Download - Disability Service Plan 2017–2020€¦ · Copies of this publication are available on our website at and further copies are available upon request to: Department of State Development,

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Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning

Disability Service Plan 2017–2020

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The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Copyright

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© State of Queensland, Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning, July 2018

The Queensland Government is committed to providing accessible services to Queenslanders of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds. If you have difficulty understanding this publication and need a translator, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on telephone 131 450 and ask them to contact the Queensland Department of State Development on (07) 3452 7009.


While every care has been taken in preparing this publication, the State of Queensland accepts no responsibility for decisions or actions taken as a result of any data, information, statement or advice, expressed or implied, contained within. To the best of our knowledge, the content was correct at the time of publishing.

Copies of this publication are available on our website at and further copies are available upon request to:

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning PO Box 15009 City East, Queensland 4002. 1 William Street Brisbane Qld 4000 (Australia) Phone: 13QGOV (137468) Fax: 07 3405 1122 Email: [email protected] Web:

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About the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning

The department includes the following business groups: Office of the Coordinator-General, Manufacturing and Industry Development, Planning, Industry Partnerships, Major Projects and Property, Regional Economic Development, Infrastructure Policy and Planning, Economic Development Queensland and Business Solutions and Partnerships. Additionally, the department has administrative responsibility for Building Queensland, South Bank Corporation, GasFields Commission Queensland and the Queensland Reconstruction Authority. Our people are committed to the public service values and are working to enhance performance by empowering, supporting, recognising and developing our staff; fostering a culture of collaboration; and engaging our people through communication, innovation, consultation and inclusion. The department is developing a thriving and inclusive Queensland, where the economy, industry and communities prosper by:

• leading a coordinated and strategic approach to Queensland’s medium to long-term economic development

• attracting and stimulating investment in Queensland to grow the economy and create secure, long-term jobs

• creating a diverse, productive and sustainable economy for a fairer Queensland

• enabling the development of public and private infrastructure projects that provide enduring benefits

• creating well-planned Queensland communities that are prosperous, resilient and sustainable. Headquartered at 1 William Street, Brisbane, the department includes a network of offices across 10 regions that work directly with local industry, stakeholders and governments. The department′s strengths include:

• talented people to drive economic development outcomes and the jobs they generate

• capacity, knowledge and legislative powers to bring stakeholders to lead and achieve economic development outcomes

• personable and knowledgeable regional teams who are solutions oriented

• abilities to educate and guide parties with unique cases and project complexity

• openness and transparency in our dealings and conversations

• networks across industry and government

• commercially minded, big-picture strategic thinking.

About Disability Service Plans

Purpose The Disability Services Act 2006 (the Act) provides a foundation for promoting the rights of Queenslanders with a disability, increasing their well-being and encouraging their participation in community life. This legislation requires all Queensland Government departments/agencies to develop and implement a disability service plan. The purpose of disability service plans is to ensure each agency has regard to the Act’s human rights and service delivery principles, and the government’s policies for people with disability. Disability service plans aim to improve access to services across government for people with disability, including more coordinated responses. On 26 July 2017, the Queensland Government endorsed the All Abilities Queensland: opportunities for all – State Disability Plan 2017–2020 (State Disability Plan). The State Disability Plan provides the focus for Queensland Government disability service plans until 2020.

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The State Disability Plan’s vision is ‘opportunities for all Queenslanders’. This statement links strongly to the intent of the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 (National Disability Strategy) to create an inclusive society that enables people with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens. Through the National Disability Strategy, the Queensland Government:

• commits to building a fairer, more inclusive Queensland where people with disability, their families and carers, are able to access opportunities on the same basis as everyone else

• recognises that Queenslanders with disability reflect the diverse community we live in and are individuals with different backgrounds, values, beliefs, experiences, interests, skills and abilities, who live in all parts of our state and are of all ages

• proposes to achieve outcomes for all Queenslanders with disability, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

