Download - Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

Page 1: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH 5354 S. Hwy 85 ● Security, Colorado, 80911 Phone: 719-392-7653 ● Fax: 719-725-6480

Office Hours: Mon—Thurs 9:00am to 5:00pm; Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm Email: [email protected] ● Website: h p://

Facebook: h ps://


Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in and spend time with our Lord. Our Lord has a couple of hours that need help in our Ad-oration Chapel. Please call or text 246-1830. Sign up for flock notes. It helps us keep the chapel perpetual. Come to Jesus in Adoration and let him change your life.

Weekend Masses Saturday: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Daily Masses

Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM Wednesday: 6:00 PM

First Saturday: 8:00 AM Reconcilia on

3:00pm to 4:30 PM ON SATURDAYS

April 23, 2017 Divine Mercy Sunday

For extreme emergencies, please call

(719) 528-3157, or Fr. John Stearns at (888) 728-9316

PARISH STAFF Title Name Ph. Ext. Parochial Admin Fr.John Stearns 1002 [email protected] Deacon Bob Cole 1003 Pastoral Associate Cathy King, OFS 1004 [email protected] Director of Music Cyndi Haworth 1005 [email protected] Children/Youth Sherry Staatz 1006 Faith Formation Dir [email protected] Youth Activities Hannah Smith 1007 Coordinator [email protected] Social Ministry Patricia Frank 1008 [email protected] Parish Secretary Pene Hargis 1000 [email protected] Assistant Secretary Grace Linn 1009 [email protected] Director of Facilities Paul Lara 1010 [email protected] Maintenance Walt Parsons 1010 [email protected]

Page 2: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; 1 Pt 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35

Welcome to St. Dominic Catholic Church. We are so happy to have you here with us. Please if you are new to the parish fill out a registra on form either on our web-site or you can pick one up in the office or at our welcome table. If you are just vis-i ng thank you for coming and we hope you will come back and see us soon. Be sure to ask about all the ministries we have here. There is something for everyone.

Please Keep in Your Prayers Prayers are requested during the month of April: Rick Grimaldi, Bradley Flores, Laura Perry, James Mulcahy, Rita Fisher, Marion Salasar, Sheldon Linn, Rick Sanchez, Jean Ware, Rowan Woodworth, Laura DiBrell, Sara Muniz, Ron & Maria Brown, Opal King, Deacon Ken Huard, The Wa s Family, Rita Turner, Michael Turner. For the Repose of the Soul: Helen L. Bishaw, Henry Landi, William Bierbaum, Maria Camacho, Terry Fisher, Donald Huddleston.



Our Culture is challenging our Catholic values!

St Dominic’s men are engag-ing in a campaign to stand in the breach in defense of our Church and our families. Join us to grow in your ability to engage in the ba le!

Wed nights at 7pm, Luke

Trailer, Room A

Marriage Prep Please call the Parish Office 719-392-7653

Bap sm Prep/RCIA Deacon Bob Cole—Parish Office

RCIC Cathy King—Parish Office

Sacrament of Infant Bap sm Please call the Parish Office Pastoral Care for the Sick

For Holy Communion Contact the Parish Office

Pro-Life Carla Cain—Parish Office

For Anoin ng and Confessions Contact Fr. John

For Pastoral Visit at home or in the hospital Contact Fr. John

St. Dominic Food Pantry Open Tuesday, 10:00am-12 noon

If you food assistance, please call: Pa-tricia Frank, 392-7653 Parish Office. Items needed for the Food Pantry: Pancake mix, syrup, black beans, re-fried beans, peas, chicken noodle soup.

Submi ng recipes for a new St Dominic Cookbook

Submit your 3 recipes to [email protected] or use the marked box in the Narthex.

Altar Server Training —You are invited to a training session on Saturday May 6th at 1:30pm. Meet in the Narthex. Contact Patricia Frank @ Parish Office 392-7653

Page 3: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

Sat 4/22 5:00pm FIRST COMMUNION † Orville Finley rb Stan & Vernice McGuire

Sun 4/23 8:00am

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY † Antonio Lizama rb Maria Lizama

11:00 am

FIRST COMMUNION The People of St. Dominic’s

Mon 4/24 8:00am † Richard Linder rb Nancy & Doug Johnson

Tues 4/25 8:00am

Wed 4/26 8:00am † Jim Cathcart rb Carolyn Cathcart

6:00pm † Babies lost due to Miscarriage rb Mom’s of Miscarriage

Thurs 4/27

8:00am Souls in Purgatory rb Anonymous

Fri 4/28 8:00am † Robert Berkhroff rb E. Berkhroff

Sat 4/29 5.00pm People of St Dominic’s

Sun 4/30 8:00am John Makuh rb Terry Mahuh

11:00 am

Mary Spradlin rb Ruth Gordon

4/23 to 4/30

Sanctuary Lamp: † Jim Cathcart rb Carolyn Cathcart


Miraculous Medal Novena prayed Monday a er the 8:00 AM Mass. Novena to the Sacred Heart prayed Friday a er the 8:00 AM Mass. Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayed a er 8:00 AM Mass on Tuesday & Thursday & during Holy Hour on Wed. at 6 PM.

