Download - Directory April 08 FINAL-R · 2015. 9. 10. · 1. DO schedule and attend meetings only when there are proper items

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Introduction...................................................................................... 2 Project Activities ............................................................................. 6 Legal Documents............................................................................. 7 Some Anti-Trust Do’s and Don’ts ............................................. 8 Export Compliance Protocol for iNEMI Projects.................... 9 iNEMI Secretariat Services.......................................................... 10 Upcoming Meetings............................................................ 11

Communications/Software................................................ 12

Publicity ................................................................................. 13

Member Companies/Organizations.......................................... 14 iNEMI Leadership ......................................................................... 15 iNEMI Member Directory – April 2008.................................... 25

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PURPOSE OF GUIDELINES The purpose of the iNEMI Member Guidelines is to provide a general overview of iNEMI structure and basic information that will assist you.

iNEMI MISSION The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative’s mission is to identify and close technology gaps, which includes the development and integration of the electronics industry supply infrastructure. Accelerated deployment of technology is shaped and led by our members, and provides benefits to the global electronics industry.

iNEMI METHODOLOGY iNEMI employs an innovative strategy to achieve its goals. First, we forecast major trends in the evolution of technology across 22 different disciplines. Second, we define future virtual products from five market segments and then identify the technologies and processes (both business and technical) that will be necessary to design and produce those products in our increasingly distributed manufacturing environment. Then, comparison of the virtual products’ requirements with projected technology/infrastructure trends enables iNEMI members to identify and address gaps in the industry supply network for high-volume electronics. The methodology followed by iNEMI is shown in Figure 1.

For those efforts requiring fundamental R&D, iNEMI works with government agencies, universities, and other consortia to ensure that the work is properly funded and undertaken. In those cases where the technology exists but is lacking in infrastructure, interested iNEMI member companies will form projects to address the needs identified. From both the roadmapping and the project activities, standards initiatives can be identified. Through the project process, iNEMI works to ensure that the standards are created by collaborating with the appropriate standards groups. For emerging industry topics, we organize and conduct forums to educate, communicate, and identify new areas of industry collaboration.

iNEMI STRUCTURE/ORGANIZATION iNEMI is a consortium (organized as a 501(c)(6) corporation) made up of electronic equipment manufacturers, their suppliers, other consortia/ associations, government agencies, and universities. As seen in the organiza-tion chart in Figure 2 (page 4), the group is headed by a Board of Directors that is elected by the iNEMI Council of Members representatives.

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The Technical Committee, driving both roadmapping and implementation efforts, is led by industry/staff co-chairs appointed by the Board. The China Steering Committee is responsible for facilitating and coordinating all iNEMI technical activities in China (see Figure 3). The Board also sponsors the Research Committee to focus on innovation and breakthrough technologies. Technology Working Groups (TWGs) and Product Emulator Groups (PEGs) are involved with the roadmapping activities while the Technology Integration Groups (TIGs) drive the implementation projects. A small permanent staff, the Executive Secretariat, provides the administrative framework for iNEMI’s activities. Contact information for all of the people filling these roles can be found in this directory.

Figure 1. iNEMI Methodology

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ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The following defines the roles and responsibilities of the various iNEMI functions. iNEMI Council of Members

Represents all organizations participating in iNEMI. The Council also elects the Board of Directors (staggered 3-year terms).

iNEMI Board of Directors Has operational responsibility for the organization. This group approves the strategy, plans, and budget of iNEMI.

Figure 2. iNEMI Organization

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Technical Committee Facilitates and coordinates all iNEMI technical activities. This group also develops and integrates the iNEMI technical strategy and plans.

Research Committee Responsible for stimulating research in areas identified as gaps during the iNEMI roadmapping process.

China Steering Committee Responsible for facilitating and coordinating all iNEMI technical activities in China.

Product Emulator Groups (PEGs) Responsible for developing product emulator roadmaps. Participation in roadmapping activities does not require membership in iNEMI.

Technology Working Groups (TWGs) Responsible for developing technology roadmaps. Participation in roadmapping activities does not require membership in iNEMI.

Technology Integration Groups (TIGs) Responsible for identifying technology needs and facilitating the formation and management of member projects.

Project Teams Responsible for implementing iNEMI projects to approved Project Statements (see iNEMI Project Participation Agreement).

iNEMI Secretariat Responsible for corporate office functions and providing staff support to all other iNEMI activities.

Figure 3. iNEMI China Organization

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PROJECT ACTIVITIES During the roadmapping process the Technology Working Groups (TWGs) analyze the future technology requirements defined by the product emulators against the predicted technology advancements as forecasted. The differences between product needs and technology trends are identified as gaps – both business and technical – that need to be filled if the global supply network is to maintain world class manufacturing capabilities. The Technology Integration Groups (TIGs) identify projects that need to be undertaken by member companies in order to fill these gaps. Once a TIG has determined a technical or business area where projects are needed, one or more project champions are located to initiate the project process. Representatives from member companies meet to define the project. This generally starts with a Definition of Requirements from companies (generally OEMs and/or EMS providers) who will be the end users of the project deliverables. The member company representatives then define a Statement of Work (SOW) that will be undertaken to develop the necessary capabilities to satisfy user needs. The SOW is submitted to the iNEMI Technical Committee for review and approval, after which it is forwarded to the key technical contact in each member company, and company participation is solicited. The project can proceed if at least two member companies commit to the program, although a larger participation is preferred to help ensure broad industry support. iNEMI projects are funded primarily through the use of in-kind resources from project participants. The actual work on the project is carried out by the member companies participating in the project. The responsibilities of each participant are defined at the beginning of the project. Each company commits the necessary resources to carry out its assigned responsibilities. Provisions are made for each member company to protect its intellectual property, which is also clearly delineated at the beginning of the project. Upon completion of the project, all team members share in the results. Project results also may or may not be shared with all iNEMI members and/or the industry in general. This is defined by the members of the project team at the beginning of the project. It may be necessary to develop new standards as a result of the iNEMI project work. In such cases, iNEMI works with existing standards bodies to accept, release, and maintain the new standard. Where appropriate, iNEMI will help the standards body develop and get approval for such standards. The overall project process, the release process, and the iNEMI standards policy are available on the iNEMI website (

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iNEMI BYLAWS This document defines the purpose of the organization, membership requirements, classes of membership, privileges of membership, election of the Board of Directors, powers of Council and Board, officers of the corporation, and meeting protocols.

iNEMI PROJECT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT This document describes the process for project formation, management, reporting, and closure. Customization of a particular project is allowed as part of the described documents (Statement of Work, Project Statement, IP Declarations).

iNEMI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY This document provides the umbrella policy to outline how intellectual property is handled during an iNEMI project. As with the Project Agreement, alternatives are allowed for in the handling of background technology and project inventions.

iNEMI MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT This is a one-page document that must be signed by all members to indicate that they will abide by the Bylaws, Project Participation Agreement, and the Intellectual Property Policy.

iNEMI ANTI-TRUST POLICY AND GUIDELINES The essential principle that should guide iNEMI’s policies and activities is that all agreements reached or carried out through the corporation must conform to relevant anti-trust laws. We must also avoid any conduct that could be interpreted by a disinterested third party as a violation of the anti-trust laws.

Staff, officers, directors, and members of iNEMI should be particularly on guard as to conduct or agreements affecting areas of particular anti-trust concern — such as pricing, conflict of interest, and standardization. Counsel should be consulted concerning iNEMI’s policies and programs and should attend all Council and Board of Directors meetings. * Copies of these legal documents are available from the Secretariat. They are also posted on the iNEMI website ( guidepol/index.html) under “Guidelines & Policies” on the Member Resources menu.

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DON’TS Members can participate fully in iNEMI activities and projects with minimal possibility of anti-trust problems by following a few simple do's and don'ts:

1. DO schedule and attend meetings only when there are proper items of substance to be discussed that justify your attendance.

2. DO review the meeting notice or agenda in advance of every meeting. It should be specific, without broad topics, such as "marketing practices," that might look suspicious from an anti-trust standpoint.

3. DO adhere strictly to the stated agenda. In general, subjects not included on the agenda should not be considered at the meeting.

4. DO ensure that no matter of doubtful legality is brought up for discussion. This, of course, is counsel's responsibility; but in his or her absence, the iNEMI staff representative or any member present who becomes aware of legal implications of a discussion should attempt to halt the discussion.

5. DO make sure that minutes of all meetings are kept and that they accurately report what actions were taken.

6. DO use iNEMI as a vehicle for promoting research and the industry as a whole.

7. DO send copies of all iNEMI-related correspondence to the iNEMI Secretariat and advise the Secretariat of any inaccuracies in proposed statements to be made by iNEMI.

8. DO ensure that iNEMI counsel is in attendance at all meetings where legally sensitive subjects might be discussed.

9. DO check with iNEMI staff, who will likely contact counsel, if there is doubt about the legality of any iNEMI policy or program.

10. DO cooperate with iNEMI counsel in all matters, particularly when counsel has ruled adversely about a particular activity.

11. DON'T allow or participate in secret or "rump" meetings. At best, these meetings raise questions as to the propriety of what is discussed. They could seriously jeopardize legitimate iNEMI activities and create a risk that those activities will be investigated.

12. DON'T allow or participate in any discussions that discourage research or research projects by persons outside of iNEMI.

13. DON'T, without specific authorization, make public or private communications about iNEMI policies or positions.

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Before starting a project, the project team should: • Consult with a company export compliance officer about the project. • Determine whether any item or technology to be used could be on the

United States Munitions List (USML). A license will be required for the transfer of any item on the USML or of related data to a non-U.S. person, wherever located.

• Determine whether any item or technology to be used could be on the Commerce Control List (CCL).

• Ascertain the purpose for any item or technology that appears on the CCL.

• Ascertain the nationality of any non-U.S. citizen or permanent resident located in the United States who is likely to be involved in the project.

• Ascertain the nationality and affiliation of any non-U.S. citizen or permanent resident not located in the United States who is likely to be involved in the project.

• Seek the input of a company export compliance officer with respect to any items or technology that appear on the CCL, the purpose to which the item is to be put, and the nationality and affiliation of any non-U.S. citizen or permanent resident likely to be involved in the project.