The National Disability Strategy has five priorities for action to support the achievement of the visions of ‘opportunities for all Queenslanders’:

• communities for all

• lifelong learning

• employment

• everyday services

• leadership and participation. The department’s Disability Service Plan 2017–2020 (the plan) outlines the actions we will take in conjunction with our key partners, including the resource, property, construction, defence, manufacturing and trade sectors to support its delivery. Policy statement The department recognises that disability is created, not through a person’s impairments, but rather through the interaction between persons with impairments and others; that is, ‘the attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder full and effective participation in society and an equal level with others’.1 As such, the department is committed to furthering the vision of the State Disability Plan by:

• ensuring people with a disability, as far as possible, enjoy equality with all members of the community in accessing client services

• paying sufficient regard to the needs of families, carers and advocates of people with a disability

• providing services in a safe, accessible built environment appropriate to the needs of people with a disability

• working with other government agencies to ensure DSDMIP’s services link effectively with other agency programs and a coordinated, person-centred approach to service delivery is achieved

• influencing others in the fields of economic development and major infrastructure delivery. The department’s plan demonstrates our commitment to working collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders to meet the needs of the broader community and reflects our commitment to diversity and respect for individuals. This is demonstrated through the Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan, which includes initiatives to capitalise on opportunities for advanced manufacturing in the area of assistive technology. Initiatives include holding a series of ‘Assistive Devices Hackathons’ (the Hackathons) in regional areas to raise awareness among Queensland manufacturers about emerging opportunities in the area of assistive technology. The Hackathon events engage with the disability community to facilitate a connection and improved awareness from industry about what devices are necessary for their independent living or community involvement.

1 United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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The events will be held in areas that coincide with the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Additionally, an ‘Assistive Technologies Opportunities Scoping Paper’ is being developed to capitalise on the opportunities to provide assistive technologies to clients of the NDIS, the National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ) and the aged population. These initiatives align with the department’s objective to grow priority, new and emerging industries. Monitoring and reporting

The department will report annually on the implementation of its plan and contribute to a yearly progress report on the implementation of the State Disability Plan. It is understood that information from the annual progress reports from agency disability service plans, and the State Disability Plan, will be shared across Australian and other state and territory governments as part of reporting on Queensland’s commitment to the National Disability Strategy.

Contact for more information The department is committed to providing accessible services to Queenslanders from culturally and

linguistically diverse backgrounds.

If you have difficulty understanding this publication and need a translator, please call the Translating

and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to telephone the department on

(07) 3452 7100.

Alternative formats (including large print) are available on request. If you would like another format,

please contact us on (07) 3452 7100 or [email protected].

If you use the telephone typewriter or a computer with a modem, please call the National Relay

Service on 133 677 (TTY/voice calls) or 1300 555 727 (speak and listen).

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The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (the department)


Communities for all

Changing attitudes and breaking down barriers by raising awareness and capability

Year 1 2017-2018

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-2019

Activities/success measure

Year 3 – 2019-2020

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Support national communication strategies and activities to promote the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020

• The department will:

ensure all communication strategies, where relevant, align to the principles and objectives of the National Disability Strategy

promote awareness campaigns and other activities, as advised by the Department of Social Services (Cwlth) and/or the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors (DCDSS).

• As reported. • As reported. • Queensland promotes the principles and objectives of the National Disability Strategy, and participates and contributes to strategies, campaigns and other activities.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Action – Queensland Government Ministers act as champions with business, industry and organisational partners within their portfolio to raise awareness of disability and build partnerships and opportunities

• The department will ensure all communication strategies, where relevant, align to the principles and objectives of the State Disability Plan to promote inclusiveness and creation of opportunities by Queensland businesses, industries and partners.

• As reported. • As reported. • Information pack provided to Ministers to support development of partnerships.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

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Action – Investigate and develop options to provide disability awareness training to Queensland Government frontline staff and to incorporate disability awareness training into Queensland Government induction programs

• The department will publish and promote online inclusion and diversity awareness training (including a focus on disability awareness) to all departmental staff.

