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Doing GOOD While Doing WELL

Finding Success In What You DoProcess of transformation and having a quality of life

with Travis Lane Jenkins and Michael Simmons

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Finding Success In What You Do

Overcoming your fears Reframing one’s mind Setting goals for success How transformation happens Having a quality of life Making the biggest impact Building a network

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Overcoming Your Fears

Pain is the best teacher in the world You don’t need to hide your challenges The only time to let it go is when you’re on your


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Overcoming Your Fears

Doing what you are afraid of and reframing it Reframing one’s mind is very powerful

“Fear is what keeps people from achieving true greatness…”

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The Process of Transformation

Entrepreneur is like a plane that is trying to take off the ground

When it takes flight it starts to carry its own weight

It is like an infant growing until its ready to take flight

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Transformation Happens

Challenges are part of the journey We still have setbacks Transformation happens when entrepreneurs open

about their challenges.

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There Are 2 Ways To Give Back

Through speaking and writing And sharing your story of success

The power of story telling when people hear a success story of someone that relates to you

that you can relate to and see yourself in.And you can also see the challenges of

their life as well.

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Setting Goals For Success

Hardest thing but biggest reward Success is a journey of challenges and goals Success is a constant process (the work is never


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Setting Specific Goals

Success is a never-ending thing that you’re chasing Setting specific goals When to hit that goal Facing your biggest challenge Overcoming your biggest fear

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‘Success’ a Hollow Victory

When you’re success is based purely on financial it is a hollow victory.

It doesn’t make sense to a lot of people when you say “Money isn’t everything.”

You got to hit that target before it makes sense to you because it’s a hollow victory. It got to have

things behind it.

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Monetizing Your Business

Wealth is not created overnight Connect people to the resources Create membership Opening their eyes to opportunity Being able to do what you promised

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Build a Network

Build a community Surround yourself with like-minded people People who faced and overcome same challenges Connect people to other resources

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Entrepreneurship is the best self improvement program

you can sign up for…

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Valuable Tips for Entrepreneurs

The biggest step overall for most people once you awaken the entrepreneurial spirit within is overcoming their internal fears.

By taking little-bitty steps and being surrounded by a community of people that are doing same thing and are facing same challenges.

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“I can’t change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my

sails to always reach my destination.”

Jimmy Dean

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Conversations with Self-made Millionaires & High-level Entrepreneurs that

Grow Your Business

a production of

Rock Star Entrepreneur