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Go strong.DNV serving the energy industry

Safeguarding and improving the performance of your business. So you can go strong on all dimensions.

DNV SerViceS to the eNergy iNDuStry

thiS iS DNV DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk. established in 1864, DNV is an independent foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment. DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries, with 7,000 employees. DNV energy is one of four business areas in DNV, alongside DNV Maritime, DNV industry and DNV it risk Management.

enterprise risk Management She risk Management operations excellence

offshore classification Verification technology Qualification

it risk Management training certification

through these services our teams of highly qualified professionals deliver cutting-edge solutions to customers across the industry: • Deep and ultra deepwater field development • Mous and FPSos • Fixed structures • offshore and onshore pipelines • Natural gas/LNg • refining & petrochemicals • utilities • cleaner energy and renewables • Arctic operations & technology

Go strong.

Business strength in the energy industry has many dimensions. It’s how you identify opportunities. It’s how you balance risk and returns. It’s how you manage these risks in the face of growing complexity. It’s how you push technology boundaries safely and cost-efficiently. It’s how you step up to increasing environmental requirements and expectations. It’s how you operate in a truly global arena.

DNV provides world-class expertise in technology, operations, manage-ment and risk. But even more importantly: we combine our know-how into a professional service concept designed to safeguard and improve the performance of your business. So you can go strong on all dimensions.

coNteNtSgo SAFe case: Safety at nuclear power plants 4

go FirSt case: Deepwater field development 6

go cLeAN case: offshore wind farm certification 8

go gLobAL case: Forecasting the performance of assets 10

our services and solutions 12

DNV energy locations 14

Go safe.Managing risk in the face of growing complexity is a key challenge in the energy industry, involving a wide range of commercial, technical and environmental risks. Getting on top of it therefore requires skills in many disciplines. In addition to services within qualification, offshore classification and verification, DNV offers distinctive risk management services related to the total enterprise as well as specific areas such as Safety, Health and the Environment (SHE) and IT. By integrating these services, we create a comprehensive approach designed to capture and manage the complexity of the total risk exposure.


For very good reasons, there is probably no other type of industrial activity subject to more scrutiny than nuclear power plants. Regulators, the gen-eral public and the plant operators themselves will not settle for anything but the strictest and most updated safety management systems. A nuclear power plant consists of a high number of processes – administrative as well as technological – all of them ultimately relevant for safe operations. The first challenge is to map these processes and the interdependencies between them. Next, this information is used to build a safety management system that warns the operator as early as possible of negative developments. The key objective is to detect risk factors and take corrective action before they develop into problems.

The result is known as an indicator-based safety management system. The ability to assist operators in building and implementing such systems has earned DNV a key position as a partner to the nuclear power industry. Typically, projects involve strategic support in system conception, process modelling, software implementation and coach- ing related to the implementation of the system. In addition to these deliverables, developing the system turns out to be a fundamental awareness-building exercise which adds value beyond safety. Providing the operator with a deeper understanding of how the plant works, it also contributes to operational excellence.

SAFety At NucLeAr Power PLANtS: DetectiNg iSSueS beFore they becoMe ProbLeMS

CritiCal issue: improve safety in nuclear power plant operations. solution: An indicator-based safety management system.Key deliverables: Strategic support for system conception. Process-modelling, software implementation. coaching for system implementation.value to Client: better monitoring of plant condition. timely corrective action. More effective operation.

“… developing the system turns out to be a fundamental awareness- building exercise which adds value beyond safety.

Go first.The world is currently producing more hydrocarbons than those being replaced by new proven reserves. Future exploration and production will be deeper, colder and harsher – and the reservoirs more complex. You need to make sure your solutions represent best practice and the highest standards at all times. DNV can assist you in tackling frontier challenges from concept feasibility, through qualification of technology to certification of detailed design, helping you break barriers with confidence.


