Download - DNV HSLC rules Pt.1 Ch.1 - General Regulation · 205 The HSC Code is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft as adopted by IMO with resolution MSC.36(63). Text quoted

Page 1: DNV HSLC rules Pt.1 Ch.1 - General Regulation · 205 The HSC Code is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft as adopted by IMO with resolution MSC.36(63). Text quoted







Sec. 1 Classification Principles....................................................................................................... 5Sec. 2 Scope of Rules and Class Notations .................................................................................... 9Sec. 3 Classification Procedure .................................................................................................... 14Sec. 4 Legal Provisions................................................................................................................. 23App. A Chart of Zones and Seasonal Areas ................................................................................... 24

DET NORSKE VERITASVeritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11

Page 2: DNV HSLC rules Pt.1 Ch.1 - General Regulation · 205 The HSC Code is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft as adopted by IMO with resolution MSC.36(63). Text quoted


GeneralAs of October 2010 all DNV service documents are primarily published electronically.In order to ensure a practical transition from the “print” scheme to the “electronic” scheme, all rule chapters havingincorporated amendments and corrections more recent than the date of the latest printed issue, have been given the dateJanuary 2011. An overview of DNV service documents, their update status and historical “amendments and corrections” may be foundthrough

Main changesSince the previous edition (January 2006), this chapter has been amended, most recently in January 2011. All changespreviously found in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 have been incorporated and a new date (January 2011) has been given as explainedunder “General”.In addition, the layout has been changed to one column in order to improve electronic readability.

Amendments January 2011• Sec.1 Classification Principles— Item A213 has been deleted and the subsequent items have been renumbered accordingly— In item B201 the Guidance note has been amended.

The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version© Det Norske Veritas

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If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation tosuch person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided thatthe maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalfof Det Norske Veritas.

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Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2011 Pt.1 Ch.1 Contents – Page 3


Sec. 1 Classification Principles..................................................................................................................... 5

A. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5A 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 5A 200 Rules ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5A 300 Audits.................................................................................................................................................................... 5

B. The Classification Concept........................................................................................................................................... 6B 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 6B 200 Entering into force of rules ................................................................................................................................... 6B 300 Application of the rules......................................................................................................................................... 6B 400 Basis for assignment of class ................................................................................................................................ 6B 500 Basis for maintenance of class.............................................................................................................................. 7B 600 Documentation...................................................................................................................................................... 7B 700 Disclosure of information ..................................................................................................................................... 7B 800 Limitation of the Society’s responsibility............................................................................................................. 8B 900 Vertical contract audits and audits by National Maritime Authorities ................................................................. 8

Sec. 2 Scope of Rules and Class Notations .................................................................................................. 9

A. Scope of Rules................................................................................................................................................................ 9A 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 9A 200 Rule parts .............................................................................................................................................................. 9A 300 Rule particulars ................................................................................................................................................... 10A 400 Assumptions........................................................................................................................................................ 10

B. Class Notations ............................................................................................................................................................ 10B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 10B 200 Construction symbols ......................................................................................................................................... 11B 300 Main character of class ....................................................................................................................................... 11B 400 Service area restriction notations ........................................................................................................................ 11B 500 Service and type notations .................................................................................................................................. 12B 600 Equipment and systems notations....................................................................................................................... 13B 700 Register information ........................................................................................................................................... 13B 800 National regulations ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Sec. 3 Classification Procedure .................................................................................................................. 14

A. Assignment of Class .................................................................................................................................................... 14A 100 Request for classification.................................................................................................................................... 14A 200 Requirements for workshops and yards.............................................................................................................. 14A 300 Requirements for manufacturers......................................................................................................................... 14A 400 Requirements for suppliers of services ............................................................................................................... 14A 500 Requirements for calibration of equipment ........................................................................................................ 14A 600 Plan approval ...................................................................................................................................................... 14A 700 Survey ................................................................................................................................................................. 15A 800 Functional and structural testing......................................................................................................................... 15A 900 Certification of materials, components and systems........................................................................................... 16A 1000 Manufacturing Survey Arrangement .................................................................................................................. 17A 1100 Type approval ..................................................................................................................................................... 17A 1200 Acceptance of control by National Authorities .................................................................................................. 18A 1300 Certificate of interim class .................................................................................................................................. 18A 1400 Classification certificate...................................................................................................................................... 18A 1500 Operating manual................................................................................................................................................ 18A 1600 Entry in the “Register of vessels classed with DNV”......................................................................................... 18A 1700 Decline of application for classification ............................................................................................................. 18

B. Retention of Class........................................................................................................................................................ 19B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 19B 200 Periodical and renewal surveys........................................................................................................................... 19B 300 Survey of damage ............................................................................................................................................... 19B 400 Repairs ................................................................................................................................................................ 19B 500 Procedures for maintenance................................................................................................................................ 19B 600 Conversions and alterations ................................................................................................................................ 20B 700 Change of ownership .......................................................................................................................................... 20B 800 Conditions of Class and Memoranda.................................................................................................................. 20B 900 Survey reports and survey status......................................................................................................................... 20

C. Validity and Issue of the Classification Certificate.................................................................................................. 21C 100 Validity of the certificate .................................................................................................................................... 21


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C 200 Issue of certificate ............................................................................................................................................... 21

D. Suspension and Withdrawal of Class ........................................................................................................................ 21D 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 21D 200 Suspension of class ............................................................................................................................................. 21D 300 Withdrawal of class............................................................................................................................................. 22D 400 Reclassification ................................................................................................................................................... 22

E. Appeals ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22E 100 Decisions taken by the Society ........................................................................................................................... 22

Sec. 4 Legal Provisions................................................................................................................................ 23

A. Liability and Jurisdiction ........................................................................................................................................... 23A 100 Limited liability .................................................................................................................................................. 23A 200 Governing law..................................................................................................................................................... 23A 300 Venue .................................................................................................................................................................. 23

App. A Chart of Zones and Seasonal Areas................................................................................................ 24

A. General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24A 100 Application.......................................................................................................................................................... 24


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Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2011 Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 5


A. Definitions

A 100 General101 For definition of general terms used in the rules, see Pt.0 Ch.2 Sec.1 A200.

