knock, knock----Who's There?----Ashe----Ashe who? A: Bless you! Q: Knock, knock----Who's there?----Nobel----Nobel who? A: No bell, that's why I knocked! Q: Knock, knock----Who's there?----Leaf----Leaf who? A: Leaf me alone! Q: Knock, knock----Who's There?----lettuce----lettuce who? A: Lettuce in and you'll find out! Q: Knock-knock----Who's there?----Aaron----Aaron who? A: Why Aaron you opening the door?

Jokes & Trivia

The official name of Peru is the Republic of Peru.

Peru contains the second largest segment of the Ama-zon rainforest after Brazil.

The Peruvian Amazon covers 60% of the country.

The large biologically diverse area of Amazon in Peru is home to the most bird species in the world, the third largest number of mammals and a very high number of species of butterflies and orchids.

Peru shares borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Bolivia.

Modern day Peru has been home to many ancient civi-lizations, the largest and wealthiest of these was the Incas who's empire ruled for over 100 years until the Spanish arrived in the 16th century.

Just under 30 million people live in Peru (29,849,303) as of July 2013.

The capital city of Peru is Lima which is home to more than a quarter of Peru's population.

The Inca Empire was centred around highlands of the Andes mountain range and the civilization's capital city Cusco and mountain top citadel Machu Picchu are popular with visiting tourist to this day.

Spanish is the main language in Peru although many also speak the Inca language Quechua. The third offi-cial language is Aymara.

The currency of Peru is the Nuevo Sol.

The Huascarán National Park in Peru has 27 peaks over 6000 m (19,685 ft) above sea level. The highest of these is El Huascarán at 6768 m (22,204 ft).

Peru celebrates its Independence from the Spanish Empire on the 28th and 29th of July. It is known as 'Fiestas Patrias' which means 'Patriotic Holidays' or 'National Holidays' in Spanish.

The potato is native to the southern area of what is now modern day Peru.

Facts about Peru

“The older I get, the surer I am

that I'm not running the


...Leonard Cohen

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Get your REAL Christmas tree at the Seawinds Handcrafted Christmas Market Friday 2 December, 2016: 4.30pm — 8.30pm

Come, enjoy the festivities, the food, the shopping... and some surprises for the children!

Purchase your real Christmas tree at our Market ... fresh from our local grower!

Phone 5982 2204 for enquiries

‘All abilities’ come and try sports day Mornington Peninsula

Shire is celebrating International Day of People with Disability by holding a ‘come and try’ free sports day at the Civic Reserve in Mornington on Wednesday 7 December from 10am – 1pm.

International Day of People with Disability is sanctioned by the United Nations and aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. This year’s theme is ‘Inclusion matters; access and empowerment for people of all abilities’.

Making the most of the facilities at the Shire’s Civic Reserve, there will be a range of free, fully

accessible activities on offer including tennis, gymnastics, soccer, netball, footy, dance, table tennis and SWISH (blind table tennis).

A free sausage sizzle will be provided and cafeteria food will be available for purchase.

There will also be a Marveloo on site for the day – a portable fully accessible toilet with an adjustable change table and hoist. This will be available for use, but is also part of a campaign by the Shire’s All Abilities Consultative Committee to see permanent ‘Changing Places’ style toilets located on the peninsula.

A mini-expo on the day will see disability-inclusive

recreation groups promoting their activities.

Bookings can be made online via, [email protected] or 5950 1099.

Mornington Peninsula Shire is partnering with Special Olympics Victoria, SEDA, AFL Victoria,

Cricket Victoria, Karingal, Focus, and SCOPE and is supported by MYC gymnastics, Elite Tennis Academy and the Mornington Peninsula Table Tennis Association.

Article provided by

Emily Lees

Emerging and established artists, writers, musicians and creatives are invited to apply for Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Police Point Artist in Residency (AiR).

The AiR program provides an opportunity for artists to work in a new environment, often away from the restrictions and pressures of their everyday lives.

Artist residencies are about providing the time and space for a guest artist to develop work and creatively explore new ideas.

The program is based at the historic Gatekeeper’s Cottage at Police Point Shire Park, Portsea.

The cottage was initially

built for the quarantine boatmen. In 1901 it became accommodation for the Gatekeeper who oversaw movement in and out of the Quarantine Station that was opened in 1852 to prevent the spread of diseases from immigrants arriving by sea.

Minor changes have been made to the building over time and an extension now forms the studio space. The entire cottage was renovated to heritage standards in recent years.

The Gatekeeper’s Cottage is a two-bedroom residence with a reading room, studio, kitchen and dining room, bathroom, vegetable boxes and back verandah with spectacular views of Port Phillip Bay.

Artists can be inspired by

this nationally significant cultural heritage site located in the traditional lands of the Boon wurrung balug, one of at least six clans of the Bunurong/Boonwurrung who were part of the Kulin Nation of Central Victoria.