Ormen Lange is Europe’s largest gas development and deepest offshore field to date. Due on stream in 2007, the field will be linked to the UK via the world’s longest subsea gas pipeline, and will supply the UK with up to 20 per cent of its total gas requirement. The project stands out for its plethora of first-time achievements, not least in bringing gas directly to shore in multi-phase flow pipelines from subsea wells in waters up to 1,000 m deep. Extremely rough seabed conditions, a 120 km long tie-back distance and demanding weather conditions add to the challenge.

DNV assisted on many frontier challenges from concept selection to more detailed design aspects, combining technical, operational and risk manage- ment expertise. A risk-based gas deliverability model was developed to assist in concept selection

and optimisation. The model estimated annual gas volumes delivered and the maintenance and intervention costs associated with producing these volumes. DNV also consulted on main-tenance and repair strategies and the technical design challenges related to extreme flowline free-spans and erosion issues on wellhead and subsea components.

DNV carried out several technology qualification programmes on the downhole completions, veri-fication of the detailed design on the pipeline to the UK, quality surveillance onboard the pipeline lay-barge during installation, as well as risk and cost-benefit assessments of critical activities. Furthermore, DNV consulted on the feasibility of future subsea gas compression solutions.

DeePwAter FieLD DeVeLoPMeNt: breAKiNg New grouND

CritiCal issue: First deepwater discovery to be developed offshore europe. challenging conditions. innovative concepts and designs to be evaluated.solution: Multi-disciplinary competencies and state-of-the-art methods and tools. Key deliverables: Feasibility and concept selection studies. intervention and repair strategies. Design assistance. risk and cost-benefit assessments. technology qualification and assurance. Quality surveillance.value to Client: in-depth insight to the opportunities and threats associated with the various field development concepts. New solutions to overcome technology challenges. right balance between capital expenditures, revenue and operating expenditures. timely progress.

“ Bringing gas to shore in waters up to 1,000 metres deep, the project stands out for its plethora of first-time achievements.

Go clean.Good environmental performance is increasingly viewed as a business imperative. This trend is evident across the energy sector. It is reflected in efforts to reduce the environmental impact of traditional oil and gas related activities. It spurs the development of new and cleaner sources of energy. DNV is helping companies contribute to a cleaner environment through a range of services, from business case development, to assessment of environmental impact and clean development mechanisms.

“As a recently invented solution, offshore wind farm projects involve a number of particular technological and process-related challenges.


Wind power is gaining momentum in the quest for renewable sources of energy. More and more wind parks are now situated offshore, where the winds blow harder and the turbines represent less of an issue in terms of visual interference with the surrounding landscape. The planning and execution of offshore wind farm projects involve a number of particular technological and process-related challenges. Each concept needs to be adapted to capture the opportunities and over-come the challenges at hand. In turn, this means that the certification approach needs to be site-specific. A particular challenge is to ensure that the turbine and its foundation works safely together as an integrated structure. Often, problems only become evident and have to be

corrected during installation. This means that the certification partner will need to respond quickly to avoid unacceptable project delays.

Based on its long experience within the maritime sector, as well as the offshore oil and gas sector, DNV has become the leading certification com-pany for offshore wind parks. The certification covers the total technology solution as well as the particular challenges related to installation. DNV’s ability to provide online assistance during installation has proven to be an essential part of the delivery, helping the operator combine total project safety with efficient installation and operation.

oFFShore wiND FArM certiFicAtioN: ADAPtiNg ProVeN SKiLLS to PioNeeriNg SoLutioNS

CritiCal issue: Securing safe installationand operation of offshore wind farms.solution: Site-specific project certification.Key deliverables: independent site-specific analysis of integrated system.Manufacturing and repair work surveys.Project certification. optimised pile design. on-line assistance. State-of-the-art corrosion protection system.value to Client: risks identified, under-stood and managed. efficient decision processes. trust between stakeholders.

Go global.The opportunities of the global energy market belong to those who approach them with a comprehensive understanding of risk. Equally important is the ability to implement solutions and uniform standards across geographies. That’s why DNV’s global presence is so highly valued by our customers in the energy sector. No matter where you conduct your business, DNV is close at hand and prepared to help. Our international organisation comprises a network of more than forty offices spanning Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and the Americas.