A 200 Rules201 The rules shall be understood as all those rule requirements accepted by the board as basis forclassification, which are developed by the Society or adopted from relevant International maritime standardsas defined in 202. Interpretations of International maritime standards and standards for ships outside the scopeof International maritime standards, as appropriate, are included.202 International maritime standards, mean international IMO conventions, protocols, codes andresolutions, in so far as their purpose is safety and pollution prevention, excluding articles and regulationsdealing with intergovernmental relations, legal and formal aspects.203 Tentative rules are rules applying to new fields to which the Society reserves the right to makeadjustments during a period in order to obtain the intention reflected in the rules.204 A Guidance note given in the rules is advice which is not mandatory for assignment of class, but withwhich the Society, in light of general experience, advises compliance, hence, it is for the client to decidewhether to apply the Note or not.205 The HSC Code is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft as adopted by IMO withresolution MSC.36(63). Text quoted from the Code is printed in italics.206 Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the object of safeguardinglife, property and the environment.DNV undertakes classification and certification and ensures the quality of ships, offshore units andinstallations, facilities and systems, and carries out research in connection with these functions.DNV operates a world wide network of survey stations and is authorised by more than 120 nationaladministrations to carry out surveys and, in most cases, issue certificates on their behalf.207 The Society signifies DNV.208 The EC signifies the Executive Committee of DNV.209 National authorities denotes the Administration of any country of registry.210 Client means the party having requested classification or having assumed ownership of a classed craft.In cases where owners have authorised another party to operate the craft on their behalf, such party is regardedas the client.211 IMO is the International Maritime Organization.212 IACS is the International Association of Classification Societies.213 A Quality audit is a systematic and independent examination to determine whether established workprocesses and quality systems are adhered to.214 A Supplier or a Manufacturer, supplies materials, components, equipment and systems to newbuildings tobe classed, or to classed craft in operation, whose production is subject to design approval, surveys and testing inaccordance with the rules.

A 300 Audits301 A vertical contract audit is an IACS audit which assesses the correct application of the quality systemthrough audit of the process for a specific contract.A contract is the specific agreement between the Society and the client. It defines the extent of servicesrequested by the client, and is concerned with:

— the classification of ships, both newbuildings and in operation— statutory work carried out on behalf of National Maritime Authorities— equipment and materials for ships.

The IACS QSCS (Quality System Certification Scheme) audit team is responsible for carrying out these audits.


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Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2011 Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 6

B. The Classification ConceptB 100 General101 Classification concept The classification concept comprises the development of independent technicalstandards for vessels, and the verification of compliance with these standards throughout the vessels’ life.102 The rules are aimed at ensuring safety against hazards to the vessel, personnel, passengers and cargo, andagainst hazards to the environment as a consequence of sea transport.103 The classification of vessels is performed in accordance with the requirements of the rules and any otherstandards to which reference is made.104 Having assigned class, the Society will issue a classification certificate and enter the main particulars anddetails of class for the vessel in the “Register of vessels classed with DNV”.

B 200 Entering into force of rules201 Rules and amendments accepted by the EC will come into force when decided by the EC, normally six(6) months after acceptance.

Guidance note:The date on which rule changes come into force is shown on the inside of the cover of new and revised rule chapters.


202 Entry into force and application of those parts of the rules covering International maritime standards areindicated at the beginning of each of the relevant rule chapters.203 In exceptional cases, where unacceptable service experience and or theoretical findings clearly show thatsafety hazards may arise in connection with items covered by the existing rules, the EC may lay downsupplementary requirements concerning the assignment and retention of class to maintain the overall safetystandard reflected by the rules.204 If an amendment is made mandatory to vessels under construction or that have already been assignedclass, this will be specifically stated, see 201.

B 300 Application of the rules301 The applicable rules for assignment of class to a new ship are those in force at the date (as given to theSociety by the client) when the contract between the owner and the shipyard is signed.302 Subsequent amendments not made mandatory according to 204 may be made applicable to ships underconstruction provided both builder and owner agree to such application.303 Ships which undergo conversions or alterations shall comply with Sec.3 B600.304 The Society will consider alternatives found to represent an overall safety standard equivalent to that ofthe rules. Approval may be revoked if subsequent information indicates that the chosen alternative is notsatisfactory.With regard to equivalent alternatives, those parts of the rules covering International maritime standards shallbe practised in accordance with procedures agreed by the National Authorities involved.305 If disputes should arise in connection with the application of those parts of the rules which are adoptedfrom international maritime standards, the texts of the international maritime standards shall prevail.306 In cases where detailed requirements are not given in the rules, specific solutions or decisions approvedby the Society and its surveyors shall be based on the principles of the rules, and shall give a safety standardequivalent to that of the rules.307 In accordance with 304, the Society may consider the use of reliability methods as a means ofdocumenting compliance to class requirements.

B 400 Basis for assignment of class401 Having assigned a specific class implies that the Society:

— has been satisfied that the vessel meets the rule requirements for the particular class— will, through a system of surveys, verify that the requirements given for retention of class are complied


402 Prior to assigning class to an eligible, existing vessel, it is in general to undergo all periodical surveyspertaining to the age and type of the vessel. See Sec.3 A705.403 When assigning class to a vessel which has not been built under supervision of the Society, provided thevessel has been built under supervision of another recognized classification society, the Society may on the


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basis of an overall safety consideration, in connection with a design review and survey, exempt it from rulerequirements for the main class. See also 306.404 When assigning class to a vessel of a series under construction to the classification of, or a designpreviously accepted by, a recognized classification society, the Society may on the basis of an overall safetyconsideration, in connection with a design review, exempt it from the rule requirements for the main class, andbase the survey on the design approval done by the recognized society. A note to this effect may be includedin the Appendix to the classification certificate.405 When assigning class to a vessel for which the Administration of the flag state undertakes approval andsurveys of items covered by the rules, the Society may accept their decisions as basis of assigning class.406 Classification is based on the assumption that requirements for safety equipment outside the scope of therules for classification as defined in Sec.2 A200, e.g. requirements for life-saving equipment, navigationequipment and radio communication installations, are enforced by the National Authorities in question. If suchequipment is not certified by the National Authorities, the certification of the equipment will be enforced bythe Society in accordance with the requirements of a recognized SOLAS contracting government or appropriatemodified requirements for non-SOLAS vessels. In such cases a written statement will be issued uponassignment of class. Maintenance of the validity of this statement will depend upon satisfactory results ofperiodical surveys.

B 500 Basis for maintenance of class501 The requirements for retention of class are found in Sec.3 B. In addition, classification is based on thefollowing:Valid statutory certificatesThe statutory certificates of the applicable international conventions shall be valid at all times, and the surveysprescribed in the conventions shall be carried out within the time windows prescribed. Maintenance of the craft and its equipmentIt is assumed that the craft, machinery installations and equipment shall be maintained at a standard complyingwith the requirements of the rules.Installed systems or equipment carried on board in excess of the rule requirements, but otherwise covered bythe rules, are either to be maintained in accordance with the rules, or be removed or be disconnected in suchway as to ensure that the installed system or equipment cannot be used.Handling of the craftIt is assumed that the craft, machinery installations and equipment shall be adequately manned and competentlyhandled. This includes also stowage of cargo, distribution of ballast and bunkers, and speed and navigation inheavy weather. Class conditions regarding the use of the craft shall be observed.

B 600 Documentation601 All information which may influence the judgement, decisions and requirements of the Society for thepurpose of classification, shall be made available to the Society. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure thatsuch information is brought to the attention of the Society in a timely manner. Information may be madeavailable by submitting documents to the Society or by surveys performed at the clients premises, the craft orthe premises of the client’s sub-contractors.602 Documents for information or approval required in each chapter of the rules shall be submitted to theSociety.603 The documentation forming the basis for classification is, at all times, to reflect the true conditions.Revisions of documents are therefore to be submitted to the Society to the extent such revisions may influencedecisions and requirements of the Society.

