Download - DOI: 10. BARBARA CZAPLUK , RADOSŁAW RUTKOWSKI JUSTYNA … · Opercularia minima (100% of samples). Other taxa consisted of small (

Page 1: DOI: 10. BARBARA CZAPLUK , RADOSŁAW RUTKOWSKI JUSTYNA … · Opercularia minima (100% of samples). Other taxa consisted of small (

Environment Protection Engineering Vol. 44 2018 No. 1DOI: 10.37190/epe180112




The microfauna in activated sludge deriving from two different wastewater treatment plants has been compared. Investigations were conducted during the period of seven months taking into account the seasonal changes of microfauna. One studied plant received mainly industrial (70%) and some part of domestic (30%) sewage, and the other mainly domestic sewage (90%). The aim was to compare both plants in terms of occurrence and abundance of key group of microfauna. The determination of key groups and taxa along with biodiversity indices showed that they have potential value as indicators of different conditions characteristic for both types of plants. The innovative using of biotic indices in biodiversity studies also provides useful information on plant operating conditions and performance.


Wastewater is a mixture of all types of used liquids, colloids and suspended solids, which due to their sources may be classified into main groups: domestic, industrial, agricultural, rainwater, infiltration and industrial cooling waste water. Their biological treatment consists of mineralization of organic matter, removal of biogenic substances and elimination of pathogenic microorganisms [1]. The most common and important method of biological wastewater treatment is activated sludge process. This process uses air and a biological flocks composed of bacteria, protozoans and metazoans. Flock is the basic structural unit of sludge. On its surface, organic matter adsorption occurs. After adsorption on the flock surface, compounds present in wastewater are decom-posed and then can be absorbed by the microorganisms. Some of them are used for the growth of biomass [2]. The most important component of flocks are bacteria which ex-ecute biological oxidation of organic substrates, nitrification of ammonia, denitrification

_________________________ 1Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Protection, Wybrzeże

Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland, corresponding author J. Rybak, e-mail: [email protected]

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of nitrates and accumulation of phosphorous. Their composition and condition display performance of wastewater treatment plant [3].

Protozoa feed on bacteria and dissolved substances. Their abundance reflects the presence of certain bacteria, condition of sludge and its composition. Hence, their pres-ence, or changes of diversity ratio imply the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), or signalize activated sludge malfunctioning [3].

The aim of the study was the comparison of performance of two WWTP in Lower Silesia differing in types of sludge received by the analysis of composition of microbial community and flocks structure of activated sludge.


Description of wastewater plants. WWTP in Wołów is relatively new and was mod-ernized in 2005–2006 because of the planned increase of wastewater load. The WWTP uses two stages of the treatment process, with mechanical and biological blocks. The plant receives domestic wastewater from Wołów (population of 12 000), additionally wastewater is delivered from the town and commune by vacuum trucks. At the time of dry weather, the plant receives hydraulic load of 4000 m3/day, which is a mixture of municipal, infiltration and random wastewater. In municipal wastewater, about 400 m3/day comes from denim processing industry, 320 m3/day from penitentiary, and 10 m3/day from both: motor transport and manufacturing industries. At the rainy weather, the plant re-ceives load of 7366 m3/day. Mean sludge age for the plant is 15 days.

T a b l e 1

Parameters of wastewater entering and leaving Wołów WWTP [mg/dm3]

Index Wastewater inflow Wastewater outflow Limit value BOD5, 185.0 4.0 15.0 COD 463.0 24.0 125.0 Total suspended solids 220.0 7.0 35.0 Total nitrogen 45.0 10.6 15.0 Total phosphorus 7.1 0.2 2.0

There are two non-standard technological solutions in Wołów WWTP: each of three

chambers of the biological block is aerated, thus risk of nitrification breakdown is re-duced (especially in winter when the temperature is low). Aeration of the entire biolog-ical block allows simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in all active sludge stages. The second non-standard solution in the wastewater treatment technology of Wołów facility is the lack of a primary sedimentation tank (low value of total suspended solids). The parameters of wastewater entering and leaving Wołów WWTP are shown in Table 1.