ROSARY RALLEY To celebrate Our Lady’s 100th Anniversary. St. Dominic Catholic Church will host the Pil-grim Mary Statue for a Rosary and Litany of Our Lady of Fa ma at 10:00 AM on May 13th. All Parishes are welcome to be part of this Devo on.

Parish Office No ce Star ng April 7th

the Parish Office closes at 2pm on Fridays

Last Call 100th Anniversay Pilgrimage to the Shrine of our Lady of Fa ma Ten day Pilgrimage to Portugal over three dates in October 2017. Visi ng Lisbon, Fa ma, Santarem Portugal, Lourdes France and

Barcelona Spain. All land inclusive cost of $2,149.00. For further informa on

please call Mr. James Adair at 1-855-564-1008 toll free or simply email [email protected]

Catholic Daughters of America Bake Sale Time

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Holy Family, will be hos ng their Spring Bake Sale a er all the Masses on Saturday, May 6th and Sunday May 7.

All baked goods are homemade and ready to enjoy!

Stop by and check it out.

Join the Spiritual Revolu on: To Sainthood

Laity Engaging Laity is hos ng a series of spiritual growth retreats to help lay people “Live Mercy” in an o en hos le culture. “From Stone Into Flesh: Reconcilia on” is the topic of an LEL retreat on Saturday, May 13th at 9:00 am to Noon, at Holy Apostles Evangeliza on Center (Mary’s House). Fr. Mark Zacker, a Jubilee Year Missionary of Mercy, will be speaking about the power of Reconcilia on grace to trans-form hearts. Contact Brian Krutka—238-6291 if you have any ques-


Page 4: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

Sun 4/23 11:00am DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - FIRST COMMUNION (Jim/Geraldine classes)

St Mary’s High School selling Raffle Tickets a er All Masses.

12:30pm Confirma on 1 & 2 @ Main Church—Final Confirma on Test

12:30pm Pro-Life Mee ng @ Family Room (Carla C)

12:30pm Franciscan Community Mee ng @ Luke Trailer


DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY — Benedic on, Holy Hour and Adora on

Mon 4/24 6:30pm Boy Scouts @ Mark Trailer

7:00pm Book Club @ Luke (Kim A)

7:30pm Charisma c Group @ Day Chapel

Tues 4/25 6:00pm Cub Scouts @ Mark Trailer

6:00pm LE Group @ Day Chapel (Ryan)

6:30pm High School Youth @ Family Room

7:00pm RCIA @ Narthex/Kitchen

6:00pm Mass for Miscarriage - Adora on @ 7pm

7:00pm Men’s Group @Mark Trailer ’A’ (Brant T)

7:00pm Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree Social a er 6pm Mass @ Narthex

Thur 4/27 9:30am Small Group @ Day Chapel (Brian)

7:00pm Bap sm Class @ Narthex (Deacon Bob)

7:00pm Life In the Spirit Seminar @ Day Chapel (Richard)

Fri 4/28 6:00pm Charisma c Group@ Day Chapel

Sat 4/29 Corpus Chris Raffle Tickets a er Mass

12:30pm Confirma on Rehearsal - Confirmand & Sponsor @ Main Church

2:00pm Spanish Bap sm class @ Day Chapel

6:30pm Middle School Youth @ Portables

Sun 4/30 Corpus Chris Raffle Tickets a er Mass

Wed 4/26 5:30pm Feast Day Planning @ Luke (Amanda P)

7:00pm Theology of the Body—Marriage Prep @ Family Room

Responsorial Psalm for April Masses “LET ALL THE EARTH CRY OUT TO GOD

WITH JOY, WITH JOY. ” We will be pos ng the Responsorial Psalms for the different seasons and months going for-ward.

Life in the Spirit Seminar What is it?

A renewing and deepening of the power of the Holy Spirit received at Bap sm and Confirma on. A be er understanding of the Charism (gi s) you have from the Holy Spirit which empower you to live a life of love and mercy. A deeper experi-ence of God’s personal love for you!

