Download - document by - Rosneft4. Seller issues Final DTA, Fresh SGS, TSR and Title Document to the Buyer. 5. Buyer conducts Dip Test in Seller's Tank and Injection commence to Buyer's Tank.

Page 1: document by - Rosneft4. Seller issues Final DTA, Fresh SGS, TSR and Title Document to the Buyer. 5. Buyer conducts Dip Test in Seller's Tank and Injection commence to Buyer's Tank.

Sample document

used by fraudsters

Page 2: document by - Rosneft4. Seller issues Final DTA, Fresh SGS, TSR and Title Document to the Buyer. 5. Buyer conducts Dip Test in Seller's Tank and Injection commence to Buyer's Tank.

Sample document

used by fraudsters

Page 3: document by - Rosneft4. Seller issues Final DTA, Fresh SGS, TSR and Title Document to the Buyer. 5. Buyer conducts Dip Test in Seller's Tank and Injection commence to Buyer's Tank.

Sample document

used by fraudsters

Page 4: document by - Rosneft4. Seller issues Final DTA, Fresh SGS, TSR and Title Document to the Buyer. 5. Buyer conducts Dip Test in Seller's Tank and Injection commence to Buyer's Tank.

Sample document

used by fraudsters