“If we could improve performance from our existing oil and gas assets by 5 per cent, it would be like bring-ing a whole new field on-stream.” This statement, from an oil major executive, pinpoints the key business rationale behind DNV’s solution for performance forecasting in the energy industry. How an asset performs is the function of how the entire value chain works as an integrated whole. The full improvement potential can therefore only be realised by applying a holistic perspective.

This philosophy is at the heart of DNV’s model for performance forecasting, which is having significant impact on the way many major oil and gas companies manage their assets – in fact contributing to a new worldwide standard. Based on advanced computer simulation modelling, DNV’s solution comprises the

entire supply chain from reservoir to distribution. The first step is to identify the various performance improvement initiatives along the value chain. Notably, the initiatives must not compromise safety or asset integrity. Next, the year-on-year production efficiency from all the field initia- tives are predicted to identify the efforts that will yield the greatest payback. Finally, the fore- casting is applied in a consistent fashion across the portfolio of assets that constitute the supply chain or business unit. Key to the success of the solution has been DNV’s ability to build the pro-gramme seamlessly into the company’s life-cycle development planning. Equally essential is the global presence of DNV’s expertise, which pro-vides the customer with full support, including local execution of the programme.

CritiCal issue: identify revenue and cost improvement initiatives and the associated effect on value chain performance.solution: A comprehensive solution for all assets in regional or worldwide portfolio, based on cutting-edge computer simulation programme.Key deliverables: Assessment of current value chain performance. review of ongoing improvement initiatives. Portfolio forecast of production and oPeX year-on-year. ranking of improvement initiatives.value to Client: improved total performance of asset portfolio through better overview and more effective utilisation of resources.

“How an asset performs is the function of how the entire value chain works as an integrated whole.

ForecAStiNg the PerForMANce oF ASSetS: the VALue oF A coMPreheNSiVe SoLutioN


broAD PreSeNce iN the eNergy iNDuStryDNV helps companies across the energy industry in dealing with a range of business-critical issues. Our broad experience extends across: • Oil and gas companies operating in the upstream and down-stream sectors • Electricity producers • Pipeline transport companies • Petrochemical and chemical companies • Cleaner energy producers • Subcontractors, suppliers, authorities and investors.

SerViceS For high-QuALity SoLutioNSOur services provide high-quality solutions for managing business-critical risks; enhancing business performance and improving safety and environmental performance. In doing so, we apply a cross-disciplinary approach, combining competence within technology, operations, management and risk. The ultimate goal is to help our clients safeguard and improve their business performance. We provide expert assistance across the entire project lifecycle from concept feasibility and selection, through to decommissioning.

1. DNV has assisted Petrobras and Sevan Marine to develop the world’s first circular FPSo (Floating Production, Storage and offloading) platform.

2. Assessing the technical condition of maturing assets and the way they are operated and main-tained, DNV assists installations to continue safe and reliable production and to age with pride.

3. having been active in cold climate areas for more than 100 years, DNV’s accumulated expertise in arctic operations and technology extends across concept selection through to exploration, production and transportation.





DNV SerViceS to the eNergy iNDuStry enterprise risk Management

• Company-wide risk management • Integrated risk management • Project risk management • Change management and

process improvement • Due diligence sHe risk Management

• Management systems and performance standards • Technical risk and consequence

assessment • Emergency planning, response

and investigation • Human factors and occupational health • Environmental impact and risk assessment operations excellence

• Investment risk and solution screening • Asset technology and lifecycle economics • Performance forecasting • Asset appraisal • Operation optimisation • Lifetime extension • Asset safety system reliability

offshore Classification • Classification related to building and

operation of MOUs and FPSOs • Classification of tanker conversions to FPSOs

verification • Risk-based plant verification • Risk-based subsea verification • Risk-based structures and facilities verification • Risk-based pipeline verification • Product verification • Marine operation verification

and warranty services • Rules/standards/regulations consulting

technology Qualification • Qualification of new technical solutions • Materials technology • Technical analysis • Development of technical standards • Laboratory services

it risk Management • IT service management • Software process improvement • Information security • Information management training

• Risk management • Pipelines • Materials and corrosion • Industry standards and

recommended practices • Safety management • Management systems

Certification • Management system certification • Climate Change • Corporate Responsibility


5. 6.