B 700 Disclosure of information701 The Society will not disclose any information received or reports made in connection with classificationto any other than those entitled thereto or those having been given the right to receive information bylegislation, court decision or by written permission by the owner. The supply of information may take placeelectronically and on a continual basis, e.g. by on-line access to the Society’s databases.

Guidance note:Table B1 indicates which parties will be entitled to various kinds of information.


702 The Society will not disclose information that can be considered as the property of another party exceptwhen this party’s permission is given in writing.


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703 Internal communication, notes, calculations etc. produced within the Society in connection withclassification will not be disclosed to other parties.704 Notwithstanding 601 to 603, authorised representatives of the National Maritime Authorities or of theaudit team of IACS performing Quality Audits, will upon request have access to such information. Theserepresentatives shall confirm in writing that they are not in any manner allowed to reproduce or communicatesuch information to other parties.705 Notwithstanding 601 and 603 the Society may disclose any information to a police authority upon awritten request by the same.706 The Society may release information on required class and statutory surveys and schedules, delegatedstatutory certification, overdue surveys and overdue conditions and class suspensions and deletions.

B 800 Limitation of the Society’s responsibility801 The classification service is performed on the basic assumption that other parties involved (buildingyard, designers, manufacturers, sub-contractors, ship owners, etc.) fulfil their individual obligations. Theclassification service is not performed in substitution of other parties’ role or obligations. Nothing containedherein or in any certificate, report or document issued in connection with or pursuant to these rules, shall relieveany designer, engineer, builder, manufacturer, shipyard, seller, supplier, owner, operator or other parties fromany obligations or consequences of default whatsoever. In particular, compliance with the rules does not implyacceptance or commissioning of a craft. This is the exclusive responsibility of the owner.Any document issued by the Society in relation to surveys performed reflects the condition of the craft at thetime of survey. It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain the condition of the craft as required by the rulesbetween surveys.

B 900 Vertical contract audits and audits by National Maritime Authorities901 For the purpose of conducting vertical audits performed by the audit team of IACS, and audits performedby the National Maritime Authorities of the flag state, access shall be provided to the craft and or to thepremises of manufacturer or shipbuilder, as appropriate.

Table B1 Disclosure of informationInformation in question Owner Flag

administrationPort stateauthority

Insurance company *

Yard orsuppliers

Newbuildings:a) Approved “as carried out” structure related

drawings 2) 1) 4)

b) Approved “as carried out” system and component drawings 2) 2) 2)

HSLC in Operation:a) Class and statutory certificates issued by the

Society 4 1) 1) 3)

b) Survey and certificate status including text of Conditions of Class 4) 1) 1) 1)**

c) Survey reports 4) + 1) 1) 2) 3)Other information:Correspondence with yard or owner 2) 2) 2) 2)

1) Upon request2) When accepted by owner or ship yard and copyright holder, as applicable3) When accepted by owner or through special clause in insurance contract4) Automatically available

* Insurance Company means P&I Clubs and Hull & Machinery Underwriters** Overdue Conditions of Class, only


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Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2011 Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.2 – Page 9


A. Scope of RulesA 100 General101 The rules define acceptance criteria for design, construction, survey and testing of high speed, light craftand naval surface craft constructed in steel, aluminium or fibre reinforced composites, their machineryinstallations, systems and equipment, applicable to the newbuilding and operations phase.102 International maritime standards covered by the rules include:

— International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code) May 1994, as amended.

For principles of application of the HSC Code see Pt.0 Ch.6.103 A light craft is defined as a craft with a full load displacement not more than:

Δ = maximum permissible displacement (tonnes)L = overall length of the underwater watertight envelope of the rigid hull excluding appendages, at or below

the design water line in the displacement mode with no lift or propulsion machinery active (m)B = waterline breadth at L/2 (m).

Craft with displacements in excess of the above requirement shall be classified in accordance with additionalrequirements to strength and watertight integrity as stipulated in each individual case.104 High speed craft is defined as a craft capable of a maximum speed in knots equal to or exceeding:

V = the speed (knots)Δ = the displacement corresponding to the design waterline (tonnes).

Guidance note:The above criteria is in compliance with the application for the IMO HSC Code. The factor is adjusted only for thealternative units.


105 High speed and light craft shall, in addition to 103 and 104 have a maximum speed of not less than 25knots.

Guidance note:IMO res. A.373(X) Code of Safety for Dynamically Supported Craft, the DSC Code, requires a maximum speed ofFn > 0,9. This requirement is not covered by this edition of the rules and is not applicable to existing craft under theDSC Code.


106 Craft complying with the definition of both light craft and high speed craft and having speed above 25knots, shall be in compliance with the HSC Code, unless otherwise required by the service notation.107 A classification certificate will be issued for the craft, see Sec.3 A. Main particulars and details of classfor the craft will be entered in the “Register of vessels classed with DNV”.

A 200 Rule parts201 This part of the rules (Pt.1) covers all craft, newbuildings as well as craft in operation.202 The rules for main class which apply to all newbuildings are given in Pt.2, Pt.3 and Pt.4, and includethose parts of the international maritime standards which are relevant to high speed and light craft in general.203 The rules for additional class notations applicable to newbuildings, including those parts of theInternational maritime standards not covered by main class, are given in Pt.5 and Pt.6. Additional classnotations apply to:

— craft which have been designed to perform a special service— special equipment and systems not covered by the main class— special features not covered by other notations.

Δ 0.13 L B( ) 1.5 (tonnes).=

V 7.16 Δ 0.1667=


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All craft shall satisfy the requirements of one special type notation given in Pt.5.204 The rules for craft in operation are given in Pt.7 and cover also parts of international maritime standardsapplicable to operation.

A 300 Rule particulars301 The rules for main class give requirements for the hull, machinery installations and equipment withrespect to strength and performance of the following main functions:

— weathertight and watertight integrity— stability, survival capability— power generation— propulsion— steering— fire safety— drainage and bilge pumping— ballasting and cargo pumping— anchoring and mooring— safety management systems.

The requirements are aimed at safety against hazards to the craft, personnel and environment and reliability inthe performance of the above main functions and their related auxiliary functions.302 For certain machinery installations, regardless of their contribution to the main functions stated in 301,the rule requirements for main class will apply. Such installations comprise:

— electric power plants— gravity tanks or pressure vessels and associated piping systems for:

— toxic fluids— fluids with temperatures above 220°C

— boilers and steam piping systems— pressure vessels and associated piping systems for compressed gases where:

p = design pressure (kN/m2)V = pressure vessel volume (m2)

— firing and combustion installations— other installations stated in the rules for main class.

A 400 Assumptions401 The design may be based on specified reductions in speed versus sea state (wave height) or a limitedvertical acceleration of the craft. Also special limitations as to trim and stability, manoeuvring in narrow watersand handling of the craft may be given. Such limitations shall be specified in an operating manual.

Guidance note:A high speed and light craft should normally be provided with adequate information and guidance in a technicalmanual consisting of an operating manual and a maintenance manual.


402 The rules are based on the assumption that significant dynamic excitation of major orders from propellerand machinery will not fall close to any natural frequency of the hull, girder and its main structural members.

