Download - Direct Sales Business June 2014

Page 1: Direct Sales Business June 2014

Enjoy thejourney

June 2014

Page 8Working hours that justdon’t add up

Page 12Kleeneze pushes theboat out

Page 18Create your own PR story

£10,000 cash or a brand new car to keep for life –what would you choose?

Page 2: Direct Sales Business June 2014

XeniaXenia Poole, Editor in [email protected]

Welcome toTeam TalkJune 2014


There is one phrase that repeatedly crops up when talking about runninga Kleeneze business and that’s ‘work / life balance’. It’s a self-explanatory expression really – having a healthy balance between your work andyour personal life.

All the headlines back up this school of thought too. Sinister articles suggesting that thishallowed state of being will now never be reached thanks to the introduction of smart phonesand other devices that make it possible to work beyond the physical boundaries of your office.

So here’s the problem I have with this term: it implies that if you’re working, you’re not living.Life happens after you’ve finished work. You’re going to work, suspending your life for themoment, just to earn money in order to live. And it gets better, because the general consensusseems to be the two cannot coexist at all – if you want a great work life, you have to sacrifice‘life’ and vice versa.

It’s a pretty pitiful notion! One that, in my humble opinion (to borrow a phrase from MichaelKhatkar) needs challenging. The thought that work is just, well, work – something to betolerated; something that you slog through in order to get to the shiny life bit is not only amiserable one, it’s wrong.

If you ask the leaders in our business whether they’ve achieved that perfect work / life balance,the majority will tell you yes. Yet, you rarely see them not working! If they’re not training,they’re networking. If they’re not networking, they’re taking calls or answering emails. Thedifference is that they’re not looking for that elusive work / life balance, because they lovewhat they do. The two are intermingled, because they’re living their life while working –putting all the passion and excitement that they have for life into work. And as such, theybecome greater successes at what they do and at living their lives.

Make a stand, because however you’re feeling is how youchoose to feel. Choose to live life no matter what you’re doing.Throw yourself into your work as hard as your play. Stop lookingtoward a distinction that doesn’t exist and start to realise thatthe two co-exist and in order to enjoy it all you need to make achoice to do so.

Create your life you want to live now – don’t wait!

Editor’s note

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Page 23

Period 5 RecognitionCongratulations to all our Network achievers in Period 5!

Page 4

The results speak forthemselvesThe new catalogues are out there and the results are in!

Page 12

Kleeneze pushesthe boat out forqualifiersIt’s one of the biggest cruise ships aroundand was the location for the return of theKleeneze European Destination. Team Talkcaught up with the qualifiers as theystepped back onto dry land.

Page 18

Create your own PR storyGetting a story into your local newspaper, such asMark and Heather Gordon did recently, is a great wayto advertise your business.

Page 20

The incentivethat’s floatingeveryone’s boatThe city of canals awaits you and withan enhanced criteria there’s morechance than ever to be on it.

Page 6Cooking up a Kleeneze stormBronze exceutive and £10,000 qualifier tells us aboput hisKleeneze jouney so far.

Page 17Who’s more likelyto catch that worm?The age-old productivity quandarycontinues. Do you really get more done bygetting up earlier in the morning?

Page 11New ways to make anextra incomeKleeneze continues its retail campaign with two brandnew catalogues.

Page 5

News from LisaAll the latest company news from Kleeneze’s Managing Director,Lisa Burke.

ContentsPage 8

Working hours that justdon’t add upExcessive workloads, mountains of paperwork and a longworking week are just some of the reasons more people fromthe education sector are turning to Kleeneze.

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RetailNew Catalogues

“The new catalogues are magic! I’ve received £803orders from just 105 catalogues so far.”Pete Rowe, Senior Distributor

“14 books out resulted in £359 in orders. The newwindow vac is doing really well. Get in there!”Mark Pepper, Silver Distributor

“Got great results from my very first drop - £608in orders.”Tony Jones, Silver Executive Distributor

“I’ve just come back from my customer base plusa new blanket drop with the new catalogue andcollected in over £741 with some stragglers stillto collect!”Ian Hughes, Silver Distributor

Main Book Pack50 x Autumn Winter Main Book Issue 150 x Summer Savers50 x Snap cat bags100 x Order formsUK code: 700797 ROI code: 700924 Price: £25 / €30

Summer Savers UK code: 743003 ROI code: 743020 Price: £5.00 / €6.00

It’s a new season, a new catalogue and we’re seeingbetter results than ever coming in! It’s no wonder, as withover 750 products in our Main Book and 120 lines ofseasonal goodness in Summer Savers, there’s so muchchoice for everyone.

The results speakfor themselves

“Oh how we love theseorders from the new books!£201.18 from the first pick-up of the day.”Nick and GraceSassanelli,Senior Distributors

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Lisa BurkeManaging Director

Newsfrom Lisa

I’d firstly like to say a huge thank you for all yoursupport at last month’s Lifestyles without Limits event.It was a brand new venue for us, which we managedto pack out, and the feedback has been immense.A special thank you has to go out to our speakers: NeilYoung and Jackie White, who respectively opened andclosed the event, provided invaluable training. Our fourother speakers throughout the day – Gary Watson,Karen Boardman, Julie Knight and Karim Karmali –were simply inspirational. I think each of their storiesmanaged to resonate with someone in the audience,which is absolutely brilliant.

To top all that, we had recognition that included two£10,000 cash handovers, plus the long-awaited reveal ofthe Autumn Destination, which you now know will betaking place in the absolutely breath-taking city of Venice.

The event marked the start of something new for Kleeneze.We took the opportunity to draw a line in the sand andmove onwards and upwards, as these next few monthsare really crucial. As you know, summer in this businesspaves the way to our biggest season of the year -Christmas. This is the time to really focus on building astrong business – not only because there’s fantastic cashto be made and great incentives to qualify for – butbecause come Christmas there are even bigger profits foryou to take advantage of and a stronger businessand bigger customer base can only ever make yourincome soar.

The results from the new Autumn Winter catalogue arealready flooding in. As announced at Lifestyles withoutLimits, our Buying and Merchandising team have nowrelocated to Clayton, making direct communication muchmore efficient. I’m also delighted to introduce our newHead of Buying, Angela Hill, to the business.

There is so much to look forward to coming up, from thenew Training Academy to the Kleeneze DevelopmentBoard, which we launched a few weeks ago. This brandnew Board has been comprised of leaders that you’ll all

know and who are exceptionally involved in the business(Mike & Jean Day, Abigail Colclough, Craig White, Peter &Jackie White, Jaime & Adele De Caso, Peter & Claire Rea,Rob Forster & Ray Aziz, Mike & Amanda Bibby, Neil &Karen Young and Geoff & Fiona Web) and we’ll be meetingwith them regularly to discuss future strategies and thegrowth of the business.

Don’t forget, we’ll also be airing our end-of-Period videonewsletter, Only in Kleeneze. Once a month, Michael and Iwill be coming together to recognise the previous Period’ssuccess, as well as give you all the latest news andinformation.

New catalogues, new incentives, great feedback –Kleeneze is moving from strength-to-strength, so makesure you’re taking advantage of all these tools and reasonsto be part of this incredible business!

Keep sending those success stories in [email protected]

Much love,

Lisa x

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InterviewMark Law


Cooking up aKleeneze stormLate in 2006, Mark Law started to look around for another job. A chef by trade, his hours at workhad been cut and he was getting disillusioned with it all. By chance, he stumbled across Kleenezeand decided to give it a shot. It was a decision that paid off, because this year he qualified for theBronze Executive bonus giving him a cool £10,000 cash reward!

