Download - Document 1: reference MEPO 1/55 (p.321 – 322) Police letter. Undated. From an unknown person to Henry Matthews, the Secretary of State, reporting on trials.


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Document 1: reference MEPO 1/55 (p.321 322)Police letter. Undated. From an unknown person to Henry Matthews, the Secretary of State, reporting on trials of police boots

During the past twelve months Sir Charles Warren has had trials made of several varieties of boots with [text missing] waterproof or silent [text missing] none have [text missing] suitable for the [text missing] police force of [text missing] adapted [text missing] when the changes of [text missing] and weather are taken into consideration though in [text missing] instances they have been found very suitable in particular cases. The constable has to walk daily for 8 hours and the greatest caution is required in making changes in his boots, as upon these his efficiency so much depends. Two important complaints against the noiseless boots are that the wearer is very much more fatigued than when ordinary boots are worn, and that the feet are drawn and made sore. Many very strong reasons have been sent to the Commissioner by the public in favour of the retention by Police on their beats of boots which are not silent. Document 2: reference MEPO 1/48 Police letter, 9 October 1888. From Charles Warren to Sir James Fraser, suggesting that the two police forces should be in closer communication

9.10.88 Sir J Fraser My dear Fraser, In order to prevent our working doubly over the same ground I have to suggest that our CID should be in more constant communication with yours about the W[hitechapel] murders. Could you send an officer to Ch[ief] Insp[ector] Swanson here every morning to consult or may I send an officer every morning to consult with your officers. We are inundated with suggestions and names of suspects. Truly Yours, C.W. [Charles Warren] Document 3: reference MEPO 1/48 Police letter, 1888. From Charles Warren to Percy Lindley on the subject of bloodhounds

Percy Lindley York Hill Loughton Sir, I have seen your letter in the Times on subject of bloodhounds and perhaps you could answer a question I have put to many without satisfactory reply. Supposing a hound to be brought up at once to a corpse after a murder how is he to know what are the tracks or which is the scent of the murderer or how is he to know that you want the particular track tracked. If the murderer left a portion of his clothing behind and some of his blood I can understand a dog following up or if you could show him a particular spot where he had been standing even but on a London pavement where people have been walking all the evening there may be scores of scents almost as keen as those of the murderer. This seems to me to be the initial difficulty and I should be glad if you could give me a solution to it. Truly yours, C.W. [Charles Warren] Would a hound follow up a person on whose hands was the blood of a murdered person if he is shown the blood on the ground. I scarcely think he could. Document 4: reference MEPO 1/ 55 Police letter, 9 October 1888. From Charles Warren to Henry Matthews, regarding the offer of a pardon to any accomplices that the Ripper may have

Sir, In reply to your immediate [text missing] just received on the subject of [text missing] for the information of the Secretary of State that during the last three or four days I have been coming to the conclusion that useful results would be produced by the offer of a pardon to accomplices. Among the variety of theories there is the possibility that the murderer is someone who during the daytime is sane, but who at certain periods is overtaken in his mind; and I think it possible in that case that his relatives or neighbours may possibly be aware of his peculiarities and may have gradually unwittingly slid into [the roles of accomplices]. On the other hand if it is the work of a gang in which only one actually commits the murder, the free pardon to the accomplice may make the difference of information being obtained. As a striking commentary on this matter I have today received a letter from a person asserting himself to be an accomplice and asking for a free pardon; and I am commencing a communication with him through an advertisement in a journal. This letter is probably a hoax, for we have received scores of hoaxing letters, but on the other hand it may be a bona fide letter and if [text missing] would be to the discovery of the murderer by omitting to offer the pardon; and I cannot see what harm can be done in this or any further case by offering a pardon. I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant, Charles Warren Document 5: reference HO 144/221 Police letter, 11 Nov 1888. From Thomas Gribton suggesting that policemen should dress up as women

Nov 11th 88 Plan for entrapping the Whitechapel Murderer. Let a number of men say twelve be selected, of short stature, and as far as possible of effeminate appearance, but of known courage and tried nerve.

dress them as females of the class from whom the victims are selected, arm them with the best and lightest weapons and distribute them over the district haunted by the murderer.

Note. The men would require to be fair actors, and behave in the natural manner of women of that class, further they would require to be shadowed by help, in an unobtrusive way, and the whole scheme would require to be kept absolutely secret, for once let the press get a hint of it, and farewell to any chance of success.

This plan is baised [sic] on the theory that the murderer solicits intercourse and that the woman accompanies him to a quiet spot, where the crime is committed, while in the act. So that men who undertook the duty of capturing him would require to have all their wits about them Thomas Blair Gribton Document 6: reference MEPO 2/227 Police letter, 11 September 1889. From James Munro to Henry Matthews, requesting further police officers in the Whitechapel area

11. 9. 89 Done G H.O. Our experience in connection with the last Whitechapel Murder shows that notwithstanding every precaution the murderer has been enabled to slip through our patrols, and dispose of the body of his victim without being observed by police. All that I can do is to strengthen the force of police in the locality, and make it more difficult than before for these lamentable occurrences to take place. For this purpose I shall require 100 more men, both uniform and plain clothes. I cannot possibly arrange for their transfer from other Divisions, which have already furnished men for the East End, and I therefore ask for an augmentation of 100 men for a couple of months, in addition to those whom I here already have under HO letter. As soon as I can see my way to reduce the number S[ecretary] of S[tate] may rely upon my doing so, but we must put a stop to these Whitechapel Outrages, and for this the number of men applied for is absolutely necessary. I trust therefore that I may receive immediate sanction to supply the above number of men for the time mentioned. JM