B. Class NotationsB 100 General101 All craft found to satisfy the requirements in Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3 and Pt.4 will be given a main class consistingof a construction symbol, a main character of class, and a high speed and or light craft notation, e.g.:


Craft with the LC notation will have the service restrictions in nautical miles reduced by the factor:

pV 150 kNm( )≥

V25------ (knots)


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102 The LC notation confirms that the craft is of light weight displacement in compliance with A103. Thisclass notation does not confirm compliance with the HSC Code as requirements related to high speed are notincluded. The HSLC notation confirm that the craft is of light weight displacement and is a high speed craft incompliance with the HSC Code when one of the type and service notations Passenger, Car Ferry A (or Bor C) or Cargo is added, unless otherwise required by the service notation.103 Craft found to satisfy requirements in Pt.5 will be given additional class related to special service andtype of vessel e.g.:

1A1 LC Passenger 1A1 HSLC Passenger

104 A naval surface craft complying with the applicable requirements of this chapter will be assigned theclass notation:

1A1 LC Navalprovided the displacement when fully loaded is not more than:

105 Craft also found to satisfy requirements in Pt.6 may be given additional class notations related to specialsystems and equipment.106 Craft with notation Yacht and with a displacement in excess of the requirement given in A103 can beclassified according to the requirements given in Pt.5 Ch.5.Craft with notation Yacht can be assigned notations for navigation in ice when designed according to therequirements for ice strengthening given in Pt.5 Ch.5.107 In addition to the class notations, the Society will provide information related to the craft through registerinformation.

B 200 Construction symbols201 The symbol will be given to craft built under the supervision of DNV.202 The symbol will be given to craft built under the supervision of a recognised classification society andlater assigned class with DNV. See Sec.1 B303.

B 300 Main character of class301 The notation 1A1 will be given to craft with hull, machinery and equipment found to be in compliancewith the rule requirements stated in Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3 and Pt.4.302 The notation 1A2 will be given to craft found to meet the rule requirements, where by reason of specialdesign, materials, general condition and or age, it is considered necessary to stipulate shorter intervals betweensurveys than those which are normally required for vessels with the notation 1A1.

B 400 Service area restriction notations401 High speed, light craft and naval surface craft will be given a service area restriction notation in accordancewith Table B1.Service area restrictions, ranging from R0 to R6, given in nautical miles and representing the maximumdistance from nearest harbour or safe anchorage, are given in Table B1. For the various service notations therestrictions are related to the zones, areas and seasonal periods as defined in the International Convention onLoad Lines, Annex II, see Appendix A.

Guidance note:

1) Unrestricted service notation is not applicable to craft falling within the scope of the HSC Code, i.e. service and

Table B1 Service restrictions, generalCondition Notation Winter Summer TropicalOcean None 1) 1) 1)

Ocean R0 300 1) 1)

Ocean R1 100 300 300Offshore R2 50 100 250Coastal R3 20 50 100Inshore R4 5 10 20Inland R5 1 2 5Sheltered R6 0.2 0.3 0.5

Δ 0.16 L B( )1.5≤



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type notations Passenger, Car Ferry or Cargo.


The service area restrictions as related to the given service area notation will be included in the “Appendix tothe classification certificate”.402 Modified requirements related to the various service area notations are given in the relevant sections ofthe rules. The modifications will affect:

— design hull girder loads— design pressures on shell, weather decks, superstructures and deckhouses— anchoring and mooring equipment— arrangement— closing appliances— reserve buoyancy— emergency power.

For vessels with service area restrictions ranging from R3 to R5, further modifications of requirements maybe considered in each case.The notation R6 will not allow any reduced requirements compared with R5, but may be assigned in specialcases.

Guidance note:In the SOLAS convention Reg. II-1/1.4 the following is given: The Administration of a state may, if it considers thatthe sheltered nature and conditions of the voyage are such as to render the application of any specific requirements ofthis chapter unreasonable or unnecessary, exempt from those requirements individual ships or classes of ships entitledto fly the flag of that state which, in the course of their voyage, do not proceed more than 20 miles from the nearestland.


403 The service area restriction will be given as a class notation related to the service and type notation e.g.: 1A1 HSLC R1 Passenger

where service restriction distances corresponding to R1 will be stated in the “Appendix to the classificationcertificate”.

B 500 Service and type notations501 Craft arranged and or strengthened for a special service and found to be in accordance with relevantrequirements in Pt.5 will be given corresponding additional class notations:

— Passenger (see Pt.5 Ch.1)— Car Ferry A (or B or C) (see Pt.5 Ch.2)— Cargo or Cargo A or Cargo B (see Pt.5 Ch.3)— Crew (see Pt.5 Ch.4)— Yacht (see Pt.5 Ch.5)— Patrol (see Pt.5 Ch.6).

Table B2 Naval Vessels (Pt.5 Ch.14)Naval (navdist)

naval distinction as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.1 E100Naval Support (navdist)Naval Support (....) (navdist)(….) may contain any of the elements as specified below:hull = additional naval requirements for arrangements as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.2, loads in Pt.5 Ch.14

Sec.3 and hull strength in Sec.4 have been applied.stab = naval requirements for stability as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.5 have been appliedsystem = additional naval requirements for piping as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.6, machinery in Pt.5 Ch.14

Sec.7, electrical in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.8, control and monitoring in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.9 have been = additional naval requirements for fire safety as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.10 or 11 have been applied.evac = naval requirements for safe evacuation as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.12 have been applied.radhaz = naval requirements for radiation hazards as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.13 have been applied.emc = naval requirements for electromagnetic compatibility as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.14 have been

applied.sam = naval requirements for storage rooms for ammunition as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.15 have been

applied.FIRENAV additional fire protection, as given in Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.11 Sub-section I, has been applied


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B 600 Equipment and systems notations601 Vessels having special equipment or systems found to satisfy relevant requirements in Pt.6 will be givena corresponding additional class:

— HELDK, HELDK-S, HELDK-SH or HELDK-SHF (See Pt.6 Ch.1)— E0 (see Pt.6 Ch.3 )— NAUT-HSC (see Pt.6 Ch.8)— NAUT-NAVY (see Pt.6 Ch.17)— ELT (see Pt.6 Ch.9)— NBC (see Pt.6 Ch.10)— HMON(...) (see Pt.6 Ch.11 )— N, SV, MV (see Pt.6 Ch.12)— CBT-S, CBT-H, CBT-SH (see Pt.6 Ch.18).— GAS FUELLED (see Pt.6 Ch.13)— FC-POWER and FC-SAFETY (See Pt.6 Ch.23).

B 700 Register information701 The register provides information regarding special features. The information will be entered in theregister, but the corresponding features will be subject to periodical surveys only to the extent possibly coveredby the craft’s class notations.702 A complete list of class notations and their explanations will be given in the current issue of the “Registerof vessels classed with DNV”.