• Receive clearance from an export compliance officer before starting the project.

During the project, the project team should:

• Conduct periodic reviews (3-6 month periods) of items and technology being used in the project to determine if any could appear on the CCL or USML.

• Follow procedures above for all items or technology that appear on the CCL or USML.

• Maintain a current list of the "approved" non-U.S. citizens and per-manent residents working on the project, and obtain the approval of a company export compliance officer before adding someone or involving anyone on that list in a new phase of the project.

Compliance with U.S. export control laws is the responsibility of each iNEMI project team member. The individual team members and their companies are the parties responsible for ensuring compliance with U.S. export control laws.

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iNEMI SECRETARIAT SERVICES The iNEMI Secretariat is available to provide support services to the membership as defined below:

Operations Management • Vision, Purpose, Strategy • Legal, Operation & Business Dissemination Affairs • Technical Plan Description & • Business & Technical Calendars Promotion • Operations Assessment • Benefits & Value Assessment & • Financials and HR Description • BoD and TC Meetings Secretary • External Linkage Development - Industry Associations Information Services - Consortia • Recordkeeping & Databases - Government • Document Generation • Roadmapping • Website development/maintenance • Project Results (as approved • Communications capabilities (e.g., by project team) teleconferencing, webinars, etc.) • Public Announcements • New Membership Development Technical Oversight & Facilitation • TIG Mentoring • Project Facilitation • Committee Facilitation

NEMI Board of Directors

NEMI Council

Technical Committee Business Leadership




Secretariat Member Recruitment

Public Relations

External Organization and

Industry Group Roadmap ping Activities

Externally Managed Technical Programs

Internal Liaison



iNEMI Board of Directors

iNEMI Council

Technical Committee Research Committee

China Steering Committee



Secretariat Member Recruitment

Publ ic Relations

External Organization and

Industry Group Roadmapping Activities

Externally Managed Technical Programs

Figure 4. Functions of the iNEMI Secretariat

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MEETING RESPONSIBILITIES The iNEMI Secretariat is always available to answer questions and assist in planning iNEMI-related meetings, telephone conferences, and web services. In addition, the Secretariat maintains a meeting schedule on the iNEMI website. We need your input to keep the schedule current. Please provide meeting schedules and venues to the Secretariat so that we can keep the master schedule up to date and support queries from the membership. The Secretariat is responsible for all Board of Directors meetings, Technical Committee meetings, Council meetings, gap analysis meetings, iNEMI-sponsored workshops, and general roadmap meetings (i.e., not TWG specific). All other meetings and telephone conferences will be organized and conducted by the Project Chairs, TIG Chairs, and TWG Chairs. Upon request, the Secretariat may be able to help with other meetings that require member assistance.

MEETING/FUNCTION ATTENDANCE Participation in TIG meetings, TC meetings, gap analysis meetings, project meetings, and Council meetings requires iNEMI membership. In some cases, however, companies wish to participate in some of these meetings as part of their “due diligence” process in order to determine if they should make the commitment to join iNEMI. Please refer any such requests to the Executive Director who will contact the prospective member to ensure that they have the full membership information package, are eligible and are, in fact, considering membership in iNEMI.

UPCOMING MEETINGS 2008 Date Meeting & Location May 7 iNEMI TWG Chair Teleconference May 13 iNEMI Research Committee Meeting (Herndon, Virginia) May 14 iNEMI Roadmap Workshop (Herndon, Virginia) May 15 iNEMI Technical Committee Meeting (Herndon, Virginia) June 12 iNEMI China Steering Committee Teleconference June 18 iNEMI European Roadmap Workshop at IMEC (Leuven, Belgium)

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UPCOMING MEETINGS (CONTINUED) 2008 Date Meeting & Location June 25 iNEMI Board of Directors Teleconference July 16 iNEMI Research Committee Teleconference July 28 iNEMI Asian Roadmap Workshop (Shanghai, China) August 6-7 iNEMI Technical Committee review with TWG Chairs (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) August 25 iNEMI China Steering Committee Meeting (Shenzhen, China) August 25 iNEMI China Collaboration Meeting (Shenzhen, China) September 8-10 Electronics Goes Green 2008+ (Berlin, Germany) September 22-26 iNEMI Meetings (Council Meeting, Project Meetings, Board of Directors Meeting, Technical Committee, and Research Committee Meetings) at IPC Midwest Conference (Schaumburg, Illinois) September 24-25 IPC Midwest Conference (Schaumburg, Illinois)

COMMUNICATIONS/SOFTWARE Members are expected to exploit computer and communications technologies in the conduct of their business. The use of common tools can provide for ease of communication and information dissemination among the organizations participating in iNEMI. Some tools that are recommended for use by iNEMI members are:

Microsoft Office o Word Processor: Microsoft Word o Graphics: Microsoft PowerPoint o Spreadsheet: Microsoft Excel o Email: Microsoft Outlook

Teleconferencing: Premiere Conferencing

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Presentation and other templates are available on the iNEMI website (look under the Member Resources menu). Where possible, iNEMI will use electronic mail for dissemination of reports and information. iNEMI will also maintain a World Wide Web home page ( for public consumption, as well as members-only areas. The iNEMI Secretariat provides a confidential file transfer protocol (FTP) site for information exchange. The iNEMI newsletter, as well as project updates and guidelines, can be found under the Member Resources menu. The FTP site is located at Both sites require a password to access. Passwords can be obtained by emailing [email protected] or contacting the iNEMI Secretariat at 703-834-0330.

PUBLICITY A primary goal of iNEMI is to affect fundamental changes in the electronics manufacturing infrastructure for the global supply chain. Toward this end, we seek as much visibility as possible through conferences, seminars, contributed articles and press releases. Member companies are encouraged to seek opportunities for publicity, but they should make sure that the iNEMI staff is actively involved in the preparation and approval of materials. Any project-specific information that is included in a press release, contributed article or conference paper/presentation must fall within the project’s information sharing guidelines, as defined by the project’s Statement of Work, Project Statement, and iNEMI’s IP policy. Consistent with these requirements, project teams — along with a member of the iNEMI Secretariat — will review/approve all press releases and contributed articles and/or papers prior to release. For conference presentations, the portions of a presentation dealing with project materials must be reviewed. If you have an idea — or a specific opportunity — for a press release, contributed article or presentation, please contact iNEMI’s Director of Communications (Cynthia Williams) for whatever assistance may be needed for preparation and approval of materials. An archive of iNEMI press releases is maintained on the iNEMI website ( — in the Newsroom).

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MEMBER COMPANIES/ ORGANIZATIONS 3M AeA Agile Software Corporation (now part of Oracle) Agilent Technologies, Inc. Albemarle Corporation Alcatel-Lucent AMR Research, Inc. Analogic Boston Scientific CRM Celestica, Inc. Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) Ciba Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc. • Linksys • Scientific Atlanta, Inc.

Cookson Electronics • Alpha • Enthone • Cookson Electronics – Semiconductor Products

Dassault Systemes – ENOVIA MatrixOne Delphi Electronics & Safety DYCONEX AG E2open Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association (ECA) Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Inc. (EIT) ERSA North America Flextronics International Foxconn Francisco Partners • Hover-Davis • Universal Instruments • Vitronics Soltec

Georgia Institute of Technology Henkel Hewlett-Packard Company Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. IHS

Indium Corporation of America Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC), SUNY-Binghamton Intel Corporation IPC–Association Connecting Electronics Industries Jabil Circuit, Inc. Kester MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Micro Systems Engineering, Inc. Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (Province of Quebec) Motorola, Inc. Nan Ya Plastics Corporation NanoDynamics, Inc. National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Nihon Superior Co., Ltd. Plexus Corp. PTC Purdue University Rambo Chemicals (HK) Ltd. Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials Sanmina-SCI Corporation Senju Comtek Corp. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc. Speedline Technologies, Inc. STATS ChipPAC Sun Microsystems, Inc. Teradyne, Inc. Test Research, Inc. Texas Instruments Incorporated Tyco Electronics Corporation

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Nasser Grayeli (Intel Corporation), Chairman of the Board Assistant: Jan Martinez ([email protected]; 480-552-2795) Marc Benowitz (Alcatel-Lucent) Assistant: Linda Schaffeld ([email protected]; 908-582-8561) Byung Joon Han (STATS ChipPAC Ltd.) Assistant: Jasmine Lau ([email protected], +65 6824 1881) Monroe Huang (Delphi Electronics & Safety) Assistant: Deborah L. Jones ([email protected]; 765-451-0203) Sundar Kamath (Sanmina-SCI Corporation) Assistant: Rose Martinez ([email protected]; 408-904-2253) Minoru Okamoto (Tyco Electronics Corporation) Assistant: Tomoko Shirasaka ([email protected]; (81 44-844-8000) Mike Toben (Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials) Assistant: Judy Sweeney ([email protected]; 516-868-8800 x259)


Bill Anderson (NIST) Assistant: Sheilda Bryner ([email protected]; 301-975-2220) Jim McElroy (iNEMI) Robert C. Pfahl, Jr. (iNEMI)


Christopher B. Hanback (Holland & Knight LLP) (christopher.hanback@; 202-457-7157)

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TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jie Xue (Cisco Systems, Inc.), Co-Chair Robert C. Pfahl, Jr. (iNEMI), Co-Chair Mulugeta Abtew (Sanmina-SCI Corporation) Mostafa Aghazadeh (Intel Corporation) Bill Ballard (3M) Bill Barthel (Plexus Corp.) Mario Bolanos (Texas Instruments Incorporated) Tai-Yu Chou (Foxconn) Mike Davisson (Agilent Technologies) Dan Gamota (Motorola) Koen Gieskes (Universal Instruments Corporation) Barbara Goldstein (NIST) Carol Handwerker (Purdue University), Co-Chair, Research Committee Sherwin Kahn (Alcatel-Lucent) Sunny Liu (Huawei Technologies Company, Ltd.) Alan Rae (NanoDynamics, Inc.), Director of Research; Chair, Research Committee Rob Rix (Tyco Electronics) Michael Roesch (Hewlett-Packard Company) Peter Tomaiuolo (Celestica)

EX-OFFICIO TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Alan Allan (Intel Corporation), ITRS Representative David Godlewski (iNEMI), Manager of Deployment Chuck Richardson (iNEMI), Director of Roadmapping

RESEARCH COMMITTEE Alan Rae (NanoDynamics, Inc.), Chair Carol Handwerker (Purdue University), Co-Chair Robert C. Pfahl, Jr. (iNEMI), Secretary Bill Ballard (3M) Mario Bolanos (Texas Instruments Incorporated) Dan Gamota (Motorola) Barbara Goldstein (NIST) Martin Rausch (Intel Corporation) D.H.R. Sarma (Delphi Electronics & Safety) Rao Tummala (Georgia Institute of Technology) Jie Xue (Cisco Systems, Inc.)