When/where is it? Thursday nights—April 20th thru June 1st

7:00—8:30 pm in the Day Chapel Grow your rela onship with the Holy Spirit, be open to the power of God working through you!

Contact: Rick Sanchez [email protected]



FOR YOUR SUMMER SHOPPING! By using Amazon Smile to do your online shopping, St Dominic’s can receive dona ons back from your purchases. There is no cost to you. As long as you shop through the website, select St Dominic’s Catholic Church at Security, CO as your charity. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to our parish! (Please note: there are several St Dominic’s parishes around the globe already taking advantage of this, so please double check to make sure you have picked our St Dominic’s). You will s ll have access to all of the tens of millions of products on Amazon with the same prices but when you use Amazon Smile, they will help us out here at home! So when you consider making online pur-chases, go to, select St Dominic’s as your charity to support our Church! Amazon changed the way the Church is listed and now it is by City rather than address, choose St Dominic’s in Security, CO If you have an account with Amazon, please go to, log into your regular account, it will prompt you to search for a charity at the bo om of the screen, look for St Dominic’s Catholic Church, and pick the one in Security, CO.

Page 5: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

Ponderings of a Parochial Vicar

My Dear Parishioners,

To begin, I wish to thank all those who were so involved to make the Easter celebra ons so wonderful. Thank you to Cyndi and her choir for the beau ful music throughout the Holy Triduum. You all sounded wonderful. Thank you also to Bobbie Schauffele and her team for the work they put in to make the church beau ful and to reflect each celebra on we had. Thank you to all of the RCIA teachers who put in so much work to teach our new folks and to bring them into full communion with our church. Thank you also to our sound folks who put in many extra hours to run the sound and lights. Thank you to the sacristans, EMHCs, lectors and all who worked so hard to make our liturgies beau ful. You are all a true blessing to us here at St. Dominic Catholic Church. We are grateful for what you do.

HOLY HOUR, CONFESSIONS AND THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET AT 3:00pm TODAY! This Sunday, on the Octave of Easter, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The devo on to Divine Mercy was ac vely promoted by Pope John Paul II. On April 30, 2000, at the Canoniza on of Sr. Faus na Kowalska, the Sunday a er Easter was officially designated as the Sunday of the Divine Mercy (Dominica II Paschae seu de divina misericordia) in the General Roman Calendar. The feast of Divine Mercy, as recorded in the diary of Saint Faus na, receives from Jesus Himself the big-gest promises of Grace related to the Devo on of Divine Mercy. In specific, Jesus states that the soul that goes to Sacramental Confession (the confession may take place some days before), and receives the Holy Eucharist on that day, shall obtain the total forgiveness of all sins and punishment. Addi onally, the Roman Catholic Church grants a plenary indulgence (observing the usual rules) with the recita on of some simple prayers. This Plenary Indulgence is obtained by observing the usual disposi ons that are in place for the gran ng of this grace through the intercession of the Catholic Church. The requirements are: Sacramental Confession (the confession may take place some days before or a er), Holy Eucharist, to pray for the inten ons of the pope (an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be is the minimum requirement), and to be detached from any sin, even venial. These prayers are to take place: * - In any church or chapel which take part in the prayers and devo ons in honor of the Divine Mercy, or * - In the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, exposed or reserved in the tabernacle. Here you must also say an Our Father and the Creed. In both cases, you are to add a devout prayer to the Merciful Lord (i.e. "Merciful Jesus, I Trust in you.") Addi onally, for the faithful who, for a jus fied reason beyond their control, are unable to go to a church or chapel, may obtain forgiveness with the recita on of one Our Father and Creed before a devout image of Jesus adding "Merciful Jesus, I Trust in you." They will receive the plenary Indulgence that day with the con-di on of fulfilling the usual sacramental requirements at a later me. Let us always praise and thank God for His unending mercy. Your servant in Christ,

Fr. John

Page 6: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in


EXPENSE Monthly Mortgage Payment (P&I) $30,784.00 Salaries/Benefits $37,258.00 U li es/Facili es/Expense $12,122.00 Diocesan Support $12,876.00 Charity $7,205.00 Other Expenses $12,444.00 Total $112,690.00

INCOME Building Fund $6,018.00 1st Week $17,919.00 2nd Week $18,754.66 3rd Week $ 4th Week $ 5th Week $ Direct Tithing $16,013.00 Fundraisers/Gi s $ Total $

SHORTAGE $53,985.34 Addi onal Offering needed per Parishioner


We love having you as part of our flock!

Let’s keep in touch! Get important updates via email & text. This new tool we’re using lets you choose what info you’d like to receive—via

email or text message– from various ministries and groups in our church. You can unsubscribe any me.