B 800 National regulations801 A craft trading under its own flag in domestic waters, or between neighbour states upon agreementbetween such states, may be assigned class based on the flag state requirements for domestic service instead ofthose rule requirements pertaining to assigned class notations. The assigned class shall be the class notationsand service restrictions with the least possible deviation from the rule requirements. 802 Deviations from the rule requirements will only be accepted with respect to statutory regulationsapproved by the flag state as mentioned in 801 and not for the structural strength, machinery installationsincluding steering appliances, and electrical systems and equipment covered by the main class. 803 The flag state whose domestic requirements are being accepted (as per 801) shall be indicated, by usinglower-case letter codes in accordance with ISO standard 3166, in parentheses after the service restrictionnotation (e.g. R2(nor), should the flag state be Norway or (usa) should the flag state be U.S.A. etc.).804 A memo for owners (MO), containing information about the assumption for the service restrictionnotation, will be issued in addition to the class related information contained in the “Appendix to theclassification certificate”.

Table B3 Naval Landing Craft (Pt.5 Ch.7)Naval Landing Craft Naval vessels operating as landing craft


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A. Assignment of Class

A 100 Request for classification101 A request for classification of a craft shall be submitted in writing by the client.

A 200 Requirements for workshops and yards201 Builders unknown to the Society shall demonstrate their capability to carry out fabrication of adequatequality in accordance with the rules before construction is started.202 Welding of important structures, machinery installations and equipment shall be carried out by approvedwelders, with approved welding consumables and at welding shops accepted by the Society. Requirements forapproval of welding shops, welders, manufacturers of welding consumables, welding consumables andwelding procedures are given in the rules (see Pt.2 Ch.3).203 During fabrication and construction work, the Society’s surveyors shall have safe access to the works atall reasonable times, insofar as the work affects classification. The client shall ensure, through contracts withthe parties concerned or otherwise, that such access is possible, and that the Society is notified as to when andwhere the surveyor’s attendance is needed.204 The following general documentation from the builder (workshop and yard) and from subcontractors (asspecified in 301) shall be submitted when requested by the Society:

— outline specification for the craft— list of subcontractors to the building yard— list of subcontractors to the manufacturer of products to be delivered, if applicable.

A 300 Requirements for manufacturers301 Manufacturers of materials, components and equipment of categories not covered by 200 shall beconsidered for approval according to programmes and criteria established by the Society, as applicable.302 Any required quality control of materials, components and equipment, shall be traceable anddocumented in writing. Further, it shall be carried out by qualified personnel at facilities and with equipmentsuitable for that control.

A 400 Requirements for suppliers of services401 Suppliers providing services on behalf of the owner, such as measurements, tests and maintenance ofsafety systems and equipment, the result of which may form the basis for the surveyor’s decisions, shall beapproved by the Society, according criteria established by the Society.Where surveyors use such services in making decisions affecting statutory certifications, the suppliers aresubject to approval by the Society, where the Society is so authorised by the relevant flag Administration. Forsuch services the Society may accept approvals done by the flag Administration, or duly authorisedorganisations acting on behalf of the flag Administration.

A 500 Requirements for calibration of equipment501 Measuring and test equipment used in services by manufacturers, builders, repairers or owners, the resultof which may form the basis for the surveyor’s decisions, shall have a calibration status or an appropriateaccuracy to the surveyor’s satisfaction.

A 600 Plan approval601 The builder or manufacturer shall submit the following documentation, as specified in the applicablechapters of the rules, and according to documentation lists supplied by the Society upon receipt of class request,before production commences:

a) Plans and specifications required for approval, in triplicate, including one copy for each sister craft, asapplicable. Moreover, the Society may specify alternative or additional requirements.

b) Corresponding technical descriptions, calculations and data, including material specifications.

Any documents submitted for re-approval shall be specially marked to identify the revised parts.The builder, with which the Society has the classification contract, is responsible for co-ordinating that plansand other documents are submitted, and for distributing any approval comments that may have been given.


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602 When a craft, which is not built under supervision of the Society, shall be classified, the informationrequired in 601 is, in general, to be submitted for approval. The extent of documentation approval for a craft,which is classed, or which was previously classed, with another recognised classification society, will bedecided upon in each case.603 Plans that have been found to comply with the rule requirements will be provided with a statement ofapproval. Conditions and limitations of the approval may be stated on the plans returned with the statement ofapproval, or in the accompanying letter of approval.604 The approval may be revoked at any time if subsequent information indicates that the design solutionwas contrary to the rule requirements or intentions.605 The English language shall be used in plans and specifications submitted for approval.The possibility of using the local language shall be agreed upon in each case.606 When plans and documents are submitted as electronic files, the format and transfer method shall beagreed upon in each case.

A 700 Survey701 When a vessel is built under the supervision of the Society, the Society will verify:

— that the construction and scantlings comply with the rule requirements and the approved plans, and that therequired materials are used

— that the materials, components and systems have been certified in accordance with the rules— that the work is carried out in compliance with the applicable rules and with good engineering practices.

IACS “Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard - Part A” is regarded as an example of a standardregarding hull structures describing such good engineering practices

— that satisfactory tests are carried out to the extent and in the manner prescribed by the rules.

Supervision shall be carried out at the building yard and or the sub-suppliers at the discretion of the Society,which also decides the extent and method of control.

702 The verification method applied by the Society at the building yard or at the manufacturers’ willnormally be based on visual inspections and tests.The Society may base its verification on audits of an accepted quality system implemented at the yard or at themanufacturer in combination with an agreed manufacturing survey arrangement.703 When a craft, which has not been built under the supervision of the Society, shall be classified, theSociety will carry out surveys to confirm:

— that the design and scantlings comply with the approved plans— that the material, components and systems are in accordance with the rules— that the workmanship is in compliance with the applicable rules and with good engineering practices.

Functional tests shall be carried out as deemed necessary by the Society.704 For craft built under the supervision of another recognised society the requirements of 703 will normallybe considered as complied with for the main class.705 When an existing craft shall be classified it is in general to undergo all periodical surveys pertaining tothe age and type of the craft. Craft previously classed by a recognised society will, as a minimum, be subjectto an annual survey, in accordance with Pt.7 Ch.1, with special emphasis on the craft’s general condition andincluding thickness measurements for craft of age exceeding 10 years. In addition, any periodical surveys duewith the previous society shall be carried out.If the age of the craft exceeds 20 years, it shall undergo a renewal survey irrespective of when this is due withthe previous society.

A 800 Functional and structural testing801 A test programme shall be prepared by the builder to the satisfaction of the surveyor. The programmeshall specify systems and components to be tested and testing procedure. The programme shall include seatrials of the craft with machinery and equipment installed.For new designs a comprehensive full-scale prototype testing programme shall be performed, includingmeasurements of hull girder stresses and accelerations.802 The tests shall give evidence as to satisfactory operation in accordance with the rules. When testing thecontrol and safety system, failure modes shall be simulated as realistically as possible.803 Unless otherwise agreed, the testing required by the rules shall be carried out in the presence of a surveyor.


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Data shall be recorded according to the test programmes and as considered necessary by the surveyor.