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CHINA STEERING COMMITTEE ZHU Jian (Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co., Ltd.), Chair Haley Fu (iNEMI), Secretary CAO Xi (Huawei) Henry Ding (3M) Simon Lee (Rohm & Haas) George Lim (Celestica) Jim Liu (Motorola) LIU Xinqiang (Intel) Dave Martin (Tyco Electronics) Zambri Samsudin (Jabil) Sky Yang (Delphi)

CHINA TECHNOLOGY GROUPS Manufacturing/Assembly Chair, Open Technologies Component/Substrate LIU Xinqiang (Intel Products – Technologies Shanghai), Chair Materials Technologies HOU Weixing (3M China Limited), Chair

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iNEMI STAFF CEO/Executive Director Jim McElroy Vice President of Global Robert C. Pfahl, Jr. Operations/Treasurer Director of Roadmapping Charles Richardson Director of Communications Cynthia Williams Manager of Deployment David Godlewski Manager of Operations, Haley Fu Asia Manager of Operations, Grace O’Malley Europe Office Manager Linda Anderson-Jessup Office Administrator Dee-Dee Taylor iNEMI General Counsel Christopher B. Hanback (Holland & Knight LLP) Consultants Jim Arnold, Program Management David Bruns, Net/Systems Administrator George Till, Roadmapping

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PRODUCT EMULATOR GROUP (PEG) CHAIRS Automotive Jim Spall (Delphi), Chair Consumer/Portable Products Susan Noe (3M), Chair Medical Products Anthony Primavera (Boston Scientific), Chair Bill Burdick (GE Global Research), Co-Chair Netcom (Network, Data, John Duffy (Cisco Systems, Inc.), Chair Telecom) Office/Large Business David Copeland (Sun Microsystems), Systems Chair David Lober (Intel Corporation), Chair

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Roadmap Chuck Richardson (iNEMI), Director of Roadmapping Board Assembly Dongkai Shangguan (FLEXTRONICS), Chair Ravi Bhatkal (Cookson Electronics), Co-Chair Aaron Unterborn (FLEXTRONICS), Co-Chair Connectors John MacWilliams (Consultant), Chair Energy Storage and Chair, Open Conversion Systems Randy Malik (IBM), Co-Chair Environmentally Conscious Chair, Open Electronics Final Assembly John Allen (Celestica), Chair Reijo Tuokko (Tampere University of Technology), Co-Chair Interconnect Substrates – Ceramic Howard Imhof (Metalor Technologies USA), Chair Ton Schless (SIBCO LLC), Co-Chair Interconnect Substrates – Organic Jack Fisher (Consultant), Chair Henry Utsunomiya (Consultant), Co-Chair Mass Data Storage Roger Hoyt (Consultant), Chair Tom Coughlin (Coughlin Associates), Co-Chair Modeling, Simulation & Yi-Shao Lai (Advanced Semiconductor Design Tools Engineering, Inc.), Chair SB Park (State University of New York at Binghamton), Co-Chair

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TECHNOLOGY WORKING GROUP (TWG) CHAIRS (CONTINUED) Optoelectronics Dick Otte (PROMEX), Chair William Ring (WSR Optical Device Solutions LLC), Co-Chair Organic and Printed Electronics Dan Gamota (Motorola), Chair Technology Jan Obrzut (NIST), Co-Chair John Szczech (Motorola Labs), Co-Chair Jie Zhang (Motorola), Co-Chair Packaging Bill Bottoms (NanoNexus), Chair Bill Chen (ASE), Chair Passive Components Philip Lessner (KEMET Electronics), Chair Photovoltaics Alain Harrus (Crosslink Capital), Chair Product Lifecycle Information Eric Simmon (NIST), Chair Management (PLIM) RF Components and Ken Harvey (Teradyne), Chair Subsystems John Barr (Agilent Technologies), Co-Chair Eric Strid (Cascade Microtech), Co-Chair Semiconductor Technology Paolo Gargini (Intel Corporation), Chair Alan Allan (Intel Corporation), Co-Chair Sensors Chair, Open Solid State Illumination Mark Chason (Consultant), Chair Test, Inspection & Measurement Michael Reagin (Delphi), Chair Michael J. Smith (Teradyne), Co-Chair Thermal Management Ravi Prasher (Intel Corporation), Chair

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CHAIRS Board Assembly TIG Ian Williams (Intel Corporation), Chair Board Coplanarity in SMT John Davignon (Intel Corporation), Chair Pb-Free Alloy Alternatives Greg Henshall (Hewlett-Packard), Chair Stephen Tisdale (Intel Corporation), Co-Chair Pb-Free Component and Omar Bchir (Intel Corporation), Chair Board Finish Reliability Richard Coyle (Alcatel-Lucent), Co-Chair (in conjunction with Substrates TIG) Pb-Free Early Failure Project Joe Smetana (Alcatel-Lucent), Chair Pb-Free Nano-Solder Project Andrew Skipor (Motorola Labs), Chair Solder Paste Deposition Project Shoukai Zhang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Chair Nano-Attach Project Hope Chik (Motorola Labs), Chair Board and Systems Rosa Reinosa (Hewlett-Packard), Chair Manufacturing Test TIG JJ Grealish (Intel Corporation), Co-Chair Board Flexure Standardization Rosa Reinosa (Hewlett-Packard), Chair Project Alan McAllister (Intel Corporation), Co-Chair Boundary Scan Adoption Steve Butkovich (Cisco Systems), Chair Project Functional Test Coverage Tony Taylor (Intel Corporation), Chair Assessment Project

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Environmentally Conscious Chair, Open Electronics TIG Halogen-Free Project – Phase II Stephen Tisdale (Intel Corporation), (in conjunction with Co-Chair Substrates TIG) High-Reliability RoHS Mike Davisson (Agilent Technologies), Task Force Co-Chair Thilo Sack (Celestica), Co-Chair Joe Smetana (Alcatel-Lucent), Co-Chair Pb-Free Rework Jasbir Bath (FLEXTRONICS), Chair Optimization Project Craig Hamilton (Celestica), Co-Chair Pb-Free Wave Soldering Denis Barbini (Vitronics Soltec), Chair Project Tin Whisker Project – Phase II Richard Parker (Delphi), Chair Mark Kwoka (Intersil Corp), Co-Chair Jack McCullen (Intel Corporation), Co-Chair John Osenbach (LSI), Co-Chair Medical TIG Anthony Primavera (Boston Scientific), Chair Medical Components Anthony Primavera (Boston Scientific), Reliability Specifications Chair Project Scott Zellmer (Micro Systems Engineering, Inc.), Co-Chair Medical Substrates Thomas Jacob, Dyconex, Chair

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CHAIRS (CONTINUED) Optoelectronics TIG Chair, Open Fiber Connector End-Face Tatiana Berdinskikh (Celestica), Chair Inspection Project – Phase II Brian Roche (Cisco Systems, Inc.), Co-Chair Substrates TIG Hamid R. Azimi (Intel Corporation), Chair Halogen-Free Project – Phase II Stephen Tisdale (Intel Corporation), (in conjunction with Co-Chair Environmentally Conscious Electronics TIG) IPC-2581 Industry Dana Korf (Sanmina-SCI), Chair Adoption Initiative Pb-Free Component and Omar Bchir (Intel Corporation), Chair Board Finish Reliability Richard Coyle (Alcatel-Lucent), Co-Chair (in conjunction with Board Assembly TIG) Thermal Management TIG Vadim Gektin (Sun Microsystems), Co-Chair Je-Young Chang (Intel Corporation), Co-Chair Liquid Cooling Initiative Chair, Open Emerging Initiatives RFID Item-Level Tag Steve Brown (Celestica), Co-Chair Initiative Dan Gamota (Motorola), Co-Chair Prasanna Kulkarni (Motorola), Co-Chair

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iNEMI DIRECTORY – APRIL 2008 This section contains names of key contacts for iNEMI companies (e.g., company representatives, Board of Directors, Technical Committee members, Research Committee members, and China Steering Committee Members), TWG/roadmapping leaders, and TIG/project chairs, based on our database records. While we strive to keep this information current, our rapidly changing industry creates a great deal of churn. Please provide change input to the Secretariat ([email protected]) for inclusion in the next biannual release. Mr. Mulugeta Abtew Technical Committee Director of EMS Technology Development, Global Technology Solutions Sanmina-SCI Corporation 2000 Ringwood Avenue San Jose, CA 95131 Phone: 408-904-2104 Fax: 408-904-2095 mulugeta.abtew@ Mostafa Aghazadeh Technical Committee Vice President, TMG; Director, Chandler Assembly Technology Development Intel Corporation CH5-164 5000 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-363-3480 Fax: 480-554-1521 mostafa.a.aghazadeh@

Dr. Kola Akinade Manager, Material Science and Engineering Scientific Atlanta, Inc. M/S 1.T.607 5030 Sugarloaf Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30044 Phone: 770-236-6146 Fax: 770-236-7575 [email protected] Mr. Alan Allan Co-Chair, Semiconductor Technology TWG; Ex-officio Technical Committee Member, ITRS Representative Staff Engineer, Technology Manufacturing Group; External Programs, SRG Intel Corporation M/S OC8-406 4500 S. Dobson Road Chandler, AZ 85248 Phone: 480-723-8625 Fax: Call office for best fax # [email protected]