• The department will investigate the incorporation of targeted inclusion and diversity awareness training (including a focus on disability awareness) into the department’s on-boarding procedures.

• The department will continue to review and assess its disability awareness-training framework and programs to ensure they remain relevant and fit-for-purpose.

• Disability awareness training is made available to all existing staff, and new staff upon commencement.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Action – Encourage local government, non-government organisations and businesses to develop disability access and inclusion plans and use process to engage with people with disability in the design and delivery of services

• This is outside of the scope of the department. However, the department will ensure all communication strategies, where relevant, align to the principles and objectives of the State Disability Plan to promote inclusiveness and access.

• As reported. • As reported. • Letters sent to all local governments and key non-government stakeholders.

• Information to support local governments, non-government organisations and businesses to develop plans provided on dedicated website.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Accessible places and spaces

Year 1 2017-2018 Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-2019 Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-2020 Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the

State Disability Plan) Responsible area

Action – Access for people with disability is improved by considering the needs of people with disability when buildings and venues used by the Queensland Government are refurbished or leases renewed and where possible in choosing venues for Queensland Government run events or meetings

• This is outside of the scope of the department. However, the department will be guided by the principles and objectives of the State Disability Plan to promote inclusiveness and access.

• As reported. • As reported. • Guidance provided to staff about how to choose an accessible venue for an event or meeting.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

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Accessible information

Year 1 2017-18

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-19

Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-20

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Work towards ensuring all Queensland Government information in accessible and provided in multiple formats

• The department representatives attend workshops / information sessions on web standards and on addressing accessibility (as led by DCDSS).

• As reported. • As reported. • All new key Queensland Government information/materials are provided in accessible formats

• Existing content progressively reviewed and updated.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

• The department will provide updates to the State Infrastructure Plan (SIP) Part B in accessible formats.

• Ongoing. • Ongoing. • SIP Part B updates in accessible formats.

The department’s action

Action – Government policies require Queensland Government websites to meet contemporary Australian Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Work continues to be undertaken to provide transcripts and/or captions are available for newly created time-based media (i.e. pre-recorded


• The department will:

make available various communication platforms (e.g. video conferencing, Skype)

comply with national government web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.0)

investigate and implement (as required) assistive services for staff with a disability.

• As reported.

• As reported.

• All new key website content is accessible and complies with guidelines

• Increase in the number of government websites that meet guidelines.




(Department of



Technology and

Innovation lead)

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Welcoming and inclusive communities

Year 1 2017-18

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-19

Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-20

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Promote uptake of the Companion Card Program by businesses, including Queensland Government venues and events

• This is outside of the scope of the department. However, the department will be guided by the principles and objectives of the State Disability Plan to promote inclusiveness and access.

• As reported. • As reported. • Number of businesses, offering the Companions Card Scheme.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Action – Hold Assistive Devices Hackathon events in Regional Queensland

• The department will coordinate (or support) three ‘Assistive Devices Hackathon’ events in Regional Queensland.

• The department will consider further rollout based on initial three events.

• The department will consider further rollout based on subsequent events (if required).

• Participation at Hackathon events.

The department’s action

Action – Increase in Queensland manufacturing businesses providing assistive technologies to clients

• The department will develop an ‘Assistive Technologies Opportunities Scoping Paper’ to capitalise on the opportunities to provide assistive technologies to clients of the NDIS, the NIISQ and the aged population.

• Progress implementation of Scoping Paper initiatives and activities.

• Progress implementation of Scoping Paper initiatives and activities (if required).

• Increase in Queensland manufacturing businesses providing assistive technologies to clients of NDIS and the NIISQ.