Both supported and fee paying residencies are available, ranging from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of six weeks.

In a supported residency the cottage is occupied without charge to the artist but there is a requirement to participate in agreed public programs that contribute to the cultural life of the Mornington Peninsula. Fee paying residencies are $300 per week (+GST).

To apply for residency, visit

PolicePointArtistInResidence. This round of submissions close on Tuesday 31 January 2017.

For further information about the AiR program contact [email protected] or phone 5950 1655.

Article provided by Emily Lees

Calling all creatives to the peninsula!

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More than 70 works by 50 contemporary and modern Australian artists will be brought together for ‘Birds: Flight paths in Australian art’ exhibition at Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Regional Gallery.

From 2 December 2016 to 12 February 2017, you can enjoy this exhibition encompassing works from painting to sculpture, decorative arts, photography, print-making and installation.

Birds: Flight paths in Australian art’ was two years in the making and will explore the science, symbolism, beauty and curiosity of birds through a range of artworks from multiple artists.

Visitors to the exhibition can add a black bird to the flock in Juan Ford’s work, visit the pigeon ‘club house’ or check out Kenny Pittock’s specially commissioned colouring book about birds on the Mornington Peninsula.

The Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery (MPRG) will also be host to a range of other bird-inspired events this coming summer, including:



with Professor Gisela Kaplan, Professor in Animal Behaviour, School of Science and Technology, University of New England (UNE)

Date and time: Tuesday 6 December, 10am – 1pm Cost: MPRG and BirdLife Australia members $15 | General $20 Includes morning tea

Venue: MPRG – Civic Reserve, Dunns Road, Mornington Bookings essential

Go on a walk with one of

Australia’s foremost bird whisperers – Gisela - who will share moving stories of what she has learnt from the birds in her life, and how you can enrich your life by bringing them into yours.



with Professor Gisela Kaplan, Professor in Animal Behaviour, School of Science and Technology, University of New England (UNE)

Date and time: Tuesday 6 December, 5pm – 6.30pm Cost: MPRG and BirdLife Australia members $15 | General $20 Includes drinks and nibbles* Venue MPRG – Civic Reserve, Dunns Road, Mornington Bookings essential

Bird whisperer and

storyteller Gisela Kaplan will share insights into the magpie, considered one of the world’s smartest, playful and beautiful songbirds.

BIRDS OF A FEATHER with self-proclaimed

‘bird nerd’, comedian, President of BirdLife and RRR commentator Sean Dooley.

Date and time: Wednesday 25 January, 9.30am – 12.30pm

Cost: MPRG and BirdLife Australia members $8 | General $10 Venue: The Briars – Nepean Hwy, Mt Martha

National birdwatching

champion, comedian and RRR commentator Sean Dooley, will reveal the stories of birds that have left him weak at the knees, and identify birds in need of our protection.



with Birds exhibiting artists Kate Daw and Stewart Russell

Date and time: Saturday 11 February, 10.30am – 3pm Cost: MPRG members $85 |

General $95 All materials provided on the day Venue: Spacecraft Studio – 25 Rokeby St, Collingwood. Bookings essential as numbers are limited

Artists Kate Daw and

Stewart Russell are working on a secret project for the Birds exhibition. The workshop will see screen printers creating full colour hand screen prints using works by pioneer bird photographer Len Robinson.

To learn more about any

of these events or to book visit

Article provided by

Emily Lees

It’s all about birds at the Mornington Peninsula Regional

Gallery this summer

First Aid: Friday 9th December at Seawinds Community Hub

9am - 11am for CPR update only or 9am - 4pm for full course 11a Allambi Avenue, Rosebud West (Next to Eastbourne Primary School

Please phone Lynda on 0412231088 for enquiries and bookings

Caption: Budgerigars are known to show affection towards their owner by putting their head in their owner’s mouth. Petrina Hicks, Shenae & Jade 2005, light jet print, edition of 8 Courtesy of the artist and THIS IS NO FANTASY + dianne tanzer gallery, Melbourne and Michael Reid, Sydney

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Find us on Facebook:

Visit our Website:

Continued from issue 80

BYRNE, VALE, and Co have received instructions from Captain Adams (who is retiring after a residence in the district of 20 years) to SELL by AUCTION, at their rooms, on Tuesday, March 20, at twelve o'clock noon,

The following valuable properties :

WANNAEUE, Near Dromana.

That valuable farm containing 191 acres, being Government lot No 19, subdivided into seven paddocks, partly laid down in English grasses, substantially fenced with post, rail, and wire, and having a bay frontage of nearly half a mile, orchard, garden, and vineyard containing 2000 vines all in full bearing, with a comfortable weatherboard house containing 10 rooms, out-houses, &c.; brick tank holding 4000 gallons.