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Microfauna composition of activated sludge in sewage activated sludge systems 155

Brzeg Dolny WWTP. Because of the dynamic development of the PCC Rokita SA, the Central WWTP at Rokita Chemical Plant in Brzeg Dolny is constantly undergoing modernization and rapid expansion. It is a three-stage wastewater treatment plant based on physical, chemical and biological processes such as sedimentation, mixing, flotation, averaging, coagulation, filtration, and biological processes. It receives mu-nicipal wastewater from the PCC Rokita and communal wastewater from Brzeg Dolny. The average daily hydraulic load of sewage entering the facility is 15 000 m3/day. Concentrations of pollutants and the amount of sewage entering the treatment plant fluctuate significantly. Raw sewage contains a number of specific impurities that are hardly biodegradable or toxic. The parameters of wastewater entering Brzeg Dolny WWTP are shown in Table 2.

T a b l e 2

Parameters of wastewater entering Brzeg Dolny WWTP

Index Parameters of wastewater

entering WWTP

Mean daily parameters of wastewater

entering the biological block Mean Minimal Maximal Minimal Maximal

Volume, m3/day 15 000 11 540 20 820 – – pH – 2.1 12.2 8.5 10.5 COD, mg/dm3 700 270 4 100 104 895 Phenols, mg/dm3 – 0.16 200 0.09 32 Chlorides, mg/dm3 5 657 1 518 13 530 2 046 8 250 Total suspended solids, mg/dm3 298 60 2 200 40 280 Sulfates, mg/dm3 – – – 248 924 Total dissolved substances, mg/dm3 – – – 5 121 16 704

Sampling and examination. Samples of activated sludge were collected once a month from August to March (excluding December), in the mornings of subsequent days. For the credibility of the results, samples were collected directly from aeration chamber (well mixed and oxygenated) at the same place (at middle-length of the aera-tion chamber).

For microscopic examination, activated sludge was taken always fresh, thus some of its properties such as composition and proportion of species would be independent of time because of altered trophic and physical conditions, especially in the case of very loaded wastes. The bottles for specimens were filled two-thirds with sludge and delivered in the same day to the laboratory to avoid oxygen deficiency and tempera-ture changes. Observations were performed under the microscope Olympus CX31.

Three biodiversity indices such as the Shannon–Wiener diversity index (Hʹ), Simp-son index (D) and Margalef index (d) [4] have been employed:

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Shannon–Wiener diversity index

2logi iN NHN N

Simpson index

( 1)1( 1)

i iN NDN N

Margalef index



where: S – number of all species, N – number of all individuals, ni – number of individ-uals of i species.



In Wołów WWTP, during the studied period of 7 months, 42 taxa of ciliates were identified and few other higher invertebrates were also recorded (rotifers, nematodes and tartigrades) and flagellates <20 µm as well. We found altogether 30 species of Cil-iata, including 5 species of free-swimming ciliates, 7 of crawling ciliates and 17 of at-tached ciliates, 4 species of naked amoebas and 3 testate amoebas. The dominant group of Protozoa was attached ciliates (42%), then accordingly: crawling ciliates (17%), free swimming ciliates (12%), naked amoebas (10%), testate amoebas (7%). We recorded presence of flagellates, rotifers, nematodes and tardigrades as well (Table 3). Among ciliates, the most frequent were: Litonotus lamella (100% of samples), Trachelophyllum pusillum (100% of samples), Vorticella alba (100% of samples), Vorticella convallaria (100% of samples), Vorticella microstoma (100% of samples), Vorticella striata (100% of samples), Arcella vulgaris (100% of samples), Cochlipodium granulatum (100% of samples), Euglypha tuberculata, (100% of samples), Pyxidicula sp. (100% of samples), Aspidisca cicada (87% of samples) and Epistylis coronata (87% of samples).

Activated sludge of Brzeg Dolny WWTP was dominated by ciliates: 9 genera of attached ciliates, 3 of crawling ciliates and 2 of free swimming ciliates which consti-tuted: 53%, 19% and 13% of total sludge organisms accordingly, with predomination

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Microfauna composition of activated sludge in sewage activated sludge systems 157

of Epistylis coronata (100% of samples), Vorticella microstoma (100% of samples) and Opercularia minima (100% of samples). Other taxa consisted of small (<20 µm) flag-ellates (Table 4).