Team Talk caught up with Mark to find out all about his Kleeneze journey so far.

“I worked as a chef for around 7 years,” Markremembers. “To be honest, I’d already started to lookaround for a change in career, as I knew I’d gone asfar on that particular path as possible. However, thenmy hours were cut from 50 hours a week to just 28and I began to look in earnest. I needed somethingquickly to top up my income, so I could pay themortgage. That’s when I saw Kleeneze advertised inthe newspaper.”

Quickly signing up, Mark started to retailalongside his full-time job. He got off to a goodstart, making £469 in his first full Period and thenbegan to build his team.

“I was slightly sceptical at first,” admits Mark. “Buton the whole, I could see the big picture and didhave it in the back of my mind that if it did work, itcould change everything. Once I started, it all cametogether and just 3 or 4 months into it, I quit my jobto focus on Kleeneze full time.

Mark slowly but surely started to climb theKleeneze Sales Plan, achieving incentives suchas Hong Kong and Dubai along the way. In May

2013, he went Bronze and started aiming toqualify for the Bronze Executive car incentive ofa Mini First of £10,000 cash.

“Goal setting wasn’t something I was really used towhen I started Kleeneze,” admits Mark. “I had towork on it along with my personal development.Once you find your true motivation, though, itbecomes easier to focus on the end result and keepworking towards it.

“There were plenty of times,especially towards the end of the

qualification period that I thought I wasn’tgoing to do it. I just kept on going, made afew short-term sacrifices, kept focussed

and it’s really paid off”

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“There were plenty of times, especially towards theend of the qualification period that I thought I wasn’tgoing to do it. I just kept on going, made a few short-term sacrifices, kept focussed and it’s really paid off.

“I’m not 100% sure what I’m going to do with themoney yet. I’m sure it would be quite easy to spendit all pretty quickly, but I think I’m going to invest it.”

In order to qualify for the Bronze car incentive, youmust hit Bronze Executive level, having two Goldlegs in your business (in Mark’s case: AdamHumphry and Teresa and Finbarr McCarthy) and holdit for 10 out of 13 Periods. Mark was invited up on tostage at the Lifestyles without Limits event andfaced the choice between a rather nice lookingsuitcase full of cash and a shiny, Kleeneze-brandedMini First.

“I knew before I went out there what I was going tochoose,” Mark tells us. “I’m not giving up on gettingthe car as well, though, as I’m going to go for the 30/ 30 Car Challenge too!

“Anyone can achieve these things. You just need tocommit to your goal and work for it. If it meansenough to you, you’ll do whatever it takes. I’ve beenso lucky to have such a strong and supportive Uplinein Stephen Smith, but also my Downlines, such asTeresa, inspire me all the time too. They say newbusiness is the lifeblood of Kleeneze and it’s true inso many ways.”

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“I qualified as a teacher in 2003,” remembers Caroline.“I think I partly knew what I was getting into, but – aswith many things – it was only when I got fully into itthat I realised how much there was to do above andbeyond your contracted, salaried 35-hours a week.”

By the time 2011 rolled around and Caroline waspregnant with her first child, Isla, the thought of alifetime in teaching was proving too much.

“People always throw the school holidays at us, butforget that for the other 40 weeks of the year, we arethere from 8am until 5pm; we have to prepare theequivalent of a birthday party for every single lesson; weare restricted as to when we can go to the bathroom orhave a drink; we are often expected to give up our lunchand other break times in order to do x, y and z with thekids; plus there are all the after-hour duties such asparents’ evenings.

“Still, I was fairly happy as a teacher. I’d actually goneabroad for a couple of years to teach, because I felt theneed to do something that broke the mould a little. Itaught in Berlin for a year before moving on to Denmarkwhere I started up an international school from scratch.

When I returned, though, I had a very different resumefrom everyone else was told that although all theexperience I had was lovely, I didn’t know enoughabout the curriculum here. It was enough to make myblood boil!

“I went on to do a six-month temporary contract beforefalling pregnant. I did another term last year after mysecond child was born, but that sealed it for me. There

Lovely long summer holidays, working days that finish at 3.30pm – surely the life of ateacher is a great one? Not according to a recent survey by the Department of Education.In fact, the figures show that primary school teachers work a whopping 60 hours a weekfollowed by their secondary counterparts, who don’t fare much better at 56 hours a week.

Little wonder that these excessive workloads have led to strikes in recent years, whilesome are turning to alternative ways of earning a living.

Team Talk caught up with Silver Distributor, Caroline Pye to find out why she, after over10 years as a primary school teacher, turned to Kleeneze.

Working hours that justdon’t add up

Caroline and Craig with their chi


Isla and Fraser

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Current affairsTeachers

wasn’t enough in it for me to do it forever. Knowing howexhausted I was when I came home and not havingwhat two small children need from their mum when I’vebeen expending all my energy on someone else’s kidswas too much.”

However, with only one income coming in andworking tax credits cut, Caroline and partner CraigHaxton, found that their income had more thanhalved and the pair started to struggle financially.

Fate leant a hand, as Caroline met John Stephen andMike Pirie at a networking event. Initially, she hadno interest in what they were telling her aboutKleeneze, however, as time went on it started tolook more and more like a better prospect.

“I didn’t know what I was going to do, but it wasn’tgoing to be Kleeneze,” laughs Caroline. “However, wewere really up against it financially and when Mike andJohn approached me again, I decided to give it a go.

“I really enjoy doing Kleeneze now. I know it’s the betterchoice. There have been peaks and troughs, but it’s thesame as starting any new venture, and I’ve receivedsome lovely advice from Mike and John.

“I do miss working with the kids sometimes. It waslovely to work with them when they were doing thingsthat they really loved and learning. Unfortunately, that’ssuch a small part of what you get to do as a teacher.When my kids are old enough to go to school, I canalways volunteer and then I get to do all the nice bits!”

“I really enjoy doingKleeneze now. I know it’s

the better choice”

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Current affairsTeachers


“I was a part-time college lecturer. This meant that mycontract was for the current academic year only.Working part time had some advantages, of course, butsecurity was not one of them. In around May/June timethey would thank me and ask me to return the nextyear. Come September, I would get a call offering work,but rarely did it resemble discussions of the previoussummer. Days would be cancelled at a moment’s noticeor they would have a full-time lecturer deliver somethingyou had been promised, then get you back when theymade a mess of it

Pay was based solely on teaching hours, and on theface of it sounded very good. £23 and £32 per hourdepending on the course was deceptive. Out of this Ihad to maintain my own professional qualification, buytextbooks, spend hours every week doing research andlesson preparation, then regular marking with a hugeamount of marking at the end of the year. In addition Ihad to attend meetings and teacher training sessions,and was very rarely paid for any of those. Then ofcourse you needed to be at class early, to set up andstay late to speak with people. Being part time kept meout of most of the politics, and extra paperwork,some in our team were expected to completeunreasonable workloads.

However, my position was insecure, and for the hoursworked and the knowledge we had, we were not wellpaid. The government of the day were running downcolleges and so work got less each year, and with thatmost part time lecturers were made redundant.

As the lecturing hours were reduced so I built up myKleeneze business to the Gold level. I was able to adjust

my Kleeneze timetable each year according to the daysand evenings I was teaching.

Like most others I enjoyed teaching, and have somelovely memories, cards and emails from helping peoplethat will stay with me forever. However, with mybusiness head on, it was neither well paid nor secure.Kleeneze enables me to be self-employed and work froman office at home. I may not have a big business, but Ihave lifestyle.”

Glenn Sealey, Gold Distributor

“It’s not only long hours, it’slack of security”

Glenn Sealey

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RetailNew Catalogues



Our personalised product catalogue is back andbetter than ever. With 32 pages and 228 products,67% of which are new items, your customers aresure to find something for everyone, whether buyingfor birthdays, weddings or even if they’re alreadystarting to get ready for Christmas.

Back by popular demand, we’ve re-introduced someold favourites such as personalised children’snightwear, the gorgeous personalised cushions andthe leather bag and pen set, all at fantastic prices.

UK code: 743038 ROI code: 74304Price: £5.00 / €6.00


Brand new to Kleeneze and specifically designed withyour new Distributors in mind, this fantastically funkynew catalogue features our hero cleaning products.Tried and tested, they’re already set for success.

These products have been especially selected forfocusing on ‘complete cleaning solutions’ withprofessional results. There is one product per pageincluding all the main features, customertestimonials, company heritage and the benefits ofbuying from us. They also come with ‘Made inBritain’ branding, as research has shown thatalthough consumers want to buy British, they’reoften confused about the origin of products soldin shops.

UK code: 750166 ROI code: 750174 Price: £4.00 / €4.80

For your chance to get your hands on a FREEpack of Just For You issue 3, please answer thefollowing question:

What are you doing to ensure you’ll be joining us inVenice this November?

Email your answer and account number [email protected] using the subject field‘Venice’ by Monday 7th July 2014.

See the DSA for full terms & conditions.

Earlier this month, we launched brand new catalogues thatwill give your customers more choice than ever and bump upyour profits to boot. On top of the already highly successfulnew Main Book and Summer Savers, we were delighted tointroduce the latest issue of Just for You, as well as a brandnew catalogue – Houseproud. What a way to strengthenyour customer base before that Christmas season kicks in!

New ways to make anextra income


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IncentivesAdventure ofthe Seas

As you may have guessed, we like to do things a little differentlywhen it comes to providing Destination incentives for you, which iswhy – when it came to our first venture back on European soil, wedecided to shun the soil bit altogether and take to the sea insteadon one of Royal Caribbean’s finest ships, the Adventure of the Seas!

Our qualifiers certainly thought it was an adventure too,as they sailed in luxury taking in the historical city of Brugesand on to Normandy.

Kleeneze pushes the boatout for qualifiers

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“We thought the whole trip was absolutely amazing.It was our first Kleeneze Destination and we weretreated like royalty the entire time. The food anddrink were impeccable. The Gala Dinner wasamazing - getting all dressed up really made us feellike a million dollars. The two day trips were plannedperfectly and getting to pick the brains of the mostsuccessful people in the business and asking fortheir advice was awesome.

We only have two top tips really that have stood usgood since we joined the business a year ago andgot us on the cruise, and that is speak to and recruitas many people as you can, support them and workhard. Because when you work hard you then get toplay hard.”

Chris and Steph Nichols, Gold Distributors

“We were so well taken care of on this trip. It wasjust amazing and something we could not haveafforded to do normally. The ship was fabulous and itwas fantastic to be in a situation where we couldmeet other Distributors in a personal setting withtime to actually share tips and ideas and get to knowothers’ stories. We feel we came away from theexperience enriched and excited all the more aboutthe potential of our business. What other companyin the world today would take care of their people insuch a caring and generous way?

Our tips: Make a plan with your Upline and stay inclose contact with them. Receive guidance and workyour plan persistently and consistently. Attend all themeetings you possibly can, because they give thesupport and training that you need to grow yourbusiness. Have a grateful and positive attitude,despite any challenges and difficulties. Stick with itand be happy for the successes of others along theway too!”

Jerry and Lesley Eshelman, Gold Distributors

“The company, the people, the food, the itinerary -we had the most amazing time from start to finish.We loved every minute of it and we made the mostamazing friendships with some of the most amazingpeople. Kleeneze Destinations really are the fullpackage – they take care of every little detail. Itsounds like a cliché, but you really have to be onthese trips to realise the power of Kleeneze.

The rock climbing wall on the ship was a goal thatwe can now tick off. The Royal Caribbean Cruisewas a goal that we can now tick off. Kleeneze reallyis the Dream Factory. Only a few days before theAdventure of the Seas incentive was launched, wewere discussing in detail about going on a RoyalCaribbean Cruise, so remember the ‘Law ofAttraction’ is always working. Kleeneze really willmake all your dreams a reality.

However, you have to remember, not everyonewants to achieve these Destinations - some peoplereally do just want that £50 per week, so just talk to

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people, talk to more people and keep on sharing thislife-changing opportunity, Help enough peopleget what they want and you’ll achieve everythingyou want.”

Dave Birtwistle and Angie Tonkin,Silver Executive Distributors

“It was great to be on our first trip with oursponsors, Ian and Sally Williams, and we were thefirst of their team to be on a trip with them so it wasspecial for them too. The trip to Bruges was one ofour highlights, it was very pretty and as the weatherwas so nice it was a bonus. The guides we had onour walking tour of the city and the canal boat tripswere quite amusing.

And the food on the ship was simply amazing!”

Karen and Pete Hall, Gold Distributors

“Kleeneze looked after us so well and thought ofeverything. We loved receiving our presents in ourcabins every day! Our highlights include the trips toBruges and Honfleur, the fantastic service on theboat, meeting other Distributors and being able tonetwork and have fun.”

Paul and Carolyn Blaxall,Silver Executive Distributors

“We absolutely loved the relaxed informal itineraryon this trip and our wonderful, informative tour of thebeautiful city of Bruges, including window shoppingand sampling some of the glorious chocolate in allshapes and sizes.

Everyone on the trip was in really high spirits and thecamaraderie between all the Kleeneze party madethe whole experience so much fun.

Having never been on a cruise ship before, we werereally pleased that the standard of everything was aswe have come to expect from a Kleeneze Destination!

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If you are interested in five-star free incentives as areward for building your business and income, startnow! Plan, track, learn and, most importantly, takeaction every day to get yourself in place to qualify forVenice, Jamaica, infinity and beyond…GO, GO, GO!”

Andrew Buxton and Laura Kelly,Gold Executive Distributors

“The highlight for us was having the opportunity torelax with successful leaders from across theNetwork, who we would not usually get a chance tomeet and talk to. We enjoyed the sights of Bruges,and having a coffee with Bob Webb, Debbie Gee andDavid White, and Mark and Heather Gordon. We alsosat with Jean and Mike Day at dinner one evening,talking about both business and personal stuff.

Our message to anyone who wishes to go to Veniceis, get the passion, believe in yourself, and do theactivity required to make it happen! As we say in the10 Steps Team: NOW IS THE TIME TO STEP UP!”

Jon and Kelly Gulliver, Gold Distributors

“The Adventure of the Seas was an amazingincentive. I don’t think we stopped smiling the wholetime. Getting to meet some of the legends inKleeneze like Bob Webb, Gary Watson and DebraPusey was very exciting for me.

I love friendly competition which is how Eileen and Ibecame great friends. We are both in Joe and JulieBrame’s downline and we met at the Mayconference in 2013. I sent her a message saying Iwas going to beat her to Gold. Her reply was ‘nochance’. We have been friends ever since.

One of the main things I realised is that we are all inthe same boat (pardon the pun). Everyone starts fromscratch and each person has had their own strugglesincluding us. But if you are excited and passionateabout your business, the people you speak to will seethat you genuinely enjoy what you do.