There are 2 easy ways to connect (pick one): 1. Visit our church at: 2. Text stdomcs to 84576 from your phone to subscribe to updates.

Please call the office if you have and ques ons.

ATTENTION ALL NEW EMHC’S For those who have not completed their training and for those who have asked to be-come an EMHC, we will be holding training ses-sions on May 7th and 21st from 9:15am to 10:45am. New EMHC’s will be a ending both sessions. The training will be in Luke Trailer Room A. Please call the office to register 719-392-7653.


April 23rd 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Benedic on Adora on Holy Hour

Calling All Readers Spiritual Book Club is star ng a new Book April 24th “the Real sto-ry: Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible.” Please come and join us in studying the Word of God through this educa onal and enlight-ening experience. Meets every other Monday at 7pm. Contact Kim Anderson at 757-870-1640 for more informa on.

Come Join St. Dominic’s Mother’s Group We are rekindling and rejuvena ng the Mothers Group that once existed. It will be a way to connect with other Mothers in the parish, go on play dates together and find community through Christ. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love: - Blessed Teresa of Calcu a Let’s Reconnect. Join us by email Jessica Virkler: [email protected]

Page 7: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

April Is Child Abuse Preven on Month BULLYING/CYBERBULLYING

Observe your child for signs they might be being bullied. Teach your child how to handle being bullied. Various reasons why kids don’t ask for help. Signs that a child is bullying others: Gets into physical or verbal fights. Has friends who bully others. Is increasingly aggressive. Gets sent to the principal’s off or to deten on o en. Has unexplained money or new belongings. Blames others for his /her problems. Doesn’t accept responsibility for his/her ac ons. Report concerns to the Colorado Child Abuse Re-por ng Hotline: 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437). Diocese misconduct with clergy, employee or volunteer report to: Diocese of Colorado Springs—Office of Child & Youth Protec on—228 North Cascade Avenue– Colo-rado Springs CO 80903 or call 719-636-2345. All calls are confiden al.

DOWNLOADJESUS.COM Bishop Sheridan encourages you to spend me with Sa-

cred Scripture during Lent. When you download the FREE “” app onto your smart phone,

tablet or laptop, you will be able to hear the celebrity-voiced “radio drama” of the en re New Testament.

Mothers of Miscarriage

Are you or someone you love living with the loss of a baby due to miscarriage? Are you seek-ing a resource for yourself, loved one, or both, which blends the spiritual, mental, physical, emo-

onal and social components of this loss? If so, Saint Dominic’s Mothers of Miscarriage Support Group will be mee ng Wednesday April 5, 2017 and will meet every Wednesday through the month of April at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Room. This support group is for both individuals or cou-ples who have experienced a loss due to miscar-riage For more informa on or to sign up, please contact Carla Cain at the Parish office (719)392-7653 ext. 401 or email [email protected]

Catholic Marriage Prep Class at Holy Apostles Live class star ng Thursday April 20th at 8:45pm. Cost is $75 per couple. Classes are once a week for four weeks. Contact Sue Richards at [email protected].

Pro Life Crosses So far mul ple parishioners have taken cross-es. Also groups/Churches in our Diocese: Pro Life—200 crosses Ave Marie Church—170 crosses St. Francis of Assisi—130 crosses

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t

know where they put him.” Happy Easter! He has risen.

Let us welcome Jesus even more into our marriages by par cipa ng in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Week-end at historic Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, June 2-4 and Oct 13-15. Contact Glen and Toni Gallegos 719-591-9045 or [email protected] for more infor-ma on. Or to sign up online, visit our website at * * * * * *

“Se ha llevado al Senor del sepulcro y no sabemos donde lo pusieron”.

Feliz Pascua de resurreccion! Ha resucitado! Nos invitamos a Jesus aun mas en nuestros matrimonios al par cipar en un fin de semana del Encuentro Matri-monial Mundial En el historico Glen Eyrie en Colorado Springs, del 2 al 4 de junio y del 13 al 15 de octubre. Pongase en contacto con Glen Y Toni Gallegos 719-591-9045 o [email protected] para obtener mas in-formacion. O para inscribirse en linea, visite nuestro si we en

Page 8: Divine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 · 2017-07-25 · Sun 2am, 4am, 2pm, Mon 4am; Tues 2am, 4am The Chapel is open to all 24/7, you don’t have to have a scheduled hour to drop in

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Dominic Church #288325 5354 S Hwy 85/87 Security, CO 80911 TELEPHONE 719 392-7653 CONTACT PERSON Pene Hargis EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 10 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 9:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 11, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS