Download - Do It Yourself sliding screen door kit instructions


Screen Door KitYes you can build your own screen door !

Screen Door Kit knockdown screen door kit comes with everything you need to make a new screen door.

Heavy duty extruded aluminum rails, steel ball bearing rollers, splien. screen cloth, screen roller tool, bugstrip.

Even the shipping is included !

Step 1

Remove the 2 long rails and 2 short rails from the kit. The 2 short rails have corners and screen door rollers already preinstalled.

Step 2

If the short rails do not have plastic corners pre-installed, use a rubber mallet to hammer the corners into the ends of the 4 rails

Step 3

Take a short rail and push the end of one of the brown plastic corner into the end of the long rails.

Hammer it together using a rubber mallet until the miter joint is completely closed.

Step 4

Continue repeating Step 3 until you have the whole frame assembled and all the miter joints tightly assembled.

Step 5

Test fit the screen door in your patio door using the install instructions in Step 14. Make sure the door slides nicely and fits properly.

Step 6

Remove the door and lay it on the ground. Place some cardboard underneath to protect the paint finish.

Unroll the screen cloth and clamp it around the perimeter of the door using 6 spring clamps. Do not stretch the cloth just keep it flat and square to the frame.


Step 7

Start at the bottom of any long rail and push the spline into the channel to lock the screen material in place at the corner.


Step 8

Take the screen roller provided and pre-roll the cloth into the channel, then roll the spline in stretching the spline a little to help it go into the channel easily. Continue rolling in the spline all the way up the rail.


Step 9

Use a flat blade screwdriver to force in the spline at the corner, then take over with the roller and roll the spline into the channel.


Step 10

Continue rolling in the spline until the whole screen is installed.


Step 11

Pick up the door at one end and look down one of the long rails. It should be perfectly straight with the screen installed. If its bowed in, pull out the spline on one long side and re roll. Do not stretch the cloth.


Step 12

Use a utility knife to cut the excess screen material away. Cut slowly and be very careful not to slip and cut the already installed screen cloth.


Step 13

Install the screen door latch, attach the handles. Install the hasp on the door jamb. Test the lock.

First hold the latch steel in your hand as in the picture with the angled piece pointing down


Step 14

Push the blunt end of the steel into the door and into the slot in the plastic knob as in doors the picture.

You may have to shine sunlight or a flashlight in the hole to see the slot to line it up.

Note that I have my thumb on the plastic knob, I had to push down on the knob a little before the latch steel went into the slot


Step 15

Once it starts to go in push the steel latch all the way until it stops as in this picture.


Step 16

Install the door. Put the top of the door into the top channel of your patio door, or line up the top rollers on the top track if you have one.

Push the bottom of the door up against the bottom track. Lift the door slightly and have a helper lever the rollers onto the track using a flat blade screwdriver.

Adjust the bottom rollers using the adjustment screws so that the door closes properly and is aligned with the patio door jamb.

Congratulations !You have rebuilt and installed installed your own screen door.

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