The department’s action

Respecting and promoting the rights of people with disability and recognising diversity

Year 1 2017-18

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-19

Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-20

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Work towards ensuring all Queensland Government legislation, policies and programs are consistent with national commitments under international conventions, consider the needs or interests of people with disability and carers and promote and uphold the human rights of people with disability

• All department business

areas take into


• As reported. • As reported. • New Queensland Government legislation, policies and programs

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

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the needs of people with disability during development, monitoring and evaluation of legislation, policies, programs and services

the principles and objectives of the State Disability Plan to promote inclusiveness and access.

demonstrate they have considered the needs of people with disability and carers in development and implementation.

• The department will

develop and release the

Strategy for Social

Infrastructure (SSI)

which considers the

needs of people with


• Ongoing. • Ongoing. • SSI supports well-located, accessible and multi-functional infrastructure to meet the needs of all occupants, including people with disability.

The department’s action

• The department will

recognise diversity in

the new planning

framework through

relevant policies in the

State Planning Policy

(SPP) and South East

Queensland Regional


• Ongoing. • Ongoing. • SPP and Regional Plans recognise diversity and support adaptable, accessible and inclusive built environments.

The department’s action

Action – Government services and funded non-government services provide access to language, translating and communication services

• The department will

continue to provide

telephone translation or

interpreting services for

people with disability to

access, on request.

• As reported. • As reported. • Language, translating and communication services are available to Queenslanders with disability when accessing Queensland Government provided and funded services.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

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Leading the way – increasing opportunities in the Queensland public sector

Year 1 2017-2018

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-2019

Activities/success measure

Year 3 – 2019-2020

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Implement strategies to reach the Queensland Government target, that by 2022, eight per cent of the Queensland Public Sector workforce will be people with disability, across attraction, recruitment, retention and career progression and development, for example flexible work practices and inclusion of people with disability in the government employer brand

• The department will

solidify knowledge of anti-discrimination legislation and positive practice

continue to uphold legislative obligations in relation to anti-discrimination and as an equal opportunity employer

continue to undertake reasonable adjustments to meet individual needs as well as introduce a ‘reasonable adjustment passport’.

• The department will:

develop and promote participation in online unconscious bias training encouraging staff to consider impact upon their policy decisions and approaches

continue to uphold legislative obligations in relation to anti-discrimination and as an equal opportunity employer

incorporate employment of people with a disability into work on an employer value proposition

continue to undertake reasonable adjustments to meet individual needs as well as continue use of a ‘reasonable adjustment passport’.

• The department will:

promote participation in online unconscious bias training encouraging staff to consider impact upon their policy decisions and approaches

continue to uphold legislative obligations in relation to anti-discrimination and as an equal opportunity employer

incorporate employment of people with a disability into work on an employer value proposition

continue to undertake reasonable adjustments to meet individual needs as well as continue use of a ‘reasonable adjustment passport’.

• The proportion of people with disability employed in the Queensland Public Sector workforce increases towards eight per cent by 2022.

Whole-of-government action (Public Service Commission lead)

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Increasing employment opportunities for Queenslanders with disability

Year 1 2017-2018 Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-2019 Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-2020 Activities/success measure

Overall Measure Responsible


Action – Promote information, resources and examples of the benefits to businesses of employing people with disability, the assistance available, how to make recruitment and employment process more accessible to improve opportunities for people with a disability to participate in employment

• The department will ensure links are available to access DCDSS website and published materials.

• The department will:

investigate production of appropriate departmental information and resources related to internal experiences of employing people with a disability

ensure links are available to access DCDSS website and published materials.

• The department will:

prepare and publish, as appropriate, departmentally specific information and resources

ensure links are available to access DCDSS website and published materials.

• Information, resources and good practice case studies uploaded to the dedicated website.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

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Everyday services


Year 1 2017-2018

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-2019

Activities/success measure

Year 3 – 2019-2020

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Deliver the Government Land for Accommodation and Support Services (GLASS) program which will provide surplus government land to not-for-profit (NFP) organisations to develop much-needed facilities for affordable/social accommodation and other support services. Successful GLASS-supported developments may include affordable housing and targeted disability housing

• The department will:

deliver the transaction negotiation and agreement stage (of a four-stage program comprising: expressions of interest (closed); request for proposal (closed); transaction, negotiation and agreement; and delivery (construction).