T a b l e 3

Composition of microfauna of activated sludge in Wołów WWTP

No. Organisms/group Monthly abundance of studied organisms

in Wołów WWTP activated sludge [sp/cm3] VIII IX X XI I II III

Free–swimming ciliates1 Colpidium sp. – 20 50 20 <10 – – 2 Litonotus lamella 20 20 40 70 <10 30 <10 3 Plagiocampa rouxi <10 <10 – <10 – – 20 4 Prorodon teres – 20 <10 20 – – 40 5 Pseudocohnilem–bus pusillus 40 – 20 20 – – 60

Crawling ciliates6 Aspidisca cicada 320 260 280 120 20 – 40 7 Aspidisca lynceus 80 60 60 – – – 20 8 Chilodonella cucullulus 20 <10 <10 – – – 20 9 Chilodonella uncinata 80 20 30 60 – <10 <10

10 Euplotes affinis 50 40 70 – – 30 20 11 Euplotes moebiusi – – <10 – – <10 – 12 Trachelophyllum pusillum 30 <10 30 40 <10 <10 <10

Attached ciliates13 Acineta tuberosa <10 – 20 – – – – 14 Carchesium polypinum 80 80 60 – – – <10 16 Epistylis chrysemydis – – – – 20 – – 17 Epistylis coronata 80 20 30 140 20 <10 – 18 Opercularia articulata <10 <10 – – – 20 <10 19 Opercularia minima – 20 20 90 – <10 <10 20 Sphaerophrya magna – 20 <10 40 – – – 21 Tokophrya infusionum – – <10 <10 – 20 – 22 Tokophrya lemnarum – – <10 <10 <10 20 <10 23 Vorticella alba <10 20 <10 30 <10 <10 30 24 Vorticella aquadulcis 20 <10 – 40 <10 – <10 25 Vorticella campanula <10 – 20 20 20 20 30 26 Vorticella communis 60 <10 <10 20 – – – 27 Vorticella convallaria 140 160 130 140 220 180 160 28 Vorticella microstoma 180 160 210 220 120 140 160 29 Vorticella similis – – <10 <10 20 20 <10 30 Vorticella striata 40 20 60 40 80 20 140

Flagellates31 Small <20 µm <10 40 50 30 40 20 20 32 Large >20 µm 40 20 60 40 20 <10 <10

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T a b l e 3

Composition of microfauna of activated sludge in Wołów WWTP

Naked amoebas33 Amoeba albida – <10 50 80 – 30 60 34 Amoeba gattula <10 – 20 30 30 <10 30 35 Ameba verrucosa – <10 20 60 40 120 100 36 Cochlipodium granulatum 60 160 180 190 310 220 120

Testate amoebas37 Arcella vulgaris 220 80 170 120 100 140 120 38 Euglypha tuberculata 80 240 450 320 80 40 40 39 Pyxidicula sp. 840 400 210 360 120 240 220

Multicellular invertebrates40 Rotifers 20 20 40 20 20 <10 – 41 Nematoda – – <10 – – <10 – 42 Tardigrada – – <10 – – – –

T a b l e 4

Microfauna composition of activated sludge in Brzeg Dolny WWTP

No. Organisms/group Monthly abundance of studied organisms

in BrzegDolny’s WWTP activated sludge, [sp/cm3] VIII IX X XI I II III

Free–swimming ciliates1. Plagiocampa rouxi 220 – – – – <10 60 2. Urotricha armata 20 – – – – – –

Crawling ciliates3. Chilodonella uncinata – – – – – 160 40 4. Drepanomonas rezoluta 90 <10 – – – – – 5. Trachelophyllum pusillum 30 <10 – – – 120 –

Attached ciliates6. Acineta tuberosa 40 <10 – – – <10 <10 7. Epistylis coronata 150 180 130 170 210 60 450 8. Opercularia minima 220 480 540 330 840 180 520 9. Tokophryainfusionum 30 <10 – – – 20 20 10. Vorticella alba – – <10 <10 – – – 11. Vorticella campanula 80 20 – <10 <10 60 80 12. Vorticella convallaria 160 – – – <10 130 80 13. Vorticella microstoma 250 120 40 20 40 80 180 14. Vorticella striata – – 20 <10 <10 – 60

Flagellates15. Small <20 µm 1000 ∞ ∞ ∞ 1020 1000 950 16. Large >20 µm – – – – – – –

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Microfauna composition of activated sludge in sewage activated sludge systems 159


All representatives of crawling ciliates in activated sludge of Wołów WWTP were much more abundant compared to Brzeg Dolny WWTP. In Wołów, crawling ciliates were also more diversified in taxa and their concentration was highest from August to October. Only in March concentration of crawling ciliates in Brzeg Dolny WWTP was higher than that in Wołów (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Abundance of crawling ciliates in both studied plants

Free-swimming ciliates in Wołów WWTP were also more abundant and diversified compared to Brzeg Dolny (with exception of August) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Abundance of free-swimming ciliates in both studied plants.

