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  • 7/27/2019 Doc Final IHF


    1 [email protected] TLM: 961138700 / 917076451!/profile.php?id=100002883388287

    Associao Semente de Alfarroba

    Escola do MalhoCaixa Postal 3910-Z

    8800-507 Tavira


    Escola do Malho

    Criteria for applications to Internationaal Hupfond (IHF)

    he Associao Semente de Alfarroba (the carob tree seed association) is anassociation for an integrated education, which emerged from a group of parents,

    educators and friends of the Jardim do Alto(Alto kindergarten).

    We are a legal association which was founded on 7th July 2009 and have the necessary board of

    directors, a yearly annual general meeting with all the associates and an accounts committee.

    Our mission statement is to stimulate, create and manage a primary school, and in the future a

    secondary school, inspired by Rudolf Steiner Education, to develop educational, therapeutic,artistic projects and initiatives for children, young people and adults.

    We have one full time teacher and an auxiliary, both of whom have legal contracts. We also have

    three other volunteer teachers who are responsible for Music, German and English.

    At the moment there is one organization in the Iberian Peninsula, based in Madrid that is

    responsible for the recognition of educational initiatives. They are aware of our project and we are

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    2 [email protected] TLM: 961138700 / 917076451!/profile.php?id=100002883388287

    in the process of sending all the necessary papers to its President, Antnio Malagn Golderos, for

    the organizations approval.

    We are also known to the Anthroposophical Society which is in contact with us about the

    necessary steps we need to take in this process.

    The association is known in the locality due to the fact that the Tavira Municipal Council lent us a

    beautiful disused school in a wonderful setting in September, 2009. Parents have dedicated their

    time to clean, fix and paint the school.

    Since then we have organised many workshops open to the general public: these workshops include

    coloured wool, felt, Waldorf dolls, growing bean sprouts and sewing for children.

    We have also organised events which have included the wool cycle an event showing all the steps in

    the wool process from shearing, to washing, to dyeing; a Christmas Bazaar, a Carnival Ball and

    several courses: an Introduction to Anthroposophy and Anthroposophical architecture; we have

    also celebrated different festivals that occur throughout the year: St. Michael, St. Martin, Advent,

    Saint Brigit (Feast of Candlemas), Easter, Pentecost and St. John.

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    3 [email protected] TLM: 961138700 / 917076451!/profile.php?id=100002883388287

    The wool cycle:


    Celebrated different festivals:

    At present our school has three classes, classes 1 - 3, and our intention is to expand in the future toinclude classes 4 6.
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    4 [email protected] TLM: 961138700 / 917076451!/profile.php?id=100002883388287

    As the school building has only one classroom, we have an approved architectural plan to expand

    and create better conditions for future students.

    If we have funds in the future we intend to carry out the work in two phases: see plan in Annex I the

    first phase indicated in green, the second phase indicated in yellow.

    The total value is estimated to be around 183.000,00 euros and will be constructed by one of the

    parents who has an ecological construction company, Casa da Cor.

    We would like to ask you for financial support to install a portacabin in the school grounds. New

    students will join the Malho School in the next academic year and as the construction and

    completion of a new room will not be possible by the month of September 2012, it is necessary to

    install temporary accommodation. We have received authorization from the Education Ministry toinstall a portacabin. In Annex II, there are several documents: the proposal to rent a portacabin, two

    proposals to buy one and the plan of its location.

    Improvements to the existing building have been carried out this academic year. We felt the need to

    create a roof so that children could play outside in winter time. Each family offered 170 euros and a

    wooden awning was made by a group of parents.

    There was also the need to replace the tables that had been donated by the municipality of

    Almodvar. One of the parents, who is carpenter, made ten tables.

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    5 [email protected] TLM: 961138700 / 917076451!/profile.php?id=100002883388287

    There was a donation of 300 euros, but the total value was around 750 euros.

    From an education perspective we are associated with other Waldorf School initiatives, the

    Oliveira School in Lagos and the Jardim do Monte School in Lisboa. We are developing ajoint document to hand in to the Education Ministry, in order to obtain the Planos Prprios, a

    category that these schools can use their own curriculum. This would then allow us greater freedom

    to develop our own initiatives.

    The school is financially independent from the perspective of its daily running as the parents pay a

    monthly fee of 250,00 euros over a period of 11 months. We are awaiting a reply from an

    educational social fund as to the possibility of receiving financial help for those families with a lower


    We have received 300,00 euros from an anonymous sponsor. As mentioned previously, the school

    has been lent to us by Tavira Municipal Council who also donated 500,00 euros to our association

    in 2010.

    As the association has only been in existence for three years, we have not, as yet, approached other

    organisations for financial support.

    As we are a legal association we have to have our accounts organized and this information can be

    supplied to you if necessary.

    Our administration is carried out by the associations board of directors made up of 5 parents of

    the school.

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    6 [email protected] TLM: 961138700 / 917076451!/profile.php?id=100002883388287

    Our accountant deals with the receipts of our two contracted members of staff, a percentage is paid

    to Social Security and to the tax Office. Our main teacher also receives holiday pay and

    Christmas pay.

    The association pays water and the telephone whereas electricity is paid for by the Local Council.

    Following our visit to the regional Educational Board, we are aware of urgent matters that the

    Malho School has to comply with as soon as possible, if not there is a risk of closure. These issues


    - Implementation of smoke detectors (total cost 688,00 euros); (completed)- Implementation of a new electrical installation (this will be carried out by a professional

    company,the total cost being around 1.400,00 euros); (not yet)

    - Implementation of an Office (Construction of a school office in wood made by the parents.Cost of the material around 1.500,00 euros) (completed).

    We are prepared to send an annual progress report and a report on completion of the Project.

    When we are officially recognized by the Waldorf association in Spain, we will receive visits from a

    retired Waldolf school teacher.