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WHAT IS DIVORCE?The termination of a marriage by legal

action, requiring a petition or complainant for divorce (or dissolution in

some states) by one party.

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The substantive issues in divorces are division of property, child custody and support, alimony (spousal support), child visitation and attorney’s fees.

In most states the period from original filing for divorce, serving the petition on the other party and final judgment (or decree) takes several months to allow for a chance to reconcile.

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In the United States, couples marrying for the first time have approximately a fifty percent chance of divorcing. Psychologist are helping couples “I Do” last a lifetime through development and application of scientifically tested relationship education programs.

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HISTORY OF DIVORCEIn early civilizations, marriage and marriage dissolution were considered private matters. Marriage and divorce were first placed under comprehensive state regulation in Rome during the reign of Augustus (27 B.C.-A.D. 14). As Christianity spread, governments came under religious control, and the Roman Catholic Church strictly forbade divorce.

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During the 1500s, the Protestant Reformation movement in Europe rejected religious control over marriage and helped to move the matter of divorce from the church to the state. European courts granted divorces upon a showing of fault, such as adultery, cruelty, or desertion.

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After the Revolutionary War, divorce law in the United States continued to develop regionally. The U.S. Constitution was silent as to divorce, leaving the matter to the states for regulation. For the next 150 years, state legislatures passed and maintained laws that granted divorce only upon showing of fault on the part of a spouse.

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• Desertion

• Adultery

• Nonsupport or neglect

• Alcoholism

• Drug addiction

• Insanity

• Criminal Conviction

• Voluntary Separation

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In the United States, divorce law consists of 51 different sets of conditions– one for each state and the District of Columbia. Each state holds dear its power to regulate domestic relations, and peculiar divorce laws abound. Nevertheless, divorce law in most state has evolved to recognize the difference between regulating the actual decision to divorce and regulating the practical ramifications of such a decision, such as property distribution, support obligations, and child custody.

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Historically, custody of the children of divorcing parents was awarded to the mother.

Today, courts exercise their discretion in awarding custody, considering all relevant factors, including marital misconduct, to determine the children’s best interests. Many parents are able to reach settlements on custody and visitation through mediation. Child custody is, however, a frequent battleground for less-than-conciliatory spouses.

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TOP 10 REASONS FOR DIVORCE1. Married too fast

2. Communications breakdowns

3. Cheating and Infidelity

4. Bedroom boredom

5. Loss of autonomy

6. Money and financial issues

7. Alcohol and drugs

8. Lack of romance

9. Differences in background

10. Boredom with other person

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The 10 reasons for divorce is by no means exhaustive. There are host of other factors that can impact a relational dynamic and lead to marital collapse. The list covered the “biggies”. Marriage counseling can certainly help to provide answers .

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8 WAYS TO SAVE MARRIAGE1. Make a list of all the issues you argue about.

2. Focus on yourself.

3. Cut the crap.

4. Express concerns constructively.

5. Make decisions cooperatively

6. Eliminate the three “AS” that ruin marriages.

7. Radically increase the positive energies you give your partner.

8. Learn the skills for a successful marriage.

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