A 900 Certification of materials, components and systems901 The scope of classification includes certification of materials, components and systems intended for thecraft. The applicable chapters of the rules define the extent of the certification that is needed for classification.The objective of the certification shall ensure that materials, components and systems used in craft to be classedby the Society conform to the rules and other standards within the framework of the rules.The certification is a conformity assessment normally including both design and production assessment. The production assessment includes inspection and testing during production and or of the final product.902 The design assessment of the materials, components and systems shall either be on a “case by case” basisor follow the procedure for type approval.903 When the “case by case” procedure is used, documentation of the design shall be submitted forassessment for every application as required in the applicable chapters of the rules.A design assessment letter or design verification report shall be issued by the Society when compliance withthe requirements for the design for the actual application is confirmed.904 When the type approval procedure is used, documentation of the design and the results of type testing asrequired in type approval programmes and the applicable chapters of the rules, shall be submitted forassessment. A type approval certificate shall be issued by the Society when compliance with the requirementsfor the design is confirmed. The type approval certificate has a validity of 2 or 4 years depending on type ofmaterial, component and system.905 The production assessment of materials, components and systems shall either be on a “case by case”basis or on the basis of an agreed Manufacturing Survey Arrangement (MSA).906 When the “case by case” procedure is used, the survey and testing shall be performed on the basis ofapproved design documentation for the actual application and as required in the applicable chapters of the rules.Compliance with the approved design documentation and the requirements shall be documented throughcertificates as required in the applicable chapters of the rules.907 When the production assessment is based on an MSA, the survey and testing shall be performed on thebasis of approved design documentation and in accordance with requirements and procedures laid down in theMSA. Compliance with the approved design documentation and the requirements shall be documented throughcertificates as specified in the MSA or as required in the applicable chapters of the rules.908 Certification of materials, components and systems shall be documented by the following types ofdocuments:

1) Det Norske Veritas Product Certificate (NV):A document signed by a surveyor of the Society stating:

— conformity with rule requirements— that tests are carried out on the certified product itself— that tests are made on samples taken from the certified product itself— that tests are performed in presence of the surveyor or in accordance with special agreements.

2) Works Certificate (W):A document signed by the manufacturer stating:

— conformity with rule requirements— that tests are carried out on the certified product itself— that tests are made on samples taken from the certified product itself— that tests are witnessed and signed by a qualified department of the manufacturers.

3) Test Report (TR):A document signed by the manufacturer stating:

— conformity with rule requirements— that tests are carried out on samples from the current production.

The applicable chapters and sections of the rules will specify which of the above mentioned documentation willbe required.

Guidance note:For guidance regarding spare parts for ships in operation, see Pt.4 Ch.2 Sec.2 A100.



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909 Where the rules require Works Certificate (W) or Test Report (TR), the surveyor may at any time requiretests to be carried out in his presence and or check elements of the quality control in operation.

910 For identification and traceability, certified products shall be stamped in accordance with the markinggiven in the product certificate and as specified by the applicable chapters of the rules.

911 For certain components and systems as defined in the applicable chapters of the rules, the certificationmay be based on defined internationally recognised standards and certification schemes that cover the overallquality, safety and environmental standard of the rules. Compliance with the requirements of the standard shallbe documented as required by the standard.

912 To ensure an efficient, cost effective and correct certification process, a “General certificationagreement” is normally to be established with manufacturers delivering NV certified products.The “General certification agreement” may be part of a Manufacturing survey arrangement.The “General certification agreement” shall include information on the procedures for design and productionassessment and on transfer of information and experience between the manufacturer and the Society.

A 1000 Manufacturing Survey Arrangement

1001 When the procedures and processes of a building yard’s or a manufacturer’s quality system meet thequality, safety and environmental standard of the rules, a Manufacturing Survey Arrangement (MSA) may beestablished with the yard or the manufacturer as an alternative to the verification and production assessmentdescribed in the applicable rule chapters.

1002 The agreed MSA shall be described in a document stating the requirements, scope, acceptance criteria,documentation and the roles of the Society and the yard or the manufacturer in connection with the productionassessment.

1003 When it is agreed through an MSA that the majority of the required surveys and tests are beingcompleted without the presence of a surveyor, it is conditional upon the manufacturer that he has in operationa quality system certified by an accredited certification body to ISO 9002, or equivalent.

1004 When establishing an MSA, an initial assessment of the manufacturer’s ability to control productquality and to comply with the scope, requirements and criteria laid down in the MSA shall be performed.The extent and frequency of periodical assessments of the manufacturer shall be included in the MSA.

1005 An MSA is normally given a validity of 4 years. When the MSA is based on a certified quality system,the MSA automatically becomes invalid if the quality system certification is no longer valid.

A 1100 Type approval

1101 Type approval is a procedure for design assessment. Type approval can be applied to a:

— product— group of products— system.

This procedure should normally be used for design assessment of standard designs.

1102 The type approval procedure will normally consist of the following elements:

— design approval— type testing— issuance of type approval certificate.

The type approval procedure used by the Society is described in Standard for Certification No. 1.2.

1103 For certain products and systems as defined in the applicable chapters of the rules, type approval issufficient for confirmation of product quality, i.e. production assessment is not required.

1104 For certain products and systems as defined in the applicable chapters of the rules, type approval is amandatory procedure for design assessment.

1105 For products and systems manufactured for stock, type approval shall be the normal procedure forassessment of design.

1106 For type approved products, where the basis for approval are the rules of the Society, plans andtechnical descriptions of the product need not be submitted for approval for each craft unless otherwise statedas a condition on the type approval certificate. In such cases only the arrangement or system plans, interfaceplans and those plans mentioned on the type approval certificate shall be submitted for approval.


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A 1200 Acceptance of control by National Authorities

1201 In cases where the Administration of a flag state reviews plans, carries out type approval, and surveysthe craft and or its components and equipment in accordance with the rule requirements, the Society willnormally accept the approval and survey by the flag administration as basis for assignment of class. Necessarydocumentation including copies of approved plans, reports and other particulars approved by the NationalAuthorities, have to be submitted.

A 1300 Certificate of interim class

1301 When the surveyor is of the opinion that the requirements corresponding to the class in question havebeen met, he will document the completion of the building supervision by issuing the certificate of interimclass, which is valid until the administration of the Society has confirmed the class and issued the classificationcertificate.

1302 At the discretion of the surveyor the building supervision may be considered to be completed with someminor items unverified, provided Conditions of Class (see B800) are issued to the effect that the remainingwork, surveys or other measures shall be completed within a specified time. At the same time the surveyor willdocument the completion of the newbuilding supervision by issuing the certificate of interim class as indicatedin 1301.

1303 In case of classification of an existing craft not built under the supervision of the Society, orclassification of an existing craft previously classed by the Society, the surveyor will issue the certificate ofinterim class when he is satisfied that the applicable requirements have been met.

A 1400 Classification certificate

1401 When the administration of the Society has examined the surveyor’s report and is satisfied that therequirements corresponding to the class in question have been met, the class will be assigned and aclassification certificate will be issued.Provided the requirements for maintenance of class will be complied with, and unless the class has beenwithdrawn in writing at an earlier stage, the classification certificate will be valid for 5 years or 3 years forvessels with main character of class 1A1 or 1A2, respectively.

1402 Declarations confirming compliance with the rules may upon request be issued for propulsionmachinery, main boilers and specific additional class notations, provided the Society’s main class has beenassigned.