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John Allen Chair, Final Assembly TWG Engineering Solutions Celestica, Inc. 2628 North McMillan Avenue Bethany, OK 73008 Phone: 405-401-9721 [email protected] Dr. William Anderson Board of Directors - Ex-officio Director, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Building 220, Room B358 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8100 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8100 Phone: 301-975-2220 Fax: 301-975-4091 [email protected] Ms. Linda Anderson-Jessup Office Manager iNEMI Staff 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 110 Herndon, VA 20170-4214 Phone: 703-834-2086 Fax: 703-834-2735 Cell: 571-241-5331 [email protected] Dr. Jim Arnold iNEMI Program Management Consultant Rissa Studios 3754 E. Menlo Street Mesa, AZ 85215 Phone: 480-854-0906 Fax: 480-985-1820 [email protected]

Mr. Eric Austermann Director – Corporate Social Responsibility Jabil Circuit, Inc. 3800 Giddings Road Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Phone: 248-292-6046 Fax: 248-292-6910; 248-292-6903 [email protected] Dr. Hamid R. Azimi Chair, Substrates TIG Sr Manager, Material Technology Development Intel Corporation Assembly Technology Development Dept. CH5-159 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226-3699 Phone: 480-554-1335 Fax: 480-554-1521 [email protected] William (Bill) V. Ballard Technical Committee; Research Committee; Coach, Substrates TIG Sr. Technical Manager for Electronic Solutions 3M Building 141-3N-01 6801 River Place Blvd. Austin, TX 78726-9000 Phone: 512-984-2095 Fax: 512-984-4849 [email protected]

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Dr. Denis Barbini Project Chair, Pb-Free Wave Soldering Advanced Technologies Manager Vitronics Soltec 2 Marin Way Stratham, NH 03885 Phone: 603-772-7778 ext 207 Fax: 603-772-7776 Cell: 603-866-1919 [email protected] John Barr Co-Chair, RF Components and Subsystems TWG EDA RFIC Business Specialist Agilent Technologies, Inc. EEsof - 2US-P 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Phone: 707-577-2350 Fax: 630-598-2909 [email protected] Mr. Bill Barthel Technical Committee; Coach, Medical TIG Manager, Manufacturing Technology Development Plexus Corp. N800 County Road CB P.O. Box 7780 Appleton, WI 54912-7081 Phone: 920-996-8681 Fax: 920-996-8652 [email protected]

Mr. Jasbir Bath Project Chair, Pb-Free Rework Optimization Lead Engineer Flextronics International 2090 Fortune Drive San Jose, CA 95131 Phone: 408-576-7668 Fax: 408-576-7989 [email protected] Dr. Omar Bchir Project Chair, Pb-Free Component and Board Finish Reliability Assembly Test Technology Development Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd., CH5-159 Chandler, AZ 85226-3699 Phone: 480-552-4389 Fax: 480-554-1521 [email protected] Dr. Marc Benowitz iNEMI Board of Directors Director, Corporate CTO Alcatel-Lucent MH 1E-334 600-700 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636 Phone: 908-582-5851 Fax: 908-582-4008 mbenowitz@

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Dr. Tatiana Berdinskikh Project Chair, Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection - Phase II Celestica Global Commodity Quality Engineering, Fiber Optics Components Celestica International, Inc. 1150 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto, Ontario M3C 1H7 Canada Phone: 416-448-5579 Fax: 416-448-3029 [email protected] Mr. Richard L. Berger President NanoDynamics, Inc. 901 Fuhrmann Blvd. Buffalo, NY 14203 Phone: 716-853-4900 Fax: 716-853-8996 [email protected] David W. Bergman Vice President, International Relations IPC 3000 Lakeside Drive, #309S Bannockburn, IL 60015 Phone: 847-597-2840 Fax: 847-615-5640 [email protected]

Mr. Ross B. Berntson Vice President, Solder Products Business Unit Indium Corporation of America 34 Robinson Road Clinton, NY 13323 Phone: 315-853-4900 Fax: 315-853-1000 [email protected] Dr. Ravi Bhatkal Co-Chair, Board Assembly TWG Vice President, General Manager Engineered Products Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials 109 Corporate Blvd South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Phone: 908-791-3013 Fax: 908-791-3090 rbhatkal@ Peter Biocca Market Development Engineer Kester 203 Fairfax Drive Allen, TX 75013 Phone: 972-390-1197 Fax: 972-390-1654 [email protected]

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Mr. Mario A. Bolanos Technical Committee; Research Committee; Coach, Thermal Management TIG Research Director, Semiconductor Packaging Technology, External Development and Manufacturing (EDM), Texas Instruments Director of the TI Semiconductor Packaging Technology Research Team Texas Instruments Incorporated 13536 TI Blvd P.O. Box 655012, MS 940 Dallas, TX 75265 Phone: 972-995-7666 Fax: 972-995-2658 [email protected] Dr. W. R. (Bill) Bottoms Chair, Packaging TWG Chairman and CEO NanoNexus, Inc. 2520 Junction Avenue San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-546-8400 Fax: 408-546-8409 [email protected] Mr. Mark Brillhart VP, Cisco Manufacturing Cisco Systems, Inc. 80 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-525-7413 Fax: 408-527-8535 [email protected]

Mr. Steve Brown Co-Chair, RFID Item-Level Tag Initiative Director of Engineering Solutions Celestica, Inc. 1150 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto, Ontario M3C 1H7 Canada Phone: 416-448-5071 Fax: 416-448-5395 [email protected] Mr. David W. Bruns Net/Systems Administrator iNEMI Consultant 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 110 Herndon, VA 20170 Phone: 703-834-0330 Fax: 703-834-2735 [email protected] Bill Burdick Co-Chair, Medical Products Product Emulator Group (PEG) Electrical Engineer GE Global Research 1 Research Circle, KW-C1623 Niskayuna, NY 12309 Phone: 518-387-5585 Fax: 518-387-5442 [email protected] Mr. Steve Butkovich Project Chair, Boundary Scan Adoption Manager, Structural Test Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-526-4135 [email protected]

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CAO Xi iNEMI China Steering Committee Chief Engineer, Board Design Engineering Dept. CPD Huawei Technologies Co. Building E1, Huawei Industrial Base, Bantian Longgang Shenzhen 518129 China Phone: +86 755 89651088 Fax: +86 755 89651064 [email protected] Je-Young Chang, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Thermal Management TIG Sr. Thermal Engineer, Thermal Group Intel Corporation Mailstop: CH5-157 5000 W. Chandler Blvd Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-554-2411 Fax: 480-552-1304 [email protected] Marc Chason Chair, Solid State Illumination TWG President Marc Chason and Associates, Inc. 1809 Fairhaven Lane Schaumburg, IL 60194-2644 Phone: 224-659-2446 [email protected]

Syber Chen Project Manager Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Build F1, Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 China Phone: +86 755-28976413 Fax: +86 755-28976758 [email protected] Dr. William T. Chen Chair, Packaging TWG Senior Technical Advisor ASE (U.S.) Inc. 3590 Peterson Way Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: 408-986-6505 Fax: 408-565-0289 [email protected] Dr. Hope Chik Chair, Nano-Attach Project Motorola Labs Physical & Digital Realization Research Center 1301 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 Phone: 847-538-4086 Fax: 847-576-2111 [email protected]

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Dr. Tai-Yu Chou Technical Committee Vice President of Personal Computer and Enterprise Product Groups (PCEBG) Foxconn 2525 Brockton Drive, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78758 Phone: 512-670-2638 ext 108 Fax: 512-670-2636 [email protected] Thomas Cipielewski Director Jabil 30 Great Oaks Blvd. San Jose, CA 95119 Phone: 408-361-3212 [email protected] Mr. Mike Coady Technical Fellow, Product System Design Change Agent Delphi Electronics & Safety P.O. Box 9005 Mail Stop: CTC-10B Kokomo, IN 46904-9005 Phone: 765-451-6828 Fax: 765-451-0740 [email protected] Mr. Floyd Conner Support Manager Test Research, Inc. 500 Laurelwood Road #1 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: 408-567-9898 Fax: 408-567-9288 [email protected]

Dr. David Copeland Chair, Office/Large Business Systems Product Emulator Group (PEG) Thermal Engineering Packaging Technology Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mailstop USCA12-306 4120 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: 408-276-6528 [email protected] Mr. Thomas M. Coughlin Co-Chair, Mass Data Storage TWG President Coughlin Associates 1665 Willowmont Avenue San Jose, CA 95124 Phone: 408-871-8808 Fax: 408-370-4609 [email protected] Dr. Richard J. Coyle Project Co-Chair, Pb-Free Component and Board Finish Reliability Consulting Member of Technical Staff Alcatel-Lucent Reliability Engineering Department Room: 1E-247 600-700 Mountain Avenue, PO Box 636 Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636 Phone: 908-582-8062 [email protected]

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Mr. Rob Crawford Director, Supply Chain & Materials Management Micro Systems Engineering, Inc. (MSEI) 6024 S.W. Jean Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone: 503-697-5291 ext 1243 Fax: 503-635-5108 [email protected] Derek Daily General Manager Senju Comtek Corp. Silicon Valley Office 20300 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 300 Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: 408-446-7866 Fax: 408-253-2140 [email protected] John J. Davignon Project Chair, Board Coplanarity in SMT PCB TD Manager, SMTD Board Technology Intel Corporation M/S HF1-55 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 Phone: 503-696-2827 Fax: 503-696-1521 [email protected]

Mike Davisson Technical Committee; Project Co-Chair, High-Reliability RoHS Task Force RoHS Technical Program Manager Agilent Technologies, Inc. 24001 East Mission Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99109 Phone: 509-921-3282 Fax: 509-921-4305 [email protected] Dr. Ray Dawson Director, Fire Safety & Advocacy Albemarle Corporation 451 Florida Street Baton Rouge, LA 70820 Phone: 225-388-7888 Fax: 225-388-7270 [email protected] Henry Ding iNEMI China Steering Committee General Manager, Electro & Communication Business 3M China Limited 8 Xing Yi Road Maxdo Centre, 38/F Shanghai 200336 China Phone: +86-21 62753535 ext 2888 Fax: +86-21 62082930 eFax: 86-21-62096100 ext 20299 [email protected]

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Mr. Michael DiPietro Technology Transfer & Business Development Specialist IEEC, SUNY - Binghamton University T. J. Watson School of Engr & App. Science PO Box 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 Phone: 607-777-4345 Fax: 607-777-4683 [email protected] Douglass Dixon Electronics Global Marketing Director Henkel Corp 15350 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 949-789-2517 Fax: 949-789-2595 [email protected] Mr. John W. Duffy Chair, Netcom (Network, Data, Telecom) Product Emulator Group (PEG) Optical Process Engineer Cisco Systems, Inc. 1414 Massachusetts Avenue Boxborough, MA 01719 Phone: 978-936-4193 [email protected]

Mr. Andrew D. Dugenske Manager of Research Services Georgia Institute of Technology Manufacturing Research Center 813 Ferst Drive, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30332-0560 Phone: 404-894-9161 andrew.dugenske@ Mr. Pierre FaFard Coordonnateur, Microélectronique et Informatique Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (Gouvernement du Quebec) 380 Rue St-Antoine Ouest, 4e Etage Montreal, Quebec H2Y 3X7 Canada Phone: 514-499-2199 ext 5903 Fax: 514-864-3755 pierre.fafard@ Dr. Xudong Fei Director, Technical Strategy of Product Engineering, R&D Department Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Section F, Huawei Industrial Base Bantian Longgang Shenzhen 518129 China Phone: +86-755-89650207 Fax: +86-755-89650226 [email protected]

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Mr. Michael A. Fink CEO DYCONEX AG Grindelstrasse 40 CH-8303 Bassersdorf Switzerland Phone: +41 (43) 266 1110 Fax: +41 (43) 266 1111 Cell: +41 79 819 5588 [email protected] Mr. Jack Fisher Chair, Interconnect Substrates (Organic) TWG Interconnect Technology Consultant Interconnect Technology Analysis, Inc. (ITA) 4309 Casa Blanca Drive Georgetown, TX 78628 Phone: 512-930-5666 Fax: 512-930-5666 Cell: 512-771-4386 [email protected] Mr. Daniel Fu Sales Manager Nan Ya Plastics Corporation 201, 6th Floor, Rear Bldg, Tun Hua North Road Taipei, Taiwan Phone: +886 2 2717 8505 Fax: +886 2 2718 2258 [email protected]

Dr. Haley Fu iNEMI Manager of Operations, Asia; iNEMI China Steering Committee, Secretary iNEMI Staff Room 1409, CIMIC Tower 800 Shang Cheng Road Pudong, Shanghai 200120 China Phone: +86 21 5835 3839 Fax: +86 21 5835 9791 [email protected] Dr. Daniel Gamota Technical Committee; Research Committee; Chair, Organic and Printed Electronics Technology TWG; Co-Chair, RFID Item-Level Tag Initiative Director Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Road Room 1014 Schaumburg, IL 60196 Phone: 847-576-5084 Fax: 847-576-2111 [email protected] Dr. Paolo Gargini Chair, Semiconductor Technology TWG Director of Technology Strategy and Intel Fellow Intel Corporation 2200 Mission College Blvd, RN 3-70 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: 408-765-9646 Fax: 408-765-0674 [email protected]

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Dr. Vadim Gektin Co-Chair, Thermal Management TIG Staff Engineer Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4120 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 [email protected] Mr. Koen A. Gieskes Technical Committee CTO Universal Instruments Corporation P.O. Box 825 Binghamton, NY 13902-0825 Phone: 607-779-5894 Fax: 607-779-4418 [email protected] Mr. David Godlewski Manager of Deployment; Ex-officio Technical Committee Member iNEMI Staff 3213 Linden Parkway Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone: 717-651-0522 Fax: 717-651-0522 [email protected]; [email protected]

Ms. Barbara Goldstein Technical Committee, Research Committee Strategic Advisor to the Director Electronics and Electrical Engineering Lab National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Mail Stop 8100 100 Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8100 Phone: 301-975-2304 Fax: 301-975-4091 [email protected] Dr. Nasser Grayeli iNEMI Chairman of the Board Vice President of Technology and Manufacturing Group; Director, Assembly and Test Technology Development Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Mail Stop CH5-160 Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-554-5317 Fax: 480-554-1521 [email protected] JJ Grealish Co-Chair, Board and Systems Manufacturing Test TIG Senior Staff Test Engineer, Test Development Engineering Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124 Phone: 503-696-7108 Fax: 503-696-1196 [email protected]

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Craig Hamilton, P.Eng Project Co-Chair, Pb-Free Rework Optimization Process Development Engineer, Corporate Process Development Celestica, Inc. 844 Don Mills Road Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1V7 Canada Phone: 416-448-5374 Fax: 416-448-4810 [email protected] Dr. Dominik Hammerer R&D Engineer MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Fürstenweg 77a A-6020 Innsbruck Austria Phone: +43 (0) 512-28 88 89-462 Fax: +43 (0) 512-28 88 89-495 dominik.hammerer@ Dr. Byung Joon Han iNEMI Board of Directors Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer STATS ChipPAC Ltd. 5 Yishun Street 23 Singapore 768442 Phone: (65) 6824 1648 Fax: (65) 6822 8885 [email protected]

Mr. Christopher B. Hanback iNEMI General Counsel Partner Holland & Knight LLP 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 100 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-457-7157 Fax: 202-955-5564 christopher.hanback@ Dr. Carol Handwerker Technical Committee; Co-Chair, Research Committee; Coach, ECE TIG Professor of Materials Engineering Purdue University 701 W. Stadium Ave. Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045 Phone: 765-494-0147 Fax: 765-494-1204 [email protected] Christopher Hansen President/CEO AEA 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Northwest Building, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004 [email protected]

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Alain Harrus Chair, Photovoltaics TWG Partner Crosslink Capital 2 Embarcadero, Suite 2200 San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone: 415-617-1845 Fax: 415-617-1801 [email protected] Ken Harvey Chair, RF Components and Subsystems TWG RF Marketing Manager, Product Line Architecture, Semitest Division Teradyne, Inc. 9 Spruce Lane Sudbury, MA 01776 Phone: 508-250-9436 Fax: 978-370-2088 [email protected] Chad Hawkinson Vice President, Product Strategy, Electronics Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) 140 Kendrick Street Needham, MA 02494 Phone: 781-370-7255 Fax: 781-370-5517 [email protected]

Roland Heitmann General Manager Unovis Solutions P.O. Box 5304 Binghamton, NY 13904-5304 Phone: 607-779-3850 Fax: 607-779-3838 [email protected] Dr. Gregory A. Henshall Chair, Pb-Free Alloy Alternatives Senior Engineer, Global Engineering Services Hewlett-Packard Company Bldg. 6U, MS 1222 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Phone: 650-857-6493 Fax: 650-852-2920 [email protected] Steve Hochman Research Director - Supply Chain AMR Research, Inc. 125 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 Phone: 617-350-1751 Fax: 617-542-5670 [email protected]

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Dr. HOU Weixing China Technology Group Chair, Materials Technologies Technical Manager, Electronic Markets & Materials Division, 3M China R&D Center 3M China Limited 222 Tian Lin Road Shanghai 200233 China Phone: (86-21) 2210 5013 Fax: (86-21) 2210 5037 [email protected] Dr. Roger F. Hoyt Chair, Mass Data Storage TWG Hoyt Associates 6613 Tam O'Shanter Drive San Jose, CA 95120-4022 Phone: 408-997-1826 [email protected] Monroe Huang iNEMI Board of Directors Chief Engineer, Mfg. Engineering & Customer Satisfaction Delphi Electronics & Safety M.S. CT40A One Corporate Center P.O. Box 9005 Kokomo, IN 46904-9005 Phone: 765-451-5215 Fax: 765-451-0470 [email protected]

Mr. Howard Imhof Chair, Interconnect Substrates (Ceramic) TWG Director of Sales and Marketing, Advanced Coatings Division Metalor Technologies USA 52 Gardner Street Attleboro, MA 02703 Phone: 508-226-4470 ext 142 Fax: 508-695-4180 [email protected] Mr. Thomas Jacob Project Chair, Medical Substrates Business Development Manager DYCONEX, Inc. Suite 205 1839 South Alma School Road Mesa, AZ 85210-3024 Phone: 480-775-6878 Fax: 480-775-6880 [email protected] Mr. Sarvesh P. Jagannivas Vice President, Industry & Field Marketing Agile Software Corporation 6373 San Ignacio Avenue San Jose, CA 95119 Phone: 408-284-3879 Fax: 408-284-4002 [email protected]

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Xiaodong JIANG Supervisor of Process Dept., Industrial Engineering Dept. Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co. Building 1, No. 389, Ningqiao Road, Jinqiao, Pudong Shanghai 201206 China Phone: +86-21-58541240-3031 or 3658 Fax: +86-21-58340377 [email protected] Sherwin R. Kahn Technical Committee Technical Manager, Corporate CTO Alcatel-Lucent Room 1E231 600-700 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636 Phone: 908-582-3730 [email protected] Dr. Sundar Kamath iNEMI Board of Directors SVP-Customer Engineering & Technology Sanmina-SCI Corporation 2000 Ringwood Avenue San Jose, CA 95131 Phone: 408-904-2176 Fax: 408-904-2429 sundar.kamath@

John Kelley Vice President, Product Strategy Agile Software Corporation 6373 San Ignacio Avenue San Jose, CA 95119 Phone: 408-284-4162 Fax: 408-284-4002 [email protected] Martin Kerber R&D Engineer, Group Leader MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Fürstenweg 77A A-6020 Innsbruck Austria Phone: +43 (0) 512-28 88 89-407 Fax: +43 (0) 512-28 88 89-490 [email protected] Dong Hyun Kim, Ph.D. Manufacturing Engineer Component, Quality & Technology Group Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 Phone: 408-525-7749 Fax: 408-526-4738 [email protected] Rory King Sr. Manager, Product Marketing IHS Parts Management [email protected]

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Dr. Robert Kinyanjui Senior Member, Advanced Technology Development, Center of Competency and Operational Excellence Sanmina-SCI Corporation 13000 South Memorial Parkway P.O. Box 1000, M/S 430 Huntsville, AL 35807 Phone: 256-882-4046 Fax: 256-882-4871 robert.kinyanjui@ Ms. Leah Knight Director, Market Research E2open, Inc. 1600 Seaport Blvd., Suite 500 Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: 650-381-3775 Fax: 650-381-3999 [email protected] Dr. Sreenivasan Koduri Packaging Manager, High Performance Analog Texas Instruments Incorporated 12500 TI Blvd, MS 8740 Dallas, TX 75243 Phone: 214-480-3990 Fax: 214-480-7203 [email protected]

Mr. Dana Korf Project Chair, IPC-2581 Industry Adoption Initiative Director, Product Engineering, PCB Operations Sanmina-SCI 2121 O'Toole Avenue San Jose, CA 95131 Phone: 408-964-4617 Fax: 408-964-4682 [email protected] Mr. Fred Kuhlman Advanced Electronic Packaging Staff Research Engineer Delphi Electronics & Safety P.O. Box 9005, MS 8245 Kokomo, IN 46904 Phone: 765-451-7679 Fax: 765-451-8230 frederick.f.kuhlman@ Dr. Prasanna P. Kulkarni Co-Chair, RFID Item-Level Tag Initiative Senior Staff Engineer Motorola, Inc. Physical Realization Research Center 1301 E. Algonquin Rd., IL-02, Room 1014 Schaumburg, IL 60196 Phone: 847-538-4931 Fax: 847-576-2111 prasanna.kulkarni@

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Mr. Jimmy Chun Wah Kwok Managing Director Rambo Chemicals (H.K.) Ltd. Flat A-D, 11/F, Wah Wing Industrial Building, 14-20 Wing Yip Street Kwai Chung, NT Hong Kong Phone: 852-2429 7031 Fax: 852-2420 7904 [email protected] Ms. Rosaline Yim Wah Kwok Sales Director Rambo Chemicals (H.K.) Ltd. Flat A-D, 11/F, Wah Wing Industrial Building, 14-20 Wing Yip Street Kwai Chung, NT Hong Kong Phone: 852-2429 7031 Fax: 852-2420 7904 [email protected] Mr. Mark Kwoka Project Co-Chair, Tin Whisker - Phase II Senior Principal Engineer, Packaging & Assembly Technology Intersil Corporation P.O. Box 883 MS 58-100 Melbourne, FL 32902-0883 Phone: 321-729-5790 Fax: 321-729-4744 [email protected]

Dr. Yi-Shao Lai Chair, Modeling, Simulation & Design Tools TWG Deputy Director Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. 26 Chin 3rd Rd., Nantze Export Processing Zone Kaohsiung 811 Taiwan R.O.C. Phone: +886-7-3617131 ext 15285/85285 Fax: +886-7-3613094 [email protected] Ms. Susan D. Landry Advisor, Fire Safety & Advocacy Albemarle Corporation 451 Florida Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801 Phone: 225-388-7565 Fax: 225-388-7270 [email protected] Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee Vice President of Technology Indium Corporation of America 34 Robinson Road Clinton, NY 13323 Phone: 315-853-4900 ext 313 Fax: 315-853-4320 [email protected]

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Simon T.S. Lee iNEMI China Steering Committee Regional Manager - Imaging, Asia, Marketing and Engineering, Circuit Board Technologies Rohm & Haas Electronic Materials Asia Ltd. 15 On Lok Mun Street, On Lok Tsuen Fanling Hong Kong Phone: (852) -2680 -6888 Fax: (852) 26806333 [email protected] Peter J. Lensch Manager, Key Accounts, Soldering Systems ERSA North America 1779 Pilgrim Road Plymouth, WI 53073 Phone: 920-893-1779 (U.S.) Phone: +49 (0) 9342 / 800-134 (Germany) Fax: +49 (0) 9342 / 800-132 (Germany) Mobile +49 (0) 171/241 84 54 [email protected] Mr. Bill Leong Global Program Manager Hewlett-Packard Company 1501 Page Mill Road, MS 1222 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126 Phone: 650-857-4699 Fax: 650-857-4783 [email protected]

Dr. Philip Lessner Chair, Passive Components TWG Chief Technology Officer KEMET Electronics 2835 Kemet Way Simpsonville, SC 29681 Phone: 864-228-4234 Fax: 864-967-6876 [email protected] Lim Khiok Hian, George iNEMI China Steering Committee Regional QRA & Eng Director, Director of Asia Celestica 49/18 Laem Chabang Industrial Estate Moo 5, Tungsukhla, Sriracha Chonburi 20230 Thailand Phone: +66-81-812-3596 [email protected] Mr. Jeff Lin Manager, B/T System Software Development Team Test Research, Inc. 7th Floor, No. 45, Dexing West Road Shilin District Taipei City 11158 Taiwan Phone: (+886) 2-28328918 #2342 Fax: (+886) 2-28322703 [email protected]

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Mr. Louis LIN Administrator, Sales and Marketing Nan Ya Plastics Corporation 201, 6th Floor, Rear Building Tun Hua North Road Taipei Taiwan Phone: +886 2 2717 8505 Fax: +886 2 2718 2258 [email protected] Dr. Jim Liu iNEMI China Steering Committee Manager, Motorola Advanced Technology Center-Asia, International and Environmental Research and Development Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. No. 10 Avenue 4, TEDA Tianjin 300457 China Phone: 86-22-25328297 Fax: 86-22-25328296 [email protected] Dr. Nick, Tzu Yar Liu Department Chief, Researcher Industrial Technology Research Institute(ITRI) 303A Bldg.64, 195, Sec.4 Chung Hsing Rd. Chutung Hsinchu Taiwan Phone: 886-3-591-3289 [email protected]

Dr. Sunny Liu Technical Committee Process Technology Section of Board Design Engineer Department Huawei Technologies Company, LTD. Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 China Phone: (86)-755-89651218 Fax: (86)-755-89651064 [email protected] LIU Xinqiang iNEMI China Steering Committee; China Technology Group Chair, Component/Substrate Technologies Product Development Engineering Manager Intel Products (Shanghai) Ltd. No.999, Ying Lun Rd, Waigaoqiao FTZ Pudong, Shanghai 200131 China Phone: +86-21-38731650 Fax: +86-21-50481212 [email protected]

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David Lober Chair, Office/Large Business Systems Product Emulator Group (PEG) Assembly Technology/Test Strategist Intel Corporation CH5-155 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-552-0651 [email protected] Mr. Michael R. Ludwig Associate Director, Sponsored Program Administration Purdue University 302 Wood Street West Lafayette, IN 47907-2108 Phone: 765-496-3089 Fax: 765-494-1360 [email protected] Mr. Jeffrey W. Lyons Industry Marketing Manager, High Tech & Electronics Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc. 2000 Eastman Drive Milford, OH 45150 Phone: 513-576-5903 Fax: 513-576-2135 [email protected]

Dr. Jun Ma Director of Supplier Engineering Worldwide Operations Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mailstop USCA20-205 4200 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: 408-276-4582 Fax: 408-276-4601 [email protected] Mr. John MacWilliams Chair, Connectors TWG Sr Consultant and Analyst to Bishop & Associates US competitors LLC 565 Upper Pike Creek Road Newark, DE 19711 Phone: 302-235-2726 Fax: 810-277-1991 Mobile: 302-690-1825 Text Message/Page: 3026901825 from your cell phone electronicsindustry@; connectorindustry@ Mr. Mike Magnifico Vice President, Corporate Operations Analogic 8 Centennial Drive Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 978-326-4335 Fax: 978-927-6811 [email protected]

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Randy Malik Co-Chair, Energy Storage and Conversion Systems TWG Senior Member Technical Staff, STSM Power Technology and Qualification IBM 100 Gentlewoods Drive Cary, NC 27511 Phone: 919-254-1134 [email protected] Mr. Sorin Marcovici Corp. Sr. Technical Vice President Analogic 8 Centennial Drive Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 978-326-4007 Fax: 978-977-6811 [email protected] Mr. Voya R. Markovich Senior VP & CTO Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Inc. (EIT) 1093 Clark Street Endicott, NY 13760 Phone: 607-755-1978 Fax: 607-755-6151 [email protected]

David C. Martin iNEMI China Steering Committee Vice President, CCCE Development Engineering & China Engineering Center Tyco Electronics No. 668 Gui Ping Road Shanghai 200233 China Phone: 86 21 2407 1006 Fax: 86 21 2407 1007 [email protected] Alan C. McAllister Co-Chair, Board Flexure Standardization Intel Corporation Phone: 503-696-3397 [email protected] Mr. Eugene G. McCabe Executive Vice President, Worldwide Operations Sun Microsystems, Inc. 10 Network Circle Building 10 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: 510-315-5900 Fax: 650-786-7540 [email protected]

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Mr. Jack T. McCullen Project Co-Chair, Tin Whisker - Phase II Senior Staff Engineer, Corporate Product Regulations and Standards; Chairman of the JEDEC JC-14.1 Subcommittee: Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices; Co-Chair, IPC B10A & JEDEC 14.1 Joint working group; USNC TA for IEC TC47 Intel Corporation Mail Stop CH5-263 5000 W. Chandler Blvd Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-554-5354 Fax: 480-554-7171 [email protected] Mr. Jim McElroy CEO/Executive Director; Board of Directors - Ex-officio iNEMI Staff 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 110 Herndon, VA 20170 South Phone: 703-834-2082 South Fax: 703-834-2735 North Phone: 603-539-7722 North Fax: 603-539-8383 Cell: 703-786-9201 [email protected]

Mr. Dennis P. McGuirk President & CEO IPC, Inc. 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309 S Bannockburn, IL 60015 Phone: 847-597-2841 Fax: 847-615-5641 [email protected] Mr. Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. VP, Technology Strategy & Standards Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association (ECA) 2500 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201-3834 Phone: 703-907-8023 Fax: 703-875-8908 [email protected] Dr. Rita Mohanty Director Advanced Development Speedline Technologies, Inc. 16 Forge Park Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-541-4762 Fax: 508-541-6688 [email protected] Mr. Bruce Moloznik Vice President of Global Marketing Alpha - Cookson Electronics 109 Corporate Blvd South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Phone: 908-791-3008 Fax: 908-791-3090 bmoloznik@

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Mr. Masato Nakamura Business Development Manager Nihon Superior USA 3101 Cowley Way, Unit 176 San Diego, CA 92117 Phone: 619-684-1422 Fax: 619-684-1422 m.nakamura@ Mr. Tetsuro Nishimura President Nihon Superior Co., Ltd. NS Building 16-15, Esaka-Cho, 1-Chome, Suita Osaka 564-0063 Japan Phone: +81-(0) 6-6380-1121 Fax: +81-(0) 6-6380-1262 [email protected] Dr. Susan C. Noe Chair, Consumer/Portable Products Product Emulator Group (PEG) Mobile Handheld Segment Manager 3M Electronics Electro and Communications Business 3M Center Building 0224-03-N-11 St. Paul, MN 55144 Phone: 651-736-4254 Fax: 651-732-7415 [email protected]

Grace O’Malley iNEMI Manager of Operations, Europe Sandville House, Friarstown, Grange Kilmallock, Co. Limerick Ireland Phone: +353 87 9040 363 Fax: +353 61 351 935 [email protected] Dr. Jan Obrzut Co-Chair, Organic and Printed Electronics Technology TWG National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Polymers Division 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8541 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8541 Phone: 301-975-6845 Fax: 301-975-3928 [email protected] Mr. Minoru Okamoto iNEMI Board of Directors Senior Vice President, Global Communications, Computer & Consumer Electronics Tyco Electronics Corporation 3-5-8 Hisamoto, Takatsu-ku Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-8535 Japan Phone: +81-44-844-8000 Fax: +81-44-812-3210 mokamoto@

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Tetsuya Okuno General Manager & Plant Manager Senju Comtek Corp. 1171-B North 4th Street San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-792-3832 Fax: 408-884-2444 [email protected] Dr. John Osenbach Project Co-Chair, Tin Whisker - Phase II Fellow, Materials Technology LSI 555 Union Blvd, MS 22E-208 Allentown, PA 18109 Phone: 610-712-5469 [email protected] Mr. Richard F. Otte Chair, Optoelectronics TWG President PROMEX Industries, Inc. 3075 Oakmead Village Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 Phone: 408-496-0222 ext 223 Fax: 408-496-0117 [email protected] Dr. SB Park Co-Chair, Modeling, Simulation & Design Tools TWG Assistant Professor, Mechanical Eng. Dept. State University of New York at Binghamton Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 Phone: 607-777-3415 Fax: 607-777-4620 [email protected]

Mr. Richard D. Parker Project Chair, Tin Whisker - Phase II Adv. Electronic Packaging; Lead Technologist, Adv. Assembly Technologies Delphi Electronics & Safety One Corporate Center M/S 8245 P.O. Box 9005 Kokomo, IN 46904-9005 Phone: 765-451-8040 Fax: 765-451-8230 [email protected] Mr. Lee Patch Sr. Program Manager National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) 3025 Boardwalk Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: 734-995-4972 Fax: 734-995-4004 [email protected] Dr. Jean-Luc Pelissier Chief Executive Officer and President CBA Group LLC PO Box 825 Binghamton, NY 13902 Phone: 607-779-7494 [email protected]

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Eric J. Peterson Manager II, Reliability & Quality Assurance Boston Scientific CRM MS 5-241 4100 Hamline Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55112-5798 Phone: 651-582-2965 Fax: 651-582-5307 [email protected] Dr. Robert C. Pfahl Vice President of Global Operations/Treasurer; Co-Chair, Technical Committee; Secretary, Research Committee; Board of Directors - Ex-officio iNEMI Staff 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 110 Herndon, VA 20170 Phone: 703-834-2083 Fax: 703-834-2735 China Cell: +86 135 24753836 [email protected] Dr. Mark D. Poliks Director, Research and Development Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Inc. (EIT) 1093 Clark Street, 258-3 F-8 Endicott, NY 13760 Phone: 607-755-2064 Fax: 607-755-6151 [email protected]

Dr. Ravi Prasher Chair, Thermal Management TWG Manager, Thermal/Fluids Competency Intel Corporation CH5-157 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Mesa, AZ 85207 Phone: 480-554-0593 Fax: 480-552-1304 [email protected] Dr. Anthony Primavera Chair, Medical Products Product Emulator Group (PEG); Chair, Medical TIG; Project Chair, Medical Components Reliability Specifications Fellow R&D, Advanced Process Development Group Boston Scientific CRM MS C260 4100 Hamline Ave. N St. Paul, MN 55112 Phone: 651-582-7937 Fax: 651-582-2945 [email protected] Dr. Alan Rae Technical Committee, Director of Research; Chair, Research Committee VP of Innovations NanoDynamics, Inc. 901 Fuhrmann Blvd. Buffalo, NY 14203 Phone: 716-880-1006 Fax: 716-853-8996 [email protected]

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Martin Rausch Research Committee General Manager SMTD Intel Corporation MS: HF1-55 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124 Phone: 503-696-2329 [email protected] Mr. Mike Reagin Chair, Test, Inspection & Measurement TWG Manufacturing Engineering Manager - Test Competency Delphi Electronics Systems One Corporate Center M/S CT 10C P.O. Box 9005 Kokomo, IN 46904-9005 Phone: 765-451-0497 Fax: 765-451-5469 [email protected] David Redfern Vice President, Americas CC&CE Tyco Electronics 980 Sandhill Road Reno, NV 89521 Phone: 775-850-5244 Fax: 775-852-2188 dave_redfern@

Rosa Reinosa Chair, Board and Systems Manufacturing Test TIG; Chair, Board Flexure Standardization Test Program Manager Hewlett Packard Company MS 1222 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Phone: 650-857-7508 [email protected] Sheri Rhodine Sr. Director, Product Marketing IHS Parts Management 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80132 Phone: 719-481-3156 Fax: 419-791-3156 [email protected] Mr. Chuck Richardson Director of Roadmapping; Ex-officio Technical Committee Member iNEMI Staff 2012 Burlington Dr. S.E. Huntsville, AL 35803-3632 Phone: 256-880-0922 Fax: 256-880-4902 [email protected] Dr. William S. Ring Co-Chair, Optoelectronics TWG WSR Optical Device Solutions LLC P.O. Box 248 Flemington, NJ 08822 Phone: 908-212-1923 Fax: 908-212-1948 [email protected]

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Rob Rix Technical Committee VP, Innovation Tyco Electronics Communications, Computer, and Consumer Electronics 3101 Fulling Mill Road, M/S 128-51 Harrisburg, PA 17057 Phone: 717-592-4419 Fax: 717-986-7179 [email protected] Brian J. Roche Project Co-Chair, Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection - Phase II Optics Component Engineer Cisco Systems, Inc. 1414 Massachusetts Avenue Boxborough, MA 01719 Phone: 978-936-4231 [email protected] Michael Roesch Technical Committee; Coach, Board and Systems Manufacturing Test TIG Manager, Reliability & Test Engineering, Global Engineering Services (GES) Hewlett-Packard Company 1501 Page Mill Road, MS 1222 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126 Phone: 650-857-7490 [email protected]

Dr. Thomas J. Russell Special Assistant to Director, Office of Law Enforcement Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Electronics and Electrical Engineering Lab Bldg. 220, Room B214 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 Phone: 301-975-2665 Fax: 301-975-4091 [email protected] Mr. Thilo Sack Project Co-Chair, High-Reliability RoHS Task Force Principal Engineer Celestica Corporate Technology 844 Don Mills Road Toronto, Ontario M3C1V7 Canada Phone: 416-448-5869 [email protected] Ms. Diane Sahakian Vice President, Technology STATS ChipPAC 1711 West Greentree Drive, Suite #117 Tempe, AZ 85284 Phone: 480-222-1730 Fax: 480-222-1798 diane.sahakian@

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Dr. Bahgat Sammakia Director IEEC SUNY-Binghamton P.O. Box 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 Phone: 607-777-6880 Fax: 607-777-4683 [email protected] Zambri Samsudin iNEMI China Steering Committee Advance Manufacturing Technology Manager - Asia Jabil Circuit (Shanghai) Ltd. 600 Tian Lin Road Shanghai 200233 China Phone: +86 (0)2 1-64858585 extension 2555 Fax: +86 (0)2 1-54261228; +6046428001 [email protected] Dr. D.H.R. Sarma Research Committee Principal Technical Fellow and Engineering Group Manager Delphi Electronics and Safety P.O. Box 9005-M/S 8145 Kokomo, IN 46904-9005 Phone: 765-451-7786 Fax: 765-451-8844 [email protected]

Aaron Saxton President Vitronics Soltec 2 Marin Way Stratham, NH 03885 Phone: 603-773-6299 Fax: 603-772-9204 [email protected] Ton Schless Co-Chair, Interconnect Substrates (Ceramic) TWG CEO SIBCO LLC (formerly MIDAS Vision Systems, Inc.) 837 Upper Union Street, Unit C-14 Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-520-2040 Fax: 508-520-7080 [email protected] Mr. Shaun R. Seibel New Business Development Manager, Plastic Additives Segment Ciba Corporation 540 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: 914-785-2416 Fax: 914-785-4241 [email protected]

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Mr. Steve Shade Managing Director, Center for Advanced Manufacturing Purdue University - Discovery Park Mann Hall, Room 266 203 S. Martin Jischke Drive West Lafayette, IN 47907-1971 Phone: 765-494-1279 Fax: 765-494-1621 [email protected] Dr. Dongkai Shangguan Chair, Board Assembly TWG Vice President - Assembly Technology & Platform Realization Corporate Technology Group FLEXTRONICS 2090 Fortune Drive San Jose, CA 95131 Phone: 408-428-1336 dongkai.shangguan@ Ms. Chrys Shea Manager, Applications Engineering Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials Group 600 Route 440 Jersey City, NJ 07304 Phone: 201-434-6778 Fax: 609-239-7789 [email protected]