4. DNV provides world leading integrated pipeline services to the offshore and onshore pipeline markets.

5. DNV’s unique services have direct impact on refinery performance by maximising capacity utilisation and minimising She risks.

6. DNV assists the LNg industry to design, construct and operate liquefaction, trans-portation and re-gasification solutions effi-ciently, safely and responsibly. Picture shows the DNV classed Arctic Discoverer LNg carrier at the Mitsui shipyard, Japan.

DNV eNergy LocAtioNSDNV serves the energy industry from more than 40 primary locations worldwide. in addition, we draw on DNV’s entire worldwide network of 300 offices in 100 countries.

bergen oslo

copenhagenesbjerg Moscow

Stavanger Sandefjord



London AntwerpManchester


Singapore Kuala Lumpur



Abu Dhabi




Vung tauho chi Minh city











rio de Janeiro Macaé

São Paulo

buenos Aires


St. John’s


Porto Alegre



DNV headquartersVeritasveien 1 No-1322 høvik, Norwaytel: +47 67 57 99 00Fax: +47 67 57 99 11

aberdeenCromarty House67-72 Regent Quay AberdeenAB11 5ARUnited KingdomTel: +44 1224 335000

antwerpDuboisstraat 39 b1 2060 AntwerpBelgiumTel: +32 3 206 65 40

abu dhabiThe TowersAbu Dhabi Trade CentreNear Beach Rotana HotelEast Wing - E 108Abu DhabiUnited Arab EmiratesTel: +971 2 6457580

bergenJohan Berentsensvei 109-111NO-5020 Laksevåg, BergenNorwayTel: +47 55 94 36 00

Calgary Bay 123 2340 Pegasus Way NE CalgaryAB Canada T2E 8M5 Tel: +403 250 9041

Columbus5777 Frantz RoadDublin, Ohio 43017-1386USATel: +1 614 761 1214

CopenhagenTuborg Parkvej 8, 2nd Floor DK2900 Hellerup Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 39 45 48 00

Houston16340 Park Ten PlaceSuite 100Houston, TX 77084, USATel: +1 281 721 6600

Kuala lumpur 24th Floor, Menara Weld 76, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala LumpurMalaysia Tel: +603 2050 2888

london Palace House 3 Cathedral Street LondonSE1 9DE United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 357 6080

luanda Edificio Monumental Rua Major Kanhangulo, nº 290 2º Andar Luanda AngolaTel: +244 222 391 631

osloVeritasveien 1 NO-1322 HøvikNorwayTel: +47 67 57 99 00

ParisCentre BFI, Tour AREVA, 92084 Paris La Defense CedexParisFranceTel: +33 1 47 96 46 36

MoscowBusiness-Center “Country Park”3rd Floor, Panfilova 19141407 Moscow RegionKhimki, MoscowRussian FederationTel: +7 495 739 4833

MumbaiEmgeen Chambers, 10, C.S.T. Road, Vidyanagari, Kalina Santacruz EastMumbai 400098IndiaTel: +91 22 26650909

rio de JaneiroRua Sete de Setembro, 111/12 Floor CEP 20050-006Rio de Janeiro, R.JBrazilTel: +55 21 3722 7232

shanghaiHouse No. 9, 1591 Hong Qiao RoadShanghai 200336ChinaTel: +86 21 3208 4518

singaporeDNV Technology Centre10 Science Park DriveSingapore 118224SingaporeTel: +65 6779 1266

stavanger Bjergstedveien 1 NO-4007 Stavanger Norway Tel: +47 51 50 60 00

dnv energy Main offiCes:

Concept and design: C


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etty p12 Pic 1: Sevan Marine, Pic 2: G

etty, Pic 3: Knut Revne p13 Pic 4: G

etty, Pic 5: Nina Rangøy,

Pic 6: Mariko H

agaki Production: Ressurs