A 1500 Operating manual

1501 Conditions regarding the use of the craft which were established or presumed at the time of classassignment, shall be presented in the operating manual for the craft, or in the “Appendix to the classificationcertificate”, see also Sec.2 A400. The operating manual shall be approved by the Society in respect of the classrelated information included.

Guidance note:The Society will provide guidance on the contents and disposition of class related information to be included in theoperating manual.


A 1600 Entry in the “Register of vessels classed with DNV”

1601 When a craft has been assigned class, its main particulars and details of class will be entered in the“Register of vessels classed with DNV”. In addition to the class, an appropriate type descriptive note may beentered in the register, indicating the type of the vessel in greater detail than given in the class notations, andor providing additional information on the craft’s functions, design and construction. This descriptive note isprovided for information only and shall not be regarded as part of the craft’s class notations.

1602 For craft built under the supervision of the Society, the class is entered with a statement of the year andmonth from which the periodical surveys will be dated. For other crafts a notation is made of the year andmonth of completion of the survey mentioned in 705.

1603 If the craft is not immediately commissioned upon completion of the building supervision, the craft issubject to a condition survey at the time when she enters service. Provided the result of this survey is in allrespects satisfactory, subsequent periodical surveys will date from the time of the condition survey.

A 1700 Decline of application for classification

1701 The Society reserves the right to decline an application for classification or reclassification where theprior history or condition of the craft or prior experience with the owner indicates this to be appropriate.


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B. Retention of ClassB 100 General101 In order to retain a craft’s class with the Society, the owner shall:

— submit complete and correct information on the craft and its use, which would be of significance to theSociety for its assessment of the condition of the craft in relation to the rules

— submit complete and correct information on the ownership and management of the craft, addresses andcorresponding administrative information pertinent to the relations with the Society

— submit correct information on the flag registry of the ship— subject the craft to prescribed periodical and renewal surveys, surveys of damage, repairs, conversions and

alterations— subject the craft to unscheduled surveys when deemed necessary by the Society— rectify deficiencies and carry out Conditions of Class (see 800) specified by the Society in accordance with

the rules within the given time limit— pay all fees and expenses due to the Society. The owner has, with his or her managers, charterers and

operators, a joint and several liability for any such fees and expenses. If a request for work is made by anyother than the owner, that party will, in addition to the owner, be responsible for the payment of the relevantfees.

102 It is the duty of the owner to request surveys from the Society and to provide the assistance and safeaccess required to the extent necessary for completion of the surveys in accordance with the rules.103 It is a prerequisite for retention of class that the statutory certificates of the applicable internationalconventions are valid at all times and are issued by the Society when so authorised or else by the flagAdministration itself.104 In co-operation with port states, a surveyor will attend on board a classed vessel when so requested by aport state, in order to assist in the rectification of reported deficiencies or other discrepancies related toclassification.Prior to attendance on board, the surveyor will inform the owner or owner’s representative (master or agent).Where appropriate, the craft’s flag state will be notified of such attendance and survey.

B 200 Periodical and renewal surveys201 A vessel shall be subjected to surveys with frequency and extent given in Pt.7 Ch.1.Surveys covered by the rules which are carried out by national Authorities of the flag state may be accepted asbasis for the retention of the class, subject to the provisions of A1200.

B 300 Survey of damage301 If the hull, machinery installations or equipment covered by classification sustain damage of such extentthat it may be presumed to lead to a Condition of Class (see 800), the Society shall be informed without delay.The craft shall be surveyed in the first port of call or according to further instructions from the Society. Thesurvey shall be of the extent which the surveyor considers necessary for ascertaining the amount of damage.

B 400 Repairs401 When hull, machinery installations, systems or equipment is covered by classification and shall besubjected to repairs of any significance, then the work shall be carried out by qualified personnel and incompliance with the applicable rules, and with good engineering practices under the supervision of a surveyor.

Guidance note:IACS “Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard - Part B” is regarded as an example of a standard concerning hullstructures that describe such good engineering practices. Guidelines for hull repairs can be found in ClassificationNote No. 72.1.


402 If repairs, (e.g. during voyage) stipulated in 401 shall be carried out without the attendance of a surveyor,a repair plan should be approved by the Society in advance.Repairs shall only be carried out to an extent and by methods which at any time do not seriously affect the mainfunctions of the vessel and its watertight and structural integrity.403 In cases where repairs are carried out without attendance of a surveyor, documentation with respect toquality of materials used, and the qualification of personnel having carried out the repairs, shall be availablewhen the surveyor is called for acceptance.

B 500 Procedures for maintenance501 When referring to maintenance procedures in the rules, these are normally meant to be procedures


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recommended by the supplier of the relevant equipment or systems or to other applicable recognised standardsfor the equipment or system in question.

B 600 Conversions and alterations601 If hull, machinery installations, equipment or systems covered by classification shall be converted oraltered, the changes shall be documented and shall be approved by the Society in advance.602 Alterations to hull, machinery and equipment made possible by amendments of the applicable rules maybe undertaken provided the general safety and performance standard required for retention of class will bemaintained.603 The conversion or the alteration shall take place under the surveyor’s supervision in the same manner asfor new constructions, see A701.604 Repairs, alterations and modifications shall not impair the safety standard of the craft. See ClassificationNote No. 8.

B 700 Change of ownership701 A craft retains class when transferred to another owner, with the exception of class notations and surveyarrangements based on certification of management of operations, which will be deleted automatically. In thecase of such transfer the previous owner shall give the Society a written notice immediately. Until this has beendone communication with binding effect will be sent to the previous owner.

B 800 Conditions of Class and Memoranda801 If it is found that the craft's hull, machinery and or equipment have sustained damage, become defectiveor deficient relative to the applicable requirements, the Society will issue a written statement in the form of acondition. 802 A condition of class (abbreviated CC) will be issued if the condition is related to requirements set by therules. A CC is subject to specified rectification (e.g. repairs) or operation (e.g. survey) and shall be carried outwithin a given time limit, in order that the craft retain class. If the defect or deficiency is of a nature that requiresimmediate rectification, then this will be specifically communicated to the owner or his representative.803 A condition on behalf of the administration (abbreviated CA) will be issued if the condition is related torequirements given by the national authority and is outside the scope of classification.804 If the Society deems it necessary to carry out examinations in order to ascertain whether damage defector insufficiency has been sustained or is imminent, a condition (CC or CA) will be issued.805 A Memorandum to owner (abbreviated MO) is information related to the craft, its machinery andequipment or to rule requirements. An MO will be issued in relation to items that are considered to be of noimmediate material significance regarding safety. An MO may supplement information given otherwise, the Appendix to the classification certificate (see A1500) or the Register of vessels classed with DNV (seeA1601).An MO may, for example, be used in the following cases:

— exemptions from rule requirements— limitations on the use of the craft or its equipment— deficient or lack of documentation— defects or deficiencies of no concern to class— technical measurements or examinations required— suspended voluntary class notations— equipment in excess of class requirements taken out of use.

