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Document Based Questions

How to successfully write a great essay for a DBQ

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What is a DBQ?

• A DBQ consists of two parts.• Part I: 4-8 documents you need to

analyze.• Part II: An essay based on the

documents you are analyzing.

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Read all information

• Before you begin, read the first page, which usually provides you with the historical context and a task.

• It is good to know what the topic of your essay is, so that you keep it in mind when reading through the documents

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Part I: Analyzing the documents

• This is your reading comprehension part.

• Each DBQ contains 4-8 documents with 1-3 questions that need to be answered per document.

• Documents are in the form of primary sources. For example pictures, political cartoons, newspaper excerpts, etc.

• Make sure you answer all questions.

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Part II: The Essay

• The essay is the basis for the DBQ.• Here you are using the documents

you have analyzed to answer a question(s).

• Make sure you answer all parts of the task.

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Writing the Essay

• When writing your essay, you must have:*An introduction*A body*A conclusion

• You also MUST make sure you refer to the appropriate number of documents by name or number. For example, as seen in document 2.

• You MUST also refer to the correct number of documents. If they ask you to use at least 4 in your essay make sure to do so.

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The Introduction

• You must have an introductory paragraph.

• A good start is to use the historical context you are already given.

• Then state what you will explain in your essay. For example, “now I will explain how each river valley civilization contributed to modern day society.”

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The Body

• You should have at least 1 body paragraph for each part of the task. For example, if you are asked 2 different things, you should have 2 paragraphs.

• You may use outside info if it applies.

• Again you are answering what is asked of you in the task. You are doing so by referring to each document you use by name or number.

• You DO NOT need to use every document, just the amount you are asked to use.

• You are also NOT just listing documents and what each says. YOU NEED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THE TASK.

• Use simple language. DO NOT over-complicate it. • Avoid opinion, just state the facts.• Also- it is quality not quantity.

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The Conclusion

• This is your wrap up paragraph.• Restate what you have accomplished.• For example, “As you can see each of

the river valley civilizations had a major impact on society by…..”

• Again, don’t over-complicate. Its just a restating of what your essay is.

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Check it over

• When you are done, go back and make sure:

1) You have an intro, body, conclusion2) You have referred to the appropriate

number of documents.3) You have successfully answered the

question(s) being asked of you in the task.