Attached ciliates in Wołów were less abundant in comparison to those in Brzeg Dolny but they were the most qualitatively diversified group of organisms during this study (17 species) (Fig. 3).

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Fig. 3. Abundance of attached ciliates in both studied plants

Testate and naked amoebas were present only in Wołów WWTP. August–Novem-ber was the period of highest concentration for testate amoebas (1140 specimens/cm3 in August), while the highest concentration for naked amoebas occurred between Novem-ber and February (380 specimens/cm3in January) (Tables 3, 4). Small flagellates (< 20 µm) were the most abundant group in activated sludge of Brzeg Dolny WWTP. Between September and November its concentration was too high to evaluate, while large flag-ellates were not found, they occurred only in Wołów WWTP (Tables 3-4). Multicellular invertebrates were observed only in Wołów’s WWTP, where they were the most abun-dant in October, its concentration oscillated at the level of 20 specimens/ cm3 for the rest of the studied period. The results of macroscopic and microscopic studies of sludge from both plants were summarized in Tables 5-6.

T a b l e 5

Results of macroscopic and microscopic observations of activation sludge from Wołów plant

Observation MonthVIII IX X XI I II III

Macroscopic characteristic of activated sludge

Colour greenish-brown yellowish-brown

Odour substrate-like earthy, rotten substrate -like

Supernatant clearCharacteristic of activated sludge

Shape agglom-erates irregular

Structure tight loose

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Microfauna composition of activated sludge in sewage activated sludge systems 161

T a b l e 5

Results of macroscopic and microscopic observations of activation sludge from Wołów plant

Cohesion good poorSize mediumNo. of organic particles ± + ±

No. of inorganic particles ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

BacteriaFree-swimming - - - + + + + Zooglea ± ± ± ± - - - Filamentous category, shape) 2, bent 1, bent 3, bent

Spirillae ± + + + + ++ ++ Staining

Neisser positive negative positive

Gram negative posi- tive

Sulfur negative

Comments – occasional bacterial monocolonies – – – occasional bacterial

monocolonies –

Odour: characteristic, substrate-like, sallow, chemical, rotten, none. Supernatant: clear, cloudy. Shape of flock: circular, irregular, agglomerates. Structure: loose, tight. Cohesion: poor, good. Flock size: big – diameter >500 µm, medium – 100–500 µm, small <100 µm. Number of inorganic particles, organic filaments, zoogleal bacteria: (–) absent, (±) rare, observed occasionally, (+) observed regularly, 5–10 par-ticles or cell per sample), (++) frequent (numerous cells or particles, above 10–15 per sample).The number of free swimming bacteria (–) rare, (+) a few dozens in vision field, (++) hundreds in vision field. Fila-mentous bacteria: category 0 – nearly total lack of filamentous organisms, category 1 – filamentous organ-isms rather rare, category 2 – medium number, category 3 – very common, category 4 – abundant. Fila-ments shape: straight, bent, ball. Spirillae: (–) absent, (±) accidental, (+) 5–10 per sample, (++) above 10–15 per sample.

The three biodiversity indices have been calculated for each month of studies

(Table 7). For Wołów WWTP, the Simpson’s diversity index had the largest value in March and November (0.93). The Shannon–Wiener and Margalef richness indices reached the highest values in October (2.95 and 4.61, accordingly). Activated sludge from Brzeg Dolny WWTP was the most diversified in August according to all three indices: 0.77 for the Simpson’s diversity index, 1.89 for the Shannon index and 1.42 for the Margalef richness index. In Wołów WWTP, the Simpson’s diversity index had the highest value in March and November (0.93). The Shannon–Wiener and Margalef rich-ness indices reached the highest values in October (2.95 and 4.61, respectively).