Crops to be removed or taken at a valuation.

The auctioneers beg to call attention to the above property, the land being good for cultivation, well timbered, and permanent water. Inspection invited. Also, KANGERONG, Adjoining Dromana-park. Two Government allotments, being Allotment 5 of Section D and Allotment 6 of Section D, containing in all 36 acres, close to the residence of Professor Hearn..

(P.2, Argus, 20-3-1877.) * FOR SALE


Wannaeue, near Dromana, all fenced, divided Into six paddocks,

good grass and permanent water, beach frontage 600 fruit trees, 2000 vines, all bearing. 10 roomed house, brick, tank, stables, &c. Sold In consequence of death of Mr Adams. No reasonable offer refused. Apply Mrs. E ADAMS, Wannaeue, near Dromana. (P.12, Argus, 13-12-1881.)

A legal account in Harvey Marshall's scrapbook indicates that Robert Henry Adams sold crown allotment 19 to William Tetley in about April 1889. Tetley subdivided the area bounded by Government 3 chain road (Pt Nepean Rd), Govt. Road (PARKMORE RD,), SOUTH ROAD, and ADAMS AVENUE. Land plan No. 3513 shows section A of 29 blocks fronting the beach road and 29 blocks in section B fronting Rosemore Rd. Between Rosemore Rd and South Rd were seven blocks of about 4 acres totalling just under 29 acres. The subdivision was of about 58 acres and didn't sell well because the 1890's depression soon followed.

Like most speculators, Tetley forfeited his deposit and part payments and lost unsold land which returned to Robert Henry Adams' ownership. By 1900, Robert was assessed on 290 acres and building, more than the 271 acres that his father had occupied in 1876-7.

The captain's land had been c/a 19 plus lots 1,2,3 (the Hopetoun Guest House site of about 6 acres) and all the land, about 80 acres, between South Rd and Bayview Rd, which may have been a pre-

emptive right resulting from the presumed lease of c/a 20.

Albert Holloway left Rosebud in 1900 after a nine year residence at "Parkmore". Isabel Moresby stated in ROSEBUD FLOWER OF THE PENINSULA that he was an architect and built Parkmore in 1896.

However, it seems that he started building the grand house on the west corner of PARKMORE ROAD in 1891 and while living in the first part, continued construction until he finished it in 1896. Albert obviously gave the house (and therefore the road) its name; his later residence was given the same name as revealed in a letter to Flinders and Kangerong Shire. While searching for this letter, I DISCOVERED THAT ALBERT HAD BUILT THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND AT FLINDERS! He was described as being a Dromana resident but as pointed out earlier in this street names series, the McCrae area was known as Dromana (later Dromana West) until about 1941.

( The new Church of England building at Flinders is progressing favourably, and will soon be completed. Mr Holloway of Dromana, is the builder, and W. W. Baker C E the architect. P.2, Mornington Standard, 10-9-1891.)

On Wednesday. evening a farewell social arranged by Miss Roberts was given to Mr and Mrs Holloway for a time. The weather was anything but. favourable. yet the ;family have (sic) so

endeared themselves to the people that in spite of darkness, mud and rain the Mechanics' Institute was filled. Mr Rudduck took the chair, Miss Roberts presided at the organ, Messrs Moyle, Buchan, Green, and B. Holloway contributed songs; Mr A. Head as circuit steward thanked the family for services rendered the church; Mr M'llroy on behalf of the local preachers thanked them for the many evidences of practical sympathy shown during their nine years residence at "Parkmore" and expressed the hope that they would return to the district some day and abide for ever. (P.3, Mornington Standard, 6-9-1900.)


Author, Ray Gibb set himself a bicentenary project in 1988 to acknowledge the many pioneers who had been ignored. His research into the history of the Mornington Peninsula, centred on Rosebud, began in 2010. He has written 317 journals as itellya on Family Tree Circles. Ray contributes regularly to the Rosebud Ripple.

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ISSUE 81, November 15th, 2016

Page 15

Submit your favourite recipes to share with everyone! A photo would be great too!

Recipe of the Week

Tofu Bites with Pickled Ginger and Mint

Method: Drain the tofu and slice into 8. This is the hardest part of the recipe because the tofu is indeed silken. Warm gently in a non stick frying pan, you won’t need oil, silken tofu is quite wet. Shave the carrot and cucumber with a peeler and divide into 8. Slice the red chilli, mint and the spring onion finely. Plate the slices of tofu, drizzle with a teaspoon of tamari per slice. Finally garnish with carrot, spring onion, pickled ginger, chilli and mint.

Thanks to Sandra Dunbar who has been sharing her expertise at Seawinds Community Hub. Want to learn from Sandra yourself? Please phone 56982 2204 and let us know what cooking class you would prefer.