What got us onto Adventure of the Seas wasmassive action. We sponsored 20 new teammembers in 30 days. We plan to do that again a fewmore times this year to ensure we qualify for Veniceand Jamaica.

IncentivesAdventure of

the Seas

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IncentivesAdventure ofthe Seas

The highlight for myself was the conference onboard. Michael made sure he recognised everysingle person who had qualified. Stephen and I wereinvited up for new business sales which we didn’texpect. We felt privileged to be there, thanks to ourteam members who have been working theirbusiness consistently.

For anyone wanting to be on the next destinations:get help from your Upline; set yourselves weeklygoals, use all the rods to speak to your prospects,set your sights high, do everything you possibly canand don’t let distractions get in the way of achievingyour goal.”

Jacqui Reis and Stephen McCormick,Gold Distributors

The Adventure of the Seas was amazing. I had beenon a Royal Caribbean cruise ship before and so Iknew what to expect in terms of accommodationand facilities. Ironically last time I had sailed fromVenice and I recall telling Michael [Khatkar] this overdinner one evening - little did I know!

But it is one thing going on a cruise with a friend, it’sanother thing altogether going with a fantastic bunchof like-minded people. To hear everyone’s journey tothis point was a great opportunity to learn moreabout the kind of people that join our business andwhat drives them, which will help me going forwardwith sponsoring. Different people from differentwalks of life all coming together and appreciatingwhat this company is all about.

I made the decision to go Gold in August last yearand achieved it before Christmas, I droppedeverything to give it a massive push, knowing thatwhen I achieved it I would be able to give mydaughter a great Christmas. This also meantqualifying for this trip – double bonus! Then onceyou know what you are doing – just do more!

The advice I would give to people to help get on thenext trip would be to totally immerse yourself in thebusiness, don’t procrastinate, seize the day andmake each one worthwhile. Talk to everyone, letthem know what you are doing - whilst out, onFacebook, everywhere - don’t let any opportunitypass you by. Show how excited you are about theopportunity and what you have achieved and yourenthusiasm will brush off on your team and thepeople you meet.

Also attend every meeting that your Upline attends,plug into every webinar and mingle with thesuccessful people.

If you feel you are not ready to sponsor, learn nowbefore you feel you are ready and then the transitionfrom retailing to sponsoring will be so much easier.”

Eileen French, Gold Distributor

Missed the boat?Don’t miss out on the next Destinations!

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ProductivityWorking hours

Who’s more likely to catch thatworm – early birds or night owls?Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise – or so the sayinggoes. However, recent studies have shown that late sleepers stay sharper throughout theday compared with early risers.

With Kleeneze, you can work the hours you want, meaning you can have that lie in if youso choose. However, does it make you more or less productive? We took to Facebook tofind out what you think.

Night owls:“I’m usually a night owl, but Imust admit that I find I ammore productive when I getup early in the morning andget my catalogues out there,”said Silver Distributor,Marla Knee.

“After having the choice between getting up early orlater, I have found that I’m more productive if I’m upearlier. However, I always feel that I have accomplishedmore simply by being able to do this by choice ratherthan necessity, explained Peter Crossen,Silver Distributor.

“Mornings, what are those?!” exclaimedSilver Distributor, Peter Dent.

Early birds:“If I don’t get up before 9,nothing gets done,Comfortable = lazy!” saidSilver Distributor, EmmaJane Cadman-Willis.

“I’m up at 6am every morning fora swim before I put my cataloguesout. I can’t start the day any other way,”said Chris Murdoch, Silver Distributor.

It doesn’t matter!:“I start after 9am, as sometimes I take my kids to school,”explains Silver Distributor, Ian Hughes. “I retail the rest ofthe morning and build my business in the afternoon. ButKleeneze gives me the flexibility to do what I want, when Iwant. What doesn’t get done gets done the next day – nostress as I am my own boss.”

It doesn’t matter!:“I’m the same,” agreed Caroline Cox, Gold ExecutiveDistributor. “My Kleeneze day runs between 9am and 3pmto fit around school. I love the flexibility.”

And our favourite comment, from Ed Johnston,Silver Distributor: “I just like having the choice!”

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Our storyMark and HeatherGordon

What brought you to join Kleeneze?

We both have full time jobs – I’m an architecturaltechnician and Heather is an ICT and Business teacher. Wewere finding it was all work, work, work and there wasnever any money left at the end of the month. We foundourselves completely disillusioned with the rat race andthe thought of having to work till our late 60s was gettingus down. We needed a plan B. I was having a bad day atwork and thought there must be something better thanthis (as I recall, I said one of us needs a part time job tomake ends meet). We were looking for a businessopportunity from home so entered our details onto a fewwebsites and a day later got a call from our sponsor. Wewatched the video and thought we'd give it a go. We werevery sceptical at the time, but it turned out to be one of thebest decisions we have ever made.

You went Gold in 7 months, which is an incredibleachievement. How did you do it?

There were no teaching jobs in the North West, so Heatherhad no option but to look further afield and secured a job inNottingham. Consequently, we live 90 miles apart at themoment! I commute down to Nottingham most Fridaynights after dropping my catalogues and drive back up onMonday morning.

In the seven months we have built up customer bases inboth areas. Every night, after a full day of work, we wouldbe straight out delivering/picking up catalogues or doingdeliveries. We worked extremely hard - ate, slept andbreathed the business. Weekends were spent flyering,posting shop cards and doing more phonecalls.

We spent a lot of time helping our team build theirbusiness and duplicating the system we had learnt. I thinka big factor was we attended every meeting from Bob

Create your own PR storyAdventure of the Seas qualifiers, Mark and Heather Gordon found themselves appearing in theirlocal paper after bagging themselves a spot on the Kleeneze Destination. For good reason, asalthough the pair work their business part-time and live 90 miles apart, they went Gold in animpressive seven months, holding it to qualify for the cruise and increase their income.

Webb's Millionaires Colleges and Kleeneze LIVE to the bigShowcases in Birmingham. If you want to learn and seehow the successful people have built their businesses thenyou must go to the meetings. We also take our new teammembers to local BOMS.

We set a plan of action in June to hit Gold by Novemberand recruit 4 new team members a Period using a tracker.We tracked our retail, our lead generation and also ourpersonal development, which is key. We encouraged ourteam to read books at our own sizzles once a month,where Heather would drive up to the North West once amonth to attend and train the team. We had a great start inPeriod 10 and by week 3 were at 21%. Due to our fantasticteam being superstars and working together with themthis enabled us to go Gold and many of our team movedup the Sales Plan too. We are incredibly proud of them all.

We are looking forward to living in the same town fromthis summer!

Did the qualification for the cruise helpincentivise you?

Yes, the cruise incentive definitely helped us as we had aclear goal. That's why we needed to keep making someshort term and long term goals to keep us motivated andkeep us active. It’s very easy to think about taking a breakwhen you’ve accomplished one of your goals but thenyou have to keep going and keep helping others. Weworked hard over Christmas and in February we got thecall from Michael to say we had qualified for theAdventures of the Seas. Our first trip with Kleeneze and thefirst of many we hope.

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You subsequently had an article in your localnewspaper. What effect do you think that will do foryour business?

After qualifying for the cruise, we thought we’d just sendour story to the local newspaper, the Bury Times. Theyprinted it the next week, definitely spreading the Kleenezeword about! Even though they didn’t print our contactdetails, we’ve had quite a few customers approach uswith questions about the business. I even had a customerjokingly ask for my autograph! I think it cements their trustin us, as well as shows the success and incentives thatKleeneze has to offer.

DO YOU HAVE A GOOD NEWS STORY TO TELL?The media, particularly your local press, are always aftergood stories, so why not tell them yours?

Points to remember:

• Particularly for local press, make sure your story has thehuman element to it. The story itself is the advertising,so don’t get too fixated on getting your contact detailsor full details about the business in.The likelihood is that they won’t be included, but havingyour story in a newspaper is a great way to build trustand brand awareness.

• Do your research – reading the paper regularly will giveyou a better idea of which reporter covers what kind ofstory and who might be interested in yours. It’s betterto try and direct your story to one person, rather thansend it to a generic newsdesk email address.

• Journalists usually have very short deadlines, so keepyour story short and to the point. Make sure the crux ofyour story is in the first paragraph, as they will havelimited time to read emails or press releases. Addressthe key points – what, where, why, when and who.

• Time your story wisely. Summer and Christmas tend tobe the slowest times for newsdesks and when they aremore likely to be receptive to stories coming in. Keepyour eye on what’s happening nationally too, as a localpaper may be happy to run a story in conjunction with abig story (ie, a childcare / pension story).

• Have a relevant photo? Send it in with the story. Makesure it’s of high resolution and suitable for print.

• Consider whether your story would be good for regionalTV and radio, as well as the local newspapers.

You can find template press releases on the DSA, underCompany – Media section. If you need any PR advice,though, please email [email protected].

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The incentive that’s f loating everyone’s boat!

Dubbed the Floating City, Queen of the Adriatic, City of Masks and City of Bridges, Veniceis known as one of the most beautiful cities ever created and now every Distributor hasthe chance to experience it Kleeneze-style!

Yes, the Autumn Destination is back and we’re marking the return in one of the moststunning places on earth. It’s one of those cities that you can immediately conjure up inyour mind’s eye, even if you’ve never been. An intricate lacework of canals, gilded domesand striking bridges, it’s impossible not to fall in love with this magical city.

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Where you’ll be stayingFor the duration of your time in Venice, you’ll bestaying at the glitzy Bauer Hotel. With its own waterdock, as soon as you arrive you’ll be transferred byprivate water taxi to one of the world’s leading hotels.

Housed in a restored 18th-century palazzo this hotel isunmistakably Venetian with art-deco inspired interiorsand works by local artists. With views of gondolasgliding down the Grand Canal, you’ll be within walkingdistance of the major cultural highlights of the city.

Where you’ll be diningFood is a huge part of Italian culture and you’ll beexperiencing the best Venice has to offer. Highlights ofyour dining experience in Venice include feasting at thesophisticated Antico Pignolo, famous for its uniquetake on classic Venetian cuisine and a mouth-watering3-course lunch served up at the traditional Trattoria daRomano on the picturesque island of Burano.

What you’ll be doingThere’s plenty to see and do in this breath-taking city.When exploring in your own time, you can take in themany beautiful and historic monuments, including SanBasilica, St Mark’s Lion and the statue of the patronsaint of Venice, Saint Theodore, not forgetting theintricate masterpiece that is Doges Palace. Or splashthe cash at one of the many beautiful designer shops.

You’ll be experiencing the traditional Venetian islandsof Murano, world-renowned for its exquisite glass, andBurano. There will be a private tour of the stunningVenissa Wine Estate, along with a little wine-tastingthrown in for good measure!

For many, the highlight of a Kleeneze Destination is theGala Dinner and this one will be no exception! In trueVenetian-style, we’re having our own masked ball atthe spectacular Salone Del Ridotto Ballroom.

IncentivesVenice 2014

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IncentivesVenice 2014

Why did you decide to make amendments tothe criteria?

After having visited Venice, it struck me what anincredible Destination this one is. I wanted as manypeople as possible to qualify and to ensure there was awider spectrum of people too. This means that peoplewho haven’t even joined the business yet will have thechance too, which is just incredible.

What’s changed?

The fundamental differences to the criteria are that it’snow open until the end of Period 10 and once you hitGold, you only have to hold it for two Periods insteadof three. This means, essentially, you can hit Gold aslate as Period 8 and as long as you hold it for Periods 9and 10, you’ll qualify. Although I recommend you hit itas early as possible, of course!

We’ve also added a new league table. This reallyopens up qualification and is also great because ithelps further develop new business, which as youknow is vital to our business. Meaning there is one for Seniors and below as well as one for Executivesand SEDs.

If you’ve just joined, what’s the firststep you need to take?

Speak to your Upline to create a plan to achieve GoldDistributor status latest by Period 8. With the rightplan, you could get your business to Gold, giving you asubstantial income increase and completing the firstleg to get to Venice!

Don’t forget, many of you will also be able to use thiscriteria as a stepping stone towards the Spring 2015Destination in Montego Bay, Jamaica!

If you have any questions regarding the criteria, pleaseemail me directly [email protected]

Will you be in Venice this Autumn?

How you’ll qualify

The criteria for the AutumnDestination has been enhanced,but what does that mean for you?Team Talk caught up with Salesand Recruitment Director andCreator-of-the-Criteria, MichaelKhatkar to find out more.

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RecognitionPeriod 5

We believe that recognition is essential.We value all the hard work you put into yourbusinesses on a daily basis and, as such, the nextfew pages are dedicated to YOU!

Here are the names of those whose achievements are very much to be shouted about this Period.

In no other business will you find such a recognition and reward scheme! Congratulations to all of youwho achieved your goals in Period 5 and, for our new starters, we hope to see your name on thesepages very soon!

Personal Retail TOP 3 Personal Sales Group TOP 3 New Business Sales TOP 3




Melissa Squires &Ian Slade

Susan Coleman &Robert Holdford

Peter Savidge







Stuart &Robyn-Lee Heard

Marie &Jeremy Simmonds

Ian &Sally Williams







Christopher &Sarah Smith

Karen &Neil Young

Peter &Myrna Wellock





Page 24: Direct Sales Business June 2014


RecognitionPeriod 5

Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £9,290Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £9,266Peter Savidge £6,718Margaret & Ian Foster £6,300Saddique Hussain £6,230Anthony Mervin £5,544Michelle & Stephen Fox £5,276Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £5,131Jeffrey Margrave £5,092Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning £4,778Kenneth Rooney £4,659Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £4,633Jane & David Mousley £4,607Paul & Gosia Hammond £4,560Lorraine & Mark Collins £4,542Rodney Webber £4,377Aloys Tata £4,369David & Elizabeth Marsden £4,355Patrick McKenna £4,345Ian & Deborah Wightmore £4,330Karen Hall & Robert Evans £4,176Adam Fairclough & Jennifer Thornley £4,151Victoria & Rowan Sweet £4,119Robert & Mary Higgins £4,106Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £4,103Mark Black £4,063Emma & Mark MacKelden £4,015Brian & Jean Carroll £4,007Martin Campbell £3,790Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock £3,741Angela Wallace & William Lawson £3,723Satwinder Sagoo £3,693Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins £3,693Chaitali & Ajit Nath £3,690Lindsay Kelly & James Holmes £3,624Cynthia & Peter Hayes £3,611Chantele & Barry Travis £3,610Sanjay Sharma £3,596Kira & Andrew Thomas £3,575Lisa Owen £3,521Heather & Graham Williams £3,520Jennifer & Paul Jacobs £3,471Robin Hibbert £3,464Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul £3,428Matt Pritchard £3,417Margaret & Alan Morris £3,411Paul & Pauline Parish £3,406Jason Morris £3,387Janet Lyall £3,374Mike Victoros £3,361


Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard £25,561Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £16,128Ian & Sally Williams £15,621Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £13,694Mike & Dawn Gough £12,379Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £12,123Debra & Oliver Pusey £11,336Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell £10,974Richard Chantler £10,946James & Jane White £10,924Andrew & Sue Boswell £10,521Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec £10,472Marlene & Robert Somerville £10,313Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £10,166Karen & Neil Young £10,132Andrew Fountaine & Susan Nokes £10,040Peter Savidge £9,923Susan Walton £9,762Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall £9,688Paul & Gosia Hammond £9,507Michele & Brian Hewitt £9,499Gail & Darren Drew £9,319Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson £9,307Ann & John Coe £9,166Doug & Sandra Roper £9,141Sue & David Benison £9,119Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock £9,009Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £8,915Janet & Andrew Mitchell £8,780Christine & Adrian Wright £8,703Peter & Angela Abrahams £8,701Helen & Andrew Walsh £8,628Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young £8,612Brian & Deborah Hobbs £8,478Bob & Diane Goulding £8,369John & Janice Halsall £8,313Christopher & Sarah Smith £8,195Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett £8,145Alex & Kathleen Langler £7,960Robert & Jacqueline Dolan £7,868Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton £7,841Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras £7,829Abigail Colclough £7,812Eileen French £7,762Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox £7,761David Wilson & Julie Knight £7,663David Miller £7,642Nigel Le Long £7,607Ted & Rose Farrar £7,464Craig White £7,440

This figure will not include break-away Gold Distributors ornon-qualifying Gold Distributors (includes all adjustments).

This figure includes all new initiations plus theirsales from Period 3-5

Personal Retail Personal Sales Group New Business Sales

Distributor Name SalesNo. Distributor Name Sales Distributor Name Sales

Christopher & Sarah Smith £9,889Karen & Neil Young £8,442Peter & Myrna Wellock £7,703Debra & Oliver Pusey £6,525Sharon & Craig Davis £5,593Heather & James Oneil £5,174David Miller £5,090Steve & Debbie Roper £5,079Ian & Sally Williams £4,995Christine & Adrian Wright £4,744Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly £4,454Asha & Dipam Joshi £4,373Andrew & Sue Boswell £3,992Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell £3,961Craig Skellern £3,955Mike & Dawn Gough £3,588Paul & Alison Taylor £3,558Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard £3,523Jenny Brett £3,521Richard Chantler £3,453Claire & Peter Rea £3,442Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox £3,368Tom & Kathryn Forbes £3,314Lesley & Gordon Whittington £3,297Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson £3,231Graham & Lorna Carter £3,180Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £3,153Teresa & Finbarr McCarthy £3,117Adam Humphrey £3,068Nick & Grace Sassanelli £3,024Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £2,924Zarrin Shannon £2,895Helen & Andrew Walsh £2,855Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill £2,844Shoukran Sharaf £2,760Adele & Jaime De Caso £2,730Mandy & David Bissell £2,724Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas £2,683Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £2,578Tracy & David Sheehan £2,496Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman £2,466Eileen French £2,465Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts £2,461Louise Smith £2,397Chris Carlin & Karen McGrath £2,354Keri & Mark Watters £2,289Craig White £2,287Brian Medley £2,265Joyce Henderson £2,249Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall £2,238

Top 50 Period 5

Page 25: Direct Sales Business June 2014

VP Volume ProfitFirst-time qualifiers in Period 5.


VP - 10%Ali KarimiAmanda ThompsonAndrew LoweAngela WolfeAnita BadhanBruce ClarkBushra AfzalCarol McneishCharles ChizeaChris Hoyle & Amanda WynnChris McdowellChris WilkinsonChristopher Rea & Keli IrwinCliffena Hood & Terence CrowtherDaniel BreezeDaniel HamletDarren ReederDavid SatchellDavid Wrigley & Joan CromptonDebbie BennettDiaconu Ovidiu-IoanElizabeth HumphrysFerenc HamburgerGareth ShepherdGeorge Neale & Christine NealeGordon BryanGrace HayIan TierneyJackie ThomsonJames ToghillJeff Carter & Barbara CarterJose LomerJulie MillsKaren JonesLee-Anne GilroyLesley SmithLeslie GallagherLisa Michelle LincolnLouise CarterLuke GuidottiMairead RitchieMarla KneeMary QuinnMatthew ConlonMelvyn CoxMichelle PepperMichelle Rogers & Adam WoolMoira FletcherMonika BudnikNick Cridland

Nicki Duncan & Tony DuncanNicky GrantNicola MoloneyNijole TreskevicieneNorman ThompsonPaul JessonPaul JohnsonRaheem Latif & Natasha UsmaniRita Akua AdomahRobert MaudsleyRuth GrimsdaleSamantha Martin-RoxburghSamuel RojaoSilviya HoweSimon KeatleyStephen GreenacreStephen MackenzieSteval ScarlettTerri Mcdonnell & Benjamin BleasdaleTheresa Nelson & Dave FulkesVicki MainVicky Wilson & Jonathan WilsonVidal Gabriel & Tariro Vidal - Gabriel

VP - 13%Adam WhitehouseGlenn FurlongHelen LarteyJames EvansJosie WilliamsonLindsay Kepple & Beverly KeppleLouise Benbow & Christopher KirkMartin McgheeMay ElneamaOksana Chapman & Richard ChapmanPeter DentSharon Sutherland & John WrightTerrie EwanThomas Walsh

VP - 15%Clare ChantlerGraham EdyLisa OwenMandy Bissell & David BissellTara Taylor

VP - 21%Jenny BrettLouise SmithRobert Hope & Lorna Brown


Page 26: Direct Sales Business June 2014


E Bulk Sales


No. Distributor Name Sales


No. Distributor Name Sales


No. Distributor Name Sales


Stanley & Roy Stewart 26,685Marcell & Joanne Treanor 26,396Seph Oconnell 26,308Sharon & Andrew Bird 26,261Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 26,159Karim Karmali 25,633Jennifer & Martin Amos 24,480Amanda & Andrew Holland 23,988Alexandra Tuesley 23,981Derrick & Maria Longwright 22,759Julie Collier & Peter Richards 22,702Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 22,382Clare Chantler 22,292Ron & Judy Speirs 22,215Keith & Helen Sandland 22,192Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 22,029Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 21,969Jay Singh 21,967Ian & Sally Williams 21,767Roger & Barbara Green 21,334Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 21,184Stuart & Gail McKibbin 21,147Alison & Michael Ogden 21,108Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 20,999David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 20,722Debbie Gee & David White 20,657Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 20,238Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 19,935Sunil Popat 19,935Karen & Peter Flitton 19,588Debra & Oliver Pusey 19,496Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 19,429John & Wendy English 19,359Caroline & Philip Thompson 19,247Kerry & Paul Stonall 19,206Sakuntla Kalyan & Richard Lovesey 19,195Michael & Sandra Laydon 18,987Tony Fasulo & Julie White-Fasulo 18,448Sharon & Craig Davis 17,812Timothy & Tina Pace 17,722Mark & Sarah Wildman 17,722Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 17,641Helen & Andrew Walsh 17,542Melanie & Andrew Wilson 17,428Christine & Adrian Wright 17,344John & Janice Halsall 16,976Chantele & Barry Travis 16,953Rhian & E Anthony Jones 16,566Jackie & Stuart Bower 16,395Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 16,357David Wilson & Julie Knight 16,308Paul & Carolyn Blaxall 15,753Eamonn & Anne Roe 15,492Joseph & Julie Brame 15,033Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 14,987Ram & Joginder Singh 14,983Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 14,540Linda & Ian Stanley 14,435Mark Law 13,928John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 13,847Christine & Jim Foster 13,847Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 13,804Christopher Conroy 13,804Peter & Sheryl Dutton 13,726Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 13,440Amelia McHard 13,439Michael & Janet Wallace 13,374