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T a b l e 6

Results of macroscopic and microscopic observations of activation sludge from Brzeg Dolny Plant

Observation MonthVIII IX X XI I II III

Macroscopic characteristic of activated sludge Colour pale yellowOdour chemicalSupernatant claudy

Characteristic of activated sludge Shape circularStructure looseCohesion poor Size medium small mediumNo. of organic particles – ± ± ± ± – – No. of inorganic particles – ± ± ± ± ± ±

BacteriaFree–swimming + + + + + + + Zoogleal + + + ± ± ± ± Filamen-tous: category, shape 2, straight 2, bent 2, straight 1, straight

Spirillae – – – – – – – Staining result

Neisser positive negativeGram positive negative Sulfur positive negative

Comments common bacterialmonocolonies

bacterial monocolonies – bacterial

monocoloniescommon bacterial monocolonies

For a detailed legend cf. Table 5. T a b l e 7

Biotic indices calculated for the plants examineda


Simpson 0.85 0.77 0.90 0.47 0.92 0.43 0.93 0.36 0.89 0.61 0.90 0.67 0.93 0.76 Shanon –Wiener 2.51 1.89 2.69 0.96 2.95 0.81 2.94 0.73 2.54 1.09 2.63 1.60 2.89 1.73

Margalef 3.44 1.42 3.82 1.01 4.61 0.63 3.85 0.77 3.06 0.78 3.73 1.33 3.95 1.28

W – Wołów WWTP, B – Brzeg Dolny WWTP.


The basic cause of differences in microbial structure in both plants is the type of sludge received. The plant in Brzeg Dolny receives mainly industrial toxic sewage from the PCC Rokita (70%), such sewage is nearly devoid of bacteria, thus inoculation is

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Microfauna composition of activated sludge in sewage activated sludge systems 163

slow. Second studied plant, localised in small town in Wołów, receives mainly domestic sludge (90%) with high load of microorganisms, coming also from soil and water tanks to drainage system which is installed in Wołów.

In the summer time and early autumn (Fig. 1), the number of crawling ciliates is higher in the studied plants with respect to the rest of year. Probably this is a result of temperature variation and abundance of filamentous bacteria in sludge. Inverse relation-ship has been found between the number of crawling ciliates and filamentous bacteria. When filamentous bacteria are abundant, the number of crawling ciliates significantly declines [5] which was also the case in WWTP in Wołów. The influence of the temper-ature on the efficiency of activated sludge process is well-known. Temperature influ-ences e.g. dissolved oxygen concentration, substrate solubility, gas exchange among organisms and liquid, speed of biochemical reactions which has an exact impact on the whole biocenosis of activated sludge [6]. For the biocenosis development higher tem-peratures are favourable. Biernacka [7] observed seasonal changes in microorganisms number in the autumn-winter period of studies and the increase of the population in spring and summer time. The optimum growth of microorganisms in the activated sludge is within the range 26–29 °C which is in accordance with our observations (tem-perature increase observed in February and March corresponded to increasing number of crawling ciliates). The higher biodiversity of crawling ciliates provides better adap-tation to unfavourable conditions in winter (Fig. 1). The crawling ciliates are not abun-dant in the sludge from WWTP in Brzeg Dolny, which suggests unstable conditions in the plant.

Free-swimming ciliates species are more abundant if the bacteria are more available as they feed on them. The sudden fall of their occurrence in the sludge from Brzeg Dolny plant probably is connected with the high load of toxic substances in September result-ing in complete disappearance of this group in sludge. Also the decreasing number of free-swimming ciliates in the plant in Wołów is connected with temperature changes in winter period (Fig. 2).

The attached ciliates are usually the most abundant taxa in the activated sludge pro-cess as they exhibit high tolerance to environmental conditions and good resistance to toxicants [5]. These organisms were present in both plants (Fig. 3). The greater abun-dance of this group was observed in WWTP of Wołów in November and January which could be connected with the increase of wastewater load. They were numerous in the sludge from Brzeg Dolny plant as a result of this plant overload (BOD5 0.3 kg/(kg·day)). Their higher number in September and complete disappearance of other ciliates at the same time suggest that toxic sewage was delivered to the plant. From December to Feb-ruary the stalks of ciliate were observed (mainly Epistylis sp.) pointing to the lack of nutrients and unfavorable conditions in the bioreactor [5]. What is more, the present attached ciliates in Brzeg Dolny were of small sizes which is also connected with the presence of toxicants in the activated sludge process [7].

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Numerous occurrence of Vorticella microstoma is an indicator of insufficient oxy-genation and high load [8]. Its highest abundance was observed in Wołów plant from November to March due to worsening conditions of activated sludge in winter time. Quite high abundance of this species in the plant in Brzeg Dolny is also related to bad quality of the delivered sewage.