Standing on one leg may predict which 53-year-olds are at risk of early death

How long can you stand

on one leg? And with your eyes closed??

One in three people over 65 years of age, will have at least one fall a year, according to the UK stats.

Falls are the most common cause of injury-related death in people over 75.

How well you can balance on one leg gives us insight into your falls risk and it turns out your longevity!

If like me you are close to 53 years, but can only hold the position standing on one leg with eyes closed for less than 2 seconds then the latest research says you are three times more likely to die before the age of 65 than those who can balance for 10 seconds or more.

If you are unable to balance at all then you most likely won’t make it to

65years of age unless you have a very good excuse!

The ability to balance on one leg for more than 10 seconds with eyes closed, and to stand up and sit down in a chair 37 times in 60 seconds –or 35 times for women – makes it extremely likely that a 53-year-old will still be healthy 13 years later. Phew! I am feeling better already.

However the good news you can train and improve your predicted longevity. Standing on one leg when you clean your teeth or wait for the kettle to boil is good practice, only 3 attempts on @ leg at a time.

Ideally you want to be able to balance for 30 seconds with your eyes open and then start to practice with your eyes closed.

The average 70 year old can stand on one leg with eyes closed for only 4

seconds and I don’t think this is good enough. Be better than average, aim for awesome

Contributed by chiroprac-tor, Dr. Roxanne Daniels.

Dromana Family Hands on Health Clinic is open Wednesdays 10-5pm

tel: 0459 366 767 Rosebud HoH is open

Thursdays 10-4pm tel: 0411 473 301

Health & Wellbeing-


300g silken tofu 20g cucumber,

unpeeled 15g spring onion, fresh 6 slices (12g total)

pickled ginger 10g carrot, peeled 5g red chilli, fresh 5g mint , fresh, leaves

only 2 tablespoons (40ml

total) Tamari soy sauce

Page 16: Don’t Miss The Hub’s Handcrafted Christmas · Rosebud and Surrounds ISSUE 81, November 15th, 2016 On December 2nd,

ISSUE 81, November 15th, 2016

Page 16


Quiz Answers: 1. Punch 2. Frankincense 3. Scrooge 4. Stocking 5. Spirit 6. Gold (common carat/karat purity grades of gold alloys, and the element atomic number) 7. Flock 8. Angel 9. Lord 10. Candle (redefined and replaced by the SI unit Candela)

Local Business Directory

Rosebud Ripple enquiries:

[email protected]

Rosebud Ripple is available from:

Tasman Meats

D’Alias Bakery Café

Village Glen Library

Habitat for Humanity Op Shop

West Rosebud Newsagents

George’s Fish Shop

McCrae Plaza

Dromana Shopping Centre

Bendigo Bank Rosebud

Rosebud Library

Bank of Melbourne Rosebud

Thank you to these stores for holding

our Newspaper stands! Please shop

locally and support them!

Community: ¼ page $20

Business: Full Page $78

Business: ½ Page $52

Business: ¼ page $34

Business: Bus card size $20



Business card



a year


The Rosebud Ripple reserves the right to reject any article/advert it feels breaches the code of ethics. The Rosebud Ripple may reproduce submitted articles and paid adverts in good faith but does not warrant the correctness of any articles or any products featured. All advertising can be emailed/telephoned or submitted via 24hr drop box outside Community Hub door at 11a Allambi Ave, Rosebud West. Please attach a phone number and email address on all submitted advertising and/or articles. For advertising payments: Account Name: Seawinds Community Hub BSB: 633000 a/c: 144315827.

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Rosebud Op Shops:

Rotary Second Hand Shop: Shop2 1395 Pt Nepean Rd, Rosebud 5986 7000 Angel Op Shop 1189B Point Nepean Rd, Rosebud 5981 2588 Salvation Army Rosebud Op Shop 1247 Nepean Rd, Rosebud 5981 2989 Rotary Opportunity Warehouse 15 Newington Ave, Rosebud 5986 8896 Salvation Army Recycle Shed 377 Eastbourne Rd, Rosebud West 5986 4206 Lioness Op Shop Shop1, 1401 Pt Nepean Rd 5982 2444 Habitat for Humanity Op Shop 17 Henry Wilson Drive, Rosebud Uniting Church Op Shop 5 Nepean Plaza Ph:5982 0032 Rosebud Primary School Op Shop 23 Ninth Ave, Ph:5986 2766 Vinnies Cnr Pt Nepean Rd & Ninth Ave All Saints Anglican Op Shop 10 Ninth Ave Ph: 5986 6949 MS Opportunity Shop 1607 Point Nepean Road Rosebud West, Ph: (03) 5982-2866 39plus Op Shop 1641 Pt Nepean Road, Rosebud West, 3940 10am - 4pm Mon to fri, 10am - 1pm Sat

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