David Byatt & Janet Smith 13,154David Pope 12,985Nicola & Jerome Neville 12,979Steve & Cathy Chambers 12,853Paul Meikle 12,661Jillian & Peter Griffiths 12,520Michael & Jennifer Allsop 12,514Paul Melville & Victoria Schofield 12,301Lesley Burroughs 12,117Norman & Joanne Grundy 12,047Karen Boardman 11,888Gloria & Clive Davies 11,885Graham & Lorna Carter 11,829Sharon Bullock & David Taylor 11,760Louise Puttick 11,760Jaqueline Mullings & Steven Mee 11,711Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 11,412Alan Meldrum 11,402Jim & Claire Dale 11,348Denise & Stephen Neal 11,140Kenneth Rooney 11,073Barbara Margaret Webb 11,064Craig & Linda Lomas 11,020Graham & Georgina Long 10,890Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 10,817Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 10,694Elaine & Martin Spafford 10,619Angela Wallace & William Lawson 10,601Ivan Darch 10,596Stephanie Tompsett 10,555Harold & Minnie Fulton 10,385Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 10,304Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 10,102Sheila & Nigel Fowler 10,089Terry & Jane Hodge 10,085Roger & Gillian Coupe 10,075Iain & Jackie Swanston 9,963Andrew & Ann Meldrum 9,942Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell 9,922Georgina & Phil Gale 9,832John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 9,819Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 9,812Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul 9,775Carole & James Sunter 9,755Gail & Darren Drew 9,755Conor & Linda Treanor 9,699Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 9,548David & Christine Rhodes 9,482Heather & Alan Brown 9,407Lyn & Tony Davies 9,334Jude & Steve Joyce 9,285Debbie Hadden & Stephen Richmond 9,233Lisa & Liz Hellier 9,233Bob & Diane Goulding 9,141Stephen & Laine Shepherd 9,134John Smith 9,113Robert Wellock 9,113James & Jane White 9,103Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 9,094Kira & Andrew Thomas 9,074Georgina & Will Goodger 9,072Peter & Cheryl Creed 9,068Daniel & Michelle Marshall 9,040Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 9,040Kimberley Sunter 9,021Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 8,940Stephen Clark 8,871

Omran Zaman 8,787Tim Sandom 8,774Sue Phoenix 8,740Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 8,726Louise & Paul Lewis 8,701Marlene & Robert Somerville 8,594Amy Warrington 8,558John & Jenny Caton 8,557Martin Webb & Toni Yates 8,494Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 8,472Robert & Rosemary Annan 8,442Ian & Carol Parker 8,437Peter Neesham 8,387Patricia & Triona Eckford 8,367Andrew Fountaine & Susan Nokes 8,366Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 8,351Alison & Kevin Thomas 8,351Tavis Taylor 8,346Peter Savidge 8,270Linda Brooks & J Belverstone 8,244Maria & Shane Treanor 8,193Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton 8,152Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell 8,151Susan Walton 8,135Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 8,073Julie & Shane Edward Baker 8,068Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 8,053Sandra Ellis 8,047Ann & John Coe 8,011Joseph Odonnell 7,981Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 7,971John Smith 7,943Paul & Gosia Hammond 7,923Michele & Brian Hewitt 7,916David & Jenny Gerry 7,892Annette Bradley 7,875Michael Godwin 7,872Seamus & Clare Houghton 7,852Andrae Lyth 7,839Colin & Sarby Turnbull 7,813Diane & Geoff Owen 7,810Colin Sadler 7,792Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 7,780Martyn Cunningham 7,768Tom & Kathryn Forbes 7,766Janet & Andrew Mitchell 7,758Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 7,756David & Paula Arapes 7,745Oswald Elrick 7,745Kim Atherton 7,730Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 7,725Kenny Liggett 7,717Fay & Andrew Roe 7,687Jeffrey & Frances Topple 7,641Pamela Kent 7,636Sue & David Benison 7,599Jason Morris 7,589Keith Tomlinson 7,586Lee & Michelle Pattinson 7,580Kathleen Watson 7,580Nick & Grace Sassanelli 7,576Robert Young & Clare Mears 7,569Clive & Bev Currier 7,564Gareth & Gil Duffy 7,528Trevor & Janet Rawding 7,523Vivienne Washington 7,510Andrew & Vicky De Caso 7,510

Page 27: Direct Sales Business June 2014


See the back page for our TOP 100 achievers

RecognitionPeriod 5

No. Distributor Name Sales


No. Distributor Name Sales


No. Distributor Name Sales


Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock 7,507Laura McLoughlin & George Kerr 7,460Peter & Anne Rowland 7,452Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker 7,429Veronica Nixon 7,321John & Kath Clease 7,300Vincent & Lorraine Tsoi 7,255Ian & Lynne Ball 7,255Richard Scott 7,255Peter & Angela Abrahams 7,251Darren Simmons 7,190Ted & Rose Farrar 7,070Brian & Deborah Hobbs 7,065Luisa & Andy Newton 7,035Alan & Rebekah Larner 6,995Bev & Dave Townsend 6,983Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 6,937Andy & Danielle Nicoll 6,918David Potter 6,903Christopher & Sarah Smith 6,829Graham & Christine James 6,821Clare Haines 6,797Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett 6,788Karen & Kevin Marriott 6,755Vikki & Bernie Titterrell 6,736Kevin Sands 6,705Steven Clements 6,673David & Elaine Luke 6,650John & Sophia Clements 6,641Alex & Kathleen Langler 6,633Veronica & Steven Martinucci 6,633Sara & Steven Smith 6,625Shoukran Sharaf 6,589Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 6,536Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 6,524Eileen French 6,468John & Karina Beesley 6,452Stephen & Elaine Blay 6,439Paul Flintoft 6,430David Miller 6,368Alastair Miller 6,368Jennifer & Stephen Roberts 6,348Nigel Le Long 6,339Catherine & Stephen Lord 6,282Stuart Hill 6,281Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning 6,255Lewis & Lewis Clarke 6,253Jane & Andrew Connor 6,237Punit Vyas 6,207Kathleen & Dominic Carolan 6,166Shaun & Susan Allsopp 6,092Jane & David Mousley 6,064Raymond Satchell 6,054Albert & Caroline Berry 6,028Abigail Allgood 6,022Gerry Melanephy & Maureen McLoughlin 5,988Angela Fitzgerald & Peter Slinger 5,982Allan Ledwidge 5,948Justine & Steve Giergiel 5,944Kate Lee & Nicola Spence 5,927Robert Clifton 5,888Diana Schuch 5,868Rosemary & Christopher Day 5,859Chaitali & Ajit Nath 5,850Emma & Mark MacKelden 5,849Richard & Helen Peuleve 5,846Jerry & Lesley Eshelman 5,845