A written MO that is no longer valid will be deleted.806 A time limit may be given if an action is required by the owner under the MO. If the required action isnot carried out within the given time limit, the MO will be replaced by a CC.807 Conditions and memoranda are given in writing to the owners. Conditions may be made verbally,provided that the representative of the owner(s) accepts the condition and the surveyor ensures that thecondition has been rectified before the survey has been completed.808 The Society may at any time alter a condition, memorandum or information if this is consideredappropriate.

B 900 Survey reports and survey status901 The surveyor will prepare and submit to the owner reports on all surveys which have been carried outand issue Conditions of Class and Memoranda, when relevant.


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902 The Society will make available survey and certificate status reports, to owners, via the DNV Internetwebsite. It is the owner’s responsibility to obtain this information from the DNV Internet website. Survey andcertificate status reports, on paper, will be distributed by special request, only.

C. Validity and Issue of the Classification CertificateC 100 Validity of the certificate101 When the renewal surveys for hull, machinery installations and equipment have been completed to thesurveyor’s satisfaction, he will extend the validity of the classification certificate.102 When the administration of the Society has examined the surveyor’s report and is satisfied that therequirements corresponding to the main class assigned have been met, the retention of class will be confirmedby the issue of a new classification certificate.103 The validity of the classification certificate given in 102 will be 5 years or 3 years for craft with maincharacter of class 1A1 or 1A2, respectively, provided that the annual and intermediate surveys given in Pt.7 Ch.1Sec.2 are carried out at intervals and within the time windows required in Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1.

C 200 Issue of certificate201 For renewal surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the newcertificate will be valid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the expiry date of the existing certificate.202 For renewal surveys completed after the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificate will bevalid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the expiry date of the existing certificate.203 For renewal surveys completed more than 3 months before the expiry date of the existing certificate, thenew certificate will be valid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the completion date of the renewal survey.204 In cases where postponement has been granted as stipulated in Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 A400, the new certificatewill be valid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the expiry date of the existing certificate before postponementwas granted.205 In cases where the renewal surveys are carried out concurrently with major conversions and or alterationsrequiring a long conversion time, the validity of the new certificate will normally be 5 years from the date ofthe completion and or alteration.

D. Suspension and Withdrawal of ClassD 100 General101 The Society may suspend or withdraw a craft’s class in cases where the assumptions as the basis forclassification, or the provisions for retention of class, have been violated.102 The decision to suspend or withdraw a craft’s class is made by the administration of the Society.However, in cases of automatic suspension, see 201 and 202, no individual decision is made. Suspension orwithdrawal of class may take effect immediately or after a specified period of time.103 If the owner’s default only affects conditions related to special notations, the suspension or withdrawalmay be limited to these class notations only.104 When it is considered that an owner’s failure to comply with the rule requirements is sufficiently seriousor fraudulent the suspension or withdrawal of class may, at the discretion of the Society, be extended to includeother craft controlled by the same owner.

D 200 Suspension of class201 If the renewal surveys for hull, machinery installations and equipment related to main character of classas defined in Sec.2 B are not carried out before the expiry date of the classification certificate, and if nopostponement has been granted as stipulated in Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 A400, the class will be automatically suspendedwith immediate effect (see also 302) unless the surveys are under completion.202 If the annual or intermediate surveys required in C103 are not carried out within 3 months from theanniversary date of the classification certificate the class is automatically suspended with immediate effect.203 The Society may further decide to suspend a craft’s class if the craft is not submitted to the requiredperiodical surveys also in cases where this is due to force majeure cases, for instance a major casualty.204 In addition to the conditions laid down in 201, 202 and 203, a craft’s class or additional class notationsmay also be suspended with immediate effect by the administration of the Society in cases where repair of


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deficiencies are not carried out to the surveyor’s satisfaction or otherwise dealt with in an appropriate mannerwithin the time limits given by the surveyor.205 Where a suspension of class has come into effect the Society will:

— notify the owner in writing— notify the proper authorities in the country where the craft is registered— make an entry to this effect in the «Register of vessels classed with DNV».

D 300 Withdrawal of class301 The class will be withdrawn at the owner’s request.302 If the outstanding surveys specified in 201, 202 and 203 or required repairs as given in 204 are not carriedout within a specified time after the class suspension, the Society may decide to withdraw the craft’s class.303 When any craft proceeds to sea without having rectified a condition of class which was required to bedealt with before leaving port, the class will be withdrawn with immediate effect.304 If the outstanding debt owed to the Society is not paid within a fixed date, the Society may withdraw thecraft’s class with one month’s written notice. This also applies when the obligation to pay rests with a yard orwith the craft’s previous owners. In special cases a shorter notice may be given.305 If the owner makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors or if any proceedings arecommenced in court or any order or judgement is given by any court for a liquidation, winding up of the owner,the Society may withdraw the class with immediate effect.306 Where a withdrawal of class has come into effect the Society will:

— notify the owner in writing— notify the proper authorities in the country where the craft is registered— make an entry to this effect in the first issue of the «Register of vessels classed with DNV» or its


D 400 Reclassification401 If the outstanding surveys leading to class suspension as given in 201, 202 and 203 or required repairsas given in 204 are carried out within a specified time, and the result of this survey is such that no condition ofclass is given and furthermore that there is no overdue periodical surveys or conditions of class at that time, theclass will be reinstated and the existing classification certificate retains its validity.402 In all other cases than that given in 401, and if the circumstances leading to withdrawal of class no longerexist, a craft’s class may only be reinstated based upon a written request from the owner. The survey extent willin such instances be dependent upon the craft’s classification status at the time of withdrawal.403 When the surveyor is satisfied that the applicable requirements given in 402 have been met, he will issuea certificate of interim class which will remain valid until the administration of the Society has confirmed theclass and issued the classification certificate.404 When the class is reinstated, the Society will confirm the reinstatement in writing to the owners and tothe Authorities in the country where the craft is registered and make the information available to any third partyupon request.

E. AppealsE 100 Decisions taken by the Society101 The client may request that a decision by the Society shall be taken up for reconsideration by one or moresurveyors specially appointed by the Society. The expenses incurred shall be paid by the party making theappeal, however, if the earlier decision is revoked, the expenses will be covered by the Society.


Page 23: DNV HSLC rules Pt.1 Ch.1 - General Regulation · 205 The HSC Code is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft as adopted by IMO with resolution MSC.36(63). Text quoted

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A. Liability and JurisdictionA 100 Limited liability101 If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act oromission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proveddirect loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the feecharged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2million.In this provision “Det Norske Veritas” shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all itssubsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.

A 200 Governing law201 These rules, the classification of the craft and the relationship between the Society and other parties shallbe governed by Norwegian law.

A 300 Venue301 Any dispute arising in relation to or as a consequence of these rules shall only be resolved by the courtsof Norway, the Municipal Court of Oslo being the proper venue.


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A. GeneralA 100 Application101 Fig.1 shows the zones, areas and seasonal periods as defined in the International Convention on LoadLines, Annex II.


Page 25: DNV HSLC rules Pt.1 Ch.1 - General Regulation · 205 The HSC Code is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft as adopted by IMO with resolution MSC.36(63). Text quoted

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