On the other hand, the colonies of Carchesium sp. and Epistylis sp., numerous in the activated sludge in Wołów from September to October suggest good and stable con-ditions. At the same time high concentration of Vorticella convallaria is always con-nected with good oxygenation, good nitrification and stable conditions. Although we recorded a high number of this species in Wołów plant, it changed from attached to free- -swimming forms in January and February which is linked to the lack of nutrients and worsening physical and chemical conditions of activated sludge process.

The presence of testate amoebas in the activated sludge from Wołów plant indicates old age of sludge and good oxygenation as well with low content of nitrogen (effective nitrification and denitrification) and low load of sludge in general. Madoni [9] suggested that such genera of testate amoebas like Arcella sp., Euglypha sp. are very good bioin-dicators of activated sludge process as they are associated with good oxygenation, ex-tended aeration and good nitrification. On the other hand, the highest abundance of na-ked amoebas in Wołów plant (maximum in January nearly 400 specimens/cm3) indicates worsening conditions in the bioreactor. In Brzeg Dolny plant, no amoeba spe-cies was observed resulting from highly unfavourable conditions of activated sludge.

The most abundant group was the Flagellates <20 µm. The dominance of this taxa accompanying by low abundance of ciliates suggest the bad conditions and high load of sludge, low oxygenation and indicates the early stage of microbial community succes-sion. In such conditions flocs are small and sedimentation is not good in the secondary clarifier. Among the flocs free swimming bacteria are abundant which cause cloudiness of sludge [9]. All samples from Brzeg Dolny were cloudy. In the sludge from Wołów plant, spiral bacteria are present, which suggest the removal of nutrients, in Brzeg Dolny they do not occur [5].

All the biotic indices indicate the higher diversity of species in Wołów plant. The Shannon diversity index reaches higher values when the community has a good struc-ture and the abundance is not very important. During the period studied, the values of Shannon index in Wołów plant were higher than scores from Brzeg Dolny plant which confirm the good structure of community in the activated sludge in Wołów plant. The Margalef index takes also into account the rarer taxa. In the study period, it reached higher values in the case of the community from Wołów plant. Simpson’s diversity in-dex pays attention to more abundant species in a sample. Thus, the overall value of this index is higher in the case of Wołów plant again.

To summarise, higher diversity of microfauna was recorded in Wołów plant which is related to sewage type. Considering ciliated protozoa, their presence or absence within the system is directly connected with the effluent concentration of organic pollutants

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Microfauna composition of activated sludge in sewage activated sludge systems 165

(BOD, SS) [10].We recorded very diverse community of attached ciliates. The domina-tion and greater biodiversity of attached ciliates always suggest good, stable and healthy performance of activated sludge. If treatment conditions are bad, these ciliates leave their stalks. We recorded attached ciliate Vorticella convallaria in high abundance in Wołów plant, this species is associated with good oxygenation, extended aeration and good nitrification [8–10]. Also the community of crawling and free swimming ciliates was very abundant in Wołów WWTP. According to Curds and Cockburn [11], all the crawling and free swimming ciliates disappear when high load appears. Aspidisca ci-cada is related to adequate performance and was recorded in Wołów WWTP. Although, among them are also bioindicators like Opercularia sp. which suggest worsening per-formance of activated sludge [4] which was connected with winter period and low tem-perature. We found great abundance of Opercularia minima in Brzeg Dolny WWTP, but not in Wołów plant. Testate amoeba Arcella sp. are also very good bioindicators of favorable treatment conditions and this species was recorded in Wołów plant but not in Brzeg Dolny. The presence of rotifers is always connected with the sustained aerobic conditions. The occurrence of higher invertebrates (Nematodes, Tartigrades) is linked also to stable conditions and lack of toxicity. Tardigrades occur only in nitrifying acti-vated sludge systems [8, 9]. These taxa were recorded in Wołów plant.


In a plant where domestic sewage predominates, protozoan and metazoan commu-nity is more diverse and species are more abundant, we recorded stalked ciliates species, i.e., Vorticella sp., Epistylis sp., Carchesium sp. and crawling ciliates, i.e. Aspidisca sp., Euplotes sp., Chilodonella sp., Tokophyra sp. and other higher invertebrates which are good bioindicators for high effluent quality. In the other studied plant which receives mainly industrial sewage, these ciliates and metazoans do not occur or are found in a relatively lower densities. The seasonal changes suggest the influence of temperature on biodiversity fall. A basic microscopic examination can provide a reliable information on plant operating condition and performance. The occurrence and abundance of micro-fauna could be a key information to assess activated sludge condition.


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