The department, in partnership with the Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW), is working with four proponents to deliver community housing or crisis housing across five projects located in and around Brisbane.

• Delivery (construction). • Delivery (construction). • There is no measure for this contained within the State Disability Plan. The DSDMIP measure relates to the delivery of the transaction stages.

The department /DHPW action

Action – Include additional guidance in Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) guidelines for accessible housing to promote liveable housing design in new dwellings in Priority Development Areas (PDAs) and in PDAs where EDQ is the developer.

• No actions in year one • Guideline published. • Ongoing revision, as necessary.

• Incorporate accessible housing design in new dwellings in PDAs.




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Disability and Community Supports

Year 1 2017-18

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-19

Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-20

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Work with the National Disability Insurance Agency to provide a smooth transition to the NDIS

• This is outside of the scope of the department. However, the department will ensure all communication strategies, where relevant, align to the principles and objectives of the National Disability Strategy and State Disability Plan to promote inclusiveness and access.

• As reported. • As reported. • All existing eligible clients transition and access services through the NDIS by 30 June 2019.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Office of the Queensland Government Architect

Year 1 2017-18

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-19

Activities/success measure

Year 3 2019-20

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action – Work with the National Disability Insurance Agency to provide a smooth transition to the NDIS

• The department will incorporate universal design principles in Better Design Agenda Material (QDesign and QCompanion)

• Ongoing. • Ongoing. • Universal design principles incorporated in Better Design Agenda Material.

The department’s action

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Leadership and participation

Inclusion in consultation, civic participation and decision making and supporting leadership development

Year 1 2017-2018

Activities/success measure

Year 2 2018-2019 -

Activities/success measure

Year 3 – 2019-2020

Activities/success measure

Overall Measure (as per the State Disability Plan)

Responsible area

Action - Consultation and engagement processes are offered in a range of ways, including the use of technology, which maximise the participation opportunities for people with disability their families and carers

• The department will:

make available various communication platforms (e.g. video conferencing, Skype)

comply with national government web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.0)

investigate and implement (as required) assistive services for staff with a disability.

• As reported. • As reported.

• Increased participation of people with disability consultation

• Options for engagement promoted.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Action – Queensland Government agencies consult with people with disability when either developing a Disability Service Plan or implementing

Disability Service Plan actions

• The department will

ensure all


strategies (including

consultation activities),

where relevant, align to

the principles and

objectives of the

National Disability

Strategy and State

Disability Plan to

promote inclusiveness

and access.

• As reported.

• As reported.

• Queensland Government’s Disability Service Plans 2017–2020 include details of consultation with people with a disability or details of consultation with people with a disability, is reflected in progress reporting.




(DCDSS lead)

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Action – Existing leadership programs are accessible and inclusive of Queenslanders with disability

• The department will ensure all internally delivered leadership development programs are accessible in several formats (e.g. videos produced with captioning; use of interpreters where appropriate; able to be undertaken online; etc.) and able to be targeted to meet circumstances of participants.

• As reported.

• As reported.

• Application and assessment processes for Queensland Government leadership programs are accessible

• Participate demographics for Queensland Government leadership programs are representative of the community.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

Action – Promote inclusion of people with a disability on state government boards, steering committees and advisory bodies to foster ‘change from within’

• The department will continue to uphold the principles of anti-discrimination and equal opportunity to promote inclusion of people with a disability on all agency boards, steering committees and advisory bodies. This includes, but is not limited to, the management and treatment of individuals based on their merits throughout the selection, duration and completion of their appointment.

• As reported.

• As reported.

• Application and appointment processes for Queensland Government boards, steering committees and advisory bodies are accessible to Queenslanders with disability.

Whole-of-government action (DCDSS lead)

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Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning 1 William Street Brisbane QLD 4000 PO Box 15009, City East QLD 4002 tel 13 QGOV (13 74 68) [email protected]