Eric Simmon Chair, Product Lifecycle Information Management (PLIM) TWG Electrical Engineer NIST Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory 100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8120 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8120 Phone: 301-975-3956 [email protected] Erica Simmons Industry Marketing Manager, High Tech & Electronics Siemens PLM Software, Inc. 5800 Granite Parkway, Suite 600 Plano, TX 75024 Phone: 972-987-3261 Fax: 972-987-3386 [email protected] Dr. Andrew Skipor Project Chair, Pb-Free Nano-Solder Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff Distinguished Innovator Nanotechnology Motorola Labs Physical and Digital Realization Research Room 1014, 1301 E. Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 Phone: 847-576-0754 Fax: 847-576-2111 [email protected]

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Stephen Slater EMG Quality Processes & Engineering Manager, Electronic Measurements Group Agilent Technologies, Inc. MS 2A-05 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95051 Phone: 408-345-8942 Fax: 408-345-8236 [email protected] Joseph Smetana Project Chair, Pb-Free Early Failure; Project Co-Chair, High-Reliability RoHS Task Force Principal Engineer, Advanced Technology; Distinguished Member, Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy Alcatel-Lucent MS SAGE2 3400 West Plano Parkway Plano, TX 75075 Phone: 972-477-6135 Fax: 972-477-4412 joseph.smetana@ Jerry Smith NPI/ESI Engineering Lead Foxconn PCEBG 2525 Brockton Drive, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78758 Phone: 512-670-2638 Fax: 512-670-2636 [email protected]

Mr. Michael J. Smith Co-Chair, Test, Inspection & Measurement TWG Director of Strategic Technology Teradyne, Inc. Assembly Test Division (ATD) 600 Riverpark Drive MS-NR 6002-16 North Reading, MA 01864 Phone: 978-370-6218 (U.S.) Phone: +44 7979 69 4545 (UK) Fax: 978-370-6220 (U.S. [email protected] Jim Spall Chair, Automotive Product Emulator Group (PEG) Staff Development Engineer Delphi Electronics & Safety P.O. Box 9005 MS CT40A Kokomo, IN 46904-9005 Phone: 765-451-5400 Fax: 765-451-0470 [email protected] Mr. Eric W. Strid Co-Chair, RF Components and Subsystems TWG CTO and Chairman Cascade Microtech 2430 NW 206th Ave. Beaverton, OR 97006 Phone: 503-601-1223 Fax: 503-601-1001 eric_strid@

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Dr. Ravi Subrahmanyan Executive Director, Advanced Technology Group Micro Systems Engineering, Inc. (MSEI) 6024 S.W. Jean Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone: 503-697-5291 x1327 Fax: 503-635-9610 ravi.subrahmanyan@ Mr. Bill Swanton Vice President, Research AMR Research, Inc. 125 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 Phone: 617-574-5113 Fax: 617-542-5670 [email protected] Mr. Keith Sweatman Senior Technical Adviser Nihon Superior Co., Ltd. NS Building 16-15, Esaka-Cho, 1-Chome, Suita, 564-0063 Japan Phone: +61-(0)7-54467543 (Australia) Fax: +61-(0)7-54467832 (Australia) [email protected] Dr. John Szczech Co-Chair, Organic and Printed Electronics Technology TWG Motorola Labs 1301 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 Phone: 847-538-7574 Fax: 847-576-2111 [email protected]

Mr. George, Shin-Ru Tang Researcher Industrial Technology Research Institute(ITRI) 303A Bldg. 64, 195, Sec. 4 Chung Hsing Rd. Chutung, Hsingchu Taiwan 310 R.O.C. Phone: 886-3-591-6330 Fax: 886-3-5833106 [email protected] Ms. Dee-Dee Taylor Office Administrator iNEMI Staff 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 110 Herndon, VA 20170 Phone: 703-834-2087 Fax: 703-834-2735 [email protected] Tony Taylor Project Chair, Functional Test Coverage Assessment Sr. Test Development Engineer, Architecture and Functional Test Technology Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 Phone: 503-696-1775 Fax: 503-696-1196 [email protected]

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M. Denis Thériault Director Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (Gouvernement du Quebec) 710 Place d'Youville, 8e étage Québec G1R 4Y4 Canada Phone: 418-691-5957 Fax: 418-643-6947 denis.theriault@ Mr. Scott Theune Vice President, Supply Chain Operations Plexus Corp. 55 Jewelers Park Drive P.O. Box 156 Neenah, WI 54956 Phone: 920-751-3571 Fax: 920-969-6002 [email protected] Mr. George Till iNEMI Roadmap Consultant 101 Apremont Court DeLand, FL 32724 Phone: 386-738-3449 [email protected]

Stephen Tisdale Project Co-Chair, Pb-Free Alloy Alternatives; Project Co-Chair, Halogen-Free - Phase II Packaging Manager, ATTD/CSTI Ecosystems Intel Corporation Mailstop: CH5-155 5000 W. Chandler Blvd Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-554-4234 Fax: 480-554-7262 [email protected] Mr. Michael Toben iNEMI Board of Directors Global R&D Director Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials 272 Buffalo Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Phone: 516-868-8800 Fax: 516-868-4781 [email protected] Dr. Brian Toleno Director Technical Service, Electronics and Aerospace (AIE) Henkel 15350 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 949-789-2554 [email protected]

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Mr. Peter Tomaiuolo Technical Committee; Coach, Board Assembly TIG; Coach, Optoelectronics TIG Director, Corporate Technology Celestica, Inc 844 Don Mills Road Toronto, Ontario M3C 1V7 Canada Phone: 416-448-5990 [email protected] Dr. Rao R. Tummala Research Committee Chair Professor and Director, Packaging Research Center Georgia Institute of Technology Manufacturing Research Center 813 Ferst Drive, NW Room 380 Atlanta, GA 30332-0560 Phone: 404-894-9097 Fax: 404-894-3842 [email protected]; [email protected]

Professor Reijo Tuokko Co-Chair, Final Assembly TWG Professor, Automation Technology, Head of Automated Manufacturing and Assembly Laboratory Tampere University of Technology Institute of Production Engineering Korkeakoulunkatu 6 P.O. Box 589 33101 Tampere Finland Phone: +358 3 3115 2313 Fax: +358 3 3115 2753 [email protected] John C. Ufford VP Engineering Speedline Technologies, Inc. 16 Forge Parkway Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-541-6497 [email protected] Aaron Unterborn Co-Chair, Board Assembly TWG Sr. Engineering Manager, Corporate Technology Group FLEXTRONICS Technology Leadership Group PO Box 562148 Charlotte, NC 28256 Phone: 704-509-3376 Fax: 704-509-8140 aaron.unterborn@

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Mr. Henry Utsunomiya Co-Chair, Interconnect Substrates - Organic TWG President, METI Registered Management Consultant Interconnection Technologies, Inc. 6-1 Minami-machi, Suwa City Nagano, Prefecture 392-0014 Japan Mobile: +81-90-8329-1847 Skype: "henry-u" [email protected] Robert G. Visser Technical Director of 3M's Electronic Markets Materials Division 3M 3M St. Paul Center Bldg. 251-2E-04 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 Phone: 651-733-4987 Fax: 651-737-1790 [email protected] Ms. Nancy A. Vorona VP Research Investment Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) CIT Tower, Suite 600 2214 Rock Hill Road Herndon, VA 20170-4200 Phone: 703-689-3043 Fax: 703-464-1720 [email protected]

Ms. Cynthia Williams iNEMI Director of Communications P.O. Box 898 Portland, ME 04104-0898 Phone: 207-871-1260 Cell: 207-671-7780 [email protected]; [email protected] Ian Williams Chair, Board Assembly TIG Manager – Manufacturing Technology Development Intel Corporation 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 Phone: 503-696-2659 [email protected] Mr. Robert Willis President Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association (ECA) 2500 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201-3834 Phone: 703-907-8024 Fax: 703-875-8908 [email protected] Andre Wu Product Manager, PCB and Software Solutions Dassault Systemes - ENOVIA MatrixOne 900 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851 Phone: 978-442-2695 Fax: 978-442-1000 [email protected]

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Ms. Jie Xue Co-Chair, Technical Committee; Research Committee Senior Manager Cisco Systems, Inc. MS SJC/D/2 170 W. Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-853-0199 [email protected] Sky Yang iNEMI China Steering Committee Manufacturing Engineering Manager Delphi Electronics & Safety Delphi China Technical Center Co., Ltd. 118 De Lin Road, Wai Gao Qiao Free Trade Zone, Pudong Shanghai 200131 China Phone: 86-21-28697771 Fax: 86-21-50463903 [email protected] Scott Zellmer Project Co-Chair, Medical Components Reliability Specifications Manager, Technology Assessment, Advanced Technology Group Micro Systems Engineering, Inc. 6024 SW Jean Road - Bldg B Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone: 503-635-4016 ext 1359 Fax: 503-699-2790 [email protected]

Dr. Jie Zhang Co-Chair, Organic and Printed Electronics Technology TWG Principal Staff Engineer, Printed Electronics Technology Motorola, Inc. MD: 1014 1301 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 Phone: 847-538-6847 Fax: 847-576-2111 [email protected] Shoukai ZHANG Project Chair, Solder Paste Deposition R&D Center. Sr. Process Development Engineer Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 China Phone: +86 755 8965 1108 +86 755 8965 1064 [email protected] ZHU Jian Chair, iNEMI China Steering Committee Head of Core Manufacturing Centre Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co. No. 389, Ningqiao Road, Pudong Jinqiao Shanghai 201206 China Phone: +86 21 5834 5890 Fax: +86 21 5834 0377 [email protected]

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50 iNEMI Participant Guidelines & Directory

CONTACT US iNEMI is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia (near Dulles Airport), with offices in Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology. We also have offices in Asia and Europe. North America 2214 Rock Hill Road Suite 110 Herndon, VA 20170-4214 USA Phone: +1 703-834-0330 Fax: +1 703-834-2735 Asia Room 1409, CIMIC Tower 800 Shang Cheng Road Pudong, Shanghai, China 200120 Phone: +86 21 5835 3839 Fax: +86 21 5835 9791 Europe Sandville House Friarstown, Grange Kilmallock, Co. Limerick, Ireland Phone: +353 87-9040-363 Fax: +353 61-351-935 Internet [email protected]