Download - DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:

Page 1: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:

Lesson Plan

Page 2: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:


Slide Subject Description Timing1 DNA&Genetics Introductiontotoday’slesson 1min2 Genes Askaroundtheclass:



3 Answer IntroductiontoDNA 2min

4 Activity Askthestudentstowritedownthenamesof5organstheyhaveintheirbody.Drawasimplediagramtoshowwheretheythinktheyare.


5-8 Cells Thisiswhatacelllookslikeandwhattheydo. 5min9 DNA Cananybodypronouncethislongword?



10 Activity Studentstopairupandtakea3mpieceofstringandtwistinuntilitisinaball.Whatelsecantheyfindintheclasswhichis3m?Thiswillgivethemanideaofhowtiny,yethow‘huge’aDNAstrandis.


Page 3: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:


Page 4: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:

Looking at DNA and Genetics

Page 5: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:




Page 6: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:


• GenesarebitsofDNAthatmakeyouwhoyouare!

• Butlet’stakeatriptotheworldofgenetics(=scienceofgenes)andDNA!

Page 7: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:


• Youconsistoforgansandtissues

• Organslikeyourheartoryourbrain

• Tissueslikeyourskin

• Theyconsistofmanycells

Page 8: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:

Teachers Worksheetsand Guides

Page 9: DNA and Genetics PowerPoint HA - NeuroHeadway · DNA and Genetics Slide Subject Description Timing 1 DNA & Genetics Introduction to today’s lesson 1 min 2 Genes Ask around the class:



1. Howchallengedbytheworkdidthepupilsappeartobe?

2. Didpupilsaskanyquestions?

3. Werethosequestionscoveredinthematerials?

4. Didthepupilsengageenthusiasticallyintheactivities?

5. Didanystudentloseinterestatanypoint?