Mark Williamson & Lisa Hughes 5,826Tony & Julie Brown 5,816Bill Caddy 5,801Kenneth Thomson 5,769Clive & Pamela Lennard 5,750Antony Webb & Denise Bolt 5,738Christine & Geoffrey Richards 5,733John & Lesley McNally 5,721John Shearer 5,708Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins 5,706Christine Lappin 5,704Sandra Brown 5,679Darryl Allen 5,679Mark Jones & Amanda Wilson 5,678Gareth Daw 5,677Louise Wellock 5,650Stuart & Maureen Orr 5,647Caroline & Simon Harvey 5,644Peter & Joyce Rowe 5,636Andrew & Kerryann Webber 5,597Joe Croll 5,597Craig Skellern 5,597Dean & Rachel Rothwell 5,544Patrick & Helen Loftus 5,542Cath & John Wilkinson 5,542Robert Gould 5,481Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter 5,478Peter & Jean Monroe 5,467Lynne & David Trowell 5,444Sarah & Timothy Philp 5,419Neil & Susan MacLean 5,407Gill & Tim Evans 5,403Kathryn Shaw 5,399Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 5,396Martin Campbell 5,392Simon & Alison Patmore 5,390Henry & Diana Crosby 5,385Glyn & Rose Thomas 5,369Charlie & Gillian Whitton 5,367Anthony Mervin 5,318Christopher Pagett & Rachel Parker 5,317Jerome Hadley 5,313Paul & Helen Wilson 5,304Tracy & Garry Eltringham 5,270Anthony & Susan Peacham 5,265Joanne Powell 5,256Margaret & Ian Foster 5,250Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 5,236Pamela Jarvis 5,222Gerry & Melina Moriarty 5,201Saddique Hussain 5,192Keith Hatter 5,173Louise Smith 5,162Michelle & Stephen Fox 5,140Gareth & Lynette Tucker 5,128Stacy & Jonathan Beck 5,110Daisy & Richard Fickling 5,106Stephen & Dorothy Hanlon 5,103Denys & Laura Harris 5,091Glenn & Herlinda Hadgraft 5,076Katrina & Ian Hawker 5,065Adam Humphrey 5,063Patricia Fisher 5,057Catherine & Geoffrey White 5,048Linda Smith 5,021Richard Roberts 5,012Margaret & Michael Drayton 4,992

Gerard Coste 4,909Sarah & David Messer 4,898Mary Mullins 4,888Jim & Vicky Smith 4,881Marion & Anthony Homer 4,876Linda & Alan Cannings 4,875Yvonne Taylor 4,867Joanne & Stuart Lamb 4,861Teresa & Finbarr McCarthy 4,854Brian & Diane Holmwood 4,854Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 4,833Amanda & Leo Ten Bruggencate 4,808Kevin & Leah Howe 4,802Shirley Pere & John Barnes 4,793John & Shelagh Irving 4,784Karen & Steven Glew 4,783Rita Burleigh & Anthony Niven 4,774Barbara & John Russell 4,762Norah Bohan 4,742Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 4,729Julie & Anthony Martin 4,717Joelle Curd 4,702Jon Read 4,701Janet & Terry Mulley 4,682Gavin & Roselyn Thomson 4,677Alana & Keith Banks 4,661Ian & Rachel Hickton 4,637Terry Hayden 4,624Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 4,587Paul & Alison Taylor 4,564Graham Oliphant Of Oliphant, Yr 4,557Joyce & James Holden 4,553Sylvia & Gary Green 4,553Gavin & Trish Conway 4,549Louise & Timothy Curtis 4,507Pierce & Janet Hartley 4,506Peter & Cathy Legg 4,480Susan Hook 4,425Donna & Charles Warr 4,392Tony & Wendy Vallerine 4,384Asha & Dipam Joshi 4,383Michael Walker & Michelle Anderson 4,376Ann & Philip Linsey 4,360Simon & Kerri Matthews 4,347Michaela Williams 4,347Andrew & Denise Hunt 4,342Beryl & Maxine Wynter 4,340Liz & Andy Gowland 4,325William & Helen Greaves 4,313Cliff & Linda Parker 4,307Sharon & Steve Agnew 4,302Sohail Ahmed 4,291Timothy Murphy 4,280Lorraine & Mark Collins 4,269Seamus Gallagher 4,244Darren Bradbury & Charlotte Brennan 4,244Jeffrey Margrave 4,243Ryk & Beverly Downes 4,229Keri & Mark Watters 4,227Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros 4,225Jacqui Whittingham 4,221Christopher & Stephanie Nichols 4,188Teresa Reis & Stephen McCormick 4,185Mikaela Brown 4,181Mark Irons 4,165

Page 28: Direct Sales Business June 2014

Contact details. Kleeneze Ltd Express House Clayton Business Park Clayton Le MoorsAccrington, BB5 5JY Website: +44 (0)1254 304171



E Bulk Sales


RecognitionPeriod 5


Nasko Ratchev 1,340,783Lynn MacDonald 1,340,656Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 1,320,328Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 671,546Bob Webb 614,901Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 566,188Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 564,911Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 562,668Muriel & Tony Judson 549,266Gillian Nicholson 457,142Peter & Jackie White 452,738Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 390,957Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 371,471John & Craig Hawkes 342,670Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 259,599Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 238,174Gary & Esther Watson 225,416Mike & Amanda Bibby 209,729Gordon & Judy Seldon 173,503Craig White 161,164Margaret & Roy Japp 149,978Michael & Jean Day 129,148Robert & Mary Higgins 124,779John & Steven Sharp 116,110Robert Gibbons 113,258Hazel & John Noble Stephen 110,480Karen & Neil Young 101,998Andy & Claire Stephenson 101,481Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 100,268Claire & Peter Rea 96,926Judy Jodrell 88,724Sheila Smith 82,133David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 81,111Sylvia & Jack Hood 77,065Geoff & Fiona Webb 76,340John & Sarah McKie 73,255Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 71,025Phil & Jean Warrington 70,083John & Anne Donaldson 69,212Abigail Colclough 66,290John & Christine Prosser 66,167Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 63,945Michael & Susan Pirie 62,606Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 62,470Sue & Geoffrey Burras 58,968Glenn & Caroline Royston 57,970Andy & Janine Cooper 57,038Adele & Jaime De Caso 54,282Malcolm Ashmore 54,282Alf & Carol Bell 53,631

Michelle Kennedy 53,359Sue & Steve Ferguson 52,785Heather & James Oneil 51,924Helen & Paul Allgood 50,480Keith & Robert Robertson 49,213David & Rosie Bibby 48,708Chris & Julia Norton 48,416Andrew & Sue Boswell 47,043Tony & Katharine Briffa 46,955Mary & Edward Hawkes 46,134Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 44,341Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 43,935David & Samantha Branch 42,921Doug & Sandra Roper 42,871Richard Chantler 42,445Susan & David Darton 42,335Jill Corlett 41,220Stephen & Debra Nell 41,174Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch 39,731Caroline & Craig Cox 39,467Tracy & David Sheehan 39,290Steve & Debbie Roper 37,982Gaynor Morgan 37,701Lauren & Peter Jackson 37,507Deborah & Allan Dewar 36,883Irene & Helen Wilson 36,206Brian Harwood & Debbie Hargreaves 35,850Trevor Mitchell 35,642Jane & John Dunkerley 35,455Stephani & Bill Neville 34,932Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 34,806Mike & Dawn Gough 34,041Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 32,186Anthony Greeves 31,992Peter & Myrna Wellock 31,927Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 31,883Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill 31,766Carole & Benny Morris 31,733Dave & Susie Horton 31,218Belinda & Peter Clarke 30,844Rosina Pocock 30,512Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 29,556Nuala & Clodagh McDonald 29,394Sue & Jas Bains 28,384Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young 27,813Clare & Martin Whitelock 27,384Christopher & Louise Brown 27,180James Curtis 27,107John Webb & Kathryn Price 27,059Sylvia Laing 26,791



Distributor Name Sales Distributor Name SalesNo. No.