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The responsibility of the film distributor is to handle any tasks regarding the distribution and marketing of the film, for example ensuring that every cinema gets and a copy of the film and ensuring that the product is being advertised to a large audience.One of the main differences between multinational and independent distribution is the budget the two types of distributer have access to, the multinational distributer will have a much larger budget to market and distribute their product in contrast to the multinational distributor. The multinational distributor will also have a much larger audience as they have a higher budget, which allows them to have a larger range of media used to advertise their product and also spread their advertisement to a much larger audience.

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Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., recognised as Warner Bros. is an American entertainment company that produces film, television and music entertainment. Founded 93 years ago on the 4th of April in 1923, the company has grown greatly and become a household name. Helped by the creation of now extremely famous characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Tweety.The company's name originates from the four founding Warner brothers Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack. Last year the company had a revenue of US$ 12.992 billion and a very large operating income of US$ 1.416 billion.

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It would be extremely unlikely such a successful company would waste time and resources attempting to distribute such a low profile and low budget film as ours. They have distributed some films of a similar genre to ours, however they are of a much higher scale.

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FILM 4 PRODUCTIONSFilm4 Productions is a Channel Four Television owned British film production company. The company has been responsible for backing a large number of films made in the United Kingdom, however it is much lesser known over seas. The company's first production was released in 1982, the production called Walter was directed by Stephen Frears. The company is It is especially known for its gritty, kitchen sink-style films.Prior to 1998, the company was identified as Channel Four Films or FilmFour International. Later, the outfit was re-branded as FilmFour, to coincide with the launch of a new Digital TV channel of the same name. The company cut its budget and staff considerably in 2002, due to mounting losses, and was re-integrated into the drama department of Channel 4.The name "Film4 Productions" was introduced in 2006 in order to tie in with the relaunch of the FilmFour broadcast channel as Film4.

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FILM 4 PRODUCTIONSI believe our film has the potential to be considered by Film 4 productions to be distributed by them, as they have distributed films of a similar genre and these films are not of a particular high budget and are not always of the best quality. Therefore I believe we would be partially successful in attracting their target audience in regard to their horror genre.

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Left Film Distribution is a relatively new Independent film distributor releasing new independent genre movies for UK film fans. They are a dynamic forward-looking film distributor, who are focus on their passionate of independent films and film-making. They work on UK based film distribution of new independent movies in cinemas, on DVD, and download. Many the films they distribute are mainly in the horror, sci-fi, action and comedy genres, and offer exciting new work from the new generation of film-makers.

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I believe Left Film Distributor would be the most likely to agree to distribute our film, mainly due to their passion of representing the UK’s independent film making community. They specialise in the distribution of independent horror films to a UK fan base, they do not have the highest budget to do so. However their audience would be highly attracted to our media product as it is of the horror genre and represents the independent film making community.